Beautiful hairstyles for May 9th. How to make hairstyles for the war years with your own hands. The influence of the lunar day

Stylish hairstyle is an important part of the image of every woman. You can make such a hairstyle both with the help of professional hairdressers and on your own. Today, hair on May 9 Street can be done in numerous beauty salons. Professionals will not only help you with styling, but also recommend what is right for you.

The simplicity of the daily hairstyle depends on the length of the curls. Girl with short caret Simply wash your hair with shampoo and dry with a hair dryer. More long curls much more demanding on the choice of styling, however, the options are simple in creating hairstyles and for long hair enough. The favorite and simplest type of styling is hair collected in a knot and a bun. They can be assembled into various intricate knots and stabbed with hairpins. This styling always looks very original.

A great hairstyle option for a young girl is braids. One or several - there can be a very different number, it depends on the flight of fancy. Lovers of loose strands will be helped by various professional tools. Hair can be straightened with an iron or curled with tongs. Curls are easy enough to lay with a gel - and you look good regardless of your daily routine and its dynamics.

The desire to stand out among classmates at graduation at school, or in kindergarten- the normal desire of every little fashionista. To do this, many beauties resort to viewing photos and videos on YouTube to try to repeat various creations on their heads with their own hands.

At home, you can always start with step-by-step reproduction of simple braided hairstyles, beautiful styling with twisted curls or ordinary loose hair, decorated with ribbons and flowers and other decorations.

Manifold women's hairstyles for medium, long and short hair have no boundaries, so it is worth understanding this great variety of beautiful creations. It doesn’t matter how old you are, the main desire at any evening is to look well-groomed and beautiful. Fashionable weaving, the style of Ancient Greece, retro hairpins with crystals, bouffant with flowers, glossy styling - this is the smallest thing that you can create with your own hands at home.

How to make beautiful hairstyles 2017 for graduation

You can create any hairstyle you see in a photo or video with your own hands. Considering the length of the hair, the structure of the curls and the color of the hair, you can gradually make air styling in a retro style, romantic, harder rocker or high shirred with loose curls.

Before you make a choice and decide on something, be sure to refer to the photo tutorials in which the master reproduces step by step all the steps with a description on the way to recreating the evening styling. Or try to download ready instructions in pictures, which will visually help you braid complex spikelets, make flowers from strands, lay knots and bunches on the back of your head.

Today, choose a worthy look for girls at a school party, young girls at prom, little girls in kindergarten, as easy as shelling pears. In the public domain there are a lot of photo examples with names and types of styling for long, short and medium hair. Air curls, vintage babette, high or low tail, styling with spikes, tiara, loose hair, retro and Greek style - you can repeat all this at home, repeating everything carefully and step by step, as in the photo.

Do-it-yourself prom hairstyles for long hair

In this touching and solemn ball, any girl wants to look the best, so she painstakingly and carefully thinks through her image, on which the final styling, outfit, makeup and shoes will depend in the future.

Looking at the photo of hairstyles made by yourself, you understand that it is really possible to do them yourself, the main thing is to do everything in stages, as in the photo.

Ease, unpretentiousness and naturalness has been the motto of the fashion industry for several years. recent years Therefore, deliberate and special negligence, which hairdressers create with the finest accuracy, is always possible to create by yourself.

Bouffant with a high bun and curled curls - the perfect combination with any evening dress and this option is suitable for girls at a ball in the garden and for school graduation. A child's face will be beautifully decorated with various braids braided at the crown, around the entire head, fish tail, decorated with multi-colored ribbons, crowns and tiaras on loose hair.

Photo examples for inspiration:

Hairstyles for long hair for graduation - lessons with step by step photos:

Simple and fast

The rubber band idea

Prom hairstyles for medium hair

For medium length, asymmetry, hairpins with stones or beads, flowers or ribbons can become a highlight and a unique detail. In this case, it is worth trying the creation of twisted flagella around the head with oblique bangs. Laying the curls on their side, gradually twist them, securing with hairpins. Wind the strands at the temples with a curling iron. Fasten the strands to the right, tucking them from the face to the back of the head. Connect everything and fasten well.

For a hairstyle with a diadem, you will need to make a tail, divide the curls into strands and comb. Before that, slightly wind them and secure around the elastic band with hairpins. You can wear a diadem and sprinkle with varnish.

An elementary high or low knot also begins with a high tail, the ends of which must be twisted, then take a roller and secure everything with invisibility. It is possible to release twisted large strands on the sides. If you are not confident in your abilities, just in case, look at the photo with an accurate description of the implementation of a particular hairstyle in order to choose the appropriate method for you individually.

Hairstyles for graduation 2017 for medium hair:

DIY hairstyles - step by step photo:

Simple and fast idea

Two ideas for medium hair

Hairstyle in 2 minutes (can be decorated with flowers and hairpins)

Hairstyle for graduation with comb

Simple ideas for short hair at home

Looking at fresh photos stars with a short haircut, you understand what a variety of ideas can be embodied with short curls. With the help of hair wax you will emphasize the graceful contour of a short haircut, and mousse and foam will help you create curly curls. After all, the main thing is the competent decoration of naughty short curls.

