Contractions during repeated births. Contractions before childbirth: how to recognize and what to do? Time Between Contractions: How to Breathe Properly

Women who are re-carrying a child are already more prepared for the upcoming process. But it is not always possible to recognize contractions during the second birth, perceiving the true moments as false.


The muscles of the uterus contract throughout pregnancy, but some women begin to feel it closer to the 9th month. Such contractions are called prenatal contractions and are the body's training for the upcoming delivery. The purpose of false contractions is to prepare the uterus and cervix for the birth of the baby, the position of the baby in the mother's womb is being adjusted.

The intensity and absence of pain symptoms indicates that training contractions began before the second birth. Spasms last no more than 60 seconds, are irregular, cause only inconvenience. At these moments, the pregnant woman can practice breathing techniques and mastering pain-relieving poses.

Signs of real contractions are also observed during training contractions, if the mucous plug leaves ahead of time. This is provoked either by a vaginal examination or sexual intercourse. With false spasms, the cork has a brown tint without signs of blood.

At the culmination of preparatory muscle contractions, the pain is concentrated only in the lower abdomen. When it begins to spread to the back, this is the beginning of true contractions. Cramping occurs at any time of the day, but more often, labor activity begins closer to the night, when the body produces oxytocin.

If the duration of the contractions does not increase, and the interval between contractions does not decrease, these are false signs. At this stage, irregular spasms are characteristic. When a woman begins to move, the training tension will weaken or stop altogether.


How to understand that contractions have begun during the second birth? The main indicator of generic contractions is their frequency. Spasms are already more frequent, quite painful and last for several hours.
An experienced woman can easily understand the sensations during a second pregnancy. The very sign that it became easier for the expectant mother to breathe indicates a lowering of the abdomen, which previously pressed on the diaphragm. This is the baby's head lowered into the upper part of the pelvis.

How are contractions during the second birth:

  1. the baby begins to move more actively;
  2. the frequency of spasms and relaxation lasts more than 40 minutes;
  3. in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen and back, a woman feels painful contractions;
  4. contractions begin gently, reach a climax and gradually subside.

Each subsequent contraction of the uterine muscles is more intense than the previous one, which is a sign of the opening of the cervix. Muscle tension pushes the child forward. But initially a mucous plug will come out, resembling a pinkish jelly.

You can determine that contractions have begun by the fluid flowing down the legs - this is a ruptured fetal bladder. In parallel, the body begins to cleanse itself, so the pregnant woman develops gastrointestinal disorders, accompanied not only by diarrhea, but also by vomiting.

There are other accompanying sensations before 2 births. Some pregnant women experience fatigue, lose their appetite, and feel chills. Others, on the contrary, experience a surge of energy and high spirits. A woman has a nesting syndrome on a subconscious level, she tries to put things in order in the house.


Is it possible to skip contractions during the second birth? Yes, it is real if the waters have not completely receded due to an unruptured bubble. Women before the second birth are waiting for the presence of all signs, so muscle tension without water discharge is perceived as false.

The contractions in a second-born do not manifest themselves in the same way as when the child first appeared. The muscles of the uterus are already more elastic, the organ becomes soft and supple in a short period, so everything happens quickly.

If the waters have receded completely, and there are no signs, the first uterine contractions may appear when the birth is already progressing. In order not to miss the main moment, an ambulance is called during contractions or their absence at the stage when the liquid began to ooze. This will avoid subsequent infections, suffocation of the fetus.

But if everything goes according to the standard scheme, then the pregnant woman still has time to prepare for delivery. The process of the birth of a baby is accompanied by periods of contractions. At the first stage, the spasms are not yet so strong, not long-lasting - everything is moving dynamically, on the rise. The phase lasts several hours.

How long do contractions last during the second birth? When it was possible to recognize labor spasms, a woman must control their frequency. If the contractions occur every hour, and the relaxation period lasts no more than 20 minutes, it is too early to worry, at this stage the delivery is slow.

If the time of contractions is reduced to 10 minutes, and spasms continue for 40-50 seconds, the period of neck opening is ascertained. But if contractions are observed after 2 minutes, and each takes 90 seconds, the baby is already able to exit the uterus, since the cervix is ​​​​fully open.

