Lunar calendar perm May. Haircut lunar calendar for May - auspicious days. Favorable days for haircuts in May according to the lunar calendar

In May, we begin to actively prepare for the beach season - we increase physical activity, visit the solarium and introduce skin care products containing UV filters into our daily care. However, for some reason, many people forget that hair also needs special care.

This month, hairdressers recommend regularly using shampoos and balms with UV protection, making moisturizing masks more often, and rinsing your hair. mineral water and carry out the screening procedure in the cabin. All this will make the hair more attractive and protect it from damage. negative impact external environment.

And, of course, before you go to the hairdresser and carry out any procedures at home, do not forget to look at our haircut lunar calendar for May 2016. He will tell you the best time for certain manipulations, and if you correlate your actions with the movement of the moon, you will do your hair an invaluable service.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that the first half of the day is completely unsuitable for any kind of hair manipulation, since any impact on them is fraught with serious problems both on the physical and metaphysical levels. But then you can do whatever you want with your hair, and it will benefit her.

For clarity, we will analyze May 15, 2016. Until 13:25 (Moscow time), it is better to leave your hair alone so as not to harm your health, the flow of financial affairs and relationships with relatives. But after 13:25, haircut, coloring, salon and home procedures will be extremely successful and will have a positive effect not only on your curls, but also on many aspects of your existence.

Please note that this month the Moon often moves into another sign of the zodiac after the beginning of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are given taking into account this factor.

As an addition to our lunar calendar haircuts offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 15 (after 13:25), 16 (before 20:32), 26 (after 17:26), 27, 28.

Best days for hair removal: 5 (after 20:09), 24 (before 22:48), 26 (before 17:26).

First decade of May

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 1, Sunday, 23rd lunar day (until 2:38, later focus on the 24th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Today is a completely wrong day for a haircut - it will negatively affect the health of your hair and your hair. psychological state. Coloring is also not recommended. Home and salon procedures will not bring benefits. The only thing worth doing is after visiting crowded places to rinse your head with water infused with silver.

May 2, Monday, 24th lunar day (until 3:06, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

This day is also not suitable for haircuts, coloring and for medical and preventive procedures. Especially do not use homemade hair masks.

May 3, Tuesday, 25th lunar day (until 3:31, later focus on the 26th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

Again an unfavorable day for visiting a hairdressing salon. A haircut is fraught with a deterioration in the condition of the hair and confusion in current affairs. It is also better to refrain from staining, as well as from home procedures.

May 4, Wednesday, 26th lunar day (until 3:57, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, this is not the time for a haircut, coloring, lightening, perm and additional hairdressing procedures. In addition, you should not use a hair dryer and styler and use alcohol-based styling products.

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 5, Thursday, 27th lunar day (until 4:23, later focus on the 28th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

This day is also not suitable for visiting a hairdresser. In addition, as on the eve, it is better not to use hot styling devices and strong fixatives. There will be no sense from home procedures.

May 6, Friday, 28th lunar day (until 4:51), 29th lunar day (until 22:29, later focus on the 1st lunar day), new moon, Moon in Taurus.

Another bad day for any hairdressing procedures. A haircut is fraught with financial losses and problems in household chores, and coloring will negatively affect the health of the hair. Home procedures are also better not to carry out.

May 7, Saturday, 1st lunar day (until 5:25, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Today is another bad day for cutting and coloring. But it is quite favorable for medical procedures aimed at restoring damaged hair ends.

May 8, Sunday, 2nd lunar day (until 6:04, later look at the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

And again, it is not recommended to cut your hair and do coloring, but you should turn on your imagination and imagine what you would like to see on your head. Fix the imagined image - turning it into reality on May 17, you will get an excellent result. If you have already decided on a haircut and hair color, then it makes sense to choose a day suitable for you and according to the lunar calendar for a visit to the salon, call and make an appointment with the master.

May 9, Monday, 3rd lunar day (until 6:52, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today is a great day to visit the hairdresser. Bold experiments and lush, airy hairstyles are welcome, you can make a creative haircut, fantasy coloring, radically change the image. Home procedures will not bring any benefit, but in the salon it is worthwhile to carry out hair ionization.

May 10, Tuesday, 4th lunar day (until 7:48, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today it makes sense to cut your hair only if you have been wearing it for a long time. long hair and suddenly decided to drastically short haircut. Coloring is not forbidden, however, it is better to refrain from multi-color coloring with unnatural shades. Of the home procedures, the most successful will be medical masks using blue clay and moisturizing - based on algae.

Second decade of May

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 11, Wednesday, 5th lunar day (until 8:52, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

This day is not very good for a haircut, but it is quite favorable for secondary staining. It is better not to do the primary, unless you are going to paint over the gray hair and restore your natural color. Of the home procedures, the most effective will be those that you have already tried and got a completely satisfying result.

