Touching birthday wishes for mom from daughter. Touching congratulations to mom Unusual congratulations to mom from daughter to tears

Mommy, my mommy
I congratulate you.
I wish you happiness
Gone is the bad weather.

I give my ray of sunshine
On the birthday in the window
As written in fate
The sun shines on you!

Let the smile decorate -
On this day she shines.
In this miracle celebration
I wish you everything mom!

The best mom on earth
I dedicate this congratulations!
And with all my heart, mommy, to you
I wish you happiness on your birthday!

Be always so beautiful
Like a rose, honey, bloom!
And let your ray of sunshine be clear
It will shine for a very long time!

My mom is the best
Success in life awaits her.
Happy Birthday,
Let your sonorous laughter sound.

I wish you a summer residence, and of course good luck,
And fortune smiles and turns into wealth.
Mom - long life to you
And of course, no worries!

You gave me life
She dedicated hers to me
And for everything in this world
I thank you.

On your birthday
I wish you the best
Live wonderfully and happily
Mom is golden.

Impossible not to be proud
Me my mom.
Stay beautiful of all
Be beautiful yourself.

Mom dear, dear
Happy Birthday to You!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
I'll tell you love

I wish you happiness
And do not know bad worries,
Never be unhappy
And don't you dare fade.

Always be patient
Every day you are good
And people are bad, obstinate
You always drive vzashey.

May it always be in the home
Loud laughter will be heard
Mom dear, dear
Be always more beautiful than everyone!

Mommy, happy birthday,
Dear, do not count your years.
And today, without regret,
Celebrate your beautiful day.

I wish you today
A lot of health and a sea of ​​warmth.
You are the best, I know that
I want you to always bloom like a rose!

Today is my mom's birthday
And in the house in the morning vanity and fun!
I wish you, dear, dear,
Excellent health, happiness without end.

A merry gleam in your kind eyes,
So wonderful, gentle, bottomless.
I love you, you are my guardian angel
Your home for me is the abode of light.

Live very long, let the blue bird
Your soft wing will knock on your window.
Dreams will all come true, dreams will come true
And only tears will come out of joy.

My darling,
mother dear,
happy birthday
I heartily congratulate you.

Be always healthy
kind and happy
Forever Young,
The most beautiful.

Long years, love,
Joy, good luck,
warmth of the soul,
Sunshine to boot!

Affectionate, gentle, my Mommy!
I congratulate you, happy birthday!
Let your health grow stronger, it will not let you down,
And this day will bring fun and joy!

Also peace in the house, harmony in the soul,
Do you remember in childhood, smiles from ear to ear?!
Smile more often, it suits you,
Then any trouble will disappear in an instant.

I love you, Mommy, I appreciate you more than anyone,
In your happy life, let there be no interference.
Let the sun shine brightly, let the eyes sparkle,
And let it shine on the cheeks, only a tear from happiness.

Happy birthday to you, mom!
Be happy all around
Let hope beckon you
Will be there true friend.

There will be time for a smile
To a cheerful ringing laugh,
In a moment, problems will dissipate,
Only success awaits.

Better health more often
Many, many long years
Life of victories will add new ones
And the budget is growing!

Mom's anniversary
Holiday for the whole family
More than anything in the world
We love you.

You rise at dawn
You fall asleep at midnight
All our problems
Mommy you know.

I kiss your hands
Your gentle
Full palms
You have love.

Long life, health
On the anniversary I wish
For you to be happy
Mother dear.

I love you mommy!
Let sometimes I'm harmful
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy anniversary.

Wish you all the best in the world
For children to be obedient
(In particular, of course, me!),
And they were close to friends.

In life, let everything be smooth
With manicure and styling,
And dad carries in his arms
In different parts of the world!

I know you cry at night
When I walk in a bar.
Are you worried about
What did he eat, what did he drink - why this suffering?

I treasure every tear
I treasure every wrinkle
Oh mom, just give me a chance
I will give you love with a spark!

I will give you all the time
That I couldn't find before.
I will give you bouquets
You're just cute, live.

And on this glorious birthday,
I will fulfill any whim.
Think, wish - your forgiveness,
My biggest prize.

I hasten to congratulate you, my dear, on this day.
Happy birthday my mom! Only you I will praise!
You are the most beautiful of all in the world, you are kinder, gentler, more beautiful than all.
There is no one better in the universe than our mother!

