Christmas carols for children. Summary of the lesson “Kolyada came, open the gate! Game with felt boots on a rope

Carols are ritual songs that are sung, including on the night before Christmas. These are songs with the wishes of health, happiness, wealth, good harvest. Caroling is an old folk tradition, which was especially common in villages and villages.

History of caroling in Russia was originally associated with pagan gods. Used to go caroling every day winter solstice. Among the Slavs, this particular day was the Nativity of the Deity - the Sun. Carolers walked the streets, sang ritual songs and announced to everyone about the birth of the Sun. Later, with the penetration of Christianity, caroling was timed to coincide with the Nativity of Christ. So, biblical motifs appeared in carols, and people began to glorify the birth of Christ.

The essence of Christmas carols is to announce to all people the birth of the Savior. The mummers (that was the name of those who caroled) knocked on every house and called the owners with caroling songs. The hosts, according to custom, had to give something from their festive table.

Particular attention was paid to costumes: the mummers were dressed in fur coats and sheepskin coats inside out, there were animal masks on their faces, and bags for collecting gifts were in their hands. The highlight of this tradition is carols. Christ is praised in the words of carols, and congratulations and good wishes are also sung.

Text of carols and carol songs

carol, carol
Open up the gate
Get out the chests
Give patches.
Though rub,
At least a penny
Let's not leave home like this!
Give us some candy
And maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
Christmas Eve!

carol, carol,
Who will not give a pie,
We are the cow by the horns
Who will not give donuts,
We are bumps in the forehead,
Who will not give a piglet,
Tom's neck on the side.

Christmas carol came
Christmas Eve
Give me a cow
Oily head.
And God forbid that
Who is in this house.
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is stingy.
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
From half-grain - a pie.
The Lord would give you
And living, and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord, Even better than that!

An angel came down to us from heaven
And Jesus said was born.
We came to glorify him
And congratulate you on the holiday.

We sow, we weave, we weave,
Merry Christmas to you!
You glorify Christ
Give us treats!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Baptism and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.01.2015 09:20

Christmas time begins on January 6 and ends on January 18, on Epiphany evening. Christmas divination is distinguished by its special accuracy and depth of predictions. All...

Fortune-telling at Christmas time has long been considered the most accurate and exciting. Christmas time lasts from 6 to 19 January. ...

Holiday script

"A carol has come - open the gate!"

for older children and preparatory group

educator MBDOU " Kindergarten №62"

Murom district, Vladimir region

Target: To acquaint children with the winter ritual holidays of the Russian people.


To instill in children love and respect for cultural traditions Russian people. Cultivate a sense of patriotism.

To develop in children an interest in folklore creativity, ritual holidays(Kolyada)

To develop activity, initiative, the ability to reincarnate.

To acquaint children with ancient Slavic culture.

Enrich the children's vocabulary with new figurative words, expressions (Christmas, winter holidays, carolers, mummers, zvezdar, bell-ringer, mekhonosha)

Contribute to the formation emotional attitude to the performance of folklore.

To promote the popularization of ancient folk traditions of caroling and generosity in society.

Holiday progress:

The hall is decorated in the style of Russian life: a Russian stove; a table covered with an embroidered tablecloth. On the table is a samovar, treats. The owner and the hostess are sitting at the table (children dressed in Russian folk costumes).

Under Russian folk music, children enter the hall, sit down. The teacher-leader enters.


Oh guys Christmas time,

Shouldn't we go to carols?

Let's go to? (Let's go to)

child from the place:

There are pancakes, goats,

And jelly in a saucepan!

Well, follow me! (Children run and play instruments)

Children sing: It's Christmas

We have been waiting for him for a long time

Christmas time is celebrated by the people,

Have fun and sing.

Dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved.

So let's go now

We will meet him at our place.

Kolyad, Kolyad, Kolyada,

Open up the gate

came to you carol!

Christmas Eve!

Child: Stars lead round dances,

All nations rejoice.

Glory to Christmas, people!

All: Let you be only happy!

presenter: A on Christmas time - their own orders!

Have fun and sing guys

We go to the huts

We knock, we thunder

Let's sing songs!

We call the hostess with the owner! (Knocking in all directions)

Children sing: Kolyad, Kolyad, Kolyada,

Open up the gate

came to you carol!

Christmas Eve!

The hostess and the owner come out

Master: Who is knocking like that?

Runs in the cold

Kolyada, carol, (teasing)

Get out of the yard!

Child: We are not afraid of frost

We play, we have fun.

We are beautiful winter

I even really like it.

hostess: What do you like about her?

frost, snow, blizzard! Wow!

Child: So we know how to bask!

Dance "Warmer"

1. We kick top top.

We clap-clap with our hands.

Turn your head.

Let's knock ourselves on the chest.

2. Hop-hop heels.

Slap-slap on the knees.

Stomach patted.

And they opened their mouths! (Everyone stays with open mouths)

hostess: Ouch! Grandfather, look at the mouths - how did they open it?

Master: Immediately evident hungry!

hostess: What do you want?

Child: We came caroling

Yes, congratulations to the owners!

Merry Christmas!


Kolyad, carol - carol

Carol needs food!

What will the hostess give us?

What will the hostess give us?

The child is talking: Money bag, or porridge pot

A jug of milk, or a piece of cake?


Kolyad, carol - carol

Carol needs food!

What will the hostess give us?

What will the hostess give us?

The child is talking: Don't skimp on the crumbs,

Give me more cakes!

Sweet whites.

Just not hot!


Kolyad, carol - carol

Carol needs food!

What will the hostess give us?

What will the hostess give us?

The child is talking: Give us a kilo of sweets,

A whole year you live without trouble!

hostess: Oh, grandfather, look!

They didn't dance or sing

Did you want a treat?

Child: So this is us in a flash!

Merry Christmas to you,

Let's start the dance!

Music "From under the oak"

1. Come on, let's Russian,

Start more fun.

Let's take a walk, let's take a walk!

2. On the knees and in the palms

We'll clap a little.

Let's have fun, let's have fun!

3. And now let's squat,

That's what we guys are!

Don't be shy, don't be shy!

4. Here we are spinning and dancing

And our cheerful guests

We smile, we smile!

hostess: Here you go kids

A bag of money and a pot of porridge

A jug of milk, and a piece of cake?

Master: And a kilo of candy

To live without trouble!

Child: Peace to the owner with the mistress,

So that you do not know grief

What would be in abundance!

Child: So that your house is cheerful,

Beauty bloomed all around

So that you give good

The same thank you.

presenter: Generous evening!

Good evening!

We were able to meet today!

And now it's time to say goodbye

And we will return home!

The holiday ends with tea.

