The magical power of affirmations. Why are affirmations so powerful? Louise Hay Affirmations to Attract Prosperity

In previous articles on this topic, we talked with you about the power of the word and the patterns that follow us everywhere.

The power of affirmations or strength positive thinking- that's the topic of today's article.

Good day, friends and guests of my blog site

The power of affirmations is the power of positive thinking

With this article, I intend to close the series of articles on this topic. And so, here, I want to talk about the power of positive thinking.

You and I already know that the word, just like the thought, has great power over the processes that take place in our lives.

Science, as close as possible, did not get close to the discovery of quantum physics, which is exactly what this statement says.

Thus, perhaps you and I are living at a time when this statement can be proved scientifically, in the language of formulas. In the meantime, it is already clear to me now that a positive thought is many hundreds of times stronger than a negative thought.

And this proportion makes me very happy. If so, let's learn to think positively. For all its seemingly simplicity, this is a very difficult task.

It is necessary to fill your brain with positive information. But for this, it is necessary to remove negative thoughts. How to do this, I have already said. Television, radio, newspapers are all sources of this information.

We come to the most important thing. I learned a long time ago that the more I say positive and positive affirmations, the more I attract them into my life.
These statements are affirmations.

Moreover, it is known that almost any habit in a person is formed in about 40 days. What prevents us from “inculcating” this habit in ourselves?

I do the following - in the morning, when I brush my teeth and wash my face, I do one of my favorite exercises - I start the day with Gratitude.

These are my gratitudes to the Universe, to the higher Self, to God — for everything that surrounds me and that I have. This is a very strong exercise that I have already become a habit. Thus, thanks to you, you repeatedly attract into your life what you are grateful for - love, health, family, material wealth ...

I always say the following affirmation when I go outside in the morning.

I am open and receptive to all the good that the Universe gives me - not a drop of good, but to an ocean of good

- this is the affirmation that I read from the books of Louise Hay.

What prevents you from saying every day, several times a day?

Thus, you let even more positive, good, energy into your life. We do not know something, and when we find out, we regret it.

Short positive statements that, when repeated many times, release active energy of joy and optimism, are called affirmations. They are repeated several times so that the required image or attitude is fixed in the subconscious of a person. For a positive result, affirmations are pronounced like this: concentrating, with great interest and desire, with a confident voice.

Affirmations are practiced by representatives of various movements involved in self-knowledge and self-improvement. They are used by people who want to find the right mood for the best phenomena and events in their lives, improve the necessary skills and qualities, and achieve their goals. It is very convenient that this practice can be done anywhere at any time.

Surely, you had difficult cases when you needed to concentrate, gather reserve forces into a fist, throwing them to solve a complex problem. You repeated to yourself, like a spell: "I am strong, I can do it, I can do it." And, lo and behold, everything worked! What is the reason for this, the magic of repetitive phrases that contain great potential in their brevity? Confidence, self-confidence? One thing is for sure, it works!

Consider the reverse example as well. Often people themselves program themselves for failure, unconsciously repeating negative statements, giving in to a difficult task. Do you know this, my friend? Did you happen to talk on the topics: “I will be uninteresting to this gorgeous woman”, “I have no willpower, I will not go to the gym”, “I'm stupid, I won't get a promotion”, etc.? The subconscious, like Mayakovsky's baby son, does not know what is good and bad. It, like a sponge, accepts the information it receives as a dogma, which leads to events with a minus sign.

The visualization technique works on a similar principle. Consciously focusing on the repetition of the desired goal, you have the appropriate images. Through the bridge of consciousness, they go straight to the subconscious. Through this conscious process, you can change habits, deal with despair and helplessness, develop independence, improve health, even change your appearance.

I advise you to make it a rule to give yourself only positive attitudes. Positive thinking will bring you the desired benefits. Thoughts are a treasure that everyone has. Manage them properly.

How soon can you achieve the desired changes using this method, you ask? It depends on the scale of the goal itself, the time spent, faith and sincerity of feelings, the strength of your desire. Learn to accurately define your goals and patiently wait for their fulfillment.

Affirmations will not work if positive spirit, strong character and inner strength are only present in you for a few minutes when you repeat the settings. And the rest of the day you mope, think negatively, doubt. The desire to change your life for the better every day should become your inner core.

that small article about affirmations, for the visitors of our site and the Keepers of the Secret Club, those who support us, shares their successes on the way to their happiness, for those who believe in the Healing power of Gratitude and Love. Your messages to me fill my heart with Unconditional Love even more. Let me show you one of my favorite affirmations...

