Review of children's milk formulas “Friso. Learn more about Frisolak infant formula: what types of nutrition exist and how to choose the right product? Baby milk Junior

ᏪᏪᏪMixture "Frisolak". My little "charm" loved it. And I have

caused wild regurgitation turning into vomiting, palm oil

Good day, dear moms and maybe dads!!

Getting Started ABOUT THE MIXTURE:

I had never heard of Frisolak mixtures before. If they talk about Nan, Nutrilon all the time on TV, then I found out about Frisolak in the maternity hospital when I asked what they feed the babies with. Breast milk arrived little, or rather did not arrive at all, and the baby did not want to change her diet at all.

So, this box (400 g) with an unfamiliar mixture appeared in our house. Manufacturer "FrislandKampina" Netherlands.


It is a white powder that dissolves at 40 degrees.

Then slightly cooled to 37 gr. and that's it. FOOD is ready - you can give the baby. It prepares quickly, dissolves well, without forming any lumps or suspended particles. It turns out a homogeneous consistency, it looks like diluted milk.

The prepared mixture It can be seen that there are no undissolved lumps left

On the package capital letters the word "with nucleotides" is printed. It turns out that nucleotides are necessary for the immunity of the child.

Scientifically, nucleotides are:

Nucleotides are compounds that play a key role in many biochemical intracellular processes. In their structure, they consist of three components - a nitrogenous base, sugar-pentose and contain from one to three phosphate groups.

The meaning of nucleotides is diverse. The two main spheres of influence of nucleotides in a growing child's body are the development of the digestive system and the formation of immunological protection.

Everything is packed qualitatively: a cardboard box, in it a bag of thick foil, a measuring spoon is attached.

Measuring spoon. 1 spoon of the mixture per 30 ml of water

With expiration dates everything is in order - 3 years. Once opened, the contents should be used within 4 weeks. For control, it is recommended to sign the opening date on the package. But from personal experience I can say that a package is not enough for 4 weeks, even if it is complementary foods, not to mention artificial feeding. With mixed feeding, it lasted us almost two weeks. Therefore, on the first package I wrote the date, on the second I did not bother.

Price online" Child's world"305 rubles. Saving will not work.

Comprehensive information is given on the package: feeding scheme,

Feeding scheme

instructions for use,

Cooking instructions

it's important to know,

standard analysis.

If you believe the information on the package, then all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins necessary for the growth and development of the child are already present in the mixture. No additional vitamins are required.

I paid special attention to the composition, since there was a vague doubt that not all components are useful.

And, specifically, I was surprised by the presence of palm and rapeseed oils in the composition. This is despite the fact that for many years all TV channels have been promoting the rejection of products containing these oils. And then they stuffed "crumbs" for newborns. Everywhere they shout that it is harmful, but they do not prohibit selling. Disturbing.

Palm oil:

The researchers found that a quarter of all fats breast milk is useful for the baby palmitic acid.

The most common source of palmitic acid is palm oil.

“Only” is a threat to healthy bone growth. And this, by the way, is one of the main indicators of the full development of the child. For normal growth bones require calcium (crumbs up to 3 years need up to 500 mg per day). However, due to the use of palm oil, the volumes of absorbed calcium are sharply reduced.

Palm oil blends can cause a number of digestive problems. In the intestines, calcium bound by palm fat crystallizes and forms “plugs”. This threatens the baby with constipation, colic, diarrhea and more frequent regurgitation.

Rapeseed oil:

According to past studies, regular consumption in infancy rapeseed oil slows down the growth and development of the baby, and may even affect sexual development later.

What is rapeseed oil to blame for? Depletes vitamin E in the body; increases the stiffness of cell membranes, thereby provoking the development of degenerative diseases; frequent consumption of a refined product increases the risk of lung cancer; reduces platelet levels in the blood; can raise triglyceride levels by 40%; in raw the form is stored for a short time, due to the high sulfur content it quickly becomes rancid - in this form it is especially dangerous for children prone to allergies, as well as for adults with bronchial asthma.

Rapeseed is a GMO crop. There is still heated debate in the scientific community about the dangers of genetically modified foods, but when it comes to baby food, most parents want to avoid even the most unlikely risks. For decades, rapeseed oil has been used to make lubricants, biofuels, candles, lipstick and newspaper ink.

A sad picture of the composition is emerging, and doubts gnaw all the time: "Will there be consequences from this mixture?"

