How to get rid of the smell of cat urine. How to remove the smell of cat urine? Effective folk remedies

If a cat, ignoring the tray, chooses the owner's bed or another unfortunate place as a toilet, it can be difficult to retrain it. One of the main difficulties is to eliminate the smell of cat urine, which in itself is very persistent. Focusing on this smell, the animal again and again uses the territory it once chose as. Often, as soon as you cross the threshold of an unfamiliar apartment, you understand that a cat lives here! Few people want their guests to be enveloped in such harsh aromas. How to remove the smell of cat urine?

First of all, you should think about eliminating the cause that prompts the cat. The solution may be castration, elimination of the stress that torments the animal, rearrangement of the interior according to the cat's security needs ... The main thing is to find out what the problem is and solve it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fight the smell, which is constantly being updated!

First of all, to eliminate the smell of urine, you need to accustom the cat to the tray, eliminating the causes of its behavior.

Another important aspect is not to use products containing chlorine when washing the “affected” areas of the apartment. For some reason, such products are constantly used when washing toilets, but bleach only enhances the smell of urine.

It is also useless to try to fight off the smell by watering the place where the cat made a puddle with perfumes and deodorants, or spraying with products like Antigadin - most cats are indifferent to it.

In addition, it is important to know for which surfaces which odor remover is suitable.

Remedies for removing cat smell, which are always at hand:

  1. The remedy that has become a salvation for many cat owners is vodka. Only in this case it should not be taken internally! You can wipe almost any surface with undiluted vodka, and it removes cat odors remarkably. The only negative is that the alcoholic spirit from the apartment will then have to be removed separately, that is, wash all items a second time. Especially well vodka struggles with fresh "crimes".
  2. Another great option is potassium permanganate. It is required to prepare a steep solution and wash the desecrated area with it. The main thing is to make sure that there is no sediment in the solution - it is the undissolved crystals that leave spots. It is better not to experiment with potassium permanganate on fabrics.
  3. Reliable Destroyer cat smell- lemon acid. It is necessary to dilute the juice from one lemon with 200 ml of water. You can also use undiluted juice if the surface is not too “sensitive”. The acid perfectly breaks down the elements that make up cat urine, and the remaining citrus smell also scares the cat away from this place. By the way, sometimes it is enough to put a piece of cloth soaked in the smell of lemon in a problematic place so that the cat stops going there for natural needs.
  4. Ordinary vinegar is one of the leaders in the fight against the "cat spirit". As a rule, it is bred in a ratio of one to three. If the furniture upholstery is damaged, the solution can be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the stain, and then properly blotted with a rag. To enhance the effect, after the vinegar treatment, you can additionally use the baking soda method described below.
  5. On the "crime scene" left by the cat, especially if it is fresh, you need to pour baking soda and pour 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on top. At first, when the reaction starts, it will smell like ammonia, but then this smell will disappear. It is recommended to leave the soda mixture overnight, and in the morning rinse the area thoroughly. Keep in mind that baking soda can stain fabrics.


There is a wide range of products specifically designed to eliminate the smell of cat urine. They are sold both as a spray and as granules. Many breeders recommend, for example, products from Nature's Miracle and DUFTAPET,. Before using professional products, it is important to carefully read the instructions for use, as they work on the basis of enzymes and they need some time to completely eliminate the smell.

It is important! If the cat does not just cope with natural needs, but marks the territory, it will not be easy to cope with the smell without products containing enzymes.

It is also important to wash the litter box from time to time, as it can also be a source of odors, and the cat will not like to go to a dirty, foul-smelling toilet.

Be sure to eliminate the reason why the animal violates the rules you set. You need to retrain the cat without swearing and screaming, and even more so, you don’t need to poke her nose into the perfect “crime” - this usually gives the opposite effect.

We hope our tips will help you remove the smell of cat urine. And remember: it is better to prevent such situations than to waste time and energy on dealing with the consequences.

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It is no secret that domestic cats are very clean animals and they know where the owners have organized a toilet for them. It is there that they fulfill their natural needs. But incidents sometimes happen, and a pet can mark a carpet or upholstered furniture. Cat urine has an extremely unpleasant odor, so you need to start working on its removal and elimination of amber immediately.

Why is it important to try to clean the spot right after the cat has marked it? If you don’t catch yourself in time, then the animal will again relieve its need in this place. In addition, it is quite difficult to remove the stubborn smell of urine, and not everyone succeeds on the first try. And getting rid of the smell of urine, instantly getting down to business, is not difficult at all.