Do not get sick, do not give in to the years that fly by.
Stay young, don't let anything age you.
Be cheerful, active, bright. All so needed and loved.
Let fate give unique gifts every day.

I don't know what to give you
My own mother.
After all, everything seems to be, as I understand it,
You already have enough.

And you yourself are self-sufficient,
Humble, don't crave a diamond.
Do you like books, programs,
Spirituality is higher for you

Than talking about shopping
About multicookers and things
And you only teach us modesty,
We see meaning not in money.

So accept the gift
It's handmade, simple.
Here is this verse, it is just as bright,
How incomparable is your image!

Touching congratulations on the anniversary of the mother from the daughter

Do not be sad about the past - let it remain only a shadow,
If something is wrong - let go and forget forever!
I want to give a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy on your birthday,
So that adversity and sadness never touch you!

You are the only one with me, and let me say infrequently,
What is dearer than you in the world I have no one,
Just know that I wish you health and happiness,
Whatever one may say, but this is the most important thing ...

And I'm sorry if I got stubborn at times
If suddenly accidentally offended you sometimes ...
You are the only one with me, my kind, dear mother!
Be that as it may, know: you are very, very dear to me.

Mommy, you are my dear,
I don't know how to congratulate you.
What to give you, the question.
Perhaps an asters bouquet or roses?
Of course yes, but maybe no.
Let there be a bouquet of joys.
And a gift too
Unlike all others.
I want to give you luck
And a sunny mood.
Well, health addition.
Yes, and your desire for dreams.
And I repeat a hundred times.
“Congratulations-la-yu. Congratulations".

I know .. And I'm very ashamed
What made you cry...
I understand how embarrassing it was.
Deny your help signs!
But I know, mommy, I believe
That you love me, your daughter...
And I don't care about troubles, losses ...
You are with me ... And for this - I love you!

For the tenderness of hands, for kindness,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My dear and faithful friend -
You, mom, are more reliable than all your friends.

Let it be hard sometimes for you
But you do not complain about fate.
I want to be strong like you.
Be the epitome of kindness!

May God reward you for everything!
May longevity, joy give!
On your birthday I will say
I'm most proud of you!

Though I'm a bad daughter,
I can't hold on
To my mommy
Kind like a fairy
Happy birthday not to congratulate
Everyone around is faster.
Let the days pass like in a fairy tale -
In tenderness, kindness and affection!

Mom, dear, congratulations.
Happy birthday, my dear.
On this day I wish you
Happiness, joy, health and kindness.

The most beloved in the world
Live long, never knowing troubles.
Let these congratulations
Shine like the sun for many years!

Happy birthday, dear mommy,
Very gentle, kind, strong,
Young and very beautiful
I want you to be happy!

I heartily congratulate you
And I wish you great success
So that you never get sick
Not getting old, but getting younger!

To be loved and loved
And she grew flowers in the country,
Smiled more often and sang,
So that everything is as you wanted!

Happy Anniversary Mom
I congratulate you
Let him about the years
Doesn't recall.

For me always
You will be young
my favorite
And very dear.

Your dreams are calm
Let them dream at night
Grandchildren with their laughter
Add happiness.

Let old age get lost
Among the fields of life
We will meet with you
100th anniversary.

I want to say no wish
Phrases hackneyed too much.
Mom, our first date
Unfortunately, I don't remember much.
But for a long time I wanted frankly
And at all in love to you to confess.
For many years you have been the center of my universe.
Stay her even longer
You will, I hope. May it not be new
What I will say today directly:
They say that in the beginning there was a word.
I will add: this word is mother!

Mom, don't be shy
Don't count the years
Anniversary again
Meet with joy.

Let it burn in your eyes
bright light,
Luck jumps
Right on the threshold.

Happiness and health
We wish you
Under your wing
We don't know about anxiety.

Happy birthday to mom touching from daughter

All anniversaries are important
And the anniversary of my mother - and even more so.
Mommy, today and always
You will be the most important in my life.

You warmed me with love
And your tenderness is simply endless.
I live, keeping it all in my heart,
And so I want you to live forever.

Let the anniversary today be the day
When you forget all the sorrows
Laughter sparkled in the eyes so that the native,
And in the heart the sounds of joy sounded.

Mom has a special day today!
A blush in the cheeks, and a twinkle in the eyes.
Mom is having a ball now.
I'm texting, but I guessed right?

