Eyelash extensions: pros, cons and a few important nuances. Eyelash extensions - pros and cons There are two main types of extensions

Perhaps, any girl in the world wants to emphasize the look and make her eyes more expressive. In addition to aesthetic beauty, eyelash extensions also have a beneficial practical side. The need to apply mascara daily, suffer from weather conditions and rub your eyes before bed to remove paint is gone. Almost all modern girls are familiar with the “panda” situation - when black circles appear around the eyes due to moisture or not washed off makeup. With eyelash extensions, this situation will not arise.

History of appearance

The eyelash extension procedure did not immediately become the way we used to see it. Initially, false cilia appeared for film and musical actresses. The creator of the progenitors of modern artificial eyelashes is the famous Max Factor. For half a century, overhead structures (they are far from modern thin elegant products) were used only for the specifics of the profession. The idea was received with a bang, and the views of the actresses became noticeable even from the back rows in musicals.

In the 50s of the 20th century, eyelashes became available to ordinary people. They were produced in sets, with special glue. In those days, they did not think about the environmental friendliness of products, and the glue often affected the eyesight of users.

Currently, there are 2 types - beam (ready-made beams for makeup artists) and individual cilia for piece building. The idea of ​​piece building came from the Japanese stylist Shu Uemura. Initially, qualifications were used to determine the thickness of the fibers: mink, sable and silk. This does not mean that the products were made from the skins of unfortunate animals, as was commonly believed. Translating to modern definitions of thickness, we can draw the ratio: mink - 0.10 mm, sable - 0.15 mm and silk 0.20 mm. There were also not many bends - natural (not very curved) and expressive, very different from natural eyelashes. To date, the beauty industry has gone further, and new thicknesses and curves of cilia have appeared.

Varieties of "eyelash" products

In the modern market of goods for the beauty industry, not the last place is occupied by a range of artificial cilia for eyelash extensions. The pursuit of naturalness in this case does not make sense - natural eyelashes from the "fur coats" of animals are very allergenic and do not have an even line in length and thickness. In addition, the cost of one palette of such eyelashes is very high. It is much more profitable and more convenient to work with artificial fiber.

Popular bends from modern manufacturers: B, C, D, CC, D+, L, L+.

Common thicknesses: 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.10, 0.12, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25.

Cilia are used along the length from 4 mm to 18. In addition to the whole length, “one and a half” lengths for a smooth transition are becoming popular.

The popular brand "Flario" presents C, D, D + bends in "mixes" or individual lengths. In addition to the popular black colors, here you can find elegant chocolate shades and original color cilia.

eyelash extension procedure

You can learn how to build up on your own, however, in order to engage in such a painstaking business professionally, you do not need to undergo any special training. The whole process of building is clearly reflected in the step-by-step instructions.

If you do not plan to do extensions at a professional level, it will be useful to know the process on the part of the client in order to distinguish high-quality work from poor-quality work:

1. Before attaching an extended eyelash to a natural one, you should carefully clean the area for work.

This applies not only to the eyelash space, but also to the skin of the eyelid. The oiliness of the skin affects the life of the eyelashes. To do this, apply: at the 1st stage, micellar water, then - a degreaser. The Flario brand presents this drug in a volume of 15 ml.

2. Isolation of the lower eyelashes.

You can isolate the cilia using a special plaster or patch (paper, hydrogel). This is done to avoid gluing the upper lashes with the lower ones.

3. For better adhesion, a primer is used.

Knowing the structure of the eyelash, a professional master evaluates the condition of each eyelash and determines whether a special tool is needed to open the scales.

4. Glue enhancer - the next stage of processing.

Not all masters use an amplifier in their work. It greatly dries the natural eyelash and, if used incorrectly, threatens to get into the eye. The composition of the liquid includes caustic substances and if it enters the mucous membrane, such a remedy threatens to cause redness and irritation.

5. Separation of eyelashes is done with 2 tweezers - straight and curved. An artificial eyelash is captured, dipped in glue and placed on your own eyelash, depending on its location.

Extension schemes suggest different placement of artificial eyelashes. If you fix the eyelashes in the direction of your own, you will not get an even extension. Dip the eyelash into the glue should be only 1/3 from the "leg".