There are several right ways, which will help not only cat urine from the sofa, but also return the furniture to its former freshness and cleanliness used at home.

Professional odor removers

If the cat wrote on the sofa for the first time, then getting rid of the smell will be much easier. If he does this all the time, then other professional means will be needed.

Fortunately, manufacturers have developed great amount different devices to help get rid of this smell. These can be liquids, sprays or granules sold in pet supply stores. The main condition is that they must be ammonia-free.

If finances allow, then you can use the services of professional dry cleaning. Today, many such organizations practice home visits of employees.

You can also chat on various forums with avid cat lovers. They will suggest effective professional remedies that will not only remove stains from cat tricks, but also help get rid of the unpleasant smell of urine on furniture.

It is not recommended to remove the smell of cat urine on the sofa with chlorine, despite its high disinfectant properties. Flavors ( Eau de Toilette, deodorants, air fresheners) are also not helpers to get rid of an unpleasant odor, since they will mask the smell for a while, but will not remove it completely.

In addition, all these "remedies" can make the smell even more pungent, then it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. And the cat will continue to use the sofa as a closet.

In order to avoid such incidents from the side of the animal in the future, you need to change the cat litter more often, pour more filler and watch the cat. At the first sign that he wants to relieve himself in the wrong place, he should be deployed to a corner intended for this purpose.

There are many ways to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the couch at home. The main thing is not to delay the removal of the stain and immediately get down to business. And don't scold the cat! After all, there was no malice in his act. Maybe he just wanted to draw the attention of the owners to his important person, or is he feeling unwell? And I couldn't think of anything better than leaving a mark on the couch!

Unbearable amber of cat urine - by-effect love for domestic purr. This problem is completely solvable. The owner of a fluffy pet only needs to have a reliable liquidator of odors of cat waste products on hand. They will help here as experienced folk remedies, and the latest professional preparations.

Inveterate cat lovers know that the appearance of an unwanted smell in an apartment is the first sign that problems have arisen, first of all, with a fluffy household. The correctness of this assumption will be confirmed by any zoopsychologist.

He will advise you to find out the origins of the fault of the animal. This will prevent "wet things" in the future. This approach is more reasonable than relying solely on an air purifier or another - albeit the most effective - stench neutralizer.

Why does the cat poop?

Let's highlight the main causes of cat oversight:

  1. Toilet inconvenience. The size of the tray intended for the cat should be twice the size of the animal. You need to put it in a secluded place, keep it clean, but do not treat it with preparations containing chlorine.
  2. The appearance of a new object / person / smell in the apartment. Cats consider themselves the masters of the house and are wary of all innovations. "Processing" the shoes of a guest or the blankets of a newborn child with urine, the animal neutralizes the stranger.
  3. Stress as a reaction to punishment or prolonged absence of the owner. A person who gets a cat needs to keep in mind both the vindictiveness and affection of this animal.
  4. Pet sickness. If a cat urinates on the floor or carpet in the presence of the owner, this should alert. The best thing to do in this case is to contact your veterinarian immediately.
  5. Tags. Mature animals mark territory, thus attracting the opposite sex. The owner needs to either expand the sphere of influence of the pet (let it go outside), or castrate / sterilize it.

How to remove the smell of cat urine?

To eliminate the smell of cat urine, feces or vomit, you must first find the source of the stench. Otherwise, incidents will be repeated. The found places of bowel movement should be soaked with napkins or rags, washed and ventilated the room.

However, it must be borne in mind that uric acid, an ingredient found in cat feces, has a persistent odor. It may weaken after removing the puddle, but when the treated area gets wet, it will reassert itself.

How to remove the smell of cat urine: traditional methods

The most affordable odor removers are found in every home. Its price, as well as harm to the pet, will be the least. As such household "rescuers" you can use:

1. Chlorine-containing detergent or cleaner: "Whiteness", "Sanita", "Domestos". To remove the stain, use a sponge or brush dipped in the solution. After that, you need to wash the "cat crime scene", sparing no water. During sanitation, the animal should be taken out for a walk: it should not be inhaled chlorine vapors. It is important to understand that an aggressive agent can only be used for cleaning or concrete floors in the entrance. But you cannot vouch for the integrity of carpet, wooden parquet, laminated furniture, colored clothes, bags or boots made of leatherette.

