What to wear for children's day. A good tradition of our school is Childhood Day. When to celebrate Children's Day

The hall is decorated with flowers and balloons.

Graduates come to the kindergarten, the first educators and the assistant educator are waiting for them in the reception room.

Competition is being held Find your cabin (locker) ”, then graduates go through the “corridor of time” (hoop covered with cloth) and "turn" into six-year-olds, returning to childhood.

Go to the group they attended.

Game "Let's say hello" (children shake hands, shoulders, foreheads, backs, legs, etc.).

Compliment game (standing in a circle, the children say compliments to each other in turn).

Children reminisce about their typical day in kindergarten.

Educators announce to the children about the construction, it is held morning exercises.

After gymnastics - cultural and hygienic procedures.

Game "Find your bed potty"

Everyone is invited to the dining room.


After breakfast, the children return to the group and they are offered to choose a balloon for the string of which various objects are tied, indicating a prediction for the coming year. Balls of two colors (red and green), in the future this will help divide the children into two teams to participate in competitions.

"Divination on the balls":

Coin- material well-being;
Clip- meeting with good people, friendship;
Candy- sweet life;
Key- housewarming, change of residence;
Pacifier- the birth of a child, or maybe a brother or sister;
Wheel from a toy car - a journey;
Ring- marriage (marriage);
Bookmarkmemorable event that will change your life;
Balloon- your life will be easy and joyful;
Bay leaf- rest on your “laurels”, genius will open in you;
Pin- love, someone will cling to you tightly;
Pencil sharpener- to be your boss and “remove chips” from subordinates;
Cube with dots- all your risky ideas will be fulfilled, luck in gambling;
Tinsel- a brilliant idea will dawn on you, you will shine in society.

Children are invited to the first Music lesson

Marathon by age group:

1st ml. group - dance “Quarreled - reconciled”;

2nd ml. Group - music games“Sleep, dance, march” and “Sun and rain”;

The middle group - a round dance “Let's go to the garden for raspberries”;

Senior group - the song "There is nothing better in the world" (from the cartoon "The Bremen town musicians").

Second lesson on visual activity:

Children sit down according to the chosen color hot air balloon, by commands.


We are all interested
Learn and see.
Take a quick look around!
Today we are visiting
And he is glad to see us
An artist named Krug.

And his name is so because he draws round objects.

The presenter demonstrates a drawn circle attached to an easel.


I drew a circle for you.
Well, of course, this is it:
No end, no beginning
No corners or sides.

Auction "What is in the shape of a circle."

Lots of interesting items you named, and now we will draw them, but not in the usual way, but with different parts of the body: head, nose, shoulders, knee, finger, lips.

There is a physical culture warm-up “Draw a circle”.

If the circle started to jump,
So it's loud... (Ball.)

How can we turn our circle into a ball?

One of the children completes the missing element.

What is the ball for? (After the children's answers.)

That's right, for the game. But the circle is often needed for business.

Four brothers in the world -
Two in front, two behind.
Hurry, run
And they don't chase each other. (Wheels.)

The teacher draws a circle, turning it into a wheel. The game "Wheels by the bus" is being played. Children depict all the actions in the text. During the first verse, they twist their hands, imitating wheels, during the second they imitate the sound of an engine, in the third they show with their hands how to give a signal, during the fourth they imitate the crying of a baby, during the fifth they get up and sit down.

The wheels on the bus go round and round
Spin and spin.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All day long.
Like this: rrrr!
The bus engine roars and roars
All day long.
Like this: beep, beep, beep!
The bus horn goes on and on
All day long.
Like this: wow, wow!
The baby on the bus keeps crying and crying
All day long.
They stand up, they sit down.
People on the bus get up and then sit down,
And so all day long.

Guys, if I add a branch or a leaf to the circle, it will turn ... into a ruddy, ripe apple.

caregiver draws an apple. Then, making riddles, he makes other drawings.

The circle of this rays,
We all know hot.
Looking out the window in the morning
Children, who is with us? This is... (The sun.)

Round, not a ball
with a tail, not a mouse, yellow as honey,
But the taste is not the same. (Turnip.)

Miraculously, a miracle converged around.
There are a lot of holes, but there is nowhere to jump out. (Sieve.)

We got acquainted with the circles, And now draw yourself!

Pass team games. “Tick in a circle” - with your eyes closed, put a tick in one of the circles. Whichever team has the most hits wins.

“Draw” to finish the circle so that some object is obtained. Each player draws his own circle.


