Scenario of Christmas celebration "Christmas night miracle". Scenario of the Christmas holiday material on the topic To the music, children imitate playing the balalaika

Holiday script

"Christmas fun" 2017.

The date of the: January 7, 2017.

The script was developed by:

Rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon Mother of God"Inexhaustible Chalice" of the village of Varskie -Priest Vyacheslav Mamaev;

Davydova N.P. - teacher primary school MBOU "Varskovskaya secondary school" of the municipality - Ryazan municipal district of the Ryazan region.

Target : To expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ, its meaning and traditions of celebration. To promote the familiarization of pupils, their parents and guests with the traditions of Orthodox national culture. Develop Creative skills, to improve performing skills, the desire to give people joy. To educate spiritual and moral qualities: kindness, peacefulness, generosity.

Children go to the carol "Merry Christmas to all of you."

Sunday School students sing the "Christmas Miracle" carol.

1. Lead. Hello, guys, hello, guests, it’s warm and cozy in our house, and it’s cold and blizzard outside.

2. Presenter: It's good that in these Christmas days we are all in our hall again today. More recently, New Year's songs sounded here, they danced round dances, Father Frost with the Snow Maiden, what else does Mother Winter bring us, what winter holiday(Nativity).

3. Lead. A star in the sky twinkling

Just barely appears

Everyone knows: good will come

Bright holiday of Christmas.

4. Guys, who was born on this day? Whose Christmas do we celebrate on January 7th?

(Children answer.)

5. Presenter: That's right, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born.

5.1. Presenter: On the merry Christmas holiday of Christ,

Winter was decorated, fringe on the dress

From transparent ice floes, stars, snowflakes.

All in diamonds, pearls, in multi-colored lights.

5.2. Christmas has come -

We have been waiting for him for a long time.

Christmas time is celebrated by the people:

Have fun and sing.

5.3. On this winter day

Smoke curls over the chimney

The moon shines over her

And the hut is full of guests.

Here are the red girls

Coloring pages - sisters

Good fellows around

and Father at the table.

Gatherings here with us

We are all glad to see you!

6.- Truly sacred moments!
"Christ is born!" - we exclaim with you.
From century to century, let the world sing and praise
Christ birth with clean lips!

7. Today is our blesses the rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" of the village of Varskie - Priest Vyacheslav Mamaev.

8: A star shone above the mountain cave,

And Bethlehem slept in the silence of sweet dreams,

Great happiness happened then -

Christ was born for the world!

8.1: Why is the vault of heaven shining so clearly on this night?

What marvelous star sheds its light?

Beautiful angels fly in the sky.

The Nativity of Christ is celebrated with song.

Carol "I sing praise to Him alone."

9. Today the whole earth is bright,
And the bells are ringing
And the heart beats evenly
And praise sounds more harmonious:

ChildrenGlory to God in the highest and peace on earth!
Merry Christmas!

Carol "The night is quiet over Palestine."

10. Let's glorify Christ on our family holiday!

May all be touched by its beauty!


Light in my heart!

feast of the saint

The sun has risen.

Heaven is so clear

White day in the night

That baby in the manger

The star sends rays!

The Word became flesh

For our troubles


Nativity -

Eternal life light!

11. A star shines in the sky

Everyone come visit us here.

12. To those who worked and helped a friend,

A merry holiday will step on the threshold.

For tonight the Christ Child

He brought joy to everyone!

13. A miracle happened, a bright day came,

And in every heart he found joy.

After all, this evening the people rejoice -

The Son of God, the Savior, is coming to earth!

14. Peaceful angel, heavenly spirit
Light, joyful rays.
Today an angel came down to us
And he sang: "Christ is born."

15 : We came to glorify Christ
And congratulations on your holiday!

Carol "Have fun, triumph, good people, with me"

17. Christmas miracle
Again, God brought us!
So let in every heart
Christ is born!

Carol "Christmas".

18. The days from Christmas to baptism are popularly called Bright or Christmastide. These days, all people visit each other, give gifts, sing carols, wish health in the New Year. Let us also sing and dance, glorify the birth of Christ.

Together with Merry Christmas

Let the guests rush to your bright home.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Golden Egg".

Old woman. Hey old man, wake up quick!

Old man. Are there wolves at the door?

What are you talking about old woman?

Old woman. Yes, look what I found!!!

Our hen Pestrukha laid an egg under a bush!!!

Old man. Well, took it down!? What's the deal?

What are you, baba, stunned?

Old woman. Yes, the egg is not simple,

And look - gold!

Old man. Golden???


Did we get rich?

Old woman. Oh, it burns - blinds the eyes !!!

Old man. Miracles!

Old woman. Miracles!!!

Old woman. Oh, it burns, it burns like heat! There would be no fire!

Old man. You lock him in a chest. (knock on door)

Old woman. There is no one at home!!!

Look, the neighbors, as luck would have it, inadvertently brought!

Old woman. On Wednesday I will go to the city.

There is a market on Wednesday.

There are many rich people

I will sell them an egg.

How they give me a pile of money, throw me rubles,

I'll get myself a sheepskin coat

I am a Siberian sable.

Here I will buy new things -

Different skirts - forty pieces.

Blue floral shawl
I'll fill the chest to the brim!

Old man. What are you talking nonsense

Look, a young lady was found

Dress up in different rubbish.

No, if we are rich, I will build instead of a hut

Three-storey chambers and gazebos in the corners!

Old woman. Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old, do not be blissful!

We live no worse than others.

We don't need floors.

And for these pavilions your neighbors will laugh at you!

Old man. Let them laugh, I'm not sorry!!!

Old woman. Come on, don't scream!

A rolling pin fell to the floor,

Cast iron rattles in the furnace.

Oh, the white light is not dear to me!

Old man. Am I the owner or not!?

Old woman. Oh, the egg rolled!

Rolled and broke.

And there was no shell left, everything had gone somewhere !!!

Old man. So what are we up to!?

From miracles one trouble!

Let's live as before

And work as always!

And you can fix a fur coat and you can fix the house.

Old woman. Only that can be seen reliably, which is given to us by labor!

Old man. Open the door, old woman! What do we have to hide now?

