Hidden threat: what happens if you go to bed with a wet head. Is it bad to go to bed with wet hair What if you go to bed with a wet head

Many people do not like to comb their hair right after a shower or - they want to go to bed as soon as possible, because they are in a relaxed state. However, the site warns that such a habit can harm both beauty and health.

Why is it bad to sleep with wet hair?

The habit of falling asleep wet hair, especially in the heat, it becomes everyday, but it is quite dangerous for a person. And the point is not that those who do not want to dry their hair risk catching a cold - troubles await for other reasons.

If you constantly fall asleep without carefully combing your hair and drying it, this can lead to the following unpleasant situations:

1 . Your hair can become dry, brittle and lifeless and lose its beautiful shine.

2 . Your sleep will become shallow - a good rest will be prevented by a feeling of cold on the head and around the neck.

3 . Premature wrinkles may appear on the neck, and this will definitely not decorate anyone, especially a young woman.

4. The immune system will gradually become weaker - hair is part of the human body and needs constant care, do not neglect it.

5 . You will be influenced more bacteria, the body will become less able to cope with harmful substances that enter the body.

6 . Dandruff may appear in your hair - this is both ugly and unpleasant: others will avoid communicating with you, or even make comments to you.

7 . The hair will weaken and begin to fall out strongly - as a result, instead of a whole mop, a thin tail may remain.

8. There will be problems with the skin - ugly pimples and black dots will appear on the face, you will literally have to "register" with a beautician.

9 . Your head will start to hurt more often - this is extremely bad, because with the modern tense rhythm and constant stress, headaches torment you quite often.

10 . In the morning, it will take much more time to put your hair in order, you will have to be very nervous if it threatens to be late for an important meeting.

will arise big problems If you do not want to use shampoos, you should definitely choose the right cosmetics: water alone will not be able to cope with the pollution of the hair and skin on the head.

Remember how in childhood our parents constantly forbade us to go to bed with a wet head? But this was not an ordinary whim of adults, but a completely adequate prohibition, which was dictated by concern for our health. Growing up, we began to ignore this rule, because there is not always time to wash our hair in the morning, in the afternoon, or a few hours before bedtime. However similar actions, although they seem quite harmless, they have very serious consequences, both for the condition of our hair and for health in general.

1. Brittleness and fragility of hair

When wet, the hair is very weak and can be damaged by even the slightest wrong move. Now imagine what will happen to them at night when you spin in your sleep and create friction. Even worse, if you collect curls in a bun or bun, hoping that you will wake up in the morning with beautiful curls. Therefore, try to wash your hair at least a few hours before bedtime so that they have time to dry naturally, or use a hairdryer - even from it in this situation there will be less harm.

2. Bad sleep

If it's cold outside or your room is air-conditioned, wet hair will make you feel cold. Feeling cold will cause discomfort, resulting in you not being able to sleep normally and waking up constantly throughout the night. To avoid such consequences, dry your hair with a hair dryer. By the way, a little life hack: if it’s very cold at home, warm up the sheet, pajamas and socks with a hair dryer. So you will be very comfortable in bed, and you will fall asleep faster.

3. Styling problems

Probably, all the girls got into a situation where you fall asleep with wet strands, and in the morning you can’t put them down properly. This happens because in a dream, the curls are twisted and "freeze" in this position. You can tidy up your hair and make a hairstyle only if you wet it, dry it with a hairdryer and apply a styling product.

And if the hair were dried in the evening, they would take on a certain shape and be much easier to be influenced by a hair dryer, curling iron or ironing.

4. Weak immune system

Despite the fact that SARS, familiar to us firsthand, occur under the influence of viruses, high humidity in tandem with low temperatures can also provoke a cold. When a person's body cools down, the body fights infections much worse, so the risk of getting sick increases.

5. Growth of bacteria

The ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria is considered to be a combination of water and heat. Now think about how many bacteria will appear after you spend the night with wet hair on a warm pillow. And in this situation, even a regular change of pillowcases will not save you, because the moisture from the curls gets directly into the pillow itself.