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

“I choose the path of truth. I realize that I have little control over the outside world. And I also control my reactions ... "

Viktor Razuvaev

Affirmations are very powerful and deep.

One of my favorite tools to banish fear and other negative emotions from my life is positive affirmations. I have been using affirmations for a long time now and throughout the day I find inspiring and calming thoughts popping into my mind each time that keep me uplifted and loving. And if I find myself frightened or annoyed by any situation in my life, I just start repeating the appropriate affirmations over and over again until I feel like I am under a warm blanket. Amazing!

When you feel fear or resentment, use affirmations one way or another, because affirmation is a very strong and positive statement that tells us “everything will be fine”, “everything is fine now”, “everything is already fine”, despite all those negative thoughts who may visit us from time to time. With constant repetition of inspiring and comforting affirmations, the voices of anxiety and pessimism that pervade our minds are replaced by thoughts of peace, our inner strength and love. Yes!.. All is well!

I believe that one of the reasons for the incredible power of affirmations is that by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, we actually transfer ourselves from one weak state of mind (“I am weak”) to another, more powerful, strong and loving state. ("I'm strong"). I can't even think of a better state for myself.

There is another reason why affirmations are so effective. They are much more powerful than they seem at first glance. Although an affirmation is a small statement, it has a very deep meaning and subtext. It seems to me…

Affirmations contain a wealth of life-affirming thoughts that remind us that we are inherently very loving and very strong and therefore we are not afraid of anything.

Let me give you an example: I have a small frame on my desktop where I have captured one of my favorite affirmations…

When I experience panic attacks or feel confused or annoyed about any situation in my life, I notice my "reminder" right in front of me, and I begin to repeat this affirmation again and again. When I do this, I begin to feel my body relax, negative feelings disappear, and I am really sincerely overwhelmed with thoughts that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING IN THE BEST WAY FOR ME!

Of course, you might be thinking, "Victor, how can things work out for the best when so many things don't work out the way we want them to?" Good question. And if we dig into the deeper meaning of this affirmation, we will find the answer. For me, this affirmation is the short version…

My mind cannot see the big picture of life's huge constructor. I don't know why things happen this way in life, I just believe that everything that happens has the greatest meaning. Even when things don't go the way I want them to, I try to relax and focus on what life is teaching me and what experiences I will take with me into the future. In this way, I become a stronger, more knowledgeable and more loving person.


You will see that with such a deep meaning and frequency of repetition, everything really happens only in the best way for you, by saying such affirmations you can create a wonderful feeling of peace and love around you.

By the way, you should not even believe that the affirmations you say have such a positive effect on the body, mind and soul. You may not even feel that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING IN THE BEST WAY FOR ME! the main thing is to know that it has a deep meaning for you. Marvelous…

This shows that speaking, thinking or writing positive thoughts makes us stronger in any case, whether we believe in these words or not.

Incredible, isn't it...

Recently I made another interesting and important discovery for myself…

If you say affirmations often enough, you will inevitably begin to believe in them.

This is easy to explain, since affirmations have the property of "working as is." That is, they do not need additional explanations. The phrases themselves and affirmative statements contain actions. If you "act as is" long enough, your mind allows this affirmation to sink inside you and your possibilities to increase, effortlessly. And, ultimately, you accept the fact that this is true.

Another example: There was a time when I really did not believe that my life could be different, that it could be different. I had very low self-esteem. In order to somehow help myself, I began to study literature and, even sometimes, visited self-help groups. And just at one of these groups I got the tools on how to use affirmations. At first I was skeptical. But then, I thought: "An attempt is not torture." That affirmation that I began to say daily, over and over again, "MY LIFE HAS A HIGHEST MEANING", although I certainly did not think so at the time.

And once it happened, it was so exciting that to this day I remember this moment very well. What happened? I was enveloped in life-changing events: "My life really has a higher meaning." Tears rolled down my face from the joyful realization that my life is in motion, it is constantly changing, it really has a higher meaning. It was this deep awareness that lurked in me for so many years, until I began to focus on all the good things that were and are in my life. And if you think about it, it all starts to work when we repeat affirmations, despite the fact that you may not yet believe in their magical power.

Whether you believe in affirmations or not, I will touch on this topic in the future, but this simple statement creates a tremendous change in the energy within us, gratitude, love, and an all-encompassing desire to create.

As soon as you start repeating affirmations over and over again, keeping their deep meaning in mind, your interaction with the outside world will begin to change on a subtle plane. For example, when you say the affirmation “I have great power of love and bravely walk my path” quite often, you begin to act differently, events begin to happen differently, you react to external world otherwise. You become more loving. And the most amazing thing is, you are treated very differently. You look healthier and the loving energy is completely enveloping you and your life. Affirmations are really very powerful, aren't they.

