Baby formula Similac (Similac). Adapted mixtures "Similak": product reviews and composition How to prepare a mixture for newborns Similak

Baby food Similak has been on our market for many years and has many fans. It is produced by a company from America - Abbot. For more than a century of history, this manufacturer has won the hearts of Americans and residents of other countries who choose children food from Abbot. The product got its name from the abbreviated phrase "like breast milk", which in English sounds like similar to lactation. We will try to talk about the various products of this brand, having analyzed the composition in more detail.

Powdered milk formula Similak Premium 1 from 0 to 6 months

Similac Premium Blend Overview

Mixtures of Similak Premium can be bought in containers of different sizes - there are cans of 0.4 and 0.9 liters. Product range:

  • Similak 1 - a mixture for newborns, you can use it from birth to six months;
  • Similak 2 - the mixture is used from 6 months;
  • Similak 3 - a product for feeding a baby from 12 months;
  • Similak 4 - milk for children from 1.5 years.

The country of origin is indicated on the package, there may be two of them - Denmark or Ireland. This information is quite important because some consumers notice that the child reacts differently to products produced in different countries.

Those who have begun to feed their baby with Similac from Denmark should continue to buy it, and vice versa.

Protein composition

So that the product does not cause digestive problems in the child, its composition is as close as possible to human milk. Similac Premium 1st and 2nd Stage Blend includes prepared milk, whey proteins and specially digested protein. Similac 3 and 4 - for older babies - includes skim milk and concentrated whey protein.

It is important to distinguish between a mixture from Denmark (pictured left) and a product from Ireland (right)

Determining how well the product is adapted for babies, experts pay attention to the proportion of casein and whey proteins. For example, in mature mother's milk, whey proteins and casein are in a ratio of 60:40 (and in early milk 80:20). A mixture of Similac from 0 to 6 months shows a slightly different proportion - 50:50. If we talk about products for babies from six months, this ratio is not indicated at all.

Fat composition

Palm oil is present in most modern formulas for babies, which causes an ambiguous reaction from parents. According to research, palmitic acid, which is part of this ingredient, does not allow the body to properly absorb calcium. The manufacturer indicates that palm oil is not used in its products, which is a definite plus.

Also, instead of fish oil, which the child needs as polyunsaturated acids, the manufacturer used Mortierella alpina mushroom oil. It is known that a similar substance - arachidonic acid is an essential component of human milk. Among the components of this milk powder is Crypthecodinium cohni microalgae oil, known as docosahexaenoic acid.


Sucrose, which is part of the Similac 3 mixture, can increase the child's allergy to other products.

In the listed types of Similac mixtures, prebiotics are present, which help to establish the growth of normal microflora in the intestines of the child. At the same time, they are not absorbed by the body, but serve as food for living microorganisms that live in the intestines. These products use galactooligosaccharides as prebiotics.

Additional Ingredients

Mixtures of Similac for baby food contain other components. We list what you should pay attention to:

  1. Carotenoids, which are represented by lutein and beta-carotene. Both of these substances are antioxidants. Lutein is necessary for babies, it affects the formation of the brain and strengthens vision. This substance is not produced by the body, so it is extremely important to get it from the outside. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, its task is to stimulate the immune system, and help in the process of adapting the body to new food. This product is one of the few on the Russian market that is enriched with these antioxidants.
  2. Several types of nucleotides. These components are also a necessary element of the child's nutrition, they are particles of DNA and RNA chains that affect the body's metabolic process.
  3. Similac baby formulas are enriched with probiotics represented by bifidobacteria. These microorganisms help the intestines to work efficiently, they not only reduce the likelihood of diarrhea, but also strengthen the immune system. Thanks to the presence of prebiotics in the mixture, the work of probiotics becomes even more effective.
  4. The product contains a complex of tocopherols, which works as an antioxidant, as well as soy lecithin.

Complete composition of Similac Premium 1 mixture

The manufacturer insists that Similac products intended for baby food should be used and stored in strict accordance with the instructions. Due to the fact that at the time of opening the package, its contents are no longer sterile, it can be used to feed weakened and premature babies only after consulting a doctor.

Before starting the use of the mixture, you should consult a pediatrician.

Food preparation rules:

  1. Water must be boiled for at least 5-6 minutes.
  2. After boiling, the liquid must be cooled to 37 ° C, and only after that begin to prepare the mixture. The fact is that the powder contains living microorganisms that will die at a higher temperature.
  3. It is allowed to breed milk in advance if it is stored at a temperature not higher than 3-4 ° C and not more than a day.
  4. If the baby has not eaten the entire portion, it can be fed to the child for 60 minutes. After that, the product cannot be used.
  5. It is forbidden to heat the finished milk in the microwave oven to avoid burns.
  6. You can store the opened box or jar in a cool place, hide from sun rays but not more than three weeks.

Instructions for diluting the mixture

It is advisable to dilute the milk only once, thoroughly washing your hands. Next, you need to act according to the rules:

  1. Sterilize pre-washed dishes and appliances that are needed to prepare the mixture - a bottle and all its components (screw cap, plug, nipple, cap), spoon.
  2. Boil water in a ladle or small saucepan for several minutes, then cool the liquid until its temperature approaches 36-37 ° C.
  3. Measure the cooled water, filling the bottle to the desired volume.
  4. Strictly following the tabular dosage, pour the indicated number of spoons of powder into the bottle. Fill each spoon whole, then remove the resulting slide with a clean knife.
  5. Close the bottle with a cap, shake so that there are no undissolved particles of powder left on the walls and bottom of the container.
  6. Remove the plug, fix the nipple.
  7. Check the temperature of the finished product.
  8. After feeding the baby, it is better to pour out the remaining milk immediately, or to finish feeding the baby over the next hour.

It is important to dilute the mixture exactly according to the instructions, and pour out the rest of the feed

Dosage table

The manufacturer warns that infants older than six months are not enough for one mixture. These babies should receive additional food, usually vegetables, cereals, which are given to the crumbs as complementary foods.

The difference between Similac and Similac Premium blends

On sale you can find a mixture of Similac and Similac Premium. What are the characteristics of each of the varieties of the product? The first is a little cheaper than the second, however, consider how else they differ:

Based on the above, we can conclude that the Premium is better adapted and almost ideal for feeding a baby than its budget prototype. However, this does not mean that Similac 1, 2 is not suitable for babies, some mothers are happy to use this relatively inexpensive product.

Special purpose Similac blends

The manufacturing company does not disregard kids with special needs. On sale there are mixtures intended for allergy sufferers, children with intolerance to cow protein and others. All of them, like standard baby products, do not contain palm oil. In addition, these mixtures have a lower osmolality than Similac for babies without digestive problems. Our overview of the most popular specialty mixes.

