How to find the ji point in women. What is the G-spot

Where is the g-spot in girls . Orgasm is pleasure good mood, this is the lady's confidence in her usefulness.

So that a woman can fully enjoy this unforgettable physical and emotional state, the male partner and she herself needs to know as much as possible about the erogenous zones on her body and inside it.

Erogenous zones of a woman

Bright Erts of external erogenous zones are the whole body of a woman. But inside her body there are three cunning genital links, with proper stimulation of which a powerful orgasm occurs.

Let's dwell on one of them - point g. I wonder where the ji point is for girls?

The history of the term g-spot

This tiny erogenous link has been known to mankind for more than a thousand years. The German scientist Ernest Grafenberg in the mid-fifties of the twentieth century for the first time popularly and convincingly substantiated the huge advantage of the ji point over other erogenous areas.

Subsequently, the point was named after the first letter of the last name of this wonderful gynecologist. A point, because it is very small.

In 1980, a group of followers of the Grafenberg cause published a book called "G Point". It provided answers to many questions on this issue.

She managed to firmly cling to the mind modern man and has repeatedly risen and rises in various periodicals and medical sources.

Finding the ji point in the female body

How to find the G-spot in a woman, and what to do if it succeeded? Some women are not even sure if they even have such a place in the body. And many have never even heard of it.

You can sympathize with them, since sex life is much broader than our ideas about it. All ambiguities in the question of where the g-spot is in women should be resolved.

Every woman has it. This is an axiom, and it cannot be doubted. The place of ji is one of the many erogenous zones in the female body.

His massage can help to please a woman and lead to an orgasm. But not every woman will be able to enjoy her stimulation.

People are individual in their capabilities, and therefore the ways of obtaining pleasure are specific for each.

Speaking about the features of female sexuality, it is worth considering in detail the structure of the female vagina and determine the location of the g-spot .

Above the clitoris is the pubic bone, and below it is the urethra, 3-4 cm long, leading to the bladder.

The urethra is surrounded by the urethral sponge. The urethral sponge is the G-spot. This part of the female womb is spongy erectile tissue. It contains the urethral glands and paraurethral ducts.

A sterile clean finger (middle, ring or index) is inserted into the vaginal opening. The ji point is located on the anterior wall of the vagina at a depth of 3 to 5 cm.

By the way, the clitoris and urethral sponge are part of a whole system consisting of muscles, tissues and nerve endings.

When the gland is excited, the sponges fill with liquid, and it swells. Sometimes, fluid is ejected through the paraurethral ducts into the urethra.

This process is also called female ejaculation. When excited, the urethral sponge increases in size and becomes easier to find.

How can a partner find the g-spot

Before looking for a urethral sponge, it is necessary for partners to prepare themselves for the further implementation of a pleasant procedure.

Hugs, kisses, caresses, intimacy, insane desire for sexual intimacy - everything accompanies sexual victory.

To find the g-spot, the man must insert his finger into the partner's vagina and point it to the front wall, gently sliding back and forth. So you can find a known place.

Compared to the smoother tissues of the vagina, the surface of the ji zone will be more wrinkled.

Finger stimulation of the urethral sponge leads to bright, pleasant sensations. When this zone is massaged, nervous excitement goes to the brain, then descends back, and the mucous membranes are moistened.

The ji point orgasm blows up the body with a hot fountain.

G-spot stimulation methods

Since the g area is close to the urethra, the partner must visit the toilet before stimulating it. You can massage it in several ways:

- by gentle pressing on the point;

- gentle stroking to the right and left, as well as bottom-up and vice versa;

- slow in a circular motion by her.

During intercourse, the most productive massage of the urethral sponge is obtained when the partner is on the partner, facing him, and she herself tries to make the male genital organ tightly touch the cherished area and rub it.

Enough young and athletic people can recommend a position when a girl sits on an elevated surface and throws her legs on the shoulders of her sexual partner.

The stimulation of the ji point in this case is confident, and the couple gets a 100% orgasm. An effective pose is when the partner is standing, and the partner in his hands makes wave-like movements with the lower part of the body.

This position is attractive because people look at each other, and the excitement from contemplating a partner only increases.

The maximum pressure on the g-spot occurs when a man sits on a hard surface and begins to draw his beloved into himself. In this position, it is difficult not to get an acute orgasm.