What I liked about using it:

The taste is pleasant, not sweet

Prepares quickly, dissolves well

Does not strengthen, does not weaken - the chair is normal, but quite frequent

The child eats without problems, does not refuse

Didn't cause allergies.

What did not like:

A lot and after each dose spit up, sometimes even a fountain

I got the impression that it was not satisfying, for three hours the indicated norm was not enough. About two hours later, the baby cries from hunger

The consumption is high, the price is high. Uneconomical.

The pediatrician advised us to change the mixture only as a last resort, but in the presence of the above factors, she nevertheless decided to transfer the child to another mixture. I want to be sure that my baby food will not harm.

Thanks to everyone who came by! All healthy and happy children to the joy of moms and dads!

​Fried mix

Similac Blend, Similac Comfort

Cheap and cheerful. The result is green diarrhea...

adapted mixture, affordable price

many side effects, palm oil, too foamy

After the birth of our son, we ate exclusively breast milk. But by 3 months, almost nothing was left of him. Naturally, I had to choose a milk formula. According to numerous reviews, I have identified three for myself good mixes and decided to buy them.

When I entered the children's store, I saw Frisolac in a cardboard box. I was immediately attracted by the price, which was lower than the analogue in a tin can. I have read the ingredients. The cheap version had fewer "utilities", but I decided to buy it.

Mixing is not very convenient. In this regard, tin cans are better.

When preparing the mixture, suspicion was caused by abundant foam.

The child ate the mixture with gusto. But the consequences began later ... My son did not please me with regular stools, but what started later surprised me at all. We had a chair 1 time in 5 days! Yes, what! Green, with a pungent smell and terribly liquid. In addition, there were also spitting up.

I thought that maybe this was a one-time problem, but as Frisolak was fed, the story repeated itself.

Personally, I won't buy this mix again. And I do not advise children with constipation at all!

Maybe someone came up, but we ended up in the hospital from her!

quickly and easily diluted, taste, pleasant consistency of the mixture

caused wild regurgitation turning into vomiting, causes regurgitation, not cheap

I have been wanting to write a review for this product for a long time. Earlier I wrote that my daughter and I were in the NE. I supplemented her with the usual Bellakt GA 1 mixture. But everyone buzzed under my ear that you were supplementing her, buy something better, more expensive. My conscience tortured me and I, after a break in the Internet, chose Frisolak 1. I began to enter it as it should be, a little bit at a time. The first day, my child began to spit up slightly, given that before that we did not suffer from spitting up. On the second day, regurgitation became more, I think, well, the body gets used to such a reaction. On the third day, my child began to simply vomit even from the water, not to mention the mixture. As a result, we called an ambulance at night and they took us away. In the hospital, they dripped, gave injections. Of course, I canceled this mixture. And the baby began to feel great again. In general, Frisolak is no longer a foot. I give this mixture a 3, because I liked it in terms of consistency, taste too. But my girl decided otherwise) As a result, we switched to our Bellakt Immunis 1. And I realized that the price is not the main thing, the main thing is that the child likes it and feels good)

๏̯͡๏ ( ̪●) Frisolak mix. Our big mistake is to start feeding with it. Think carefully before

adapted mixture, pleasant smell and taste

many side effects, not everywhere you can buy, palm oil, too foamy

☀ Good day, dear moms and dads! ☀

Already in the maternity hospital, a few days after the birth, the doctor advised to prepare the mixture at home according to the discharge, so that there was something to feed the baby. Why would it? Milk began to come, at first it was not enough, and then everything seemed to normalize, but my daughter began to periodically refuse breasts and as a result I expressed 20-40 ml per day! So by three months with grief in half, we switched completely to artificial feeding. For the first 2.3 months, the daughter was fed with Frisolak, then Frisov was added to it. As a result, by four months we finally switched to Nestozhen.

Mix Friso Frisolak 1 Gold (0-6 months) 400 g cost 400-500 rubles, depending on the store. There are more profitable packages of 900 gr.

⌚ Usage period ⌚

۩۩ Manufacturer ۩۩

Friso, Holland

☼ Where to buy ☼

you can’t find it in pharmacies of our city and in small supermarkets, so children’s stores and hypermarkets (for example, Auchan)

✄ Packaging ✄

Metal can with protective film, measuring spoon. Packing 400 and 700 gr. The mixture is immediately in the bank, without additional packages.

☸ Texture ☸

Yellowish powder with a slight sour cream aroma. No lumps. Homogeneous. Very fine grind.