Similac Isomil has a unique composition for children with milk allergy

A product called Isomil is intended for babies with milk allergies and galactosemia (we recommend reading:). Instead of milk protein, the concentrate contains highly purified soy protein, as well as additional substances such as tryptophan, taurine, methiamin. Lactose is replaced by maltodextrin, which is corn starch. Isomil includes prebiotics, but lacks nucleotides. The manufacturer warns that soy protein can cause allergies.

Similac Hypoallergenic

This step 1 and 2 product can be offered not only to infants with allergies, but also to those children who have secondary lactase deficiency. As part of the dry powder whey protein is replaced by partially hydrolyzed protein. Such a product is easier to digest and almost does not cause allergic reactions. The second feature of the concentrate can be called a small amount of lactose - only 0.2%. This mixture contains prebiotics, in this case galactooligosaccharides, necessary for the comfort of digestion.

Similac Comfort

A product for newborns and older children with gastrointestinal disorders in the form of colic, bloating, constipation, called Comfort. Whey protein is partially hydrolyzed, which allows milk to be absorbed as efficiently as possible. A low lactose content helps to reduce the manifestation of flatulence. The product contains bifidobacteria to improve bowel function. Maltodextrin as a carbohydrate gives the mixture a pleasant sweetish taste.

In the Similac line of mixtures, there is sure to be a product suitable for the child based on his individual characteristics.

Similac Antireflux

A product called Antireflux is recommended for newborns as well as older children. This milk prevents regurgitation and improves digestion. The low content of lactose is due to the presence of a protein complex, represented by whey, milk protein and calcium caseinate. Contains maltodextrin, however, there are no carotenoids among the components of the product. This composition allows you to feed a mixture of a baby with secondary lactase deficiency and a tendency to spit up.

Similac Low lactose

This product is suitable for lactose intolerant babies from birth and those who are prone to diarrhoea. The manufacturer specifically warns that such milk is not recommended for children with galactosemia. Lactose is present in very small amounts, mostly replaced by maltodextrin. In addition, the product does not contain carotenoids - beta-carotene and lutein.

Special Care and NeoShur

Food designed for premature babies. Together with the Neo Shure product, it was developed as part of a two-stage nursing of a child born ahead of time. "Special Care" is applied until the crumb reaches a weight of 1800. The product is enriched with nucleotides, it has a reduced amount of lactose. At the same time, in this type of mixture there are more proteins, more calories, vitamins and minerals.

The next stage is NeoShur, which is prescribed for full-term babies who are not gaining weight well. In it, just like in "Special Care", the amount of protein and vitamins is increased. With NeoSure premature baby, born with a weight of more than 1800 g, will quickly gain strength and catch up with their peers.

Unfortunately, a breastfeeding mother can at any time experience a situation with a lack of breast milk. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right alternative artificial mixture. Similac Premium for newborns has unique characteristics and is suitable for the proper growth and development of the baby.

Main characteristics

For ease of use, the manufacturer suggests using a mixture that can be easily prepared from powder. Other benefits include the absence of palm oil. That is why it is allowed to feed a mixture of babies who have just been born. Similac has all the necessary properties for proper formation immune system baby. The main components have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have confirmed that Similac improves the functioning of the brain, eyes and helps the baby develop properly.

Composition of the mixture

To date, mother's milk remains the best food for babies. However, it is impossible to completely insure yourself against a situation in which a woman has problems with lactation. Similac comfort is a unique mixture that contains the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

Drink Similak on properties is as close as possible to breast milk

The baby's immunity directly depends on the amount of probiotics and nucleotides. These components are necessary for the proper formation of intestinal microflora. The composition of the mixture also includes prebiotics, which are necessary for the correct formation of the baby's stool. Omega acids are directly involved in the work of the brain. Additionally, the Similac box contains a large number of minerals (zinc, iron, calcium, and others). Among them, a special place is occupied by calcium, which is directly involved in the formation of teeth and bones.

The mixture contains extremely useful components:

  • lactose component;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dry version of milk without fat;
  • milk whey with a high concentration of protein;
  • various mineral components that are necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby;
  • vitamins and folic acid;
  • nucleotides;
  • L-carnitine;
  • the minimum amount of dyes and preservatives.

Parents can learn more about the mixture and its composition from the instructions that are contained on each package.

Features of the preparation of the composition for feeding

Semilac is used as an artificial option for breastfeeding. In a pack, the composition is sold in the form of a powder. Mom must understand that the transfer to artificial feeding is a responsible decision. The feasibility of the process is assessed by the attending physician.

Only clean utensils may be used during cooking. If the jar is opened once, it will no longer be considered sterile. Parents should follow the storage time guidelines exactly. The instructions indicate that the mixture should be poured with boiled water before serving to the baby, which has been at a temperature of 100 degrees for at least five minutes.

If after taking a little composition remains, then it can be used for another day, provided that it is stored in the refrigerator. Do not re-give the baby the rest of the previous portion. Some parents also prefer to discard formula that has already stood in the refrigerator for a certain time.

A measuring spoon is used to properly prepare the mixture.

Semilac or Nutrilon - instant formulas for feeding baby. They can be used immediately after birth.

However, parents must strictly adhere to the instructions and observe the expiration dates and storage. The child has a weak immune system, so it can suffer from any external infection or bacteria. In the process of preparation, it is necessary to adhere to the following scheme:

  • All utensils that will be used in the cooking process should be thoroughly washed using hypoallergenic detergents.
  • Particular attention in the process of cleansing should be given to the nipple. It should not contain soap or other irritating ingredients.
  • For additional disinfection, it is necessary to put the dishes in a large saucepan and boil for several minutes.
  • The powder can be filled with water, which was in a boiling state for at least five minutes.
  • The optimal food temperature for a baby is 37 degrees.
  • You can determine the required amount of liquid only with the help of a measuring cup.
  • The instructions indicate that one tablespoon of the powder must be diluted with 60 ml of water.
  • The mixing process must be repeated until the liquid becomes homogeneous.
  • The remains of the mixture are not recommended to be reused. It's best to just pour them out.

Features of storage and packaging

Powder for the preparation of artificial mixture to an infant produced in Spain. One package contains 400 grams. For ease of use, the manufacturer includes a measuring spoon. The powder will retain its properties if stored at a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees. The expiration date was fixed at 18 months after the production date. If the package has already been opened, then the powder must be completely used up within three weeks. Additionally, powder should be covered plastic lid and store in a place with minimal humidity.

The prepared portion is not recommended to be reused

Additionally, it should be noted that only a specialist in this field can determine what is best for a child. Most of them note the following advantages of the mixture:

  • With constant feeding or supplementary feeding, the child develops correctly and gains weight well.
  • Additionally, parents note an improvement in the regurgitation process.
  • The mixture only in rare cases causes problems with the stool. Most often, this manifests itself in the form of constipation or excessive gas formation.

