What topic can you start with a guy. Do not criticize or ridicule his statements. Interesting topics for conversation with a man

I did not know what to talk about with my beloved boyfriend. How to choose topics for conversation? I was very complex about this.

How vain! Now I understand that any topic of conversation can always be supported. Don't believe? It means that you have not finished reading what I wanted to convey to you.

Always start with these phrases, expressions, words and phrases:

  1. “Just recently I read on the Internet that….”.
  2. “This happened to me the other day!”
  3. "Imagine, I learned such a thing ...".
  4. "Do you know what I did today?"
  5. “I was told such an anecdote (such a story) that I was simply shocked!”
  6. “I wanted to consult with you on this matter ....”.
  7. "It's very important for me to know your opinion."
  8. "What do you think…. Is it possible (is it worth it, is it necessary) ....».

If the interlocutor does not “pick up” what you said, continue on your own, not embarrassed by the reaction.

Talk to the boy about what is really close or interesting to him. And you can also ask questions so that the interlocutor himself talks in full. Here is a small "question" cheat sheet that will help you not to get confused in any conversation.

Questions and topics for a guy who loves sports

  1. What sport do you take most seriously (most seriously)?
  2. Why did you “record” this particular sport in your list of preferences?
  3. What do you like about this "sporty look"?

Topics - questions for a conversation with a person who cannot live without a computer, laptop

  1. What attracts you more in the computer world?
  2. What games do you play?
  3. Do you keep a blog or diary?
  4. Do you have your own pages or their "clones" in social networks?
  5. What is your favorite thing to do online?
  6. What do you store on your computer?
  7. How long have you been a fan of this thing?

Topics - questions for a guy who loves motorcycles

  1. How long have you been riding?
  2. Will you change your "transport"?
  3. Where do you like to drive usually?
  4. Are you afraid of speed and its excess?
  5. Do you collect anything related to motorcycles?

"Melodic" questions (dedicated to an ardent music lover)

  1. What kind of music do you like?
  2. Have you tried writing anything yourself?
  3. Are you interested in a career as a musician or singer?
  4. What will happen to you if you take away the opportunity to listen to music?

Questions to ask a guy who loves photography

  1. How long ago did you get your camera?
  2. What do you like to photograph the most?
  3. Would you like to arrange (give) me a photo session?
  4. What is your most favorite work of authorship?

In general, as you can see, you can talk endlessly about the variety of questions! But time has a magical property: it does not wait! Therefore, we will not wait! We will continue to offer topics for conversation!

Guys love to touch on intimate topics.

True, they themselves try not to “turn them on”, as they are afraid of the female reaction. But if you "catch" a hint of topics of this kind - do not get lost! Continue to "travel" through it, but within reasonable limits, so that the guy does not think about you incomprehensibly.

Guys are able to talk for hours about their own exploits and achievements. Therefore, give your soul mate the opportunity to show off, put yourself in the best light. And do not consider that the boy fell ill with the “disease of stardom”. He's trying to please you! Listen to his speeches and you will understand that the way it is.

You can talk about mobile phones

Touch on topics about their functionality and other "wisdom". Don't be surprised if a guy talks about his cell phone. He will get to yours if he gets a taste!

Where to find a variety of topics for conversation?

Topics for conversation with a guy will be found on their own if you go somewhere with him.

By the way, here are the "names" of places (where you can walk):

  • Cinema

Just do not take the chips, so as not to drown out the discussion of the film by their crunch. And the film itself would not hurt to watch in a concentrated environment.

  • The circus

It will remind you of your childhood! You are probably aware that many did not have time to enjoy going to the circus. First, because of the employment of parents, and then (when they grew up) and because of their employment.

  • A park

Choose a park that both you and the guy really like. Then you will definitely guess with the venue! It's great if you love this park because of the memories of some common

  • Coast

Romantic place! You can sit down somewhere on the very shore (only very carefully), and start your conversations - conversations, looking at the water, at the sky and at the horizons ... ..

  • Beach

What could be better than relaxing in the sun? Of course! Rest in the sun in the company of a gorgeous guy!

Trees and Fresh air…. Cool combination! Get in touch with nature. In her environment, there will certainly be something to talk about!