When to go to the hospital if contractions began during the second birth? Too frequent spasms, with a period of less than 10 minutes, is already a reason to call an ambulance or go to the hospital in your own transport. If in primiparous the exile phase takes about an hour, then in women who give birth again, everything happens in a shorter period.

While waiting for transport, it is possible to feel better by doing breathing exercises during contractions. In the interval between spasms, it is desirable to relax, rest, waiting for the next wave. Massage is practiced as a natural pain reliever.


Sometimes the first phase of labor drags on for several hours, or even days. If a woman is already ready for the process, it is possible to speed up the birth of a child with stimulations - a shower, nipple massage, exercises. But with pathologies of labor activity, any independent manipulations are prohibited.

Swift. Usually, in second-borns, the stages occur quite quickly, immediately passing from one phase to another. When the process takes less than 4 hours, the labor is said to have been rushed and considered abnormal. This is due to violations of the contractile functions of the muscles of the uterus. Rapid delivery occurs if the pregnancy took place with pathologies (severe toxicosis, pyelonephritis, inflammation), or there is a genetic predisposition to myocytosis.

With an early birth, premature detachment of the placenta occurs, which threatens the life of the baby due to lack of oxygen. Complications arise in the mother - the rapid advancement of the fetus leads to tissue ruptures in the birth canal. Heavy bleeding is possible, which is not always possible to stop in time.

Breaks. Even a woman giving birth again can have tears not only in the perineum, but also in the muscles inside the vagina. This happens not only with rapid childbirth, but also with the appearance of a large fetus. Deep ruptures are not always diagnosed, they are very difficult to sew up, this leads to infection of the woman. Inaccurate seams make the muscles less elastic, which will affect subsequent childbirth, and also causes inconvenience during intercourse.

To avoid tears, the obstetrician cuts the perineum, freeing the way for the baby. This is done at the stage when the child's head is at the exit from the vagina and there is a risk of ruptures.

C-section. After waiting for the start of the first stage of contractions, the pregnant woman is prepared for the procedure. Sometimes the operation is not planned and becomes the final stage of a difficult natural birth.

A woman after the appearance of a newborn will be weakened, the discomfort from the stitches causes severe pain, which is removed with medication. To avoid the development of infections after a caesarean section, strong antibiotics are prescribed to the mother. Because of this, the child is not immediately transferred to breastfeeding.

Birth of twins. Multiple pregnancy entails many problems during childbirth. The uterus is overdistended and will not contract as it should. In such a situation, a woman cannot always recognize true contractions, because the birth of babies occurs before the appointed time. The duration of the process depends on the presentation and the number of amniotic sacs.

At the birth of the first twin, the traditional stages of delivery are observed, but the second child will appear much faster, since the path has already been prepared. But if there are problems with the release of the first baby, then the second develops hypoxia.

postpartum period

The final stage of childbirth is the appearance of the newborn, the release of the placenta and membranes. But until this moment, the woman still has to spend her strength on attempts, helping the child to move out.

The process of birth in 2 births:

  • the appearance of the crown of the baby from the vagina;
  • after a couple of contractions, the whole head is already outside;
  • first one shoulder comes out, then the other;
  • a few attempts - and the baby is finally born.

A woman still feels contractions for some time after the second birth. The uterus continues to contract strongly to push the placenta away from the inner wall. Mom will have to push to complete the process, which usually lasts no more than 5 minutes.

If the rejection is delayed, the woman in labor is given an injection of oxytocin to stimulate active contractions. Mechanical action is also used. As soon as the afterbirth slips out of the vagina, it is examined to make sure that it is intact. Without counting at least one lobule, they do a control cleaning of the uterus to avoid infection.

Incomplete detachment of the placenta leads to blood loss, as the pieces left inside prevent the blood vessels from closing. This is especially important at the birth of twins, when the uterus is overstretched and muscle tone is weak. An improperly fixed placenta changes the position of the uterus, which leads to further problems for the woman. Therefore, the midwife will have to immediately return the uterus to its place, correcting it manually.