You may, of course, be thinking, "Oh Victor, I'm so busy adding one more activity to my daily routine." No worries! Proper use of affirmations takes absolutely no time at all. How is this possible? Because, …

All you are doing is replacing negative thoughts with healthy and positive thoughts of peace, our inner strength and love.

Read it again! Such negative thoughts, which we more than replace with positive ones, with the help of affirmations, we can repeat when we get dressed, take a shower, do our daily business while you eat in transport, and of course, when we go to bed.

Key to happy life- remember the powerful power of affirmations and pronounce them!

To do this, I propose to write down your favorite affirmations, for example, on tear-off sticky notes, and place them where you appear most often, in the car, on your desktop, on the mirror, in the hallway, on the refrigerator. It will be much easier for you to remember that any negative thought can be changed into a positive, life-affirming motive, and affirmations will help you with this. You can get very creative with this procedure. Important! It is important that you do this work with a feeling of sincere joy.

I will share with you the ways of some participants of the program "Affirmations - the path to miraculous change!". One of the participants, getting to the university for about an hour, spending public transport, made notes in a notebook, one affirmation per page, and while she spent time on the road, read the affirmations, repeating each of them ten times. And so every affirmation while driving to the university, day after day. And at the end of the trip, she always felt in high spirits, was full of inner strength and radiated an unconditional feeling of love. I might add that in the end, she was able to change her life dramatically.

Bad habits are hard to break (and negative thinking is definitely one of those habits), and the bottom line is that we can still break these habits. And for starters, the best thing to do is to use affirmations more intensively until they become a daily part of your thinking. Again, this is very easy, because. you already know that repeating affirmations does not distract you from work, they do not take time and do not require additional devices. All you have to do is replace negative thoughts with positive ones by simply repeating certain statements - affirmations. A very good exchange, isn't it!

Now let me introduce you to ten affirmations with their deep meaning as I see them. Since you will be able to see the real meaning of the affirmations, you will be able to create your own affirmations.

And as an experiment, I encourage you to repeat each affirmation, quietly or silently, ten times after reading its deep meaning. It is very important! I tried to make it more convenient for you by organizing each affirmation and its deep meaning on a separate sheet, in a frame. You can cut them out and place them in a place you can see so that the affirmation is constantly at your fingertips, because it's easier to start saying them and start moving along your path of happiness. Now let me make a prediction:

After reading the ten affirmations... understanding their deep meaning... and repeating each of them ten times, you will definitely feel uplifted, the energy of your entire body moves in the direction of peace, inner strength and love.

I believe one day you will see their positive meaning and make affirmations a part of your daily life, as I have made them part of mine. After all, who can resist, replacing the echoes of pessimism in the mind with thoughts of peace, inner strength and love?! Neither I ... I hope not you. Forward!

- positive self-hypnosis formulas - the world learned from books Louise Hay, a famous American psychologist, bestselling author and popularizer of positive thinking. The whole life of Louise Hay is a vivid example of how, with the help of positive thoughts and attitudes, you can change and improve your life.

Louise Hay managed not only to get out of a series of serious problems herself, to heal from an incurable disease and overcome all life's hardships, but also to help thousands of her patients get rid of illnesses, misfortunes and failures.

And all this with the help of affirmations!

Louise Hay

In this article you will find Louise Hay affirmations for all occasions:

  • affirmations for women to attract love
  • Affirmations for loving yourself and your body
  • Spiritual affirmations
  • Affirmations for Developing Self-Esteem
  • Affirmations for a Better Work Environment
  • Affirmations "Glorious old age"
  • affirmations for health
  • affirmations for money
  • Affirmations for creativity
  • Affirmations for a successful career

Louise Hay's Personal Philosophy

  1. I'm always safe and God keeps me
  2. I'm being told the truth about everything I need to know
  3. Everything I need comes to me at the right time and day
  4. Life is joy and overflowing with love
  5. I love and I am loved
  6. I am healthy and complete vitality
  7. Everything I do brings me success
  8. I change and grow spiritually
  9. Everything is good in my world

Louise Hay affirmations for women

Choose those affirmations that will give you strength and self-confidence. Repeat at least one of them daily