A simple way out of the situation if you have little time - a pixie haircut can be styled in a simple way. First, wash your hair and dry it so that the tips remain damp. Apply gel or mousse and give them the direction you want.

Evening retro on short curls done with ordinary varnish, mousse or foam. Divide the head into a side parting or in the middle, comb the hair at the crown and fix it with varnish. Comb the side curls behind the ears or smooth over the cheeks, securing with varnish.

Simple hairstyles for short hair for graduation at home:

Careless curls ironing

Hairstyles for a girl at graduation in kindergarten step by step

You can always braid a child in kindergarten on your own long braids or small braids to the shoulders, which are already a full-fledged decoration of a small head. With addition various decorations, your daughter will be a real princess. If you don't know how to weave long curls, then you will go for the option with a low bun and a fleece at the back, which is decorated with a hoop with flowers all over the head or an elegant bow. To do this, start with a bouffant at the top, then gather your hair into a low ponytail and wrap it in a bun, while reinforcing with bobby pins. Carefully put on a beautiful headband and secure with varnish. Another way to form a high knot, for which you will need the ability to weave a reverse French braid. Weave from the base of the neck to the middle of the head, gather the remaining curls into a ponytail and twist around its axis. You can decorate the side with a bow or beautiful rubber band around the knot, or with a bright scarf.

Photo hairstyles for graduation in kindergarten:

step by step photo graduation ideas for girls:

15 do-it-yourself step-by-step hairstyles

Thinking about styling, do not limit yourself to a ponytail or a pigtail! Learn how to create step by step hairstyles with your own hands and be on top.

Everyday styling

Simple hairstyles for short lengths cannot do without French braids, slightly casual and very stylish.

Step 1. Comb in a straight parting.

Step 2. Weave the front strand on the right side into a free French pigtail, grabbing the strands from below. We reach the middle and tie the end.

Step 3-4-5. We do the same on the reverse side.

Step 6-7. We collect both braids at the back of the head and tie with an elastic band.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 96% of shampoos of popular brands contain components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are indicated on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing this chemistry. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Semi French braid

With such an easy hairstyle, you can add zest to your image and stand out from the crowd.

  1. Comb thoroughly. At the back of the head, we separate one strand and begin to weave a classic braid.
  2. On the fifth and sixth link, we weave two side strands into it.
  3. We continue the three-row pigtail and again weave the side strands.
  4. We braid the braid to the end, and tie the end.

Flagella on the side

Quick styling from harnesses is available to each of you. Look at the photo and do it yourself!

  1. We divide the hair into a straight parting.
  2. We tie one part in the tail.
  3. The second is divided into three sections.
  4. From the first we twist the tourniquet, throw it to the tail and wrap it around the elastic band.
  5. We form two more bundles.
  6. We connect them with the tail and fasten with an elastic band.
  7. We decorate with a hairpin.

Irregular fish tail

Step 1. Make a straight or side parting.

Step 2-3. On one side, take a section of hair and braid it into a regular pigtail.

Step 4. Lay the pigtail around the head, directing it towards the back of the head. Secure with a hairpin or invisible.

Step 5-6. Repeat weaving on the other side.

Step 7-8. Throw all your hair to the side and braid it in a fishtail.

Step 9. Tie the tip with silicone rubber.

Do you like ponytail hairstyles? Then you will definitely like this option:

Babette for every day

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for medium hair in the style of the 60s look flawless and make the girl stand out from the crowd.

1. We collect hair in a ponytail. A little lower we tie another elastic band.

2. Raise the tail up. At the level of the second elastic band, we fix it with a hairpin.

3. We place the roller between two rubber bands and fasten it with studs.

4. Lower the tail down.

5. We braid the hair below the elastic band into a pigtail.

6. We hide it under the babette or wrap it around the resulting bundle.

And you can do something like this:

Easy styling in boho-chic style

1. Make a straight parting. At the crown, select one strand.

2. Divide it into three equal parts.

3. Braid a regular pigtail.

4. Tie the tip with silicone rubber.

5. Next, braid another pigtail.

6-7. On the other hand, braid two more pigtails symmetrically to the first two.

8. Tie them together.

9-10. Take a section of hair from the forehead and connect it together with pigtails.