For a multiparous woman, the description of contractions is already familiar, but each subsequent pregnancy is still perceived as the first. Some processes are completely different from others, and can confuse even an experienced woman. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know and remember everything about the second birth and contractions in advance.

The appearance of the first-born in the family is an unforgettable event for all its members, especially for the mother of the baby, who has experienced all sorts of excitement, pain and inconvenience. Over time, birth and other pain is replaced by tender feelings for the baby, and at some point there is first a timid, and then, perhaps, persistent thought about a second child.

Every mother knows that the most exciting and most important moment of the entire period of pregnancy is childbirth. Perhaps it would not be entirely correct to call this period a “moment”, because it has its own duration, individual for each woman. But the beginning of this process should not be missed. Especially if it's the second birth. How to find out - when the beginning, how the second birth begins?

At the final stage of pregnancy, the desire of a pregnant woman to predict how this will happen a second time is quite understandable. It is always useful to analyze previous births. If they were accompanied by some surprises or complications, then your conclusions will help to avoid their repetition. And if everything went well, then you should do the same. The participation of the doctor in the development of the "strategy" is quite appropriate - together it will be possible to draw up a more reliable plan of action.

How will it be and what to expect?

The course of the second pregnancy and the second birth have their own characteristics, because the mother's body has already experienced the peak of the moment, therefore, she is familiar with all the changes throughout the process.

Note! New births will be different from the first.

In a pregnant female body, preparation for childbirth is under the control of female sex hormones. As we know, the main hormone of the entire 9-month period is progesterone. It creates a normal tone of the uterus, promotes the production of cervical mucus, ensures the successful development and growth of the baby, the necessary content of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, as well as the delivery of this valuable material to the baby, depends on it. But somewhere two weeks before the birth, a change in the hormonal background of a woman is observed: progesterone concedes its leadership to another hormone - estrogen, which must fulfill a completely different mission. It's time to prepare the way out of the baby. And the hormone successfully and very timely copes with this:

  1. The very beginning of labor activity is labor pains, which make themselves felt as a result of a nerve impulse. A nerve impulse occurs when the concentration of the hormone estrogen reaches the desired concentration.
  2. In the first stage of labor, estrogen provides elasticity and patency of the birth canal. After all, it depends on them how actively the cervix will open at the first stage of childbirth.
  3. In the second stage of labor, the duration of the pushing period largely depends on the elasticity of the walls of the vagina and their ability to stretch.

Childbirth is a reflex process, complex, dependent and regulated by the nervous system and hormonal levels. A contraction, which is a contraction of the uterus, is nothing more than a reaction of the uterus to irritation of the nerve endings in its walls. At this moment, active substances are released by the nerve segments, which contribute to a new, next contraction of the uterus. And this circular chain continues until the end of childbirth, until your intrauterine treasure “gets out” and announces this with its exclamation.

Precursors of childbirth

In order to know in advance how the second birth begins, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main “signals” of their approach. These signals are recognized as early as the 32nd week, and become unbearable immediately before the delivery itself. Let's consider them.

The stomach dropped. Usually the stomach drops starting from the 36th week. But we are having a second baby! In this case, the child is in no hurry to descend, and sometimes does it immediately before the birth, finally, giving mommy a little more freedom to breathe - the diaphragm no longer experiences such pressure from the child's body as before. For the same reason, the stomach also becomes easier - heartburn makes itself felt less often. At the bottom of the uterus, the baby reduces its active activity - it is a bit crowded for him, his head is fixed, he can only move his arms and legs. But with a breech presentation of the fetus, there is no prolapse of the abdomen.

The pelvic bones move apart. Aching pain in the lower back clearly testifies to this. There is a stretching of the sacroiliac joint, which occurs from the fact that the weighted baby falls lower and lower. Lower back pain can be reduced by swimming and special exercises.

Edema and convulsions appeared. The reason is the same - the baby sank down the abdomen. Its head presses on the blood vessels of the pelvis, and the vessels respond with cramps and swelling of the legs.

