Instructions for stretching the finished embroidery into a frame. DIY needlework: how to arrange embroidery in a beautiful frame

A picture embroidered with your own hands is quite often placed in a frame. You can buy it in a specialized store, guided by your own preferences, or you can try to make it yourself. In addition, to decorate an embroidered image, you can take a simple photo frame and decorate it according to your own taste, using improvised means (beads, pebbles, shells, glass, etc.). So, in this review we will talk about embroidery, and what you need to think about in order for everything to turn out well.

Some features of the design of embroidery in a frame

Naturally, you can always turn to the workshops for help. They will be able to do everything with high quality, and the work will be done in the shortest possible time. Yes, and you can spend your time on some other activity than on creating beautiful design. All that is required of a person is to choose a style that will display baguette frames for embroidery. However, it is more interesting to do it yourself. In addition, when creating a product with your own hands, you can fully reveal your taste preferences and do everything so that the product looks perfect in a certain design.

In order for the frame to serve as an excellent decoration, when creating it, you will need to be guided by the general style of housing. Or you can just make sure that its style matches the style of embroidery. In addition, you should pay attention to some recommendations that will not be superfluous.

First, when it is required to take into account its thematic focus. For example, stories, animals and still lifes will look perfect in a wooden frame. If the embroidery depicts the sea, then you should use a plastic frame, which will be additionally decorated, such as shells. Children's drawings will look great in a cardboard frame. Summing up the above, we can say that the frame for embroidery should not only match the features of the picture, but also emphasize them.

Secondly, do not forget about the shape of the frame. It will also largely depend directly on the embroidery. It is worth emphasizing that the silhouette must completely repeat the outlines that the embroidered with my own hands composition. Therefore, an oval, rectangular, square or round embroidery frame can be used.

Thirdly, you need to choose the right size. Small compositions will look just great in this type of frame, from which there is an indent from the embroidery that exceeds two centimeters. In addition, it is required to create a frame that will not touch the edges of the image.

Fourth, the color of the frame should be selected in the color scheme, which prevails in the embroidered composition, or, conversely, in a tone that is rarely found in the composition.

The first way to create a passe-partout

Before you frame the embroidery, you will need to stretch it on a passe-partout. When creating it, you can use cardboard, which will be cut out in a shape characteristic of the composition. In order to do this, the embroidery must be placed face down on a flat surface. In the center of the canvas should be placed the base of the cardboard. After that, you need to bend the edges of the embroidery and sweep them so that the material stretches. After that, the composition is placed in a frame, covered with a sheet of plywood and fastened with small nails. Everything should be done carefully and carefully so that the front of the received product is not damaged.

The second way to create a passe-partout

Passe-partout can also be made so that the cardboard is visible and plays the role of a background for the entire composition. To achieve this, it is necessary to cut out a silhouette in the middle of the cardboard base according to the size of the picture itself. Then the resulting model is placed on top of the embroidery itself. The resulting product is covered on the reverse side with another sheet of cardboard and fixed with carnations. Such a passe-partout can be inserted into a separately made frame, or you can leave it as it is. The result will be a frame for embroidery made of cardboard.

Making a picture after creating a frame

When placing an embroidered picture in a frame, attention should be paid to those visual features that are characteristic of a person. Embroidery should be placed in a frame so that the picture is in the center. In other words, it is required to make sure that the embroidery is not shifted to any one edge.

It is worth thinking about the design of the front part of the embroidery with glass. If the composition is located under it, then you don’t have to worry that it will be covered with dust and lose its original saturation. To prevent the image from being distorted, a small distance must be left between the glass and the embroidery.

How can I glue a wood frame?

Many people very often have a question about how a do-it-yourself frame for embroidery can be made, how to glue wooden elements together with high quality and correctly. In this case, curly profiles need to be joined into a "mustache". In other words, the edges of the parts must be cut at an angle equal to 45 degrees. In order for the embroidery frame to turn out to be of high quality, without gaps in the glued places, you will need to use special clamps that are being improved day by day.

There are several ways to glue wood frames. The first is to use But this method has certain inconveniences. Not all clamps can be used to create small frames.

The second option is not widely used. It consists in the fact that the parts to be glued are pulled together with a rubber tape, which is tied in the form of a loop. In order to use this method, you need to have some skills. In addition, you will need to very accurately cut the ends at a certain angle. Both methods should be described in more detail.