11. Cross both strands and fasten with a hairpin.

See the video for more details:

Like Disney princesses

1. Curl the strands with a curling iron. Hold it upright with the tip down. Wind the front strands towards the face.

2. Twisting the hair at the back of the head, turn the curling iron parallel to the floor.

3. When very thin hair Use a volumizing powder.

4. At the temples, separate a couple of strands.

5. Cross them together and tie them into a knot.

6. Fasten the knot itself with hairpins - try to stick them crosswise right into the weave of the strands.

7. Bring the ends of the connected strands behind the remaining hair and cross them together.

8. Bring the strands forward again, tie into a knot and secure with hairpins.

9. If there is not enough hair for the third knot, take two new strands.

10. Connect the ends of the last knot with the hair and tie with a transparent elastic band.

11. Gently pull on the strands, this will give the hairstyle splendor.

Step 1. Tie your hair into a sleek ponytail at the back of your head.

Step 2. Wrap the base of the tail with a separate strand.

Step 3. Slightly lower (10-15 cm), put on another thin elastic band.

Step 4. Make an inverted tail.

Step 5. Again we retreat 10-15 cm, tie an elastic band and twist the tail.

Step 6. If the length allows, we make a few more of these loops.

Evening Options

3 stylish bundles

At home, you can do this styling - it looks very impressive. Look at the video:

Hairstyle step by step

In order to make a bun for yourself, you will need: Gather your hair into the bun shape that you like and secure with invisibility. A very beautiful hairstyle for long hair, which is easy to do for yourself at home: For a simple hairstyle for long hair at home, you need to take: Braid the spikelet, stretch the braid strands and braid the ponytail inside the braid. Take the strands that you left on the side and weave randomly into the main braid. Fix them with invisibility inside the main braid.

cute and easy hairstyles with step by step instructions

Beautiful tail for not very long thick hair quick hairstyle to do to myself at home: To do light beautiful ponytail for every day you have to prepare: Tie another elastic band below and do the same, so until the very end of the hair. Hair bow in 10 minutes to yourself at home step by step: How to make a hair bow, what you need for this home: Bun - step by step to make yourself in 3 minutes for medium length hair: What you need for a bun at home: Simple weaving for every day for long hair step by step instructions from the photo: To make yourself a chain of hair weaving you need: Take 2 strands on the sides and wrap around the middle part of the tail, tie with an elastic band.

Repeat these steps until the end of the length of the hair and pull out all the strands at the end. The hairstyle looks great, you will spend 10 minutes on it, but the environment will be confused, how did you even manage to create such a weave. Comb your hair, if necessary - wind it on curlers, sprinkled with tonic. From the parting, from the side of most of the hair, separate three small neat strands. Weave a braid to a line that conditionally divides the back of the head into two equal parts.

Separate three strands on the other side of the parting. Weave a braid from them to a line dividing the back of the head into two equal parts. Connect both braids with a thin elastic band. Close the elastic band with a ribbon, flower or hairpin. Elegant knot Exquisite knots of long hair - a great way to emphasize the elegance and sophistication of the image.

If you plan to leave a dropdown from the node long strand, then the hair should be wound on large curlers. Fix a free tail at the base of the neck. Divide the tail into two unequal strands - a large and a smaller one. Lay the smaller strand gracefully around the base of the tail, securely fixing it with hairpins.

Hairstyles in stages

If desired, at this stage, the hairstyle can be completed. If you intend to continue the hairstyle, you should perform styling around the base of the tail of both strands. At the same time, their centimeter tips must be left free.

The loose ends of the strands must be tied in a knot and beautifully fixed with hairpins. Elegant bouffant Hairstyles with bouffant significantly increase the volume of hair and look very elegant. They are especially suitable for blondes who want to create a light and romantic look.

Such styling is extremely simple to perform. Comb your hair, lightly spraying them with a spray with minimal fixation. If desired, they can be pre-wound on curlers.

Quick and beautiful hairstyles step by step / hairstyles step by step photo

On the crown and back of the head, separate strands of medium volume and perform a neat pile at the very base of the strands. In the direction from the face, collect the side strands and stab them with a thin elastic band or a small hair clip. Hairstyles for medium hair Natural waves The styling, which currently looks ultra modern, suggests a very natural appearance. At the same time, a mandatory feature of the current hairstyle is its convenience and ease of execution. Collect the hair growing on the crown of the head along with the bangs into a ponytail, twisting it into a high knot. Divide the rest of the hair mass into equal strands. Carefully wind each strand onto the curling iron, alternating as follows: This will allow you to get a very natural result.

Fix curled hair with a spray.

DIY hairstyles for medium hair: step by step tutorials

Headings: For women, Makeup Beauty Hair | Tags: hairstyles | 03.11.2017

The average hair length is considered the most "critical". Every day you struggle with the temptation to cut your hair even shorter and the desire to be patient and still let go of the curls more authentic. The usual haircut gets boring, you want novelty ... And it turns out that you can be different every day! To do this, we have selected the simplest, but incredibly beautiful do-it-yourself hairstyles for medium hair - you can make them in a matter of minutes.

Pigtail with woven scarf

And not just a pigtail, but beautiful crown from weaving around the head. And if you weave a scarf or scarf (yes, any piece of fabric) of bright colors into it, you will be just the queen of the evening - and these are the most original do-it-yourself hairstyles for medium hair (photo below).


