How to strengthen nails at home: recipes for masks, baths, creams and ointments. Sea salt to strengthen nails at home. Strengthening with cosmetics

During the period of spring beriberi, many girls are horrified to discover that their previously strong and healthy nails have become extremely brittle, brittle and exfoliating. In addition to the lack of vitamins, the condition of our nails is aggravated by regular contact of hands with powders and all kinds of detergents. Here you can also include the extension, beloved by fashionistas, after which nail plates very often lose their strength and become noticeably thinner. Be that as it may, periodic strengthening of nails is an integral part of full-fledged hand care. The modern cosmetic industry offers a huge variety of effective, but at the same time expensive products for strengthening the nail plates. A special set of strengthening measures can also be taken in a beauty salon. However, does it make sense to overpay for something that can be easily done on your own? It has long been known that nail health natural remedies at home is in no way inferior to any salon program. It's time to talk about how and with what help to "revive" the nails after the "vitamin-free" winter period. This topic will be the focus of our article.

The best folk remedies for strengthening nails at home

1. Sea salt

The fact that sea salt can significantly improve the condition of nails even in a short period of time can be easily seen by looking at your hands after a vacation spent at sea. By their own useful properties this natural source of minerals, macro- and microelements is many times superior to ordinary table salt. When choosing sea salt for the preparation of therapeutic baths at home, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the product. The absence of flavorings, dyes and other artificial components in it will testify to the proper quality. The recommended frequency and duration of salt “therapy” for nails is daily (in extreme cases, every other day) for two to three weeks. The classic proportion for such a firming bath is 2-3 tbsp. salt in 200 ml of warm water. After the procedure, you need to rinse your hands with running water and thoroughly treat them with a moisturizer. To make the bath even more beneficial for nails, you can supplement the saline solution with a few drops of iodine, fresh lemon juice, or liquid vitamin E.

2. Iodine

It is not surprising that iodine, so valuable and vital for our body, has found wide application in home cosmetology, in particular for strengthening nails. Although the benefits of this natural substance can hardly be overestimated, nevertheless, the illiterate use of it in its pure form can affect the condition of the nails extremely deplorably. The thing is that the alcohol contained in ordinary pharmacy iodine can pretty much dry out the nail plates, making them not strong, but even more brittle and brittle. In this regard, it is advisable to cover the nails (but in no case the cuticle) with pure iodine no more than once a week, and in other cases, use it as one of the ingredients for preparing firming baths and masks. Here are some of the most effective recipes:

  • Take 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt and completely dissolve it in 200 ml of warm water. Then supplement the composition with a few drops of iodine.
  • Combine 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice with the same amount of warm water. Add 3 drops of iodine to the bath.
  • Brew 1 tbsp with boiling water. dried plantain leaves. After 10-15 minutes, strain the broth and drop 3-5 drops of iodine into it.
  • Alternately rub into each nail plate, and then leave for 20-30 minutes a mixture of 1 tbsp. olive oil, 3 drops of iodine and 3 drops of lemon juice. After the set time has elapsed, remove the remaining solution with a dry cloth.
  • Mix and heat in a water bath 1 tbsp. almond and 5 drops of lavender oils. Add 2-3 drops of iodine to the solution, then thickly cover the nail plates with it. Leave the mask on overnight, after putting on thin fabric gloves on your hands.
To achieve the most tangible effect from baths and masks with iodine, try to adhere to the following recommendations. First, soak your nails in the bath for at least 10-15 minutes and at least twice a week. Secondly, do not forget to get rid of nail polish before the procedure. And finally, always complete the strengthening of nails by applying a nourishing cream to their surface and periungual skin.

3. Lemon

Considering that lemon is almost always in our refrigerators, it can be safely used to strengthen nails, namely for problems such as brittleness, dryness, slow growth and delamination of the nail plates. In addition, this popular citrus is excellent at whitening nails and slowing down cuticle growth, making it possible to walk with a manicure for a little longer. The easiest way to use a lemon is to dip the fingers of each hand into the lemon halves. In this case, the nails, completely immersed in the lemon, should remain in it for at least 10-15 minutes. At the end of such a vitamin mask, you need to rinse your hands with water and rub any oil into the nails and the skin around them. cosmetic oil. Baths with the addition of lemon juice have a very beneficial effect on the nails. For example, a couple of proven recipes:

  • Heat 100 ml of milk to a warm state and dissolve 3 tablespoons in it. honey. Supplement the milk-honey mixture with the juice of half a lemon, 2 tsp. fresh apple juice and 2 tsp. sea ​​salt. Take a bath for half an hour, heating the mixture from time to time.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice with a few pinches of sea salt. Dip your nails in a container with a solution for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hands and nourish them with cream.
For a complete improvement of nails, carry out preventive measures with lemon 2-3 times a week.