♖ ♗ ♘ Composition ♖ ♗ ♘

demineralized whey powder, vegetable oils(palm, rapeseed, sunflower oil), lactose, skimmed milk powder, galactooligosaccharides, maltodextrin, whey protein concentrate, potassium citrate, fish oil, magnesium chloride, sodium citrate, sodium ascorbate, calcium phosphate, choline bitartrate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, taurine, ferrous sulfate, calcium hydroxide , zinc sulfate, cytidine-5-monophosphoric acid, DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate, L-ascorbyl palmitate, disodium uridine 5-monophosphate, nicotinamide, potassium hydroxide, adenosine-5-monophosphoric acid, disodium guanosine-5-monophosphate, calcium D - pantothenate, disodium inosine-5-monophosphate, copper sulfate, lemon acid, retinol acetate, thiamine hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, manganese sulfate, folic acid, potassium iodide, sodium selenite, phytomenadione, D-biotin, cholecalciferol.

➳ ❤ ❣ ❢ Usage ❤ ❣ ❢➳

For two weeks after discharge, the child had no problems with stool at all. Then the milk began to completely go away, and the daughter began to suffer more and more from constipation. The tubes helped us a lot, but still we wanted to get rid of this problem. A relative's son went to the toilet once every 5 days on this mixture with Friso Vom, but this did not bother her. We, on the other hand, were psychologically unhappy from the swollen tummy of our daughter, so we thought about changing the mixture in the first month.

The pediatrician said constipation is normal. Even when the ass began to corrode terribly, we did not immediately understand that the matter was in the mixture. The diaper was worn only at night, for sleep and for walks. Slowly, thanks to the constant "holopopstvo" and various baby creams, irritation was over.

My daughter often spit up, they referred to her nimble disposition, but by the age of 4 months it became clear that the mixture did not suit us at all. True, metal jars later came in handy.

Consequences for our child:

frequent regurgitation, irritation near the anus (sometimes it came to blood, as the ass literally corroded) constipation

Manufacturer promises:

The Frisolak Gold mixture contains a complex of nutrients necessary for brain development and formation immune system child. The ratio of whey proteins and casein, as in breast milk, is 60:40. Thanks to the special processing of protein during the production process, the adapted complete milk formula Frisolak 1 Gold is easily digestible. The mixture contains all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the harmonious growth and development of children from 0 to 6 months in accordance with the FAA/WHO recommended standards (Codex Alimentarius).

Metal packaging with measuring spoon Didn't cause allergies Doesn't taste too sweet

PriceNot within walking distancePalm oil in the composition Foams too muchConstipationFrequent regurgitationIrritation

♪♪♪ Conclusions ♫♫♫

Definitely do not recommend this blend to anyone. Lots of negative feedback alarming. In vain we did not take this into account from the very beginning. The best breast milk for baby nutrition on early dates does not exist, but not always GW is possible.

Be healthy! Approach the choice of formula for the child as carefully as possible, even if it needs to be bought urgently. After all, the transition to another mixture is quite long, and it’s not worth risking the health of the baby.

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✐ ✑ ✒ Thank you for your attention! I will be glad to your comments and messages! ✐ ✑ ✒

٩(●̮̮̃●̃)۶ Good mood and new discoveries! Health and prosperity to you and your family. ٩(●̮̮̃●̃)۶

I decided to try it, it is inexpensive - 250 rubles, it pleased me. Very tasty and the child ate it with pleasure.


But ... then the nightmares began ...

1. Constant regurgitation, sometimes with a fountain. It was terrible to leave the child at night in the crib unattended after feeding. I had to wear it in a column for 30 minutes so that the mixture was at least a little absorbed.

2. Lumps form in it, you have to interfere for a long time so that they don’t exist (you definitely can’t feed a child in a hurry). And when the baby asks for food, every second is precious.

3. As the child grew, she began not to eat up, as she was not at all satisfying. He wanted to eat after two hours, although it was supposed to be after 3, he had to do everything to distract him, but you can’t really distract a hungry child, and he had to give the mixture earlier. He ate only when I mixed it with a thick mixture of Frisov (which cannot be used for a long time, as it is curative).

4. The child had a constant tummy ache and began to suffer from constipation (since the mixture contains nucleotides, it can strengthen). In order to somehow alleviate the suffering, I gave him a tummy massage, but in the end we were saved only by glycerin suppositories ...

5. This mixture is sold only in some stores and in small quantities, I had to buy several packs in order not to leave the child without food.

