What fun things to do with kids. What and how to take a child at home? Interesting activities for children. Crafts from papier-mâché

Bubble can be run almost indefinitely. At least until the solution runs out. To make this happen not soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing detergent, a tablespoon of glycerin. The solution barrel is ready!

22. Painting without spots

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a strong hermetically sealed bag, the child can draw futuristic pictures with his fingers and not get dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Children can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic canister, dishwashing sponges and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister, you need to cut out the sink body with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin, long sticks and glue them vertically to the sink ceiling. permanent markers color the design. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt jars, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The rest will be done by the imagination.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemistry experiment in the kitchen. Pour a spoonful of baking soda into a balloon, and pour vinegar into an empty plastic bottle. Put the ball on the neck of the bottle and fasten tightly. Gradually pour the soda from the ball into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will result in the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen dinosaur egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Put a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with tinted water, then send the balloon to the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs, consider the dinosaur in the thickness of the ice. You can get the toy with a small hammer (only you need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably a little overripe), remove the peel and cut into thin pieces. Put in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take out the frozen bananas and mix in a blender until the mass resembles thick sour cream. Ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older kids can do the cooking themselves!

Every parent wants their child to be happy, but what can you do to make your child's childhood the happiest in practice, and in childhood memories it will evoke an inner smile for a long time. Already being an adult, your "baby" will always remember these unforgettable moments, and you, dear parents!

And all you need to do is nothing:

1. Let the sunbeams.

2. Watch how the seeds germinate.

3. Roll down a high ice mountain together.

4. Bring from the frost and put a branch in the water.

5. Cut the jaws out of the orange peels.

6. Look at the stars.

7. Shade coins and leaves hidden under paper.

8. Shake the pencil so that it seems that it has become flexible.

9. Make holes in the ice under running water.

10. Prepare burnt sugar in a spoon.

11. Cut out garlands of paper men.

12. Show shadow theater.

13. Run pancakes on the water.

14. Draw a cartoon in the margins of a notebook.

15. Set up a home in a refrigerator box.

16. Weave wreaths.

17. Make a volcanic eruption out of citric acid and soda.

18. Show trick with electrified paper figures.

19. Carbon copy.

20. Make bottle sprinklers and have a fight.

21. Listen to birds singing.

22. Let the chips go with the flow, dig channels and make dams.

23. Build a hut.

24. Shake a tree branch when the child is standing under it and arrange leaf fall (snowfall, rain).

25. Watch sunrise and sunset.

26. Admire the moon path.

27. Look at the clouds and imagine what they look like.

28. Make a weather vane and a wind trap.

29. Shine in the dark with a flashlight.

30. Make octopuses from dandelions and pupae from wild roses.

31. Go fishing.

32. Leave body prints in the snow.

33. Feed the birds.

34. Keep secrets.

35. Build a house out of furniture.

36. Sit by the fire. Fry bread on a stick.

37. Fly a kite.

38. Twist the child by the arms.

39. Build a sand castle. Burrow in the sand. Dig a deep well to reach water.

40. Sit in the dark, by candlelight.

41. Make little devils out of soapy hair.

42. Blow into an empty bottle.

43. Repeat one word many times so that it turns into another.

44. To publish a victory cry of Kamanches.

45. Be surprised at your giant shadow and play catch-up with the shadows.

46. ​​Jump to the center of the puddle.