4. Herbal decoctions

Although herbs are used to strengthen nails much less frequently than sea salt and iodine, they are nonetheless famous for their effectiveness. Try to see for yourself by preparing an herbal bath according to one of the following recipes:

  • Pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tbsp. St. John's wort, chamomile and burdock root. After 15-20 minutes, strain the infusion, then use it for its intended purpose. Bath 1-2 times a week (recommended frequency for all herbal baths).
  • Boil over low heat for 15 minutes the mixture at the rate of 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers in 300 ml of boiling water. Strain the slightly cooled broth, add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to it, and then use it as a bath.
  • Brew 2 tsp. sage in 200 ml of boiling water and send the container to water bath or slow fire. After 15-20 minutes, strain the broth, let it cool slightly, and then pour 2 tsp into the container. lemon juice.

5. Vegetable oils

It is believed that in terms of strengthening nails, vegetable oils have very great potential. Compresses, massages and baths from olive, peach, apricot, avocado, grape seed, tea or sandalwood oils make it possible to restore weakened and damaged nail plates in record time. The ideal oil solution for nails is a mixture of vegetable and essential oils, enriched with a small portion of lemon juice. The vegetable oil used for the bath or compress must be warm, so it should be heated in a water bath before combining with the rest of the ingredients. To remove oil after the procedure, you can use paper napkins, but it is not recommended to wash it off the nails with water. Let's share some useful recipes:

  • Warm up 100 ml of any vegetable oil and put 3-4 drops into it essential oil bergamot, sandalwood, cedar or ylang-ylang. Strengthening bath for nails is ready!
  • A bath of any vegetable oil (1/3 cup), 5 drops of liquid vitamin A and 2 drops of iodine will help saturate weakened nails with vitamins. The exposure time of the nails in the solution is 20-25 minutes.
  • Mix half a cup of warm olive oil with 2 tsp. sea ​​or ocean salt. Soak your nails in the prepared bath for 15-20 minutes. Then put on thin cotton gloves and walk around in them for 2-3 hours.

6. Natural juices

With the help of natural juice of sour berries (currants, gooseberries, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries) and some vegetables (beets, radishes, radishes), you can not only improve the body, but also get strong, shiny and smooth nails. Carrying out a useful procedure is very simple. It is enough to get fresh juice from berries or vegetables, and then dip your nails into it for 15 minutes. Sometimes the result of taking such baths can be skin staining. natural dye. To get rid of berry and vegetable marks on the hands, it is necessary to carefully wipe the painted skin with a slice of lemon.

7. Wax

For the first time, the wax technique for strengthening nails was used by Japanese manicure masters many years ago. It is possible to carry out a treatment session using wax at home, especially since the simplest paraffin therapy technologies do not require special skills. Start, for example, with wax "sealing" of nails. To do this, melt a little cosmetic or beeswax in a water bath and wait until it cools down a bit and becomes plastic. Next, massage the wax onto each nail plate with massaging movements and rub it in with a polishing file. If you repeat the procedure at least once every 10 days, after 2-3 months your natural nails it will be difficult to distinguish from extended ones. Another easy way to use wax to strengthen your nails is to add it to your massage mix. To prepare such a mixture, it is necessary to combine melted wax, honey and any vegetable oil in equal proportions. In this case, it is desirable to introduce honey after the mixture has cooled slightly. The finished product is recommended to be rubbed into the nails daily until a visible result is obtained.

This was a review of the most effective folk remedies for strengthening nails at home. At the end of the topic, we cannot help but draw the attention of our dear readers to one more important nuance. Remember that without proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle Life to become the owner of perfect nails is almost impossible. Eat as many foods rich in calcium, iron, vitamins A, C and E as possible. A special vitamin complex, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will also benefit your nails.