May 12, Thursday, 6th lunar day (until 9:59, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

Today is quite an auspicious day for a haircut. However, it is advisable to avoid experiments - a new image is unlikely to suit your taste. You should not do creative coloring either, and if you are going to paint for the first time, then it is best to give preference to golden, wheaten and reddish tones. In addition, carving will be very successful. From home procedures the greatest benefit bring honey masks.

May 13, Friday, 7th lunar day (until 11:08, later focus on the 8th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Leo.

This day is perfect for visiting a hairdressing salon. If you want to attract attention with an extravagant haircut or original coloring, then do not deny yourself this pleasure. Today you can show off - even the most daring image will be perceived quite adequately by those around you, and it will “take root” perfectly on you.

May 14, Saturday, 8th lunar day (until 12:17, later focus on the 9th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

Today is a very favorable day for a haircut - it will help renew energy, save you from accumulated negativity, and bring joy to your life. Coloring is not forbidden, but it is better to give preference to natural or gentle dyes and natural shades. Of the home treatments, the most effective will be those that are aimed at treating the scalp and restoring hair.

May 15, Sunday, 9th lunar day (until 13:25, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

This day is absolutely not suitable for cutting and coloring. It is also better to refrain from home procedures - they will give a diametrically opposite result. In general, if possible, reduce any exposure to the hair and do not allow strangers to touch it.

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 16, Monday, the 10th lunar day (until 14:32, later focus on the 11th lunar day), the Moon is in Libra.

Today is a great day to visit the salon. A haircut will favorably affect the health of the hair and the general condition of the body, attract new material wealth to you and positively affect your entire existence. Coloring will be very successful - the paint will retain its original color for a long time. Any home and salon procedures will bring great benefits.

May 17, Tuesday, 11th lunar day (until 15:38, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

Another very suitable day for a visit to the hairdresser. You can turn your bold ideas into reality, change your image, get a haircut like your favorite movie star. Fantasy coloring will be successful. However, it is recommended to refrain from asymmetrical hairstyles, and additional procedures, both salon and home, will be useless.

May 18, Wednesday, 12th lunar day (until 16:44, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

Today is a great day for a haircut - it will attract the positive attention of others to you, attract some very generous gifts from people and fate, help you find peace of mind and can even lure love. True, as on the eve, it is worth refraining from asymmetrical hairstyles, as well as from sharp contrasts when coloring. In the salon, it is recommended to do lamination or shielding, and at home - to arrange a long combing session with methodical ventilation of the strands.

May 19, Thursday, 13th lunar day (until 17:49, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

This day is suitable for a haircut only if you do not have stress, depression and any neuroses, otherwise your condition will worsen. Coloring is not forbidden, but you should not return to the color that you had some time ago: old problems will return along with it; it's better to just update the shade that you have now. Home treatments will not bring benefits.

May 20, Friday, 14th lunar day (until 18:54, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Today, as on the eve, it is worth getting a haircut only if there are no problems with the nervous system. But if you are perfectly healthy, a haircut will favorably affect your sex appeal and even, perhaps, attract some kind of erotic adventure to you. If you are going to do the primary coloring, then avoid gloomy shades, especially black. Choose home treatments intuitively.

Third decade of May

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 21, Saturday, 15th lunar day (until 19:58, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

This day is categorically not suitable for a haircut - it will exacerbate all existing problems and provoke new ones, and in almost all areas of your existence. Coloring is also not recommended, as it is fraught with a chemical burn and the occurrence of allergies. Home treatments will not help, but will harm. In general, leave your hair alone and, if possible, do not leave the house without a hat.

May 22, Sunday, 16th lunar day (until 21:00, later focus on the 17th lunar day), full moon, Moon in Sagittarius.

Another unfavorable day for cutting and coloring - they are unlikely to give the result you expected. But treatment procedures aimed at improving the scalp, and any intensive combing, will be very effective.

Until 17:26, only natural coloring and head massage are recommended. After the designated time - a great moment for a haircut: it will not only make you more attractive, but also help you find an original way out of some difficult situation. Pay attention to the insights that will visit you when you sit in the barber's chair. In addition, on a whim, you can choose a new extravagant image, radically change your image, try some innovative salon procedures.

May 27, Friday, the 20th lunar day continues (until 0:10, later focus on the 21st lunar day), the Moon is in Aquarius.

Dedicate those 10 minutes left from the 20th lunar day to thoughtful and thorough combing. Do not forget to lift and ventilate the strands.

May 28, Saturday, 21st lunar day (until 0:43, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

Today is an excellent day for a visit to the hairdresser. Bold experiments are welcome, you can radically change your hairstyle and hair color, implant bright strands, decorate the hair with rhinestones. Cascading haircuts and coloring using the sombre technique will be successful, light curls will turn out well. Home procedures are not recommended, but in the salon it is worth doing ionization.

May 29, Sunday, 22nd lunar day (until 1:11, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in Pisces.

This day is absolutely not suitable for haircuts, coloring, home and salon procedures. The only thing worth doing is to rinse your hair with infusion of celandine, St. John's wort or silver water.