On New Year's and Christmas days, young people and children go caroling. Christmas carols for children- these are ritual songs in which carolers glorify the owners of the house, wish them happiness and good. I have collected different texts of carols for children that are understandable to children and modern adults. I intentionally did not include obsolete ritual songs in this article. They are incomprehensible to children and some adults.

In addition, I would like to say a few words about the process of caroling itself. For modern youth, carols have become something of a “requisition” in the form of sweets and money. The true meaning of carol songs comes down to good wishes to the owners of health, good year, good luck and profit in the family. For such wishes, scenes and costumes, children were presented with sweets.

Carols for children

Carols for gathering young people for a fun process of caroling.

I've entered a new gate!
And behind her Frost
Through tyn outgrown!
He brought the cold
So that grandfather Arkhip became young!
Frost is not great
We are not allowed to stand!
The frost does not order to stand,
It's time for us to carol.

Ding, ding, ding, the bells are ringing!
Your sons and daughters are here!
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Mother - winter has come,
Open up the gate!
The holidays have arrived!
The carols have arrived!
Kolyada - molyada

Carol songs with wishes:

How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you
Owner with hostess
Great health
Happy New Year
With all kind!

Merry Christmas to you people!
May peace be with you,
So that you do not know grief
And abide in wealth!

An angel came down to us from heaven
And Jesus said was born.
We came to glorify him
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Carol, carol!
Christmas carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.

Christmas carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.

Oh, carol-carol,
The hostess is young
And the owner is strict
Meet at the door
Costumed artisans.
Serve delicious.
Pour money, sweets,
Don't scare happiness.
Let you all argue
And it will be rewarded a hundredfold!

A star is shining in the sky
At Christmas time...
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses
Knocked on doors and windows,
Laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
Carolers in a crowd ...
Everyone is cheering and laughing
Sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born, on the eve of Christmas…”

And God forbid that
Who is in this house.
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is stingy.
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would give you
And living, and being,
And wealth.

Christmas carols for children

And create for you
Lord, even better than that!

The sparrow is flying
twirls its tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Meet Christmas!
For a hello, for a treat
You accept congratulations!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!
Happiness to you and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish all good people:
gold, silver,
fluffy pies,
soft pancakes,
good health,
Cow butter.

carol, carol
Open up the gate
Get out the chests
Give patches.
Though the ruble
At least a penny
Let's not leave home like this!
Give us some candy
And maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
Before Christmas!

We sow, we blow, we wave,
Merry Christmas to you!
You glorify Christ
Give us treats!

Kolyada - carol
Open the gate!
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!
With friendly hosts
May the year be fruitful.
Give the mummers candy
Happiness will send you greetings.
Give rubles, coins,
You will live a hundred years.
Pour everything into a bag to the heap.
In the yard the frost is crackling,
We are cold, but warm
Warmed up your good home!

Carol, carol!
Open the gate!
We are little carolers
We have come to glorify you
And praise the owners.
You live a hundred years
And a full table for lunch!

An angel came down to us
And he sang: "Christ is born!"
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday.
Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We rule our way to the house,
We praise Christ God.

Kolyada came - open the gate

OPEN(ott-, -ti), ryu, rit, owls., OPEN, yay, yayet, nesov.; open(-en), opener, opener, incl., Opening, opening, opening, dep. what. 1. Open locked; open (door, window, gate, etc.). Chest open, open. LV1 II 547. But doesn't this door open! I thought, and slowly opened it. Krm. PRP I 260. | In the last Zhenya is coming relatives, open the gates, and husband relatives, close the gates. Brsv Last. 69. | About the locked room. As soon as they opened the Baptist Church for me, then in it, near the doors, snow appeared. Put. Member 227. | wordless The wind opened the door, the window. Hell. I 151. ◊ O. key, constipation. Turn, move, giving access to smth. The key is opened on the underside, and the wine is poured out through the troughs into the cellar into the barrels. Athos. mountain 82. ◊ O. (city) gates (gates), o. city. Surrender the city to the enemy. Tea, so that, of course, Steinbock was forced not only to open the gates for us, but also to surrender himself with the whole army to discretion. AK VIII 65. ◊ O. package, seal. Open, print. The secretary of the embassy Gross can open packages that come to me. Knt. Dep. 126. ◊ O. way, road. Free, clear, clear. Open the way for yourself, open the way, clear it. LV1 II 547. The Columbuses of Russia, despising the gloomy fate, Between the ice will open a new path to the east. Scrap. PV 9. They open all the ways with their breasts into the camp of the enemy. Ptrv 209. || Peren.Give access to sth.; make something available. If not this neighbor of ours<Швеция>.., would not know<Россия>forces and regulation of the military, would not open the sea of ​​the north. Prkp. About the world 11. His house was open to everyone. Marquis II 95. The garden of Prince Ferdinand.. is open to all decently dressed people. Krm. PRP I 172. ◊ O. entrance, exit, passage, move, access to where, to what, to what. You, to whom the entrance to the sciences is freely open. Scrap. SS I 206. Pleasantly flattery is accepted everywhere, and everywhere the passage is open to it; Listening to the truth, people doze, And often run away from it. Hrs. Tv. VII 366. ◊ O. way, road, doors, gates, window to what. Create conditions for smth.<Индепенденты>They create a refuge for all the mad, and they opened a window to arbitrariness. Pouf. East 1718 158. This conquest<Казани>opened the door for him to conquer the entire Midday country. Put. Bel. 16. Hunt and diligence open the way to the sciences for him. US I 146. ◊ ◁ O. a spacious field to which ( ouvrir le champ libre a..). The great darkness of speeches opened up a vast field of impatience of the critics. PE I 112.

2. Open closed, closed. I always wake up very early: the cock crow opens my eyes. Knt. Paris 359. Many herbs, having leaves open all day long, shut them up at sunset, and open them again after rising. Scrap. SS I 268. Lion raised his shaggy mane on end. Zev opens dry and ardently breathing heat. Trd. Thilem. I 30. ◊ O. mouth. to speak. No one dared to open his mouth, words | In the last How can I say here, where they do not order the company to open. PPP 44. ◊ O. mouth to whom. Force to speak. LV1 I 284. ◊ Open mouth (look). With curiosity, wonder. And if you had seen their things of a generation for the first time, you would have looked at them with your open mouth. Montaigne 136. ◊ Someone's heart is opened. Someone kind, kind to someone G. Alvorti's castle, as well as his heart, was open to every person. T.