Good sex is a component of success, joy, health and well-being. Loving people not prevent new information about how to make sexual intercourse bright, rich and bold. G-spot information.

Probably, there is no such man who would not have heard about the female G-spot. This is a place on the body that can give real bliss. And what can be said about the representatives of the stronger sex? G - point in men, also leading to an unforgettable orgasm. A woman should not forget about her during sexual intercourse. G - a point in men, the existence of which must be taken into account by every good mistress. This erogenous zone is a secret place on the body, gentle touches of which lead to complete delight.

G - point in men on the body, giving pleasure

So, in more detail. Where is the G-spot in men and what is it? It's actually the prostate. That is, G is the point in men, located under the bladder, between the testicles and anus. You should not be afraid of such anatomical details. All shyness and stiffness are smoothed out, because the partner gets great pleasure.

Proper stimulation

Knowing where the G-spot is in men is not enough. You need to be able to properly stimulate it. For example, it is best to have oral sex while on top of your partner, with your back to his face. This pose frees the hands. Therefore, it is very easy to reach the cherished place. At that moment, when the orgasm is already close, it is necessary to start rhythmically pressing on the G-spot. The main thing is not to stray from the rhythm, making one click per second. Orgasm will be much brighter than ever.

Sky-high sensations

In a word, G is a point in men, stimulating which you can achieve excellent results. Moreover, the partner will receive incredible sensations if the woman offers him a bold experiment. For example, you can try to convince a man to insert a special sex toy into the anus. Kind of like anal beads. Inside they need to be throughout the entire sexual intercourse. In this case, stimulation should be constant. She will be stronger from within. With the onset of orgasm, the balls must be removed one at a time, without losing the rhythm of the partner's movements. The man will be in seventh heaven with happiness. And the woman will receive the well-deserved title of the most chic mistress.

Myth or reality?

Ernst Grefenberg, a German gynecologist, first stated where the G-spot is in men. About sixty years ago, he suggested that in the body of each person there is a nerve bundle, the stimulation of which leads to vivid orgasms.

Since then, many have been searching for erogenous zones. Recently, however, a serious study has been carried out in London. For this, scientists collected 900 pairs of twins. Naturally, the set of genes in twins should be the same. That is, the G point must either be present or absent for both. But doctors did not find such a correspondence. To date, such a study has become the most "scientific" in this area.


But most people are firmly convinced that there is still a hidden G-spot in men. How to find it and how to stimulate it, sexologists tell. And everything is extremely simple.

An important role in orgasm and arousal of a man is played by the prostate. Due to its location, it fixes an erection.

And there is an orgasm, as you know, in the form of two successive stages - emission and ejaculation. During emission, the fluid that forms the seed is excreted into the so-called mixer - into the prostatic urethra. Getting ready to shoot. To facilitate this task, the prostate and other organs eject fluid in a series of contractions. That is, they work like powerful nozzles. At the same time, fresh spermatozoa move into the combustion chamber through the vas deferens. The prostate is reduced by strong spasms at this stage for two to three seconds. At this moment, the man gets great pleasure. Such a moment is called by sexologists the instant of the inevitability of ejaculation.

The second stage of orgasm is the contraction of the sphincter muscle. Waste ways for the seed to the bladder are cut off. A series of muscular contractions carries the seed to its very end.

The male G-spot has much in common with the female. They develop from the same embryonic tissue. Both produce ejaculate. Stimulate the prostate can be external and internal ways. For internal stimulation, a woman needs to gently insert a lubricated finger into the anus and press towards the pubis. The partner will feel a rounded hard lump the size of a chestnut or walnut. You need to put pressure on him.

For external stimulation, it is necessary to press the thumb pad on the perineum. Whether you like the effect is, of course, a personal matter for everyone. Some men get pleasure only in an excited state. Some feel almost nothing at all. And someone claims that stimulation of the prostate helps to maintain an erection.

By the way, ancient Chinese manuscripts describe a similar technique designed specifically to slow down ejaculation. The only difference is that the man did it on his own. He pressed on the perineum before ejaculating with his middle and index fingers for three seconds. Presumably, this procedure allowed to delay ejaculation, but not orgasm.

In a word, knowing where the male G-spot is is very important for any woman. In this case, she will be able to deliver an unforgettable pleasure to her partner.