Step number 1: divide the hair into 2 parts and secure the scarf at the back of the head (with a thin rubber band or invisible) - this is necessary so that it does not slip while you are braiding.

Step number 2: braid two braids from the back of the head on both sides of the head, weaving a scarf or fabric instead of one of the three strands.

Step #3: Lift the braids up along the head, pin them at the top.

Step #4: To keep the braids from slipping, use a few hairpins or bobby pins along their entire length, attaching to the bulk of the hair.

Step number 5: Tie the loose sections of the scarf into a beautiful knot (and for this, initially choose a scarf or scarf longer than your hair).

Step number 6-7-8: you can make not a bow, but a beautiful rose from the ends of the scarf - just tie a lot of knots along the entire length of the remaining scarf and roll the resulting tourniquet into bulk flower by securing it with a hairpin. Voila: a quick do-it-yourself hairstyle for medium hair is ready!

Hippie headband

A great option for everyday styling, which easily turns into a solemn one. This do-it-yourself hairstyle for medium hair step by step involves frequent fishtail weaving. But if you don’t know exactly how to do it, you can also braid a completely ordinary classic three-strand braid.

Step #1: To start, curl your hair into light waves using a narrow flat iron or voluminous curling iron.


Step #2: Divide the curls into a parting in the middle and start weaving braids from the forehead. Make two loose braids on both sides of the head.

Step number 3: tie the braids at the back of the head, lifting them up, secure with a hairpin, invisible, use an additional elastic band if necessary. Leave free protruding tails of braids - this gives mischief and originality!


low beam

All kinds of bunches are the easiest do-it-yourself hairstyles for medium hair, and they are perfect for long hair. They can be made for a walk, to the office, and even for a gala evening out, decorating in this case with a ribbon, a bright hairpin or a fresh flower.


Step number 1: make a high bouffant at the crown, separating a few strands and combing them from the inside, and covering them with smooth curls on top.

Step #2-3-4: Gather your hair into a low ponytail near your neck, secure it with an elastic band. Pull a couple of strands up so that they lie freely and create the volume made before this pile.

Step #5: Comb your ponytail too.

Step #6: Make a bun with pins and bobby pins.

Step #7: Tie it nicely with the ends of the ponytail so that neither elastic nor hairpins are visible.

Step number 8: curl the bangs and the strands remaining in front near the face beautifully with a curling iron. That's all, a beautiful do-it-yourself hairstyle for medium hair is ready!

french braid

Everyone loves the classic French braid! No time for complicated styling? This is a great option for medium length curls. Do not know how to make such a hairstyle for medium hair with your own hands? Step-by-step instruction will help you:


Step #1: Section off the top section of your hair (about 1/3) at the crown of your head.

Step #2: Divide this section into three even strands and start braiding like a normal braid.

Step #3: After the first "link" of the braid, take some of the hair away from the head with the main strands. Repeat this with each new "link" so that in the end all the hair is in the weave.

Step number 4: reaching the neck, secure the hair with an elastic band, leaving the free part of it in the ponytail.

dutch braid

It turns out that there is not only a French braid, but also a Dutch one - no less beautiful and original, which is also suitable for a variety of occasions. You can find such hairstyles for medium hair with your own hands on the Internet, and we offer a simple step-by-step guide with a photo.

Step #1: Just like in the French braid, separate three strands at the crown and start braiding.

Step number 2: only you need to weave not a closed, but a so-called open, “turned inside out” braid. To do this, lay the two side strands not on top of the middle one, but UNDER it.

Step number 3-4-5-6: in the main strands, as well as in the French braid, you need to add strands from the head. Do not forget that the side strands cross UNDER it!

Step #7: Finish the braid to the end, gathering all the hair into it.

Step 8: Braid the free ponytail all the way to the end.

Step #9: Now fold the loose braid into a low flower bun (you can place it in the center or on the side, whichever you prefer). It turns out very nice, doesn't it?

How to make long hair short?

This is what we wrote about above - almost a daily temptation to cut your hair, as your medium-length hair is already fed up ... But it turns out that it is not necessary to cut your hair! You can easily make short hair out of long hair - and below we tell you how.

Step #1: Divide your hair into two sections - top and bottom, making a horizontal parting at about ear level.

Step #2: Secure the top so it doesn't get in your way.

Step number 3: gather the lower part into a ponytail right at the horizontal parting.

Step #4: And wrap this ponytail in a small bun, trying to make it as inconspicuous as possible and secure with bobby pins.

Step #5: Let down the top section of hair that you pinned before.

Step number 6: dissolve one strand, folding it in half and fixing it with a hairpin or invisible to the roots of the hair, adhering to the length you want to achieve (for example, in the photo this is the length as in the bob haircut).

Step #7: Use a curling iron to curl your hair for a more natural look.