  • I am constantly discovering wonderful qualities in myself!
  • I see my magnificent inner self!
  • I always admire and admire myself!
  • I am a wise and beautiful woman!
  • I am responsible for my life!
  • I am the one and only for myself!
  • I'm expanding my options!
  • I have a wonderful life!
  • I am free and can realize myself as a person!
  • My life is filled with love!
  • I'm in charge of my life!
  • The love in my life starts with me!
  • I - Strong woman!
  • I do not belong to anyone: I am free, I strive to learn new things in life!
  • I deserve love and respect!
  • I stand firmly on my feet!
  • It's good for me to be alone!
  • I recognize my strength and use it!
  • I enjoy everything I have!
  • I love and appreciate myself!
  • I am completely satisfied with my life!
  • I love being a woman!
  • I radiate love in all its diversity!
  • I like that I live here and now!
  • I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect!
  • I fill my life with love!
  • I feel my own worth and perfection!
  • I perceive life as a unique gift!
  • I'm safe, everything around me is good!
  • I want to see myself in all my splendor!
  • My future is bright and wonderful!
  • Now I am independent and independent in the choice of decisions!
  • I am called to carry out a grateful mission on this planet!
  • I can safely grow and improve!
  • I provide myself with everything I need!
  • Louise Hay affirmations for loving your body

    The most important thing for the body is to remember that you love it. Look into your eyes in the mirror more often. Tell yourself you look amazing! Send yourself positive messages every time you see your own reflection.

    • I love my body!
    • My body loves to be healthy!
    • Love is in my heart!
    • There is life force in my blood!
    • Every cell in my body is loved!
    • All my organs work perfectly!
    • I admire my wonderful body!
    • I am healthy like never before!
    • I can take care of myself!
    • My favorite drink is water!
    • I live in complete harmony with the world around me!
    • I bless the food I eat!
    • My feet are constantly dancing!
    • I move easily and naturally!
    • I listen with understanding and sympathy!
    • I look at everything with love!
    • I am healed!
    • I am healthy and safe!
    • I love every outer and inner part of my body!
    • My body is mine good friend and I love him and care about him!
    • I eat well and take care of myself!
    • I rest well and sleep peacefully!
    • Life is good and I like to live!
    • I wake up happy!

    Louise Hay Affirmations for Relationships

    Do not cling to an outdated love just to avoid the bitterness of parting. Do not tolerate physical and moral humiliation from a partner just because you are afraid to be alone. When a love relationship ends, life gives you a chance to have a new experience.

    • I was born to know that there is only love in the world!
    • I'm starting to realize what a wonderful person I am!
    • I love myself and enjoy myself!
    • I am a beautiful creation of the Lord God!
    • The Creator infinitely loves me and I accept this love!
    • I am open and ready for relationships based on love!
    • My kind thoughts help me create relationships full of love and support!
    • My heart is open to love!
    • It's safe to express your love!
    • I live with everyone in harmony!
    • I bring laughter and joy everywhere with me!
    • People love me and I love people!
    • I am always in harmony with life!
    • I feel safe because self-love protects me!
    • I have a harmonious relationship with life!
    • Life loves me and I feel safe!
    • I live a decent life, calmly and joyfully!
    • I expand the circle of my love to cover the entire planet, and multiplied many times, love returns to me!
    • I love and appreciate myself!

    Louise Hay Affirmations for a Better Work Environment

    If you are concerned about your relationship with your boss, colleagues, clients, remember that you set the rules by which your career develops. Change your beliefs and you will change the situation at your work

    • I always work with those who respect me and pay well!
    • I always have great bosses!
    • I have a good relationship with all colleagues, and we work in an atmosphere of mutual respect!
    • They love me at work!
    • I always attract the best clients and I enjoy serving them!
    • I like my workplace!
    • I work in a harmonious atmosphere!
    • I love being surrounded by beautiful things at work!
    • I love going to work, I love this area: it's beautiful and safe!
    • It's easy for me to find a job!
    • There is always the right job for me at the right time!
    • I always work with 100% dedication, and this is very much appreciated!
    • I make my career easy!
    • My income keeps growing!
    • My business is growing beyond my expectations!
    • I have so many business projects that I don't have time to do everything!
    • There is enough work for everyone, including me!
    • My work brings me satisfaction!
    • I am happy that I have this job!
    • I have a great career!
    • I feel safe in the business world!
    • I prefer to think about prosperity, so I prosper!
    • My work brings me a feeling of deep satisfaction!
    • I always have a job and I'm always busy!

    Spiritual Affirmations by Louise Hay

    Perhaps you have not yet learned to feel your inner connection with the Creator. Well, affirmations can help with that too. You can repeat them all in a row every day or choose one or two of them until you develop calmness and inner understanding.