6. Porechnichesky or volume building.

Professional masters form eyelashes into bunches manually, right in the process. This is done for the aesthetics of the work - pre-prepared beams are massive, they will have an excess of glue.

In fastening, it is important to observe the indentation from the eyelid. If you attach an eyelash too close - there will be discomfort, the skin will itch. If far away - the eyelash will quickly grow and twist.

Additional materials

In addition to eyelashes, glue, degreaser, primer and activator, extensions will require additional materials and tools.


Good lighting plays an important role. The light should be cold, close, but not interfere with the master.


The master selects curved tweezers at his discretion. Tool sharpening is done manually, with a frequency of 1 time per quarter. You can't drop the tweezers.

Brushes and microbrushes.

To apply funds, microbrushes are needed - an analogue of a cotton swab that does not have a lint. Brushes are necessary for combing cilia after extension and, if necessary, daily. It is a one-time tool, separately for each client.


Removal of eyelashes must be done with a special fat cream. The composition of the modern cream includes cyanoacrylate, which will not melt by any means other than specialized ones.

Contraindications for extension

  • Allergy to any glue;
  • Taking antibiotics;
  • Hormonal failures;
  • Menstruation;
  • Drinking alcohol for 24 and after building up.

The procedure should be carried out with caution when:

  • pregnancy;
  • Tendency to an allergic reaction;
  • With frequent visits to the bath, sauna and pool.

Despite this, eyelash extensions can be done under almost any conditions, with the exception of severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system (it will take at least 2 hours to lie on the procedure) and epilepsy. A truly professional master will be able to choose the right glue and model the extension according to the shape of the eyes and facial features. In one of the articles, we went through all the popular adhesives.

Popular extension effects

The most common types today are:

  • Natural effect - the distribution of extended eyelashes according to their growth;
  • Foxy - strongly pronounced outer corners of the eyes;
  • Squirrel - lengthening to the middle of the eye;
  • Puppet - almost all eyelashes are the same length.

In different courses, more effects are taught - almond-shaped, rounded, discharged, etc. The "Kim effect" has become popular, modeled on the image of the famous diva Kim Kardashian.

"Ciliar" direction does not stand still. Constantly appearing new cilia, bends, thicknesses. Flario's advanced production technologies allow the production of quality product lines. The advantages of using Flario eyelashes are the convenience of removing eyelashes from the tape - this is a very important condition for the "tape off" technique.

High-quality eyelashes are the key to productive work, and the “correct” glue is a guarantee of long wear. For the glue to work successfully, it is recommended to keep the humidity within 40-70% and the room temperature - 21-23 degrees. One drop of glue is designed to work in 10-15 minutes. If the substance begins to "reach" for the eyelash - the glue is no longer suitable for use.

Not all masters win competitions, there are those who are not threatened. Before the vacation, I decided to increase my eyelashes so that I would not wear makeup during the trip. And as luck would have it, the girl who always built them up for me ended up on vacation herself, and I had to urgently look for another master. It ended sadly.

What I wanted. I was going on a sightseeing tour of Lake Baikal. The conditions on such tours do not always allow you to apply and remove makeup in accordance with all the rules, so I would like to do without makeup at all. For this, I have everything - a pretty good tan, only expressive eyelashes are missing. And so, in order not to take mascara with me, I decided to build them up.

Having come to the master, I explained to her the task: natural classic extension 1:1 of the minimum length. That is, basically length 8, on the outer corners add length 10.

Such an extension should have looked adequate, grow imperceptibly, and only after a couple of weeks become really long, but then the vacation will end.

The extension that I did. Opening my eyes and looking at myself in the mirror, I saw something with hairy eyes… For some reason, the master decided that the length of 12 would be fine for me. And she decided it silently, she also did it silently, and I found out about it only after the extension was completed.

First, these are sabers, not eyelashes. And they already look uneven now, because putting exactly this length is very difficult. In a couple of weeks, they will look just creepy and disheveled.

Secondly, the eyelash extension itself is done asymmetrically. The photo shows that on the right eye the eyelashes are laid flat, and on the left - with rays up. That is, they made an arrow effect on the right, and an open look on the left, and these are two completely different effects.

Thirdly, their irrelevance. For 2 weeks I was going to walk through the taiga in jeans and sneakers, and these eyelashes are more suitable for a New Year's party, catwalk or theater. And who will I be? Volochkova in the open air?

