Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure by day of the week. Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure - auspicious days

Everyone new month updates occur not only in nature, but also in the energy of people. So that luck is always on your side, use the recommendations of astrologers and the positive energy of the moon.

Nails reflect the general condition of the body, which means that care is needed not only for the hands, but also for health in general. To make your hands look flawless, do not forget about proper nutrition, vitamin supplements and a great mood. Tune in to the positive, do not neglect exercise and then your appearance will be transformed. Site site experts recommend using March as a launching pad for new victories and achievements.

Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure in March

March 1-2: The Moon will spend the first days of March in the constellation Virgo. On the 1st, astrologers recommend getting a manicure for those who want to succeed at work. New bright color nails will help to conduct business negotiations, as well as conclude profitable deals. During the Full Moon on March 2, manicures should be postponed. The energy of this day negatively affects the nail plates.

March 3-5: under the influence of the waning moon in Libra, a manicure can be done only if you have a positive attitude. If the mood is not set, then the manipulation of the nails can aggravate the situation. In addition, astrologers call this three-day period ambiguous. It is better to change the shape of the nails on the 3rd, and on March 4 and 5, limit yourself to applying medical varnish.

March 6-7: The constellation of Scorpio carries positive energy. New manicure shades of blue help you avoid failure. Use the services of a professional so as not to damage the nail plates. Keep in mind that nails grow more slowly.

March 8-10: the Moon will spend three days in Sagittarius, but only on March 9 and 10 will the manicure be successful. These days, you can not only change the shape of nails, but also build them up. Bright shades will return a great mood and attract the attention of the opposite sex. On the 8th, a new shade of nail polish can cause a rush negative emotions.

March 11-12: The moon in Capricorn will not bring positive energy, so it is better to devote these days to caring for your hands and cuticles. Use cosmetics to strengthen your nails and protect them from delamination.

March 13-15: The Moon is in Aquarius, which means it's time for a change. These days, you can safely visit a nail service master to update your manicure, choose a new nail shape and come up with an original design. Any manipulations will be successful and will not harm the nail plates.

March 16-17: under the influence of the constellation Pisces, astrologers do not recommend doing a new manicure. It can cause irritation and adversely affect growth nail plate. These days, site site experts advise taking care of hands and nails with massage.

March 18-19: on Sunday and Monday, a bold nail design and bright varnish will emphasize your individuality, and the constellation Aries will share courage and perseverance. Red colors of varnish will help you feel more confident.

March 20-21: the constellation of Taurus in alliance with the growing moon will help you gain strength for new victories in the business field. Use these days for a new manicure in neutral shades. It will help you find inner harmony, which, in turn, will prevent you from taking impulsive actions.

March 22-23: it is easier to win material independence these days with a manicure of green shades. Under the influence of the Gemini constellation, everyone will have a chance to benefit from literally any business. Entrust your nails to the master to look perfect.

March 24-26: the influence of the zodiac Cancer will be ambiguous. On the 24th, astrologers recommend giving up visiting a beauty salon and doing nail care at home. On March 25 and 26, a manicure is possible, but carefully choose the shape of your nails. Rounded nails will avoid scandals and conflicts, which will have a positive effect on communication.

March 27-28: a manicure is possible, but improper care and the actions of a layman can cause a lot of trouble. Trust only trusted people and be sure to use care products for your nails.

March 29-30: under the influence of Virgo on March 29, it is worth giving up nail extensions. Use gentle shades of varnish to bring love to life. On March 30, astrologers recommend abandoning any manipulations with nails.

March 31: on the Full Moon, a new manicure will help you find your soul mate. The constellation of Libra will not have a negative effect on the nails, so a visit to the nail service master will go well. However, the use of aggressive shades of varnish is undesirable.