The first option for gluing the frame

In order to make a frame for embroidery with your own hands, you need to design a flat square platform using chipboard or thick plywood for this. Along the edges, it will be necessary to fix the support bars with self-tapping screws. You should pay attention to the fact that the bars should be located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to each other. To do everything accurately, you need to use a metal square.

After that, it is necessary to take pre-prepared wood parts, the ends of which are already sawn down, and apply an adhesive solution to them. Then, you need to take two long clamps and tighten the parts tightly enough. During compression, you should monitor the corners of the frames so that they are pulled together not only tightly, but also without shifts.

Tightening the frame with a rubber band or rope

Now let's discuss the option when a frame for embroidery made of wood is created by tightening with rubber bands. To do this, it is necessary to make a base with four persistent bars, and not with two, as was the case in the previous case. The corners of the frame will be pulled together from the inside with a rubber band, rope or cable. AT classic version all corners should be tightened with a single bolt, and the stop corners will need to be installed on 4 slats located diagonally.

The whole complexity of this method lies in the creation of the construction itself for contraction. Having created once, you can use it further in the manufacture of other frames.

Creating a frame from a ceiling plinth

In order to get a beautiful frame for embroidery, you do not need to make every effort and look for some expensive materials. Everything can be done from a simple plinth. To do this, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Plinth made of foam or polystyrene.
  2. Adhesive solution, with which you can firmly glue all the parts to each other. An excellent option can be the glue that is used when installing ceiling tiles. But for real ideal solution will use
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Miter box.
  5. Coloring agent.
  6. Line with a marker.

If you suddenly have doubts that this frame will not have high strength, then you should remember the purpose of embroidery - it will hang on the wall and delight with its beautiful appearance. Therefore, such an indicator as strength does not play an important role here. Much more important is lightness and durability. And these figures for the tiles are at a high level.

What needs to be done to get a beautiful frame?

First of all, you will need to carefully measure the embroidery so that the frame fits perfectly. After that, all dimensions are applied to the plinth using a ruler and a marker. The miter box is necessary in order to qualitatively and evenly cut the ends at an angle of 45 degrees. Before you start gluing the parts obtained as a result of the above work, you will need to put them together. This must be done in order to make sure that all parties agree. When all checks are done, it is necessary to apply an adhesive solution to the ends of the parts from the plinth. Then the parts are fastened together until the glue dries. It is not necessary to use a special tool for this. Details from the skirting board can be easily pressed against each other with your own hands.

Finishing the frame

After you get a frame for embroidery from the plinth, you will need to paint it. The color scheme is chosen according to certain taste preferences, as well as in full accordance with the embroidered composition. As a result, the resulting version will look quite beautiful and elegant. The embroidery itself can be glued to the frame using the same adhesive solution. Glass is not required.

There are a great many options

It should be understood that there are a lot of options for creating a frame. They do not end with those described above. Dough, shells, paper or newspaper can be used as materials for the frame. A rather elegant solution can be a beautiful frame for embroidery, decorated with beads.

Having shown a little imagination and originality, any craftswoman can cope with the task and decorate her house with the help of a beautiful and original composition.

They say that even primitive people, sewing skins, decorated clothes with embroideries from hemp fibers or bundles of wool. Over time, fish bones and wood needles were replaced by their existing analogues, strips of leather were replaced by threads and canvas, and embroidery itself acquired so many varieties and became so popular that it is almost impossible not to meet it in any culture. Mouline thread, wool, silk, glass beads, silver, gold and even paper - this is not a complete list of what you can embroider. I don’t even talk about what embroidery is applied to - the choice of material is limited solely by the imagination of the master.
The accessibility and relative simplicity of this art made it popular among needlewomen. “Hooking on a needle” is really very difficult to stop: crosses fascinate and tighten, the process of embroidery soothes and relaxes, and the results delight and bring pleasure. That's what MirSovetov wants to talk about today. What to do with the product of embroidery impulses? And if these impulses are like seeds in a sunflower field? We offer our thoughts on the design of finished embroideries.

Making embroidery in baguette workshops

The easiest and most expensive way. Good framing workshops help to professionally choose a frame (color, width, size, pattern), offer curly mats (oval, round, square, with various slots), give advice on the overall color scheme. However, there are certain downsides to this design. The first is the already mentioned cost of the finished work, professional baguettes are not a cheap pleasure.