Interest in the G-spot began in the world about forty years ago, when Dr. Beverly Whipple, a participant in one of the popular programs on American television, reported the existence of a certain area in the vagina, upon exposure to which women experience orgasm. Since then, people have been hunting G-spots in bedrooms and research labs...

For reference:
Beverly Whipple, an American sexologist who has written several popular books on this phenomenon, commented on research on this topic succinctly: "You are not born with a G-spot, you find it."


The clitoris and the G-spot (Ji) are the most sensitive female erogenous zones, forming the so-called. "clitoro-vaginal complex", the stimulation of which causes an increase in their size, pleasant sensations and / or orgasm. Everyone knows where and how the clitoris is located and that its stimulation easily causes a clitoral orgasm, but the G-spot is not always clear.

The G-spot was discovered in the late 1940s by the German gynecologist Ernst von Grafenberg. In 1950, in the article "The Role of the Urethra in the Female Orgasm", Grafenberg wrote in detail about the new erogenous zone inside the vagina. He found that many women have a place, the stimulation of which causes great arousal. This place turned out to be the area in which all the nerve endings coming from the tissues lining the surface of the vagina converged. It is believed that this area is somehow connected to the roots of the clitoris. When this point is irritated, a woman experiences completely the new kind orgasm, which is different from the two known (clitoral and vaginal), comparable in strength to the male and even more. At the same time, women show symptoms similar to male erection and ejaculation. This is accompanied by a sharp ejection from the urethra of a certain amount (sometimes up to 100-150 ml.) Of a clear liquid without color and odor. Later this phenomenon was called "squirting" or "female ejaculation".

Grafenberg argued that this is not urine or lubricant, but the secretion of glands located inside the urethra. Its properties, as well as the exact origin, have not yet been sufficiently studied. But if a woman is experiencing intense sexual pleasure, how important is it for us to know exactly what the chemical composition of this fluid is? By the way, what research methods Grafenberg used for all this is still unknown. This point in 1982 was named in honor of the discoverer the G-spot. 1982.). Their book The Ji Point and Other Discoveries in Human Sexuality (1982) quickly became a bestseller and has been translated into 19 languages.

Video dance show on the theme "I found my G-spot" 18+

Representatives of creative professions did not stand aside from such a wonderful and inspiring discovery. People of art were also happy with him. The famous composer Frank Zappa, also known for his paintings in the style of "vulvinism", dedicated the musical study "G-Spot Tornado" to the miracle point (This song is by Frank Zappa and appears on the album Jazz From Hell (1986) and on the album The Yellow Shark (1993) The nature of this piece makes it clear that the performer was familiar with the phenomenon firsthand.

The reality of the existence of the G-spot did not raise any objections from sex instructors either. After all, in women, the Ji point is not the third eye - it is much easier to find it, having a certain massage skill and teach how to influence it. Hence, there was an interest in the topic of increasing the g-spot, first of all, among women who experience certain difficulties with sexual satisfaction. Well, or just wanting to find it at home and experience new, hitherto unknown sensations

Where is point G

G-spot (G-Spot) - in women, it is located on the anterior wall of the vagina, at a depth of 3-6 cm from the vestibule. This is an area of ​​erectile tissue that swells with external stimulation or during sexual intercourse. The diameter of this area varies from 0.75 to 3 cm, it has a granular structure that can be felt when touched. Its fabric to the touch differs from neighboring fabrics - it is denser and wrinkled, like a soft walnut. There are various assumptions regarding its physiological nature. Some consider it the inner part of the clitoris, others - the remnant of the prostate, which was not formed in the embryo of the girl, but existed until the moment when the sex of the child was determined.

According to modern data, the Ji point is an analogue of the male prostate. Glandular tissue, similar to the tissue of the male prostate gland, is located in women around the urethra (Skeene's gland). Stimulation first causes its increase, and then the release of a secret that moisturizes the vagina and enhances the pleasant sensations from sexual intercourse up to a vaginal orgasm. Physiologically, everyone has a G-spot. For some it is more pronounced, for others it is less. And for some it can be expressed so weakly that it seems as if it is not there at all. Often there are situations when the stimulation of this zone is hampered by the anatomical features of the structure of the vagina - congenital or acquired.

“There is nothing wrong with looking for the g-point. Just don't be discouraged if you don't find it. You don't have to dwell on it. Each of us is unique."