6. It is extremely inconvenient to store it in a box, I had to pour it into a jar from the old mixture.

Of the pluses, I want to note its price and taste.


In general, we suffered, but we didn’t want to change the mixture, because it is very harmful for the baby’s body.

But the doctor said that our mixture can be replaced with a mixture from the same line, then the consequences will be minimal. And we tried Frisolak GOLD / it's just heaven and earth!

The Frisolak mixture is well bred without lumps. It has a pleasant slightly sweet taste.

Frisolak in a cardboard box is much cheaper than in a tin box. In terms of quality, I don't see much of a difference. But the mixture in our baby caused an allergy. After several feedings, all cheeks became red. In addition, after feeding, the baby still spit up a lot of the mixture.

After a long search, we found a suitable anti-spitting mixture of the same brand by Frisovoy and a mixture to which we are not allergic. Read about it here.

Also read the review about the high chair and porridge for feeding.

About children's cutest photo album for a boy and a girl.

Frisosome is designed specifically for babies with lactase deficiency; soy protein is included in the composition to replenish it. Both nutritional options Friso Gold Pep is a lactose-free formula designed for children who are allergic to cow's milk protein. In the standard version, it is replaced by whey protein hydrolyzate, and in the Frisolak Gold Pep AS mixture - deep casein hydrolyzate.

Nutrition from 6 months

For children older than six months, the company offers four types of food. The Frisolak 2 mixture differs from the first stage only in higher calorie content and a different ratio of components. The Friso Gold 2 mix contains the same complex of prebiotics as the previous step.

Frisovom 2 (Friso Vom) differs in the content of locust bean gum. Due to this, this mixture of Friso is considered anti-reflux and stimulates intestinal motility, which saves the baby from painful colic. The Frisolak 2 HA mixture (Friso HA 2) contains partially digested protein, which, according to experts, not only reduces the risk of developing allergies, but also promotes addiction to cow's milk proteins. At the same time, the manufacturer emphasizes that this option baby food contains docosahexaenoic (DHA) and arachidonic (ARA) fatty acids, the purpose of which is the development of cognitive and psychomotor functions of the body, and also have an immunomodulatory effect.

For children from one year

For babies older than a year, the company offers two options for milk drinks.

  • The Friso Gold 3 mixture contains not only a complex of vitamins, minerals and nucleotides, but also probiotics - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. In general, the main difference from the previous stage is a high calorie content and a different protein content. The product is based on skimmed milk.
  • In turn, Friso 3 Junior milk contains carotenoids, that is, natural antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals. It is also made from skimmed milk.

Hypoallergenic, as well as lactose-free nutrition in the company's line for this age group no.

Milk for babies from 3 years

Friso Gold 4 is the company's latest product and is suitable for babies over three years old. During this period, the child's body continues to actively develop, including the formation of mental processes. The composition of the mixture is formed in such a way that the baby receives a full complex. nutrients and did not experience a shortage of energy necessary for the knowledge of the world around. Such nutrition contains a complex of prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins and minerals, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also contains skimmed milk.

Method of preparation and shelf life

FrieslandCampina draws the attention of parents to the correct order of preparation of baby food, which determines the beneficial properties of the protein contained in it. In the vast majority of cases, it is necessary to add powder to water after cooling it to a temperature of 37-40 degrees. This is due to the fact that hotter water changes the structure of proteins and deprives them of a number of useful properties necessary for the baby.

However, the rules for preparing some mixtures of the company differ. So, for example, Frisov needs to be diluted in water with a temperature of about 70 degrees, and then wait until it swells. Each package of baby food contains detailed rules for the preparation of a particular type. In general, the cooking procedure is as follows:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly using antibacterial but hypoallergenic products before starting to prepare meals;
  • It is necessary to disinfect the bottle, nipple and cap;
  • Boil water, pour the required amount into a bottle and cool in any convenient way. Re-boiled water cannot be used;
  • Add the required amount of powder to the cooled water using a measuring spoon, which is included in the baby food package;
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly so that no lumps remain in it. If necessary, you can use a spoon, but before that it must also be disinfected;
  • Cool the mixture to room temperature. You can give a bottle to a child only after making sure that the food is not hot.

On the packages of baby food, as well as on the official website of the company, there are tables that can be used as a guide when calculating the number of scoops of powder for children of different ages. However, these data are only generally accepted recommendations, the exact amount of the mixture for each child is determined individually by the pediatrician.