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Iones I 47. ◊ O. vein. Honey.Cut, bleed.САР1 VI 67. The lancet is where the ore is released, or the veins are opened. RGL 101. ◊ O. womb, entrails. Honey.Induce bowel action. Many other things from the growth of things that happen have the power to slightly weaken and open the womb. Rural to lay down. 639. ◊ O. obstruction, constipation, blockage of what. Honey.Purify, drain (bile, blood, etc.).<Хина>strengthens the first passages, opens blockages and constipation, helps with jaundice. Rural to lay down. 748. ◊ O. eyes, o. vision (eyes, eyes). Return sight (to the blind). The doctor of the eye ... removed the membrane with the aforementioned instrument and opened the eyesight to the eyes and opened the eyesight of many people. Add. op. SPb. 106.

3. Open for work, action. And for students and other hunters, open the library on the appointed days and hours. DR 26 (1 page). The Kronstadt Canal was opened in 1752. Add. op. SPb. 81. Shops open on Mondays in the market. Rdshv PSS III 257. || Start; to begin. About Bukhara bargaining, in order to open commerce in Khiva and Bukhara. VTS III 59. Today<король>.. opened Parliament with his speech. Knt. Rel. II 190. I will open a haven for the unfortunate, and I will try to alleviate their lot. MM II 92.

Have open eyes. To look carefully, to observe smth. And I, serf, .. will have an open eye, so that you know .. as soon as the world is created. Psm Pstn. 44. open your eyes to whom. one) To make known the truth about smth. It is difficult to open your eyes so that you can see how deceived you are! Dv. merchant 158. 2) Enlighten, enlighten. But, finally, you opened my eyes, so I see, You breathed courage into me, which I didn’t have. Trd. Thilem. II 16. Opening, I, cf. CAP1 VI 67. ◁ Otvoritel, I, m.(one). Opener of lodges in comedy, doorkeeper. FRL1 II 208.

Hit. open (see op. cit.).

Trouble has come - open the gate

The reasons for crying can be very different.

A. Self-pity caused by worldly troubles.

For example, a person has a leg pain. He does not know how to link this fact with the problems of failure in life. But he knows how to grow a big one out of a tiny stress. He imagines a picture of complete disability and imminent starvation, which makes him feel sorry for himself, while pain in his leg is replaced by pain in his stomach. Feeling sorry for himself because of the pain in the abdomen and forcing himself to eat, a person notices that the pain is concentrated at the top of the abdomen.

A self-pitying person begins to run to the doctors, and he probably gets the feeling that no one cares about him. It means they don't like him. An unbearable pain in the abdomen is replaced by an even more deadly pain in the chest. The more illnesses a person fantasizes for himself, the more likely it is that he has a headache. This enumeration can be continued indefinitely. There is no way that a self-pitying person does not feel worse today than ever. Attempts to dissuade him only increase the complaints. So self-pity, generated by worldly, material problems, turns into mental problems.

Self-pity goes hand in hand with depression. There are excellent articles published in health magazines advising people who are depressed to be taken seriously, as they need special attention. Good, useful advice. But what kind of attention they need to reduce depression as a state of depression is silent about this. In fact, psychology and psychiatry do not know this. Eastern philosophers know about this. This means that although the writer knows what he is writing about, he does not understand the essence of the issue. He didn't experience it for himself. Otherwise, I wouldn't be giving this advice. Most likely, he himself was in a state of depression at the time of writing the article or shortly before, but did not become a victim of a self-pitying person who is depressed.

A smart, sensible, and at the same time incompetent article can increase self-pity in those who are depressed. How? Not too long ago, a friend of mine who had been depressed for years triumphantly held up a full-page newspaper article about depression in front of me and exclaimed with joy, “That’s right. It's written about me!" Now she had an excuse to cultivate self-pity and terrorize the household.

Due to her neurosis, now called depression, the household itself fell into a complete depression, being completely overwhelmed by a depressed family member, but they do not dare to utter a word. As soon as they open their mouths in an attempt to defend themselves, they are immediately classified as bad people. A self-pitying person again has a reason to cry. A person who pities himself is never satisfied with someone else's pity, he always lacks it. The more attention we pay to him, the more we have to listen to moans and lamentations from him, which, in principle, is an empty transfusion of the same energy of lamentations. As a result, this demoralizes the household so much that they do not want to live. A person who constantly complains about a quick death is able to bring all household members and relatives to the grave.

After reading this long article, I was surprised to not find in it a single mention that a person who is experiencing depression should take some steps to correct their own situation.

From my own experience I can say that a complainer can be brought to reason with a harsh concrete word. Where there is order in the house, that is, where everyone knows and feels his place, there is no depression. And even more precisely, in a house where there is an owner, depression was never heard of. As soon as the hostess sits on the owner's head, terror begins, and with it tears. A man is destined to clean up the house, while a woman who provokes a mess is destined to shed tears.

B. Self-pity caused by health problems.

Constantly recurring emotional experiences sooner or later materialize in the form of physical illnesses that treated conservatively- medicines or surgically - removal of the focus of the disease. The self-pity associated with conservative treatment is much less severe. The knowledge that something has been cut out of me makes me feel that I have lost this organ. finally and irrevocably.

During any operation, only a part of the physical flesh is removed from a person. Whoever is happy with this is happy. Whoever begins to feel sorry for himself is unhappy. The energy that caused the disease is fixed in the body and, depending on the specifics of self-pity, either spreads throughout the body, or, like a thing, is shifted from one shelf to another. Since there is no empty space on the symbolic shelves of the human body, the rearranged thing is piled on top of the one that is already there, and as a result, the disease takes on a more severe form.

Real life example

After the surgical removal of a benign tumor from the left oviduct, the woman began to mourn herself because now she was no longer a woman at all and that her husband would no longer want such a woman. She had lamented about this before, otherwise she would not have had a cyst in her left oviduct, but now she had even more food for thought. If earlier she cultivated in herself the fear of “they don’t like me”, now she has a fact confirming her innocence. Female instilled in herself a physical illness, constantly scrolling through this obsession in her head. Since she tried to compensate for her inferiority by studying, acquiring knowledge, a year later she developed cancer of the left hemisphere of the brain. The doctors hoped that they could help her with surgery, but when they performed a craniotomy, it turned out that medicine was already powerless. She came to me after the first course of chemotherapy. I came to the appointment with my husband. He knew the diagnosis, but did not tell his wife. In this respect, well knowing the nature of his wife, he did the right thing. Knowing the truth would deprive a woman of all hope. cowardly man does not bear the truth.

If a woman began to shed tears after the first operation, then with her crying she would have eaten her husband's whole soul, while she herself escaped with only a mental illness. She did not do this, as she was embarrassed by her inferiority. By suppressing self-pity, she turned that pity into a cancer. The husband found out about the ridiculous thoughts of his wife only during the reception. This was such a shock to him that he only repeated in a barely audible voice: “How could you think such a thing? Because I love you. How could you think that? Because I love you". Male logic helped him understand the problem and help his wife. The help of her husband was vital, because a person with an affected left hemisphere is unable to think logically at first.