Not only the recommendations of astrologers, but also intuition will help you avoid problems in the first spring month. Use this time for inner and outer transformation, listen to your inner voice to be at your best in any situation. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

Perhaps not everyone thinks about the signs of fate, about the location of celestial bodies, nevertheless, mysterious phenomena affect a person. Even manicures and pedicures should be done on certain days. We bring to your attention a lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for March 2017 indicating favorable days for nail care.

4 lunar day from 08:37, moon in Aries

Do not perform any operations on the nails. And if someone ignores and goes against fate, he will attract failure into his life.

5 lunar day from 09:02, moon in Taurus from 10:44

6 lunar day 09:28, moon in Taurus

Unfavorable day for nail operations. And even if someone wants to do a manicure to please themselves with the beauty of their nails, then this joy will be short-lived. Such a manicure will be short-lived.

7 lunar day from 10:00, moon in Gemini from 3:07

Good day for manicure and pedicure. It is necessary to provide proper care to your nails, because the people around you will certainly appreciate such beauty. Among them will be not only close people, but also colleagues at work.

8 lunar day from 10:37. moon in Gemini

To paint and cut nails on this day is simply necessary. Thus, you can attract good luck. Profit or monetary gain is not excluded. Do not refuse manicure and pedicure, which will allow every woman to discover her inner talents.

9 lunar day from 11:24, moon in Cancer from 15:55

If you take the time to care for your nails on this day, then it is likely that you will do perfect manicure. Beautiful nails will not only please the eye, but will immediately change thinking for the better. Nails can be cut edged manicure and pedicure.

10 lunar day from 12:19, moon in Cancer

A happy day that will give you a great mood after manicure and pedicure activities. Having done a nail cut, pedicure and manicure, it means to provide yourself with reliable protection for the whole month from unwanted communication and bad people. On this day, a feeling of cheerfulness will be felt, and all disturbing thoughts will fade into the background.

11 lunar day from 13:24, moon in Leo from 19:47

On this day, it is better to refuse any trips to the salons, and you should not take care of your nails on your own either. After all, with improper care, you can cause severe damage to your body. And on a holiday it is better to relax and have fun.

12 lunar day from 14:34, moon in Leo

Nail care on this day will cheer you up. Things will be successful both at work and in school. You will have the opportunity to reveal your Creative skills. A very auspicious time for nail design. Nail design can be done not only on the hands, but also on the legs.

13 lunar day from 15:48, moon in Leo

Take the time to treat your nails. To become especially attractive to a man, it is recommended to cut your nails only after sunset.

14 lunar day from 17:02, moon in Virgo from 01:08

On this day, you just need to cut your nails. It is believed that thanks to this procedure, all diseases will go away. Manicure and pedicure - it will not hurt, as it will female image more graceful and attractive.

15 lunar day from 18:16, Full Moon in Virgo at 17:52

A very auspicious day for nail care. They can be painted in any color, create an unusual decor. Everything will look very beautiful and elegant. Do not put off going to the salon, there is a chance to attract good luck.

16 lunar day from 19:28, moon in Libra from 08:29

No need to devote time to nails, just waste your time and effort. All attempts will be futile, just nothing will work. Let your nails rest on this day, and manicure and pedicure can be transferred to the next day.

17 lunar day from 20:39, moon in Libra

A manicure made on this day will give a charge of vivacity and a great mood. And if it is made with high quality, then its owner will be endowed with protective forces.

18 lunar day from 21:48, moon in Scorpio from 18:12

It is very dangerous to do something with nails on this day, there is a risk of losing loved ones. It is better to postpone all manicure and pedicure procedures for another day so as not to tempt your fate.

19 lunar day from 22:55, moon in Scorpio

The day will not give positive emotions in terms of manicure and pedicure, even if you have already signed up for a master for this date. The beauty of the nails will not last long. But cutting your nails will be a useful thing that will not only improve your health, but also lengthen your life.

20 lunar day from 00:00. moon in scorpio

Manicure is able to influence this day so much that you can even avoid depression. Trimmed nails will grow poorly, but they will give a lot of interesting events and relieve loneliness.