Wherever you look
Around circles, circles!
Let it appear new friend
An artist named Krug!

That's how interesting we spent time with the artist Krug.

It's time to turn around.

Then the teachers invite the children to draw their own drawings on the topic “Me and my childhood”, paints, brushes, sheets of paper are heard.

While the graduates are painting, children's songs are heard in audio recordings.

Finished works are posted on the board and discussed.

The children are given leaflets and pens, the teacher asks to write down the answers to the questions that he will ask.

test joke

  1. How do you imagine a jug, what do you possibly do with it?
  2. What is your idea of ​​the steppe?
  3. How do you see the chest, what do you think is stored there?
  4. How do you imagine a garden?
  5. Imagine a ship. What is he? Who are you on this ship? How is his swim?

The teacher announces the meaning of each test question.


The pitcher is your chosen one.
The steppe is your childhood.
The chest is your talent.
The garden is how you imagine your old age.
The ship is your family hearth and the place that you allot yourself in it.


And now let's digress, let's play, but from the beginning you need to solve riddles:

What kind of forest animal
Stood up like a column
Under the pine
And stands among the grass -
Ears bigger than head? (Hare)

He sleeps in a den in winter
Under the big pine
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

Who is cold in winter
Wandering in the forest angry, hungry? (Wolf)

tail fluffy,
golden fur,
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens in the village. (A fox)

small stature,
A long tail, gray coat,
Sharp teeth. (Mouse)

jumping animal,
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
And a mosquito and a fly. (Frog)

The children who guessed the riddle are put on hats - masks of the corresponding hero.

Theatrical game “Terem-Teremok”

Quiz game “We didn’t go through this”

Leading: You will have to remember what you passed at school in different subjects, and what you did not pass. Teams receive one point for each correct answer. So, go!

Competition of the smart.

  1. Common between Sherlock Holmes, I. Stalin and R. Khasbulatov. (A tube)
  2. Flattened square. (Rhombus)
  3. You can eat it or... spread it on your boots. (Cream)
  4. A musical genre especially loved by the military. (March)
  5. Violin, water, lock ... (Key)
  6. Commonality between wood, book and Hungarian music. (Sheet)
  7. The designer of the first aircraft on the planet. He is the father of the first pilot. (Dedalus)
  8. Half man, half horse. (Centaur)
  9. Ballerina and smoker. What common? (Bundle)
  10. A scientist who saw through all of humanity. (X-ray)
  11. The permanent inhabitant of the roof, Swede by nationality. (Carlson)
  12. Russian sovereign, in whose reign we had napkins at the dinner table. (Peter I)
  13. The name of the hero in the comedy of Beaumarchais, which has become synonymous with an efficient servant. (Figaro)
  14. What is sometimes called "Russian America"? (Alaska)

Math competition.

1. Solve the problem in verse:

We are only from the ship,
Recently from a trip
eleven weeks
Stayed on the water.
And how many days is that? (77 days)

2. Solve the problem-joke: from city A to city B the plane flies 80 minutes, and back 1 hour 20 minutes. Why? (80 min = 1 hour 20 min)

3. A flock of geese flew: one goose in front and two behind; one goose between two and three in a row. How many geese are there? (Three geese)

4. Listen carefully! Question: I got on the bus and counted the passengers. There were 17 of them. The bus started, then stopped. At the first stop, 6 people got on, 2 got off. At the next stop, 4 got on, no one got off. And then, at the bus stop, one citizen came in with a whole bunch of new clothes. How many stops were there? (4 stops)

historical competition.

  1. To whom do these words belong: "Whoever comes to Russian land with a sword will perish by the sword"? (Alexander Nevsky j).
  2. What city in ancient Russia was called the mother - Russian cities? (Kyiv)
  3. Who compiled the Slavic alphabet? (Brothers Cyril and Methodius)
  4. Name the leaders of popular uprisings in Russia. (K. Bulavin, S. Razin, B. Pugachev, I. Bolotnikov)

Competition of native speech, Russian language.

Solving puzzles, three per team.

Competition of natural disciplines

  1. Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile) .
  2. Which legs of a giraffe are longer - front or back? (The same)
  3. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot)
  4. What animals fly? (The bats)
  5. Does a badger bring benefits or harm to a person in winter? (He sleeps in winter)
  6. 6. What is the name of the phenomenon of nature. When is the Moon between the Sun and the Earth in a straight line? (Solar eclipse)

Literary competition.

