Dennis avner instagram. Dennis Anver - the path of the Crouching Tiger. Favorite of the public and frequenter of television programs

Dennis Avner became famous all over the world for his unique appearance, which he achieved through numerous plastic surgeries. The famous freak has become a bright star of various television shows and the Internet space. Today you will find out what exactly attracts the public in this extraordinary personality.

The tiger that stalks

The biography of the Crouching Tiger does not shine with special events and significant facts. Dennis Avner was born in 1958 in Flint, Michigan. The boy had American Indian roots, and from an early age his parents began to compare him with a tiger. This was their main mistake which cost the life of a young man in the future. The Hurons became famous for inventing totems for themselves and striving to be like them in everything.

Dennis Avner decided that his totem would be a cat or a tiger. To this animal, a man dedicated his body and his whole life. This manifested itself strangely, and from the side it seemed that the boy was simply inadequate Mowgli. After all, climbing into the hollow of a tree, he liked to watch the cats purr and eat raw meat. Mr. Avner already dreamed of being in their place. Unfortunately, there is only one low-quality photo left, in which you can see what the Crouching Tiger looked like in its normal, human form.

cat plastic

All his adult life, Dennis tried to get closer to the representatives of the cat family. To do this, the young man had to not only radically change his mind, but also modify his own body many times.

  • Tattoos. Looking at the photo of Dennis Avner, you understand that in front of you is a deeply sick and unhappy person. Avner's psyche raises concerns, because following the chosen image, he decorated his entire body with tattoos in the form of tiger stripes. It was the tiger from the entire cat family that caused the guy a special thrill. Face young man completely covered with tattoos. Eyebrows disappeared, and their place was taken by tattooed stripes, they are also on the nose, forehead, cheeks and chin. The tattoo artist had to use a lot of paints, because the cat-man's physique is such a well-fed donut. Brindle color occupied the entire surface of the skin of the arms, palms, shoulders and chest.

  • Plastic mustache. Due to the man's lack of facial hair, he went to extreme lengths. In the area of ​​inflated and cut upper lip freak made holes-tunnels. It was in these holes that iron tubes for plastic antennae were later inserted. It looks, to be honest, very repulsive. From the lips, which are frozen in an eternal grin, incomprehensible thorns stick out, proudly called mustaches. Dennis Avner was also a terrible fashionista, because he often changed the look of these same mustaches. Sometimes the place of the plastic straw was occupied by iron pins, and sometimes by oblong metal straws. In general, much in the appearance of a given person depended on his mood.

  • Rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty helped the man to get used to his favorite image of a tiger. Dennis Avner got a flattened organ after nose correction surgery. Surgeons completely changed the tip of the nose and widened its back. Now the organ of smell is fully consistent with the feline. For greater persuasiveness, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings and the tip was completely tattooed in the manner of an animal. With such a nose, it was difficult for a man to breathe, because important parts of the sense of smell were affected during the operation. But the growing fame did not allow the "boy" to stop.

  • Narrowing of the eyelids. The famous cat look is what Dennis Avner adored about himself before and after his eye reshaping surgery. An adult man with schizophrenic persistence insisted on carrying out just such a plastic surgery. Surgeons narrowed their eyes, wide from birth, and lengthened their shape to give the best possible effect of an animal eye. From the fact that both the lower and upper eyelids are completely covered with black tattoos, and cat lenses are stuck on the pupil, the look became terrible and repulsive.

  • Forehead correction. Dennis Avner before the operation had a normal, fairly wide forehead. But this was not enough to imitate graceful animals. Tiger Man turned to plastic surgeons to implant special silicone implants under the skin of his forehead, which would sculpt this area and give it an animal relief. As soon as the swelling subsided, Dennis Avner enhanced the color of the tattoos after the operation. As a result, he had an effect on his forehead. In addition to the tattoo, in the photo of the man you can see screwed pointed peaks in this area. In such a ridiculous way, he wanted to achieve the effect of tiger eyebrows. The hairline also turned out to be raised so much that the head began to clearly resemble a pear.

  • Chin change. The lower part of the face of the tiger-like man also underwent significant surgical interventions. The chin has acquired a strange rounded protruding shape. A similar effect occurs when special implants are sewn under the skin, and not just silicone is injected. It is difficult to say why the man needed plastic surgery of this nature, because it did not bring him any particularly visible resemblance to a totem. Mr. Cat, dazzling in the rays of universal fame and attention, simply could not stop.