May 30, Monday, 23rd lunar day (until 1:36, later focus on the 24th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Another unfavorable day for any manipulation of the hair, except for rinsing them with a decoction of nettle or water infused with silver. In addition, it is not recommended to make tight tails, braids and buns - headaches are not excluded.

May 31, Tuesday, 24th lunar day (until 2:00, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, you should not cut your hair, do coloring and carry out home procedures. Let your hair rest, if possible, do not use hairspray and styling mousse, home-made products, new (unfamiliar) shampoo and balm, do not experiment with everyday hair.

Daily lunar beauty calendar in your mail

Calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for beauty and health for August 2016

August 1, Monday, moon in Cancer
Health- The position of the Moon makes the chest area vulnerable, chest, stomach, liver and gallbladder. It is not recommended to perform operations on the listed organs, as well as on the mammary glands.

Today it is easy to get poisoned, so you do not need to take unfamiliar drugs and alcohol.
Auspicious day for a visit to the dentist, treatment of legs, tendons, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, visits to a chiropractor.
the beauty- An unfavorable day for plastic surgery, especially on the mammary glands.
To avoid damage to the hair structure, do not cut, color or curl your hair.
Today, the skin is vulnerable, so peeling, removal of corns and acne, sunburn - it is better to postpone for another time.
It is favorable for SPA procedures, rejuvenating facial procedures, epilation, short-term fasting, gymnastics for facial muscles.
It is good to take baths with sea ​​salt and herbs. Morning - with St. John's wort, evening with valerian, chamomile.
It is good to make milk and curd face and body masks.
August 2, Tuesday, new moon, moon in leo
Health- the day is unfavorable for operations, visits to the dentist. Monitor your well-being, take the necessary medicines.
Beauty is an unfavorable day for any procedures. Devote this day to rest, planning. Spend it as calmly as possible without wasting energy.

August 3, Wednesday, Moon in Leo
Health- When the Moon is in the sign of the Zodiac Leo, it is necessary to protect the heart and avoid unnecessary stress and unrest.
A bad day for operations on the heart, blood vessels, in the back and sternum.
Radiculitis may aggravate.
the beauty- Favorable cosmetic surgery in the chin and neck, anti-aging treatments and any effort to improve their beauty.
A good time for a haircut, the hair roots and their structure are strengthened. Hair becomes thicker and grows faster.
You can dye your hair, red shades are especially good. A perm might be too curly.
Today it is useful to beat the egg yolk and, after washing your hair, rub it into the scalp, wrap your hair, rinse with warm water after 15-20 minutes. This procedure helps to strengthen the hair follicles and enhance their growth.
Avoid blow-drying your hair. If absolutely necessary, use a hair dryer no earlier than 15 minutes after washing your hair. Try not to dry your hair with too hot air.
Unfavorable - epilation, peeling, deep cleaning of the skin, removal of moles and warts, ear piercing.
It is not advisable to visit a solarium, sunbathe in the sun - you can get burns.
It is good to make nourishing and moisturizing masks, for which you can use products containing salts, clay, minerals.
August 4, Thursday, the moon in Leo, from 10.34 in Virgo
Health- Today is an unfavorable day for any procedures on the head - haircuts, tooth extractions, operations.
The most vulnerable are the digestive organs. Operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, etc. it is better to reschedule for a more favorable time.

the beauty- an unfavorable day for any procedures on the head, so it is better to refrain from cutting, dyeing and perming hair.
You can remove corns, do therapeutic foot baths, peeling, deep cleansing of the skin. Can do plastic surgery, but not in the waist and not the head.

August 5, Friday, Moon in Virgo
It is undesirable to starve, but it is better to refuse food of animal origin.
the beauty- a good day for hair cutting, perming and styling, as well as coloring.
Shades of "brunette" and "brown-haired" will be especially successful. The hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time, the structure of the hair will improve and they will grow faster.

It is useful to make a mask for the skin of salt and honey, it will relieve swelling, improve blood circulation.
It is good to massage the spine, hands, feet, knees.
August 6, Saturday, moon in Virgo
Health– Today, the digestive organs are the most vulnerable. Operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, etc. it is better to reschedule for a more favorable time.
Fasting or simply abstaining from food is helpful.
Try not to chill your respiratory organs.
the beauty– One of the most favorable days for hair cutting, perming and styling, as well as coloring. Shades of "brunette" and "brown-haired" will be especially successful. The hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time, the structure of the hair will improve and they will grow faster.
You can remove corns, do therapeutic foot baths, peeling, deep cleansing of the skin. You can do plastic surgery, but not in the waist area.
It is useful to make a mask for the skin of salt and honey, it will relieve swelling, improve blood circulation.
It is good to massage the spine, hands, feet, knees.
August 7, Sunday, moon in Libra
Health- We pay attention to the kidneys, bladder and ureters. It is desirable to transfer operations on them to other days.
Auspicious day for a visit to the dentist.
Increased risk of viral infections.
the beauty– One of the most favorable days for plastic surgery, restoration of damaged eyebrows and eyelashes.
Unfavorable day for cutting hair.
You can do peeling, body wraps, manicure.