Old woman. Hey neighbor, hey neighbor! Don't forget your friends!

Come in for an hour - I have good kvass!

And pickles, and jams,

Come in without hesitation!

(Grandma appears - Riddler)

Mysterious Grandmother : Hello good people! I am Grandmother-Riddle, I congratulate you on Christmas!

Leading: Hello Grandma- Riddle! We wish you a Merry Christmas too!

Leading: Grandma, tell the kids why they call you "Riddle".

Mysterious Grandmother: I am not just a grandma. I tell everyone fairy tales, show them, and I know many more riddles and play games.

Leading: Will you play with us? Do you guess riddles?

Mysterious Grandmother: My riddles today are not simple, but Christmas. Can you guess?(Children answer.)

In the whole world a celebration

Because (Christmas)!

Not in palaces, and not in tents,

Baby Christ sleeps in (manger.)

How can they find the King?

The path will show them (star.)

There is no more humble in this world

Young girl (Mary.)

This angel brought the message

What will be born to Her (Christ).

Travelers went to the census for a long time,
They did not find a place in the city:
Under Bethlehem - bare steppe,
The poor became their shelter ... (Nativity scene)

Cave, manger, haystack,
Born in her ... (Jesus Christ)

In temples the face of those who sing sings:
“Virgin of the Most Substantial…” (gives birth)

This song, we know so
It is called ... (Kondak)

Shined in the dark sky then
Lighting the way, holy ... (Star)

Simple people learned the news.
In the night when the roosters did not sing yet,
They hurried to the baby's manger
And they glorified God ... (Shepherds)

Behind the star, appearing
From the road blue
To Bethlehem they keep a long way
On three camels ... (Magi)

(Santa Claus appears with a bag and sings "Christmas carol")

Santa Claus. carol, carol,

You give me a pie

Or a slice of bread

Or half the money.

Who will not give a pie,

That's a chicken leg.

Grandmother-Mystery. How many years I have lived, but I have not seen Santa Claus go caroling.

Father Frost. And why am I worse than other mummers - a bear, a goat, a buffoon? I decided on holy days to visit the guys again, to play. And then after Baptism, it’s time for me to go to the forest, add frost, fix ice bridges on the rivers, put more snow on the fields so that the earth - mother gives more harvest.

Grandmother-Mystery. We are glad, Santa Claus, to see you, but you sing the wrong carols.

Father Frost. So how should it be?

Grandmother-Mystery. Carols should bring joy glorifying Jesus Christ and His Birth, and not "beg".

Do you guys know carols?

Let's play. One of you will read a carol, and we will have to praise it with friendly applause or stomp our feet if this carol is not good. Ready?

(CHILDREN sing carols):


Let's go more expensive

Yes to neighbors with Kolyada

For gifts crowd.

carol, carol,

Christmas Eve!

Open chests -

Get the patches!

Kolyada - carol

Give grandma a pie.

Don't give me a pie -

Let's take the cow by the horns.

Do not give cakes

Let's break the windows.

Ay, doo, doo, ah, doo, doo

And I'm going to the house. The stove is heating pancakes.

Give me a sausage - extends his hand

I'll take it home.

Give me another one, I'll be generous!

Give me a third

Do not drive with a whip -

Grandpa will eat

Three beards

Mustache nod

And remember you!

To all good people
We wish you well, gold, silver!
fluffy pies,
Soft pancakes!
Good health!
Butter cow!
All. To whom we sing songs, it will come true,
That will come true, it will not pass.

good health,

Butter cow!

Merry Christmas!

I congratulate you and Merry Christmas,

that came to your house.

I wish everyone, everyone, that you be healthy!

You have lived together for many years.

Father Frost: Christmas time has come happy days,

And bright lights lit up on the trees.

Christmas tree

We're on fire today too!

The variegation of its elegant

She makes the kids happy.

Round dance "Come to us Christmas tree"

Father Frost . Christmas - fun party. So let's have fun together. Do you want to play? The game is called: "What does not happen on the Christmas tree?". I will call you different items, if you hear the name of Christmas toys, you need to raise your hand and say "Yes." If I name something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, I must restrain myself and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Game: "What does not happen on the Christmas tree?".

Here comes the holiday
Each decorated a Christmas tree.
Who guys can confirm-
Hanging on its branches...
Top star? (Yes)
A loud buzzer? (Yes)
Petenka-parsley? (Yes)
Soft pillow? (No)
White snowflakes? (Yes)
Bright pictures? (No)
Spider web ball? (Yes)
Old boots? (No)
Chocolate bars? (No)
Horses and horses? (Yes)
Cotton bunnies? (Yes)
Mittens - gloves? (No)
Red lanterns? (Yes)
Breadcrumbs? (No)
Bright flags? (Yes)
Hats and scarves? (No)
Apples and cones? (No)
Kolya panties? (No)
Tasty candy? (Yes)
Snow papers? (No)

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, guessed all the riddles.
Father Frost: Are you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands
Yes, put it behind your back
Who will I touch
I'll freeze those jokes.
Mysterious Grandmother: And II want to play with the guys. And play the game "Repeat". Be careful guys, repeat all the movements after me.

And it's cold outside

Well, everyone took up the nose!

There is no need for us to beat the buckets,

Well, everyone took their ears,

Twisted, turned

Here are the ears warmed up.

Knocked on the knees

They shook their heads.

Patted on the shoulders

And sunk a little.

- That's warmed up. Are you warm?

Grandmother-Riddle conducts the game "Guess".

Mysterious Grandmother . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Love us.

Guess - ka, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

(to the music, children imitate playing the pipe)

Father Frost . You are drinking milk!

Mysterious Grandmother . That grandfather children play the pipe.

Father Frost . Eh, didn't realize!

Mysterious Grandmother . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Love us.

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

To the music, children imitate playing the balalaika.

Father Frost . You are scratching your stomach.

Mysterious Grandmother . What are you, grandfather, these are children playing the balalaika or the guitar!

Father Frost . Well, again, bad luck!

Mysterious Grandmother .

Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Love us.

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

To the music, children imitate playing the violin.

Father Frost (offended). What is this? Are you pulling my beard, Santa Claus?