47. Take notes with milk.

48. Arrange a storm in a teacup.

49. Bury treasure in a bowl of porridge.

50. Explain by signs.

51. Make spouts from maple lionfish, orders from burdock, earrings from cherries.

52. Blow on a feather.

53. Leave a blade of grass in an anthill and then try formic acid.

54. Eating rabbit cabbage, sucking resin, licking birch sap and maple syrup, chewing blades of grass.

55. Squeeze cookies with cookie cutters.

56. String berries on a blade of grass.

57. Play cyclops.

58. Sing along.

59. Fix your favorite toy.

60. Blow soap bubbles.

61. Decorate the Christmas tree.

62. Whistle through an acacia pod.

63. Make a dollhouse.

64. Climb a tree.

65. Play ghost.

66. Invent fancy dresses and dress up.

67. Talk about dreams.

68. Beating a homemade drum.

69. Release a balloon into the sky.

70. Organize a children's party.

71. Look at the world through colored glass.

72. Draw on misted glass.

73. Jump into piles of autumn foliage.

74. Start dinner with dessert.

75. Put your clothes on your child.

77. Watch your favorite cartoon together and finally understand who Bakugan are!

78. Make faces at the monkeys at the Zoo.

79. Peep through binoculars for everyone.


81. Throw pillows (small and soft).

82. Measure snowdrifts together. Play snowball fights and build snow towns/barricades.

83. Make a snowman, always with a carrot nose, scarf, hat and broom.

84. Rock a child on a blanket / bedspread.

85. Make an ambush in the pillows and shoot back with something soft.

86. Make rowan beads.

87. Knock down chestnuts with the whole family, collect them, and then carefully warm them with your hands in your pockets.

88. Plant your tree and every year about the same day go and check how much it has grown :)

89. Collect cones, acorns, leaves and make crafts from them

90. Sew clothes for a girl’s doll or make a boat with a boy.

91. Making spitting pipes and playing war games

92. Letting boats out of walnut shells in the bathroom.

93. Make a forage cap / hat from a newspaper or just paper.

95. Hide under the covers with a flashlight.

96. Go for mushrooms.

97. Catching waves on the sea.

98. Build dams on a stream.

99. Catching butterflies with a net.

100. Catch ladybugs and let them go to heaven with the appropriate song.

101. Write a letter to Santa Claus.

102. Decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the room for the New Year and be sure to cut snowflakes on the windows.

103. Launch paper boats in a puddle or on a river.

104. Make prints of coins and keys in plasticine or dough.

105. Collect leaves and flowers and make a herbarium.

106. Tell your dreams.

107. Come up with a secret word/cipher, a secret sign.

108. Bury the treasure.

109. Catching snowflakes, incl. language and make wishes.

110. Look for 4-leaf clover and five-leaf lilac flowers, eat them and make wishes.

111. Eat a lucky ticket on the bus.

112. Go camping with a tent, a backpack, a fire, a bowler hat and a guitar.

113. Peel the tangerine with one crust.

114. Get a pet... and it doesn't have to be a cat or a dog.

115. Blow bubbles through a tube into a glass of water.

116. Play kings and queens while wearing a curtain/sheet/tablecloth robe.

118. Listen to the chirping of cicadas/grasshoppers in the evening.

119. Write stories about a child.

120. Draw with crayons on the pavement, and then watch how they come to life in the rain.

121. Swim or just get wet at the fountain.

122. To make turrets from flat pebbles or "bulk" from sand - "buns" like that.

123. Make a birdhouse.

124. Bake potatoes on coals or in ashes.

125. Make a cocked hat from a small pillow-dumochki.

126. Roll the child on all fours on the back (horse) or on the shoulders.

127. Make skeletons from leaves (chestnut leaves are especially good).

128. Invent your own family tradition in which all family members can participate.

129. Let the child hang and "fly", taking him from both sides by the hands.

130. Build Cookie Houses

131. Sculpt something from the dough and be sure to smear in flour :)

132. Decorate a Christmas tree.

What happy moments do you remember from your childhood?

What to do on a rainy or windy evening with a baby? Of course, creativity! We share ideas for express crafts for autumn evenings.

Even if you are the busiest mom in the world, don't forget that it's very important for your child to spend time together and engage in interesting activities together.

Nothing brings people together like solving problems and spending time together. A win-win- handmade. By doing small crafts, you can analyze your child's behavioral patterns, assess abilities and give the most important thing for any person on the planet - communication.

We have compiled a selection of the most simple crafts and quick crafts that you can do with your baby. Even if you hated labor lessons at school, here you will definitely find something to your liking.

1. multi-colored pebbles

If in the summer you collected not only shells, but also pebbles from the sea, it's time to decorate them.

What do you need: acrylic paints, pebbles, water and a brush, a non-spill cup.

2. A bottle of sand

Making another beautiful piece of furniture together is very simple.

What you need: colored sand (you can take colored crayons, rub them on sandpaper and mix with fine sea salt), transparent dishes.