The husband restored his wife's faith. Taught her to think in a new way, and the wife picked it up with joy. Her husband's behavior was a confirmation to her that he loved her. And, nevertheless, the obsession with “they don’t like me” just does not disappear from this. It comes back whenever the confirmation seems unconvincing. A person who is close to the sick in spirit is able to provide a suffering person with great help, but most of the helpers soon begin to look like a squeezed lemon, since there is nothing worse than the naivety of a cancer patient. Be that as it may, at first everything went well. The state of health has improved, the woman has become prettier outwardly - everything was just a miracle. Unbelievable, but true: a year later, a computer examination of the brain revealed a significant reduction in the cancerous tumor. However, on the right side in the occipital part, the phenomena of swelling of the brain were found. Why?

A cancer patient who wants to make himself a hero is digging his own grave.

Cancer patients are people who get sick from a desperate attempt to prove their superiority. Treating themselves with naive ruthlessness, they show hostility towards their own person. They are ashamed to sit idle if their health improves. They force themselves to want what they think others want and get upset if they don't get it. As soon as they get on their feet, they are seized by a panic desire to take on all the unfinished business at once. The feeling of shame for things postponed due to illness causes a headache - anger at oneself and at life. Helplessness causes powerlessness, and powerlessness makes it worse. The desire to find smart exit responds with pain in the head. This indicates that the person is unhealthy and overwhelmed by sadness. In a patient about whom in question, in moments of sadness, swelling of the brain arose, which was revealed during a computer examination. In this regard, she was prescribed hormonal treatment. I could not forbid hormonal treatment, because it gave a visible improvement, and the person had high hopes for it. Calling on the patient, who is unable to think for himself, to release the sadness and the dissatisfaction associated with it, is practically useless. In addition, cancer patients are obsessed with a great naive hope that the disease will disappear by magic. After the next follow-up examination, they hope to hear that this time they are all right. If this does not happen, they are seized with the deepest despair. Any new despair leads to another explosion of stress, which is very dangerous. Stress should be released consistently, systematically and as calmly as possible. When this woman found out that the disease had not passed, she was seized by hopeless sadness. Hope is gone. The woman never learned to think for herself. Her thoughts were focused on only one thing.

Swelling of the brain caused by sadness does its job. Hormones used to reduce swelling have a positive effect, but they also have an invisible negative side.

Summary of the lesson “Kolyada came, open the gate!”

Unfortunately, they suppress stresses so much that a person ceases to feel them. If they are not felt, then there is no need to release them. The brain that had become inert did not allow the woman to continue working on herself. The tail was released - the beak got stuck. Worst of all, the belief in the thought-treatment, strengthened by the positive results, collapsed like a house of cards. The husband, who was on the verge of despair, again had to find the strength in himself to revive his wife. Alas, the husband's hope for healing will not help bring his wife back to life.

It is not given to anyone to live life for another, no matter how dear he may be. Everyone comes into the world to learn the lessons of his own life and develops to a certain upper limit. We are all mortal. If we do not know how to live and fall ill, then there is another possibility: to learn how to humanly at least die. This woman, albeit belatedly, managed to know herself to such an extent that she was able to die peacefully. Her loved ones, who began to work on themselves to support her spirit, talk about death dear person as beautiful, because they are not tormented by guilt due to their own inaction. They did not prevent the departure from the life of the one who needed to leave.

Cancer may be limited to the initial focus, but more often its cells spread far. If a single cell remains unremoved during the operation, and if after the operation the patient begins to feel sorry for himself, the energy of cancer is transferred to the surviving cell. Imagine how much this energy has to condense to fit in one cell. To fit in there, it causes the cell to grow rapidly. Such cases confirm the opinion that cancer does not tolerate interference, that air is contraindicated for it. This, in turn, strengthens people's fears, undermines faith in medicine, intensifies hopelessness, and a person quickly fades away.

Any illness is associated with self-pity. If you try, you can find in yourself countless nuances of this pity. You can't release them all one at a time / Think of them collectively as general self-pity. Treat her like a prisoner in the prison of your fears and set her free. If you communicate with her, then she will not refuse to communicate with you. With each new release, you will feel a surge of vitality.

Life force is often referred to as energy. One person has a lot of energy, another has little, one situation is considered good, another bad. In fact, in both cases, the balance is disturbed. The normal state is one of balance. With the release of self-pity life force increases, but does not become super-energetic. The suppressed life force, released from captivity, gradually gains height, and a person gets the opportunity to live like a human being. The self-pity experienced by a weakened person because life does not bring anything good activates his desires. A person would like to do everything himself, but there is no strength. Self-pity due to the fact that life presents only bad things makes the desires of a weakened person passive. A person no longer wants anything, even if it is presented to him on a silver platter. Perhaps he decided to take his own life, or maybe not, but the quality of life is indifferent to him. The man has reached the point.

Self-pitying people cause a lot of trouble good people who want to help others. Many of them have learned their respective trades. A district doctor who is at the forefront of medicine, for example, is completely defenseless against a self-pitying patient who considers himself entitled to demand that the doctor be the way he likes. Since the patient would like to leave the doctor's office healthy, this means that he expects the doctor to show such violent pity that he absorbs all his ailments. The next day the patient comes again, as he has the right to help.

If life began to obey the desires of such patients, then soon doctors all over the world would die out like dinosaurs. As long as they are forced to become callous out of a sense of self-preservation, they turn into simply bad doctors, visited by self-pitying patients in order to sharpen their teeth on them. By releasing self-pity, you realize that by helping yourself, you are helping the doctor, and he will be able to help you better, depending on the knowledge. In conclusion, I will ask the question: what would you answer if I said that you have self-pity because you failed to do evil? No matter what you answer or think, everyone has stress.

Real life example

I once examined a two-year-old child who kept trying to throw a piece of bread from the table onto the floor. He didn't like the sight of the uncleaned table. Well, the fact that he himself spilled soup on the tablecloth and left a half-eaten piece of bread did not bother him. This means that he likes cleanliness and order, but at the same time he likes to violate this cleanliness and order. Why? Because he does not like only external cleanliness. He teaches adults to find inner purity.

He never finished his food. In other words, he was afraid to finish what he started, because he was afraid of the assessment. This stress, like all the rest, was inherited from a previous life, and his parents reinforced it with their own similar stresses.

Catching the desire of the child to brush a piece of bread on the floor, I anticipated his action with a loud and resolute “No!”. For a long time we bored each other with our eyes, like two colliding goats, according to the principle of “who wins”, but the child felt which side was the power. The bread remained on the table, and judging by the crying, it could be assumed that the child had suffered a terrible insult. Self-pity for not being allowed to do something bad desperately called for the help of witnesses, including her mother.