To date, the powder is produced not only in Spain, but also in Denmark. There are no significant differences in its composition, but some mothers are convinced that the first option is not capable of leading to the formation of lumps.

Semilac - ideal food for a newborn

Semilac is also recommended to young children by many of my colleagues. For some parents, the cost of goods seems high. However, if they want to get high quality food, they must be prepared not to save money in this matter.

If the baby needs to be transferred to artificial feeding, then in this matter it is imperative to get advice from the attending physician. He will be able to carefully analyze the characteristics of the body and individual needs. Parents must additionally strictly follow all the rules of preparation and observe the storage conditions. Due to the excellent characteristics of the mixture, the child can be provided with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. These components are necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby. Semilac is a composition that can be used for effective feeding of the baby in the period from birth to one year.

Similac mixes are produced by the American company Abbot, which has been developing and manufacturing baby food since 1903. The Similac brand name comes from the English “similar to lactation”, which literally means “like breastfeeding". Abbot is the world leader in the production of pasteurized ready-made breast milk substitutes for maternity hospitals. For the first time, our compatriots were able to get acquainted with Abbot products back in 1980, when Detolact baby formulas, an analogue of Similak, entered the market of the then USSR. Today, the company does not stop improving the formulation of its products, taking care not only of healthy children, but also creating special nutrition for premature and underweight babies.

The composition of baby food "Similak Premium"

It is produced in metal cans of 400 and 900 g and, depending on the age of the child, has the following division:

  • adapted infant formula "Similak Premium 1" from 0 months;
  • subsequent adapted infant formula "Similak Premium 2" from 6 months;
  • dry milk drink "Similak Premium" 3 from twelve months;
  • baby milk "Similak Premium" 4 from eighteen months.

Produced in Ireland and Denmark. The country of manufacture can be found at the bottom of the product packaging in the section: “Manufactured and packaged”. Many mothers, judging by the reviews on the Internet, believe that the quality of mixtures, depending on the country of origin, is very different for Similak, while others do not notice much difference. If, nevertheless, after buying another jar of baby food, the baby has an allergy or digestive problems, check where it was produced and packaged. You may have previously purchased a product that was released in another country.


Adaptation of Similak Premium 1.2 in terms of the protein component occurs due to the skillful combination of skimmed milk, whey protein concentrate and its hydrolyzate (split protein) in the required quantities, and in Similac Premium products 3.4 skimmed milk and whey protein concentrate. An important indicator of the degree of adaptability of the mixture is the ratio of whey proteins and casein. From this point of view, Similak Premium does not look particularly advantageous against the background of its competitors. The minimum ratio of whey proteins and casein for adapted mixtures according to TR TS033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products" is 50/50, while in example it is 80/20, and in mature 60/40. In "Similak Premium" 1.2, the ratio of whey proteins and casein is 50/50, and in "Similak Premium" 3.4, it is not even indicated at all on the packaging and one can only guess what it is.

In fairness, it must be said that Abbot has tried to reduce the allergenicity of the initial adapted milk formula by introducing whey protein hydrolyzate. It is known that by splitting the protein molecules of cow's milk into small fragments, it is possible to reduce the possibility of allergic reactions - the smaller the fragment, the lower the risk. The amino acid composition of cow's milk differs from that of breast milk and requires adjustment for some amino acids, so Similac Premium1,2 contains taurine and L tryptophan, which are essential amino acids. "Simlak Premium" 3.4 contains only taurine.

Fats There is no palm oil in Similak brand products, which is advertised and emphasized in every possible way. Numerous studies indeed confirm the negative impact of palm oil on the absorption of calcium by the infant's body and the formation of normal stools. Palm oil is rich in palmitic acid, which occupies the 1.3 position in the triglycerides of fats. is able to further bind and remove calcium from the body, forming insoluble salts - palmitates, which make the child's stool harder, causing constipation.

But is it only palm oil that is “to blame” for these consequences, and its removal solves the problem? Partly. All vegetable oils contain palmitic acid, and it is located in the same way as in palm oil, there is just less of it. Only breast milk fat and lard do not contain palmitic acid at the 1,3 position of the triglycerides. Thus, vegetable oils in artificial baby food will never be completely equivalent to breast milk fat in its unchanged form. Only the modification of vegetable oils can liken their molecules to those of human milk fat. , but they are not cheap and "Similak" does not apply to them.

Palmitic acid is not an essential fatty acid, but breast milk contains quite a lot of it, and certainly not by chance. Therefore, the question of its sufficient intake into the body of a child with a substitute for women's milk remains open. Perhaps that is why some vitamins are introduced into Similak in the form of palmitates - salts of palmitic acid (ascorbyl palmitate (simultaneously acts as an antioxidant), vitamin A palmitate). Most manufacturers prefer not to expand on this topic, limiting themselves to simply indicating the name of the vitamin on the package, without the form of its location.

It is interesting to note that Similak Premium does not contain fish oil as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Instead, the manufacturer prefers the addition of Mortierella alpina unicellular fungus oil (source of arachidonic acid) and Crypthecodinium cohnii microalgae oil (source of docosahexaenoic acid). Arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids are necessary for the normal development of the child's vision and brain. It is possible that this feature is due simply to the absence of the need for other polyunsaturated fatty acids, since they are sufficient in the added vegetable oils. To say exactly how much the fat will differ from the fat of mother's milk, only the manufacturer or a laboratory study of the fatty acid composition of Similak Premium fat can tell.


"Similak Premium" 1.2 among the digestible carbohydrates contains exclusively lactose, and "Similak Premium" 3.4, in addition to lactose, also contains sucrose. By itself, sucrose does not cause allergic reactions, but it can enhance the effect of food allergens and cause fermentation processes in the intestines. Therefore, with violations of the microflora, the child's tendency to allergies and weak immunity, its excess in the diet is undesirable.

Among the carbohydrates indigestible by the body, Similac Premium contains prebiotics - galactooligosaccharides (GOS), which, entering the intestine unchanged, contribute to the normalization of microflora, nourishing it. In many other mixtures, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which are also found in breast milk, are also administered simultaneously with GOS, but Similak Premium contains only one prebiotic.

Other components

"Similac Premium" contains several types of nucleotides, each of which is separately named in the composition. Judging how much variety of nucleotides is compared to other mixtures is difficult, since most manufacturers do not bother to paint their composition on the package. This and many other nuances characterize Abbot as a manufacturer that is as open to the consumer as possible.

Nucleotides are structural units for building RNA and DNA, they are also part of the compounds involved in the energy processes of the cell. Since their synthesis is limited in the body, it is important that nucleotides come from outside, especially during the period of intensive growth of the body, which occurs in infancy.

Similak Premium mixtures are enriched with two types of carotenoids: lutein and beta-carotene, which are powerful antioxidants. Lutein, along with other components, is included in the IQ Intelli-Pro complex, which is necessary for the development of the brain and vision and is not produced by the body. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A in the body, has immunostimulating and adaptogenic properties.