    • Always, everywhere and in everything - I am calm (a)!
    • God loves me!
    • Divine power always protects me!
    • My personal angel keeps me!
    • I am always guided by the Divine hand!
    • The Force that created the world beats in my heart!
    • I completely trust life!
    • Life supports me in every situation!
    • I believe that God is merciful!
    • I feel my oneness with the universe!
    • I have a strong spiritual connection!

    Louise Hay Affirmations for Developing Self-Esteem

    Every negative message can be turned into a positive statement. Let your self-talk be a continuous stream of positive affirmations that develop a sense of self-respect. You will plant new seeds that will sprout and grow if well watered.

    • My parents are proud of me!
    • My parents encourage me!
    • I love myself!
    • I am smart and quick-witted!
    • I am talented and creatively gifted!
    • I am always healthy!
    • I have many friends!
    • I know how to love!
    • I like people!
    • I know how to make money!
    • I can save money!
    • I am kind and loving!
    • I am an amazing person!
    • I can take care of myself!
    • I like the way I look!
    • I am a beloved and desired child!
    • My parents love me!
    • I am happy with my body!
    • I'm pretty good!
    • I deserve all the best!
    • I forgive everyone who has ever offended me!
    • I forgive myself!
    • I accept myself for who I am!
    • I know that I am the perfect and unique embodiment of life!
    • I am self-sufficient!
    • All life belongs to me!
    • Today I love myself more than yesterday!
    • I cherish myself!
    • I shine with joy and beauty!
    • I feed on love, and it inspires me!
    • The more I love myself, the more I love people!
    • I gladly recognize my perfection and the perfection of life!

    Affirmations by Louise Hay "Glorious Old Age"

    You can repeat these affirmations in the morning when you wake up or in the evening before bed.

    • I am young and beautiful at any age!
    • I help the community in effective and productive ways!
    • I am responsible for my financial situation, for my health and for my future!
    • I have the respect of everyone who knows me!
    • I honor and respect the children and adults in my life!
    • I honor all the old people in my life!
    • Every day is filled with meaning!
    • Every day I think of new and different thoughts!
    • My whole life is a great adventure!
    • I am ready to openly meet any events that life offers me!
    • My family supports me and I support my family!
    • I have a whole life ahead of me!
    • The later years of my life are precious to me!
    • I take the time to play with the child inside of me!
    • I meditate, I go for walks, I admire nature: I love spending time alone!
    • I often laugh: I always radiate joy!
    • I'm thinking about how to help heal the planet, and I'm doing it!
    • I own all the time in this world!
    • My later precious years!
    • I look forward to every passing year!
    • My knowledge is expanding and I rely on my wisdom!
    • I feel like angels are guarding my every step!
    • I know how to live!
    • I know how to stay young and healthy!
    • My body is constantly changing!
    • I am full of vitality, health, energy and optimism and remain so until the last day!
    • I don't care about my age!
    • I create the relationships I want to have!
    • I create the necessary financial well-being for myself!
    • I know how to be a winner!
    • My later years are precious to me and I am becoming the spokesperson for "Magnificent Old Age"!
    • I do my best to contribute to life!
    • I know that love, joy, peace and infinite wisdom will be with me from now on and forever!

    Louise Hay affirmations for health

    You can continue to mentally indulge your illnesses, or you can finally choose a creative atmosphere that will help you heal.

    • I love food that is healthy!
    • I love every cell of my body!
    • I'm waiting for a healthy old age, because I take care of my health now!
    • I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my body!
    • I return my body to its optimal state of health by providing it with everything it needs!
    • I am free from pain. I am completely in sync with the rhythm of life!
    • Healing is happening! I release my thoughts from problems and allow the mind of my body to take care of healing naturally!
    • My body is doing everything possible to maintain excellent health!
    • My life is balanced: work, leisure and entertainment - everything has its time!
    • I am happy that I live today. I was lucky to have another wonderful day!
    • I'm not afraid to ask for help when needed!
    • I always choose qualified medicine that suits my needs!
    • I trust my intuition. I always listen to my inner voice!
    • I sleep well sound sleep. My body appreciates my taking care of it!
    • I love everything that helps to maintain excellent health!
    • Health is my Divine right, I can claim it!
    • Part of the time I help others. It's good for health!
    • I am grateful for a healthy body. I love life!
    • Only I can control my eating habits. I can always refuse something!
    • Water is my favorite drink. I drink a lot of water to cleanse my soul and body!
    • The shortest road to health is to be filled with joyful thoughts!
    • Good thoughts are the key to excellent health!
    • I am in harmony with the part of me that knows the secrets of healing!
    • I breathe deeply. I breathe life itself. I am full of energy!