"False" fights. Starting from the 30th week, the body of a pregnant woman may experience Braxton Higgs contractions, which are also called "false" contractions. Their clear manifestation happens, as a rule, 2-3 weeks before the birth. Women who are multiparous are more likely to experience Braxton Higgs contractions, while they may not have been noticed at first. Therefore, it is hardly possible to call them a sure sign of the onset of the second birth.

According to the sensations, the contractions of B-X are very similar to ordinary (true) contractions, with the only difference being that the frequency of these contractions is constant: every 20 minutes, evenly intensifying and lengthening in duration. Braxton-Higgs contractions occur with constant dynamics (without amplification and lengthening in time) and are repeated after different intervals of time: either 10 minutes, then 30, then 15, then 20 minutes. They usually last for 2-3 hours, and can also recur every day (in this case, consult a doctor). But the main difference between Braxton Higgs contractions is that their activity does not lead to the opening of the cervix.

Note! It also happens that B-X contractions gradually transform into real contractions with their inherent regularity and characteristic dynamics, smoothly turning into normal labor activity.

"False" contractions suggest a "training" of the muscle tissue of the uterus. Why shouldn't she try her hand at a responsible job in the last week before giving birth?

The mucus plug has come off. The phenomenon is very insidious and individual: it can happen both immediately before childbirth and 2 weeks before them, but more often - 4-5 days before childbirth and last a couple of days. It is a detachment of mucus (may be in the form of a clot with different shades - from red to whitish) and often indicates that childbirth can begin at any time.

Amniotic fluid spilled out. This suggests that the onset of labor can occur in the next day. The bladder, as a rule, contains 800 ml of clear water with white patches, but in some cases their volume can reach 2-3 liters. The greenish tint of the water indicates the presence of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus.

According to the plan of nature (and maybe the Almighty, because the birth of a person is a sacrament beyond the control of a person), the fetal bladder with amniotic fluid is opened starting from the middle of the 1st stage of childbirth. The cervix is ​​already half open, and the fetal bladder helped her in this. But if the bubble is opened, which can happen on its own, then the amniotic fluid randomly flows out of the vagina. This may not be preceded by any sensations at all (contractions, attempts, urge to urinate).

Note! For a baby left in a liquidless space during the outflow of amniotic fluid, a sharp change in the environment is stressful. In addition, the fetal membrane has always protected the fetus and uterus from infection, therefore, with the waste of amniotic fluid, the risk of infection increases.

Therefore, the withdrawal of water or their partial leakage should be a signal for an urgent appeal to doctors. The results of the amniotic fluid leak test will be given in just 15 minutes. But most importantly - you will be under the supervision of doctors!

Well, the most important thing. regular contractions. Of course, contractions are a classic of labor activity. There is no need to explain to second-born women what real contractions are, thanks to which the following occurs:

  • in the first stage of labor: opening the cervix to exit the baby;
  • in the II stage of childbirth: the movement of the baby along the birth canal and his own birth;
  • in the III stage of labor: the birth of the placenta - the placenta is separated from the uterine wall, which is born along with the remnants of the umbilical cord and fetal bladder.

The duration of true contractions at the beginning of labor is 10-15 seconds, at the end - about 1 minute, pain in the process of development of labor activity intensifies. The interval between true contractions is gradually reduced - from 15 or more minutes to 2-3 minutes.

So, repeated births occur faster than the first. But it is worth knowing that only if the second child is born no later than 5 years later, and also if the cervix between births has not undergone radical operations. After all, any interference can prevent her from behaving as expected.

For nine months, the expectant mother has been waiting for a meeting with the baby. What will he be like? Who does he look like? Will he be calm or moody?

A lot of questions begin to spin in the head of a pregnant woman when the period approaches 38 weeks.

But, perhaps, the main ones: How will the contractions go? Does it hurt to give birth? And when is it time to go to the hospital?

Norms and figures for pregnant women

During observation at the obstetrician-gynecologist, every pregnant woman hears from the doctor the expected date of birth.

As a rule, it is calculated based on the date of the first day of the last menstruation, adding 38 weeks to it. This is the most common way, although there are others. That is, a woman should prepare to become a mother at a certain time.

But why exactly 38 weeks?