Photos: Mytime, Kurort, Polzavred, Keitochansays, Iemedic, Colady, 365danaugodini, Katyaburg

Beautiful manicured nails- this is a small property of a woman. Nails, like hands in general, require regular care. The state of the nails reflects the state of the whole organism. Brittle brittle nails, too soft or yellowed nail plate signal a disease. Also, nails can turn yellow due to smoking, constant use of varnish, after taking medications.

Healthy nails are your goal. They should be firm, smooth, shiny and with pink tint. To achieve this goal, it is not necessary to contact beauty salon, can be used folk remedies to strengthen nails.

Nail care at home

In the beauty salon you will be offered effective methods nail care. But at home, you can also do various procedures that will have a beneficial effect on the health of your nails. simple but effective. With their help, in the shortest possible time, you can improve the condition of the nail plate.

  • Bath of cucumber juice and beer

It will take half a glass of cucumber juice and the same amount of warm beer. We mix the liquids and add 1 tsp to the solution. table salt. Soak your fingers in the bath for 15 minutes.

  • Bath with salt to strengthen nails

The composition of such a bath is very simple. In a glass of warm water, mix 5 drops of iodine and half a tablespoon of salt. Bath time is 15 minutes.

  • Chamomile nail bath

1 st. pour a spoonful of chamomile flowers with 1 glass of beer and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and cooled to room temperature. Soak your fingers in the bath for 15 minutes.

  • Bath with apple cider vinegar

If the nails are very brittle, then they can be strengthened with apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is mixed with vegetable oil in equal proportions. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

  • Baths with sea salt

Dissolve sea salt in warm water. Soak your fingers in water for 15-20 minutes. We apply a nourishing cream for hands and nails.

  • Baths of potato broth

If you boiled potatoes, do not pour out the broth. Arrange a little holiday for your hands. Dip your hands in warm broth for 20 minutes. Such a bath has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the hands and nails.

  • Olive oil and iodine mask

Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with 2-3 drops of iodine. The resulting mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the nails and adjacent areas of the skin.

  • Salt and sour cream mask

This tool perfectly strengthens nails, makes them strong and healthy, eliminates yellowness. 1 tsp salt mixed with 2 tsp. sour cream. Rub this mixture into the nails and skin of the hands. Wash off the mask with warm water and apply the cream.

  • Red wine and berries

Berries (black currant, red currant, strawberry, sea buckthorn) knead and mix with a quarter cup of red wine. Mix thoroughly and pour into a bowl. Leave to infuse in a dark and cool place for 4-5 days. After that, regularly rub the mixture into the nails. Do not rinse or wipe the composition for 40-45 minutes. This lotion helps with exfoliating and brittle nails.

To strengthen nails it is necessary to regularly rub cranberry, lemon or lime juice into them. After a course of such procedures, the nails cease to break and exfoliate, become strong and pink.

In order for nails to be healthy, it is necessary to include foods rich in calcium, minerals, vitamins D and A, and gelatin in your diet. Drink water, you should drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day.

Wear gloves while working around the house and in the country. Protect your hands, and therefore your nails, from unnecessary stress. Apply nourishing and moisturizing creams to your hands and nails daily.

Constant care of nails and hands should become a habit. Only in this way are you a deliverer from all problems with nails, and your hands will testify to your good health and attention to self.

strong, beautiful nails, without hollows, tubercles and - the same sign of a woman's health and well-groomedness, like thick and shiny hair, clean, smooth skin. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of an impeccable manicure, even if they regularly monitor their hands. Some have natural nails, and here you can’t do without special care. In others, they begin to delaminate and become thinner under the influence of a variety of factors - both external and internal.

Why do nails look unhealthy? There are many reasons, ranging from malnutrition and bad habits to the costs of the profession, frequent contact with aggressive chemicals without proper protection.

The easiest option to make your nails beautiful and long again is to build them up. But many note that after the constant wearing of extended nails, their own become even worse. Therefore, the problem must be solved radically, and not masked under gel and acrylic. And this is quite possible at home.

There are many recipes for strengthening nails. But, before you start making baths and masks, you should memorize a few simple rules- they will help to correct the situation faster:

And of course, it doesn’t hurt to visit a doctor on occasion and find out if there is an internal reason why nails can. A weak nail plate is one of the signs of beriberi, hormonal disorders. In this case, without medical care not enough.