August 8, Monday, moon in Libra
Health Today is an unfavorable day for operations.
We pay attention to the kidneys, bladder and ureters. Refrain from salty and spicy foods.
the beauty- You can do peeling, body wraps, manicures, haircuts and perm hair. Hair coloring is most suitable for light colors, but is also favorable for all others.
Useful general body massage using essential oils, gymnastics for the eyes and aimed at developing the flexibility of the spine.
In addition, today you can visit shops to buy perfumes, cosmetics, fashion and nice clothes, underwear, interior items and gifts for a loved one.
August 9, Tuesday, moon in scorpio
Health- Today it is very easy to catch a cold in the bladder and reproductive organs. Sexual contacts and operations on the reproductive organs and chest organs are not recommended.
Possible exacerbation of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris.
the beauty

August 10, Wednesday, moon in scorpio
Health- Today it is very easy to catch a cold in the bladder and reproductive organs. Sexual contacts and operations on the reproductive organs are not recommended.
the beauty- Today is not a good day for cosmetic procedures. A bad day for cutting, curling and coloring hair. Chemicals are very strong, hair can be "burned"
Vulnerable skin. On such a day, even a proven cosmetic product can cause allergies.
Try to use soft, gentle products in the face and bust area.
The day is not suitable for peeling, deep cleansing of the skin, removal of acne and calluses.
useful to do cold and hot shower and alternately hot and cold compresses on the neck and bust.

Any self-respecting lady with special care and scrupulousness monitors her appearance, current trends rapidly changing fashion, she is well versed and oriented in what is relevant today from clothes, shoes or haircuts, what you should pay attention to first of all, first of all, change with yourself, your appearance.

A woman’s hair, no matter what age she is, is hardly her main attraction, which means that it must be at the appropriate level, dyed in time, cut, and if necessary, a fashionable perm is made, which can be both chemical and bio or natural.

Every woman strives to be the best of the best, as they say, to look your best, but not all of them do something for it. One of the ways to make your appearance more beautiful is to match modern style, is a hair perm that instantly rejuvenate any lady, make her more attractive, especially for the opposite sex.

It's no secret that the hairstyle plays an important role in the appearance of every woman, it emphasizes the style and complements the image. With a properly done haircut, perm and hair coloring, you can hide facial imperfections, lose more than one year of your age and just look aesthetically pleasing.

Stylists and hairdressers work tirelessly on this, constantly creating something new, revolutionary in this area. Modern haircuts, perms and coloring differ sharply from their predecessors even ten years ago, not to mention what was, say, fifty years ago.

If you look at how it has changed hairdressing throughout the twentieth century, you can see that it tirelessly keeps pace with the times, relying on the new technologies of the modern world.

Entire giants work in the field of hair care, curling and dyeing, such as L’Oreal, Wella, Igora, Londa, Lebel, Estel and many others, and every year there are more and more such companies.

If all these products are in demand and in demand, this once again confirms the desire of women to look beautiful and stylish. This process concerns not only women, modern men they use the services of a hairdresser no less and cannot imagine their life without a monthly trip to the salon, without means of caring for them, or even curling, dyeing their hair.

Favorable lunar days of hair curling in May 2018

Every man, like a woman, tries to attract attention with his style and personality, which is unique to him and, as a rule, this is expressed in his hairstyle and clothes.

For example, men who have a certain status in society wear classic suits and make themselves the same haircut, complementing their image with a mustache or beard, and rock musicians allow themselves long hair, painting it with all the colors of the rainbow, to match their stage image.

The owner of this year, as you know, is the Yellow Earth Dog, who loves bright colors and diversity throughout.

Therefore, feel free to experiment with the color and shape of the hairstyle and, perhaps, you will be able to find the perfect option that will meet your desires and aspirations to look good.

Below is the lunar calendar auspicious days hair perm for May 2018, for curling any hair, where everyone can see where the moon is now arriving and decide on which day it is better to go to the hairdresser to get a haircut, perm, dye, or even just carry out specialized hair care.