  • Cafe

Pizzerias and restaurants are also quite suitable if you are a real fan of such establishments.

  • Concert

How's the idea? Great for discussion! True, it is more convenient to speak after the concert, not during it. But it doesn't matter!

  • Disco

It can be done anywhere and with anyone. But you are the master of your plans, so everything "belongs" only to your fantasy and your imagination.

  • Dolphinarium

Beautiful place…. It even looks like a fairy tale. Do you want to get into it? Invite the guy to visit the dolphins or wait until he is the first to guess to do it!

You can also invite a guy to visit if you are sure of him. But if there is sympathy between you, a normal conversation will not work. You yourself understand what thoughts will be tuned to ...

In general, if a guy is sociable, then you can talk about everything with him and always! Hypersociable young people do not get tired of communication. True, they often feel guilty about their sociability. They think that people will shun their love of communication. Do you understand what the hint is now?

Take advantage, so to speak, of this human “property”. Keep up the conversation!

Nod, ask additional questions, clarify, ask again, be interested in details, smile, look into the eyes of the interlocutor .... It's easy to do, right? It’s more difficult to be silent, and have no idea what topic you can “brake up” ...

Continuation -

Topics for conversation with a guy -

You are very lucky if a young man himself takes the initiative in communication, finds topics for conversation, striking the girls with his horizons and intellect. But this is not always the case. And sometimes it's hard to find the right words.

However, there are certain topics that do not bind you both to anything. First of all, this is music, the film industry. You share your tastes. If you met a guy recently, try asking him about your favorite movies.

When you get an answer to your question, try not to criticize the young man's tastes. The ideal option would be at least a partial match between the genres you both prefer.

In addition, you can talk about the pastime of a young man, about his hobby. Tell him about your hobbies as well. It is possible that the interests will be similar, and you will find common topics for conversation.

Even if your interlocutor says something that is not very interesting, in your opinion, try not to openly show it to him. You need to listen to him. Always be tactful in your questions. Another taboo topic is never tell a stranger about your past personal life. It doesn’t matter if you communicate with him face to face or just decide to write him a message on a social network. You don't need to share intimate things with strangers.

If suddenly the conversation reached a dead end, you can remember a couple of jokes. Humor always comes to the rescue in such situations.

Communication when meeting with a well-known young man

If you have known each other for a long time, it will undoubtedly be easier for you to find common topics for conversation. You are no longer so shy in communication, you know the circle of interests of your interlocutor, his preferences. There are personal topics that concern only the two of you.

During your acquaintance, you probably made common friends, common interests, you will have something to remember from recent events.

It is necessary to ask how the day went for the young man. Treat him the way you would like him to treat you. it Golden Rule will allow you to avoid many conflict situations. This will let you know that you care about him.

If your young man has temporary difficulties in life (for example, problems with studies), try to help him. But in no case do not impose your opinion on him. Conversely, if you need advice, ask him for it. There are a certain range of issues that guys are better at, and they can be very helpful.

In any case, listen to your inner voice, it will tell you the right topics for conversation.

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How often does it happen that a person cannot find topic when communicating with a representative of the opposite sex, he is embarrassed, tensely silent, or with an effort issues banal questions about the weather or monosyllabic answers. If you, due to your shyness, have come across a similar situation, a few simple tips.


Before a date, write a list of topics and things for yourself that you can talk about for hours, this will allow you not to forget about them at the right time. Universal topics that require the participation of your interlocutor are well suited: travel and hobbies, favorite music and films, leisure preferences.

The third theme is complaints about life. There is almost always something to talk about, because there are terrible bosses, unfriendly mothers-in-law, uncomprehending colleagues and gloating girlfriends. A woman may lack money, attention, care. And all this needs to be discussed.

What else do women talk about?

If the ladies gather according to their interests, then they will have several other topics for conversation. For example, shopping spiritual development, embroidery or patchwork. A single occupation unites very strongly, it is very interesting to discuss it, but this is possible only in a circle of like-minded people.

Gossip is often on the agenda. This is a retelling of some events from the life of third parties. The less adventure in your space, the more attention is paid to other people's problems or achievements.