    Louise Hay Forgiveness Affirmations

    It does not matter what reasons served your offense, bitterness, you can be above them. You have a choice. You can remain in the offended position, or you can make a gift for yourself and forgive what is left in the past.

    • My heart is open. Through forgiveness I comprehend love!
    • Today I listen to my feelings, I am in harmony with myself!
    • I know that my feelings are my friends!
    • The past is left behind. The past no longer has power over me. The present moment creates my future!
    • I have a right to my own power!
    • I make myself a gift - I free myself from the past and joyfully accept the present!
    • I get the help I need from various sources. The best support for me is strength of mind and love!
    • I am ready for healing. I can forgive. I'm good!
    • I can forgive, love, be kind, gentle, and I know that life loves me!
    • When I make a mistake, I realize that this is only part of the learning process!
    • Through forgiveness, I reach understanding. I feel compassion for everything that surrounds me!
    • Every day is a new opportunity. Yesterday has exhausted itself and is in the past. Today is a new day for my future!
    • I know that mistakes no longer limit me. I easily get rid of them!
    • I love and accept my loved ones for who they are!
    • I forgive my imperfection. I chose (a) for myself the best path in life!
    • I can only change myself. I let others be themselves and I love myself for who I am!
    • Now it is safer for me to release all childhood traumas and start loving!
    • I know that I can only take responsibility for myself. We are all at the mercy of our own consciousness!
    • I return to the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love and joy!
    • Every person I have met in my life has something to learn. We have a purpose in coexistence!
    • I forgive everyone for old mistakes. I release them with love!
    • All the changes that are coming in my life are only positive. I'm safe!

    Louise Hay Affirmations to Attract Prosperity

    Wealth is primarily in our head. If we are open to money and prosperity within ourselves, then it will definitely manifest itself outside.

    • I am a money magnet. Well-being in any form is attracted to me!
    • I think in terms of scale, and I accept more goodness from life!
    • Any of my work is deservedly appreciated and rewarded!
    • Today is an excellent day, money comes to me from supposed and unexpected sources!
    • I have unlimited choices. Opportunities are everywhere!
    • I sincerely believe that we are here to make each other happy and rich. This confidence is reflected in relationships with others!
    • I support others in their quest to be successful, in turn, life supports me!
    • Now I'm doing what I love, and it pays well!
    • It's nice to deal with the money I made today. I'll spend some, I'll save some!
    • I live in a loving, harmonious, rich universe, and I am grateful for this!
    • I am joyfully open to the unlimited good that surrounds us everywhere!
    • Money is the mental state that keeps me going!
    • I allow wealth to enter my life on a higher level than ever!
    • Life fully satisfies all my needs. I trust life!
    • The law of attraction brings only good into my life!
    • I am changing my mindset from poverty to wealth, and my finances are a reflection of that change!
    • I love the financial stability that is constantly present in my life!
    • The more I am grateful for financial well-being and success, the more reasons for gratitude appear in my life!
    • I am grateful for all the goodness in my life. Every day brings wonderful new surprises!
    • I never regret spending money!
    • From now on, limitless wealth and power are available to me. I feel like a worthy person!
    • I deserve the best and accept the best now!
    • I am free from all barriers to material well-being I let money into my life!
    • The source of my blessings is everything and everything that and who surrounds me!

    Louise Hay affirmations for creativity

    You will never be able to express yourself creatively by talking or thinking to yourself like a klutz. We are all born with the ability to be creative. If you let her express herself, you will be happy. You are a part of the flow of creative energy of the Universe

    • I am freed from all complexes that hinder the creative expression of myself!
    • I constantly feel connected to the source of creativity!
    • My creative process happens easily and effortlessly, my thoughts form in the most loving area of ​​my heart!
    • Every day I do something new or different!
    • I have plenty of time and opportunity to express myself creatively in whatever field I choose!
    • My family fully supports me in making my dream come true!
    • All creative projects give me complete satisfaction!
    • I know that I can create a miracle in my life!
    • I feel comfortable in any manifestation of the creative process!
    • I am a unique, special, creative person!
    • I realize my creative talents in music, art, dance, literature - in everything that brings pleasure!
    • The key to creativity is realizing that the mindset shapes life experience. I apply this approach to every area of ​​my life!
    • I think clearly and express myself with ease!
    • Every day I learn to express myself more creatively!
    • The work allows me to realize my talents and abilities, I love my job!
    • My potential is limitless!
    • My inner creative possibilities never cease to amaze and delight me!
    • I'm safe, I'm happy with everything I do!
    • My talents are in demand, my unique abilities are appreciated by everyone around!
    • Life is never boring, boring, never stands still - every minute it changes, brings newness!
    • My heart is the center of my power. I follow my heart!
    • I am a joyful, creative expression of life itself!
    • Ideas come to me easily, effortlessly!