Important! Among all the mixtures on the Russian market, only Similak Premium and Nutrilak contain the addition of lutein.

Bifidobacterium lactis probiotics support healthy gut microflora, reduce the risk of acute diarrhea and respiratory infections. The effectiveness of probiotics in milk formula is somewhat lower than in probiotic preparations, therefore, for a tangible effect, it is better to give them additionally in their pure form.

Among the auxiliary ingredients are the antioxidant E 306 (tocopherols) and the emulsifier soy lecithin.

Photos of the mixture "Similak Premium"1 with information on the composition and method of preparation (clickable)

What is better "Similac Premium"1 or "Similak"1

  1. The first difference that immediately catches your eye is the different packaging. Similac is produced in cardboard boxes 350 and 700 each
  2. The lower calorie content is noteworthy, which means less proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but this is not at all a reason to worry. Both are equally suitable for children and approved for feeding young children.
  3. "Similac Premium" gives a lower metabolic burden on the kidneys due to low osmolality.
  4. The mixture "Similak" does not indicate the ratio of whey proteins and casein, which is important for assessing the degree of adaptation. The only reference is only the term "adapted" on the packaging.
  5. Significantly more in "Similak Premium" arachidonic acid, prebiotics.
  6. The composition of vitamins and minerals differs insignificantly.
  7. Similac Premium contains no added beta-carotene, lutein or probiotics.

The revealed differences affect the degree of adaptation, making "Similac Premium" more adapted to the body of a newborn child and it can be called a fairly good nutrition for babies. This, of course, is reflected in the price, to which a metal jar contributes a certain share, but it is more likely to emphasize premium quality.

Pros and cons of Similak mixtures

The quality of baby food "Similak" deserves high praise at a fairly attractive price - about 260 rubles per carton box weighing 350 g. Of course, the big plus of these mixtures is the absence of palm oil. But do not think that having bought "Similak" you will never encounter this problem, since there are other reasons for the appearance of indigestion. You should be very careful with the Similak mixture1, in which the ratio of whey proteins and casein is 50/50, while in breast milk at the initial stages it is 80/20, which makes it not too adapted for a recently born baby. In addition, casein often causes allergic reactions and its high content may not have the best effect on the health of the baby. Similac contains many useful and varied additives, some of which (lutein) are practically not found in other mixtures. The manufacturer tries to be as open to the consumer as possible, diligently deciphering all the components of the composition. For children prone to allergies, it is better to refuse Similac3,4 due to the presence of sucrose in the composition.

"Similak Hypoallergenic"1,2

It is intended for children prone to allergic reactions, as well as for children (after consulting a doctor) with an allergy to cow's milk protein at the stage of diet expansion and secondary lactase deficiency.

Instead of regular whey protein, the composition uses partially hydrolyzed whey protein, which is well absorbed by the body and causes fewer allergic reactions. It contains very little lactose 2 g per 1 liter of the finished mixture and therefore belongs to low-lactose, prescribed for artificially fed children with a secondary, complicated allergy to cow's milk protein. The composition includes prebiotics - galactooligosaccharides.

"Similak Antireflux"

Low-lactose formula from birth against regurgitation and comfortable digestion. Can only be used for secondary lactase deficiency.

Due to the combination of whey and milk protein concentrates, as well as calcium caseinate, it has a low lactose content (2 g per 1 liter of ready-made food), which allows the mixture to be used for secondary lactase deficiency, complicated. The anti-reflux effect is achieved due to the presence of rice starch, which, when it enters the stomach, creates a dense clot that prevents the return of food. Despite the dense consistency of the clot, food in this form is well digested and absorbed. Maltodextrin imparts a sweet taste to the product. Does not contain carotenoids - lutein and beta-carotene. "Similak Comfort" 1.2

Low-lactose mixture for children from birth with functional digestive disorders, manifested in the form of constipation, excessive gas formation.

Partially hydrolyzed whey protein is quickly and easily digested, and the reduced lactose content (2 g per 1 liter of prepared food) prevents the development of excessive gas formation. At the same time, the food is quite sweet due to the addition of maltodextrin, so the baby will definitely like it. Probiotics Bifidobacterium lactis, reaching the large intestine, contribute to the normalization of microflora.

"Similak Low Lactose"

Low-lactose mixture for children from birth, who are bottle-fed with lactase deficiency and diarrhea. Not suitable for feeding children with galactosemia.

A low lactose content (2 g per 1 liter of the finished mixture) will help neutralize the symptoms that appear due to a lack of lactase enzyme. It is not recommended to completely exclude lactose from the diet, as it is important for the development of the brain and vision, as well as the formation of the correct intestinal microflora. The eliminated lactose has been replaced by maltodextrin. The protein component is whey and milk protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, whey protein hydrolyzate. Does not contain carotenoids - lutein and beta-carotene.

Mixtures "Similac" for small and premature babies

"Similac Special Care Protein Plus"

Ready-made mixture for premature babies weighing up to 1800 g. They are used only as directed by a doctor. Upon reaching a weight of 1800 g or more, Similak NeoShur is used.

High-calorie nutrition that provides intensive growth and development of the child due to the increased content of protein, easily digestible medium chain triglycerides and corn syrup.

"Similac NeoSure"

Formula for premature and small babies weighing over 1800 g. May be recommended for full-term babies with normal birth weight but insufficient monthly weight gain.

It has a qualitative composition similar to Similak Special Care Protein Plus, but differs in the quantitative content of the components.

Mixtures under the SIMILAC brand are produced by the American manufacturer Abbot. The company has been present on the world market of breast milk substitutes since the beginning of the 20th century (1903). The name "Similac" is associated with the English "similar to lactation", which literally translates as "identical to natural food." Similak formula from 0 to 6 months is the first in the production of artificial mother's milk substitutes supplied to maternity hospitals.

The Similak mixture appeared on the domestic market back in the 1980s, the USSR purchased artificial breast milk substitutes called Ditolak - a product absolutely identical to Similak. Today, the brand is improving recipes, releasing all the necessary mixtures for both healthy babies and crumbs with pathologies with weight gain, as well as prematurely born babies.

The best diet for a baby is mother's milk. Children in this case grow well, develop normally and are less susceptible to pathologies. Parents should take a responsible approach to this issue, understand that there is no full-fledged substitute for mother's milk. It is impossible to proceed from facilitating the life of a young mother; many vital components are present only in natural breast milk.

Adequate for the transition to mixed or completely artificial feeding can be considered the following situations from the side of the nursing mother:

  • difficulties in recovery after childbirth;
  • insufficient amount or complete absence of milk;
  • taking medications that are categorically incompatible with natural feeding;
  • pathologies of an infectious nature;
  • frequent absence due to objective circumstances, and the lack of conditions for the proper preservation of expressed milk.