I wish you a lot of flowers
And a whole sea of ​​French spirits
And ten crispy lemon dough!
Hooray! Happy birthday, mom, you!!!

Faithful friend - mother:
Always supportive and understanding.
Wise advice will give a lot
And the boy will not be taken away.

I wish you a birthday
To be beautiful and young.
All knights at a stroke
Drive everywhere with you!

Dear, dear, dear,
Happy birthday, mommy to you.
And heartily congratulating you,
I want to tell you, loving:
If I ever offended
Mommy, my love, I'm sorry.
You are loved, you knew it.
And please, dear, do not be sad.
So that your eyes shine with happiness
And she was always smiling.
So that bad weather does not touch you,
And over the years it only bloomed.

Mom dear, happy birthday!
Honey, thanks for your patience.
I wish you joy and happiness
Let bad weather bypass you
May success always accompany you.
Remember, dear, you are the most precious of all!

How much I want to say on the solemn day of the dear person- Moms! But it happens that from an excess of feelings, beautiful and the right words are lost, and congratulations turn into a flurry of emotions. To prevent this from happening to you on this page, we have collected for you the most beautiful and touching congratulations to your mother on her birthday from her daughter! Congratulations to mom should sound gentle and beautiful. Poems are great for this.

Happy birthday, dear mom!
With a new milestone on a bright path!
Though sometimes I'm stubborn
You are for everything, mom, I'm sorry.
You are harsh and strict
But the kindest and most beautiful of all.
Let on life's long road
It will be a true companion of success!

Happy birthday dear mother
My beloved, dear person.
Be healthy, be happy yourself,
Let the sadness of your eyelids not touch.

May everything you want come true
Let worries go around you.
Never let sleepless nights
They won't enter your door, mommy.

May you always have enough strength
You are my precious man.
And for what life has given me,
I will be grateful forever.

My dear, kind mother,
On your bright birthday,
I sincerely congratulate you
And I will boldly say, without hesitation:
You are for me all relatives in the world,
You always shine and warm
I have not met kinder people,
Never in my life!
You don't have a moment of peace
Full of work and worries!
Wherever I am, you are by my side
I feel warm...

My dear mother,
Happy birthday congratulations!
You are like a bee with us,
Rest for at least an hour

We've all already eaten -
Very tasty, the cake is lovely!
Know that I'm proud of you
I learn everything from you.

Mom dear, relax
Your birthday is
Dishes may remain
You are better than her tomorrow.

Happy birthday!
The most important person
I have always been for you
Like you are for me, mom.

You scolded, you regretted
And I will never forget.
Be happy mommy
Well, I'll be obedient.

Therefore, I wish, mother,
sound dreams any night.
Do not worry it's okay,
After all, a daughter was born in you!

Everyone keeps telling me: "Beauty!"
Mommy, I'm into you!
Everyone still likes you
Though years go by.
But you still don't change
What at twenty, what now:
Still just as amazing
Beautiful. Just class!
Happy birthday
I want you, dear.
good luck enjoy
And I wish you happiness.

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Touching birthday wishes for mom from daughter

Dear, dear, dear,
Happy birthday, mommy to you.
And heartily congratulating you,
I want to tell you, loving:
If I ever offended
Mommy, my love, I'm sorry.
You are loved, you knew it.
And please, dear, do not be sad.
So that your eyes shine with happiness
And she was always smiling.
So that bad weather does not touch you,
And over the years only bloomed

I know sleepless nights
I gave you as a child.
Accept congratulations from your daughter -
I'm so grateful to fate
That such a mother, without a doubt,
The Lord only rewarded me!
My mommy, happy birthday,
I wish you health and strength!

Happy birthday, my mommy!
Daughter congratulates you with her heart,
My most beloved
Open doors for guests.
Swallow of the never fading day.
Star unfading in the world.
My beloved mother,
You are the happiest person in the world.
Never cry and don't get sick
Get out of the quarrel unscathed,
I wish not to grow old at all,
And always be smart, kind, sweet.

Mother dear and beloved,
My dear friend is faithful!
Let the smile be gentle, dear
Illuminates your radiant gaze.

Let any business work out
The sun does not spare the heat,
Only joy is found on the way,
For you to be happy!