Also, nails can break after a long illness and antibiotic treatment, this is worth paying attention to. Further actions are the use of a variety of homemade recipes to strengthen the nail plate.

Folk remedies for strengthening nails

So, if you're serious about nail restoration, open your kitchen cabinets and medicine cabinet and check for these ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • (other herbs will do, but good quality and not deodorized)
  • sea ​​salt;
  • gelatin;

The missing components can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a store, they are all quite affordable. It is also worth stocking up on some essential oils.

You should start with a course of sea salt baths. This is the easiest recipe: just pour hot water into a small bowl - not warm! - and dissolve about a tablespoon of sea salt. Salt should be natural, not flavored and tinted.

If you keep your nails in such a solution every day for a quarter of an hour, then in a week the result will be noticeable. After the procedure, the handles are rinsed with clean water, wiped dry and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Sea salt and oil

In this case, sea salt is used to prepare not a bath, but a scrub mask. About a teaspoon of the substance must be combined with warm water - it is added drop by drop, stirring the salt until a thick slurry is formed. Then they are transferred to a cotton sponge and rubbed into the nails for several minutes.. After that, without washing off the salt, apply on the nails. It can be combined with wax melted in a water bath. This procedure is done no more than once every 10-14 days.

Advice! If it is not possible to get grape seed oil, it is replaced with lemon juice. You can dissolve the salt until a slurry is obtained in freshly squeezed lemon juice, or you can simply lubricate your nails with juice after a salt scrub.

Lemon with honey

This is a great duet for restoring nails. The recipe is very simple: combine a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, stir and apply a thick layer on the nails.

After 15 minutes, the rest of the mixture is washed off with warm water, and the hands are lubricated with a greasy cream. If you make such a mask for nails once a week, in a month they will become strong and shiny, they will grow faster. Should not be done more often lemon acid rather aggressive substance and can dry out the cuticle and skin of the hands.

Tomato and oil

This is very interesting recipe, albeit a bit odd. It is convenient to do it after making a salad. You will need a tablespoon of mashed fresh tomato and olive oil. The mixture is rubbed into the nail plates and left for 10 minutes. Tomatoes also contain natural acids and vitamins that help strengthen nails, and olive oil nourishes them and softens the cuticle.

Gelatin mask

To prepare this mask, you will need a tablespoon of powdered gelatin and 2 capsules of vitamin and. If there are no vitamins, you can add a few drops of rosemary oil. First, gelatin is poured with warm water and left to swell, then the resulting slurry is mixed with vitamins or oil and applied to the nails for a quarter of an hour.

You can also make gelatin baths. To prepare the bath, the gruel is dissolved in a large glass of hot water. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. You can do it in a day.

What else helps?

Medicinal herbs help out in the case of problematic nails. To prepare a medicinal bath, two tablespoons of chamomile are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and insisted for at least an hour. In a filtered warm infusion, you should keep your hands for about half an hour - while watching your favorite movie, for example. Chamomile can be alternated with burdock root, St. John's wort, rosemary.

For some, ordinary iodine helps to restore nails. You just need to lubricate each nail with this antiseptic and leave it overnight. Of course, during the course of treatment, the nails will look quite extreme, so it is better to spend it on vacation. But after a week they will noticeably strengthen.

And if you like wine, then save about half a glass for your weakened nails - they also like this drink. For a therapeutic bath, dissolve 2 tablespoons of olive oil in white or red wine and immerse the nails in the resulting mixture for 15 minutes.

And the last thing I would like to recall: in most cases, the cause of failures in the fight against exfoliating nails is bad habits and addiction to diets or, conversely, overeating. Therefore, it is worth thinking and choosing which is better: beautiful, well-groomed handles with neat and healthy nails, or further indulging your bad habits.

A beautiful manicure is an integral element of the image of a woman. Girls devote a lot of time to make-up, wardrobe, appearance hands In the article I will give effective step-by-step recipes for strengthening nails at home.

The nail is made up of keratin, water and fat. The health and beauty of nails is determined by the correct proportions. With a deficiency of fat, the nails become sick, thin and easily broken. Usually, disruptions in the endocrine system have a negative effect on the condition of the nails.