Each mixture has both positive and negative sides. When choosing a substitute, it is necessary to find a reasonable balance between the two components.

Similak milk formula has a number of positive aspects:

  1. the components that make up the mixture are closest to natural mother's milk;
  2. if an allergic reaction occurs, it is necessary to reconsider the type of mixture, instead of adjusting the nutritional diet of a nursing mother;
  3. substitute does not contain palm oil;
  4. brand products contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive system;
  5. the mixture is well diluted in contact with water;
  6. a high-quality product of artificial feeding, at an affordable price - a cardboard container of a mixture weighing 350 grams can be purchased for only 260 rubles;
  7. brand products have normal fat content;
  8. breast milk substitute contains useful additives, among them there are rare and vital ones - lutein;
  9. the assimilation time of the artificial product is longer than that of mother's milk, this allows to reduce the number of daily feedings.

The negatives include:

  1. Pay attention to the Similak 1 mixture, since it contains whey proteins and casein in proportion - 50:50; and mother's milk at the initial stage of feeding has a ratio of 80:20. That is, the product is not adapted for feeding the baby at the initial stage. Casein can provoke allergies, a large number of this component may cause harm to health.
  2. The composition of the product is as detailed and correct as possible - this is a positive side, so you can find out that SIMILAC 3.4 contains sucrose - a negative side, it should not be used by babies prone to allergic reactions.
  3. According to consumer surveys, when preparing products from the SIMILAC PREMIUM line, increased foaming is observed. This increases the preparation time of the mixture, since after shaking it is necessary to wait until it reaches the optimum consistency.


The line of this brand is represented by several types of substitutes. There is a simple substitute "SIMILAC", "SIMILAC PREMIUM", special, focused on babies with the problem of insufficient weight or born prematurely. Let's look at each type in detail.


The product is produced in tin containers with a volume of 400 and 900 milliliters. The cost of a large package is up to 540, a small one is about 280 rubles. A simple substitute is focused on the complete or partial replacement of mother's natural milk, for feeding babies without pathologies, who do not have a predisposition to allergic reactions or improper functioning of the digestive system.

There are several subspecies of this product, they differ in labeling, are intended for various age groups:

  • Similac mixture from 0 to 6 months;
  • a mixture of Similak 2 - a subsequent substitute from 6 to 12 months;
  • a mixture of Similak 3 - milk from a year to 18 months;
  • a mixture of Similak 4 - milk from one and a half to three years.

The difference with the Premium line: the absence of carotenoids (lutein and beta-carotene) and probiotics.

Similac Premium

The purpose of the Similac Premium mixture is the same as that of the simple Similac mixture, but with the addition of more modern components that are similar in composition and properties to natural milk mother. The product is produced in tin containers with a volume of 400 and 900 milliliters. The cost of a large package is up to 1050, a small one is about 540 rubles.

This line also contains 4 types, they differ according to the age groups of consumers:

  • Similak Premium mixture from 0 to 6 months;
  • a mixture of Similak Premium 2 - from six months to 12 months;
  • a mixture of Similac Premium 3 - from a year to a year and a half;
  • mixture Similak Premium 4 - for children over 18 months.

Any mother strives to ensure that the peanut develops without pathologies, has good mood. Babies up to 12 months of age are characterized by moderate demands, for absolute happiness they need: the attention of their parents, a sense of security and the absence of discomfort factors.

The most common problem is a violation of the normal functioning of the organs of the digestive system, which leads to a moody mood, tears, and restless behavior. The organs of the digestive system of the baby are at the stage of formation, they need a special approach.

The country of origin can be either Denmark or Ireland. This is an important nuance, since some parents claim that foods produced in different places cause different reactions in the baby.

Important! In the case of feeding a child with a substitute made in Ireland, you should continue to use it, respectively, vice versa.

The composition of the product is not completely similar to mother's milk, but it is as close as possible to it. Similac Premium infant formula is used as the main product of the baby's nutritious diet or as complementary foods (from birth to a year). Its components have a positive effect on the formation of the immune system, contribute to normal digestion, and positively affect the development of vision.

Similak Premium composition of the mixture includes the main vitamins, minerals and nutrients:

  • prebiotics contribute to the formation of a full-fledged immune system, positively affect the development of beneficial microflora of the mucous organs of the digestive system;
  • probiotics (bifidobacteria) contribute to normal digestion, which is provided by their own intestinal microflora, strengthen the immune system; the presence of prebiotics in the substitute, increase the effectiveness of probiotics;
  • vegetable fats form and maintain normal stools;
  • omega-3 and omega-6 are classified as fatty acids, lutein and beta-carotene (antioxidants) positively affect brain activity and vision; beta-carotene turns into vitamin A, it helps to strengthen the immune system, helps the body adapt to new foods;
  • lactose contributes to a good perception of C and B by the child's body, increases the degree of absorption of calcium, creates an environment for the formation of beneficial microflora, contributes to resistance to stress and pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • skimmed milk powder acts as a source of protein, amino acids, a complex of vitamins, minerals;
  • whey protein - the main source of protein, contains amino acids that enter the body only with food;
  • vegetable oils (sunflower, soy, coconut), contribute to the normal development of the brain and central nervous system, provide the body with the necessary set of fat-soluble vitamins;
  • the mineral complex provides the baby's body with calcium, potassium, iron, copper - they are necessary for the full development of the baby;
  • balanced complex of vitamins;
  • mixtures are enriched with a complex of tocopherols that prevent oxidative processes;
  • several varieties of nucleotides that are involved in biological processes, the construction of DNA and RNA, protein synthesis, energy generation, blood formation;
  • L-carnitine is responsible for the body's acceptance of fatty acids, for newborns it is a source of energy;
  • Vitamin E - an antioxidant extracted from cereals and vegetable oil, prevents the oxidation of milk powder;
  • Calcium is responsible for the formation of bones and teeth.

Consider the features of each type:


Products labeled 1, 2 contain processed milk, whey protein, proteins processed in a special way. Substitutes numbered 3, 4 are focused on older toddlers, contain milk powder, whey protein concentrate.

When determining the degree of adaptability of a product for infants, special attention should be paid to the ratio of whey protein and casein. So later mother's milk has a ratio of 60/40 (early 80/20).


The brand's products do not contain palm oil, it can harm the growing body of the crumbs. This ingredient blocks the perception of calcium by the child, the element is excreted during defecation, causing a violation of the stool, provoking allergic reactions. As long as the question of the positive and negative aspects of palm oil remains debatable, the use of products containing the component should be avoided.

Mixtures of the Similac Premium line do not have fish oil, semi-saturated acids are represented here by mushroom oil. The substitute contains oil obtained from the processing of algae, it is represented by docosahexaenoic acid.