Happy Birthday Mommy.
No you are kinder!
Please don't be sick
Don't get old anymore.
You are a joyful smile
Meet every day.
It's okay, honey, don't worry.
Know to always hope
Can you on the daughter.
I'm always by your side
And I can help.

Beautiful birthday greetings to mom from daughter

Today your eyes are burning with happiness.
Your smile makes me so happy.
And everyone says "Happy Birthday" to you.
Everyone around congratulates you on this day.

I also want to wish you so
So that you, my mother, be young.
So that everything is always on your shoulder
And your path has always been lit by a star.

So that the years give joy and happiness.
To be strong, she could overcome everything.
So that all relatives are always with you.
And I will always be there. Your daughter.

And in the cold to me, and in the summer heat,
Your voice needs to be heard.
When you are not with me
I don't think the whole world is nice.

No matter how grown up I become
I haven't stopped loving you.
And on your holiday I give you
The whole world and all your love.

Oh, mommy, I want forever
You were young and carefree.
And let adversity and anxiety
You will not be met at the door.

What can I tell you today?
Today is your holiday
Today is just a birthday
But this is the date for me.

Once, tormented, gave birth
And gave my life.
Now I've become an adult
And she started her family.

I wish you health
After all, there is no way in life without him.
I also wish you good mood
After all, this is also an important fact.

I want you to live without grief
So that we don't get on our nerves.
I want you to be healthy
And she went through life without trouble.

So that one early morning,
Hearing the song of the early birds,
Opening your eyes, you smiled
How good among favorite faces!

Beloved husband is with you,
And grandchildren on your holiday.
May your hearth be kept
Heavenly angel always!

Happy birthday mom!
From your lips I have repeatedly plucked kisses,
I saw in the eyes of such relatives
I love almost witchcraft.
Mommy, let the light in your soul,
Never, dear, will fade away,
Let me be an adult already
But when you are near, the world is more beautiful!

I wove bows into braids,
She read me stories at night.
Joking with me
And never sad.

Let me no longer be a girl
You see me as a child.
You cherish me and cherish
You will scold - you will regret it.

Mommy, on your birthday,
I wish: patience,
Joy, happiness and laughter,
True friends and success!

Mommy, happy birthday, my love.
Accept congratulations, dear, from me.
I wish you health until a hundred years old,
To go with your husband and grandchildren to your lunch,

Prosperity, so that she could treat us all with caviar,
Love and happiness of a woman, so that she can hug everyone,
The attention of others, but what about without him,
Dear, dear, God bless you all!

Sincere congratulations to mother happy birthday from the daughter

I beg you, dear mother,
Forgive me for all my sins
I'm sorry, my love didn't know
How hard your work is.

I'm sorry, but that's what happens in life.
We're all in a hurry to go
And only God alone knows
Everyone has what's ahead.

I want to say this time
Thank you mother dear
Thank you for loving us
Thanks for being who you are.

I ask you just to live
Live for us my dear
I swear to you ahead
Your life will not be empty.

And don't think about separation
And we will always be there
I will press your kind hands to my heart,
And I will always be with you.

My beloved, dear,
I congratulate you, mother!
On your birthday I say:
"I love you a lot, Mom!"

There is nothing more precious than you in the world!
Who will understand and who will help?!
I, dear mother, wish
And I declare to everyone:

Be the happiest in the world
And in our arms we are children
You, our dear, we will
And we will never forget!


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happy birthday mom to tears

I want to congratulate you
And wish you well
Good luck, happiness and patience
And to be healthy.

And know mommy - you are loved,
I stand up for you
To live in this world
And not sad here sometimes.

You are a ray of light in my heart
You are the joy of life for me
And I can keep you warm
My own mother.


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Look into your eyes...

A drop of dew fell from my eyes,
Mom you looked at us,
She smiled sweetly at us in return,
And she said quietly to everyone: "Hi!"

These blue skies
Mom's sad eyes
They look through glasses, and I'm sad:
"Why do I rarely look at them?!"

Mom, forgive me for being cold
I am with you sometimes!
I don't try to notice you
I'm just afraid of losing you!

Let the whole world, oh mother, wait
Time goes by very fast,
I have to be on time, I have to
For a long time to look into your eyes ....

Know what you want and what you don't...
Together we must meet the dawn!
How many years have you been messing with me
Let me get along with you now!

I like it, mom, believe me -
And today you open the door
Well, I'm standing there with flowers:
"Happy birthday, honey, love!"