Pregnancy is considered full-term at 38 weeks. Starting from 41.5 weeks, pregnancy can already be called post-term.

Delivery should ideally occur between 38 and 41 weeks, but many women give birth to healthy babies at both 36 and 42 weeks.

Therefore, you need to talk not about a specific date of birth, but about expected interval.

The first swallows are the harbingers of childbirth

So, the woman calculated for herself the interval of dates on which the birth should occur.

Confidence in an early delivery can be given by the personal feelings of the expectant mother.

They are called harbingers of childbirth. It:

  • Lowering of the abdomen;
  • Expansion of the pelvic bones;
  • Braxton Hicks contractions (more on that below)
  • Departure of the mucous plug;
  • Drainage of amniotic fluid;
  • Lower back pain;
  • Change in appetite.

Harbingers may not necessarily appear all, and some of them may well occur even 2 weeks before the onset of childbirth.

Noting the changes in well-being that are characteristic of the harbingers, a woman should understand that childbirth with contractions and other delights is just around the corner.

What are contractions?

Real labor activity begins with contractions. They are contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which are accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. The pain may also be excruciating.

Something like a woman feels during menstruation.

During the contraction, the uterus comes into tone, that is, it becomes rigid and elastic. When the contraction ends, the stomach relaxes. Women with a high pain threshold may not even feel pain at the very beginning of the labor process. They can be seen only by periodically coming into tension in the stomach.

Contractions do not cause constant discomfort to a pregnant woman, they are periodic.

First, the pauses between contractions fluctuate in the range of 15-20 minutes. Then they become shorter (3-5 minutes), and the contractions become more intense. During contractions, the cervix dilates. Obstetricians observe the correctness and stability of the process of its disclosure.

How to understand that contractions are starting?

Typical story: a woman arrives at the maternity hospital, screams that she is having contractions, and after a while calmly leaves home. It underlies more than one gum about childbirth and the life of pregnant women.

What makes the expectant mother rush to the maternity hospital with insistent demands for an urgent birth?

These are false contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions.

To avoid unnecessary unrest, not to frighten relatives and not to raise doctors on their feet for no reason, you need to be able to distinguish false contractions from real ones:

  1. False contractions are not periodic.
  2. False contractions do not get worse over time.
  3. Pain from false contractions disappears with a change in body position, taking a bath, etc.
  4. With false contractions, the cervix does not open. Even if it is slightly open, false contractions do not provoke its further expansion.
  5. To understand that real contractions begin, you need to pinpoint the intervals between them. At first, they can be 15-20 minutes, then they decrease to 5 minutes, later - to 3 (at this time the woman should already be in the hospital).

    Also, real contractions can be accompanied by bloody discharge - this is a mucous plug.

Pain during contractions

It so happened that women give birth to children in suffering. The most severe are the pains during contractions that accompany the first stage of childbirth. Their result is the opening of the cervix, through which the child will subsequently exit.

Pain during contractions increases gradually.

At first, the intervals between contractions are long, and the pain is practically not felt. Over time, the intensity of contractions increases, the intervals are reduced.

However, no matter how strong the pain is, everything is organized by nature in such a way that a woman can rest in the short time when the fight subsides.

If you objectively look at the nature of pain during contractions, it becomes noticeable that only 30% of painful sensations have a real basis.

When passing through the birth canal, the fetus presses on soft tissues, the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, the perineum, and when the uterus contracts, the nerve endings burst, which provokes severe pain.

The remaining 70% are caused by fear of childbirth. The expectant mother is afraid of suffering, fears for her life and the health of the baby. Horror stories told by more experienced friends also play a significant role.

So one of the most important things before giving birth is the right emotional state.

Help during fights

Every woman dreams of painless childbirth. How good it would be if a good doctor made an injection at the beginning of childbirth, and the child was born without torment and suffering!

To be honest, there is this kind of pain therapy, but it should be used only in emergency cases as directed by a doctor.

And for women in labor, in whom the physiological process of delivery goes without problems, there are methods of self-anaesthesia:

  • Breathing techniques.
  • Special postures practiced in active labor.
  • Massage.