In my opinion, it makes sense to spend money on such a design only in the case of framing a large, serious embroidery, small motifs with an expensive baguette will be simply priceless.
When choosing a framing workshop, ask how its employees stretch the embroidery onto the substrate. The most competent and reliable option is a stretch from the inside out with threads. Embroidery is placed on the substrate of the desired color (white if it is a white canvas, black if it is black, red if it is red, and so on), the edges are folded over to the reverse side and sewn with threads on the reverse side in a certain sequence, evenly tightening in this way fabric, providing an even, sufficiently dense tension of the material. If necessary, change the baguette (outdated, tired, spoiled, disliked) or, for example, wash the embroidery, the canvas is painlessly removed from the substrate - the threads do not spoil it.
However, the method is laborious and requires certain skills, so many workshops use double-sided tape. This is not the worst option in terms of fabric safety: the main thing is to choose a high-quality and gentle adhesive tape, leaving no marks on the canvas. The downside is loose and uneven tension.
The most terrible way of stretching for your work is glue: not only does it immediately nullify all possible further manipulations with embroidery, it also often spoils appearance work. It happens that the glue seeps out of the baguette, because of it the fabric next to the glued part may turn yellow, sometimes careless handling of the glue (the baguette worker accidentally dripped onto the canvas) leads to stains appearing on visible parts of the embroidery. However, given the low cost of the method, this method is used, unfortunately, quite often.
In a good workshop, you will always be offered to cover the embroidery with glass. There are two opposite opinions. Supporters of glass believe that it logically completes the work, gives it a designed and neat look. Opponents say that the rich structure of the embroidered work is not visible under the glass, halftones, the smallest transitions are hidden, “liveness” is lost.

Definitely, you should not cover the paintings embroidered with beads with glass - this way you will kill all their beauty, juiciness, attractiveness. I do not recommend readers of MirSovetov to cover with glass and voluminous works in which various techniques embroidery. But if you plan to hang your result of many hours of piling over a canvas in an ordinary room and are not going to literally blow dust off it every day, do not hesitate and order glass. Do not forget that there are anti-reflective coatings (they are more expensive, but they also look much more solid on embroidery).

In general, before heading to the framing workshop, it is worth remembering a few basic rules in order to understand what in question and be able to make their own decisions. Disappointment from a mismatch between the vision of the finished work by the designer and your expectations can spoil the mood for a very long period.

Remember that the color of the passe-partout is selected to match the second main color of the embroidery. For example, if red poppies, combined with the greenery of leaves and stems, are the leading motive at work, you should look for a passe-partout among blanks of green shades. Sometimes, in order to emphasize one or another color in the work or to combine a series of embroideries with a common design, they make a double (and, sometimes, triple) passe-partout.
When choosing the color of the baguette, do not forget that it should not only be combined with embroidery, but also match the interior of the room in which the picture will hang.

Making ready-made frames

You can take the path of least resistance and go to any photo studio (or souvenir, stationery store) and choose the frame you like. Stretch the embroidery on the substrate yourself (pick up cardboard from home stocks) suitable color, cut to the size of the frame minus two to three millimeters on each side), using tape or thread, insert the work into the frame. With a strong desire, you can even be puzzled by the question of a passe-partout. The only problem is to correctly, accurately and beautifully cut out the central part, but after rehearsals with the participation of a stationery knife and a dozen sheets of special cardboard, it can be solved.
Sometimes framing workshops sell ready-made mounts - from the remnants of large sheets that are used to place orders, craftsmen cut out a mount in several standard sizes. Pay attention to such offers - it happens that among the mountains of materials you do not need, you can find very interesting options.
I would also like to remind readers of MirSovetov about a more tempting way to design embroidery - to make a finished faceless frame beautiful, unusual, repeating the theme of your work. By buying two pieces of fabric that are contrasting or close in color with the same texture or general pattern, you can make a very beautiful baguette: wrap the frame with strips of fabric of the same color, fix it with threads on the reverse side, a piece of cardboard that will act as a passe-partout, cover it with a fabric of a different color . Relatively inexpensive, you can get a wonderful unique frame, the second of which does not exist.
Remembering all your needlework skills, you can decorate the frame with decoupage, decorate with beads, ready-made wooden or plastic figurines, ribbons, or you can even pick up something from household unnecessary small things and it’s interesting to beat it (buttons look great, painted eggshell, nuts and bolts).

Applied embroidery design

For every experienced embroiderer, there comes a moment when the question arises: where to hang the next embroidered picture? All more or less empty places on the walls have long ceased to be empty, the walls of relatives and friends are also "in business", what's next? And then you can start fantasizing about the applied application of embroidery. First, let's remember all the grandmother's embroidered pillowcases (by the way, it is quite possible to redesign them, combine them with your work and create amazing vintage sofa cushions). Having embroidered a series of motifs of the same theme or in the same style, you can stylishly and interestingly decorate the bedroom, “revive” the living room, emphasize the character and affections of the owner of the children's room.