2. Home analogues of store-bought deodorants and disinfectants:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • citric/malic/acetic acid;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • an aqueous solution of iodine or soda;
  • vodka / ethyl alcohol;
  • laundry soap;
  • dental elixir;
  • tea brew.

The use of ammonia is undesirable. The ammonia it contains, one of the ingredients in cat urine, can attract the animal and encourage it to repeatedly defecate.

3. Homemade cleansing cocktail. The composition of the man-made preparation includes ingredients that can be found in any home:

  • dishwashing detergent (5 ml);
  • hydrogen peroxide (0.1 l).

First you need to wash off the contamination with a solution of table vinegar, blot with napkins and sprinkle with soda. Then rub the prepared cocktail with a brush. For its remains, use a sponge or washing vacuum cleaner.

Modern household chemicals against cat smell

In zoological and hardware stores there are a lot of products that will help to thoroughly eradicate the unpleasant smell in the house. Uric acid is completely neutralized under the enzymatic action of drugs such as:

  • "Bio-J";
  • "Dufta Kar" (DuftaCar);
  • "Dufta Fresh" (DuftaFresh);
  • "Dufta Pet" (DuftaPet);
  • "Dufta Smoke" (DuftaSmoke);
  • "Fukortsin";
  • "Odorgon".

All these are analogues of the advertised "Vanish". Consumer reviews about them are the most friendly. These products will not only rid the carpet and upholstered furniture of corrosive cat smell, but also destroy harmful microbes. You just need to wait half an hour after treating the problem area with them and then rinse it with water.

To remove the smell of cat urine, you can buy not only detergents, but also sprayers. Especially popular among them are the Formidron therapeutic spray, designed to eliminate sweat, and the Anti-Smell ozonizer. The latter will help save the indoor flower, which is constantly labeled by the cat. The plant should be watered with ozone-enriched water. In the same way, it will be possible to kill the suffocating "aroma" coming from shoes marked with an animal.

If you love your cat but don't want to smell like it in your house, try to get into the psychology of a four-legged friend. You are responsible for the one you tamed.

It takes a lot of effort to get a cat accustomed to the tray. A pet behaves the way the owner taught them.

However, innate instincts will sooner or later manifest themselves, and the cat will do its “dirty business” on the piece of furniture or clothing that has chosen.

And if you do not eliminate the stench of cat urine immediately, it will be a label for her. Scolding a cat and poking its muzzle into a place that stinks is useless. It is necessary to remove the smell of cat urine from the apartment as soon as possible. And also kill it with a different flavor.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine? There are both homemade, folk, and purchased detergents. To get rid of fragrances, you may need to use several methods until you find a suitable option.

The stench of cat urine in the apartment is present in almost every owner of this pet.

Urine consists of a sticky part, urochrome, uric acid in the form of colorless crystals. Home or professional remedies affect the first 2 substances, they partially help in removing urine odor and color.

Uric acid does not stink after drying, it is not visible on clothes or furniture. However, when moisture gets in, the “fragrance” returns. Shoes stink especially sharply, even after a good cleaning, as unpleasant odors from urine and foot sweat mix.

Cat urine should be disposed of as soon as the pet has written. Eliminate urine paper napkins, can be flavored so that everything is well absorbed.

The smell of a cat cannot be removed with the help of chlorine-containing products, this substance is not volatile, it is poorly weathered in the apartment.

Initial actions

Noticing that the cat "shat", we immediately remove the place of the "crime". To remove urine from soft surfaces (sofa, clothes, chairs, carpet), do not use a wet rag and rub the surface intensively.

Neglecting such actions, the animal's urine will penetrate into the deeper layers, forming a large stain, which will be difficult to fight. Also, you can not wipe the biological fluid of the cat from the floor simultaneously from the entire surface, this place is cleaned separately.

Filler for the toilet should be poured onto the puddle. When it absorbs, it is scooped up and discarded. After that, you can use home and professional products to help neutralize the stink.

Budget Methods

To remove the persistent stink of cat urine in the absence of purchased products, you can use budgetary home remedies that every housewife has.

How to remove the smell of cat urine? Potassium permanganate, vinegar, lemon juice, vodka, hydrogen peroxide, laundry soap and other household products will help in removing an unpleasant odor.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate tends to absorb unpleasant odors well. If the cat has done a "dirty deed" in the closet, it is necessary to rinse it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then it is dried without closing.