Sometimes they talk about diseases. If someone in the family suffers from some kind of illness, then this will definitely come up and the method of the person will be sought. Of course, this topic can be attributed to advice, but health can also be a key point of the meeting.

And an important topic of discussion are. Your satellite is an inexhaustible source that you can talk about. Sometimes it is done with admiration, sometimes with criticism, sometimes with resentment. After all, most of the emotions in the life of any woman are connected precisely with her beloved, and it is very difficult to forget about him even in the company of her friends.

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Communication is the most important process in human life. But the interaction must be correct and favorable. To communicate with people, it is important to know what to say to them constantly.

Elements of politeness

From the point of view of etiquette, it is imperative to use elementary words of politeness when communicating with other people. "Thank you" and "Please" are the basis for communication with both loved ones and strangers. They need to be told to people all the time. When you ask to transfer money for a ticket on public transport, it is not enough just to roll "Pass". Many may react negatively to such a request, considering it to be rude. well-mannered man always add a polite word. And when instead of money they give him a ticket, he will say “Thank you” to the passengers.

It's important to say hello. The word "Hello" has long been taken for granted, but it is better to realize that you wish a person to be healthy, to smile sincerely at the same time.

Learn to say thank you. If something significant has been done for you, thank you from the bottom of your heart. Reinforce phrases emotionally, do not be greedy for words for your patron. You don't have to do anything tangible to repay him for what he did for you. Sometimes it’s enough to be sincere and put a lot of meaning into the words.


Words that improve a person's mood are always pleasant. You should always give people true compliments. Do not start talking about its merits, which are not there, emphasize what really exists. This will not only improve your relationship with a particular person, but also raise his self-esteem. After all, some people really need support in order to achieve their goal. For example, if a girl wants to be a singer and she sings really well, emphasize that. Silent approval is good when a person is confident in himself, but if this is not the case, help him believe in his talent.

Words of encouragement are good in almost any situation. Few strive to constantly reinforce a person with faith in his strength. Therefore, you can become someone who really takes a genuine interest in someone who is weak in spirit.


The ability to present the truth without fear of disappointing the interlocutor is commendable. We must try to tell people the truth about what is happening around and with them. Lies may be sweet, but they destroy the person who believes in them. Whether it's criticism or praise, it's important to deliver it honestly.

Do not overdo it and tell the truth in any situation. Remember tact. If a person doesn't fit a store-bought outfit, gently hint at it. There is no need to cite colorful comparisons with the animals he now looks like.


This applies to close and dear people. Tell them that you love if you feel sincere affection. Do not scatter words, speak about love only to those who really deserve it. It is important to say this to people who raised you or brought new colors of feelings to life. Do not forget about this recognition, otherwise it may be too late for any words.

What topics can you talk about with strangers

With unfamiliar people, you can talk on various topics, including family. Ask if your interlocutors have children; where their family is from; how long have they lived here. These and various other questions about the family can melt any ice. However, keep in mind that asking the interlocutor whether he is married (or whether she is married, if we are talking) is considered obscene.

Another relevant topic that you can talk about with unfamiliar people is occupation. Ask the person with whom you began to talk about what he does; what he thinks about his work; who did he work before; what he is going to do in the future. When asking questions like these, remember to talk about yourself during the conversation.

Another interesting topic is rest. Find out from the interlocutor what his hobby is; where he rested this year and whether he liked it; What films does he watch and why does he like them. If he has a real hobby, you are very lucky, because usually people are able to talk about their hobbies for hours on end. The main thing is to have someone to listen to.

In small talk, education is also a pertinent topic of discussion. Ask where this person studied; does he know a professor such and such; where would you like to study and what specialty; what university can he recommend to children. However, it is far from possible to talk about education with everyone - some people are not interested in this topic at all, while for others it may turn out to be unpleasant (for example, if a person could not enroll / graduate from an institute).

Most people are interested in such a topic of conversation as money. Why is heating more expensive? Will petrol prices continue to rise? Where is the best place to buy groceries for the week? However, keep in mind that it is quite easy to move from a discussion to a political debate. You don't need to do this. Health, religion and politics are three topics that are not suitable for conversation with strangers.