N.B. In order for the loose mixture to fall directly into the narrow neck of the bottle, you need to make a small cone with a hole out of paper.

3. P anno „Cooking jam" .

What you need: A4 paper or cardboard, scissors, apples and pears, gouache, brushes.

Cut out the shape of a jar from cardboard. Cut apples and pears in half. With a brush, apply gouache to the cut halves and press them down to leave prints on the cardboard. We finish the bones, leaves and ponytails after the prints are made.

You can also make such an application using leaves. Apply to one side of a leaf or flower with a brush and gently press down on colored paper for a print.

4. Craft "Kapitoshka" (or Christmas toy )

What you need: colored cardboard, balloon, PVA glue, a small container in the form of a bowl, thread.

Inflate the balloon and tie it. Pour PVA glue into a small bowl, smear the thread along the entire length with glue and wind it around the ball in a chaotic manner. Let it dry and pop the ball, decorate with different details - nose, eyes, hairs.

5. Educational toy for hand motor skills

What you need: Flour, watering can, balloon, marker, multi-colored threads.

Using a watering can, pour flour into a ball and tamp it down. We tie a filled ball, draw eyes, tie a thread in the form of hair.

6. Butterfly pin

What you need: A4 paper or multi-colored cardboard, pencils, clothespin.

We cut out “wings” from paper in the form of two eights: one is larger, the second is smaller, and we clamp them closer to the base of the clothespin.

7. Underwater world

What you need: Paints (acrylic or gouache), colored cardboard, scissors, disposable plates, fantasy :)

8. Mouse on a plate

What you need: Paper, felt-tip pens or paints, disposable plate, scissors, thread.

First you need to cut out a circle from A4 paper, paint it in one color, roll it into a cone and glue it. Cut, paint and glue the ears. Cut out eyes from cardboard. Glue the thread like a ponytail.

9. Crafts from disposable cups

What you need: Disposable cups, colored paper and cardboard, glue, scissors (needle and thread optional) .

10. 3 D aquarium

What you need: An old box, threads, shells, scissors, colored paper, regular tape, double-sided tape, PVA glue, felt-tip pens, paints (gouache or acrylic), you can additionally take cling film to “close” the aquarium.

On the “bottom” of the box, with felt-tip pens or paints, draw a “background” of the underwater world. We cut out fish, seahorses, algae from colored paper or cardboard. We hang fish on the "ceiling" of the aquarium on strings. Glue "algae" to the opposite edge. At the bottom we glue shells on double-sided tape. We wrap the aquarium with cling film.

11. Lamb from napkins and cotton wool

What you need: Cotton wool or napkins, divided into small pieces, one sheet of cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue or glue stick, felt-tip pens.

12. Hand jewelry -made

What you need: Threads, a set of large beads (can be found in Monpasier stores), cardboard and scissors.


What do you need: Plastic bottle, two tablespoons, thread and knife

We all know that with the onset of cold weather, the birds have nothing to eat. With older children, you can make just such a feeder at home and hang it in the park near the house.

14. Bookmarks for books

What you need: Floss threads, multi-colored cardboard, stickers, rhinestones, felt, colored paper, scissors and glue.

For your favorite books, you can make such bookmarks and teach your child to discipline from childhood.


What do you need: colored cardboard, scissors, glue stick or double-sided tape, needle or hole punch, elastic.

You don't need a reason to make masks. A mask can be a great excuse to have a masquerade!

16. Angel

What you need: Napkins for glasses, wooden beads, scissors, woolen threads, floss threads, PVA glue

We cut out the napkin in the form of a “candy”, as shown in the figure, make small cuts in the form of unfinished triangles and a hole in the center of the circle. We bend in half and get the body of an angel. We take 6-8 pieces of thread, tie them together in the middle with floss threads, which we throw on one side, string a bead on them and thread them through the hole in the center of the circle. We tie a knot. We stretch another thread through the bead so that you can hang the toy.

17. Herringbone of wine corks

What do you need: wine corks, paint, glue, paper.

To make a Christmas tree from wine corks, you need to prepare a cone shape, drape it with colored paper and stick wine corks on top, which will act as “needles”.