How to get rid of urine smell from shoes? Such things are washed with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is better to soak the shoes, then use aromatic detergents.

How to remove the smell of cat urine with potassium permanganate from the floor? Tiles or other surfaces are washed with a black solution of potassium permanganate. This budget method can be used if the floors are dark in color. Potassium permanganate can change color, so you need to use this stench remedy with gloves so that your hands do not stain.

It is necessary to dilute potassium permanganate until the crystals are completely dissolved. They are the ones that leave stains. If you wash a carpet or other fabric with a solution of potassium permanganate, be careful.


Vinegar will help remove cat urine from clothes. It cannot be used in its pure form. Vinegar must be diluted with water.

How to remove the smell of animal urine from furniture? Vinegar is good at removing unpleasant odors from any object. It is diluted in proportions 1:3 with water. You can use vodka with vinegar in the same volume, and water 5 times more.

The solution is abundantly applied to contaminated areas, left for 20 minutes. The room where the vinegar solution is used is ventilated until the unpleasant odor disappears. Wash off the solution with a sponge soaked in clean water.

How to get rid of the smell of urine from upholstered furniture (sofa or chair upholstery) with vinegar? First you need to conduct a test: vinegar is applied to an invisible area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, if the color of the fabric has not changed, this method can be used.

Vinegar is well impregnated with a place contaminated by an animal, then a thick layer of baking soda is poured.

After 15-20 minutes, the furniture is cleaned of the mixture, wiped with soapy water, washed with warm water.

If possible, a washed sofa or chair is exposed to the sun, so it will dry faster.

Lemon juice

How to Get Rid of Urine Smell with Lemon:

  1. The juice of 1 lemon is poured into a spray bottle. It is applied to the contaminated area.
  2. After 20 minutes, the juice is sprayed again.
  3. Then wipe the treated surface cold water or use several wet wipes.

Lemon juice gives the material a pleasant citrus aroma. This method will discourage the cat from attraction tothis place.

Clothes after such treatment must be washed with ordinary powder.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice can be substituted citric acid. Citrus water will also fill your home with a fresh scent.


Often, due to an unpleasant stench, you have to change the upholstery of the sofa or throw away the thing.

Alcohol and vodka act in the same way, they are used if the stains are old. The cleaning procedure will need to be repeated several times.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from clothes with alcohol or vodka? The liquid is applied to the problem area for half an hour. After the time allotted for the procedure, you can rub the fabric a little, then wash it off with a damp sponge or cloth.

If an unpleasant odor remains from alcohol, it is eliminated with the help of lemon juice. It will have an additional effect on the smell of cat urine, and eliminate the aroma of vodka. And clothes or furniture will smell of pleasant aromas of citrus fruit.

Hydrogen peroxide

If you are getting rid of traces of a petekFor hydrogen, remember that this substance cannot be used for dark pile.

How to remove the smell of dog urine with peroxide:

  • 100 ml of peroxide is mixed with 1 dessert spoon of dishwashing detergent;
  • apply the mixture to the contaminated area with a sponge;
  • if the fabric is strong, rub with a clothes brush;
  • then rinse off with cool water.

After that, the surface is treated with vinegar or lemon juice to discourage the animal from wanting to urinate again on that spot. This method helps, how to get rid of the smell of dog urine, and cat urine.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap will help to destroy the smell of a cat, it can be liquid or lumpy. It is better to buy in solid form, dark brown.

How to remove the smell of urine with laundry soap? To get rid of the stench in the apartment with the help of this method is resorted to last. Laundry soap removes stains well, but “aromas” are bad. They clean urine from clothes, upholstered furniture, carpets.

How to wash cat urine:

  1. You will need: a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide 1: 1, 0.5 tsp. liquid laundry soap.
  2. The components are well mixed, applied with a sprayer to the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissue. Interacting with urine, the mixture will begin to foam. Leave for an hour.
  3. Wash off with warm water and a brush. Gloves should be worn when cleaning, as hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap combined can cause slight irritation.

Before washing clothes with ordinary powder, remove all things from the machine. This is necessary so that other clothes do not stink too.

Modern professional products

If the destruction of cat urine by home methods does not help, you can use purchased products - this is an excellent neutralizer of all odors.

Such products contain enzymes, substances that destroy uric acid salts and destroy thiols.