Self-anaesthesia techniques are quite simple to perform. Their implementation does not require special abilities, but you still need to train before giving birth.

Pregnant women can get acquainted with these techniques in classes at maternity schools, which are often held at antenatal clinics, or in specialized centers for effective parenting.

When to go to the hospital

So, it's time to answer one of the main questions: when is it time to go to the hospital.

You can’t be late here, but getting to the maternity hospital early is also undesirable.

Firstly, scary stories of neighbors in the ward do not benefit a pregnant woman about to give birth.

Secondly, the constant expectation of childbirth negatively affects the emotional state of a woman.

Thirdly, it is quite possible that doctors will begin to stimulate labor with the help of medications.

You need to go to the hospital in one of the following cases:

  1. When there are regular contractions.

    From this point on, a pregnant woman can already be called a woman in labor. As soon as the intervals between contractions have reached 10-15 minutes, you can go to the hospital.

  2. We talked about fights in detail above.

    When bleeding occurs.

    The appearance of bloody discharge may indicate the discharge of the mucous plug, which accompanies the opening of the cervix. However, blood in the discharge can also indicate placental abruption, which is life-threatening for both mother and baby.

    Therefore, the appeal in this case to the maternity hospital should be immediate.

  3. When amniotic fluid breaks.

    In this case, you should not wait for the start of contractions, since any delay can be dangerous for the life of the child.

    The outflow of amniotic fluid should occur when the cervix is ​​dilated by 4-5 cm. However, in 15% of pregnancies it happens even before the onset of contractions.

  4. You should remember the time when the waters broke, and immediately go to the hospital. A long anhydrous period is dangerous for the baby to develop infections.

In fact, being "late" to the hospital is very difficult - rather, this is the lot of third-rate Hollywood comedies. Your body itself will give an unambiguous signal to the mind!

Moms, remember that childbirth is a normal physiological process. With the right theoretical, physical and emotional preparation, childbirth will take place without problems.

Childbirth is just a road leading to a meeting with your child - the most loved person in the world!

Waiting for the birth of your first child is very exciting. On the one hand, the woman is eager to hug her precious baby, and on the other hand, she is very afraid of the unknown. Childbirth is a process shrouded in a veil of secrecy. Try asking more experienced women how long primiparous labor lasts. In response, you will listen to a dozen different stories about 24 hours of heroically endured torment. In fact, it is better to refrain from such inquiries. Each person has their own subjective perception of the situation. Today we will consider how long childbirth lasts in primiparas.

Training bouts

To begin with, even a few weeks (or even months) before giving birth, some women occasionally experience short contractions lasting a few seconds. They are not too painful, and if you walk a little or take a bath, they quickly pass. As labor approaches, the intensity and duration increases, the uterus prepares for the important work of expelling the fetus. There is nothing wrong with this, so such symptoms should be taken calmly.

Scary the first time

Why is it that mothers of first-borns are given special attention? There are psychological and physiological aspects here, and the importance of each of them cannot be ignored. The future mother does not yet know what she will have to go through, and therefore she is very afraid. The stories of friends and acquaintances, the director's presentation of the birth process in films - all this contributes to increased fear. That is why a woman wants to know how long childbirth lasts for primiparas in order to be able to prepare herself for something. But this process is difficult to describe, because each organism is individual. And to reduce fear, you must know step by step what awaits you in a difficult and responsible adventure called "birth of a child."

The physiological aspect is the unpreparedness of the birth canal. For the first time, the opening of the cervix takes much longer, which gives childbirth an additional negative color.

Preparatory stage

It is he who is the longest and most painful. The best thing a woman can do during these long hours of waiting is to calm down and relax as much as possible. Now you need to save maximum strength to expel the fetus. Therefore, the time is not right for hysteria. It is difficult to answer unequivocally how long childbirth lasts for primiparas, or rather the obstetrician will tell you by checking the opening of the cervix upon admission to the maternity hospital. On average - from 8 to 20 hours.

cork discharge

One day you will notice a slimy clot on your underwear, quite large and transparent. There are a few hours left before the birth process begins. It's time for the last time to check if all the things are collected in the hospital. The next symptom may be the onset of contractions. The birth is still far away, so you can not rush to call an ambulance.