20 lunar day. moon in Sagittarius from 06:01

A favorable day for a manicure, it is impossible to go unnoticed. Women who have not previously attracted much attention from the opposite sex are likely to be very successful. Perhaps someone will find a life partner.

21 lunar days from 01:03. moon in Sagittarius

The day is unfavorable for cutting nails. And if you do not want to lose money, it is better not to risk it. Manicures and pedicures must be done before sunset so that toxins and fats do not accumulate in the body.

22 lunar day from 02:01, moon in Capricorn from 18:32

Great time for a manicure. There is a chance that they will be promoted at work. Hands should be especially neat and well-groomed.

23 lunar day from 02:54, moon in Capricorn

Auspicious day for manicure and pedicure, even at home. You can cut them, dye them, build them up - nothing will change in fate.

24 lunar day from 03:41, moon in Capricorn

These days it is better to avoid manicure, otherwise you will quarrel with your relatives. Cutting your nails is also not worth it, as this action can provoke fullness and contribute to the accumulation of toxins.

25 lunar day from 04:21, moon in Aquarius from 05:29

On this day, you can do manicures and pedicures, and this will be protection from enemies and envious people. All this will help build relationships in the family. And if there are any unresolved problems, they will be solvable.

26 lunar day from 04:55, moon in Aquarius

You should not cut your nails, quarrels with friends over trifles are possible. If someone ignores this information, they will lose faith in their own strength. It is also better to refuse manicure and pedicure, let the nails rest.

27 lunar day from 05:25, moon in Pisces from 13:08

The day promises to be favorable for both manicure and pedicure. And you should not miss such a chance. It's time to go to the masters of their craft and enjoy their work.

28 lunar day from 05:51, moon in Pisces

So that money does not decrease, you should not cut and paint your nails on this day. Possibly damage both nails and skin. And you can go to the salon on another day.

29 lunar day from 06:15 , moon in Aries from 17:12

If you want to assert yourself in society and become self-confident, you need not only to cut your nails, but also to give them a plausible and neat look. Manicure, pedicure, nail extension procedures will be successful.

1 lunar day from 05:57, 2 lunar day from 06:39. New Moon in Aries at 05:57

It is worth refraining from taking care of your nails, as you risk damaging them and making them brittle. No procedures should be done, otherwise unexpected conflicts and disagreements at work will arise.

3 lunar day from 07:03, moon in Taurus from 18:49

Auspicious day for love, which means that nails should be attractive. Nail care will have positive energy and will contribute to recovery.

4 lunar day from 07:29, moon in Taurus

No matter how much a woman would like to do a manicure, it is better to abstain. And the costs can be significant. Cutting your nails is also not worth it, as the day promises quarrels and failures.

5 lunar day from 07:59, moon in Gemini from 19:41

Any actions with nails will benefit, and even profit. So you shouldn't put off going to the master. The right shade of lacquer will attract happiness and good luck.

Moon calendar indicates favorable and not auspicious days for manicure and pedicure, haircuts and nail extensions for March 2018. Before making an appointment with your master, be sure to check whether the date you need is successful for nail manipulation in accordance with the phase of the moon.

Remember that it is better to change the shape of the nail plate and build up nails on the growing moon, taking into account favorable influence some signs of the zodiac. A new manicure is also best done on New Moon or when the Moon begins to rise. Read more about the most suitable and inappropriate days for nail manipulation this month:

Auspicious days for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions in March 2018- 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 27, 28, 29 March. manicures, pedicures and nail extensions.

Unfavorable days for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions in March 2018 - 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31 March.

Get your nails done this month neutral shade. Varnish for it should have protective and healing functions. If you cut your nails on negative days, you can get problems with the gastrointestinal tract and financial difficulties.