6. Dandruff

And now it's time to remember the good old dandruff, which will also appear if you do not dry your hair. The thing is that the heat of the head and prolonged exposure to water causes the reproduction of not only bacteria, but also fungi. In addition, while sleeping with wet hair, the scalp loses natural oils, which are quickly absorbed into the pillowcase along with excess water. Together, these two factors cause dandruff.

7. Dull hair

During sleep, moisture from the hair passes into the fabric of the pillowcase. And everything would be fine, but along with the water, the natural fat, which is responsible for moisturizing and shining the hair, also leaves. Dehydration of the strands will cause them to look thin, dull, and the ends will begin to split several times faster.

8. Hair loss

We have already mentioned that the combination of heat and moisture causes fungus to grow. He, in turn, develops into trichophytosis - mycosis of the hair. This disease is very contagious and in addition to hair loss will cause itching, red spots. As soon as you have the first symptoms of the disease, you should definitely go to the doctor so that he can prescribe the right treatment.

9. The appearance of acne

Due to the fact that your pillow becomes a haven for a large number of bacteria, rashes appear on the face over time, as already mentioned in previous articles on the site. And it doesn’t matter at all what type of skin you have - acne can form on dry, oily, and combination. To prevent their occurrence, do not go to bed with wet hair and change pillowcases every 3 days.

10. Headaches

When bacteria appear on the scalp, the body will try to eliminate them in any way. Most often in this case, there is an increase in blood flow to the affected area. As a result, blood circulation increases and blood pressure rises, which causes a headache.

What should be done to avoid the above consequences?

Wash your hair a few hours before going to bed so that it has time to dry naturally.
Buy a silk pillowcase. The structure of the material will reduce friction at night and prevent strand breakage.
If you don't have time to air dry your hair, use a blow dryer diffuser or a regular T-shirt. These improvised means do not affect curls as badly as a hairdryer and a towel.
Hair conditioner will help prevent split ends and retain the moisture they need. It must be applied after every hair wash.
Don't go to bed with a wet towel on your head. This will only encourage the growth of harmful bacteria.

About what else can damage the hair, read the article.

The modern pace of life sometimes does not leave us time even for absolutely ordinary and often necessary things. Often we return home so late and so exhausted that we barely have the strength to take a shower. What about drying your hair? Meanwhile, according to trichologists, it is absolutely impossible to go to bed with wet curls.

Folk omens

Since ancient times, hair was considered among the Slavs as a receptacle of strength, both mental and physical. Russian women always wore long hair. What can I say: even men in Russia never cut their hair short. Men's ears and the backs of their heads were always hidden under curls. Due to the fact that hair, according to our ancestors, was a kind of amulet, they were never washed before a long or difficult journey in order not to wash away the energy of their home, which protected its owner no worse than any amulet. Therefore, from the point of view popular beliefs, it is better not to lose such protection just before a night's sleep, when the body is most susceptible to the influence of dark forces.

Scientists' opinion

This is probably one of those cases where doctors absolutely agree with folk wisdom. Doctors also advise against going to bed with wet hair. Firstly, according to trichologists (specialists dealing with problems of the scalp and hair), wet curls are most susceptible to various damages. They stretch, tangle, break. That is why some experts do not even advise combing your hair immediately after washing, not like going to bed with wet hair. In addition, this habit contributes to the exacerbation of various skin diseases, such as dandruff, itching, irritation.

Thirdly, doctors say that sleeping with a wet head can also trigger a headache. This is especially true for those who like to sleep with an open window. Cool air affects wet curls and scalp, resulting in vasospasm and blood circulation is disturbed. This, in turn, causes a lack of oxygen, which our body lets us know through pain. Yes, and catching a cold in this case is also a couple of trifles. Bottom line: sore throat, ears, sinuses.

What to do?