It's time to remember the breathing exercises. They will be very useful in the coming hours to provide the body with oxygen, avoid fetal hypoxia and reduce pain.

Breathing in contractions

We are gradually approaching the answer to the question of how long childbirth lasts for nulliparous women. In order for the baby's head to pass painlessly into the birth canal, the cervix must open 10 cm, or 5 fingers. Disclosure occurs at about 1 finger per hour. That is, the first stage will be protracted. Gradually, the intensity and frequency of contractions will increase.

At the very beginning, a simple exercise will help you calm down and set yourself up for the right wave. Inhale through your nose for four counts and exhale through your mouth for six counts. This will provide the body with oxygen, relieve tension and divert attention from pain, because you need to constantly count. In this case, the inhalation should be shorter than the exhalation. And exhaling, purse your lips.

When the contractions become especially intense, you will have to change the technique. Breathing is now faster. Have you seen how dogs breathe in a hot period? Now you will have to repeat this style. We open our mouth, stick out our tongue a little and begin to breathe quickly and superficially.

When the fight reaches its climax, it becomes especially difficult. To alleviate the condition, the "train" technique is used. The principle is very simple - with the start of the fight, start breathing quickly, like a dog. And as soon as the intensity of the contraction drops, try to calm your breathing to rest before the next one.

Three phases of contractions

As you can see, it is impossible to say how many hours childbirth lasts in primiparas, without taking into account the characteristics of each stage of the birth process. The initial phase of contractions lasts from seven to eight hours. At this time, the woman feels the contractions growing in strength and duration, but between them there is a sufficiently large interval for rest. Each contraction lasts about 30 seconds, and up to 5 minutes can pass between them. Now the opening of the neck is slow, but gradually the process is gaining momentum.

The next phase is active. At this time, each contraction lasts up to 60 seconds, and the interval between them is 2-4 minutes. The cervix opens by about 3-7 cm. This is followed by a transitional stage, when the duration of the contraction is one and a half minutes, and the rest is only 30 seconds. The last stage is the shortest, lasting about 30 minutes. If the doctor determines during the examination that the disclosure is sufficient, then an obstetrician will be called to you, who will take delivery. Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally how long the birth of primiparas lasts, everything is individual. But approximate numbers will allow you to better understand what is happening now, and not to panic.


If the doctor left for a short time, this does not mean at all that they forgot about you. Just as long as he has nothing to do around you. Knowing approximately how long childbirth lasts for nulliparous women and having the opinion of the doctor who received you, the obstetrician knows approximately how many hours you will need to prepare for childbirth.

In the meantime, you are left alone, it is very useful to remember excellent meditation techniques. Close your eyes and imagine your baby inside of you. It is scary and painful not only for you, it is even worse now, and only you, having relaxed, can help him. Think about what you are standing on the eve of a new life. You are like a blossoming flower that will show the world a beautiful fruit.

Just a few minutes, combined with proper breathing, will allow you to better feel your baby, give him support, because he feels good about his mother.

Now let's move on to the last step. By the way, speaking about how long childbirth lasts on average in primiparas, many have in mind the process of expulsion of the fetus, forgetting about the longer and more painful period of contractions.

Birth of a child

When the cervix has opened as much as possible and can miss the baby's head, work begins on the birth of the baby. If before that the process went on by itself, now the woman will need maximum activity. Now she has to push and help the baby. However, there is good news. Every expectant mother is interested in how long childbirth lasts for primiparous women. The last stage lasts from 5 to 40 minutes. It is very important to gather all the strength and help the baby to be born. Don't forget about proper breathing. Between attempts, you need to rest, and with the onset of a new contraction, take in more air and push the baby through the birth canal.

Instead of a conclusion

Each of the women is completely special and unique, the process of the birth of a child will be the same. All three stages can take from 1 hour (with rapid labor) to 36 hours. After that, doctors usually suggest a caesarean section. At the same time, you already know how long the birth itself lasts in primiparas. Usually this process does not take more than 15 minutes, but this largely depends on the level of physical fitness of the woman in labor.