Step #8: Put on your favorite hairpin, beautiful bow or flower and your short “pseudo haircut” is ready!

The best options for wearing a bandage or scarf

If in point number 1 we already briefly talked about weaving with a ribbon, now we want to remember again about the scarf - it is incredibly refreshing and transforms any hairstyle! And here are the top 5, in our opinion, options for medium length hair.

Separate the top part of the hair, you can lightly comb it at the crown and make a "half" ponytail. Now tie a scarf around your head so that the fleece is clearly visible. You can fix it with several invisible ones. You are just Brigitte Bardot!

On loose hair, tie a scarf around the head, also securing it with invisibility. Now collect hair one strand, starting from the face on both sides and moving back to the back of the head. Tuck the strands behind the scarf, twisting them inward completely. A couple more hairpins - and the Greek styling is ready!

Divide your hair into two equal parts - left and right. Put the scarf on your shoulders, and braid two pigtails, weaving one end of the scarf into the braids. Now just lift the braids up along the head and tie the ends of the scarf. Additionally, fix the hair with hairpins.

Make two high ponytails on both sides of the head at the crown. Gather them into voluminous bundles - let you get the "ears" of Mickey Mouse. Now just tie a scarf around your head with beautiful bow- and the naughty hairstyle is ready!

A little more complex, but incredibly beautiful styling. Do as in option No. 2 - tie a scarf around your head over your loose hair, but from behind lift it a little higher at the back of your head. And now tuck strands of hair into it, but not all of it completely, but only a part, so that the lower part of the curls remains hanging freely. You can alternate a simple strand with a thin braid - this will turn out a beautiful embossed "pattern" on a scarf.

Well, now you have learned how to make great hairstyles for medium hair with your own hands in stages - with the help of our detailed instructions. Agree, you are a real lucky woman, because it is not difficult to cope with such a length of hair. Such styling and weaving will a real find both for every day and for a festive evening.

Hairstyles for the last call for girls should be as emphasize the youth of their owners. The hairstyle should be restrained, cute, youthful and of course fit the face.

Below are a few hairstyles for the last call, which you can easily do with your own hands, following the photo and video instructions.

A photo

Cute bow from spikelet

A spikelet bow hairstyle is great for the last call, especially if you decorate your creation with a bow. This hairstyle adds a bit of volume at the crown, suits any type of face and can be done on both medium and long hair.

How to make a cute bow hairstyle?

  1. Comb your hair, and collect a strand from the temporal and frontal parts of the hair at the top of your head.
  2. Divide the strand into three parts, grabbing the strands at the temples and behind the ears.
  3. Weave a spikelet to the middle of the head and collect with an elastic band, like.
  4. Take a ribbon or bow and collect the hair by threading the ribbon around the neck under the hair.
  5. Tie a bow in the place where the malvina is fixed.

In this video you can see how to braid a spikelet for a bow hairstyle with a spikelet:

Side fishtail braid for long hair

High bun with spikelet for medium hair

A high bun with a spikelet is a variation of the popular one with the help of a donut. This hairstyle will add height to little girls and slightly stretch a round face.

How to make a high bun hairstyle with a spikelet?

  1. Bend down and flip your hair, as in photo 1.
  2. Comb your hair and highlight a strand of hair at the back of your head.
  3. Divide this strand into three parts and start a regular braid.
  4. Weave a spikelet, grabbing the side strands, as in photo 2.
  5. Finish the spikelet at the crown, collect a ponytail from the hair and secure with an elastic band.
  6. Stand up straight and put a bagel on the tail for a bunch.
  7. Spread the hair evenly over the donut and tie with an elastic band, as in photo 5.
  8. Wrap the remaining strands around the base of the bundle and secure with stealth.

You can decorate your hair with a bow by attaching it at the back, as in the photo, or at the front.

In this video you can see how to make a hairstyle for the last call with a spikelet and a high bun:

Malvina with a rose of hair

How to make a malvina hairstyle with a rose?

  1. Comb your hair and select two strands from the area behind the ears.
  2. Fill the front strands and the middle between the selected hair, as in photo 1.
  3. Gather these two strands together and tie with an elastic band.
  4. From the collected ponytail, start weaving a regular pigtail to the very ends of the hair.
  5. Secure the pigtail with an elastic band and twist, as in photo 4.
  6. You get a cute rose, which you need to properly fix with stealth and fix with varnish.

In this video, you can see another version of the hairstyle for the last call with a hair rosette decoration.

Beautiful long hair always attracts the eye. But even with a chic head of hair, sometimes you want drastic changes: cut your bangs or make it extreme. short haircut. But do not rush to part with such wealth, so that later you do not have to regret a spontaneous decision. After all, you can easily diversify long hair with the help of unusual hairstyles at least every day. Consider the most beautiful hairstyles for long hair that are relevant this year.