May 2018 hair curling calendar lunar

Auspicious days of perming hair in May 2018

Favorable lunar days May 2018 for perming hair, coloring and other hair manipulations, other important procedures of the May calendar, including perms and manicures, are the following dates of the month:

3-5, 9, 11, 17-21, 29 and 30 - favorable numbers of spring May for curling hair

Unfavorable hair curling days in May 2018

The unfavorable days of May 2018 for waving, including chemical and other hair manipulations, are as follows:

1, 7-9, 14, 15, 22, 28-30 - unfavorable numbers of spring May for curling hair

May 2018 lunar calendar

1st of May 98%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

and ♐ Sagittarius

May 2 95%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

May 3 89%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

May 4th 83%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

and ♑ Capricorn

5 May 75%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♑ Capricorn

the 6th of May



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♑ Capricorn

and ♒ Aquarius

May 7



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

May 8 47%

lunar day

Waning moon

(third quarter)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

9th May 38%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

May 10 28%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

May 11 20%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

12 May 12%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♈ Aries

may 13



lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♈ Aries

and ♉ Taurus

May 14



lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♉ Taurus

May 15 0%

lunar day

New moon

In the sign ♉ Taurus

and ♊ Gemini

16th of May 1%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(First phase)

In the sign ♊ Gemini

May 17 5%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(First phase)

In the sign ♊ Gemini

May 18 11%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(First phase)

In the sign ♊ Gemini

May 19 20%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(First phase)

In the sign ♋ Cancer

May 20



lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(First phase)

In the sign ♋ Cancer

May 21st



lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(First phase)

In the sign ♌ Leo

22nd of May 53%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(First quarter)

In the sign ♌ Leo

May, 23rd 64%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(Second phase)

In the sign ♍ Virgo

May 24 74%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(Second phase)

In the sign ♍ Virgo

May 25 82%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(Second phase)

In the sign ♎ Libra

26 of May 90%

lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(Second phase)

In the sign ♎ Libra

and ♏ Scorpio

May 27



lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(Second phase)

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

May 28



lunar day

Waxing Crescent

(Second phase)

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

May 29 100%

lunar day

Full moon

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

and ♐ Sagittarius

May 30 99%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

May 31 97%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

and ♑ Capricorn

In practice, there are several techniques in hair coloring that masters in hairdressing salons resort to, for example, highlighting, toning, coloring, color stretching, design coloring, transparent coloring.

No less types and curls that are made different ways and based on different components - amino acid, alkaline, neutral, acid, biowave and others. Everyone chooses what suits him best, based on his external data, structure and condition of the hair.

All this is good, but probably not everyone takes into account when going to the salon that heavenly bodies, especially the moon, are of great importance when manipulating hair, it is very important in which zodiac house she arrives at that moment.

After all, there are unfavorable days when it is contraindicated to cut, curl and dye, hair only suffers from this and does not become more beautiful at all, and even slows down growth.

And this is true, and ladies who know about this will definitely look at the Lunar calendar for dyeing or curling hair in May 2018 with favorable days, before deciding to manipulate them, they first select the days of the month that are favorable for this.

As we wrote above, today salons and hairdressers offer a huge list of types of perms to their customers. To make no mistake and right choice consultation with a specialist is necessary, but there are criteria by which you can make the right decision yourself.

Always and in everything you need to follow the rules and recommendations, so in order not to spoil your hair and not harm your scalp, refer to the Lunar calendar of May 2018, which will give useful advice, namely the following:

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the structure of the hair for elasticity, thickness and strength. If the hair is brittle and dry, then it is not recommended to do a perm with a solution of strong fixation, but to resort to a more gentle method for this. If, on the contrary, they are dense and elastic, then a solution of a higher concentration is needed, for a stronger curling of the hair.

Before applying the waving agent directly to the scalp, it is imperative to test for sensitivity to the components of this drug, they can cause allergies.

To do this, apply a small amount of funds on the wrist and wait five minutes. If no skin reaction occurs, then you can start curling, but if it turns red or starts to itch, then using this drug is contraindicated.

Haircut can be done both before curling and after it.

You should also not forget about the Lunar calendar for May 2018 and choose a favorable day for chemical or other hair perms. Properly done perm and hair care after it will bring a brilliant result, decorate your appearance and emphasize your individual style.

A few more words about hair curling in May 2018

Probably not a single woman can imagine her life without dyeing her hair, almost everyone once changed the tone of their hair. Many do it all the time due to a number of reasons that occur with hair throughout life.

First of all, it is gray hair, which can occur at any age and create a lot of problems. appearance women. In order to get rid of gray strands, most of the fair sex resort to all sorts of hair dyeing.

Same big influence hair color changes are influenced by fashion in order to look bright, many young girls and boys turn to hairdressing salons to strictly match fashion trends time.

As we wrote above, there are a dozen types of hair coloring, in order to find your own, you need to consult a specialist who will select a tone or several for highlighting, toning and other types of painting.

Many ladies prefer to dye their hair themselves at home, choosing the type and tone of dye they need for this. When choosing paint, there are a lot of criteria that women resort to based on their hair, since the choice is now great, from sparing, made from more natural ingredients to professional.

Always, as practice shows, it is necessary to look into the Lunar calendar for May 2018 before curling your hair in order to choose a favorable day for this procedure and thereby cause as little harm as possible to your hair, it's no secret that the dye, no matter how professionals assured us of its safety, all the same, to one degree or another, harms our hair.