Lunar manicure calendar for the second half of March 2018

  • March 13, 2018 of the year Tuesday 25th lunar day Waning Moon Moon in Aquarius Manicure, pedicure is the right day for the realization of fantasies with the most unusual forms.
  • March 14, 2018 year Wednesday 26 lunar day Waning Moon Moon in Aquarius
  • Manicures, pedicures - a lucker coating will attract a lot of attention.
  • March 15, 2018 Thursday 27 lunar day Waning Moon Moon in Aquarius
  • Manicure, pedicure - you can try something unusual, the result will definitely please you.
  • March 16, 2018 Friday 28 lunar day Waning Moon Moon in Pisces
  • Manicure, pedicure - you should refrain from procedures so as not to harm your health in general.
  • March 17, 2018 Saturday 29, 30 and 1 lunar day New Moon Moon in Pisces
  • Manicure, pedicure - allergic reactions to new products are possible.
  • March 18, 2018 Sunday 1 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Aries
  • Manicure, pedicure - the most suitable time for a manicure, but not very good for a pedicure.
  • March 19, 2018 Monday 2 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Aries
  • Manicure, pedicure - today is a neutral day, do as you see fit.
  • March 20, 2018 Tuesday 3 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Taurus
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure and pedicure will not affect the condition of the nails in any way.
  • March 21, 2018 Wednesday 4 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Taurus
  • Manicure, pedicure - be careful, unpleasant consequences are possible.
  • March 22, 2018 Thursday 5 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Gemini
  • Manicure, pedicure - a bad day for cutting nails, you can attract ill-wishers.
  • March 23, 2018 Friday 6 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Gemini
  • Manicure, pedicure - it is better to minimize any manipulations, today is an unfavorable day.
  • March 24, 2018 Saturday 7 lunar day First quarter Moon in Cancer
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails will have a bad effect on your relationship with your superiors, put it off for another day.
  • March 25, 2018 Sunday 8 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Cancer
  • Manicure, pedicure - The moon is not in a good mood, having done a manicure, you will get problems with the kidneys.
  • March 26, 2018 Monday 9 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Cancer
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today to sadness and bad mood. Facial care - pay attention to nourishing products for the skin around the eyes.
  • March 27, 2018 Tuesday 10 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Leo
  • Manicure, pedicure - done unusual manicure change your life for the better.
  • March 28, 2018 Wednesday 11 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Leo
  • Manicure, pedicure - a great day to get acquainted with Chinese nail painting.
  • March 29, 2018 Thursday 12 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Virgo
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today and success will not leave you.
  • March 30, 2018 Friday 13 lunar day Waxing Moon Moon in Virgo
  • Mani Pedi - warm shades contribute to mental relaxation.
  • March 31, 2018 Saturday 14 lunar day Full Moon Moon in Libra Manicure, pedicure is an unfavorable day, you can ruin not only the nails themselves, but also worsen the situation in your personal life and in the professional field.

Oracle: when you can and cannot cut your nails in March 2018

March 5, 12, 19, 26 very good days for cutting nails. Positive days contribute to a quick recovery and improvement of the situation around you. You can improve the quality of your life and your own behavior by giving up bad habits and some patience with loved ones.

March 7, 14, 21, 28 cut your nails boldly. Safe days for release from someone else's care, as well as refusal burdensome contacts. At the same time, it will be possible to increase its significance in the eyes of loved ones. The most important feelings will come to the fore: love, respect. The eloquence will increase.

1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29 Marchyou can cut your nails, but with caution. Particularly sensitive ones can detect annoying burrs. When cutting nails, extreme care is required. These days, the skin is vulnerable, the brittleness and fragility of nails will increase. But cutting nails these days guarantees strengthening of the gums and teeth, improving the functioning of the spine and joints, as well as rapid hair growth.

March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 it is best to postpone cutting your nails. By violating this prohibition, you can incur the inevitability of negative changes. Unexpected ailments may appear. Infectious diseases are possible. Money will go away rather than come to you. Personal life can give a crack that can no longer be restored.