Some of the eyewitnesses felt pity in their hearts, but their minds did not allow them to rush to help. In such a situation, the concession would be a disservice to the child. I showed firmness, and this time was enough for the child to leave a bad habit. But the child also taught adults another lesson. If I wanted to prove myself a good person, I would fail. Then I would act according to the principle: let the child do what he wants, the main thing is not to cry. Later, when I cleaned the table and the floor, I would feel sorry for myself and curse the child along with his parents.

Self-pity as such is actually nothing but regret that I could not achieve what I wanted - I could not do evil. In a moment of despair, a person splashes out helplessness and sadness - in the form of tears of self-pity. A person who bursts into tears because someone turned out to be bad, and he has to suffer because of this, actually cries because he could not remake a person in his own way. Appreciation of others is in itself a desire to make them good.

Christmas carols

"The carol has come - open the gate"

Glotova A. Z.

Target: study of traditional folk art (acquaintance with the traditions, customs, holidays of the Russian people).


    Instilling in students respect for the traditions of their people;

    Cultivating a respectful attitude in communication with other children and adults;

    Development of active perception of music through musical folklore;

    Development of special musical abilities (sense of rhythm, modal sense, musical and auditory representations);

    Formation of performing skills in the field of singing, movement, playing music;

    Development of independence, initiative and improvisational abilities in children.

Decorations and props:

Decoration of the Russian hut.


Leading, Oksana, blacksmith Vakula, carolers, Solokha, devil, grandfather, Goat, Bear, mummers

Required attributes:

A pole with a star, a basket with oats (millet, etc.), a table, a tablecloth.


Folk clothes, winter, costumes of mummers.

I part

Leading on stage (girls in Russian outfits), voices are heard, singing perform


Teacher: I remember an ancient legend

Long time ago past days,

When in the Christmas light

The star shone for the people

And choirs of angels sang

Earth holy song from heaven,

And they rang with bright joy

Flowers in the fields and dark forest.

1Vedas: Good evening, generous evening, to everyone who came to the holiday to remember with us "the legend of the old deep." We expect New Year making plans for the future. How much joy, songs and dances he brings us!

2Vedas: In the old days, the New Year began to be celebrated from the day of the Nativity of Christ. Two weeks (from Christmas to Epiphany) lasted Russian Christmas time, which girls and boys were looking forward to. At this time, they walked around the village, from house to house, brought the news that Christ was born and sang Christmas carols.

The symbol of Christmas was the star of Bethlehem, the same one that lowered its beam where Christ was born. Her “christoslavs” were brought into every house, consecrating it for the coming year.

3Vedas: Tom is the house where they entered with Star of Bethlehem, was considered consecrated, and peace, wealth and love should accompany the owners. Therefore, carolers were always greeted with joy, warmth, and cordiality.

Quiet chimes . (In recording)

By the way, what time is it? (recollects). Oh, sorry, good people, I started talking to you, do you hear, the bells are ringing, so the service in the church is over. Soon carolers will go through the village. No matter how they passed. (listens). Some voices. I'll go and have a look. (Puts on a shawl. Leaves)

1Ved. And while we cover festive table tablecloth. It is necessary to nourish the table with grain so that the harvest is good (covers the table with a tablecloth). An obligatory dish will be kutya and vzvar. My kutya turned out to be sweet, with honey, poppy seeds and raisins. This dish was dedicated to the dead ancestors, and so that their life in the next world would not be bitter, but heavenly, sweet. A vzvar, that is, compote, was cooked when a child was born. And on the table I have 12 dishes - according to the number of months in a year, so that the year is plentiful. Soon the carols will sing, the guests need to give a sign (lights a candle)

There is a loud knock on the door

1r. Carol came, open the gate.

All together: We are carolers. May we celebrate Christmas?

Hostess: Come on. Praise, praise!

Christoslavs enter the hut with the song "Kolyada". The bearer of the star stands in the center, his companions dismantle the rays-ribbons, become a tent and, to the song, begin to move smoothly in a circle so that the impression of a star walking across the sky is created. sing " Christmas miracle»

    Merry Christmas1

Happy New Year!

With all kind!

To be healthy

Lived for many years

To happiness and fun

Was in the house all year round.

To keep the guests busy.

    What will you give us, hostess?

    Money bag or porridge pot?

    A jug of milk or a piece of cake?

    Candy bars?

    Or hundreds of spices?

Mistress: Early, early ask. Treat your soul. The holiday has come - the dance has started.

They perform "Kolyada-Malyada" and dance.

Hostess: Well, pleased! Well, have fun! How can you not greet! How can you not be blessed!

Treats carolers.

    To the hostess-kunyu fur coat!

    Daughters - on a wreath of gold!

    Sons - a black horse!

All together: Be healthy! Happy New Year!

They leave to the song "Kolyada-malyada"

II part

3 Presenter: In the meantime, we will be transported to the famous “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. “All around, songs and shouts were heard more and more noisily through the streets, the lads were naughty and furious with might and main. Often, between the carols, some cheerful song was heard, which one of the Cossacks immediately managed to put together. Then suddenly one of the crowd, instead of a carol, would release a carol and roar at the top of his voice:

Shchedryk, bucket

Let's dumpling

Porridge breast,

Kielce sausages.

It seemed that the boys and girls were ready to have fun all night long. And the night, as if on purpose, glowed so luxuriously, and the light of the moon seemed even whiter from the brilliance of snow.

2 Presenter:

Let's see what Oksana, Chub's daughter, is doing when left alone at home.

She was unusually pretty and capricious, like a beauty. The lads chased her in droves. After her father left, she spent a long time dressing up and coaxing in front of a small mirror and could not stop admiring herself.

Oksana: What did people decide to praise, as if I were good? People lie, I'm not good at all. Are my black eyebrows and eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's good about that nose? And in the cheeks? And in the lips? As if my black braids are good?........Wow! one can be frightened of them in the evening: they, like long snakes, intertwined and coiled around my head. I see now that I'm not good at all! - and, pushing the mirror a little further away from her, she cried out: - No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle! What joy I will bring to the one whom I will be the wife! How my husband will admire me! He won't remember himself. He'll kiss me to death."

Wonderful girl! - whispered the blacksmith, who quietly entered, - and she has little boasting! He stands for an hour, looking in the mirror, and does not look enough, and still praises himself aloud!

“Yes, lads, do you like me? look at me, - continued the pretty coquette, - how smoothly I step out; I have a shirt sewn with red silk. And what tapes on the head! You never see a richer galloon! My father bought all this for me so that the best fellow in the world would marry me!