Mysterious Grandmother . What are you, grandfather, these are children playing the violin.

Mysterious Grandmother Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Love us.

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the piano.

Father Frost . Yes, you sort out the cereal.

Mysterious Grandmother . What are you, grandfather! The children are playing the piano!

Father Frost . Oh, how stupid I am! Oh, thanks! Taught the old man!

Mysterious Grandmother Great and smart Russian people,

How can we be without riddles?

Our riddles are not simple

Yes, they are just as interesting.

Riddles for parents:

Winter drummer? (frost)

Christmas tree homeland (forest)

A female creature entertaining the Christmas tree with songs (blizzard)

Santa's snitch (staff)

An object artistic creativity Santa Claus? (window)

Nickname of Santa Claus? (Jack Frost)

New Year's "sculpture" created from natural material(Snowman)

Mysterious Grandmother: Christmas is a celebration of glorious miracles. I have a box that becomes magical at Christmas and can fulfill any wish. I wish you to grow up healthy, kind and happy.

Do you want to play?

I have fulfilled one wish of yours.

Live in my box funny Games and fun.

As soon as I open the casket, they are right there, jumping out after each other, inviting me to play.

(Grandmother-Riddle and Hosts conduct games for children and parents) He takes out attributes from the box in turn:

    Scarf - game "Zhmurki". Guess what game we will play?

    Snowball game "Snowballs".

    Ball - game "Bubbles".

4. Bag - the game "Running in bags."

5. toilet paper- Snowman game.

Leading. Thank you, dear guests, for coming to congratulate us.

Thank you, Grandma, for meeting and greeting.

Leading: Our holiday is over! Christmas fun is over!

For a new happiness, for Christmas

Ugly, lentil wheat,

On the field with shocks,

On the table with pies

For everyone to be healthy and rosy.

We sow, we sow, we sow, Merry Christmas to everyone!

Father Frost : On this Christmas holiday

We wish from the bottom of our hearts

So that all your dreams

Performance found.

For good health

The family was filled with happiness

So that you are surrounded everywhere

Only hearty friends!

Grandma Riddle : Let Christmas come to your house

FROM good mood

And may you have a whole year in everything

Luck accompanies.


Thank God! Peace be with you people!

May there be joy everywhere!

Live in friendship Do good,

By the mercy of Christ God you give thanks!

Let the carols sound all around, They bring joy to your house,

They bring health and success, Fun, joy and fun.

All: Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!

LEADING in costumes of evil spirits.

Vedas: Hey folks! Girls and boys!

Vedas: Merchants and workers, Cooks and carpenters!

Vedas: You probably think that evil spirits do this on a holy holiday?

Vedas: The fact of the matter is that the holiday has not yet arrived, so far only Christmas time, i.e. Christmas Eve.

Vedas: And at this time, the evil spirits - well, all kinds of kikimors, banniki, brownies, devils, goblin and other undead and trash - are very active, and therefore more accessible for contact.

Vedas: After all, it is from us, from evil spirits, that people receive answers to Christmas fortune-telling. Everyone is interested to know what awaits them in the new year.

Vedas 1: So we invite you to get in touch with us. We have some time for fun. With the first cock crow we disappear, as it should be.

2 Vedas: Divination, divination is a fascinating, mysterious and dangerous process. It suits people with strong nerves.

1 ved: Aren't you afraid to embark on such dangerous adventures? First, let's check how well you know us. What representatives of evil spirits do you know? (Auction)

Vedas: Well, that's how we met. You know us. And do not forget - we are not angels, we are evil spirits. We love to dirty tricks and build all sorts of intrigues.

Vedas: So, if we play a cruel joke with someone, don't be offended. We are warning you. And you know us.

Comic fortune-telling for adults

Vedas: So, for the first divination session, we need hardworking girls who will agree to sort out the peas. Which one of you is brave? (3 people)

(They are offered to take a handful of peas from the bag, then, at the signal of the leader, they lay out one pea on the table. The leader says a spell).

Vedas (female): Sailor, racketeer, general's uniform, student, businessman, amateur cook, dumbass, bore, wait for a miracle. (On which word the peas ran out, such a betrothed expects a girl)

on which word the peas ended - that awaits

Vedas: And now we need young guys and unmarried men with strong teeth. Which are capable of cracking nuts. (3 people)

(The young men pick up a handful of nuts from the bag and also put them on the table one at a time).

Vedas (husband): Let's see what kind of girl you will meet in the new year. Svetlana, Natasha, narrow waist, dark skin, terrible mug, glutton, singer, skinny girl, blond braid, wonderful beauty?

on which word the nuts ended - that awaits

Vedas: But now we need especially courageous people who are not afraid to find out about their bankruptcy or wealth. (For them - a handful of coffee beans)

Vedas: Cupronickel, brass and gold, silver, cast iron and cotton wool, mansion, palace, hut, barn, 15th floor, Ford, Toyota for hire, Mercedes and scooter, Volvo, Skoda , "Zaporozhets", which is most dear to you.

Comic fortune-telling for children

Vedas: To do justice, we invite children to the stage. But only those who do not like sweets (5-6 people)

Vedas (children): Raz-plombir, chewing gum - two, three - leggings, five - an owl, six - a mermaid, seven - a dolphin, 8-9 - Aladdin, 10-20 - a friend on the way, 38 - enter the house.

If a bad fortune-telling fell out

Vedas: Don't worry. To make up for your failure, we will fulfill your every desire. Where is my wish box?

(a token is pulled from the box, a desire is written on it. The player reads it and it is immediately performed)

Christmas for adults. Games

Vedas: I want to ask women: do you like being complimented? Tell me, men, do you like being praised? Women, how often do you praise your men? I am afraid no. Truth? Tell me, men, which of you often hear praise or compliments from women? Now we need a man who is not afraid of female praise. (1-2 people)

Vedas: Now the girl will praise you. Your task is to show an iron will and, no matter what, keep a serious expression on your face. If he smiles, then he is gone.

Vedas: (in kokoshnik) oh, how pretty! Eyes like stars. Muscles - like a stone (Feels biceps), figurine. like a stork, and lips ... like buds. (unexpectedly) Kiss me!