What to do if you still do not have time to dry your hair before going to bed? Experts say that a towel wrapped around your head will not save you, and sometimes it will aggravate the matter. The towel will absorb the water and become wet too. Therefore, the hair will not dry longer, and the mites that live in the pillow will receive a fair portion of their favorite moisture. So it’s better to take a minute or two and dry the curls with a hair dryer. And if you don’t even have time for this procedure, then it’s more useful to go to bed as is, postponing washing until morning.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to sleep with a wet head. Doctors, cosmetologists and ordinary people say this. But whether this is so, what can happen, should be sorted out. If you often go to bed without drying your hair, this information will be useful to you.

Is it possible to sleep with a wet head: what beauticians say

The fact is that wet hair is more susceptible to damage. Under the influence of water, they become thinner and more elastic. Many hairdressers do not even recommend combing wet hair. Stretching under the influence of the comb, it breaks and splits. The same thing happens during sleep. A person constantly turns over from one side to another. Wet curls break and tangle. As a result - the lack of a healthy shine, split ends, brittleness and loss.

Sleeping with a wet head also disrupts hair styling. Drying in the wrong shape, the curls look untidy and dull. And even if you wet them again in the morning with water, the strands will still take the same irregular shape.

If you fall asleep once with a wet head, it is unlikely to harm your hair. But systematic sleep with wet curls can cause damage to hair filaments and bulbs.

Why you can not sleep with a wet head: the opinion of doctors

You can chill the hair follicle;

If a window is open in the room, then the possibility of catching a cold is not ruled out;

Sleeping with wet hair can cause allergies.

During sleep, wet hair becomes cold. As a result of constant hypothermia, hair follicles can become inflamed. This leads to adverse consequences:

Redness on the skin;


The appearance of itching;

Pain sensations;

Other symptoms.

What does it look like perfect preparation to sleep? Clean bedding and underwear, a moderately firm and firm bed, a high-quality blanket, a ventilated room, face cream and no gadgets. A head that has not dried out after a shower does not fit into the idyll at all. Let's figure out what is fraught with going to bed with wet hair.

If you are one of those “lucky ones” who were forced by grandmothers and mothers to wear a scarf at night or fall asleep with a towel, then you know firsthand about the dangers of sleeping with a wet head. And this is the very case when my mother's prophetic “you will grow up, you will understand” comes true. Indeed, regularly going to bed with damp curls threatens you (in addition to condemning the hairdresser) at least two consequences.

  1. You may catch a cold

Opinions of therapists on the question of whether it is possible to get sick from the fact that the hair is wet differ. The temperature rises due to a virus that has nothing to do with the hair. But the coolness in the head area can become an uncomfortable factor for the body and a trigger for the immune system to succumb to the disease. The vessels narrow from the cold and interfere with the movement of leukocytes - the guard cells of the body. Thus, there is a risk of getting sick when an infection has already crept into your body. If you are too lazy to dry your head or there is no time, at least make sure that the room is warm and comfortable.

  1. Your hair is getting damaged

When rubbing against a pillow, creases form on the hair, which, in addition to a terrible morning hairstyle, threaten in the future with fading and lifelessness of the hair.

How to sleep with a wet head correctly?

Putting aside the fact that sleeping with wet hair is basically WRONG, here are a few tips on how to minimize damage to your strands.

  • If you still decide to go wet, apply a little conditioner to your hair from mid-length to ends to gently comb it in the morning. Long hair it is worth braiding in loose braids or collecting in a loose bun above the back of the head. In the morning you will not be afraid of your reflection in the mirror, you can put your hair in order without broken comb teeth and even admire a light wave.
  • Get a satin bed linen. At least a smooth pillowcase. Sliding on the pillow, the hair will not get knotted, dry faster and will be less prone to splitting due to friction on the coarse cotton material. The benefit of silk is that you can sleep with your face in the pillow without fear of sloppy dents in the morning and skin creases.

It is better to visit the bathroom in advance, a few hours before bedtime, so that the hair dries out naturally. Do not rub them with a towel, blot gently, shaking the strands. Use express conditioner and thermal protection. You should also not comb your hair when wet: even using a special brush for this purpose can be traumatic.