If you have chosen a certain color and hair dye, then the dyeing procedure at home does not cause any problems. Here are some tips to follow in order to achieve a good result:

Before you start dyeing your hair, you need to check for the sensitivity of your skin to the composition of the components in the selected dye, they can cause allergies.

To do this, you need to apply a small amount of dye on the wrist or behind the ear, wait five minutes and, if there is no skin reaction to the dye, then you can safely start painting, but if the area turns red or starts to itch, it is strictly forbidden to dye your hair with this remedy.

It is necessary to follow the rules of the instructions, in the dyes you have chosen, to prepare the desired mixture for dyeing hair.

After preparing the mixture, it is necessary to evenly apply it to the hair with a brush, while dividing it into strands.

We leave the mixture on the hair for the time specified in the instructions for painting, usually 30-35 minutes, while covering the head with a special cap for such procedures. After 10-15 minutes, it is necessary to emulsify the paint by massaging the hair well with your hand. After the end of the exposure time, rinse thoroughly with clean water, without adding shampoo.

Another piece of advice that can be given when dyeing your hair at home is that if you want to drastically change the color from dark to light, it is advisable not to take risks, but to seek help from a hairdresser in a salon, otherwise you can get an unpredictable color as a result.

August 1- an unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and perms. Try to comb your hair carefully and very gently. It is undesirable to use a hair dryer, ironing, curling tongs.

August 2- an unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and perms. Hair requires careful handling.

August 3rd- an unfavorable day for any manipulation of the hair. Treat them with the utmost care. Minimize exposure to hair high temperatures and chemicals: a negative reaction is likely, an allergy is possible.

August 4- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. You can do a perm if your goal is not clear, neat curls, but loose curls.

5th of August- an auspicious day for cutting hair. Coloring will also be successful, and both natural and artificial dyes can be used for it.

August 6- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. Nourishing masks are especially helpful.

August 7- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. Caring procedures are effective, scalp massage is useful.

August 10- you can cut the bangs or the ends of the hair, update the shape of the hairstyle. Any aggressive influences are undesirable.

August 13- an auspicious day for cutting, coloring and perming hair. Effective caring procedures in the sauna and bath.

August 18- it is desirable to refrain from any serious impact on the hair; they require the most careful treatment. Caring procedures are ineffective, the likelihood of allergic reactions is high.

August 19- an unfavorable day for a haircut, coloring or perm. Hair may tangle and break more than usual.

August 20- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing or perming hair. Caring procedures are ineffective.

August 21- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing or perming hair. Can be used for washing shampoos for deep cleansing. Beneficial scalp massage.

August 22- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and perm, it is advisable to avoid any aggressive impact. Wash, dry and comb your hair very carefully.

August 23- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and perming hair. It is advisable to wash your hair with cool water or cooled decoctions of herbs, dry it naturally.

24 August- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and perming hair. Hair can break and tangle, comb it carefully.

Lunar calendar of beauty and health for May 2016
Calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for plastic and surgical operations, hair cutting, perm, coloring, etc.

May 11, Moon in Cancer, Wednesday
Health– Today, the risk of viral infections is escalating.
The position of the Moon makes the chest, chest, stomach, liver and gallbladder areas vulnerable. It is not recommended to perform operations on the listed organs, as well as on the mammary glands.
Today it is easy to get poisoned, so you do not need to take unfamiliar drugs and alcohol.
Unfavorable day for a visit to the dentist.
The treatment of legs, tendons, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, a visit to a chiropractor will be good.
the beauty- An unfavorable day for plastic surgery, especially on the mammary glands.
An unfavorable day for cutting hair, as well as dyeing and perm. Chemicals act aggressively on the scalp and hair structure and can harm them.
Today, the skin is vulnerable, so peeling, removal of corns and acne, sunburn - it is better to postpone for another time.
It is favorable for SPA procedures, rejuvenating facial procedures, epilation, short-term fasting, gymnastics for facial muscles.
It is good to take baths with sea salt and herbs. Morning baths - with St. John's wort, evening baths with valerian, chamomile.
It is good to make milk and curd face and body masks.
May 12, Thursday, Moon in Leo
Health- When the Moon is in the sign of the Zodiac Leo, it is necessary to protect the heart and avoid unnecessary stress and unrest. A bad day for operations on the heart, blood vessels, in the back and sternum.
Radiculitis may aggravate.
the beauty

You can dye your hair, red shades are especially good. Perms can be too curly.