Vedas: which of the representatives of the strong still wants to demonstrate willpower? Who has a cheerful personality? Who loves to smile? (1person) Another task for you. The girl will scold you now. But no matter what, you should smile radiantly, keep a happy expression on your face. As soon as you stop smiling, you lose.

Vedas: Hey, why are you stuck here? What are you sticking out like a pole? Found a parking space. What are you smiling about?! Oh, you gray-haired, sleepy gopher, why are you burning?

Vedas: Thank you for your participation. You have been great. Consider this antics as witches' jokes. You understand yourself - you still have all the fun ahead, and we are only up to the first roosters. Here we are trying to break away from the soul.

Vedas: If we offended you, you need to free yourself from bad influence, i.e. shout, whistle, stomp. Let's hold a competition of whistlers and screamers. Who is louder? Started! (In order not to offend anyone, a prize is thrown into the hall: whoever could, he ate.)

Christmas fortune-telling for well-being

Vedas: For the next fortune-telling, we ask brave and smart girls to come out who can answer such questions:

1) What does her betrothed give the girl? (ring) (1 person)

2) When the wheat is harvested, what is left? (Straw) (1 person)

3) How did guests meet in Russia? (Bread and salt) (1 person)

(As a result, there should be 3 girls on the stage)

Vedas: And the last question in all of you: do you have a betrothed? Now we will find out what narrowed you will have this year. (They take out a tray. On it lie: a ring, a straw hook, a piece of bread. They cover it with a scarf, the girls circle around it to the music. As soon as the music breaks, they randomly pull from under the scarf who gets what. If in their hands: a ring - he will marry a dandy, bread - a rich man, a hook - a poor man (he will hump like a hook all his life, earning bread)

Vedas: For a girl who is unlucky, we want to remind you that everything can still change. And we, for our part, are ready to fulfill your every desire. (They take out the box of desires. The girl pulls out a token, reads the desire, it is immediately fulfilled)

Vedas: Usually fortune-telling is intended for unmarried girls. But now I'm inviting 2 women of indeterminate age and any marital status.

Vedas: The main thing is that they be brave, courageous, not afraid to publicly announce their age. (2 people)

Vedas: yes, women are not asked for age. And neither will we. But we rely on your honesty. I announce an auction of age. Let's start with the lady who is from me right hand. What is your name?

Vedas: Who among the audience guesses the age (name), he will receive a prize from us. So, the initial figure is 7 years. Who is bigger? (Women themselves say more, less or correctly)

Vedas: now proceeded to the lady by left hand. Your name? (This auction is also held) (It is better if there is one adult woman and the other is a young girl or child)

Vedas: Thank you for your courage, for your honesty. This is a rare quality these days. Many of you have the treasure of honesty.

Vedas: Are you honest? Then come up to us.

Vedas: And you? Come here too.

Vedas: To participate, you must have some little thing in your pocket: a Key, a coin, a ring, a scarf, a comb, etc.

Weed: We will tell your fate. To do this, you must place a small item from your pocket on the tray. (spread out) We cover everything with a handkerchief. We shake. Now each of you will pull out any little thing, and I will tell you what awaits you this year.

Vedas: And your honesty will manifest itself in not taking someone else's thing for yourself, but then returning it to the rightful owner.

Vedas: So, please! (Shakes the tray. Everyone pulls a little thing at random from under the scarf. The host predicts fate. Whoever gets the key will get a new home, the ring will change in his personal life, the scarf will grieve, the coin will get rich)

Vedas: And again, for those who are unlucky, we fulfill any desire. (box of desires)

Vedas: At any time it is difficult for people, difficulties constantly haunt us throughout our lives. But in the most difficult situations, in the most hopeless situations, we are supported by faith in a better future, hope for happiness helps, and love saves. I ask women to come to me with the names Faith, Hope, Love.

Vedas: Here is a box with names for you. Pull your betrothed. (Women call a name. The host chooses a man with this name. 3 pairs are formed).

(Another option - women throw lots at the audience. Which of the men catches - goes out)

Vedas: Oh, what wonderful couples! (They call, for example, Vera and Andrei, Nadezhda and Alexander, etc.) History knows many couples in love: Romeo and Juliet, Tahir and Zuhra ...

Now I will name the names of literary heroes, and you must name his favorite or beloved. (He addresses each pair. If they answer immediately, they receive a token. If they hesitate, the question is passed on to the next pair):

Natasha Rostova - Andrey Bolkonsky

Budulai - Claudia

Isaura - Leoncio (Alvaro)

Scarlet - Ret Butler

Malvina - Pinocchio

Eden Koepfel - Cruz Castillo

Mason - Julia

Luis Alberto - Marianna

Little Red Riding Hood - wolf

Vedas: And now I would like to know from men, what qualities, in your opinion, should your beloved have? (called)

Vedas: And it should also be economic. She cooks, spends money, but she also knows how to count them.

Men can help ladies. So who's the quickest thinker.

Vedas: Well, the women did it. Passed the quickness test. Now I want to test men for vigilance. Try to determine the size of your lady's waist in glasses. How many glasses are in your lady's waist? (Who guessed it - token)

Improvised fairy tale scenes

Vedas: And the last. You need to show solidarity, consent and confess your love to each other without words, with the help of tokens.

1 pair – Rowan Oak

2 pairs - Cockerel Hen

3 pair - Dove Dove

You have a minute to prepare.

Vedas: (The second presenter helps them prepare)

Vedas: And I turn to the audience. I see that you are smiling. And your smiles are so nice, so different. Tell me what smiles are (auction)

(The winner is called on stage and asked to portray the smile that he called. The prize is awarded)

Here we are with smiles. And now I ask our wonderful couples to show us how to confess our love.

1 pair: (The presenter reads the text, they depict)

What are you standing swaying

Thin Rowan?

bowing head

Up to the tyne

There across the road

Beyond the wide river

Just the same

The oak stands tall

how would I, mountain ash,

Move to the Oak

Then I wouldn't

Bend and swing.

2nd couple: (The cockerel runs around the Hen, declaring his love to her)

3rd couple: (Ved. reads words)

Hush children

Don't make noise, be quiet

Pigeons kiss on the roof.