The component in the mixtures "Similac Premium 1, 2" is represented by lactose. Substitutes for older toddlers "Similac Premium 3, 4" also contain lactose, in addition there is sucrose, although this component is controversial and controversial.

The component itself is neutral, but it can increase allergic reactions to other components. Sucrose can cause dysfunction of the digestive system. Experts do not advise introducing food with sucrose if a child has pathologies of the digestive system.

Similac Special Blends

SIMILAC's special products are targeted at babies with specific nutritional requirements. We are talking here about a probable allergic reaction to regular complementary foods, with the problem of not accepting cow protein, pathologies of the digestive system (constipation, frequent gag reflex, colic, dysfunction of the absorption capacity of the intestine).

The special SIMILAC breast milk substitutes also do not contain palm oil. The components are adjusted accordingly, to impart therapeutic or therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Special blends have a lower osmolarity than regular SIMILAC.

Comfort 1, 2

Low-lactose mixtures are aimed at infants from the moment of birth, suffering from disruption of the digestive system. It's about about colic, constipation, excessive formation of gases. Not fully hydrolyzed whey protein is easily and well accepted by the child's body, the low level of lactose (2 grams per 1 liter of the finished product) prevents excessive gas formation.

The substitute has a pleasant taste, which is facilitated by maltodextrin, the little ones respond well to it. Probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis contributes to the formation of normal microflora of the digestive system.

The cost of the product is about 660 rubles.

Hypoallergenic 1, 2

Substitutes of the first and second level are focused on infants with various allergic reactions, it is also prescribed for secondary lactose deficiency. Whey protein is partially replaced by hydrolyzed protein, which leads to a good perception of the mixture by the developing body of the baby.

Substitutes are classified as low-lactose, since their lactose content is about 0.2%.

The composition of the mixture is enriched with prebiotics, they ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system.

The cost is about 740 rubles.


The product is prescribed to infants from the moment of birth as a therapeutic or therapeutic and prophylactic agent, with allergic reactions to cow protein and galactosemia. Soy protein has been successfully used as baby food for babies allergic to cow protein.

The mixture includes a highly purified soy protein concentrate, which is enriched with methionine, tuarine, tryptophan. The substitute does not contain lactose, but there is starch of corn origin - maltodextrin, the component is perfectly perceived by the baby's body, without leading to addiction.

Since there is no lactose in the product, it is used for babies suffering from galactosemia. The substitute includes FOS prebiotics, does not contain nucleotides. Similac Izomil has a positive effect on the development of intellectual abilities, contributes to the normal development of the organs of vision.

Price - from 620 rubles.

Important! Such a mother's milk substitute is not hypoallergenic, since it contains soy protein, this component can lead to an allergic reaction.


Children's dry substitute, based on hydrolyzed casein with medium chain triglyceride. Nutrition is prescribed for babies from the moment of birth, with severe forms of food allergic reactions, or allergies to cow's milk. The remedy eliminates colic caused by an allergic reaction to cow protein for the first day of admission. The complex of vitamins and minerals ensures the normal development of the baby. Does not contain palm oil, lactose, gluten.

The substitute also helps well in violation of the absorption function of the intestine. Hydrolyzed casein, in which the protein molecule is split into small parts, this can significantly reduce the allergenicity of the substitute, which makes it available for feeding babies with a complicated form of allergies.

Medium chain triglyceride is a lightweight fat, reducing the allergenicity of the mixture, it is used for complicated allergic reactions.

The cost of the mixture is about 1200 rubles.

The product contains an "intellectual" complex, includes: omega-3 and omega-6, taurine, holdin, iron - components contribute to the normal functioning of the brain and vision.

The mixture provides comfortable digestion:

  • complete hydrolysis of casein protein is well accepted by the body;
  • the mixture does not contain palm oil, its components contribute to soft and uninterrupted stools, identical to that observed with natural feeding, reducing constipation;
  • since the substitute does not contain lactose, the process of gas formation is slowed down, decreases and the child's restlessness is associated with lactose deficiency;
  • the product has medium chain triglycerides, which ensures the normal perception of fatty elements by the body;
  • a special complex of carbohydrates ensures normal absorption, acceptance of carbohydrates by the body.

Low lactose

This mixture is prescribed for artificial or mixed feeding of infants from the moment of birth with lactose deficiency or diarrhea. The tool is not recommended for babies suffering from galactosemia. Low level lactose helps eliminate lactose deficiency.

Lactose is usually replaced by maltodextrin. The protein is represented by whey and milk protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, whey protein hydrolyzate. Similac Low Lactose is free of lutein and beta-carotene.

Price - from 800 rubles.


Low-lactose mother's milk substitute, intended for children from the moment of birth. Eliminates the problem of excessive occurrence of the gag reflex, provides Good work organs of the digestive system.

Assign if secondary lactose deficiency is detected. The combination of protein components - whey protein and milk, calcium caseinate. This allows it to reduce the lactose level to 0.2%, which makes it possible to use the mixture during secondary lactose deficiency, which is accompanied by the problem of an excessive gag reflex. The anti-reflux properties of the product are achieved through the use of starch from rice.

This component forms a dense formation in the stomach, which complicates the release of the mixture from the body. Although the formation has a dense texture, the food is well absorbed by the baby's developing organism. Maltodextrin contributes to a pleasant taste. Similac Antireflux does not contain lutein or beta-carotene.

Price - from 780 rubles.

Nutrition for small and premature babies

"SIMILAC" is aimed at babies with a problem of insufficient weight or born prematurely. The line is represented by several mixtures - "Special Care Protein Plus", "NeoShur". "Special Care Protein Plus" prescribes a pediatrician. "NeoShur" is used as complementary foods for healthy babies, but the mass is clearly not getting enough.

Similac Special Care Protein Plus

The product is a constituent element of a modern two-level feeding system, focused on premature babies born, with a pathological underweight (up to 1.8 or up to 3.6 kilograms with the recommendations of a pediatrician).

Use only after being prescribed by an appropriate specialist.

After reaching a mass of more than 1.8 (or 3.6) kilograms, experts recommend switching to Similac NeoShur. High-calorie baby food, ensures the rapid growth and development of the baby, which is achieved by an increased content of protein, a mild form of medium chain triglyceride, a concentrate from corn. The substitute has qualitative components similar in composition to Similac Special Care Protein Plus, but there is also a difference - in the constituent components.

The task of such complementary foods is to help prematurely born children and babies with a pathological underweight to come to a normal pace of development corresponding to healthy toddlers.

Go to artificial feeding A premature baby may be needed in the following cases:

  • complete absence or insufficiently developed sucking and swallowing reflexes, as a result of a significant shift in the time of birth;
  • the mother is physically unable to feed due to the fact that there is no milk or there is, but very little;
  • incompatibility of the blood parameters of the baby and the mother, due to the Rh factor or antigens;
  • rejection of milk protein;
  • pathologies - first of all, we are talking about lactose deficiency.