    Louise Hay Affirmations to Attract Love

    Personal relationships are a priority for many of us. Unfortunately, the search for love does not always lead to right choice partner, this is all because we can not always clearly determine the reasons for the desire to love. You will never be able to build your love by talking and thinking about your loneliness.

    • From time to time I ask those I love, "What can I do to love you even more?"
    • I want to look at the world through the prism of love, I love everything that I see!
    • Love exists! I let her find me at the right moment!
    • Love surrounds me, joy fills my whole world!
    • I came into this world to learn to love myself more and share this love with others!
    • My partner is the love of my life. We love each other!
    • The principles of life are very simple - what I give out comes back to me. Today I give love!
    • I am happy in love. Every day is marked by a new acquaintance!
    • I look in the mirror with pleasure, saying: "I love you, I really love you"!
    • Now I deserve love, romance and joy - the blessing that life should give me!
    • Your and my love is power. Love brings peace to Earth!
    • Love is everything that surrounds us!
    • I am surrounded by love. Everything is fine!
    • My heart is open. I speak the language of love!
    • I have a wonderful loved one. We live in love and harmony!
    • Deep in the center of my being is an inexhaustible source of love!
    • I have a wonderful intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me!
    • I come from the most loving corner of my heart, I know that love opens all doors!
    • I like my appearance, everyone loves me!
    • I build only healthy relationships. They always treat me well!
    • I am very grateful for all the love in my life. Love meets me everywhere!
    • Long beautiful relationship make my life brighter!

    Louise Hay affirmations for a successful career

    You can always boast of professional success, you just have to change the way you think about work. Don't treat life like everyday hustle and bustle. Life can be filled with love and joy because your work is a divine purpose

    • The work allows me to reveal my talents and abilities, I am grateful for my work!
    • The joy that I experience from work is an integral part of my success in life!
    • It's easy for me to make decisions. I welcome new ideas and keep my promises!
    • At work, my colleagues and I rejoice in each other's success!
    • When I wake up in the morning, I look forward to a great day. My expectations and hopes lead to a positive experience!
    • The best job itself is looking for me, now is the moment we met!
    • I sincerely believe that we are here now to make each other happy. I project this conviction onto my relationships with others!
    • I choose a healthy stimulus in a relationship. During breaks, I communicate with everyone kindly and listen with the participation of my interlocutors!
    • It's easy for me to speak in front of others. I'm confident!
    • When I run into problems at work, I don't hesitate to ask for help!
    • I create a good mood at work. I understand that the universe is governed by its own laws, I follow these laws in all life situations!
    • I know that when I give my best at work, I will be rewarded!
    • Constraints are the only opportunity for successful growth. They serve as steps to the pedestal!
    • Opportunities are everywhere. I have a lot of possibilities!
    • I'm starring in my own movie called "My Life". I am both a screenwriter and a director. I am happy to invent a role for myself in the scene "My work"!
    • I treat my colleagues with respect. In turn, I am also respected!
    • Collaboration is part of one of life's goals. I love the people I work with!
    • I deserve a successful career, I accept it now!
    • Everyone I meet today at work is interesting to me as a person!
    • I have endless potential. Only good things await me in the future!
    • I enjoy spending time at work. Mutual respect reigns in our team!
    • My work allows me to realize my full potential. I successfully cope with all the responsibilities!
    • I always create a positive attitude in the team!

    Affirmations by Louise Hay. Video. Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Friends, use Affirmations of the Incredible Louise Hay, use them as often as possible, and your life will definitely change for the better!

    Alena Golovina


For those who practice a tool called "affirmations", it will be interesting and useful to read this material and finally understand how all this works and why it doesn't work.

Today we find out 4 key rules for working with affirmations, which many do not know about and therefore do not believe in the power of affirmations.

Let's talk about:
  • Do affirmations work?
  • how to apply affirmations correctly, important skills;
  • what is the power of affirmation;
  • what are the best affirmations plus my personal selection of powerful affirmations.

And let's start by defining the word "affirmation".

Affirmation comes from the English verb "affirm", which means to affirm something, something that is true.

From this follows the essence of affirmations - everything that a person says and everything that he believes that this is so, what he believes in and is a kind of affirmation.

endowed powerful force, affirmations are given to help us change our beliefs, and therefore our reality.