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A sip of happiness

You look so wonderful, dear!
I just admire, mom, you!
And on this day I congratulate you,
I wish: in my heart, so that peace reigns!

Let all your hardships sink into the abyss,
Let past sorrows not oppress
After all, you suffered a lot in life, mom,
It's time to take a sip and take a sip of happiness!


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Be forever young!

Every year, mom, I notice
How do you become, dear, weaker ...
And what to do with it? - I don't know
And that makes it even harder for me!

I so want to be forever young
You were, pleasing everyone around!
Well, please, stay like this
My only and best friend in the world!

I pray for you, dear
I will every day and every moment!
Happy birthday mom, congratulations
And I give this verse as a gift!


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Your warm hands...

your warm hands
Touch me
And mental anguish
All will fly away!

No matter how hard it is
Sometimes in this life
I'm calm, because the angel
My mom, with me!

How I wish for a long time
Lived for a very long time
In this world, you, mother,
And she was with me!

Congratulations dear
Happy Birthday to You!
And I wish you healthy
See day by day!


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I love!

Oh, how far are you from me!
I miss you, mom, I!
Why we parted - I do not understand -
The question is only in my head: "Well, why ?!"

Now I am also a mother, like you,
And I can't fill that void
What is on my soul at the thought, mom,
Why are you sitting there alone now!

I want to see you around here
I want to tell you: "Do you want to eat ?!"
And feed you and chat...
Well, how can we return the days, mom, back ?!

Do not cry, dear, do you hear, do not be sad!
And, if you can, mom, I'm sorry for everything!
To you I: "Happy birthday!" - I say. -
You come to me, because I love!

Happy birthday wishes to mom to tears

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All gathered again
In your house!
Someone say a word
But it's not me:

There is no point in talking!
Kissing hands
I'll be long, long...
You are my mother!

How many are these hands
They did for us:
Hardships and torments
Everything was decided at once

Did the job
Hands for all of us!
Let them rest
Well, at least an hour?

Only these hands
It's not simple,
Only these hands
They can endure everything!

Put it down dear
Hands on me -
Mommy dear
How I love them!

I will admire
them every time!
Will you smile
Looking at us!

Only, unfortunately,
Those hands are sick
On this birthday
I want you

I knew my mother
How we need you!
The best days are the best
You gave us!

And now work
We should already
Our hands, mother,
And you need!


And you are waiting for a call from your children with sadness.
When will you hear their voice again?
They should congratulate today!

Or maybe they forgot? Maybe business?
And again and again here and there
Walking around the room looking at the clock...
But, dear mother, believe that you

We really need your children!
I'm sorry that sometimes we are all vanity
It will spin so much that there is no time
Bring you even a modest bouquet!

Today we will not call and write
We, dear, are not worth waiting for you ... -
We will knock on the door today to your house, There will be no trace of sadness even in it!


Dozens of the warmest, brightest feelings always embrace each of us when we remember the main person in life - mom. And this means that you need to congratulate your mother on her birthday in a special way. Keep this bright mood, warmth and do not hesitate to tell her on this day about how much you love her. In this article, we have collected sincere words cares and gratitude - be inspired.

Happy birthday to mom in verse

Mommy dear, on your birthday,
May illnesses bypass you!
Let your house not know sadness and problems,
There will be more good changes in life!

And I also want to say thank you
For a love that cannot be expressed in words.
For caring, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return!

And grief and joy dividing in half,

And I want to tell the whole planet
About what you best mom in the world!

Today is just the best day
I don't know of any others
Today the colors are bright
And the rainbow is playing.

And the nightingale sings spring,
And the grass stretches to the sky
Indeed, on this day, at the magic hour,
You were born into the world.

I love you very much, dear!
Mommy dear, dear!
I wish you happy days
Inspiration and great ideas

Never get sick, be healthy always!
May your beauty continue to shine!
May your angel save you from adversity,
And may fate give you peace!

You do not regret your heart sometimes,
You worry, you call: is everything all right with us?
But we kiss your hands, dear,
That held us tight, gently shaking.

We wish you health, peace, love,
Fulfillment, fulfillment of hopes and dreams,
Happy birthday, kiss! You accept roses
They better tell about our love!

Mom, honey, on your birthday
We gathered around a large table.
And congratulations sound for you
Under glasses with fragrant wine.