Periodically in scientific circles and not only there are disputes about the existence of this mysterious area in the depths of the female vagina and the essence of the female ejaculate - is it urine? But Ernst Grafenberg discovered this point while studying the phenomenon of female ejaculation. And he argued that orgastic substance is not urine. Could a mid-twentieth-century gynecologist fail to recognize urine in urine? Grafenberg was supported by researchers who found no biochemical similarity between female ejaculate and urine. Other researchers periodically try to refute them, allegedly successfully proving the opposite - "A woman is not allowed to finish, she can only wet herself." Only one explanation can be found for such opposite results. The first scientists know how to deal with ladies, but the second ones, probably, scared their experimental subjects with something.

How to find the g point yourself

If a woman examines her body, then it is quite possible to find such an area on her own. Usually, a girl can feel for the area in the depths of her vagina, which is especially sensitive, and then make it easier for her beloved man to find it. It would be more correct to call it “zone G”, because unlike all other erogenous points in the vagina, it is quite large and covers an area of ​​​​1 to 3 square meters. cm. It is a small tubercle that differs from the rest of the surface in structure, which is located on the front wall of the vagina at a depth of about 5-6 centimeters (2.5-2 phalanxes of a female finger).

Digression from the topic.

Do virgins have a g-spot or not?
A very sensitive question, the answer, of course, will be yes. The question is different - in the physical ability to get to it. The following factors can prevent the girl herself or another person from finding her G point:

♦ banal ignorance of elementary female anatomy;
♦ inability to find where point G is hidden;
♦ small diameter hole in the hymen, not passing a finger;
♦ the density of the edges of the hymenal foramen, which do not allow the insertion and movement of the finger;
♦ unpreparedness for this sexual experiment;
♦ other (unrecorded and unexplained) reasons.

How to find the Ji point on your own and stimulate it?

  1. Searches are best started in a warm bath or shower. Try to insert two fingers of the dominant hand (right or left) into the vagina for one and a half to two phalanges and rest them against the front wall of the vagina. You should feel a bump, different from the rest of the surface, somewhat ribbed and rising in feeling, the most sensitive and tender place. Sometimes it may seem as if you "hit" from the vagina under the clitoris and stimulate it "from the inside."
  2. You can’t find it and it seems that you have “nothing like that”? Perhaps you should try to find this erogenous zone in yourself in an excited state. Try to arouse sexual arousal in yourself by stimulating the clitoris, and only after that go to the “search” for the place where the G zone is located. At the same time, erogenous points become convex and respond better to touch, because blood flows as strongly as possible to the walls of the vagina when a woman is in the range from a state of mild arousal to orgasm.
  3. So, a miracle happened and you were able to find the G-spot on your own - with a massage with a finger or another object. When you have found a point, make a movement as if you are trying to call someone to you with two fingers. The movement should be quite intense, while trying to slightly stimulate the clitoris with the other hand. For starters, you need to know that pressure on the G area at first can cause strange, slightly unpleasant sensations, like the urge to go to the toilet "little by little". But this is out of habit. You are on the right track and this does not mean that you need to stop caressing this area. You just need to release the pressure for a while and choose the rhythm and pace yourself. After a minute, another continuous stimulation of the clitoris and the G area, slight discomfort usually gives way to pleasure.
  4. It is clear that this will not work the first - second - tenth time, everything is quite individual, although there are exceptions. You have to be patient and work with it. The G zone, like any nerve endings, needs to be affected in order for them to develop sensitivity and begin to respond in response. The more often and correctly you stimulate the G-zone, the better. When it develops, it will be enough that during sexual intercourse, a man slightly penis to the anterior wall of the vagina, touching the G zone, and you will experience much more sensations and, possibly, get a vaginal orgasm. Moreover, if your preferences relate to girls, then it will be much easier to find reciprocity and achieve orgasm. In some cases, the discharge is accompanied by the release of a certain amount of fluid, which is sometimes confused with urine. This is not true, and we will talk about how and with what women end up with the right stimulation of the Graffenberg zone.

.For information.
The “awakening” of the G zone (search, proper stimulation, receiving a response) can take from 1 week to 2 months. It is important to pay attention to such keywords as "correctly", "find", "stimulate". If there is a failure in the implementation of actions according to the scheme - the chain "location - impact - reaction", the desired effect may not be obtained. Do you want to know how to solve this problem yourself? Sign up for a consultation with a specialist!