Nevertheless, in small talk, it is allowed to discuss news from the media, the Internet, and social networks. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that not all people are interested in such topics as the absence or presence of common children among celebrities. It is better to talk about some new discovery / invention or something positive and fun. Such news will surely cheer up your interlocutors.

The main skill that should be mastered in a conversation with unfamiliar people is the ability to listen, as well as to show sincere interest in what the interlocutor is saying.

It is clear that it is impossible to take everything into account and completely foresee. When you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment with people with their interests alien to you, just imagine yourself as a journalist who is collecting material for an article. Pay attention to the statements of the interlocutors, maintain interest and a positive attitude. And then you will have the opportunity to find new interesting friends or even your soul mate.

If there are no ideas about how to find a topic for conversation with a young man, you can talk about cinema. Raise the issue of new movies, discuss their pros and cons, share opinions about famous films. Tell about your favorite films, find out what he prefers to watch. To hint that in the near future to visit a cinema in his company is great idea.

If there is no special knowledge in the world of new film distribution, the names of eminent directors have not been preserved in memory, and only the names of Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp are known from the actors, it does not matter. There is another way - to take an interest in social networks, they will advise not only about cinema, but also tell you what you can talk about with a guy in VK, there are even examples of correspondence.

Sports world

If a young man is fond of at least some kind of sport, then what to talk about with a guy, when the topics for conversation run out, it immediately becomes clear. You have to talk about sports. However, in order to find common topics for a conversation on a sports topic, you need to prepare. Remember at least the names of football and hockey teams, outstanding boxers, biathletes, tennis players, skiers and chess players.

Family relationships

It is a pity that at school they do not teach how to find topics for conversation in different life situations. Therefore, you have to invent it yourself or seek advice from friends and strangers. One of them is to talk about family. Briefly talk about yours, ask questions about it family relationships. Discussing the characteristics of families, their values ​​and hobbies, you can find other good themes for a conversation.


Communication on social networks is much easier. In the virtual space, topics are faster to talk about with a guy. In VK there are examples of correspondence with a discussion of curious facts, unusual photographs, interesting phrases.

  • To study his page in VK, see photos, videos;
  • Get acquainted with the list of groups to which he is subscribed;
  • Find and read his comments on various topics.

Correspondence examples

If there is a registration thematic groups, you can also ask there an exciting question about what you can talk with a guy in VK. Ask for examples of correspondence, preparations of beautiful phrases and other relevant information.

In order to easily find common topics for conversation, you need to start with a simple one - ask the interlocutor how the mood is today, what happened new, what are the plans for the day. Depending on the information received, we can draw conclusions about what topic will be relevant for the guy now.

For those who are looking for topics to talk with a guy on the network, there are recommendations for harmonious communication.

You met the perfect young man everyone was waiting for last years. And he also seems to have a crush on you. However, in personal contacts or when communicating in social networks, you do not find the right words, topics for conversation. As a result, awkward pauses, minutes of silence and uncertainty in their own communication skills appear.

Young ladies communicate differently with men. Some girls easily find common topics, others get lost, not understanding what to talk about with a guy.

Of course, you will be very lucky if a man takes the initiative in a conversation, finds non-trivial topics for discussion, wanting to impress you with his erudition and intelligence. However, this happens quite rarely, so find the right phrases and Right words sometimes quite difficult.

Guys can also be shy, so girls have to take the initiative in their own hands - start the conversation first. Moreover, there are certain points of contact that help to establish constructive communication. So, what topics can you talk about with a guy:

  1. Hobby:
    • How does a young man spend his free time?
    • What kind of sport (for example) do you like?
    • What do you like to do (maybe you have a lot in common)
  2. Culinary theme:
    • What kind of food does he like?
    • Does he know how to cook, or does he prefer a woman to cook?
    • Tell us about your culinary talents.
  3. Future plans:
    • What success does he want to achieve?
    • What prevents him or, on the contrary, helps him achieve his goals?
  4. Books and films, including new items:
    • Favorite actors or actresses.
    • Favorite book as a child?
    • Tell us about your favorite literary characters.
    • What picture is he in last time did you go to the cinema?
  5. Pets:
    • Does he keep any pets at home?
    • Funny things about pets.
    • What breed of cat or dog would he like to have in the future?