Here she is

Love rejoices:

dove with dove

Vedas: I do not presume to judge who portrayed love better, I appeal to the audience. Which couple did you like the most? (The best are chosen with the help of applause. They have a badge)

(Which pair has more tokens - that one is awarded the main prize)

Vedas: If you remember the Bible, then Faith, Hope and Love had a mother. What is her name? (Sofya) If there is a girl or woman here, or even a little girl named Sophia, then I ask her to go up on stage and accept a gift from us. (If Sophia is not present, an auction of lullabies is held with the audience). (Sofya calls 3 male names. Men with these names are asked to leave the audience. Or they throw 3 lots. Whoever caught it goes on stage)

Vedas: Gracious sovereigns, among you you need to choose the best, the most worthy. The one who will be honored to present a gift to Sophia. We cannot do this. you understand, the name is holy, and we are evil spirits. So all hope is on you. (takes them to the finish line)

Vedas: Imagine that you are in a hurry to go on a date with a girl. And at every step say sweet Nothing, gentle, complement. As he uttered a word, so he took a step. The one who reaches Sophia first and kisses her hand wins.

(The winner is given a gift, which he must give to Sophia. There is one more task for him: To present the gift beautifully, chivalrously, gracefully. Upon completion of the task, he is awarded a prize)

Vedas: Yes, love is the main driving force, it is a perpetual motion machine. Only love inspires people to exploits. Only love makes people achieve the impossible. Only love can forever unite a man and a woman. Only love works miracles.

Vedas: She makes them happy, puts out their quarrels, makes their eyes glow. A man should not be without a woman, a woman cannot be without a man.

Vedas: And a man and a woman without love is nonsense. Sorry for the expression.

Vedas: Soon the roosters will sing and it will be time for us to leave. Your holiday is just beginning, and it's time for us to hide. Congratulations!

Vedas: Love to you and tolerance

Vedas: Happiness and goodness

Vedas: Love, but do not overlove. Be patient, but don't be patient. Believe, but do not misrepresent. If you want God, have him. If you don't want to, be patient and kind anyway.

Vedas: All believers and non-believers - (together) Merry Christmas!

Vedas: The holiday begins, and we say goodbye.

Vedas: Thank you for your attention. See you soon. (Solemn music. In the light of a spotlight over the square, a bird appears - an angel. Stretches out its arms-wings to people)

Angel: And there was a miracle on Earth,

And there was a miracle in heaven

Like the sun flared up in the rays

A star in the midnight haze.

She floated over the world of tears,

And her light shone

And telling the poor shepherds

that Christ was born.

Many years ago, in the ancient city of Bethlehem, Mary gave the world her son Jesus, who was destined to atone for the sins of the human race at the cost of his suffering. At the moment of his birth, the sky caught fire new star and lit the way for people to happiness, goodness and justice.

Since then, on January 7, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas. This is a holiday of goodness and light, forgiveness and love, a holiday of holiness and purity, deliverance from evil, from envy, from evil spirits and all filth.

Angel: I would like to know if you know the commandments of Christ? (Shows a gift) This gift will be received from me by the one who names all 10 commandments, or at least most of them (competition).

Angel? Thank you, kind people! May these 10 commandments of the Savior accompany you throughout your life. remember them not only today. Going to bed at night, remember your parents, remember those whom you offended today. And in your soul, in your thoughts, ask them for forgiveness. Wish health and happiness to people who are dear to you. May your souls be open to meeting good, may malice and envy never settle in them. Human life is short. Hurry to love each other! Hurry to do good. And, if the Earth is round, then good will return to you with good. And each will be rewarded according to his deeds.

(Angel rises again)

Happiness to you! Peace! Of good! Happy holiday, Merry Christmas. And may God be with you.

(Soundtrack "On the Night of Christmas")


  1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. May you have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make for yourselves an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the waters below the earth. Don't worship them and don't serve them; for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, for the guilt of the fathers, punishing the children to the third and fourth generations that hate Me, and showing mercy to thousands [generations] of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who uses His name in vain.
  4. Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. Work six days, and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. Do not [in it] any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maidservant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger that you have, so that your servant rested, and your servant, as well as you. And remember that [you] were a slave in the land of Egypt, but the Lord your God brought you out of there with a strong hand and a high arm, therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.
  5. Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, so that your days may be long, and that it may be good for you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
  6. Dont kill.
  7. Don't commit adultery.
  8. Don't steal.
  9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor covet thy neighbor's house, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that your neighbor has.

Scenario of the Christmas holiday Sunday school or the library "And the children praise God again"

( While the children enter the hall and sit down, you can put on an audio recording of the song "About Christmas" performed by Yuri Shevchuk and Olga Pershina. Screen saver corresponding to the theme of the event. At the beginning of the event, a video “On the bright holiday of Christmas” is shown. During the last chorus, on the words "On the bright holiday of Christmas, slowly light the candles, say only the main words this evening," the presenters come out. One of them lights a candle near the festive icon of the bright Nativity of Christ)

Presenter 1

Hello dear friends!

Lead 2

Good afternoon!

Presenter 1

We congratulate you all on the wonderful holiday of the Nativity of Christ. We have prepared for you today a festive event called "And the children again praise God."

Presenter 1

Christ is born, praise!

Lead 2

Christ from heaven, welcome!

Leader 1

Our festive event is opened by small members of the children's choir, who will sing the troparion to Christmas and the Christmas song. Words and music by Zinaida Zinchenko(" The stars lead a round dance, a wonderful moment has come ... ")

( Children's choir performance )

Presenter 2 (against the background of P.I. Tchaikovsky's overture to the ballet "The Nutcracker"):

Cold ... Frost tingles cheeks. Snow creaks underfoot, fluffy flakes fall to the ground, snowflakes sparkle. Shop windows, houses and temples are decorated with garlands, spruce branches and congratulations. Christmas. Christmas time. Baptism. Living fairy tale!Christmas is a traditionally family holiday, spiritualized, a time when all troubles are forgotten.

Presenter 1

The bright holiday of Christmas comes to the house,

Forget all about the sad and bad.

Hearts are filled with bright happiness

Joy flows without beginning or end.