The shelf life of mixtures in unopened packaging is 24 months, but after opening it must be used within 4 weeks. Store it in a dry and cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

With the advent of a newborn in the family, the life of parents changes dramatically. Not everything always goes well and smoothly. There are situations when a mother, for some reason, is forced to transfer her child to artificial feeding. No one argues about the merits of breast milk, but there are times when there is simply no other choice (lactation is not established, severe postpartum injuries, taking illegal drugs, and more).

To choose the right mixture, you need to consult a doctor and study the reviews. "Frisolak Gold 1" - food that has proven itself only with positive side. But, standing at the pharmacy windows, parents can not do right choice. After all, there are several types of this mixture. What are their advantages and differences, we will try to understand the article.

What do we know about the mixture "Frisolak Gold"

When choosing a mixture, do not forget to study general information and reviews about it. "Frisolak Gold 1" appeared on the Russian market relatively recently. The manufacturer is the Dutch company Friso. Works since 1966. During this time, the company's leaders have done everything possible to bring the mixture closer in composition to breast milk.

Frisolak Gold 1 mixture has the following advantages over other similar products:

  1. Full quality control.
  2. It tastes like breast milk, so the baby takes a bottle with pleasure.
  3. The mixture fully complies with the composition of the standards of WHO, USRDA, European Union Directives and many others.
  4. On the Russian market, it is positively approved and noted by the country's leading pediatricians.
  5. Does not contain GMOs.
  6. In the manufacture of the mixture, the latest equipment is used.
  7. There is a 24-hour hotline where you can ask your questions.

When choosing this mixture, the main thing is not to get a fake. To do this, you should buy products only in pharmacy kiosks.

We study the composition

Many who had to transfer their babies to artificial nutrition choose Frisolak Gold 1. The composition of the mixture is truly unique. It includes all trace elements and minerals, so necessary for children in the first year of life. The main component is a split protein, which is remarkably absorbed by the child. In addition, there is casein, which is found in breast milk.

Nucleotides are one of the important elements, they are responsible for the formation of the immune system, and also have a positive effect on the formation of nerve fibers. Alpha acids included in the composition provide saturation of the brain. Without them, cell formation is simply impossible.

The presence of iron in the composition of the mixture eliminates the development of anemia and other similar diseases. In addition, this substance allows children to get rid of problems with constipation, which is important for artificial feeding.

Do you want to raise a child genius? Then Frisolak Gold 1 will suit you. The composition of the mixture is unique. It contains taurine, which is responsible for the development of the brain and circulatory processes. For children over 2 years of age, pediatricians are also advised to purchase this product and use it as a milk drink.

Also, the Frisolak Gold mixture is advised to those babies who suffer from allergic reactions. In a way, this is preventive nutrition for them. Split milk protein gives a small load on the body, and there is a partial or complete addiction to it.

The advantages of this mixture

For those who decide to use infant formula, many experienced parents recommend Frisolak Gold 1. Its composition is truly unique, it is as close as possible to breast milk. But besides this, there are other positive points:

  • Fully adapted. Suitable for use as a main food, and for breeding cereals.
  • It is ideally absorbed by the child's body, without wasting his additional energy and reserves.
  • Its composition is 90% close to breast milk.
  • It has pleasant taste.
  • Balanced composition.

Of the negative points, only the high cost of products can be distinguished in comparison with other similar mixtures.

Before purchasing this or that mixture, you should consult a pediatrician. Since every child is different, baby food is not suitable for everyone. Many parents opt for the Frisolak Gold 1 mixture. Reviews of doctors about her are only positive. It is easily digested by babies due to its balanced composition.

The main advantage of the mixture is that the cow protein in it is replaced by a whey product. Thus, it excludes the occurrence of allergic reactions in children. Pediatricians note the presence of fatty acids in the composition, they have a positive effect on the development of the brain and vision of the child.

An important feature is the content of nucleotides and prebiotics, which allow the intestines to better digest the consumed product. This eliminates the appearance of constipation, colic in babies.

Doctors also note that the mixture is well absorbed by children, they gain the desired weight.

Types of mixture

Before you purchase a Friso mixture, you need to find out that it comes in several types:

  • Frisolak Gold. Suitable for children from birth to 3 years old. Perhaps the most popular among such products.
  • Frisolak. The low cost attracts many parents. The downside is that it does not contain fatty acids.
  • "Frisov". Designed for children who suffer from increased regurgitation. The viscous consistency helps to cope with this problem.
  • "Frisopep". Suitable for those babies whose body does not accept cow protein.
  • "Frisopre". Has a high calorie content. It is prescribed by doctors for feeding premature babies or those who are not gaining weight well.
  • Frisolak is hypoallergenic. Thanks to its unique composition, it helps to cope with allergic reactions.