However, there are certain taboos - topics that are better not to touch upon when talking with an unfamiliar young man. Such forbidden (undesirable) aspects of life include:

  • health problems;
  • gossip;
  • own failure in studies, relationships with the opposite sex;
  • other people's mistakes;
  • details of sex life.

Starting a conversation is fairly easy, but it can stall as the list of questions to each other depletes over time. Feel free to use the above topics for a conversation with a man and do not worry if you understand them a little.

You will definitely find the topic that interests the young man the most and about which he likes to talk for hours. And you just have to keep the conversation flowing.

It is not very difficult to choose the ideal topics for communication at the first meetings if you are sincerely interested in the personality of a young man and have a certain level of erudition. Moreover, there are several rules, adhering to which, you can turn a conversation into an exciting conversation.

Rule number 1. Talk about topics that are of interest to you and young man

Many people say that communication should only revolve around a man, but you are unlikely to be delighted with such a conversation. No young lady can stand a three-hour speech about differences in spark plugs.

The conversation should be of interest to all participants of the meeting. Such a "universal" interest will lead to the fact that both you and the young man will want to meet again in order to continue their acquaintance and communicate further.

Rule number 2. Keep the intrigue

It is definitely necessary to talk about yourself. However, many experts still advise avoiding full "revealing the cards." Men appreciate a certain mystery and understatement in girls. Therefore, limit yourself to a minimum of information about yourself, transferring the conversation (of course, delicately) to his person.

Rule number 3. Know how to listen

The ability to listen is an essential quality to keep a conversation going. This rule consists of several points, the implementation of which will help you create the image of a thoughtful listener and an understanding person:

  • insert your own comments during the conversation (“what happened next?”, “very, very interesting”), this will help smooth out hitches and pauses;
  • memorize information with which you will not only get to know a young person better, but also choose a topic for conversation on the next date;
  • do not interrupt a man when he says something about himself, even if this aspect of his personality is not interesting to you;
  • do not criticize the guy's hobbies and do not express categorical judgments, otherwise you risk being misunderstood or getting into an awkward position.

Modern technologies significantly expand the communication capabilities of a person. Now you can chat with a handsome young man not only on a date, but also on VK, Skype, or any popular messenger.

It is better to start communication on the Internet with a guy in a non-standard way. The beginning of correspondence with the words “how are you”, “what are you doing” is now too outdated. Besides, it doesn't make much sense to ask such questions to an unfamiliar young man.

In the online world, starting a conversation first is much easier than in real life. It is enough for a girl to wink, to puzzle the guy with some original phrase. Before chatting on VK, study the page of a handsome young man in more detail, after which you will make an approximate list common interests or refuse to communicate at all.

There are some win-win topics that you can discuss with a man in VK in correspondence. So, what can you talk about with a guy on the Internet:

  1. Today there are many films of various genres, the level of acting. Discuss the plot, actors, interesting facts, clarify your personal impressions in the correspondence. During the discussion, you can also find out what type of girls the guy prefers.
  2. Music is another "bottomless" topic for discussion, even if your tastes practically do not match. Starting to correspond, you will discover new musical genres, performers, learn a lot of unusual facts and points of view about singers you seem to know.
  3. When communicating on the Internet, on the VK social network, it is extremely convenient to talk about tourism, travel, because you can show photos of the places you have visited. A young person can send pictures of sights that you have not seen yet.
  4. By the way, you can also start communication with a story about your childhood and teenage years, which will be decorated with various funny photographs, curious stories, links to the pages of old friends who were participants in the described situation.

You can start a conversation with young men on the Internet with more abstract topics. For example, in VK correspondence, you can chat about the sights of the city where the guy lives (if he lives elsewhere), about the weather and breaking news culture, technological innovations.

If a guy on VK makes little contact, the results of the correspondence do not satisfy you, try telling the man about something unusual. Or give him a compliment (avoid rude flattery), ask for advice, for example, what to do with a broken computer.

It is curious that many modern couples get to know each other on social networks. On the this moment chatting in Internet - simplest way find a boyfriend or girlfriend. It is important not to be shy to correspond, following the rules of communication, and in this case, you will be able to usefully talk with the guy you like.