Lead 2

Christmas gives us love and generosity!

Good fairy tale New Year's magic.

And the good news is carried everywhere

Gentle ringing bells-bells.

Presenter 1

The star of Bethlehem will shine

The right path will show people even then

The world will be kinder, cleaner and brighter.

Christmas is a great holiday for all people!

Lead 2

Sacred words are spoken

The Christmas holiday is coming.

And the children praise God again

Now at every threshold.

And wonderful Christmas trees in the houses,

And refreshments on the tables

And beauty shines in the heart

Newborn Christ.

Dear friends, a children's choir ensemble sings for you ..... "Christmas, an angel has arrived"

(Performed by a children's vocal ensemble or choir, the song "Christmas, the Angel has arrived")

Presenter 1

Long gone out in the winter mist

eastern star,

But not forgotten on earth

Birth of Christ.

How the shepherds came to him

Until the morning time

How did the sages present

Him his gifts.

How the king killed babies

Reward the killer

How the angel sent saved

Holy child.

Like preaching love

And the truth of the Divine

He was born again every year

For the Christmas holiday.

Long gone out in the winter mist

eastern star,

But not forgotten on earth

Birth of Christ

( a short cartoon "Christmas" is shown (5 minutes 15 seconds)

child reader

The cheeks of the Virgin are wet with tears:

In the manger, a newborn, little Christ!

Tiny Face, Tiny Hands,

And in the winter sky - clouds and clouds.

"Glory to God in the Highest"

The angels sang.

A pale moon in a cloud

As if in a cradle.

(Archpriest Vladimir Borozdinov)

( performed by a children's choir or vocalists sounds "Angels in the sky sing a song")

Lead 2

And now little quiz. We will ask you questions about the feast of the Nativity of Christ and you will answer.

( The facilitators take turns reading questions. Those present respond )

In what country was Christ born?

What city was he born in?

And who ruled the country where Christ was born?

What was the name of the adoptive father of Jesus Christ?

What is a vertep?

Why was Christ born there and not in the house?

Who was the first to know about the birth of the Christ child?

Who told them about it and what did they say?

Who are the wolves?

Where and why did they come?

How did they know that Christ was to be born?

What did they bring as a gift to the baby Christ?

What did these gifts mean?

What did King Herod order his soldiers to get rid of Christ?

Who and how warned Joseph that Herod wanted to kill the baby Christ?

Where did Mary and the baby and Joseph fled from Bethlehem?

When King Herod died, where did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus live?

From what did Christ save people?

Presenter 1

Well done, well answered questions. It's time to read the verses that you have prepared for today's matinee.

( Children read poetry. Or if the matinee takes place in the House of Culture, you can distribute poems about Christmas to young readers in advance so that they take turns reading them. In addition to poetry, you can prepare several vocal numbers if you wish. Depending on how you have time)

And now let's rest a bit and watch the video of the Christmas song "The stars shone brightly"

( A video of the Christmas song "The Stars Shine Bright" is shown)

Lead 2

If on this day for a while

Will any of you remember

About the Baby in Bethlehem

A wonderfully joyful story;

If his heart beats,

Like a bird outside the window

As if the strings will touch him

An angel with a gentle wing;

If suddenly, like the smell of a garden,

Like the breath of the breeze

A gentle joy to the heart

Will fly from afar

And in the soul is light and creepy,

As if someone is walking there -

This is Christ Himself

Knocked on your heart

And now you will hear the story of Alena Alasheva "Christmas Tale". Will read it for you

( The reader reads the story of Alena Alasheva "A Christmas Tale" against a musical background ):

Frosty winter morning. The clock has long struck eight. Nadia tried to open her eyes, but she was blinded by bright Sun rays. Joy overwhelmed the girl: after all, today was the first day of the Nativity of Christ. Now she will wash herself and go with her mother to repeat the prayer. Mom will dress her in everything new. She saw what Nice dress and shoes brought dad from big city. And then he and his brother will go to the kitchen. And there will be nothing! Nadia's heart skips a beat in anticipation of the future. Dad and mom will sit at the table, and they will praise the Nativity of Christ with their brother. And in the evening there will be many guests. Nadia will read the poem she taught for the holiday by the brightly lit Christmas tree. Hurrying, straying and blushing, she will finish the congratulations to the delight of the guests and the kisses of her parents. And what toys will she get today! The girl knows that there is a doll in the box tied with pink ribbon. How many surprises and happiness awaits her today! Happy, tired, gently hugging the doll she received, quietly falling asleep in a warm bed, Nadya thinks through her sleep:

How good and happy!

Several years have passed. Nadia has grown up, she is in the third grade of the gymnasium. The family suffered misfortune. Mom, still quite young, lost her sight. Papa went far to the north and took his brother Misha with him. She was left alone with her sick mother. The apartment is the same - three rooms and a kitchen. The same furniture as before, flowers, mirrors, the same cleanliness and order in the house. There is also an elegant Christmas tree in the hall, but it no longer pleases anyone here.

Today is Christmas Eve, but Nadia is sad. For the second week now, my mother has been in bed, and the doctor has left for the holidays in the city. Nadya went up to the patient, bent low over her. For a second, she thought her mother was dead. Nadia touched the sufferer's hand. She shuddered and remained motionless. Nadia's heart sank, tears rolled down from her eyes. She became scared. She felt so alone, defenseless and helpless. Where to go? Whom to ask? Who will help her on this festive night? Everyone is not up to her! Like a shadow, she went to her bed and stopped. Her bewildered gaze fell on the face of Jesus Christ, illuminated by the light of a lamp. The girl was struck by the thought: “He will help!”

Kneeling down on the soft carpet, Nadia held out her childish hands to the image of the Savior. Shedding tears, she whispered softly:

God! Help me, help me... Make sure that my mother recovers. You see, I'm small, there is no dad, no Misha. I can't be without my mom. Have pity on me! Let her get better! I am so small, and I... I will perish... Save us, Lord!

The girl whispered something for a long time, for a long, long time, the words came from the depths of her heart. She prayed and felt as if someone warmed her with the invisible warmth of caress and consolation. Waking up, Nadia did not immediately understand what was happening to her and why she was not in the crib, but here, on the floor. She vaguely remembered someone whispering to her in her sleep:

Your mother will be healthy, everything will be fine with you, you will sit with your mother at the festive table.