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31It's best not to schedule your nails trimmed, as problems will immediately line up at your feet. It will take maximum attention in order to avoid theft, deceit and betrayal from both strangers and those closest to you. You will have a lot of claims from others. Old miscalculations and blunders will be brought to light. They will try to accuse you, convict you, make you responsible for everything in the world. Loss will be characteristic at all levels of life, from career to personal relationships.

March 4, 11, 18, 25 cutting nails will not always be unambiguously positive. Along with an increase in the material level, an improvement in the quality of life and the strengthening of profitable relationships, excess weight is easily and imperceptibly gained. This news can spoil the mood, lower the bar of self-esteem.

Human life, behavior, mood and health are directly related to the lunar cycles. Our great-grandmothers also noticed the effect of the moon on the beauty and health of a woman. We still successfully use this knowledge when planning some cosmetic and health procedures. Manicure is no exception, because everyone, without exception, wants to have healthy and well-groomed nails.

Manicure according to the lunar calendar 2018: favorable and unfavorable days of the week

  • According to the lunar calendar, Monday is considered health day. It is especially good when it falls on a waning star. If you take care of your nails on such a day, they will always be healthy, strong, not brittle and beautiful.
  • It is advisable for insecure people and those who seek to conquer new heights to do a manicure on Tuesdays.
  • The environment is responsible for our contacts with other people. A manicure on this day will help in responsible negotiations, conclusion of successful transactions, and will bring a positive outcome to an important meeting.
  • Since Thursday is considered the day of growth and purification, any manipulation of appearance on this day will have a good effect on health, emotions, and mental well-being.
  • On Friday, doing nails is not contraindicated, but undesirable, since this day is considered a period of slowing down all life processes.
  • If your life has a lot of “garbage” in the form of unnecessary experiences, processes, or even people, get a manicure on Saturday. This day will help you gain freedom from everything superfluous and prepare for further growth and personal development.
  • Sunday is a time to take a break from everything, including taking care of your own body.

Lunar manicure calendar for January 2018

  • Positive days of January: 10-16, 17, 23.
  • Negative days: 1-9.
  • AT best period feel free to carry out: all types of nail enhancement, trimmed manicure, varnishing.
  • On undesirable days for manicure, you do not need to cut your nails and varnish, but you can file and do salt baths.

In any month, manicure is contraindicated on the days of new moons and full moons. It is advisable to avoid such procedures not only on these days, but also three days before and after them. Lunar manicure calendar for 2018 gives us the following tips:

  1. On the 8th, the night luminary will be in the sign of Libra. This day is ideal for healing masks, strengthening nails. By trimming your nails on January 8, you will get rid of long-torturing negative emotions, nervous tension or apathy. If your life is missing good people, and you dream of making useful and pleasant acquaintances, cover your nails with light varnish.
  2. On the 12th, the waning luminary will move into Sagittarius. The lunar calendar defines this day as unsuccessful for a manicure. Try to avoid manipulations with nails, so as not to lose the health and disposition of loved ones.
  3. On the 16th, the Moon will enter Capricorn. On this day, it is important to keep positive thoughts and be set for success. A manicure made on the 16th will be not only beautiful, but also quite durable.
  4. You can trim your nails on January 18, when the growing luminary moves into Aquarius. On such a day, it is easy to attract prosperity and success.
  5. January 20 is well suited for a feminine, delicate manicure. By covering your nails with light varnish, you can bring a fresh stream to life and get rid of the tormenting feeling of loneliness.
  6. The growing Moon will be in the sign of Aries on the 22nd, which means that cutting your nails is undesirable. But they can be painted, and in catchy, expressive tones. Do not be afraid of shocking and new experiments, then you will be charged with a seething positive for a long time.
  7. You can also experiment with nails on January 27, while the Moon will be located in Gemini.