A few experiments.

There is only one advantage in all this - you can experiment! And now I will demonstrate everything that you can try to do with eyelash extensions.

  1. Can eyelash extensions be cut?

I take nail scissors and cut off the ends. Here's what happens.

  1. thinning.

Now they need to be made of different lengths so that they do not look so doll-like. Although that doesn't help either.

  1. Can eyelash extensions be curled?

I must say right away that I don’t even try to do this with the help of forceps - this is obviously a bad idea, as it will damage both artificial and natural eyelashes. Creases will be obtained.

Therefore, for the experiment, I take a special device - something like an eyelash curler.

For natural eyelashes this thing completely useless, even harmful, so I'll try it on extensions. True, and in this case it turned out to be just as useless.

  1. When nothing helps, I just take a debonder and .

As a result, I had to make do with my eyelashes on vacation, grown with the help of an eyelash growth activator and dyed with ordinary paint.

What other mistakes are there in eyelash extensions.

  • Gluing. This happens when the master does not dry out the glue on the newly extended eyelash and proceeds to the next one. Then adjacent eyelashes, in contact with the extension, stick to it. This may not be noticeable, but if the growth phases of the glued cilia are different, then over time this can begin to interfere greatly.
  • Bonding area too short. This is when the master saved on glue and applied it only at the base of the artificial eyelash. Immediately after the procedure, you will not notice this, but such an extension will not last long.
  • Incorrectly chosen curl of eyelashes. If your eyelashes are long and straight, and the master is trying to build up curved ones, then most likely as a result you will get 2 rows of eyelashes that seem to have peeled off from each other: some will look up with their tips (artificial), and the ends of yours will stick out from under them. natural.
  • Incorrect indentation of eyelash extensions from the natural root. It may be too big or too small. With a large artificial eyelashes will be too far from the roots, while it is very, very difficult to grow them exactly at such a distance, that is, they will bend in different directions and look messy. With too little indentation, that is, when the eyelashes are literally stuck to the roots and skin, it is harmful to your own eyelashes.
  • Asymmetry. In general, extensions are often done to hide the natural asymmetry of the eyes, but there are masters (like the one I wrote about above) who even manage to create asymmetrical eyelashes even on symmetrical eyes. This is the result of an incorrect extension technique. For me, the master did not build up both eyes at once, alternating them and constantly comparing them with each other, but first she built eyelashes on one, and then on the other. No wonder that having completely completed one, she simply could not exactly repeat the same build-up on the other.
  • Lack of taste. If the master believes that the longer the eyelashes, the more beautiful they are, then you risk getting eyes that look like an unshaven armpit. Everything needs a measure.

Dear girls, I wish you that you get only good masters who understand what they are doing! Then you won't have to carry out such stupid experiments and write bad reviews, because the extension procedure itself, made by a talented master, is a great thing!

Eyelash extensions are a simple and effective way to make your eyes look bigger and brighter. The main thing is to choose the right material and method.

1. Types of eyelashes and their location

Artificial eyelashes can be made from microfiber, human hair, synthetic materials and polymers. Their length varies from 6 to 17 mm, which gives a huge scope for self-expression. The standard colors are black and brown, but in principle you can order eyelashes of any color. A competent specialist builds eyelashes of different lengths so that the eye looks as natural as possible. Usually, shorter ones are located on the lower eyelid and in the inner corner of the eyes, and long ones are in the outer one. If the eye is narrow, long eyelashes are placed in the center to visually "slightly open" it. If the eyes are set close, long eyelashes will only aggravate the situation, and you should limit yourself to medium length. Conversely, wide-set eyes will look better if both eyelids are framed with valley lashes.

2. Who should not build up

Few people know that with eyelash extensions, the hairs are not glued to the skin of the eyelids, but to their own eyelashes. Accordingly, this is not your option if your eyelashes are too thin and brittle. In this case, it is better to resort to false eyelashes. Another option in which extensions are not recommended is too short eyelashes. In this case, the gluing between your own eyelash and the artificial eyelash turns out to be too short, and the extended eyelashes will not hold well. The ideal candidate for eyelash extensions is a girl with dense but sparse eyelashes or with rather thick but medium length.