Small embroideries look great in the form of needle beds. Square work can be designed in the form of the famous "Frenchwoman" - biscuit. Crooked lines, popular among embroiderers, are sewn easily and interestingly, they look spectacular, they do not require much effort. If the biscorn sewing technique is not yet familiar to you, you can create the most a simple needle bed- a sewn pillow in the shape of a rectangle, square or any other geometric shape.

Very small embroideries look good in the form of "beacons" - sewn decorations for phones, scissors, wallets, handbags, phone cases. Such gizmos are made very quickly, there is a lot of pleasure from them, the main thing is accuracy: the small size of such jewelry strongly emphasizes the quality of the work performed.

Tablecloths and napkins are easy to sew on ready-made sets - there are many products of different sizes and colors for cross-stitch on sale. Choose a pattern, embroider and get a festive table set created by your hands.
Another popular use for embroidery is fridge magnets. Having ironed the embroidery several times with special adhesive fabrics, you can cut out the motif without damaging the canvas, stick it on a magnet and decorate the kitchen or any other room where there are metal objects. In addition, plastic canvas is excellent for this type of work, which allows you to cut the finished work as required by the drawing and design idea.

A popular children's theme looks good in the form of banners, stadiometers, panels with pockets. Many sew homemade toys (for example, soft cubes or doll houses), decorate bedspreads for cribs, and collect educational books.
To the same design category embroidered works you can include things for decorating rooms - all kinds of banners and signs for doors, monitor frames, clocks. Everything that limits you is just your imagination. If there is a creative scope and desire, the house will look original and unusual.

Of the rarer ideas I have seen, I can give readers thoughts about decorating the cover of a book or, a box or a box, a mirror, a comb, jewelry, hair clips, bookmarks for books,.

Clothing embroidery decoration

clothing insert, cross-stitched or any other technique, requires sewing skills, therefore, alas (!), Not all embroiderers are available. However, for those who are "burning" with the idea of ​​dressing up in their own embroidered blouse, there are certain tricks and tricks. First, many embroidery supply stores offer ready-to-wear garments in a variety of sizes that include embroidery inserts. Your task comes down to choosing a motif, buying threads and sewing a pattern directly on a shirt or sundress. The disadvantage of this option is that you cannot freely select a motif, being always limited to a certain size of the insert for embroidery, but finished work looks neat and interesting.
The second way is a pull-out canvas. Having applied the necessary piece of fabric to a T-shirt or jeans, you can always “draw” your recognizable face on everyday faceless clothes with a cross. When finished, carefully pull out the warp threads. By removing the canvas, you will get embroidery directly on the clothes.
The third option for decorating clothes is a water-soluble canvas. The technique of work does not differ from the previous method (preliminary basting of the canvas to the clothes); at the end of the work, the threads are removed by washing the product in warm soapy water. Immediately discard thoughts about embroidery with fractional crosses, this canvas is not suitable for such work. Both methods provide for relatively small motifs and have one significant drawback - the work will look neat only if the canvas is evenly and tightly tacked to the fabric.
I would also include embroidery on some accessories, for example, bags, in this category of embroidery application.
All the methods described above are relevant, in addition, you can try to sew on embroidery yourself using decorative stitches, fringe, ribbons and other camouflage tricks. Do not forget about tablecloths, napkins - ready-made embroidery kits will cost you no more than buying linen, on which it is much more difficult to embroider than on a specially provided canvas.
MirSovetov wishes you even crosses and a lot of inspiration!

Embroidery is the most ancient art of all times and peoples. It came to us from a distant era of primitive culture of people. In our time, there are many types of embroidery, whether cross stitch or satin stitch, also embroider with ribbons and beads. The embroidery process itself is not difficult, especially since now kits are sold in stores, in which there are ready-made color schemes, and even threads with needles. However, despite the fact that everything is described in such kits, up to how to align the embroidery or fasten the thread without a knot, there is no main thing - how to insert the finished work into a frame.

Any master will want to hang his work on his wall or give it to someone. But more often than not, embroiderers do not know how to frame their work beautifully.

This article presents several ways to design work.