And, smiling, she turned in the other direction and saw the blacksmith ... She screamed and sternly stopped in front of him. The blacksmith dropped his hands. It is difficult to tell what the marvelous girl's swarthy face expressed: both severity was visible in it, and through the severity some kind of mockery of the embarrassed blacksmith, and a barely noticeable flush of annoyance thinly spread over her face; and all this was so mixed up and it was so indescribably good that kissing her a million times - that's all that could be done then the best.-

Why did you come here? Oksana started talking like that. - Do you want to be kicked out the door with a shovel? You are all masters to drive up to us. Instantly sniff out when the fathers are not at home. Oh, I know you! What, is my chest ready?

It will be ready, my dear, after the holiday it will be ready. If you only knew how much you fussed around him: for two nights he did not leave the forge; but not a single priest will have such a chest. He put the iron on the fitting such as he did not put on the centurion's gibberish when he went to work in Poltava. And how it will be painted! Even if the whole neighborhood comes out with your little white legs, you will not find such a thing! All over the field will be scattered red and blue flowers. It will burn like fire. Don't be angry with me! Let me at least talk, at least look at you!

Who forbids you, speak and look!

Then she sat down on the bench and again looked in the mirror and began to straighten her braids on her head. She glanced at her neck, at the new shirt embroidered with silk, and a subtle feeling of self-satisfaction was expressed on her lips, on her fresh cheeks, and shone in her eyes. “Let me sit next to you too!” - said the blacksmith

Sit down, - Oksana said, keeping the same feeling in her lips and in her satisfied eyes.

- Wonderful, beloved Oksana, let me kiss you! - said the encouraged blacksmith and pressed her to him, intent on grabbing a kiss; but Oksana turned away her cheeks, which were already at an inconspicuous distance from the blacksmith's lips, and pushed him away.

What else do you want? When he needs honey, he needs a spoon! Go away, your hands are tougher than iron. Yes, you smell like smoke. I think I've been smeared all over with soot. Then she brought up the mirror and again began to preen in front of him.

She doesn't love me, - the blacksmith thought to himself (turning to the hall), hanging his head. - She has all the toys; but I stand before her like a fool and keep my eyes on her. And everyone would stand before her, and the century would not take her eyes off her! Wonderful girl! What wouldn't I give to know what's in her heart, who she loves! But no, she doesn't need anyone. She admires herself; torments me, the poor; and I do not see the light behind sadness; and I love her so much, as no other person in the world has ever loved and will never love.

- Is it true that your mother is a witch? - said Oksana and laughed; and the blacksmith felt that everything inside him laughed. This laughter seemed to resonate at once in his heart and in his quietly quivering veins, and with all that vexation sank into his soul that he was not in the power to kiss a face that laughed so pleasantly.

- What do I care about my mother? you are my mother, and father, and everything that is dear in the world. If the king called me and said: “Blacksmith Vakula, ask me for everything that is best in my kingdom, I will give everything to you. I will order you to make a golden forge, and you will forge with silver hammers. “I don’t want,” I would say to the king, “neither expensive stones, nor a golden forge, nor your whole kingdom: better give me my Oksana!”

- See what you are! Only my father himself is not a blunder. You'll see when he doesn't marry your mother, Oksana said, smiling slyly. - However, the girls do not come ... What would that mean? It's high time to carol. I get bored

- God bless them, my beauty!

- No matter how! with them, right, the lads will come. This is where the balls come in. I can imagine what funny stories they will tell!

- So do you have fun with them?

- Yes, it's more fun than with you. BUT! someone knocked; right, girls with lads.

“What can I expect more? said the blacksmith to himself. - She's mocking me. I am as dear to her as a rusty horseshoe. But if so, it will not get, at least, to another to laugh at me. Let me just notice for sure who she likes more than me; I will teach...”

A knock on the door and a voice that sounded sharply in the cold: “Open it!” interrupted his thoughts.

- Wait, I'll open it myself, - said the blacksmith and went out into the hallway, intent on breaking off the side of the first person who came across with annoyance.

(Heaps of girls broke into Oksana: screaming, laughter, stories)

Eh, Odarka, what new slippers you have. Oh, how good and with gold. How good it is for you, Odarka, you have such a person who buys everything for you, but I have no one to get such nice little slippers.

Blacksmith: Don't worry, dear Oksana, I'll get you some slippers like a rare pannochka wears.

Oksana: Be all witnesses: if the blacksmith Vakula brings the very little laces that the queen wears, then here is my word that I will marry him that same hour. Let's go caroling.

They leave. They sing. It sounds like a poem.

Teacher: Our ancestors drank, ate,

Having fun for 2 weeks

From Christmas to Epiphany

Having prepared a meal.

Sang various carols

We went around the yards to Christmas time,

Dressed up and joked.

The holiday was expected and loved.

So let's go now

We will meet him at our place.

1B. -And here is Solokha's house. Let's look in there. (Looks in)

2B.- Oh, yes, the devil is visiting her.

3B.- Seriously loosened up with Solokha, kissed her hand with such antics, took

for the heart, groaned, looked after her in every possible way.

1B.- But what is it? The carolers are coming. Hide, Solokha, hurry up the devil, otherwise it’s bad for you

It will, and so they take it for a witch.

(Solokha pushes the devil into the bag, he resists)

Knock on the door.

Solokha: Who's there?

Children: We are carolers! Allow me to enter the hut, praise Christmas!

Solokha: Go away, go away!

We don't have any money, the cellars are empty.

Gingerbread, nuts ate sweet tooth.

Get away from the gate!

Children (do not leave), sing "Ovsen-kolyada",

Stepping on the hostess:

    If you don’t serve pies, we let in bedbugs.

    Mustachioed cockroaches and striped animals!

    If you don’t give a cheesecake, we’ll break the tub.

    Open the chest! Give me a piglet!

Solokha: Go away1 Go away! (drives carolers away)

Damn: (leaning out of the bag) - Bring back the carolers, Solokha. According to the custom of Christmas, everyone who comes to the house is welcomed.

Oh you, the thirst is the gut.

If you don’t serve a pie, you won’t see any good.

They let devils into the yard, worms into the garden.

Solokha: (gets scared, calls carolers).

Come in, come through

Good fellows, red girls,

Young pullets, white winches,


The children are returning.

1r. Good evening!

We came to the house

To Happy New Year

Congratulations to all of you.

kind people New Year.

3r. So that oil and lard

The kitchen screeched.

4r. Lived without sorrow

To make money rattle.

2r. Good evening, good evening

Good people New Year.

Carolists: (the host raises a star, everyone else dismantles the ribbons with a tent,

moving in a circle to the song "Sow, sow, sow")

Children: (sing in chorus).

We sow, we sow, we sow

Happiness, we wish you joy.

1r. (scattering crosswise grain from the basket towards the "red corner" and on the hostess). For luck! To health! For the New Year!

Together: (move in a circle, sing)

Sow, sow, sow

Happiness, we wish you joy.