3. Increased? Now you can't.

The list of prohibitions for eyelash extensions is quite impressive. 24 hours after the procedure, eyelashes should not be touched at all. Forget about sleeping with your face in the pillow, applying mascara (we are serious), give up any cosmetics containing oils. Do not comb your eyelashes, wash your face only with cool water and do not spend a lot of time in the heat.

4. Issue price

If you are offered extensions for less than 2,000 rubles, beware: this may indicate the use of low-quality materials or the unprofessionalism of the master. Although sometimes for this money you can get a quality service, for a promotion or as a regular customer of the salon. The average price in the capital for this procedure is from 3 to 6 thousand rubles, a correction will be required somewhere every 2-3 weeks (about 500 rubles).

5. Risks

By and large, there is only one risk, and it is the most serious one: your own eyelashes may fall out. In this case, you need to get rid of the extensions and move on to restorative procedures. In 99% of cases, eyelashes grow back. Well, the restrictions from point 3. If all this does not stop you, go ahead! In any case, extensions are a great option for a formal event or vacation: no makeup and an incredibly spectacular look!

But about a year ago, once walking through VK groups like "the master is looking for a model" of her city, I came across an offer to increase eyelashes for only 500 rubles. So the desire arose in me to try what it is.

I immediately signed up to the master through private messages. We appointed both the day and time, she sent me the address, although there were still a few days before the meeting. We didn't communicate anymore. Before the day "X" I was worried. That this is my craftswoman does not specify, I will come, I will not come, the fireman does not ask for a phone number. I wrote myself, they say I will be tomorrow as agreed, just in case I wrote my number. In response, silence, the woman (and such a middle-aged already) did not even enter the network. The next morning, on my then only day off, I checked the messages - no answer, not read. Well, I think, maybe she doesn’t check, she agreed and that’s all, reinforced concrete. By the way, I don't have her number to call and confirm the meeting. I, as a responsible person, got ready, drove through the whole city, under an umbrella in an unpleasant September rain I found a house. I arrived on time, I called the intercom:

- Hello, this is Olga, eyelashes for 10.

- How is Olga? I have Xenia for 10...

And then I turned gloomy ... Of course, they opened the door for me, they even let me into the apartment. But they shrugged, saying that Ksenia is already lying there with me ... I looked in, saw a sofa, a lamp ... Even then I wanted to run away, but out of resentment and not hearing a corny apology, I show our correspondence, poking Madam with my phone:

- Well, well, here, we agreed on Wednesday, at 10 o'clock.

- Oh, I still can't see anything without glasses!

My eyes widened... But literally in a second I was wildly delighted that fate had saved me from such a master of sclerosis with a lamp by the sofa, which still cannot see anything without glasses.

I was asked to walk for 2 hours and come after Xenia. No, well, can you imagine?! After that, I completely fell out. SHTA?? Walk? 2 hours? Under rain? I’m surprised that I haven’t been rude yet, but simply immediately left with the words that I won’t do anything with such a master!

It was terribly insulting that I woke up at such an early hour, I was pissing the hell knows where, and in the end, instead of a beautiful expressive look, watery sad eyes. I really took a little walk, I wanted to let off steam, I was very angry and disappointed. I was looking for a salon, I thought I would go to the first one I came across and build it up there. It's good that I didn't even get a hairdresser...

Now I was already simply obliged to increase eyelashes, it was already a matter of principle.

Again, I went to that group on VK, life doesn’t teach me anything, I began to look for a master who would have more work. The search was short-lived, I found a girl who, according to the description and location, suited me. It was also important to me that this girl uses high-quality materials, disposable consumables and sterilizes instruments. And most importantly - I have seen her work. She needed a model to promote Instagram, where I looked at the pictures and even the video, everything suited me, including the price.

Price eyelash extension "classic" at home in my case was 1000 rub.(Moscow). Such a low cost is due to the exchange for photos of my eyelashes as a model.

Many are afraid to go to such conditions, they say the master is not experienced and will do badly. My girlfriend already had a good experience, not great, but it was sufficient (more than a year). Often people just want to recruit a new customer base, in connection with moving to another city, for example. Besides, for his portfolio, a person will not do badly. By the way, I saw my eyelashes on her page, which means that she did them well enough to be put on public display as a way to attract new customers. So I think that you can go to such masters after carefully studying their work and discussing all the points.