How can you get rid of the smell of cat urine? The following professional products help remove unpleasant odors: DesoSan, OdorGone, Zoosan, Urine-off Cat & Kitten, Odor kill.

With the help of stink-removing products, you can forget about the problem of unpleasant stench for a long time.


Zoo Clean "DesoSan" - great product from any unpleasant stench, according to the manufacturer. It has a deodorizing effect, eliminates not only "aromas" from the sofa and things, but also in the air.

How to wash cat urine? The destruction of the stench and the removal of the urine of the animal is possible while it is indoors. DesoSan destroys fragrance at the molecular level.

It is easy to remove the smell of urine with this product - all surfaces are treated with it.

Odor Gone

This neutralizer of various aromas is patented by the USA. It contains no chemicals, only water and a mixture of herbal extracts.

How to eliminate the smell of cat urine in the apartment? OdorGone is sprayed throughout the room.

10 sprays are sufficient for the treatment of 15 m². The tool can be used even if there are asthmatics in the house.


If you don’t know how to wash cat urine from the sofa, buy Zoosan. Helps remove fresh and old dirt.

How do you wash cat urine? Zoosan is diluted with water at a concentration of 1:9. The contaminated surface is cleaned with a sponge or a suitable cloth. If the urine is old, Zoosan is diluted in a ratio of 1:5.

Urine-off Cat & Kitten

Bioenzyme product excellently cleans hard and soft surfaces. This remedy works as a pheromone blocker. After processing, cats and dogs will no longer mark.

How do you get rid of the smell of dog urine? Shake well before using Urine-off Cat & Kitten and remove any remaining urine with paper towels. The product is carefully sprayed onto the stain, covering the edges.

The stain must be allowed to dry, if necessary, repeat the procedure. Residues are removed with water and paper towels.

Odor kill

The product can be added to other detergents. It is a very concentrated product, so Odor kill is diluted with water before surface treatment.

How to get rid of cat smell? To remove an unpleasant odor, mix 1 part of the product with 5 parts of water. The diluted Odor kill is poured into a spray bottle and applied to the affected areas. The furniture or carpet is then brushed in the usual way.

For processing ceramic tiles, dilute in a ratio of 1:64. After applying the product, wait a while, then rinse with cool water.

If you remove the stink is not removed even by professional means, it remains only to send clothes, carpet or upholstery to dry cleaning. Specialists will definitely be able to cope with the problem that has arisen.

Cats are not just pets. They are real faithful friends, they just don't know how to talk. Although the songs are great! The only significant drawback of these sweetest creatures is a rather strong specific smell coming from the tray. It is not difficult to cope with this trouble: just change the filler more often. But if a cat begins to use places not intended for this as a toilet, then the atmosphere of the apartment itself begins to resemble a cat tray, as a characteristic and very persistent aroma. How to remove the smell of cat urine is a problem that interests many cat lovers.

Why do cats refuse to go to the tray?

Sometimes pussies stubbornly refuse to go about their needs in special trays. And there are several well-founded reasons for this.

Tray doesn't fit

It is possible that the tray does not suit your pet with its size. It should be one and a half times longer than the cat, and it should be placed in a secluded place. Animals in this sense are no different from us. They also need a calm and deserted place to calmly relieve themselves.

Another reason may be the use of the tray for its intended purpose by another cat living in the apartment.

And the third, most common reason is a poorly washed tray. Cats are inherently extremely clean, so an insufficiently clean container can cause an animal to negative emotions. And it fundamentally refuses to go to a dirty, in its opinion, tray.

New items and smells in the house

Sometimes it is the appearance of new home furnishings or new smells that can be perceived by an animal as an encroachment on its personal territory. Even the usual soft toy may seem like an aggressor to a cat. And therefore, it is urgent to restore the violated boundaries, and animals do this with the help of marks. They simply urinate on new items, confirming the right to own them by smell.

Anxiety and stress

Cats are quite emotional creatures. And separation from a beloved owner, inflicted offense or the use of physical punishment can cause stress. And as a result of such a mental disorder, a pussy may stop using her usual tray, moving his duties to the master's sofa, for example.

Health status

Tray abandonment may not be intentional. Perhaps the pussy is already too old and simply does not have time to reach him, or she has health problems. Quite often, animals, in an effort to draw the attention of the owner to their illness, deliberately release streams in front of his eyes. If you notice this behavior in your pet, then show it to the veterinarian. Probably the pussy is sick and needs to be treated.