1. Each team is given a story. Instead of an ellipsis, you need to insert the name of the author of the work.

"Summer" (Gorky) is running out. Here it is - "Quiet Don" (Sholokhov), and behind it - "The Cherry Orchard" (Chekhov) and "Forest" (Turgenev). "Eugene Onegin" (Pushkin) and "Poor Liza" (Karamzin) go to the "House with a mezzanine" (Chekhov), where the "Three Sisters" (Chekhov) and "Mother" (Gorky) are waiting for them. "Childhood. Adolescence: - Youth" (Tolstoy) they spent in this house. Here they were met by "First Love" (Turgenev). Quite "Ordinary History" (Goncharov). Even "On the Eve" (Turgenev) everything foreshadowed bad weather. And on the way they were caught by "Thunderstorm" (Ostrovsky). "What to do?" (Chernyshevsky) they thought.

"Remember Literature Course"

What did Cinderella treat her sisters to at the ball? (Oranges, lemons.)

- Which hero of the fairy tale went blind without losing his sight? (Kai from Andersen's The Snow Queen.)

- The heroine who taught the reckless boy: "Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Do not eat with your hands, there are spoons and forks for this." (Malvina.)

- The second name of the tablecloth. (Self-assembly.)

– In which of the cities listed below was the Russian writer A.P. Chekhov born? Taganrog, Lvov, Murmansk, Sevastopol. (Taganrog.)

The results are summed up, the educators thank the children and invite them to watch documentary videos of past years “That’s how we were kids” (holidays, matinees, prom, story games with the participation of graduates)

After viewing, the children of each team choose the name of the fairy tale and dolls by lot - bibabo, “Three Little Pigs” or “Gingerbread Man”. Guys are invited kindergarten and graduates show these fairy tales for them. Give prepared gifts (books, CDs, toys)

Educators say parting words, give gifts from the kindergarten to graduates and invite everyone for a walk, a tour of the groups and classrooms of the kindergarten.

After the walk, cultural and hygienic procedures, preparation for dinner, lunch.

Graduates say goodbye to kindergarten workers, teachers.

HOLIDAY - Prankster


The program was compiled by Matskovskaya M.A.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 19" IMRSK

The celebration takes place in the school yard. Sounds a song from the repertoire of Tatyana Ovsienko

"Our Yard" Children run to the playground different ages, dance, sing the refrain of the song: It is joyful and fun to get together for us. Boys and girls of our yard. In the evening with guitars we walk in pairs and we want tomorrow to be better than yesterday ...

1 leader. Everyone, good afternoon everyone!

2 leader. Everyone, everyone radiant smiles and Have a good mood!

1 leader. Here today my friends,

We have not gathered in vain.

We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

Girls and guys!

2 leader. May the angel always keep you

From life's losses

And let childhood at least sometimes

The door opens for you!

(first graders come out to cheerful instrumental music)

1. Why does a cat have 4 legs?

2. Why is Vanya's entire portfolio covered in sour cream?

3. Why don't chocolates grow in our garden?

4. Why don't old women play with toys?

5. Does a watermelon have a radius?

6.Where to look for the hypotenuse?

7. And what did the naughty integral play again?

1. At school, for 11 years you have found the answer to all questions.

2. And now you are experts ...

All together: Because the graduates!

3. We wish you good luck in life,

4. Health, success,

5. Love and kindness!

6. We wish that all difficult tasks ...

7. You decided on the go and with a bang!!! (together).


1 leading. You have grown up quickly, but for parents, teachers, you will always remain children.

2 leader. What was your favorite holiday as a child...?

All: birthday!

1 leader. Ten years ago, babies were born in our school: 1a, 1b ...

2 leader. This year they celebrated their eleventh birthday.

(melody sounds " c birthday", they take out 2 cakes with eleven candles)

(song performed by elementary school students "Birthday").

1 leader. Graduates! Refreshed? Will you answer the question of the school yard?

2 leader. What was your favorite lesson in school?

1 leader. Just don't say it's a change...

2 leader. Physical Education? Miracles, we have too, this is probably hereditary.

(FLASH MOB "Morning exercises")

1 leader. I will not be mistaken if I name another favorite subject of all children ... 2 leading. Wait, I'll guess ... it seems to me that this is drawing!

1 leader. We announce a COMPETITION of drawings on asphalt!

2 leader. Here they are in front of you boxes with multi-colored crayons.

1 leading. We will decorate all the planets so that they become multi-colored.

Can be big small...

This is how it is sung in a children's song ... (while the song is playing, the graduates draw, at the end a winner is chosen, a prize is awarded).