February manicure lunar calendar 2018

  • Positive days of February: 10-11, 17-19.
  • Negative days: 4,14,26.
  • Neutral days: all other days of the month.
  • On bad days, do not do nails, take a break. A manicure on good days gives hope for positive results in work and some changes in personal relationships.
  • On neutral days, it is worth considering whether a new manicure is needed right now. It is worth delaying with a cropped manicure.
  1. On February 4, try not to do anything with your nails, as this day is considered unfavorable for such a purpose.
  2. If you decide to do a manicure in early February, choose the period from the 10th to the 11th for this. Any manipulations with nails will be successful on this day.
  3. On the 14th, it is also worth postponing manicures and pedicures, moving them to more favorable days. At such a time, you can incur negativity, conflicts, health problems.
  4. A favorable period for a manicure in February is the period from the 17th to the 19th. Feel free to change the length of your nails, carry out healing procedures.
  5. Try to avoid visiting nail salon February 26th.

The remaining days of the month can be classified as neutral. Manicure is better to do unedged, to carry out strengthening procedures, massage of hands and fingers.

Lunar manicure calendar for March 2018

  • Positive days of March: 15.
  • Negative days: 2-8,23-30.
  • The neutral days of the month are all the rest.
  • It is very correct to do nail treatment on good days, to do a Japanese manicure, which will strengthen tired nails and give them shine. Regarding the design - choose calm, pastel shades.
  • Working with nails on neutral days can negatively affect the digestive tract, and cutting nails on negative days can empty your wallet.

March 2018 is a good month for visiting nail salons or doing similar procedures at home. Here is what the lunar calendar has prepared for us:

  1. You can improve your financial situation if you pay attention to your nails on March 1. This day favors serious transactions and business negotiations, will help you climb the career ladder.
  2. March 4, on the contrary, is an unfortunate date for both manicure and pedicure. While the Moon is waning in the constellation of Libra, put aside the worries about your appearance for a better time.
  3. The waning moon will move into the sign of Pisces on March 16 - the day when nail manipulation is contraindicated.
  4. Another unfavorable day according to the lunar manicure calendar falls on March 9th. Try not to do anything with your nails, otherwise the result may upset you.
  5. On the 21st, the waxing Moon will be in Taurus. This is a good day to visit a nail salon. The procedure itself will bring you pleasure, and the result will surely please.
  6. If you have been haunted by failures for a long time, and everything in life goes awry, try to correct the situation - do a trimmed manicure on March 28, when the luminary is in the sign of Leo. By shortening your nails, you are likely to get rid of many problems.

Lunar manicure calendar for April 2018

  • Positive days of April: 16, 21, 23.
  • Negative days: 8-15, 30.
  • Neutral days: all other days of the month.
  • A manicure will end badly on unsuccessful days for entrepreneurs and people with unstable personal relationships.
  • On neutral days, simply massage your hands with calendula or chamomile oil. And on favorable days you can do gel coat, bold drawings, decoration with rhinestones.

For April 2018, the lunar phase calendar has prepared the following information for us:

  1. From the 8th to the 15th, take a break from worries about your style and image, transfer your visits to hairdressers and nail salons to other days of the month. The results of any manipulations with appearance can upset you.
  2. On the 16th, the unfavorable period for manicure ends. This day favors a variety of procedures: changing the length of nails, painting them, healing baths and masks.
  3. The lunar calendar of manicure singled out the 21st and 23rd numbers among the lucky days.
  4. On April 30, refrain from caring for your hands, otherwise you will lose the trust of loved ones and you can get health problems.

On neutral days, do a hand massage. It is very good to use fragrant chamomile or calendula oil for this purpose.