Hairstyles for every day for long hair: simple and tasteful

Usually long hair is considered to reach the shoulder blades. This amount of hair opens up a huge scope for the imagination of a hairdresser-stylist. There are many ways to style overgrown curls so that they do not interfere and look attractive and modern. This time we will take on the responsible hairdressing role in order to master the elementary, but nevertheless very stylish options for everyday outings.

We make a simple hairstyle "Inverted tail"

The described styling is done incredibly quickly and is suitable for a five-minute visit to the nearest store, as well as for any more serious events: a work meeting, exams at the university or a date with your loved one.

Inverted ponytail - video

Next hairstyle - "Romantic bun"

  1. Be sure to comb your hair with a fleece.
  2. At the level of the top of the head, lift all the hair up and twist a tourniquet out of them, from which you will get an excellent bunch.
  3. Fix the shape with pins.
  4. Carefully pull out thin strands with different sides beam and on the back of the head.

A sort of free styling will suit young girls. It is appropriate, as the name implies, on a date, as well as during walks in cheerful company girlfriends.

Quick hairstyle #3 - ponytail plus braid

If you love tying a ponytail and love traditional braids just as much, this step-by-step instruction is for you:

  1. Prepare an elastic band that is close in shade to the color of the hair. Fix it with a high ponytail, after combing all the strands back.
  2. From the bottom of the ponytail we take a small bundle of hair and weave from it a simple pigtail. If you know how, you can weave a fish tail.
  3. Now wrap the braid around the elastic at the base of the tail and attach it with the help of invisible.

The most collected hairstyles from long hair can be obtained using a special voluminous elastic bagel.

Even with this elementary device for the implementation of hairdressing ideas, you can perform a lot of styling options.

Prepare for experiments with a hairdressing bagel the following accessories:

When everything is ready, let's start mastering hairstyles with a donut.


It will take no more than 5 minutes.

  1. Comb your hair well.
  2. We'll tie thin rubber band hair gathered high at the back of the head.
  3. On top we put on an already denser elastic band - a bagel. We distribute all the curls evenly over the roller.
  4. We repeat the familiar action again - we put on the second thin elastic band on top.
  5. We wrap the remaining free strands at the base of the beam and fasten with a hairpin.

Bundle with a donut - video

Bundle with twisted strands

It will take a little more time and effort.

Alternative way to use a donut

Let's study it together:

  1. We are preparing a very high ponytail on the head.
  2. Raise the hair up and fix the ends in the center of the donut.
  3. Slowly and carefully turn the roller out until it is at the very base of the tail.
  4. With your fingers, we straighten the strands unevenly distributed over the roller.
  5. We fix the styling with hairpins and varnish.

Hairstyles with loose long hair

If you want to show luxurious hair in all its glory, but do it in an original way, there are several ways for you to beautifully style your hair.

You can make waves or curls with curlers or tongs. Remember that with fairly long hair, this type of styling requires mandatory reliable fixation with varnish. Heavy curls tend to straighten out quickly. Use a heat protectant before curling so that the health of the hairs is not compromised due to aggressive exposure.

Simple curlers are the choice of patient young ladies. You need to wind them up at night, but wash your hair first and dry it slightly. If you don’t dry your hair enough, by morning the curls will remain wet, and you don’t need any extra hassle with a hair dryer in the early hours of a hurry. By making the hair completely dry before winding, you can not achieve elastic curls and long-term retention of shape.

To wavy your hair with a braid before bed, pre-moisturize your hair with a mist of plain water from a spray bottle.

Waves on long hair look many times more spectacular, do not miss the opportunity to experiment with this vividly. Curls will give natural volume to thinned hairs, draw attention to the face, emphasize charm, playfulness, romance in the character of the lady. That's why curly hairstyle for long hair is most appropriate for a date, a magnificent celebration and a friendly dance party.

Perfectly straight curls with a mirror shine - dazzling beauty! To achieve this effect is very easy, follow only 2 steps:

  1. Straighten combed strands with a hair dryer and a comb or flat iron.
  2. Apply a special glitter spray.

Aligned hair will appear even longer and more seductive, so don't give up on this styling.

Add some flair to loose hair: gather the front strands and pull them back. This technique will open the face, make the image as a whole prettier and more tender. Try several ways:

  • the front strands are taken, divided into two segments and stabbed at the back of the head;
  • from the curls taken above the forehead, we form a pile and fix it behind with a hairpin;
  • the hair in front can be easily twisted into a pair of bundles and connected at the back of the head, similarly, try to braid two thin pigtails.

Styling with a bandage for long hair

Designer headbands look great and stylish on loose long hair. They can be purchased in departments with hairdressing jewelry. Suitable for both wavy and straightened hair.

The bandage is easy to make at home. All you need is love for painstaking manual work.

From beads, remnants of fabric and leather, you can make a hair ornament with an individual character. Headbands made of beads and beads look great in several rows.