The main causes of brittleness

  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Malfunctioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Regular washing of dishes and hands, laundry, cleaning without the use of gloves.
  • Use of acetone-containing nail polish removers.
  • Prolonged exposure to low temperature.
  • Wrong manicure.

Brittle nails are treated quite simply at home. But this problem is best prevented.

Prevention of nail diseases

  1. Use vitamin-rich varnish with healing effect. Avoid products containing acetone completely.
  2. Use protective gloves when working around the house. The main thing is that the nail plates do not come into contact with detergents.
  3. Do a manicure with an emery or glass nail file. Metal is better not to use. During the procedure, move in one direction, otherwise the nails will be seriously damaged.
  4. Regularly eat foods rich in protein, iron and calcium. The composition of desserts should include gelatin - jelly, marmalade, marshmallows.

Folk remedies for strengthening nails - recipes

Girls with free time and financial resources strengthen their nails in beauty salons. But, it is possible to solve this problem at home, using proven folk remedies.

Over the years, recipes, compresses, baths and masks have been invented.

Folk remedies are extremely popular among women because they are both effective and affordable. Recipes include ingredients that are available in any kitchen or medicine cabinet. It's about about fruits, vegetables, oils.

Healing baths

Baths are an excellent way to strengthen the nail plates at home and moisturize the skin. I propose to consider three options for baths.

  • soda bath . Pour a glass of water into a small bowl, add a spoonful of soda, add 5 drops of glycerin and a couple of drops of iodine. After mixing, lower the hands into the liquid for a third of an hour, then get wet and treat with cream. I recommend taking a bath before bed. Then dip your fingers in melted wax, wait for it to dry and leave until the morning.
  • herbal bath . A bath is being prepared from infusion of chamomile, nettle, sage or plantain. Ideally, alternate herbs. Add a spoonful of herbs to a liter of water and boil a little, when the broth cools slightly, lower the handles into it. After such water treatment I do not advise you to wash your hands, blot them and treat them with a nourishing cream.
  • wine bath . Mix a glass of dry wine (preferably red) with a spoonful of salt and heat. Soak your hands in the resulting liquid for 15 minutes. Next, gently wet your hands and cover with a layer of nourishing cream. I recommend doing this bath 4 times a month.


Baths do not hurt to combine with masks that require a similar amount of time. As in the case of baths, after applying the mask on your hands, be sure to apply a nourishing cream. Mask recipes are waiting below.

  1. Olive mask . To make such a mask, you need to combine 2 tablespoons of olive oil with three drops of iodine and the same amount of lemon juice. Soak your fingers in the mixture for at least ten minutes. Next, wash off the mask.
  2. Wax mask . Beeswax melt in the bath. The temperature is around 40 degrees. Dip your fingers into the wax for a few seconds, remove and after hardening, wait for about 20 minutes.
  3. beer mask . Mix half a glass of fresh beer in equal amounts with warmed sunflower oil and a small spoonful of lemon juice. Dip clean hands into the mixture for a third of an hour, then get wet, massage the cuticles and do not wash for 2 hours.
  4. Pepper mask . In a small container, combine a small spoonful of hand cream, the same amount of ground red pepper and a couple of drops of water. Ready tool cover the nails for half an hour, then rinse with water.

I brought the most effective and affordable folk recipes strengthening nails.

Video instructions for the super strengthening method

Cosmetics for strengthening nails

The problem associated with brittle nails is familiar to many girls. Homemade recipes will be a good help on the way to solving it. However, the cosmetic industry does not stand still and develops new cosmetic products for strengthening - varnishes, creams, oils. The choice of a particular brand is determined by financial capabilities.

It is better not to buy the cheapest cosmetic products. Low cost is the first sign of cosmetics with little or no effect. Therefore, I do not recommend saving.

  1. Strengthening varnishes. Regular use will restore brittle, dull and exfoliating nails to a healthy look. To get the result, it is not recommended to use the same tool constantly. Lucky is better to alternate. The composition of varnishes should include amino acids, vitamins, coral extracts, silicon. The varnish should not contain formaldehyde, camphor and other aggressive ingredients.
  2. Oils for strengthening nails. Rub rosemary, peach or almond oil into the nails every few days with massage movements or with a soft toothbrush.
  3. Creams from natural oils , vitamin complexes and micronutrients. It is good if the composition of the product includes wax or propolis. This cream is an excellent prophylactic.