How to insert embroidery into a frame: preparatory stage

If the work gets dirty during embroidery, it must be washed in soapy water, because after framing it will be almost impossible to do. Next, put interlining from the inside and iron the picture. Thus, the work will be neat and durable. It is also worth paying attention that the color of the interlining must match the color of the product. You can also use thick cardboard as a substrate.

The frame must be purchased according to the size of the product itself and it is desirable that it be with glass. Over time, the threads may lose their brightness, and the work will need to be washed often, and the glass will well protect the product from dust.

In terms of tone and design, the frame should be in harmony with the work itself, but this is already a personal matter. It can be classic, painted wood or gold. Although in specialized stores you can find a huge selection of frames or baguettes.

You can also use a passe-partout in your work. This is a small frame, in the center of which there is a cut out hole according to the size of the embroidery. For a passe-partout, you can use ordinary cardboard, thick paper or plain wallpaper. It focuses the viewer's attention on the product. If we talk about color, then the passe-partout should fit base color the product itself or the color of the frame.

Now let's look at the most famous ways to insert embroidery into a frame. When all preparatory work done, the product is washed and ironed, the frame is prepared, you can proceed to the main part of the work.

Stretching and pinning embroidery with push pins

They take plywood or chipboard as a basis and, pulling the embroidery strongly, fix it with buttons. This option is not very good, because over time, the embroidery can simply “part” and sag on the buttons.

Stretching embroidery with threads

This design method is the most common. For work, you will also need a sheet of plywood or chipboard. It is necessary to stretch the product onto the sheet, leaving the free edges of the canvas somewhere around 1-2 cm around the perimeter in order to fix the product.

Secure the embroidery with pins so that it does not slip. On the reverse side of the substrate, the left and right edges must be sewn with large stitches. We carry out the same manipulations with the upper and lower edges. When working, be sure to watch the fit of the embroidery on the front side.

But this way of stretching is not good enough, because. even when pinning the embroidery, it can still move at the end of the work.

How to stretch embroidery with double-sided tape

Double-sided or window tape is required for operation.

The design is universal in that the whole process is carried out on the front side, and this provides an opportunity to see all the flaws. Embroidery can be attached to the adhesive tape several times - it will still hold it tightly. When working with window tape, you just need to replace the tape if you can’t attach it right away.

This method is very easy for beginners, because. all flaws in the work are visible, no markings are required. You can use pieces of adhesive tape repeatedly, you just need to make sure that it is under the passport. Double-sided tape is glued under the passport with front side along the perimeter. At the end, the embroidery is stretched and glued. Work is ready!

Making a product using the "stitching" method

This method is actually not easy. This is where masculinity is needed. Taking a sheet of chipboard or plywood in size, it is necessary to drill small holes around the perimeter at a distance of 1 cm or use an awl. With a thread through these holes, it is necessary, as it were, to “stitch” the embroidery.

First you need to fix the corners of the work so that the embroidery does not slip. It is necessary to stitch the product “forward with a needle”. In the future, such work will be firmly fixed and will last a long time.

As practice has shown, this method is the fastest and most reliable. After the embroidery is fixed, it remains to assemble the work - put the glass and frame down, and the embroidery itself on the substrate and clamp this design on the sides with metal clamps.

After all the work done, the finished product can be placed on the wall or surprise relatives and friends with a gift. But it does not matter at all, because such a long and laborious work will please everyone!

Video on the topic of the article

Every embroiderer is familiar with the situation when there are already a lot of finished works, but they still lie in the closet without a decent embroidery design, instead of hanging and pleasing the eyes of the guests.

But sooner or later, you will want to arrange the work (or finally there will be such an opportunity!) And in this case you will have to choose one of the following design methods.

Finished framing

The easiest way to design is to purchase a ready-made photo frame and insert your embroidery into it. This method is simple and economical, but it is not the best solution, since it can be quite difficult to find a photo frame of the required size, as well as the right style. Do you want your work to be tastefully designed, and not just framed?

The frame hides part of the embroidery

Above and below, the embroidery is not included in the frame, but on the sides, on the contrary, an extra canvas is visible

Handmade framing

The second design option is to independently make a passe-partout and a frame from various improvised materials. In addition, you will need a sufficient amount of free time and, of course, imagination) You can “go” to our special section for ideas. In the case of self-design embroidery, try to carefully select materials, colors and decorative elements, then the work will be distinguished by a certain originality.

Decoration in a very bright and positive frame corresponds to the mood of the embroidery itself

Remember that first of all, the embroidery itself should attract attention, and only then the frame. It is worth noting that this design option does not require a large investment of money.