There are several options: either milk from a donor, or the selection of a suitable mother's milk substitute.

Optimal development is ensured by the following factors:

  • the presence of nucleotides, help strengthen the body's immunity;
  • a set of vegetable fats, does not include palm oil;
  • forms and maintains normal stools, promotes the body's acceptance of fat and calcium;
  • has a low lactose content;
  • eliminates excessive formation of gases, with a lack of lactose.

The complex focused on rapid growth includes:

  • increased amount of proteins - prematurely born crumbs can hardly tolerate an increase in the amount of food;
  • increased calorie content;
  • complex of modern vitamins and minerals.

A relatively small amount of ready-made substitute in an ergonomic container eliminates the possibility of infection with infectious pathologies during mixing.

The mixture does not include palm oil, dyes, preservatives, GMOs and other ingredients of dubious reputation.

Similac NeoSure

The product was developed by the joint efforts of pediatricians and nutritionists, aimed at the following groups:

  • peanuts born with a normal weight, but not reaching it monthly;
  • babies born on time, but with insufficient weight;
  • prematurely born children weighing less than 1.8 kilograms;
  • prematurely born babies who are primary-fed with Similac Special Care Protein Plus.

Premature babies need special care. The primary problem is the correct diet and diet, which should contribute to weight gain.

Do not introduce artificial foods without consulting a specialist, this is especially true if the little one has any developmental disabilities.

The price is about 860 rubles.

It is necessary to feed the baby with special nutrition until he gains 2.5 kilograms. You can extend the intake up to 12 months of age, however, starting from 6 months, it is necessary to additionally feed the crumbs. The dosage calculation scheme is as follows - no more than 130 kilocalories per 1 kilogram of the weight of the little one.

Babies who receive a substitute from the initial stage of life gain weight, grow well, and do not lag behind in development. Crumbs born before the due period need time for which they must pull themselves up to the level of the same age.

At the same time, babies need good nutrition, the mixture "Similac NeoShur" contains:

  • powdered milk;
  • maltodextrin;
  • oils of vegetable origin (soybean, sunflower, coconut);
  • lactose;
  • whey protein concentrate;
  • omega-3 and omega-6;
  • sulfonic acid;
  • a complex of modern vitamins and minerals;
  • nucleotides;
  • L-carnitine.

How to enter correctly?

None of the existing mixtures is able to fully replace mother's milk.

The following rules of artificial nutrition must be strictly observed:

  1. Immediately before choosing a mixture, be sure to consult a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of your little one.
  2. Choose only high-quality goods, preferably in specialized stores or pharmacies.
  3. Carefully study the composition of the mixture, make sure that it does not contain harmful and undesirable components, check the age group of the substitute.
  4. The preparation of the product must take place according to the insert-instruction.
  5. Carefully monitor the reaction of the little one to the substitute used.
  6. Responsibly approach the choice of the nipple, its shape should be comfortable for the little one, and the volume of incoming food should not lead to discomfort.
  7. Immediately before diluting the mixture, wash your hands thoroughly, and treat the bottle and nipple with boiled water.

Follow the basic principles regarding complementary foods:

  1. It is possible to transfer to mixed or artificial feeding only a little one that does not have deviations and pathologies. It is not recommended to replenish the child's nutrition with new types of substitutes if living conditions have changed dramatically, immediately after vaccination or in the heat.
  2. Complementary foods must be given before breastfeeding, the initial dosage is no more than 2 teaspoons of the finished product, the amount of complementary foods is gradually increased to 150 grams in a week and a half. A new type of complementary food is introduced only after the little one has fully accepted the current one. You should not replenish the baby's nutritious diet with several types of complementary foods at once.
  3. New complementary foods are introduced in the morning, this makes it possible to follow the reaction of the body to the watered product throughout the day. Parents should carefully consider the chair, skin, general behavior of the child.
  4. Parents should not worry when a child does not perceive a new complementary food the first time, this is quite acceptable. Be persistent and patient in this matter.

How to breed?

Mother's milk substitutes are used to feed newborns, their immunity and organs of the digestive system are just being formed. Parents should realize the high degree of responsibility - in their hands is the life and health of the little one. Strictly observe personal hygiene, sterility of kitchen utensils related to the food of the crumbs, follow the cooking method.

Consider the algorithm for preparing a portion of the substitute:

  1. Wash your hands well with soap and dry them with a towel. Carefully clean the bottle, nipple with cap, special spoon, other utensils used in the process of breeding the substitute. Use a special care product for children's dishes - it does not contain harmful components. Experts do not recommend using a dishwasher, as the bottle may remain dirty due to its shape, although most manufacturers allow its use. There are special ruffs adapted specifically for these purposes, their use allows for high-quality processing of the bottle.
  2. Rinse the dishes - this will eliminate traces of detergents, treat it with boiling water for 5 minutes.
  3. To breed a substitute, find clean place without foreign objects.
  4. Set aside a special pot for boiling water directly for the mixture. Pour water into it, bring to a strong boil, boil for about 5 minutes. If the instruction insert does not provide for additional operations, cool the water to 70 degrees - let the water stand for half an hour.
  5. Pour the right amount of boiled water into a boiled bottle. It is forbidden to dilute boiled water with normal, to obtain the desired temperature.
  6. Dial the mixture with a special measuring spoon that comes with the product. If you have picked up a spoon with a slide, it must be cut off with a clean knife.
  7. Mix the substitute with boiled water. As a rule, for 30 milliliters of water, you need to use 1 level spoon. For more detailed information, please refer to the instruction leaflet. Since special spoons are produced in various sizes. Please note that the dry product is added to the bottle of boiled water, and not in reverse order!
  8. Shake the contents of the bottle until a homogeneous product is obtained, without lumps. Immediately before the child receives a substitute, his temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. If the temperature of the mixture is much higher than necessary, it can be placed in cold water for fast cooling.
  9. Take a comfortable position, take the crumbs in your arms, while feeding, maintain continuous visual, and, if possible, physical contact with the baby. Prepare wipes beforehand to remove excess mixture. After completing the process of the child, it is necessary to vilify the baby in an upright position, this will allow him to get rid of the air that has entered the stomach along with food.
  10. The remaining mixture, not consumed by the peanut for an hour, must be poured out.

Can I be allergic to Similac Hypoallergenic Blend?

Since the main component in Similac Hypoallergenic 1, 2 mixtures is incompletely hydrolyzed cow protein, an allergic reaction to this mixture is quite possible. If an allergic reaction to the product occurs, the way out may be to switch to mixtures based on plant components.

The reaction to the product may be associated with an allergy to any component of the substitute. Vitamins obtained artificially can cause an allergic reaction. Switch to natural skimmed milk diluted in boiling water.