Lunar manicure calendar for May 2018

  • Positive days of May: 22-29, 16-21.
  • Negative days of the month: 1-7.
  • The lunar calendar promises meetings with the right people and perhaps this will happen during a visit to the manicurist. Therefore, this month you should forget about home manicure.
  • On unfavorable days, do not do a manicure at all, because this period is fraught with depression.
  • On neutral days, trimmed manicures should be avoided, but massages and nourishing hand masks are a good thing to do.
  1. The luminary is in a waning phase in the sign of Pisces on the 11th. This day is not suitable for a manicure or pedicure and threatens with unpleasant news.
  2. On May 13, the Moon will still be waning, but will move into Aries. Try not to do a trimmed manicure, as this threatens with financial problems and debts. You can paint your nails or cover with a strengthening compound.
  3. On May 16-17, a successful streak begins. Do not be afraid to experiment with nails, try new nail art, bright shades of varnishes.
  4. On May 18, an unfavorable day for visiting salons comes again. In order not to waste time, make a warm hand bath with aromatic oils at home.
  5. A good day for a manicure will be the 21st. The nail polish will last for a long time, and the design will amaze everyone around with its beauty.

Lunar manicure calendar 2018 favorable and unfavorable days

Lunar manicure calendar for June 2018

  • Positive days of June: 13-17, 20-27.
  • Negative days: 28-30.
  • Neutral days: other days of the month.
  • On neutral days, you do not need to cut and file your nails.
  • On positive days, you can make bright shellac, shellac jacket, gel polish, nail decoration with rhinestones.
  • On negative days, do not do nails at all, because these are traumatic days.
  1. On the 3rd, the luminary decreases and passes into Aquarius. You should not do a manicure if you do not want to attract diseases and conflict with your family. Edged manicure and any manipulations with sharp instruments are especially contraindicated.
  2. The moon will still be in its waning phase and will be in the constellation of Aries on the 8th. The manicure calendar warns against trimming procedures, removing cuticles. But it is allowed to paint nails.
  3. Favorable for visiting the salon on the 11th. Pay attention to strengthening nails, take care of changing the style. Thanks to such manipulations, you will attract luck and good news into your life.
  4. Any healing procedures will give the best effect on June 18-19. Paint your nails with juicy shades and male attention will be provided to you.

Lunar manicure calendar for july 2018

  • Positive days of July: 13-16, 18-27.
  • Negative days: 28-31.
  • Neutral days of the month: other days.
  • In July, the period of romantic meetings and relationships begins. A manicure done these days will attract good luck.
  • On neutral days, give your hands a spa, but no more.
  • On the negative days of the month, in order to avoid quarrels in the house, do not do any type of manicure.
  1. In July 2018, there are many days suitable for visiting a nail technician. For example, in the period from the 13th to the 16th, it is just worth paying attention to the beauty of your hands. So you will not only become more feminine, but also get the attention of men.
  2. Good days for manicure can be considered the numbers from June 18 to 27. Decorate your nails and at the same time improve your financial situation, attract good luck, make useful acquaintances.
  3. There are very few unfavorable days this month: 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st. Relax and unwind, the manicure can be transferred to other days.

Lunar manicure calendar for august 2018

  • Positive days of August: 11, 12, 18-25.
  • Negative days: 4-10.
  • Neutral days: other days of the month.
  • If it’s very unbearable, then in the neutral period of August, you can try to do a manicure. But it is worth waiting for favorable days, because the procedures with nails during this period of time promise a positive charge, high spirits, and the work will begin to argue.
  • On negative days, you should not do anything with your hands - you can lose your vitality.
  1. On the growing moon, it is customary to get rid of everything old and strive for new victories. On August 13, the luminary will just be in a growing phase and will be located in the sign of Virgo. A favorable day to do a manicure and forget old grievances, leave troubles in the past and move forward.
  2. August 15 is a great day to take care of own hands. Firming masks and baths are very successful, edged manicure is safe.
  3. August 19 is categorically not suitable for manipulating sharp instruments. It is better to postpone not only a manicure, but also a trip to the doctor. Since this day portends a lot of negative emotions, try to control yourself in any unpleasant situation.
  4. The growing Moon will move into Capricorn on August 22-23 - a great day to visit the master or do your own nails. Manicure these days will positive influence on the financial situation, will attract finance.
  5. A visit to a nail salon on August 26 is fraught with diseases and a deterioration in immunity. On this day, it is better not to do anything like this, so as not to disturb the energy balance and avoid illness.