The secret of a jet orgasm

According to the “defenders” of the G-spot, its stimulation leads to the strongest orgasm of a special type. Grafenberg's article stated that when stimulating the erogenous zone discovered by him, women experience a fundamentally new type of orgasm, which differs from the two known ones (clitoral and vaginal). It is accompanied by a sharp release from the urethra up to 150 ml of a clear liquid without color and odor. Grafenberg argued that this is not urine or lubricant, but the secretion of glands located inside the urethra. Popularizers of his discovery called this phenomenon "jet orgasm" or "female ejaculation." Of course, there is no talk of real ejaculation: this secret has nothing to do with fertilization. Its other properties, as well as its origin, have not yet been sufficiently studied. But if the “fountain woman” is experiencing intense sexual pleasure, how important is it for her to know exactly what the chemical composition of this liquid is?

Information for reflection.
First of all, it is important to remember: every woman is different from others and from herself at a different age. For example, the sensitivity of the breast is different for different women, and sometimes it also changes depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. So it is with the G-spot and its sensitivity.

The development of the G zone allows a woman to experience a vaginal orgasm. However, for many, this area is in a "sleeping" state. Beginning with adolescence only the clitoris is mainly stimulated during self-satisfaction, and the erogenous points in the vagina, due to the presence of an intact hymen in a girl at this age, are rarely involved in the process. Therefore, sexual arousal and orgasticity seem to be "fixed" to the clitoris, and the G area may remain in an inactive state.

Thus, what gives pleasure to one woman and serves as a source of positive emotions, the other may be indifferent and even unpleasant. It remains to understand how this applies to you personally. In addition, what definitely does not exist is a universal "button" that is enough to press to cause a female orgasm. It is the natural and natural completion of the act of love. Orgasm can be achieved by finding, developing and properly stimulating the g-spot, but it cannot be achieved.

Help in this creative process and is the g-spot enlargement procedure offered in our clinic ...

Learn about lymphatic drainage massage pelvic organs - for women's intimate and reproductive health! A possible bonus is to feel how close or deep the G-spot is!

Since ancient times, man has been interested in the structure of his body, its complex systems of connections and the characteristics of reactions. Today, the structure of the body has been studied up and down, but there is one organ shrouded in a veil of mystery for many years.

The G-spot intrigues men and women, sexologists and gynecologists, scientists and ordinary people. What is the reason for such confusion, and why has not the secret of this cherished body been revealed yet? Stimulation of the G-spot awakens incredibly pleasant sensations in the beautiful half of humanity; sensations that combine the effect of exposure to all erogenous zones at once. Tempting, isn't it? The only catch is that it’s not easy to get to such a “magic button” ...

What is the G-spot

For more than half a century, many scientists have been arguing about how this mysterious zone should be called correctly - Point G or zone G. But there is another name practically unknown to anyone - the Grafenberg point (zone), received in honor of the first letter of the discoverer's surname.

In the 40s of the 20th century, Professor Grafenberg, an experienced doctor and sexologist, discovered a certain area in the female vagina, the stimulation of which had an absolutely amazing effect on the pleasure centers. This tiny area was the point of convergence of all the nerve endings coming from the tissues that cover the surface of the vagina. Irritation of this nerve node leads to the fact that a woman experiences a strong and prolonged orgasm. Doctors have found that such sensations have in common with male ejaculation.

But it was the foggy forties outside, and this intriguing discovery was either considered unworthy of attention, or simply not noticed. So the discovery of Greffenberg would have gone into oblivion, if not for the fatal sexual revolution of the 80s. Then Point G was discovered for the second time and got its famous name. The official opening took place in 1982, and since then, debates and major scandals have relentlessly erupted around the brainchild of Graffenberg. The entire world medical community split into two camps - some argued that the G-spot is an irrefutable scientific fact, while others said that all this was just a myth and delusions of an elderly sexologist (we are talking about Graffenberg, who at the time of the discovery of the G-spot had already exceeded 60). But long years of disputes and demagoguery did not lead to anything - everyone was sure that he was right.