With mom! Nadia threw up her hands. - With mom!

The bright light and whiteness blinded her. Squinting, she jumped up and rushed into the bedroom - to her mother! Opening the bedroom door, she froze in shock. Mom sat and quietly whispered the words of the prayer. Feeling Nadia's footsteps, she smiled affably at her and said:

I congratulate you, Nadia, on the great joyful holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Nadia threw herself on her mother's neck. Weeping, she told what had happened to her that great and wonderful night. Mom hugged Nadia. Now they were both crying - tears of joy. Nadia felt so happy, much happier than ever! She also remembered that Christmas when she was four years old. Then she rejoiced at toys and fun, her little happiness, and today she rejoiced that Christ had brought her mother back to life. Her mom!

Presenter 1

Starting from Christmas, the most fun time begins - Christmas time.

( The host talks about Christmas. Then a fragment of carols from the film "The Night Before Christmas" is shown. )

Under the cover of starry night

The Russian village is dozing;

All the way, all the paths

Covered with white snow...

Somewhere the lights on the windows,

Like stars, they burn.

Runs into the fire like a snowdrift

With a star, a crowd of guys

Knocking under the windows

"Your Christmas" is sung.

"Waits! Waits!"

Distributed here and there.

And in the discordant children's choir

So mysterious, pure

So good news is the holy

On the birth of Christ...

The whole universe froze, seeing the birth of a wonderful baby. And this event, which took place more than two thousand years ago, is not simply remembered as a fact of the past. It is lived by us today - and today's light of Christmas in our life is reflected in Christmas stories.

( video from the Lucky Star series of Christmas stories

Now let's play

Lead 2

Game 1

What does not happen on the tree?

The task is this: when you hear the name Christmas toys, you need to raise your hand up and say: “Yes!” When they call something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, you must restrain yourself and remain silent. And this is not always easy: someone is bound to make a mistake, causing general laughter. The facilitator reads, without giving the players much to think:

Here comes the holiday

Everyone decorates the tree.

Who can confirm guys?

On its branches hangs:

Soft toy,

loud cracker,


old tub,

white snowflakes,

bright pictures,

torn shoes,

chocolate bars,

Horses and horses

Cotton bunnies,

winter tents,

red lanterns,

bread crumbs,

bright flags,

Hats and scarves

apples and cones,

Kolya panties,

Tasty candy,

Fresh newspapers?

Presenter 1

Game 2

According to the counting rhyme, Metelitsa, Frost and Cloud are selected. And the rest of the guys - who are Snowflakes, who are Bushes. Everyone, except Metelitsa, becomes in a circle, and Metelitsa enters it and stops thoughtfully.
Frost approaches her and asks:
- Blizzard, beauty,
Are you unhappy?

The blizzard answers:
- I don't like the weather -
Frosty and bright.

- And you wave your hands,
And you fly for the clouds
Bring at least one.
Everyone misses you without snow
The fields are somehow exhausted -
They're cold, come on.

Blizzard, cheered up, replies:
- Well, I'll throw up my hands,
I'll stomp, I'll stomp my feet,
I will dance with the winds! -

At this time, Cloud comes out of the circle.
- And there the Cloud is creeping! ..
And the Cloud gently, as if from a distance, says to her:
- I'm coming to you, Metelitsa,
I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!
My snowflakes are asking
For a long time they have been asking for the earth -
Try to hold on!
I can't deal with them...
Blizzard, beauty,
Take them, spin them!

Here the Snowflakes run out, and the Bushes line up in a chain and stand still.
Frost, Cloud, Snowflakes join hands and quickly circle Metelitsa, which at this time is dancing to a Russian folk tune.

Everyone sings:
How did you go, how did you go
Blizzard of revenge!
Covers all roads
All paths.
It snows
On the frozen fields
getting warm
Frozen earth.
You dance, dance
Blizzard, dance!
Harvests today
Will be good!

Then the Snowflakes stretch into a line, join hands and go to the Bushes, saying:
- Look, bushes!
They come back (retreat) back, saying:
- In fact, the bushes,
Again they go by the wall:
- They weren't there before.
Did not have!
Backing again:
- The word is right, it was not,
Did not have!
The snowflakes stop. Now the Bushes go to them, saying:

- We are dense bushes,
The right word, bushes,
We weren't here before.
Did not have!
The word is right, it wasn't.
Did not have!

Now the Snowflakes start moving again:
- Why are you imprisoned
Why are you cherished
Then Frost, Snowstorm, Cloud and Kustiki join hands and surround the Snowflakes in a ring, saying:
- To keep Snowflakes,
So that they don't run away
And a fluffy blanket
Until spring-red to lie!
Whoever slips out of the circle first is the Snowstorm

Lead 2

.... Years, millennia have flown by,

But we are waiting for a miracle celebration again! ..

Blizzards decorated Russia with snow,

And in our temple they dressed up fir trees.

The Ark is waiting: let's celebrate Christmas!

Both old and young - everyone is ready for the holiday,

And joy and delight in the eyes of the guys!

In honor of the Holy Day - in honor of the Nativity of Christ

on the Christmas tree, candles-stars are burning! ..

(sounds "Christmas Nocturne" performed by Irina Leonova. Can I have a video of this song. Leaders stand with lit candles)

Presenter 1

On the bright holiday of Christmas, slowly light the candles,

Speak only the main words tonight

On the bright holiday of Christmas, let's remember everything we dreamed about

And leave all sorrows on the bright holiday of Christmas

Lead 2

Our event has come to an end. Once again, we congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ and wish you happiness, kindness, grow obedient, healthy. God bless you, we invite everyone together with their parents to the festive table.

Natalia Kandeikina
Scenario of the holiday "Christmas" in kindergarten

Christmas is a holiday in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Celebrate him on the night of 6 to 7 January. The night before Christmas is considered magical. If you make a wish and ask God, it will come true. Only the desire must be necessarily kind and wise

Christmas- great day for everything Christendom. In many countries, as in Russia, he is considered one of the main family holidays.