As you can see, the range of these mixtures is quite extensive. Before choosing the right baby food, you need to consult a pediatrician and study the reviews. "Frisolak Gold 1" is the most popular among parents of healthy children, even despite the high cost of production.

Differences between one mixture and another

Many parents, faced with the need to purchase a Friso formula, cannot decide which kind is best. What is the difference between Frisolak 1 and Frisolak 1 Gold? Is it just the packaging or something else? Perhaps these are the most popular questions. Manufacturers provide comprehensive information on this matter. The main difference between the two types of mixtures is in the composition.

"Frisolak Gold" includes prebiotics and special fatty acids. They are responsible for the formation of the baby's immunity and the development of the brain. Thanks to these components, the mixture is as close as possible in composition to breast milk. Therefore, the price of the goods is not small.

The Frisolak mixture is also fully adapted. But it contains only 5 nucleotides.

Preparing the mixture correctly

Preparing the Frisolak infant formula is quite simple. This will take you a maximum of 2-3 minutes. Step-by-step instruction presented below:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with warm soapy water.
  2. Sterilize baby's bottle and nipple. To do this, you can use a special device.
  3. Boil baby water (“Agusha”, “Theme”).
  4. Cool it to a temperature of 38-40 ° C.
  5. Study on the bank the recommended proportions for making a drink.
  6. Carefully pour water into the bottle.
  7. Measure out the required amount of the mixture, pour it into the water.
  8. Close bottle. Shake vigorously until the powder is completely dissolved.
  9. Feed the baby when the temperature of the formula reaches 37°C.

Many note that the mixture foams a little, there is nothing to worry about.

Note to parents

If you are first faced with the acquisition of the mixture and its use, you need to remember a few rules:

  1. It is necessary to consult with a pediatrician before starting the introduction of this type of baby food.
  2. It is better to purchase the mixture in pharmacy kiosks.
  3. Pay attention to the outer (it should not be deformed).
  4. Do not buy expired products.
  5. Already diluted mixture can not be stored for more than 1 hour.
  6. Bottle, measuring spoon, nipple must be sterilized.
  7. Observe the rules for storing the mixture.

These simple rules help you avoid trouble in the form of poisoning and allergic reactions in a child.

Storage methods

Studying parent forums, you can often stumble upon reports that the child has been poisoned by the mixture. Sadly, but in most cases this is the fault of parents who do not follow the basic rules of storage.

The Frisolak Gold 1 mixture, the photo of which is presented below, is sold in a tin with a tight-fitting lid. It is quite convenient to store and transport it. But still there are rules you need to know:

  1. The mixture must be in a dry place.
  2. Temperature regime - not higher than +25 °С.
  3. Do not store the mixture in the refrigerator.
  4. After the jar or box is opened, use the contents within a month.
  5. Do not store the diluted mixture for more than an hour.

The basis of health and successful development is laid from childhood. One of the important conditions for this is proper and balanced nutrition. That is why the right choice of a mixture is so important, which will provide the baby with all the necessary substances and trace elements.

One of the most popular brands adapted mixtures Friso is a range of formulas for healthy infants as well as for children with special nutritional needs.

Manufacturer Information

Friso infant formula is manufactured by FrieslandCampina in the Netherlands. The advantage of this company is the presence of its own farms, from which cow's milk is supplied for the production of mixtures. The manufacturer makes high demands on the health of cows, the conditions of their maintenance and the very quality of milk.

Separately, it is worth noting that this company has HACCP and ISO certificates for its product.

Dry Friso nutrition is well tolerated due to the high quality of the protein component. FrieslandCampina began its journey to the ideal protein by taking full control of the entire process chain, from cow's milk to the final product that parents buy for their child.

Popular types

The manufacturer offers a varied selection of mixtures depending on the specific needs, as well as the age of the child.

Gold 1, 2, 3, 4

The first stage formula is for children from birth to 6 months, the second stage - from 6 to 12 months, the third stage - from 1 year to 3 years and the fourth stage - for children 3 years and older.

The advantages of this baby food include a pleasant milky taste, quick solubility and the absence of lumps in the finished mixture. Friso Gold blends include premium ingredients such as DHA and ARA - polyunsaturated fatty acids for brain development, prebiotics for the formation of intestinal microflora, 5 basic nucleotides for improving immunity.