The bandage is worn in several ways: put on horizontally on the forehead, slightly at an angle, or as a headband.

ponytail hairstyle options

For those who diligently grow their hair after a short cut, the opportunity to tie a ponytail becomes a real joy. This means that soon it will be possible to experiment with the most beautiful hairstyles for long hair.

The ponytail is by no means boring styling. It can be implemented in such a way that any magnificent hairstyle will remain on the sidelines, losing to her in extraordinary and attractiveness.

Learn how to make an unusual tail of hair step by step.

Option 1 - braided tail

  1. Above the forehead, select a wide strand and weave a braid out of it towards the crown. Such a pigtail is called French, when weaving, additional strands are gradually added.
  2. We tie a ponytail, grabbing a braid woven to the back of the head with an elastic band.
  3. You can wind the end of the pigtail around the elastic and stab it with an invisible one.

Youth hairstyle will completely open the face, and at the same time the ears. Why not a chance to demonstrate new chic earrings?!

Option 2 - ponytail braid

  1. We comb the hair and fix the high tail with a tight elastic band.
  2. Divide the ponytail into two identical parts and twist them in a clockwise direction.
  3. We connect two bundles, crossing the bundles of hair. Get a kind of rope.
  4. We tie the end of the braid with a second elastic band of the same color.

The considered method of tying a ponytail is perfect for very long hair, since due to twisting, the length of the hair will noticeably decrease.

Hairstyle is appropriate on the treadmill: now, when playing sports, you will look irresistible and fashionable. You can also braid the harness for other outdoor activities, such as a picnic or travel.

Hair does not interfere, does not get dirty and looks stylish. What else do you need for a comfortable pastime in nature with close people?!

The ponytail of hair with fleece looks very bold and provocatively. We make a bouffant of arbitrary volume on top - it will visually lengthen the round face. To round an elongated face, bouffant is performed on the sides.

Fashionable long hair braids

Pigtails are back on the catwalks. Moreover, even a traditional braid with a parting in the center of the head is considered fashionable. Two pigtails in the back fit not only schoolgirls. From Slavic history it is known that just married adults began to wear two pigtails instead of one. Therefore, do not be afraid to seem ridiculous, especially if you can boast of the density of your hair and its healthy shine.

Try on the look with two braids

A careless pigtail is bold and trendy!

It is desirable to weave it from the side, making an asymmetrical parting at the same time. Slightly loosen the loops of the finished braid in turn, leave it to lie on your shoulder. For reliability, pin the parting in front with invisibles.

Pigtail plus flower - modest, but very beautiful

You will need a hairpin or elastic band with a large artificial flower, the head of an open rose will be a win-win choice.

We make a parting to one side and weave a braid 2 cm wide from the base of the parting and almost to the back of the head. We attach our flower above the ear, pinning the braid.

Preparing a festive styling for long hair

Want more boldness in the image? Weave a real mohawk!

  1. Hair is collected at the level of the central parting.
  2. A thick French braid is woven from the forehead and to the very end of the nape.
  3. At the end, the loops of the braids are pulled up and fixed with varnish.

Iroquois braid - video


Going to the celebration with the whole family, arrange a joint transformation of style. Interesting and beautiful children's hairstyles are done in a jiffy.

  • Braid the girl on the sides french braids, connecting them at the level of the back of the head with a magnificent bow.
  • Another wonderful option is with a donut: fasten a roller on the back of the head according to a well-known pattern, weave an additional braid, and wrap it around a voluminous bundle.


There are many variations men's hairstyles for long hair:

Men's hair is considered long if it grows below the level of the chin. Then a wide scope for hairdressing fantasies opens up. Of course, you can’t experiment with multi-colored hairpins, but you can collect stylish and courageous ponytails with rubber bands.

The peak of fashion in the 30s of the XIX century - short hair styled in waves. In the 40s, they were abandoned, because during the difficult war years, many hairdressers closed, and it was difficult for women to make these waves on their own.

Therefore, fashionistas began to urgently grow their hair. Moreover, it is easier to lay long and without outside help. So there were curls, rollers, rings above the forehead and a bunch at the back. Sometimes hidden under a mesh.

Surprisingly, the style formed in those years is still fashionable and relevant, so it will not be superfluous to learn how to do the hairstyles of the war years on your own. Moreover, men like it when a woman has long and

vintage look

We will teach you how that conquered the whole country in the 40s. But to look harmonious, you need the same style in clothes and makeup. Therefore, look for a simple cut dress, buy bright red lipstick, line your eyes with black pencil, and you will be visible from afar. Retro today is incredibly fashionable and stylish.

And now attention - on a head. For a hairstyle of the war years (from long hair), two rollers are needed. One is larger than the other.

The procedure is as follows: twist the hair outward so that it looks up. Make a hole. Curl the ends of the hair with tongs.

Comb one strand lightly along the entire length. Then it must be carefully wound around the finger.

Next: attach the roller to the crown so that you get a ring. Hairpins on both sides hold it and are not visible.