Periodically, cats mark their territory by lightly spraying different places with urine. It is this behavior that causes too persistent feline amber in the apartment. The fact is that such labels contain a special odorous secret. He will tell the other individual that the territory is occupied.

Before you know how to remove the smell of cat urine, you need to understand why it smells so bad. The fact is that cat urine crystallizes very quickly. The main components of the crystals are substances that are practically insoluble in water and cannot be cleaned with conventional detergents. The composition of cat urine includes:

  1. Urea. Soluble with water, but after drying leaves sticky spots.
  2. Urochrome. Responsible for the color of urine.
  3. Uric (uric) acid. It is she who does not allow to wash off the puddles with ordinary water.

improvised means

How to remove the smell of cat urine using improvised means? Consider all possible options.

Many cat owners prefer to wash out such cat tracks with ordinary bleach, which can be found in the arsenal of almost every housewife. Of course, bleach will help, but only for a short time. The strong specific smell of the product perfectly drowns out the kitty aroma, but, alas, it is not able to dissolve uric acid crystals. Once the chlorine wears off, the smell will return. In addition, chlorine acts quite aggressively on the treated surface, causing discoloration and tissue damage.

Another tool that will help find the answer to the question of how to remove the smell of cat urine is ammonia. Also, many cat owners advise using any perfume. And, in fact, they are right. The alcohol present in the composition of perfumes and colognes is able to qualitatively dissolve crystallized uric acid. An excellent, but expensive remedy for the smell of cat urine. So let's take a look at the following options.

There are more effective and less expensive ways to remove the smell of cat urine. Home remedies to remove all traces of feline ugliness are:

  • ordinary potassium permanganate - an aqueous solution applied to the stain acts as an excellent oxidizing agent and deodorant;
  • vinegar, diluted in water, also perfectly oxidizes urea crystals, while neutralizing the smell;
  • lemon juice is similar in action to vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide, in addition to being a bactericidal drug, is also capable of acting as an oxidizing agent;
  • 15 drops of iodine dissolved in a liter of warm water is an excellent remedy for solving the problem of how to remove the smell of cat urine.

It should be borne in mind that such a strong smell is caused by breeding bacteria. Therefore, when choosing how to beat off the smell of cat urine, it is necessary to take this into account. As an emergency treatment, you can use any alcohol, mouthwash, baking soda, previously dissolved in water.

The next way to remove the smell of cat urine is to use laundry soap. It contains glycerin, which can break down uric acid into simpler components. Therefore, for these purposes, you can use both a simple glycerin soap and a special bactericidal one.

If you decide to remove the smell with home remedies, then for a more lasting result, you need to combine several components. One will work as an adsorbent, another will oxidize and break down uric acid, and the third will help neutralize the smell.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa

If the pussy spoiled the upholstery of the sofa, then you can, for example, use the following combination. fresh spot first treat with an aqueous solution of vinegar. Use a ratio of 1:4. Then it needs to be wiped with a paper towel and treated with baking soda, simply sprinkling it abundantly on the contaminated area. Next, you need to carefully treat the stain itself with a solution consisting of hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap shavings. And in conclusion - vacuum the soiled place.

When treating colored surfaces, it must be remembered that some of the listed substances are quite aggressive, so they can discolor the treatment area.

Are there cats that don't smell?

If a fluffy purr does not yet live in your house, then you can choose a specially bred breed. Ask for help from cat fans, and you will be given a sea of ​​​​recommendations regarding such animals. After all, many thoroughbred cats do not smell at all, and some do not even put territorial marks. This behavior is completely excluded already at the gene level.

Pay attention to the sphinxes. They look, to put it mildly, scary, but they do not smell at all. Due to the complete absence of wool, this breed is perfect for allergy sufferers. Yes, the beast is scary, but it sings songs no worse than an ordinary yard cat. The urine of the animal does not have such a pronounced odor.

Toyger, Scottish Fold, Kurilian Bobtail also have weaker odors.

The smell of cat urine: how to get rid of it? professional tools

The modern market offers numerous products that can neutralize all the unpleasant odors left by pets. Unfortunately, reliable information about how effective the remedy can be obtained only in a practical way. Not all products deliver what they promise. Therefore, in order not to waste time, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the product. In it, in addition to oxidizing agents and alkalis, there must be special enzymes designed to neutralize odor and break down uric acid.

We hope that the problem of how to remove the smell of cat urine from the apartment will no longer bother you.