1 leader. Is it true that graduates know everything?

2 leader. And let's check...


1 leader. The most grated kalach at school is (graduate).

2 leader. What is instantly lost at the request of the teacher put on the table - (diary).

1 leader. The main irritant of all the teachers in the lesson, but not your hairstyle, outfit, piercing in your nose or lip, the name of the most hooligan student himself. (mobile phone).

2 leader. A place in the class where you can answer (including for the "rotten market") and get (including from your parents in the neck) - (board).

1 leader. A lesson where you can quite realistically “catch glitches” - (computer science)

2 leader. A documentary pass to freedom, confirming the time of 11 years of imprisonment. - (certificate).

1 leader. Bravo. Graduates!

2 leader. Nothing!

1 leader. Why are you surprised?

2 leader. Fantasy! Collective mind!

1 leader. So what. 11 years together. The team…

2 leader. What do they teach you at school? Collective mind. Let it be known, only ants and dolphins possess.

1 leader. I give up, convinced, "nerd". Let's better announce concert numbers.


2. Meet the residents "with medy club » school yard.

1. In the 9th century, Cyril and Mifodiy gave our people Slavic writing.

2 ... before that, the Slavs read and spoke French.

1. In some century there, the Tatar-Mongols imposed tribute on Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko.

2 .... in response, Vladimir overlaid the Tatars.

1.Late at night, a knock was heard at the city gates of Vladimir. "Who's there?" the frightened townspeople asked.

2. "Babay!" Mamai joked.

1. Do you know when the first people appeared?

2. When the monkeys began to work hard.

1. What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?

2. Useless work, for example, learned a lesson, but you were not asked.

(musical beat)

3. concert number. " YES, I AM LIKE THIS"

4.concert number "GIRL _ HARM"

At the end of the holiday, all students sing and dance " STOP PEOPLE »- flash mob

A cheerful day broke outThe streets are noisy with the sea,From the open windows of the schoolChildren's voices are heard.
May flows like an elegant riverOn a wide pavement.It pours with an immense songAbove the beautiful river.
Today the school bell will sound,Which will not be quite normal.The thread of that habitual series will be interrupted,When the lesson was replaced by a lesson.
Noise, worrying, graduation classes,Ringing farewell echo voices,The school ship set sail.And now other paths are waiting for him.
Let's salute the bravePast storms of stormy school years.Going into life on the road of victories, -Graduates solemn and important!

I ask you to greet the graduates of 2013 while standing, 11th grade and their class teacher Repina Larisa Ivanovna are invited to the hall
(Graduates enter the hall to the music, sit down) musical number
Ten years have gone by like a blink of an eye.Flew a little lifeWith the sweet country of childhoodYou now have to part.

The hour of parting has been appointed,In your school countryMay has come, which meansSad for you and me.

Little country of childhood. She is not on the map and the globe, but she lives in the heart of every graduate.

Dear graduates, today you are saying goodbye to childhood and leaving for a great life. . By tradition, you are welcomed by the director of the school Antonova Galina Zelikovna.

You are the most wonderful director
They gave so much to their school!
Everyone respects you very much for this,
From first graders to teachers.
We wish the guys year after year
Hurry to you with the advent of September.
To call our school the best,
Thanks director for everything!
Fanfare sounds. Speech by the principal of the school. Presentation of the last school bun. Presentation of flowers to the principal of the school
Music number.
How do you want to go back to your childhood?To the land of dreams and bright dreamsWhere joy and carelessnessAnd where there are no tears at all

Where the rivers of happiness are boundless,Where the fun is on the coastWhere joy meets with a smile in the morningAnd ringing laughter hurries to catch up with you.

Meet the Graduates of 2023!

Music "Why chat at school ..." includes first graders.

First graders read poetry

1. Since they gave us a microphone -

Let him not shut up!

We will miss you

But our hour will come!

2. Let me be unsightly now,

freckled student,

I will grow up and I will also be called a graduate!

The last school call

3. We won't be very long

Praises for you to sing!

Just what is that word?

I need to look somewhere...

4. You are a lot of words

Studied for ten years.

Image maker, integrals,

"Relax, menn!", mobile, buffet!

5. We also know about the buffet.

In vain, or what, at school for a whole year

Half a lesson "freezes"

It has school graduation people!

6. I'm with my mother for viewings

I don't go to the House of Models.

All new super fashion

I look at the graduates.