Now we are doing a similar roller on the other side. He is like the first. That is, you twisted the first strand to the left, then the second should be to the right.

Finally, fixing the hairstyles of the war years. If the rollers are stable and firmly seated on the head, then go through the hair with varnish.

Everything, you are ready to go out.

Victorian curls

The iconic women's hairstyles of the war years are still Victorian curls. They are elegant, light, beautiful. And they will distinguish you from the crowd at any evening, even in a large hall. These are the most war years. 40 years also proved that this option is practical. The wind, in any case, is not terrible for curls.

We offer instructions for creating beautiful free curls. But first, get thermal curlers (you can use a hair dryer), clothespins and invisible, combs for bouffant. You also need a high-quality varnish and a brush (from pig bristles). She smoothes her hair well, removes "roosters". Invisible hair clips are also needed.

Step by step

Hair dryer give the hair the necessary volume. We fix the strands with clothespins, which we then remove.

We divide the hair into four parts. We fix each strand. At the bangs, we select a piece in the center of the crown. On the left side we take one part of the hair. We do the same with the right side. The rest of the hair is at the back of the head.

We separate each strand in small vertical layers no thicker than two centimeters, we comb. Loosely twist them into a curl. Hold the curl firmly with your finger. If it turned out beautiful, we pin it and fix it with varnish.

Carefully comb the bangs. We smooth the curls at the base of the hair with a brush so that there are no irregularities. And we also wrap this strand in a curl.

Now you need to wind the bangs on three fingers (without using the thumb and little finger). Please note: the size of this curl should be equal to the largest of the curls. We fix it. When the second one continues it, they will become one big roller.

We make a pile on the back of the head. Smooth out unevenness with a brush.

With the help of hairpins, we lay the curls in a row along the back of the head. We leave two centimeters between it and other hair. Hairpins should be positioned so that one is higher than the other.

The row is ready and fixed. We divide the loose hair into two side parts and one central part. We comb each one lightly. Wrap strand by strand around the hand. It turns out the shape of a curl. We fix it in the right place.

These curls should be the same size. And then, putting everything together, we will see a wide, large curl. He will repeat the hairline at the back of the head.

Now we spray everything with varnish. Victorian curls are ready.

There is also another kind. It is only necessary to curl the hair at the back on large curlers and dissolve freely.

vintage mid length

And here are other hairstyles of the war years. How to make them, now we will tell. They are more suitable for those who have hair that is not long and not short.

First we make a hole. Straight (without bangs) or oblique (with bangs). Slightly curl the ends of the hair.

Separate the front strand. We comb it along the entire length. We twist on the finger. The resulting tube, lifting up, is fixed with hairpins.

On the other side, we symmetrically make a similar roller. We fasten with hairpins. It remains to use a fixing varnish.

Such wartime hairstyles not only look great all evening, but can also last until the morning.

A dress of a simple cut (and preferably with a round collar), bright eyes highlighted in bold pencil - and you are simply charming!

new trend

See how girls and women style their hair today. Differently. But there are a lot of braids. Well, it has established itself in world fashion new trend- hairstyles of the war years. Braids in them are the main decoration.

If you look at the photos of previous years, you can see that Soviet women did not get tired of conjuring over their appearance even in the most difficult times. It turned out beautiful, feminine and cute. An example is two pigtails thrown over the chest. Or one thick, luxurious, going down the back.

And how many types of "donuts", "baskets" were there, when the tip of one pigtail was hooked to the base of another!

Striking hairstyles of the war years. How to make such a miracle when there was a war? The men are at the front. The women themselves worked for days in the rear. But they weren't discouraged. They were creative and cheerful!

The return of the old trend

If earlier all these rings above the ears, the chains around the girl’s head were made to tidy appear at school, institute, in the workshop at the factory, now braids are worn on the fashion catwalk and even at the most elite evening parties.

Today, stylists combine different variations of braids in one hairstyle. It turns out the whole work.

Are you in a hurry? Very well

Having returned to fashion today, the hairstyles of the war years forced hairdressers, and fashionistas, too, to be as creative as possible. So, now the trend is deliberate carelessness of styling, asymmetry, protruding “roosters”, which were simply unacceptable before! And also the volume that goes straight from the roots of the hair, the connection of several different braids, each with complex weaves.

At the same time, the braid should look like you braided it in a big hurry. Or they fell into bed at night, and in the morning they didn’t even go to the mirror.

There are many hairstyle options. This is a braid coming from the tail, and a tourniquet, and a “spikelet”, and a “fish tail”, and much, much more that your imagination is only capable of.

Good example

Years (1941-1945) today surprise with their chic, sophistication, originality. What is worth styling with a light wave, which the people called "victorious curls"! Many made it on the anniversary of the Victory.

Whatever the times - hard or calm, happy or not, a woman should always remain beautiful and seductive. In this sense, the hairstyles of the war years (1941-1945) are an excellent example for us.