For the design of this embroidery, it took some fabric, cardboard, beads and sequins

Decoration in a baguette workshop

The third way is to take the embroidery to a framing workshop, which will save you time, but not your budget. In addition, it is sometimes quite difficult to decide on the choice of a framing workshop, since not every product will be served perfectly. The design of embroidery in a baguette is highly dependent on the choice of materials and the method of assembly. Here it is important to know about some details in order not to be disappointed with the result.

In any workshop there is a designer who can help you choose the color of the baguette, various decorative additions, passe-partout and suitable form. It is important to understand that product design creative process, therefore, there are no mandatory rules here, there is only the principle: like it or not like it.

Registration of 2 paintings in the same baguette

Decoration with double passe-partout

Due to the passe-partout and baguette, a small plot looks like a big full-fledged picture

If the style of the selected design matches the style of the embroidery itself, then the finished work will look good. You can also base your decision on the interior where the product will be hung out, however, you need to make sure that the design does not contradict the work. Good view ensured even if the color of the design is in harmony with the colors of the embroidery. Even for one product, you can pick up several good options(with different frames, without or with a passport, or maybe even with a triple or double passe-partout). Everything will depend on your desire.

Beautiful embroidery "looks" only if it is well-designed. Unfortunately, many needlewomen limit themselves to embroidering a pattern or drawing they like ... and put their work aside, citing the fact that the services of a framing workshop are too expensive. Indeed, few can afford to turn to the masters. But you can arrange embroidery in an inexpensive frame with a passe-partout with your own hands - quite quickly and at low cost. Perhaps this method will work for you.

So, to arrange embroidery in a frame with a passe-partout, you will need:

ready-made photo frame, suitable in size for the design of the embroidered motif;

velvet paper for passe-partout;

strong thread;

mock knife;

simple pencil;

How to make embroidery with your own hands: a master class

Prepare your embroidery. To do this, carefully steam it with an iron from the wrong side.

Disassemble the photo frame into its components: glass, base, leaflet with a picture - it will also come in handy for us, as a sample of the required size. I had a simple raw wood frame so I pre-painted it yellow twice acrylic paint: it is assumed that this measure will allow the frame to live longer than raw wooden products live under normal conditions.

We leave the base in front of us, we put embroidery on it, estimating its most advantageous position, and we thread the needle.

We grab the corner of the embroidery with a needle and, having thrown the thread to the wrong side, we pick up the corner of the canvas with the needle from the opposite side.

This procedure takes quite a lot of thread, so when it comes time to change the thread, make a few bartacks and thread a new thread. Thus, picking up the edge of the canvas on one side and the other, go to the end of the row. You need to stitch with tension, but make sure that the pattern is not distorted, and the canvas does not go in a wave. If you steamed the embroidery well, then you won’t have to stretch the fabric too much.

Then we stretch the fabric on the base perpendicular to the first firmware.

This was the hardest part of the job.

Now let's take a piece of paper with a picture from our photo frame and put it on our embroidery. If, like me, your fabric is damaged from above and below by stamps that are not intended for prying eyes, on this piece of paper you will mark with a pencil the allowable borders of the window in the passe-partout.

Align this window with a ruler and cut through it. It is better to take a minute to create a sample than to redo the entire passe-partout later.

Everything suited me, so I shifted the passe-partout sample to the wrong side of the velvet paper and drew a rectangle of the size I needed - I drew and cut it under the ruler with a breadboard knife, and at the same time cut out a rectangle of the same size from thick cardboard - it will come in handy for us to close the tension threads of the embroidered motif on the base.

With the help of a passe-partout sample, I marked with dots the corners of the window that would need to be cut through, and connected them with a pencil under the ruler, with some pressure. I decided to do rounded edges passe-partout so that the edges of the cuts do not glow. Therefore, we only draw the frame with a pencil!

We will cut through the window with a breadboard knife and a ruler. We apply a ruler diagonally and cut through the passe-partout window crosswise.

Bend the edges inward, and cut off the excess.

Now you know how to arrange embroidery in a frame with a passe-partout, and now it's time to put the whole structure together: put glass into the frame, then passe-partout (we iron the folds well, but carefully so as not to damage the pile of velvet paper), on top - fixed on basis of embroidery, and then - a sheet of cardboard that will close the tension threads.

As you can see, embroidering is quite simple, and, as practice shows, an embroidered portrait of Princess Jasmine can be a wonderful gift for a five-year-old girl who is passionate about Disney princesses.

Eva Casio specially for the site