Lunar manicure calendar for september 2018

  • Positive days of September: 17-24.
  • Negative days: 3-8, 25-27.
  • Neutral days of the month: all other days.
  • Nails can be hot manicured, all types of coatings, all types of restorative procedures, to embody creative ideas.
  • Manicure done on bad days will have a negative impact on your business, so you can arrange a weekend for your nails.
  • Neutral days this month are closer to negative, so during this period, refrain from going to the manicure master.
  1. The first autumn day is quite suitable for nail care. The waning moon passes into Taurus, and this day promises health, the emergence of new forces and aspirations.
  2. Particularly successful for a manicure in September will be the 10th, 11th and 20th. Change the image, let the new one replace the bright summer manicure. When choosing a varnish, give preference to strict, discreet, but rich tones.
  3. The rest of the days of September 2018 are considered neutral and suitable for hand care, neat unedged manicure.

Lunar manicure calendar for October 2018

  • Positive days of October: 9-23.
  • Negative days: 24-31.
  • Neutral days: other days of the month.
  • Neutral days in October are closer to positive ones, so a manicure cannot bring any problems.
  • On negative days, manipulations with nails are fraught with misunderstandings with loved ones and financial failures.
  • Manicure in better days month will protect you from all troubles, you will feel like a winning woman. Get this month spanish manicure, american manicure, painting acrylic paints under gel, gel coating.

October 2018, almost all favors the creation of stylish nail art, nail and hand care, wellness and strengthening procedures.

The lunar calendar for this month highlights the following periods:

  1. The period between the 9th and 23rd is considered good for any kind of manicure and pedicure. These days you can visit the master or put your nails in order yourself.
  2. There are not so many bad days in October. They fall on the 24th-30th. Postpone such manipulations for the next month to avoid problems and negativity in your life.
  3. On neutral days, take a break from caring for your appearance or carry out simple procedures that do not involve the use of sharp instruments.

Lunar manicure calendar for november 2018

  • Positive days of November: 7-22.
  • Negative days: 1-3, 21-25.
  • Neutral days of the month: all other days.
  • According to the lunar calendar, November is the month of beginnings. It is best to contact a manicurist on auspicious days of the month so that undertakings give positive results.
  • The opposite result awaits those who make a manicure on the negative days of the month. In the neutral period, you do not need to cut or cut your nails, but you can varnish them.
  1. The growing luminary is in the sign of Capricorn on the 12th and 13th. These days are favorable for any kind of manicure or pedicure.
  2. The Moon will still be in the growing phase on the 14th, but it will change its location and move into Aquarius. On this day, single women should pay attention to themselves. A gentle manicure in light pastel shades will help you resolve problems in your personal life and find a loved one.
  3. 21st Moon in Taurus. This day will help you forget old grievances and make peace with dear people, but for this, astrologers recommend cutting nails.
  4. The 25th is considered a critical day in November 2018. Refrain from visiting salons and hairdressers.
  5. Help in financial matters and in business promises November 28th. Great date for any kind of manicure.

Lunar manicure calendar for december 2018

  • Positive days of December: 7-21.
  • Negative days: 22-26.
  • Neutral days: all other days of the month.
  • In December, a bright, catchy manicure will help you become self-confident, firmly set on success. You can arrange spa treatments for your hands, and an aquarium manicure is the best fit for a New Year's party.
  1. In December, the lunar calendar highlights the numbers from 7 to 21 among favorable dates.
  2. You should not do nails from the 22nd to the 26th. By listening to the recommendations of astrologers, you will avoid many problems in the financial and business sphere, and save your health.
  3. On neutral dates, dedicate time to gentle hand care. Baths with oils, soft finger massage, hand masks - that's what you should do these days.