At times Soviet Union about it holiday it was not customary to even mention it. But now it's quite official. holiday, day off

Nativity merged with the ancient Slavic rite - Christmas time. Christmas time continues from Christmas(January 7) before christening (January 19). Christmas rituals have evolved over time into christmas.

Every year we have the opportunity to touch this sacrament. What do your children know about Christmas? Today I invite you to introduce your children to this magical world in an interesting and accessible way. holiday.

Holiday script

« Nativity»

in kindergarten

Target: to acquaint children with the history of the Orthodox feast of Christmas; give an idea of ​​its meaning.

Educational tasks: to introduce children to Russian traditional culture.

Development tasks: spiritual and moral development older preschool children.

Educational tasks: to cultivate love and respect for Russians folk traditions, patriotic feelings, benevolent attitude towards each other.

Material: music for games, dance "Metelitsa", song recording « Christmas» , video

« Nativity» , costumes of carolers, Russian folk costumes for children, Angel, treats.

The course of the holiday

In the center of the hall stands Christmas tree. Children in Russian costumes enter the hall freely.

Leading: Children, our New Year's meetings continue.

-Everything is white-white from fluff,

There is no order in the yard.

A blizzard is circling

White snow in January.

Spinning, stirring, howling,

Snow drifts into the snowdrifts.

Creeps along the path

White blizzard.

Dance "Metelitsa" (dev. st. gr.)

Leading: Highly it's a pity: passed wonderful

And happy new year.

But after him very good,

Glorious holiday is coming to us!

Child: In the sky, an asterisk, twinkling,

Just barely appears

Everyone knows: good will come,

Light coloured Christmas holiday.

A few days ago we met a big Christian holiday - Christmas. Do you know what it is holiday? (children's answers)

Leading: Christmas is religious holiday . The very word Christmas is talking about that someone was born. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem. Christ is the Son of God.

Sit back and watch carefully.

- An elegant Christmas tree pleases the eye,

A star burns solemnly above her ...

We will give the guests a Bible story

About a memorable night Christmas.

Video « NATIVITY» for kids.

To the calm music of Beethoven, a girl appears dressed as an angel.

I am the Angel of God, I flew to you,

I'm so on holiday to come to you.

I have arrived glorify Christ

And all of you from Merry Christmas!


A great miracle took place that night. God sent us a Savior.

In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger, the Infant, the Son of God, lay.

The star above the cave, like a guiding light, shone to the learned magi,

And the loud song of the shepherds majestically and harmoniously rushed to heaven.

With people all nature that night rejoiced: rustling in the trees, sheets

They praised God in a mysterious whisper and the flowers smelled stronger.

Three trees - a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree - grew at the entrance to the cave.

And the first days in proud delight brought a bow to the baby.

A beautiful palm tree overshadowed him with its green crown,

And fragrant oil dripped from the delicate branches of the silvery olive tree.

Only a modest Christmas tree is sad stood: she had no gifts,

And the eyes of the people were not captivated by the beauty of her unchanging cover.

I saw the angel of the Lord and the Christmas tree with love said:

“You are modest, you do not grumble in sadness, for this you are destined to receive a reward from God”.

He said - and the stars from the sky rolled onto the Christmas tree one after another,

And she shone all over, and eclipsed the palm tree with the olive tree with its beauty.

The lights on the tree are on.

The baby woke up from the bright starlight, looked at the tree,

And his face suddenly lit up with a smile, and he held out his hands to her.

And since then, every year we remember and piously honor Christmas

Whether a child, an adult - everything happy holiday, and in every family a celebration!

Let's have some fun and we christmas tree.

(round dance) Song « Christmas» (A bright star in the sky burns)

Leading: Christmas is a very fun holiday, since on this day Jesus was born, who, when he grew up, began to heal people from diseases, to help them. He could work various miracles for the benefit of people. He brought peace and harmony to the Earth! And now, as always on the day birth we will sing, dance, have fun. People on this day give each other gifts, sing carols, play games, praise birth of christ.

Guys and girls dressed up in different animals, or other costumes. In groups they went from house to house, congratulated holiday, wished the best with special songs - carols.

Carol, carol, give me a cake, give me a pancake, give me a piece of cake,

Pork leg, a little bit of everything. Carry, don't shake - come on, don't break!

The carolers asked for treats for their songs. And the owners were waiting for them and listened with pleasure, and then treated them.

A cheerful song of carolers is heard.

mummers sing: (in the corridor)

Freak out, carol,

the day before Christmas!

carol, carol,

open the gate

Leading: Hear, and mummers are coming to us, let's meet them.

1st: A carol has come,

Open the gate!

open the gate

And welcome guests!

2nd: Just like our carol

Neither small nor great.

She comes to your door

Yes, everyone sends a bow

MUCKERED together:

Hello guys!

Good day, good day!

Leading: hello! What did you bring us?


1st - Carols, carols, carols

Good with honey pancakes!

2nd- And without honey - not like that,

I will give you, children, pies!

1st- Yes, the pie is ripe! Help yourself! /takes the boy out by the hand/.

Leading: Well, on Christmas treated to delicious pies, let's play, guys? (Yes)

The host plays the game "Pie"

Children stand in two lines. Sitting in the middle "pie". All they say:

How tall is he! (hands up)

How wide is he! (hands apart)

What a softie he is! (pat yourself on the stomach)

Cut it and eat it!

(to "pie" run 1 person from the team and salute him. Who pissed off first, he takes away "pie" to your team. The loser becomes "pie" The game is repeated.)


And tell us the guests, what did you bring in the bag?


They brought you snow. It’s already winter outside, it’s time for us to play with him. (they get "snowballs")

The game is being played "Snowballs"/for 2 teams, in different sides of the hall/


Isn't it time for you, friends, to present carolers!

Treat everyone generously!

Educators with children give carolers a treat prepared in advance.


We can’t sing all the glorious songs,

Do not say good words to everyone.

Our holiday went well.

Christmas time is fun to play.

Leading: Thank you for the smiles and laughter,

And for games and for dancing,

We thank everyone.


When you are so kind

We give you gifts too! (distributing food)

Happily! Goodbye!

Children go to groups.