  • Cheekbone plasty. The cheekbones are a particularly prominent part of the “tigroman” face. They are voluminous, embossed and disgustingly shiny. Photos of a man evoke mixed feelings, from “horror!” to "why?" He went to mutilate his own face with huge implants with a smile and a passionate desire to change further. Dennis Avner recovered for a long time after the operation, because the swollen muzzle (and it was the man who sculpted it from his face) was terribly sick, and the stitches did not want to heal. After quite long term, he recovered and noted with joy that the resemblance to a tiger became much more visible.

  • Split lip. Perhaps the most desperate plastic surgery that the already recognizable freak cat man Dennis Avner decided on. Surgically, the man's upper lip was bifurcated, and both parts were raised in the center towards the nose. Thus, all the young man's teeth were exposed, and silicone was pumped into the remnants of the lip. Huge ugly pillows that could not be called a mouth swelled up, taking another dose of silicone filling. Having completely disfigured his physiognomy, Dennis Avner went even further. After all, the man realized that his changed appearance can bring good dividends. Catman Dennis Avner began shamelessly begging from his website, begging to invite him to any television show. He motivated this by the fact that he had nothing else to do plastic surgery and live too.

  • Animal grin. Having undergone plastic surgery on his upper lip, the cat-man Dennis Avner desired to expose not just thin mouse teeth, but a real tiger grin. Unfailing dentists came to the rescue. For a significant amount of greenery, they modified the smile of the “saber-toothed”. His own teeth were completely worn down, and tiger fangs grew in their vacant place on the sides. Now the famous freak, at every opportunity, tried to demonstrate the grin that had appeared.

  • Ear plasty. Not only the entire face was cut to the limit by Dennis himself, but also the ears. Surgically, the man sharpened their upper tips. Dennis Avner regularly wore earrings in his ears before and after the operation. Not the most tiger accessory, but the “saber-toothed” liked them, and he was in no hurry to part with the jewelry. Note that the earrings were weighty, so with age they began to disgust the earlobe.

  • The final touches in the image. In addition to all the horrific operations, very earthly and painless things brought the man closer to the desired totem. Dennis Avner, like a blonde beauty, systematically ran to the manicurist for nail extensions.

Huge claws began to accompany him inseparably. The tiger print, even there, was supposed to remind who Mr. Avner still aspires to be like. The mechanical tail, which could move at the desire of its owner, aroused not only interest, but also righteous horror among passers-by.

Everything would be fine and peaceful, if not for one "but". In his heart Dennis Avner before and after the operation, despite all the changes, he could not become a real tiger. Last years the man spent his life in depression, comprehending all the stupid things that he did, and mourning the time he missed.

When catman Dennis Avner was found dead, the police said the cause of death was suicide. Perhaps the Crouching Tiger forgot that he was still born a man, and he did not have nine lives.

Video: Dennis Avner - extreme modifications for the sake of a totem

People changing own appearance, in search of their ideal, alas, they rarely find it, on the contrary, irreversible modifications carried out on the body often become a heavy burden that poisons life over the years, from which it is no longer possible to get rid of.

One of the pioneers and perhaps the most famous body modifier - Dennis Avner, better known as the "Tiger Man", although he himself preferred to be called the Native American name "Crouching Cat". The transformation of his appearance, in 1985, he began with tattooing under the coloring of a tiger: such a desire to become like a striped predator, Dennis Avner explained by his Indian roots, and by the fact that the tiger for the tribe of his ancestors was a sacred animal.

Dennis Avner. Before and after

Tiger Man Dennis Avner. A photo.

What he began to do with his body further is difficult to describe: Dennis moved the nasal septum to flatten his face, divided his upper lip and implanted implants into it, the same implants were inserted into the cheekbones and forehead of a man to create in combination with tattoos tiger head effect. Those who knew Dennis Avner before and after plastic surgery, were horrified by what they saw. Face Dennis Avner covered with a piercing imitating a cat's whiskers, the upper part of the auricles was pointed, and the lobes were pulled back.

The modification of his jaw deserves special attention: his teeth were filed, and special fangs-crowns were installed to completely imitate the animal grin. In his own words, he never considered the funds spent on plastic surgery and tattoos, Dennis Avner worked as a programmer, but the necessary funds for a man-tiger were brought only by his participation in various television shows about human oddities.

Dennis Avner before and after. A photo.

Experiments on his own body, the man-tiger began somewhere at the age of twenty-five, and then he could not stop. The plastic surgeon who worked on his appearance said that Avner was warned about the irreversibility of such changes and the great risk to his life and health, however, it was useless to dissuade him.