May 13, Friday, Moon in Leo
Health– Today, the risk of food poisoning, exacerbation of intercostal neuralgia, and angina pectoris is increasing.
When the Moon is in the sign of the Zodiac Leo, it is necessary to protect the heart and avoid unnecessary stress and unrest. A bad day for operations on the heart, blood vessels, in the back and sternum.
Radiculitis may aggravate.
the beauty- Favorable cosmetic surgery in the chin and neck, anti-aging treatments and any effort to improve their beauty.
A good time for a haircut, the hair roots and their structure are strengthened. Hair becomes thicker and grows faster.
You can dye your hair, red shades are especially good. Permed hair can be too curly.
Today it is useful to beat the egg yolk and, after washing your hair, rub it into the scalp, wrap your hair, rinse with warm water after 15-20 minutes. This procedure helps to strengthen the hair follicles and enhance their growth.
Avoid blow-drying your hair. If absolutely necessary, use a hair dryer no earlier than 15 minutes after washing your hair. Try not to dry your hair with too hot air.
Unfavorable - epilation, peeling, deep cleaning of the skin, removal of moles and warts, ear piercing.
It is not advisable to visit the solarium, you can get burns.
It is good to make nourishing and moisturizing masks, for which you can use products containing salts, clay, minerals.
May 14, Saturday, the moon in Virgo from 8.52

the beauty

May 15, Sunday, Moon in Virgo
Health– Today, the digestive organs are the most vulnerable. Operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, etc. it is better to reschedule for a more favorable time.
Fasting or simply abstaining from food is helpful.
the beauty- an unfavorable day for cutting hair. You can dye and curl your hair, it will keep its shape for a long time.
You can remove corns, do therapeutic foot baths, peeling, deep cleansing of the skin. You can do plastic surgery, but not in the waist area.
It is useful to make a mask for the skin of salt and honey, it will relieve swelling, improve blood circulation.
It is good to massage the spine, hands, feet, knees.
May 16, Monday, Moon in Virgo
Health– Today, the digestive organs are the most vulnerable. Operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, etc. it is better to reschedule for a more favorable time.
Fasting or simply abstaining from food is helpful.
the beauty- a good day for hair cutting, perming and styling, as well as coloring. Shades of "brunette" and "brown-haired" will be especially successful. The hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time, the structure of the hair will improve and they will grow faster.
You can remove corns, do therapeutic foot baths, peeling, deep cleansing of the skin. You can do plastic surgery, but not in the waist area.
It is useful to make a mask for the skin of salt and honey, it will relieve swelling, improve blood circulation.
It is good to massage the spine, hands, feet, knees.
May 17, Tuesday, moon in Libra
Health- An unfavorable day for any operations. Today we need to pay special attention to the kidneys, bladder and ureters.

the beauty- an unfavorable day for cutting hair.
You can do peeling, body wraps, manicure, pedicure. Hair coloring is most suitable for light colors, but is also favorable for all others.

May 18, Wednesday, the moon is in Libra.
Health- pay special attention to the kidneys, bladder and ureters. It is desirable to transfer operations on them to other days.
Auspicious day for a visit to the dentist.
Refrain from salty and spicy foods, dress warmly.
the beauty– One of the most favorable days for plastic surgery, restoration of damaged eyebrows and eyelashes.
You can do peeling, body wraps, manicures, haircuts and perm hair. Hair coloring is most suitable for light colors, but is also favorable for all others.
Useful general body massage using essential oils, gymnastics for the eyes and aimed at developing the flexibility of the spine.
In addition, today you can visit shops to buy perfumes, cosmetics, fashionable and beautiful clothes, underwear, interior items and gifts for your loved one.
May 19, Thursday, the moon in scorpio from 9.29

the beauty

May 20, Friday, moon in scorpio
Health- Today it is very easy to catch a cold in the bladder and reproductive organs. Sexual contacts are not recommended.
A good day for the treatment of upper respiratory tract, sore throats.
the beauty– Today is not suitable for cosmetic procedures. A bad day for cutting, curling and coloring hair. Chemicals are very strong, hair can be "burned"
Vulnerable skin. On such a day, even a proven cosmetic product can cause allergies.
Try to use soft, gentle products in the face and bust area.
The day is not suitable for peeling, deep cleansing of the skin, removal of acne and calluses.
It is useful to do a contrast shower and alternately hot and cold compresses on the neck and bust area.
May 21, Saturday, moon in scorpio
Health- Today, the risk of food poisoning is increasing, it is easy to catch a cold in the bladder and reproductive organs. Sexual contacts are not recommended.
A good day for the treatment of upper respiratory tract, sore throats.
the beauty– Today is not suitable for cosmetic procedures. A bad day for cutting, curling and coloring hair. Chemicals are very strong, hair can be "burned"
Vulnerable skin. On such a day, even a proven cosmetic product can cause allergies.
Try to use soft, gentle products in the face and bust area.
The day is not suitable for peeling, deep cleansing of the skin, removal of acne and calluses.
It is useful to do a contrast shower and alternately hot and cold compresses on the neck and bust area.
May 22, Sunday, the moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon.
Health- an unfavorable day for any operations, visits to the dentist.
the beauty- an unfavorable day for any cosmetic procedures.
May 23, Monday, the moon in Sagittarius.
Health- When the moon is in Sagittarius, the hips, liver, veins become vulnerable. These days, it is not recommended to perform operations on these organs, as well as to do a blood transfusion, donate blood. As usual, we are not talking about urgent cases.
Protect the lower part of the spine, the hip part of the body. Don't make sudden movements.
Food is recommended protein, preferably of plant origin.
the beauty- a good day for hair cutting, perming and dyeing, especially in red shades.
It is possible and necessary to carry out rejuvenation procedures, actively fight cellulite. It is especially beneficial to massage using a cream that contains caffeine, theophylline, silicon, vitamin A, and essential oil.
For the face and body, you should use nourishing masks containing natural products - honey, olive oil, egg yolk.
May 24, Tuesday, the moon in Capricorn from 8.34
These days, the risk of fractures, exacerbation of the appendix, the large intestine increases sharply.
A visit to the dentist, a chiropractor, surgery on the gallbladder, pancreas and spleen should preferably be postponed to other days.