Friso Gold premium nutrition is easy to digest and digest, well tolerated due to specially processed protein. This mixture is sold in cans of 400 and 800 grams, costing from 370 and 690 rubles, respectively.

The lid of the jar is provided with an airtight seal. to protect the mixture and a special level to level the mixture in the spoon that is included in the kit.

Important! This mixture is suitable for healthy children, it is strictly contraindicated for babies with cow protein intolerance.

Frisolac 1, 2

The formula of the first stage is intended for babies from 0 to 6 months, the second stage - from 6 to 12 months. Nutrition Frisolac 2 is suitable for breeding complementary foods. Baby food Frisolak is well absorbed and tolerated by children due to the use of gentle technological modes.

The basis is demineralized whey. In addition to it, the composition includes Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids for brain development, a balanced complex of antioxidants, 5 main nucleotides, a vitamin-mineral complex.

This mixture is produced in cardboard boxes weighing 350 and 700 grams, the cost starts from 278 and 436 rubles, respectively.

Baby milk Junior

Powdered milk drink is intended for children over 1 year old. Friso 3 Junior contains natural carotenoids - antioxidants, to increase the body's resistance to free radicals.

The drink provides the child with a vitamin and mineral complex, trace elements, polyunsaturated fatty acids for full growth and development.

Release form: carton boxes 350 and 700 grams each.

The price for a small box starts from 279 rubles, for a large one - from 479 rubles.

Friso VOM 1, 2

This mixture is therapeutic and is prescribed for children with a tendency to regurgitation, constipation and colic. The first stage of nutrition is intended for infants from 0 to 6 months, the second stage - from 6 months to 1 year.

Formulated with a natural thickener (locust bean gum) to eliminate digestive problems in babies from birth. Apart from him the mixture contains nucleotides to support immunity, prebiotics for the formation of intestinal microflora, polyunsaturated fatty acids DHA / ARA for brain development, vitamin and mineral complex.

The Friso VOM mixture is produced in cans of 400 grams. The lid of the jar has an airtight seal to protect the mixture and a special level to level the mixture in the spoon that is included.

A contraindication to the use of this mixture is intolerance to cow's milk protein.

Frisolac HA 1.2

Food labeled HA is therapeutic and is prescribed for children with a tendency to develop food allergies. Friso HA 1 is suitable for children from birth to 6 months, Friso HA 2 is a follow-on mixture from 6 months to 1 year.

The mixture is made on the basis of partially digested protein, which reduces the risk of developing allergies and promotes addiction to cow's milk proteins. The composition also includes nucleotides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, prebiotics, vitamin and mineral complex.

The mixture is produced in cans of 400 grams, the cost of a can is from 635 rubles. Measuring spoon included for easy dosing. The lid of the jar has an airtight seal to protect the mixture and a special level to level the mixture in the spoon.


This mixture belongs to clinical nutrition and is intended for children with symptoms of lactase deficiency. The mixture is made on the basis of soy protein isolate. In addition to it, the composition includes nucleotides, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, a vitamin-mineral complex.

The difference between this mixture and other food series is the lack of division into steps by age - this the product is intended for feeding children from birth to 1 year. Frisosa's baby food goes to stores in 400 gram cans.

The cost starts from 311 rubles per jar.

Frisolac Gold Pep

Mixtures are included in the category of therapeutic and are prescribed by a pediatrician for babies with allergies to cow's milk proteins. Suitable for feeding from birth up to 1 year. Frisolac Gold Pep is made from whey protein hydrolyzate, while Frisolac Gold Pep AC is based on deep casein hydrolyzate.

The composition contains nucleotides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, a vitamin-mineral complex. Unlike other Frisol mixes with a natural milk flavor, Frisolac Gold Pep and Frisolac Gold Pep AC nutrition have a bitter taste. The mixture is produced in cans of 400 grams, the cost of a can is from 835 rubles.

The kit includes a measuring spoon for easy dosing. The lid of the jar has an airtight seal to protect the mixture and a special level to level the mixture in the spoon.

How to cook?

When preparing the mixture, it is important to follow the instructions exactly. well-being and health of the child depends on this. If you exceed the required amount of powder, then the food will turn out to be too thick and heavy for digestion and absorption, there may be problems with the digestive tract - constipation. In case of insufficient amount of dry powder, the baby will not eat up, will not be able to withstand the recommended time intervals.