Affirmations can be used in different ways.
  • you can compose them yourself or combine already known affirmations with each other and thus derive your own;
  • write / rewrite ready-made affirmations yourself and pronounce them yourself;
  • listen to audio/video media.

The power of affirmation. Rule one.

When you say affirmations, it is extremely important to keep track of what is called underwater thoughts. These are thoughts that have a completely different meaning, not the one we would like.

For example, when you say a positive affirmation, resistance may appear inside, an internal protest and an undercurrent of your thoughts will say that this is not so, that this is absolute nonsense.

So the first rule is:

If you want affirmations to work effectively, watch your undercurrents of thought and ignore the thoughts that come up in the background or echo behind your affirmation.

The main thing here is to simply repeat affirmations and not pay attention to internal resistance and rejection, doubt, distrust. At first, this disbelief in affirmations will be and it just needs to be accepted.

It's important to really believe in them. The mind must agree that affirmations exist and they work. If there is a discrepancy between the mind and affirmations, this will not work and the expected effect will not come.

For example, if you accustom yourself to the idea that wealth is available to everyone and everyone, that you always have any amount and live for your own pleasure, then you don’t need to jump away from an expensive thing, look at it with envy, and even more so say to yourself: I will never be like this."

It is better to go to an expensive boutique and feel at home there. If you are embarrassed to think about money or pass by an expensive boutique again and envy that cool car, this means that your affirmations have not leaked into your reality in any way and have not changed your perception.


Affirmations are designed to help us change reality and create new beliefs.

Their main mission is not just to cheer us up for five minutes, but to help us begin to perceive ourselves, the world, people and any situation that you are working on using this essentially powerful tool, affirmation.

Allow yourself to say/listen to the affirmations as many times as you need. Even if you just include them as a background, it will already be useful.

What happens when you work with affirmations?

You find yourself in a certain stream with those forces that begin to lead you along the path of least resistance. This is a high-speed lane where you will find a minimum of obstacles, a maximum of results and pleasure.

The affirmation method works.

If you believe in the power of affirmations, I offer you my selection. It is based on the affirmations of Louise Hay. For me, they are the best, easy to remember and really effective.

So, 48 affirmations in front of you and two more new affirmations came across to me a couple of days ago. I liked it and immediately included them in my magic list of affirmations.

  1. Today I love myself more than yesterday!
  2. I know how to be a winner!
  3. I allow wealth to enter my life on a higher level than ever!
  4. I expand the circle of my love to cover the entire planet, and multiplied many times, love returns to me!
  5. I live a decent life, calmly and joyfully!
  6. The source of my blessings is everything and everything that and who surrounds me!
  7. I have unlimited choices! Opportunities are everywhere!
  8. I love and appreciate myself!
  9. I'm starting to realize what a wonderful person I am!
  10. Life loves me and I feel safe!
  11. I live in complete harmony with the world around me!
  12. I am always in harmony with life!
  13. I am healthy and full of vitality!
  14. I sleep healthy, sound sleep! My body appreciates my taking care of it!
  15. My body is doing everything possible to maintain excellent health!
  16. I love every cell of my body!
  17. I love everything that helps to maintain excellent health!
  18. I always admire and admire myself!
  19. I feel safe in the business world!
  20. I make my career easy!
  21. My income keeps growing!
  22. It's easy for me to find a job!
  23. Everything I do brings me success!
  24. They love me at work!
  25. I'm happy that I have this job!
  26. I always work with those who respect me and pay well!
  27. My business is growing beyond my expectations!
  28. I constantly feel connected to the source of creativity!
  29. I deserve the best and accept the best now!
  30. I enjoy everything I have!
  31. Good thoughts are the key to excellent health!
  32. I think clearly and express myself with ease!
  33. I trust my intuition! I always listen to my inner voice!
  34. I shine with joy and beauty!
  35. My kind thoughts help me create relationships full of love and support!
  36. I am an amazing person!
  37. I love and I am loved!
  38. I provide myself with everything I need!
  39. I live in a loving harmonious, rich Universe, and I am grateful for it!
  40. I fill my life with love!
  41. My heart is open to love!
  42. I deserve all the best!
  43. Every day is filled with meaning!
  44. That's why I love myself, it's for everything!
  45. Every cell in my body is loved!
  46. The law of attraction brings only good into my life!
  47. Life is good and I like to live!
  48. Everything I need comes to me at the right time and day!
  49. I like that I live here and now!
  50. My whole life is a great adventure!

Affirmations of Louise Hay on the background of colorful, positive pictures