Frequently asked Questions

Due to the inexperience of many new mothers, even the simplest questions can put them in a difficult position. Consider the most frequently asked questions regarding the line of mixtures under the Similac brand.

Which blend is better Similac or Similac Premium?

Let's take a look at the differences between the two products:

  1. The first thing that lies on the surface is the different material of the container. Substitute "Similac" is produced in cardboard packages, with a volume of 350, 700 grams.
  2. A significant indicator is calorie content, in Similac it is much lower, this entails a smaller amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates.
  3. Both products are suitable for babies, early age. "Similac Premium" burdens the kidneys to a lesser extent, which is associated with a low osmolarity.
  4. Similac substitutes do not list proportions for whey protein and casein, this is a significant factor in assessing the degree of adaptability. However, on the packaging it is noted that the product is "adapted".
  5. Similac Premium blend contains more arachidonic acid and prebiotics. The complex of vitamins and minerals in mixtures is almost identical.
  6. Similac Premium is free of beta-carotene, lutein and probiotics.

These features affect the degree of adaptability. Summing up, we can conclude the following - the substitute "Similac Premium" is more suitable for feeding infants. However, it is more expensive for the price. A considerable share in the cost is made by metal packaging, although its main task is to note the elite quality of the product.

Which mixture is better for the newborn "NAN" or "Similac"?

The manufacture of a substitute based on specially processed lactose has a positive effect. Some manufacturers replace lactose with casein, but it is difficult for the baby's body to perceive. A good product is enriched with the following additives: prebiotics, taurine, albumin, omega acids, iodine, iron - in proportions corresponding to the age group of the child.

The best mixture for crumbs is one that will provide the following effect:

  • calmness of the baby;
  • lack of allergic reactions on the skin;
  • provide a normal chair;
  • contribute to the full development of the physical and psychological state crumbs.

Particular attention should be paid to whether palm or rapeseed oils, starch and soy lecithin are present in the mixture - their inclusion in the complementary food product is not desirable.

Based on the above criteria, a more acceptable solution compared to NAS (Holland), price - up to 400 rubles - Similac (Denmark), price - up to 360 rubles.

What blend should I switch to after Similac Premium?

In addition to the line of mixtures under the Similac Premium brand, there are mixtures similar in composition and properties:

  1. "". The active elements in the product are focused on strengthening the immune system, the formation and maintenance of a healthy microflora of the digestive system of the developing child's body, the elimination of gases and colic. Among the other mixtures, "Nutrilon" is distinguished by high quality characteristics.
  2. "". The substitute contributes to normal vision, the functioning of the digestive organs, and the growth of the crumbs. The product is produced by Switzerland, the main task is to establish the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  3. "". The main component of this substitute is cow's milk, this factor must be taken into account. The mixture is hypoallergenic, but it is difficult for the developing child's body to absorb such a significant amount of cow's milk protein.
  4. "Agusha". The brand produces a whole line of thick and liquid substitutes for various age groups. The product is provided with a modern complex of vitamins and minerals, iodine, omega-3 fatty acid. In order to make the product absolutely safe, the manufacturer uses soybean oil instead of dubious palm oil.
  5. "". The product is aimed at normally developing children of various age groups who do not have pathologies. In terms of quality characteristics, the mixture is comparable to analogues.

How to understand that the mixture is not suitable?

The selection of a high-quality mixture suitable for a particular baby is a difficult and individual question.

Responsible parents should be aware of the signs that the mixture is not suitable for the little one:

  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction, which is expressed by various kinds of rashes on the skin;
  • excessive excretion of feces containing undigested fractions of food, lumps white color or slime;
  • immediately after the next meal, the little one is restless, crying, sleep patterns are disturbed;
  • systematic colic;
  • there is a problem of insufficient weight gain;
  • the baby is sad, often shows irritation.

These signs are symptoms that indicate malfunctions in the body. When a substitute is the cause of the disorder, you should not make hasty decisions, transfer the child to a more expensive one. Replacement of complementary foods - an excessive load on the baby's developing body, a new type of mixture, if necessary, is carried out in stages over a week, carefully monitoring the reaction of the body.

The final adaptation of the crumbs to the substitute occurs within 21 days. The baby may suffer from colic, bloating, inconsistent stools. Such deviations are easily eliminated with the help of special medications. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of a particular toddler, he can help in determining the optimal substitute, give good advice.

Green stool from Similac Hypoallergenic formula, is this normal?

When your baby's stools turn green, don't worry too much. Such a reaction may be the reason for the recent change in the type of mixture. It is also necessary to control the level of iron in the introduced complementary foods. The green color of the feces may be due to an excess amount of iron in the baby's body.

Also, the green color of feces can be the result of eating green vegetables. The color of feces is not in all cases a significant cause for concern. It is necessary to focus on the general condition of the toddler.

Reasons for action and excitement can be:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • tearfulness and irritability of the crumbs;
  • mucus, blood or undigested inclusions in the feces.

In the case of normal health of the baby, but the chair, which causes concern to parents, you need to seek advice from a pediatrician who knows the individual characteristics of the little one.

The main "trick" of the composition of the adapted milk mixtures "Similak" was the absence. The manufacturer himself claims that this ingredient adversely affects the mineralization of children's bones. Also, the composition of baby food does not contain rapeseed oil, which, according to Similak, is again harmful to babies. Therefore, in its production, the Spanish brand uses only coconut, sunflower and soybean oils.

At the same time, in the vast majority of mixtures of domestic and foreign production, palm and rapeseed oils are present as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also interesting that both palm and rapeseed oils are officially allowed to be used in production by all well-known nutrition institutes. However, the Similak brand itself is actively promoting the harmfulness of oil.

Reviews about products "Similak"

If you study the Internet today about the use of adapted Similac mixtures, you can find 50 percent of negative stories and the same number of positive or neutral ones. Toddler Moms infancy sometimes they testify to the unpleasant consequences of feeding these products: constipation or diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, allergic reactions, constant feeling of hunger, colic, restless sleep, etc.

At the same time, the second half of the parents report the excellent quality of the mixture and the absence of any negative reaction from the children's digestive system. It is noteworthy that the most observant parents noticed that negative consequences usually occurred after using the adapted Russian-made Similac mixture. Experienced mothers and fathers usually advise giving children only a mixture produced in Spain - for some reason, its quality is much higher than that produced in Russia.

Objective disadvantages of Similak mixtures still exist. There are two of them:

1. When stirred, the finished mixtures foam very strongly. However, this disadvantage is also very conditional, because it cannot significantly interfere with the feeding process.
2. When stirring, hardly soluble lumps are also formed. This is especially true of the Similac No. 1 mixture, intended for feeding children from 0 to 6 months.

Of the indisputable advantages of Similak products, their relatively low cost is usually called.