18. Button appliqué

What you need: A lot of multi-colored buttons, double-sided tape, PVA glue, threads, cardboard, colored paper, glue stick.

19. Chest of drawers with a secret

What you need: matchboxes, PVA glue, felt-tip pens, colored paper.

We glue together 4, 6 or 8 matchboxes (you can use 9 or 10, the main thing is to get a rectangular shape), wrap the fixed part and glue colored paper on it. We draw decor with a felt-tip pen - pens, coils, flowers, etc.

20. Hedgehog

What you need: plasticine, sunflower seeds

We sculpt a small oval and press it down on one side to make a “muzzle”. With a sharp end in rows, we insert the seeds into the body of the hedgehog. Don't forget the eyes and nose.

Depending on the season, you can also consider certain types of activities. In the fall, collect and dry a herbarium together, carve or paint a pumpkin for Halloween. In winter, cut out snowflakes or garlands, decorate Christmas balls, to make a snowman. spring to decorate Easter eggs, plant seedlings or just small flowers. And in the summer ... Imagine what you can do together in the summer.

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1. Let the sunbeams.
2. Watch how the seeds germinate.
3. Roll down a high ice mountain together.
4. Bring from the frost and put a branch in the water.
5. Cut the jaws out of the orange peels.
6. Look at the stars.
7. Shade coins and leaves hidden under paper.
8. Shake the pencil so that it seems that it has become flexible.
9. Make holes in the ice under running water.
10. Prepare burnt sugar in a spoon.
11. Cut out garlands of paper men.
12. Show shadow theater.
13. Run pancakes on the water.
14. Draw a cartoon in the margins of a notebook.
15. Set up a home in a refrigerator box.
16. Weave wreaths.
17. Make a volcanic eruption out of citric acid and soda.
18. Show trick with electrified paper figures.
19. Carbon copy.
20. Make bottle sprinklers and have a fight.
21. Listen to birds singing.
22. Let the chips go with the flow, dig channels and make dams.
23. Build a hut.
24. Shake a tree branch when the child is standing under it and arrange leaf fall (snowfall, rain).
25. Watch sunrise and sunset.
26. Admire the moon path.
27. Look at the clouds and imagine what they look like.
28. Make a weather vane and a wind trap.
29. Shine in the dark with a flashlight.
30. Make octopuses from dandelions and pupae from wild roses.
31. Go fishing.
32. Leave body prints in the snow.
33. Feed the birds.
34. Keep secrets.
35. Build a house out of furniture.
36. Sit by the fire. Fry bread on a stick.
37. Fly a kite.
38. Twist the child by the arms.
39. Build a sand castle. Burrow in the sand. Dig a deep well to reach water.
40. Sit in the dark, by candlelight.
41. Make little devils out of soapy hair.
42. Blow into an empty bottle.
43. Repeat one word many times so that it turns into another.
44. To publish a victory cry of Kamanches.
45. Be surprised at your giant shadow and play catch-up with the shadows.
46. ​​Jump to the center of the puddle.
47. Take notes with milk.
48. Arrange a storm in a teacup.
49. Bury treasure in a bowl of porridge.
50. Explain by signs.
51. Make spouts from maple lionfish, orders from burdock, earrings from cherries.
52. Blow on a feather.
53. Leave a blade of grass in an anthill and then try formic acid.
54. Eating rabbit cabbage, sucking resin, licking birch sap and maple syrup, chewing blades of grass.

55. Squeeze cookies with cookie cutters.
56. String berries on a blade of grass.
57. Play cyclops.
58. Sing along.
59. Fix your favorite toy.
60. Blow soap bubbles.
61. Decorate the Christmas tree.
62. Whistle through an acacia pod.
63. Make a dollhouse.
64. Climb a tree.
65. Play ghost.
66. Invent fancy costumes and dress up.
67. Talk about dreams.
68. Beating a homemade drum.
69. Release a balloon into the sky.
70. Organize a children's party.
71. Look at the world through colored glass.
72. Draw on misted glass.
73. Jump into piles of autumn foliage.
74. Start dinner with dessert.
75. Put your clothes on your child.