7. You have long forgotten about the form:

Rivets shine on jeans

Lipstick, rings became the norm

And the grooms are looking at you!

8. You are scientists, of course!

From such a cool study

You can break your head!

9. Nothing, do not be upset!

Knowledge is power, not a burden!

A month or two get together,

And go straight to the university!

10. We promise you today

Follow the school here!

Increase the glory of the school

All that is asked is to learn!

Sing beautifully and without falsehood!

Let's respect adults

And take the exam for five.

12. Final exam soon,

The time is coming

We sincerely wish

You don't have a feather!

The music “What is taught at school ...” sounds, graduates give them gifts, first graders leave

This is how you came to this beautiful country of Childhood. Then the school seemed bigger to you, and the stairs - wider, and the bell - louder.

Presentation "Primary School"

Dear graduates, meet your first teachers.




Speech by the first teachers, the game, handing them flowers.

musical number

Our school is the best

What a teacher is a star.

And all over Russia is better

You will never find

There are no words in the world to glorify you,

So thatleave your appearance for centuries and memory.

No big words needed!

They weaken their shoulders.

Your disciples will perpetuate you!

Your star trail

Your Milky Way is radiant,

Tall, strict, clear, bright, clean!

Teacher, be your star in the universe!

Holy name! Be blessed!

We sincerely wish you well,

And courage, and perseverance, and faith,

While the bells are ringing in the soul,

The teacher's work will not be lost!!

Dear children, your subject teachers are with you today at the celebration. Meet them.

Speech by subject teachers, presentation of flowers.

Who chose the hard way of the roads.

We praise those who proudly bear the title -

Teacher, educator, educator.

Even if it's hard sometimes for you,

But still, how beautiful it is -

Give everything to your students!

musical number

Everything was and gone, and will not return,

And there is no turning back to childhood.

But still let it stay with you

Cheerful windows school quiet look ...

We don't choose our parents
As, however, and teachers.
But they are for school years
We all become relatives!
And the class teacher
We want to wish today:
May your children return
And new ones will come again!

What parents don't know
Everything is known to the class teacher,
There is no better class
I will confidently say.
I wish you not to get sick, Happiness, joy, luck,
Get younger every year.

Accept congratulations from your class teacher.

Presentation by the class teacher. Delivery of flowers.

So that the learning process is clear

Went to an educational institution

The head teacher has a concern -

Find a solution for that

Head teacher keeps under control

At school, the whole process of learning -

That is his significant role

The head teacher in the position is notable

Without it, confusion

inconsistency, vanity,

Where the head teacher is immediately quiet,

Where the head teacher is beauty!

For reading the order on admission to the final exams, the floor is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Dudoladova Galina Petrovna. I ask all 11th grade graduates to stand up.

Reading the order

A survey was conducted among the graduates, and the leaders of the parallel were identified in the following nominations:

A heart









Presentation of honorary certificates, thanks.

musical number

Beckons us without looking back,

Holding strong loyalty

Our quiet haven

Called "family"

Dear parents, congratulations!
Your children are graduates!
And for them today is the last call,
And today is their last lesson!
You will support your children
And hug tightly
After all, they have exams ahead of them,We know you will worry about them,

But it's better to inspire confidence in them,
How proud of them, tell us!
Give them affection and kindness,
Show your care!
The main thing is not to scold them,
Then they will pass the exams for "five"!

Dear children, let's give a standing ovation and applause to your parents, because they are always with you, in joy and in trouble.

Music sounds. Presentation for parents.

Presentation by the parent committee.

Looking into the hall, reflected in your eyes!

Your beloved teacher and mother in tears ...

Behind so many springs and winters lived together here ...

We want to give you a song as a keepsake.

Music number.

Not every path will be smooth

Not all trials will be easy

And life lies in front of you like a notebook,

In which there is not a single line yet.

In the rain or in the heat

But in due time

Every new spring

There is a last call.

He's like an exam,

He's like a new dawn

He sums up

School years.

How many promises does it contain

This call is calling into the distance,

In them and the bitterness of goodbyes,

And a million hopes.

Graduates of the 11th grade are invited to the stage for a response.

The honorary right to give the last school bell to graduates of 2013 is granted

11th grade student

and a 1st grade student

All hopes and expectations

Look, don't cheat!

And at this hour in a quiet building,

Ring, ring, ring, ring!!

Ring over past and present

Over everything that you saved and did not save,

Ring over your departing childhood,

Sad, farewell, last call.

The last call sounds.

It became sad at a cheerful hour,

Because you are saying goodbye to school.