During the correspondence, the girl herself provided all the information (address, her phone number, how to prepare for eyelash extensions) and asked for my contacts. At the appointed time, I was at the appointed place.

My master does eyelash extensions at home, but this is not a sofa with a table lamp, but a fully equipped office.

In a small room there was a sofa where you can leave your bag, and perpendicular to it were two couches with special bright lamps. My master worked on one couch, and her partners worked on the other. When I arrived, the previous client was still finishing the procedure, but it only lasted a couple of minutes. But I looked live at the work of a lashmaker. My client and I liked everything, the eyelashes looked fluffy and thick. After seeing off the previous girl, the master took care of me.

She looked at my eyelashes and immediately noted that, like the previous girl, her eyelashes are much thicker, so the classic extension looks very good.

I did not quite understand what it was about, and then everything was explained to me:

Classic eyelash extension- this is when the master glues one artificial eyelash to each client's eyelash. The more your eyelashes, the more glued, everything is simple.

I was asked to do 2D eyelash extensions, when two are glued to one eyelash, artificial, previously connected at the base. But I wanted to get natural effect for every day, So I settled on classic eyelash extensions.

How is eyelash extension done at home?

They laid me on a couch covered with a disposable sheet, covered me with a soft blanket, and once again examined my eyelashes in the bright light of a lamp. Once again they pressed on the patient, noting that there were very few cilia, and that they were very thin, yes, I know, that’s why I came to build up, they would be chic, I would sit at home and specify what effect I want: natural or fox. I wanted everything to be as natural as possible. We also chose a small length, 9 mm, because my eyelashes are about 8 long. It looks gorgeous lashes that 9 mm are short. No, my extensions almost do not reach the eyebrows, you will see in the photo below.

I, as a decent client, came to the extension without eye makeup. Of course, you can come with make-up, but then you have to spend time on washing off cosmetics, and the procedure takes a lot of time.

Before building, the master took several photos and a video where I close my eyes with my hands. You know those fashion videos on Instagram? You close your eyes with a simple one, and you remove your palms and a spectacular beauty

Then the master ordered to close her eyes and warned that it would be possible to open them in about an hour and a half. Yes, eyelash extension lasts from 1.5 to 2.5 hours, depending on the number of eyelashes of the client and the experience of the master.

Then came the cleansing and preparatory procedures. As I remember, at first she simply cleansed the skin and eyelashes with something, and then applied a primer that improves the adhesion of the eyelashes to the glue. It was a little embarrassing at the time.

And then it's tedious, painstaking work. Eyelash after eyelash was glued at high speed, but still for a long time. And you know, I would even fall asleep, but sometimes the master somehow pulled her eyelashes too much, pulled. No, it didn't hurt, it was just uncomfortable. Then, at another master, when I did 2D, I really fell asleep, she did not make any sudden movements, but that's another story.

Having finished with one eye, the master took up the second. She noted that I have more eyelashes on my left eye (this is just the second eye). I myself noticed that the left one is always painted better with ink. This difference is probably due to my love of sleeping on my right side. Apparently, I press my eyelashes and they grow worse.

When all the eyelashes were glued, the lashmaker processed the eyelashes with something else. It was even more unpleasant, the eyes began to pinch. As she explained to me, it was a retainer. They saved me by waving a fan, I shed a tear and the burning sensation passed.

The master combed her eyelashes for a long time, after which we completed the shooting of the "movie", removing our palms from our faces, and I finally went to the mirror.

Immediately after extension:

I looked at myself in the reflection, it seemed to me that the eyelashes were very sparse, but still awesome. The look became expressive and more open. The cilia danced a little: some were slightly upturned, others lowered.

This photo clearly shows the lash line and how much lighter my lashes are than extensions.

The master reassured me that then the eyelashes would fluff up and settle down as they should. I paid off, they handed me a special brush and escorted me with instructions:

  1. Today, do not wet, do not touch, do not comb. The glue needs time to set.
  2. In the process of wearing, do not visit the sauna / bath, the pool and other long-term contact with water are also undesirable.
  3. Comb the eyelashes from above with a special brush.
  4. Do not use greasy creams, oils in the eye area.
  5. Do not sleep with your nose in the pillow.