To strengthen the nails quickly, the listed funds should be used systematically. True, remember that cosmetic preparations are effective if the fragility of the nail plates is not caused by diseases that lurk inside the body. The condition of the nails is a kind of indicator of health.

Strengthening nails after shellac

At the end of the last century, there was no shellac manicure, and in the 21st century it is rapidly gaining popularity and is replacing gel and acrylic nail extensions. Not surprisingly, this technology has a considerable number of advantages. To admire the beauty of well-groomed nails for a month, it is enough to go through just one shellac procedure.

Over time, shellac must be removed from the nail plates. It is at this moment that the young ladies despair, because after shellac the nails take on a terrible look. They exfoliate and break, even cutting and dark varnish are unable to correct the situation. The question arises, how to strengthen the nails after shellac and return them to their former shape?

  • Olive oil . Thinning is a consequence of polishing the nail plates after removing shellac. Olive oil baths will help strengthen your nails. Warm up one hundred milliliters of oil a little, then hold the nails in it for about 15 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily in the evening for a week.
  • Lemon juice . This natural product is rich in essential oils and vitamin C. These substances strengthen the nails. Rub lemon juice into the nails every other day for a few minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Iodine. Before going to bed using cotton swab, apply iodine on the nails. In the morning from yellow color no trace remains. Reviews of girls say that iodine is extremely effective in strengthening the nail plates.
  • Sea salt . The miraculous properties of sea salt have been known for a long time. Baths based on sea salt will make your nails incredibly strong. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in half a glass of water, add a little of any essential oil and hold your fingers in the resulting composition for 10 minutes. The weekly rate is three procedures.
  • sour berries . Weakened nails require vitamins. Masks based on sour berries - cranberries, red currants, lingonberries will help in this situation. Grind a handful of berries, apply the resulting slurry to the nails, wrap with a film, wait a third of an hour and rinse.
  • Food. The procedures listed above are focused on external nail treatment. At the same time, their condition largely depends on the income useful substances from the body. Introduce foods rich in vitamins, proteins, iodine, calcium, mineral salts into the diet. For example, salmon, cottage cheese, cheese, greens.
  • Healing coverage. For the treatment of brittleness, special cosmetic coatings are used, which are applied daily. The greatest effect is given by products with calcium, minerals, vitamins and silk fibers.

In terms of effectiveness, home procedures are in no way inferior to salon counterparts. The only difference is that their implementation takes more time. If you regularly care for your nails, the effects of shellac will disappear quickly, leaving no trace. To keep your nails flawless all the time, take a short pause before the next application of shellac.

Almost every woman dreams of healthy, strong and long nails. However, sometimes it is very difficult to achieve the cherished goal: nail care requires regularity and a fair amount of patience. However, it is not at all necessary to become a regular customer in nail salon: you can surround your nails with proper care at home. Simple and effective folk remedies will help protect them from excessive softness and brittleness. The main thing is to approach the process responsibly!

The traditional causes leading to brittle nails are:

  • deficiency of essential vitamins;
  • unbalanced diet (long-term diets are especially detrimental);
  • frequent contacts with various household chemicals;
  • abuse of manicure products and mechanical processing (experiments with acetone and changing varnishes, improper filing).

The first step in the fight for the beauty of nails is the elimination of all these types. negative impact. Having dealt with the prerequisites, you can proceed to active rescue operations.

Normalization of the diet

Home strengthening of nails is unthinkable without a general improvement of the body. Since it is necessary to fill in the gaps of the most important substances, it is necessary to immediately begin the course intake of a multivitamin complex. This process should take at least two months. The most important vitamins for nail health are vitamins A, C and D. In addition to them, it is also important to consume enough calcium and iodine.

The daily diet should be enriched with a variety of fermented milk products. Milk, yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese are irreplaceable sources of valuable calcium. Iron is massively found in red meat, as well as in fish. Vitamin A is rich in carrot juice, and iodine can be found in spinach. Almost all fruits are carriers of vitamin C.