We wish you health
On your joyful birthday.
And we protect with our love,
We give you love and peace.

You shine like the sun in our lives
So that everyone is warmed by you.
And you meet with your rays,
You pour out love like light!

You are above all praise today,
Even if you are a year older.
And don't believe the illusions of mirrors
Your beauty continues to bloom.

And let the storm, il snowfall,
Or evil weekdays
They warm like a flame of lamps,
Tenderness is always your eyes.

Kindness you do not take
And patience would be enough for two.
This is the meaning of the word MOTHER.
You are alone, and there are no others like you!

Let evil pass by
Your family's little hearth.
Well, if a feast is a feast by a mountain,
Holidays are definitely fun.

And health is not a year's supply,
To live ten times longer.
So that you please us until old age
And more grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Mom, kind and dear,
Unique, dear to the heart,
Let it not be a secret for anyone -
You are the best mom in the world!

Thank you for the sleepless nights
We appreciate and love you very, very much!
We wish you a magical birthday
Fun, luck, love and luck.

Be the most beautiful, happy and tender,
In everything we will help, support, of course.
May there be health, prosperity and happiness,
Always rely on our participation.

And remember, mommy, and believe that in the world
Your beloved children love you!

Though sometimes I lack words
Don't think that I don't respect you
That I do not appreciate all your labors,
That I never notice anything.

For all the words I don't say
I beg your pardon now!
You know that I love you very much.
My mom. Happy Birthday, mom.

May every day bring you joy.
I wish you health, happiness and love.
May the angels protect you
On the path ahead of you.

Dear, beloved, dear!
Congratulations, mommy, you.
And with all my heart I wish you
Only peace, joy, kindness!

There is no you more beloved and dearer,
There is no you more reliable and tender.
You will always help me with advice.
There is no you more sympathetic, kinder.

Let your eyes water only from happiness
Let the smile of loved ones give light.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
For me, you are the best in the world!

Native, cute features.
An irreplaceable person.
Thank you mommy for being
She was with me in the rain and in the snow.

For long nights without sleep
For thoughts full of anxiety.
You, mother, I have one,
May God protect you.

Let the time turn back
Slowly, your years
And I will protect
And always help you.

And you, please forgive me
For everything I do wrong.
You smile, don't be sad
Fate sent us a good sign.

Words can't convey everything
Your birthday is magic!
I want to hug you now
And souls to feel kinship.

I wish you happiness and warmth
Love, health, kindness.
And if only I could -
Your dreams would come true!

Happy birthday, mother dear!
Don't let the years scare you.
I don't know the best mom in the world
Always be young at heart.

May health grow stronger every year.
You, please, rest more often.
Let the fire not fade in your eyes.
I love you, you know it.

May your dreams and dreams come true
And wealth will firmly enter the house,
Only tears come out of happiness
May good luck await you in everything.

Happy birthday, my dear mother!
My daughter congratulates you from the bottom of my heart.
Be always cheerful, dear, dear.
Be always happy, dear mother!

Be always healthy, my mother.
Happy birthday dear, congratulations!
You are my treasure, the diamond of the soul.
Cry if you're sad, don't rush...

May your eyes always glow with happiness.
So that you never meet malice,
So that you, mommy, are like a queen,
And the soul, mummy, to sing with happiness!

Our dear mother,
These tender lines are for you.
The cutest and most beautiful
The best on this earth.

Let sorrows not enter your house,
Let sickness go away.
We would put the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.

But even that wouldn't be enough.
To repay your kindness.
All our life, our dear mother,
Indebted to you.

Thank you, dear, for raising
For not asking for anything in return.
What, grief and joy dividing in half,
In everything, you wished us the best.

Beautiful, caring, cordial, gentle,
We need you every day and forever!

Do not be sad about the past - let it remain only a shadow,
If something is wrong, let go and forget forever!
I want to give a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy on your birthday,
So that adversity and sadness never touch you!

You are the only one with me, and let me say infrequently,
What is dearer than you in the world I have no one,
Just know that I wish you health and happiness,
Whatever one may say, but this is the most important thing ...

And I'm sorry if I got stubborn at times
If suddenly accidentally offended you sometimes ...
You are the only one with me, my kind, dear mother!
Be that as it may, know: you are very, very dear to me.