In general, I was satisfied, the result was natural, which is what I wanted. So that you understand what I had to work with, I add a photo "before" eyelash extensions and immediately "after".

By the way, in this photo, the eyelashes are still surprisingly long and thick. Well made up and apparently here they are in their prime.

Below the eyelashes on the day of extension. They reach the eyebrows, but they look quite natural, the difference before and after eyelash extensions is colossal. I would like to point out lack of extension which catches the eye - the lower eyelashes remain as they are and they still need to be tinted, or the lower eyelid should be lined with a pencil.

I didn’t touch my eyelashes, I didn’t wash my face, I tried to sleep neatly. In the morning, the eyelashes looked even more messy:

Eyes became swollen, eyelashes knocked into bunches. And after washing, I completely lost five eyelashes at once! I was horrified. I have so few of them, so they also fall out at the very beginning. This photo shows the bend well.

But still, I was glad that I now have eyelashes. That I can clap them and even almost take off ... from happiness. Small, short-lived happiness. Colleagues also noticed changes in appearance, and not only girls. Beloved also liked my transformation. It would seem that such a trifle, but how much it changes the look, image, mood and even self-esteem. Still, eyelashes are one of the most feminine parts of the face. It’s not for nothing that even animators, in order to make the gender of the character recognizable, draw eyelashes on the girls

All was good. After combing, the eyelashes looked beautiful, I didn’t feel them, and I even stopped looking in the mirror every 5 minutes. But my joy did not last long, very short.

Because of my eyelashes are very weak and thin, extensions constantly strayed into bundles, changed direction. I had to comb them often and constantly monitor the direction of almost every eyelash. Every day I felt more and more the presence of something foreign in my eyes, and when I closed my eyes, my eyelashes began to prick at all. Every morning after washing, I found 2-3 fallen eyelashes. It is not known how many more fell off during the day and went unnoticed. It was also upsetting that the extended eyelashes fell out along with mine.

On the sixth day, the eyelashes already looked different. They were no longer so pleasing, not so inspiring and not so decorated. The thinnest relatives changed direction, and with them the extensions looked in the wrong direction.

Even a week has not passed, and the result has already ceased to suit. The eyelashes on the right eye were especially frustrating (in the photo it is on the left). For some reason, this eye fell out more than the left. Well, initially, he had fewer of his own and, as a result, extended eyelashes, according to the master.

The left one looked normal, quite wearable, almost like on the first day.

This photo shows my natural lashes. Straight and thin. It is also not very beautiful when straight hairs stick out from under curved eyelashes.

I could not walk with these constantly sticking out in different directions, prickly eyelashes. They annoyed me so much that I wanted to tear them out. As a result, I suffered two more days.

On the eighth day, the eyelashes looked like this:

There were almost no eyelashes left from the inner corners, and those that remained were constantly twisted in different directions and even down, causing wild inconvenience and irritation. Moreover, I could not turn this eyelash sticking down on my right eye either with my hands or with tweezers. She stupidly stood up in her position and did not obey.

I could no longer suffer with them. They are getting more and more snarky. It already seemed to me that just when blinking, the glue irritates the lower eyelid. The constant discomfort pissed me off. I decided to get rid of them.

She went to the bath and smeared her fat with hydrophilic oil. Didn't rub too hard, just rubbed it in a bit. Most of the eyelashes fell out on their own, but still not all. It was especially difficult to clean the left eye, it also had more eyelashes and they held on tighter. Here is a paradox, when it is not necessary - they fall off, and when you want to take it off - they sit tightly. Basically, I helped them. And fat cream and then already and fingers. They annoyed me so much.

I know that it’s impossible to do this, but I don’t want to go anywhere, and even in such a form to just remove my eyelashes. Leave them to prick and climb into my eyes too. In general, she did not remain without eyelashes, although many fell out along with the pasted ones.

Of course, you could go to the nearest hairdresser and shoot there, but I didn’t think about it, I was annoyed and succumbed to the impulse.

This was the end of my first experience with eyelash extensions "classic".

What do we end up with?