Don't forget about fats. Many women who want to maintain an ideal physical form neglect their use. However, fat is essential, even in a minimal amount.

In addition to revising the quality of nutrition, comprehensive nail health includes such caring procedures as baths and masks.

Strengthening baths for nails

The most useful components for strengthening the nail plates are sea or iodized salt, lemon, olive oil and infusions of various herbs.

bath with salt

Warm up 200 ml of red wine (preferably dry). Combine it with a tablespoon of sea salt (you can take food enriched with iodine). Dip your fingers in a warm composition for fifteen minutes, then blot with a dry cloth and treat with a nourishing hand cream. It must be repeated at least once a week.

Bath with oil

Take 1/4 cup olive or sunflower oil. Add to it 5 drops of vitamin A (capsules can be found in any pharmacy) and 4 drops of iodine. The bath should be done daily for 2 weeks, preferably in the evening. The duration of each procedure is about twenty minutes. No less useful is a similar bath, in which vitamin A is replaced with lemon juice.

bath with vinegar

Connect Apple vinegar and any vegetable oil (for example, burdock) in equal proportions. The duration of the regular procedure is ten minutes.

Bath with oak bark

Prepare an infusion of oak bark at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water (keep on low heat for 20 minutes, then let stand for at least 3 hours). Strain, pour into a glass container (the remaining infusion can be stored in the refrigerator). Separately, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of sea salt in 1/2 liter of warm water. Add a tablespoon of 70% vinegar essence and 50 grams of the resulting infusion. This bath should be repeated twice a day, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Bath with mineral water

Combine 1/2 cup of mineral water with the same amount of cabbage juice. Soak your fingers in the solution for fifteen minutes. If desired, you can take one hundred grams of cabbage and potato juice. The procedure, repeated weekly, restores a healthy shine to the nails, as well as strength and strength.

Strengthening masks for nails

Masks for strengthening should be carefully rubbed into the nail plate and cuticle. It is not necessary to make special efforts: the components are independently absorbed in the amount that is necessary. Various oils and hot peppers are of the greatest nutritional value. Masks should be used at least once a week. The minimum course is two months.

Pepper mask

Heat up some vegetable oil. Mix it with 1/2 cup beer (the kind doesn't matter) and a spoonful of ground red pepper. Mix thoroughly and apply to nails. Let stand for half an hour, then remove the residue with a napkin.

Paraffin mask

Heat the paraffin (available at the pharmacy) in a water bath until a liquid consistency is obtained. Take a brush and carefully coat your nails with the prepared composition. It is better to treat the skin around the nail plates with a greasy cream. As soon as the paraffin hardens, another layer should be applied on top of it.

It is necessary to repeat this action several times. After fifteen minutes, the paraffin can be removed with a wooden stick. Then the nails need to be polished with a special buff. The mask is good because it not only makes the nails stronger, but also surrounds them with a protective barrier. External influences like cold sun rays and chemicals simply cease to be relevant.

Mask with honey

Prepare a composition of a teaspoon of honey, two teaspoons of vegetable oil and a beaten egg. Lightly heat by sending to a water bath. Leave the mixture on the nail plates for ten to fifteen minutes, after which it is removed with a paper towel. Then the nails are necessarily covered with a layer of nourishing cream.

Mask with baby cream

Combine one spoonful of cream, red pepper and water. Apply the product on the nail plates, after 20 minutes rinse well with warm water (without adding soap).

Mask with cottage cheese and herbs

You will need one tablespoon of nettle and dandelion herbs. Pour them with a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour. Then combine with one hundred grams of cottage cheese. The mask should be kept for thirty minutes, at the end of the hands are moistened with cream.

Mask with gelatin

Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of gelatin in hot water. Soak your nails in the mixture, cooled to room temperature, for at least fifteen minutes.

Blackcurrant mask

Take an equal amount of currants, cream, and oat flour. Mix well and cover the nails with the resulting composition in several layers. At the end of the treatment (lasting one hour), rinse off and apply a moisturizer.

Eucalyptus, lemon, peach, almond, jojoba and patchouli oils are also often used as the basis for masks. Noticed positive influence castor, burdock oil and oil solutions of vitamins A, E, C.

Since some masks are quite liquid and even runny, you can wear thick rubber gloves over them. Cotton gloves are ideal for "oil" masks.