It is good to eat salty food.
the beauty

May 25, Wednesday, the moon in Capricorn.
Health“Today is an unfavorable day for any operation. It is necessary to protect the bones, the spine and skin, as well as the eyes and upper back.
These days, the risk of fractures increases dramatically, be careful. It is advisable to reschedule a visit to the dentist, chiropractor to other days.
A good effect will be the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach.
It is good to eat salty food.
the beauty- It is good to remove unwanted hair, because it will not grow for a long time. For the same reason, you should refrain from cutting your hair.
It is good to carry out activities aimed at strengthening hair follicles and hair growth.
Great time to get a manicure and pedicure.
The period is not suitable for deep cleansing and peeling of the skin, but is very favorable for rejuvenation procedures and improving the structure of the skin.
May 26, Thursday, the moon in Capricorn, from 17.27 in Aquarius.
Health– Take care of your bones, spine and skin today.
These days, the risk of fractures increases dramatically, be careful. A visit to the dentist, a chiropractor, surgery on the gallbladder, pancreas and spleen should preferably be postponed to other days.
A good effect will be the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach.
It is good to eat salty food.
the beauty- It is good to remove unwanted hair, because it will not grow for a long time. For the same reason, you should refrain from cutting your hair.
It is good to carry out activities aimed at strengthening hair follicles and hair growth.
Great time to get a manicure and pedicure.
The period is not suitable for deep cleansing and peeling of the skin, but is very favorable for rejuvenation procedures and improving the structure of the skin.
May 27, Friday, Moon in Aquarius
Health- pay special attention to the legs and joints, the lower part of the spine, the hip joints.
Unfavorable day for operations on the legs, eyes, treatment nervous system, arthritis.
It's good to go to the pool.
the beauty
Hair cutting is unfavorable. Curling and coloring your hair can be disappointing, so it is recommended to reschedule your hair treatments to more favorable days.

May 28, Saturday, moon in Aquarius
Health- pay special attention to the legs and joints, the spine. An unfavorable day for operations on the legs, eyes, treatment of the nervous system, arthritis.
It's good to go to the pool.
the beauty- All procedures aimed at rejuvenation, tanning, the use of anti-stress masks, face balms, citrus masks, moisturizers and creams with silicon are good.
Cutting, perming and coloring your hair can be disappointing, so it is recommended to reschedule your hair treatments to more favorable days.
It is favorable to do manicure, pedicure, massage of hands and feet, treat cracks in the skin of the legs.
May 29, Sunday, Moon in Pisces

the beauty

Daytime naps are recommended.
May 30, Monday, Moon in Pisces
Health– Today the feet, toes, skin and liver are especially sensitive. Operations on these organs are unfavorable.
Wear comfortable shoes, walk less, refrain from drinking alcohol, drink less.
the beauty- On this day, you should not plan various plastic surgeries, try out new ones. cosmetical tools.
Do not cut your hair, perm or color your hair.
It is good to use moisturizing masks with echinacea, aloe, marine extracts, remove hair on the legs and in other places where they are not needed.
To cleanse the skin, you can use gentle cosmetics, soft gels, cosmetic milk, oatmeal.
It is good to carry out preventive measures for flat feet and varicose veins veins.
A general massage will be very useful, and especially a massage of the legs, feet, which is most useful to do immediately after taking a bath with chamomile or valerian, while the muscles of the body are relaxed.
Daytime naps are recommended.
May 31, Tuesday, Moon in Aries
Health- The Moon in Aries causes tension in the head and all organs associated with it.
It is highly undesirable to carry out operations on the head, face, eyes.
It is unfavorable to visit a dentist, especially for the purpose of removing teeth.
the beauty– It is advisable to refrain from hair coloring, perms and haircuts, as well as ear piercing.
Try to be less in the sun, do not go to the solarium.
It is unlikely that you will be satisfied with today's hair styling if you use wax or collagen-containing emulsions.
Do not do peeling, deep cleansing of the skin.
It's good to just take a walk, breathe fresh air, make a light body massage, apply nourishing face masks, moisturize the skin.
You can remove papillomas, warts, ingrown nails.