You have serious exams ahead of you.

And it is worth dreaming about what will come true.

Only childhood we can not return again,

Like a school waltz, it will not be forgotten.

Hosts invite everyone to the school waltz

waltz sounds

Children's Day Scenario Grade 11 2017

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better

Scene 1

Ilya: Guys, can you imagine, we studied in this school for 11 years!

Veronica: Yes, it will be over soon! Let's fly somewhere!

Sasha: Yeah, and remember the name.

Pavel: Come on, we will come, meet, go to school.

Denis: I will definitely miss.

Volodya: And I.

Arthur: Stepan, why are you silent? Will you miss school?

Stepan: What more! I've had enough of this school for 11 years. Every day the same thing: lessons, electives, tutors! .. Teachers got tired: “USE! USE!! No privacy! When will all this end???

Arthur:- Why are you pissed off? A little more and that's it, goodbye, school!

Stepan:- Would already be sooner!

Veronica:- Okay, you'll still be bored.

Stepan:- NEVER! (Artyom enters with a thoughtful look and with a device in his hands) It’s only Artyom who likes to study. Look, he's inventing something again.

Artyom:- Hey guys! What are you gathered here for?

Arthur:- Why, Stepan complains about his bitter, student fate.

Artyom:- Found something to do.

Stepan:- Are you busy with something else?

Sasha:- Also me, Einstein was found!

Artyom:- Certainly! Look, I invented a time machine!!!

Stepan: Wow!!! Listen, Artyom, let's test it in action now! I really want to go to other schools! To see people and show yourself!

Artyom: Oh, what you won't do for your friends! Take it!

Together: Happy Travel!!!

Scene 1

Stone Age"

Sounds "Song about things" M. Boyarsky. Primitive disciples appear. They dance a ritual dance. At the end, they are randomly distributed on the stage: girls comb their hair, do needlework, boys make fire, make weapons. Each phrase in the “primitive” language is translated by a voice-over (the text of the translation is in italics).

Dmitry: Horror life. (At the end of the Ice Age, life became unbearable.)

Maria: Scary cold. (The temperature keeps dropping.)

Valeria: Vampire biter. (There is no escape from mosquitoes.)

Dmitry: Mamaka and Papaka Rugaka. (Parents do not understand our problems.)

Maria: And the teacher - wow ... animal! (But the teachers are so kind and attentive.)

Valeria: It wouldn't be bad to eat. (I'm so hungry.) At least a mammoth. (I would eat an elephant now.)

Dmitry: Poterpic. (Do not rush.) Quick snack. (Through the lesson we will go hunting.)

The roar of an elephant is heard. The Primitive Teacher runs in.

Teacher: Can't you hear the bell? ( Hello children. I am very glad to see you.)

What a student? (Remind me, please, that we went through the last lesson.)

Maria: macaque turner (You told us how labor made a man out of a monkey.)

Hello again my dears! This post, as promised, I am writing as soon as I have a free minute.

Childhood Day is a tradition in our school that goes back to the very beginning. I don’t know if this holiday is practiced in other educational institutions, but we can’t imagine a single graduation without it.

Childhood Day is considered a turning point between the end of school and the holiday of the last bell. This is the boundary between school life and the one where you enter after graduation. This is the last break before the upcoming exams and a great opportunity to relax and feel like a child: do what you want, no one will judge you! But there are also a few commitments that you just need to fulfill on your childhood day: jump, run, dance, sing and shout, give someone a kick, and then hug!

Well, as you might have guessed, the main condition is crazy costumes!

On this day, I realized how much I still love my classmates! What about classmates? The whole parallel!

My beloved friend also arrived in time for the holiday, but not as part of the graduates ... but I know that he dreamed of a childhood day, the last call and graduation!

But it seems that I was delighted early, because a surprise awaited us! We were led to the pool, forced to take off our shoes, then asked similar questions: did you do your homework? Have you ever stolen in the dining room? Have you ever skipped classes? Etc. And when they heard a positive answer, which they expected, they launched a water weapon: D We were simply attacked by a horde of schoolchildren from primary school and covered from head to toe!

Further, a lot of competitions and competitions were organized for us. From the ridiculous: peel a banana together without using your hands or fold from your clothes that you can remove the line as long as possible. From serious ones: to thank one of my classmates by passing him a skein of threads along the chain. And the conclusion is that we are all connected, we are all together, and it will be hard to get out of this web. Yes and why ;)

Then the traditional group photo on the school porch.

And a farewell concert.