In addition, the beauty of correspondence in VK and other social networks and instant messengers is that you can directly illustrate what was said with a suitable video clip, music track or photo during communication.

If, when talking with a man on the Internet, you realized that you like this person, you should not delay with a real meeting.

In most cases, the main goal of communication in social networks (especially on a dating site) is the desire to meet your soul mate.

We have only talked about general recommendations to communicate with a man on dates or in social networks. Do not forget that you are a bright individual, so study all the ways, the rules of communication and find the method that suits you personally.

In addition, a girl with a sense of humor, tact and positive outlook life will be easy. Therefore, expand the circle of acquaintances and do not hesitate to communicate with the man you like.

Often on the first date, young people do not even have an idea what to talk about. They do not know each other, but they are trying to find out, to get some information about the partner, to understand whether this person can be considered in the role.

Although it is accepted in society that a man should keep the situation under control, girls should not relax either, because often it is they who have to start a conversation, since the representatives of the stronger sex can also be shy.

If, at the sight of a young man who you really like, you are speechless, you forget everything in the world, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with what topics you can talk about with a guy.

How to connect with a guy

When going on a first date, you should familiarize yourself not only with interesting topics for talking with a guy, but also with how to establish contact with him, because the further development of events often depends on this.

One of the basic rules of successful communication is that you should always look good. Neat, well-groomed, moderately made up, feminine girl is more likely to win the heart of a young man.

To establish contact with an unfamiliar guy, you need not only to be able to speak, but also to listen to the interlocutor. Be objective, show interest, support the topics started by your partner!

Rules for communicating with a guy on a first date

There are certain rules that will help the girl not to get confused and successfully start a conversation with her interlocutor.

To win over a partner, it is important to be open and honest. If a guy is telling you something, don't look around looking for something, as you will show your indifference, and the partner will lose interest before talking with you. Look directly into the eyes, do not try to hide facial expressions.

There should not be long pauses in the conversation, they will put both participants in the conversation in an awkward position. If you don't know what to talk about with a guy, just ask him about his interests and hobbies. In the case of further development of relations, you will be able to find out more information from different sources about the areas that your partner is interested in, which will pleasantly surprise him, bring you closer and be another interesting topic for a conversation with a guy.

Topics for conversation with a guy

There is a list of topics that may be of interest to both interlocutors. They are universal, but have their own peculiarity. In order to start a conversation on a topic, make sure you know enough about it. And yet, seeing that the guy does not understand the topic you started at all, change it immediately. Representatives of the stronger sex, by their nature, want to be winners, so if you hint to him that he does not know something, this will be a gross mistake.

Some guys have a narrow field of interest. Some know everything about sports, others like to read books, others listen to music. Here is a sample list of topics to talk to a guy:

  • discussion of the past day;
  • future plans;
  • common interests (travel, literature, music, etc.);
  • New film;
  • last news;
  • entertainment.

These are just approximate topics for a conversation with a guy. The list can be continued depending on how familiar the young people are, what can unite them (study, work). The choice of topic depends on the age of the girl and the guy.

What not to talk about with a guy

Psychologists identify what topics you can talk to a guy about, and which ones are best avoided. So, you should not tell a young man about your relatives, this can seriously alert him, as well as questions about his relatives. Do not talk about your ex, do not talk about their shortcomings. This can be a topic of conversation with a guy in contact, but not on a date.

It’s better for a guy not to know about the diseases that you suffered in childhood or that you are ill with now, about your failures, falls, disappointments. You should seem to him a contented life, joyful, happy, because no one likes whiners.

During the conversation, you should not ask the guy what he is thinking at this moment. He will not answer honestly anyway, so he will have to come up with something to satisfy you.

In no case should you touch on the topic of intimate relationships on the first date, unless, of course, you are looking for a guy for one night. The interlocutor may think that you are poorly educated, and some guys react very inadequately to such things. So, the first date can be the last.

As a result, when going on a date with a guy, you should familiarize yourself with what topics for talking with a guy are prohibited in order to avoid failure and embarrassment in front of your interlocutor.

Showcase your best qualities but don't beat yourself up. Be restrained, but active, show interest in what the interlocutor is talking about. Feel the line between what topics to leave for a conversation with a VK guy, and what you can talk about, looking straight into your eyes.