  • 8 days of wear. Five of which were in discomfort.
  • Eyelashes need to be constantly brushed and guided.
  • Eyelashes are unmanageable due to the thinness of the base - natural eyelashes.
  • It is impossible to sleep normally, as a free person, only on the back and very carefully on the side.
  • The effective result is only 2-3 days.
  • Irritation of the eyelids on contact.
  • It is impossible to remove eyelashes normally by yourself.

For girls with weak, thin and sparse eyelashes, the "classic" extension is not suitable. If you decide to build up, then do at least double the volume. In general, for us, with weak eyelashes, extensions exacerbate the situation even more. I myself did the 2D build-up again, which I was completely satisfied with, but I still won’t build it up anymore. On weak eyelashes and the result is weak. Unless on vacation or at some important event such as a wedding, I repeat.

Who is the classic eyelash extension suitable for?

Girls with good thick eyelashes by nature. No matter how insulting it is for us, weakly ciliated, in this case, whoever has more and better, after the procedure, will have even more and even better. I know many girls who wear eyelash extensions for a long time and the classic look on them looks like double volume on me. Girls with strong eyelashes are not in danger of twisting the hairs in different directions, because. eyelash is able to withstand the load. Even if some of your eyelashes fall out from the load, the rows will still not thin out much and will quickly recover.

How quickly do eyelashes recover after extensions?

Everything here, as in the extension itself, is purely individual. Mine looked the same as before in about a month, maybe a little less. But in the first week after removal, I didn’t even color them, because they looked just awful with mascara. I didn’t do any special procedures for recovery, I just smeared it with oil, and then when I remember.

Will I repeat classic eyelash extensions?

No. Definitely, I will not increase again. Even with the skillful hands of the master, with good materials, with the choice of the minimum length, my eyelashes cannot withstand such a load. In addition, I found an alternative - lamination of eyelashes, which does not harm my natural ones.

If you really want it, do it. I do not regret that I tried, but now I know for sure that the classics are not my option.

If you have thin eyelashes, sparse, like mine, it is better to refrain from extensions. But if you decide, then do a double or even triple volume. So I don't recommend classic.

If you have good, thick and strong eyelashes, the classic will effectively emphasize them and make your look even more expressive.

My rating is based solely on my experience. Personally, classic eyelash extensions do not suit me, so I cannot recommend it to girls with similar eyelashes.

I wish you all beautiful eyelashes!

Thanks for reading!

When creating markings for eyelash extensions, you need to understand that there is no one size of bristles that would suit everyone.

The extension scheme allows you to determine on which part of the lash line, what length of artificial hairs should be used. The layout process itself is simple, but it will take some practice before you can create unique schemes for the most sophisticated needs of clients.

How to make markings for eyelash extensions

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  1. Understand that every girl is unique. In the case of eyelashes, there is no single scheme that would be ideal for everyone. For example, owners of close-set eyes are perfect, because. with such an extension, longer eyelashes along the outer corners of the eyes will visually hide this feature. In the case of wide-set eyes, it will look more advantageous, with the extension of which, the longest eyelashes are located closer to the center of the eye. However, there are always exceptions and this must be taken into account.
  2. Use different combinations of lash lengths to your advantage. When creating markings for eyelash extensions, you need to understand that there is no one size of bristles that would suit everyone. Although most schemes will most often have longer lashes in the middle segments, sometimes it will be necessary to make the cilia longer in the outer segments in order to satisfy the wishes of the client or hide any features of the eye structure. For example:
    • Adding longer lashes to the outer corners will create a cat-like look and help widen close-set eyes;
    • Adding longer lashes in the middle will create a doll effect and help visually bring wide-set eyes closer;
    • A combination of shorter lengths and a cat-eye effect will help round or protruding eyes look less prominent.
  3. Don't be afraid to experiment with different segment widths. Some girls are better suited for segments of the same size along the entire length of the gel strip, others prefer to use segments that differ in width. For example, narrow segments are on the outer corners of the eyes, medium-length segments are on the inner, and wide are in the middle.
  4. Avoid too long eyelashes. Sets of eyelashes in the first and last segments should be close to the natural length of the client's native hairs. This approach will make the eyelashes more lush and voluminous. For most people, 11 mm is the longest bristle size, but some girls can go 12 and 13 mm.

Use 12mm and 13mm lashes only if your client's natural hairs can handle their weight.