2r. (stops, takes over the basket, also sows)

To be healthy

Lived for many years.

We sow, we sow, we sow

Happiness, we wish you joy.

3r. (sows on guests and participants in the holiday)

Zhito, wheat, any arable land.

In the field - grain, in the house - good,

In the field it is spikey, in the house it is pie.

Together: (walk in a circle, sing)

Sow, sow, sow

We wish you happiness, joy.

4 p. - Well, mistress, dear, we praised you,

We met Christmas time with you.

They brought you a star, they brought you a carol.


And now it's the turn

Open your mouth wide.

Solokha: (brings out a treat)

Here's to you, dear good word, for sonorous songs.


1r. And you for bread, but for salt our respect!

2r. You're good, but don't blame me

It's time for us to hit the road!

3r. Before dawn, you need to get around everyone!

4r. Stay with God!

Together: Cheers!

They leave to the song "Kolyada-Malyada". They descend from the stage into the hall. They look into each other's bags. (Exclamations). “Oh, how much they played up! And I have a full bag! And I have! Let's go for a get-together! Went!"

They sit down in a circle, crowd, push each other, take food out of the bags, lay it out on the table.

Knock on the door.

1r. A good guest is an honor to the host. Who's there?

Grandfather: Good health, owners, let me in, for Christ's sake, warm up. I walk from afar, I see a light, I hear: they sing and dance - it means that the people here are kind.

2r. Come in, in cramped conditions, but do not be offended.

Grandfather: Thank you for your kind words.

(does not remove outerwear, looks around, coughs).

3r. What are you, grandpa, do not pass? Come in, sit down, take a break from the path.

Grandfather: I’ll go, I’ll sit down, but the trouble is, I’m not alone. With me and the goat, completely overwhelmed by

frost. Let her go. Where to put her? I don't have a stake or a yard. Together with her

We go, whoever gives us something, we feed on it. Shelter, we will not remain in debt.

4r. Bring your nurse, grandpa. We will not offend anyone, we have a generous evening today.

The cries of the mummers: Do not scold the carol, do not scold the carol. We do not go by ourselves, we are a goat

We are leading. (leading a stubborn goat)

Grandfather: Here is our goat girl, Christmas bodule.

Goat: Be-ee. I am a painted beauty. Be-e-e. Soot, painted with charcoal. Came

To honor the owners, to nurture the children.

The mummers stand around the goat, perform the Christmas carol.

Mummers: Where was the goat-goat before Christmas?

Goat: Grazing pigs.

Mummers: A goat is a goat, but where are the pigs?

Goat: The guys stole it.

Mummers: Kozonka is a goat, but where are the guys?

Goat: In the new village.

Mummers: Goat-goat, who is in the new village?

Goat: Kolyada the other day.

Grandfather: (leads the goat by the rope along the “upper room”). Where the goat walks, it will give birth to life.

Where the goat has a tail - there is life - a bush. Where a goat has a foot, there is a live shock.

Where a goat is with a horn, there is a haystack of life.

(the goat starts to play pranks, kick, runs after the children, then pretending to faint)

Grandfather: Oh, horned, horned, Masters, so that the goat gets up, she needs a piece of lard,

Sieve of oats, and sausage on top.

Hosts: (mummers, presenting) Here you are, well done, gingerbread and candy. (all thanks-

Ryat). And goat nuts (Goat jumps up, bows). No, goat, sing

First we have fun.

Goat: (addressing the Bear) Come on, Toptygin, let's shuffle our feet,

Let's have some fun with our guests.

Bear: Come on, Goat, let's show how famously we dance.

(Goat and Bear sing ditties)

Goat: Come out to dance, Bear,

We will sing ditties.

We will sing ditties

And then let's go dancing.

Bear: When you sing, Goat,

Don't roll your eyes.

You can't sing

You don't eat, you bleat.

Goat: And you, Mishenka - a bear,

You can't sing yourself

You are hard of hearing

Bear: Oh, Goat, you, Goat,

Gray rose.

Stop fighting for us

Let's make peace with you.

Goat: Oh, my dear Misha,

I didn't fight with you.

We joked with you

We made the people happy.

Bear: Cheer up, Goat, dance,

Your legs are good.

Goat: And your curves

Also good ones.

Together: We caroled with you,

They sang and danced together,

Very tired.


Bear: Well, Goat, we will bow to all the guests. (bow)


Leading: (calls everyone) It's time for us to dance

Tap the heel.

Children come out and dance.

Christmas time came - pancakes and ladki. The men play, the women watch the treat

There was no translation in the house, but for us - the girls - it's just fun to guess.

How are we going to guess?

I will pour egg white through the ring into the water. The protein spreads in the water and me

Show my fiancé.

And I hung the comb in the barn. At night, the groom will scratch himself, and in the morning I will recognize him.

According to the suit of the remaining hair.

And I can't wait until morning. At night I will throw a shoe through the gate. Where will he lay his toe

Go there and get married.

And it's even easier to guess. Go outside, walk up to the first person you meet and

Ask for a name. Whatever name he calls - so the groom will be called.

You can also put the first piece of dinner under your pillow and say:

"Betrothed, mummers, come to me for supper!" And the betrothed to appear in a dream.

And you can pull a log out of the woodpile at random. If the log is smooth, even, then

There will be a poor groom, and if uneven, then the groom will be rich.

And let's guess now!

But we need a live chicken. Come on, bring a chicken from the yard. (Bring)

Let's put her in the middle, in whose direction she runs - she will get married this year.

(the girls surround the chicken, the guys are still on the sidelines)

You Oksana and get married.

Presenter: Christmas time has come - pancakes and ladki.

For gala dinner made a particularly plentiful table, believing that

Wealth on the table will affect the future. The peculiarity of this feast

Is a caesarean pig. He got the name of the Caesarean pig

On behalf of Saint Basil of Caesarea. And carolers demanded all evening

"Give a pig and a boletus for Vasiliev's evening."

People believed that a New Year's dinner with a Caesarean pig had

Magical value and promotes abundance, fertility and complacency

In the family, in the economy.

Therefore, we give you recipes for the Christmas pig.

(distributing recipes to those who wish)

The clock strikes.

Guys come up, stand between the girls, push the girls, laugh.

Is there a brighter holiday in the world than Christmas!

There is a belief that on this day God, delighted the birth of the Son,

He unleashed all the evil spirits so that they could rejoice

The birth of Christ.

Therefore, people dressed up in all sorts of evil spirits, so that real evil spirits

She accepted people as her own and did no harm.

And then everyone ran to the river, plunged into the hole and washed away sin


And the first pancake was always given to the sheep.

And on Christmas Eve, bonfires were lit all night to keep the ancestors warm.