To prepare the mixture, you will need a bottle with an age-appropriate hole in the nipple, water purchased in a bottle or pre-filtered from the tap, a measuring spoon for the correct dosage, and the dry milk powder itself.

Bottled water does not need to be boiled., from the tap, the water needs to be boiled. For proper cooking, the water temperature should be 50 degrees, with more high temperature beneficial bacteria will die.

  1. The required amount of water is poured into the bottle and the amount of dry powder corresponding to the age is poured.
  2. Then the bottle is tightly closed and its contents are shaken until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  3. Before you give your child a bottle of formula, be sure to check the temperature of the finished drink. It should be close to body temperature - 37 degrees. To check the temperature of the milk, just put a few drops on your wrist - the mixture will not be felt. If the temperature is too high, the bottle can be placed in cold water.

Our studies have shown that in the dry mix Friso Frisolak Gold 1 - the real composition differs significantly from that stated on the label. Potassium in the mixture is 20% more, calcium - slightly less than 6%. The most significant deviation is the lack of iron: instead of 6 mg/100 g, only 4.5 mg was found! This is 25% lower than stated. Vitamin C in the composition is 14% more than indicated, and is 80 mg / 100 g of the mixture. The daily intake of vitamin C in a child under 6 months of age should be more than 30 mg/day, the manufacturer exceeded this requirement by 160%.

The mixture is made using palm oil - a source of fatty acids, due to which the composition of Friso Frisolak Gold 1 is close to the composition of breast milk. But today the attitude towards this ingredient is ambiguous, and even experts cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion about the benefits and harms of palm oil.

The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in Friso Frisolak Gold 1 is 1.67:1. According to experts, the optimal ratio is 2:1.

Ashes in the composition instead of 2.4% by weight - only 1.98%, which is 18% less than indicated. The amount of ash reflects the amount of minerals in the mixture.

Also included are:

    Whey proteins (60%) are proteins that, unlike casein (heavy protein) in cow's milk, are easily digested by infants.

    DHA and ARA are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for the formation of the child's brain and vision.

    Nucleotides are participants in many biochemical and energy processes in the human body.

    Prebiotics are oligosaccharides that are not prone to breakdown in the stomach and intestinal tract, serving as food for beneficial microorganisms in the lower intestines.

The composition does not contain probiotics - live cultures of beneficial microorganisms that are activated as they enter the intestines and contribute to the normalization of digestion.

Separately, it is worth noting that in the milk formula Friso Frisolak Gold 1 there is a very small amount of maltodextrin (4.3%). This molasses has a sweetish taste (from 0.1 to 0.25 of the sweetness of sucrose) and is designed to increase the period of "satiety" of the child. AT large quantities maltodextrin increases the sweetness of the product and therefore is, according to our experts, an undesirable component. In the case of Friso Frisolak Gold 1 - maltodextrin does not affect the assessment.

Security - 5.0

The mixture is safe - this is the conclusion of our experts. The composition does not contain pathogenic microorganisms and toxins. Crystalline sucrose is also absent in the mixture.

Taste and ease of breeding - 4.3

The Friso Frisolak Gold 1 mixture, according to our tasters, has a natural taste and a pleasant aftertaste. They rated it "good". The ability of the mixture to dissolve in water is also at a good level.

The manufacturer suggests that when dissolving Friso Frisolak Gold 1, adhere to a ratio by weight of 1:7. For each gram of the mixture, there should be 7 ml of boiled and cooled water to 35-40 degrees. Remember that when diluting the dry mix at a higher temperature, vitamins are lost in it.

Packaging and its convenience - 3.7

Dry mix Friso Frisolak Gold 1 is sold in a metal package of 400 g. Considering the average need 4-6 month old baby in nutrition, it should be enough for 4 days.

The packaging is good quality and convenient. The soft metal membrane does not cause any inconvenience when opening the jar. plastic cover tightly and tightly, adhering to the jar, protecting the mixture not only from dust, but also from the oxidation of the mixture, mold spores and microorganisms. It is worth noting that the presence of a dosing scraper would not hurt the jar, which allows you to remove the slide from the measuring spoon.

The spoon included in the Friso Frisolak Gold 1 kit should measure 4.3 grams of the mixture. Studies have shown that from 4.3 to 4.6 g is placed in a spoon without a slide, which slightly deviates from the manufacturer's statement. However, we recommend checking with a kitchen scale for accuracy.