Not so long ago, American scientists led by an experienced gynecologist Adam Ostrzhensky conducted a series of experiments that ultimately confirmed the existence of the G-spot. Dr. Ostrzhensky was able to identify an anatomical formation located on the inner surface of the perineum 16.5 millimeters behind the urethra. This formation consisted of two lobes - lower and upper. He called the lower one the tail, and the upper one the head. Scientist magazine published an article on this discovery, which described the G-spot as a pouch with clearly demarcated walls. In structure, this sac strongly resembles connective tissue and the cavernous body. The width of the formation does not exceed four millimeters, and the length is about eight millimeters.

The story has come to its logical conclusion - the myth has been debunked, there is nothing more to talk about. However, everything turned out to be not so simple and obvious for one simple reason - doctors in most cases could not find where Point G was located. among mere mortals.

A little bit of anatomy

Today, probably, even small children, thanks to the ubiquitous advertising, know about the existence of the prostate in men. But not everyone knows that the female half of humanity is not deprived of this body. Naturally, the female prostate is not identical to the male, but both have a common etymology. The female prostate is much smaller and is the concentration of nerve endings that cover the entire surface of the vagina. Doesn't it remind you of anything? It is this organ that is called the G-spot. But how can women have a knowingly male organ? The fact is that in the first 45 days of intrauterine development, all embryos have the same sexual characteristics - female. And only then, thanks to a special hormonal effect, the chromosomes line up in a certain order, forming the male or female sex of the unborn child. If nature decided to show the world another girl, the cells responsible for the formation of the prostate stop their development, but do not disappear without a trace.

Thus, scientists came to the conclusion that the G-spot is the unused tissue that forms the prostate. It is known that the male prostate is an extremely sensitive organ, therefore, the cherished area of ​​\u200b\u200bGeffenbergr is also endowed with a special susceptibility to irritation, reacting in a similar way.

Where to look for point G

In 1985, the head of the Bratislava Institute of Experimental Pathology, Milan Zviacic, defended his thesis entitled "The female prostate as an organ with complex functions." According to the material presented, the G-spot is not present in every woman. But if it does take place in the body, then it is located on the front wall of the vagina, namely, 3-5 centimeters from the entrance to it. The G-spot is a small protrusion that feels like the soft skin of a walnut and is highly responsive to irritation. In the "sleeping" state, the size of the dot does not exceed the size of a pea, but if a woman is very excited, the zone increases several times. Scientists believe that the G-spot is a kind of link between clitoral and vaginal orgasms, and exposure to it contributes to the manifestation of both types of orgasm, which is almost impossible in normal sexual practice. This is due to the fact that the area where the "pleasure center" is located is rather insensitive, so that significant efforts are required to detect the treasured point.

What needs to be done to find the G-spot? A woman, lying on her back, should spread her legs wide and completely relax. Her sexual partner with two joined fingers should gently massage along the front wall of the vagina, feeling for a small lump. A woman directs the movements of her partner, based on her feelings. When the lump is detected, you must begin to gently squeeze and unclench it with your fingers. If all instructions are followed, soon the woman will experience a strong orgasm.

G-spot stimulation has a specific side effect called female ejaculation. There is even more controversy about this phenomenon than about the G zone. Simply put, the stimulated zone is located very close to the bladder, which can cause the urge to urinate. But these sensations are completely natural and can be easily controlled with practice.


As mentioned above, scientists have come to the conclusion that some women are deprived of the G-spot, but practice reveals slightly different facts. Absolutely all women have undeveloped prostate cells, but in some cases they are extremely poorly developed or cannot be affected. In this case, modern surgery is ready to provide all possible assistance.

The space between the urethra and the vaginal wall (next to the G-spot) is filled with a special bio-gel, which reduces the volume of the vagina and promotes the activation of the point. Biogel is absolutely harmless, since it contains hyaluronic acid, which is present in human connective tissue. The sensitive area becomes closer to the exit of the vagina and takes on a more convex shape, as a result of which even a light touch leads to strong arousal. The action of the biogel lasts about a year and a half, after which it dissolves naturally, and the G-spot, accustomed to the new position, continues to fulfill its great mission.

For the first time, the existence of a G-spot in the vaginal area of ​​a woman was discussed in the fifties of the last century at the suggestion of the German scientist Ernst Grafenberg, who studied the problems of gynecology and sexology. She is named after him. It is believed that a man's touch to this point excites a woman unusually. There is still no consensus on this issue in the scientific community.