Happy birthday to mom in prose

My mommy! You are the most beloved, the most precious, the most irreplaceable! Today is your day, and first of all I would like (a) to ask your forgiveness if I once pricked or upset you with an unkind word. You just have to know that I love and appreciate you very, very much, and if you ever did (a) something wrong, it’s only because people tend to make mistakes. You were, are and will be the main person in my life: you simply cannot have a replacement. You can always turn to for support and help. Even when others turn away, the doors of your house are always open for me. Only you can be sincerely happy for me, which means that you are not only a mother, but also my best friend! And then, only you have the most delicious meatballs and soup! Thank you for everything you taught me. It was thanks to you that I got a ticket to a normal adult life. Never get sick, do not get upset over trifles and smile as often as possible. Happy birthday!

My precious mother! I want to thank you so much for every sleepless night held by my crib. For your infinite patience and for your infinite care. The most important thing for me is that you always stay healthy. To be not only happy, but also the most beautiful mom in the world. No word can clearly define the feelings that overwhelm me. But I want you not to forget: I am there every second. Happy holiday to you!

Beautiful birthday greetings to mom

My own mother! On this important day for both of us, I wish you to stay young forever. Years have no power over you, so let it continue like this. Be just as successful and just as beautiful, just as gracefully cope with any life's trials. Your kids are so grown up now. And you have not changed at all, you are the same as in our childhood photographs: bright, smiling, tender. We thank you for everything. The love and care that you bestowed on us turned us into worthy adults. Happy Birthday to You!

My gentle, sweet mother, happy birthday to you! For me, you invariably remain the dearest person on earth. And the most important thing I want to wish you is health and happiness. I can only fully enjoy life when I know that you are doing well. Let your light eyes for decades more they radiate this light and goodness. And smile more, and let your gentle hands hug me as often as possible!

Touching birthday wishes for mom

On this day I want to say a million warm words the most dear, beautiful, dear, affectionate, gentle mother. Every birthday, she sheds a tear and says she's getting a year older. And I have no doubt that every year you become only younger and more beautiful! Just know that for me you will always, you hear, always be the best in every sense! And only your smile can so warm the soul, and the look of kind eyes pleases my heart. May God protect you from longing, troubles and sadness. Live in love and harmony, be as strong and tireless. Let all the flowers of the world fall at your feet! Happy Birthday dear!

Today I traditionally want to say congratulations to the person closest to me. My dear mother, for me there is nothing more valuable than your smile, your kind look, your gentle hands. Please don't get mad at me for being busy. It’s my fault (a) that I can’t always call you or come to you ... It hurts me for every minute of the opportunity when I could (la) spend with you, but this did not happen ... I know how you are waiting. But you also know that there was not a single morning, lunch and evening when I did not think (a) about you! You are always in my heart and you only person who hears me from a distance and understands without words. Thank you for everything. Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy birthday wishes to mom from daughter

My dear mother! I want to compare you to sunshine which gives warmth and light to every member of our big family. We really need your kindness and kindness. Especially to me, your all the same small, naive girl. Mommy, I really want to be like you in everything in the future, you are an example for me. real woman: beautiful, economic, educated, kind-hearted. And I really want you to be proud of me. And may there not be a single day in your life when sadness is read in your eyes. Happy holiday to you!

My own mother! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. May this day and the whole future life as a whole bring you only happy moments. And I really want all your dreams to come true. And I, for my part, will be the most loving and most caring daughter! Be healthy, just as self-confident, successful, kind and affectionate... Blossom like a rose, let the years make you only more beautiful and wiser. I love you very much, happy birthday!

Happy birthday wishes to mom from son

Mommy, the years go by, but there is no one dearer, more beloved, dearer than you in my life. You know that your son is not very good at putting words into beautiful sentences, but I'll try. And first of all, I want you to forgive me. For all your suffering, for every sleepless night. Your eyes are already tired, and your hair is gray. Anxiety has settled in my heart, and sometimes my body hurts ... Thank you for everything: for your boundless love and heartache for me. May your guardian angel save you from worries, and bring only joy and peace into your life. Happy holiday, my love!

Mommy! I wish that in your life there was only bright happiness and spiritual joy. All great successes and creative ideas they came to me, your son, only thanks to you! Get inspired, keep pushing me to bright thoughts, live a varied and vibrant life. Love and be loved. Happy birthday!

Do you know cool congratulations happy birthday mom? Share in the comments below the article!

Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google