And they did only good deeds, and made gifts to each other.

Let's give each other small gifts.


Around the Christmas haze.

Bells are ringing in the darkness

And with them the words sound in harmony:

“Peace on earth and happiness to all.

I felt like that day

Life in cities and villages

Combining, the call sounds:

Peace on earth and happiness to all!”

Children perform

"Christmas Song" by P Sinyavsky


In our time, on the night of January 13-14, many celebrate the onset of the old New Year, reviving the custom that evening to invite guests to a generous treat. The main festive dish on Vasily's Day was a pig, which was fried whole. Our ancestors believed that pig roast provided prosperity for the coming year! If you are planning to celebrate the Old New Year, then our recipes will become a lifesaver for your table.
Roasted piglet stuffed with buckwheat porridge


Cooking method:
Lower the pig carcass into cold water, remove and immediately lower for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. Then scrape off the bristles with a knife, trying not to cut the skin, rub the carcass with flour and singe over an open fire. Starting from the neck, make a deep longitudinal incision on the abdomen and gut the carcass. Prepare the filling as follows. Rinse buckwheat, add salted water and cook crumbly porridge. Wash the onion, chop and fry in hot oil. Mix it with porridge and finely chopped eggs. Grate the washed and dried pig from the inside with salt and stuff with the prepared stuffing, evenly distributing it throughout the carcass. Sew up the incision with kitchen string. Rub the whole pig with vodka and salt to make its skin tough. Line a baking sheet with wooden (preferably birch) splinters. Having bent the legs of the pig, lay it on the splinter, pour oil on the carcass and put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. When the pig is reddened, reduce the temperature to 150-160 degrees and continue frying, pouring the carcass with the resulting juice every 7-10 minutes. When the piglet is ready, cut its back to the bone with a knife and let it cool for 15 minutes. Remove the threads, put the porridge in a separate bowl. Cut the carcass into portions and put them on a dish, giving the shape of a whole pig. From the sides, overlay it with porridge, herbs, boiled carrots. Insert olives into the eye sockets. In the same way, you can cook a pig stuffed with veal liver, liver or homemade noodles.

With the advent of Christmas, the Orthodox people continue to celebrate until the very Old New Year, glorifying the bright holiday of the birth of the son of God. A whole week, among other things, is given over to Kolyada and the ancient custom of caroling. Carolers are welcome guests in every home, because with their songs and jokes they glorify the owners and wish them well and health, prosperity and fertility. And the owners reward them for this with sweets and even money. It should be noted that the custom of caroling is now preserved, I am sure, only in the deep provinces, in villages and villages, where everyone knows each other. And caroling, most often, kids, although in the distant past, adults also liked to have fun, dressing up in "mummers" and with the "Christmas Star" bypassing relatives and neighbors.
So, the world is ruled by Kolyada, and in all Slavic countries, carols and generous songs sound merrily in Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian. Each country has its own color, its own customs and its own songs, but they are united by the bright holiday of Christmas and the wishes to live peacefully, richly and happily.
In my traditional gallery, I collected paintings by Russian and Ukrainian artists, carol texts in both languages. Already when looking at the pictures, you are charged with positive and fun. Join now! Or maybe someone decides to dress up for the evening and with a canvas bag and a "star" make a "detour" of relatives and friends - those who will not drive away, will not call the police, but will treat and have fun with you. I would be happy if you share your memories and impressions ...

Picturesque and poetic round dance in honor of Kolyada.

gray beard,
Nose - bowl,
Head - a basket,
Hands - sabers,
Legs - rake,
Come on New Year's Eve -
Magnify honest people!

Somov Konstantin Andreevich (1869-1939) Mummers. 1929 Private collection, UK

Vasilkovsky Sergey Ivanovich (Ukraine, 1854-1917) Caroling.

Kolyada, Kolyada
At the end of the day.
Have a bright night
They fell for the sake of a candle.
Kolyad call to hati,
To welcome Jesus.
Good people, carol,
Sin of God move!

Tafiychuk Lyudmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born in 1958) Christmas evening. 2012

Tafiychuk Ludmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born 1958) Generous evening, good evening (left side). 2013

Tafiychuk Lyudmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born 1958) Generous evening, good evening (right side). 2013

We sow snow
On a silk bed.
The snow is falling
The blizzard will break out!
Give it to you, master
For the New Year:
On the field - offspring,
On the threshing floor - ground,
On the table - thick,
In the bins - ergot.

Linnikova Nadezhda Andreevna (b. 1982) Folk holiday. 2008

Gukasov Grigory Andreevich (b. 1980) Untitled. 2010

Fedotov Ivan Sergeevich (born 1987) Mummers. 2010

Months are coming.
Dressed in leather jackets
Like in the shepherd's den.
For children, a distraction
Generous at the hotel
Have llyanіy torbintsі.

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born 1957) Carols. 2006

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born 1957) Carols are coming 2014

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born in 1957) New joy has come. 2009

Swan in the garden
nailed down,
And who pushed her
And who thrashed her?

Paymanov Evgraf Semenovich (b. 1949) Christmas carols with mummers. 2007

Popov Georgy Ivanovich (born 1939) Moonlit night. Mummers. 1983

Kholin Dmitry Arkadyevich (born 1970) Christmas song. 2011

carols, carols, carolers,
Goodness with honey spitting,
Not so without honey
Give me some pie.
Yak do not give a pie,
I'll take the bik by the horns,
I'll take you to the market
I will buy my own pie.

Kuriy-Maksimov Natalia (Ukraine, born 1987) Kolyada.

Kuriy-Maksimov Natalia (Ukraine, b. 1987) Carols.

Kuriy-Maksimov Natalia (Ukraine, born 1987) Hutsul region carols.

carol, carol,
Christmas Eve!
Good aunt,
The pie is sweet
Don't cut, don't break
Give it quickly
two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let's not stand!
The stove is heated
I want a pie!

Danilov Alexander (Alexander Daniloff, Russian born-Italian, born 1963) Carolers. 2002

Matsik Yuri Yurievich (born 1956) Kolyada in the Carpathians. 2011

Yakusheva Yulia Vitalievna (born 1967) Kolyada. 2009

Good evening to you, sir!
Wine a couple of cowboys for us,
Oh, walk around the bee,
Look for tips.
Vinesi Sala, don't be stingy
Sob your barley is ugly
Sob pressed a hundred kіp zhita,
Sob sіm'ya bula the whole sieve!
Sob the cattle was found,
Sob the wheat swarmed,
Sob at the hut of the whole mali -
Kolyadnikov were treated.

Poturaylo Andriy (Ukraine-USA, b. 1973) From the series Moonlight Nights (Shadows in Altanets).

Kotlyarov Viktor Borisovich (Ukraine, born 1952) New Year. 2002