According to one theory, the G-spot in women is a kind of vestige of the male prostate, which remained in the process of fetal formation in the placenta.

This happens as a result of the fact that the fetus acquires its female characteristics only one and a half months after, when it receives the corresponding “X” chromosome from the mother. Before that, his body practically copies the male.

The Grenfenberg point is a circle with a diameter of 6 to 10 millimeters and raised above the surface of the vaginal mucosa by about 0.4-0.5 mm.

With a certain skill, it is quite easy to find it and, if necessary, adjust the dimensions. This version was presented by Adam Ostrzensky (USA) in 2012 on the pages of TheJournalofSexualMedicine. Colleagues from ClinicalAnatomy, a competitive publication, as well as physicians, considered his views to be speculative.

Ostrzensky ran a number of plastic surgery clinics, was vitally interested in advertising his services and attracting a wide range of clients, especially among girls. In a word, the question of the reality of point G remains open until now, although scientific research in this direction continues.

Where is it and how to find it

Finding the G point is not so easy, because it is not always determined immediately, and not for everyone. Circumstances that help to find out in each case where a woman has a point G, American scientists consider:

  • Anatomical features of the vagina;
  • Absolute trust in the partner;
  • The moment a woman is ready for sexual intimacy with a man, or for an examination by a gynecologist;
  • The experience of a doctor or sexual partner in dealing with girls.

According to the American psychotherapist, Laura Berman, the woman herself is also capable of finding a zone of increased arousal, for example, with the help of if she directs her to the front wall of the vagina at an angle of about 45 degrees. At the same time, the doctor believes that such a search will be more effective in the presence of the desired sexual partner.

Among women

Where the G-spot is is a must-know for any open-minded researcher interested in the subject. Approximately, it is projected in the area of ​​the anterior wall of the vagina, approximately three to five centimeters from its entrance.

G-spot massage allows you to determine with sufficient accuracy the erogenous zone, which is felt as a rough swelling. The sizes vary depending on the degree of arousal and can reach the diameter of a large button.

According to sexologists, it is the Grenfenberg point with the halo of vaginal erectile cells surrounding it that contributes to successively advancing orgasms of the clitoral and vaginal types. This phenomenon is quite rare and largely depends on the sexual abilities of the sexual partner. In girls, the G-spot is usually closer to the clitoris. It is here that they are easier to bring to orgasm.

Orgasm at the G-spot is more vivid and impressive than the clitoral peak of arousal. It causes pulsation of the entire vaginal cavity.

The most effective positions for achieving the full orgasm that sex can deliver are outlined in the Kama Sutra, a systematized treatise on the human sensual sphere and methods of love lust, written in ancient India.

In men

Men also have a G-spot. It is located on the projection of the prostate, enveloping the upper part of the urethra.

This place is palpated through the rectum. Feels like a small bulge on the upper wall of the rectum, about five centimeters from the sphincter, and follows the contours of the lower surface of the prostate gland.

About existence male point G its owners are most often found out during an examination by a proctologist or rectal with inflammation of the prostate gland, less often - with non-traditional sexual contacts.

The excitement that men get when stimulating the prostate is comparable to the female orgasm. That is why some of them ask their partners to caress their rectum during intercourse.

Methods of stimulation

G-spot stimulation is carried out mainly for three purposes:

  • To verify its existence;
  • To determine what effect it produces on palpation - causes sexual arousal or hostility;
  • To achieve sexual arousal and orgasm.

To independently determine the presence of a special erotic G-zone, women are advised to insert their index finger into the vagina to the level of approximately the second phalanx and, with a light stroke, probe the mucous membrane of the anterior wall of the vaginal cavity with its tip.

The place where the greatest excitement is felt is the desired point, even if it does not stand out in any way in relief.

It is far from always possible to detect the zone where point G is located the first time. In case of failure, you need to continue the experiment and with each attempt to make adjustments in the most important areas of search:

  • The force of pressure with a finger on the G-spot;
  • The duration of affectionate manipulations in this place;
  • Exploring different points and comparing the emotional effects of each;
  • Isolation of differences in the pleasures of urination and the massaged G-spot of a woman.

The success of experimental procedures in these cases will be proportional to the following conditions:

  • perseverance;
  • The physical condition of the woman;
  • her mood;
  • Prior sexual arousal.

There are a lot of ways to tell women and men how to stimulate the G-spot and get satisfaction:

  • Self petting;
  • Using a partner as a G-spot stimulator;
  • Satisfying sexual desires with the help of erotic toys;
  • Traditional sexual intercourse.


With independent petting, which, in fact, is a form, pleasure is achieved by activating the main function of erotic zones - sexual.

In this case, the index finger becomes the G-spot stimulator. It is inserted into the vagina, gropes for a familiar swelling or relief on its front wall, and with the help of caressing strokes, brings the woman to orgasm.

A sexual partner who wants to give a girlfriend an amazing experience of intimacy basically does the same thing. The difference is only in the technique of performing the task, which includes:

  • Psychological preparation of the partner;
  • Stimulating erotic zones in the back, buttocks, inner thighs;
  • The choice of posture for excitation of the G-spot, the most comfortable for a woman;
  • Penetration into the vagina with one or two fingers and direct stimulation of the G-spot. A positive result should be considered its swelling, vaguely resembling a penis, and a strong excitation of the partner.

A sensitive moment in this process may be involuntary urination caused by massage of the urethra, which is located on the same projection as point G. In order to exclude it and not introduce the girl into the paint, a prudent partner must remind her in advance of the need to visit the toilet.

With the help of toys

Satisfying sexual desires with the help of erotic toys is practiced mainly by single women and those married women who rarely get close to their spouse or do not receive sufficient satisfaction during traditional sexual intercourse.

In this case, erotic toys act as a G-spot stimulator, the most effective of which is a vibrating massager. Before a male penis of average size, shape and ability to have sex, this device has a number of advantages, namely:

  • Impeccable erection;
  • A variety of models of dildos in sex shops, allowing you to choose for yourself an instance that is ideal in size and shape for self-stimulation of the G-spot;
  • The ability to adjust the angle, the rhythm of the impact on the erogenous zone and set a pulsating vibration on the product that simulates a male orgasm;
  • Complete independence from the partner;
  • The sole choice of a comfortable posture, place and time of action.

The materials from which sex toys are made are surprisingly diverse. Each of them is focused on a certain type of women. So for frigid natures who achieve orgasm with great difficulty, the preferred material for the massager will be metal, plastic, latex.

Women with a highly sensitive vagina for G-spot stimulation are recommended products based on helium, silicone or cyber-silicone, as well as hard dildos equipped with soft nozzles made of the same plastics. For some models, these nozzles are able to rotate around their axis. The speed of rotation, the angle of deviation from the directrix are regulated by the owner for herself.

The rules for using erotic toys are similar to the impact on the G-spot with the help of fingers - one's own or a partner's. In the process of mastering an artificial massager, it is necessary to establish:

  • Localization of point G;
  • The strength and frequency of pressing on the erotic zone;
  • The average duration of caresses, sufficient to achieve orgasm.

During sex

Traditional sexual intercourse is a natural G-spot stimulator. The main thing here is to ensure close contact with this erotic zone.

After both partners understand where it is located, they should only choose the correct position for. This is usually done through repeated sexual experiments. In this case, the knee-elbow and the one when a woman saddles a man and is facing him are considered the most effective and simplest positions.

Is it possible to increase

The issue of increasing the G-spot in many women is similar to the desire of some men for their penis. There is an illusion that the quality of sex is directly related to the anatomical state of the leading erotic zones. In women, these include not only the breasts, hips, legs, vagina, but also the G-spot.

Hyaluronic acid is the most popular G-spot booster.

G-spot increase hyaluronic acid occurs as a result of the injection of a dermal filler formed on the basis of this drug into the anterior wall of the vagina. Previously, the plastic surgeon finds out the location of the corrected erotic zone on it.

The operation is performed in a gynecological chair with a very thin needle sharpened with a laser.

G-spot augmentation technology usually excludes anesthesia. This possibility exists for two reasons:

  • Vaginal tissue on their own physiological characteristics does not have sensitivity to small injections;
  • Modern gels for plastics already contain lidocaine - one of the best anesthetics that practically does not give allergic complications.

The duration of the procedure does not exceed half an hour. As a preventive measure to guarantee the preservation of the effect of an increased G-spot, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for 2 to 3 days and at least two weeks of moderation in alcohol, physical activity and thermal procedures in the form of sun or physiotherapy baths.

Point G Museum