Everything would be fine and peaceful, if not for one "but". In the soul of the operation, even despite all the changes, he could not become a real tiger. The man spent the last years of his life in depression, comprehending all the stupid things that he had done, and mourning the time he had missed.

Apparently, with age, such an exotic appearance became a burden Dennis Avner, he never had a family, and his friends considered him a man as complex as he was wonderful. His departure was unexpected and tragic: the body of a fifty-four-year-old man was found in his own home, he committed suicide by hanging himself on a lonely autumn evening. Apparently, the bright extravagant appearance did not become a guarantee happy life, he could not find his place in it.

- All right, - he said, getting up and straightening his tail, - that's enough for today. I'm tired, and the mustache should be pulled out, to rest from them.

Dennis Avner (August 27, 1958, Flint, Nevada) - known as Cat, Man-Cat (Catman), Tiger (Tiger), Man-Tiger (Tigerman), Proudly Walking Cat (Stalking Cat), although Dennis himself preferred his Native American name "Crouching cat", can rightfully take first place among the most unusual people planets.
It should be noted that he is perhaps the only one who is able to name a good reason why he decided on such a serious transformation of his body, and not just dismiss the phrase "I wanted to be original and unique."

Dennis comes from the Dakota Indian people and also from the Huron tribe, whose spirit animal is the tiger. Once an Indian sage told Denis: “Follow the path of the tiger, baby!”. Avner, as befits an American, took the instruction literally and hurried to fulfill the tribal covenant. Since then, 20 years have passed. All these years, Denis has been throwing crunchy banknotes (only $150,000), modifying his body in every possible way.

According to the Cat himself, transformation into the image of a sacred animal is a very ancient and almost forgotten tradition of this tribe, so we can say that Dennis spent so much effort, so much money and so many years to acquire such, to put it mildly, an outstanding appearance, not only out of a desire to stand out, but also for religious reasons.

If we recall all the manipulations that the Cat performed with his body, then the following picture is obtained: tattoos imitating the color of a tiger and covering his entire body - in total more than a hundred drawings; hairline correction; subcutaneous silicone implants that allow you to wear a cat's whiskers; eyebrow and forehead implants to reshape the face; complete replacement of teeth from human to animal, including sharp fangs; special lenses that make cat eyes; changing the shape of the ears with the help of plastic surgery; many injections of silicone; incision of the upper lip. In total, these changes took Dennis twenty years.

Cat was once a naval sonar technician. Now his fame brings considerable income. Dennis travels frequently and regularly around the world to be interviewed, filmed in a documentary or TV show.

Of course, there is a lot of talk about the Cat. Basically, his transformations cause a negative reaction. They say that the traditions of his tribe are just a cover, that in fact Dennis just really wanted to stand out and become famous for something, and he could not come up with anything more human and less shocking. Doctors speak out very sharply: in their opinion, the Cat suffers from dysmorphophobia, that is, a mental disorder caused by worries about physical inferiority. In order to get rid of these complexes, Danny decides to radically change his appearance.

“The process of transformation is hardly a pleasant experience. But you are happy, approaching the goal, - says Denis. - I wanted to achieve the state of half-human, half-tiger, taking the best from each of these biospecies. Now I am the embodiment of my people's totem."

Dennis died on November 5, 2012 (Tonopah Nevada), his body was found in his home in Nevada on November 5, 2012, the news of death was made public on November 13. The cause of death has not been officially reported, but suicide has been suggested.

Dennis Avner, better known as the Stalking Cat or Cat Man, was born in 1958 in Flint, Michigan. According to some sources, Dennis has roots of the Dakota and Huron Indians. So, sacred image Avner was attracted to the tiger since childhood, and therefore, over time, he decided to enter this

image as deeply as possible.

Crouching Tiger has tiger-like stripes all over his body, and Dennis has had his upper lip surgically split, making his face look more "cat-like". Avner's teeth are also undercut in the manner of a cat, and implants are implanted in the forehead area. In special holes (tunnels with metal rods) in his skin around the p

he inserts a long plastic mustache, and green contact lenses with feline pupils make Dennis' resemblance to a feline even stronger. By the way, his eyes are also surgically narrowed, and his ears are shortened at the bottom and pointed at the top, which also happened with the help of surgeons. Among other things, for a complete image, he had to

transfer silicone injections to many parts of the face - cheeks, chin, forehead.

Avner began his experiments in reincarnation in the mid-1980s, and his first artist was Larry Hanks (Larry Hanks) from San Diego (San Diego); it was he who did a great job on the face of Dennis.

It is noteworthy that Dennis himself assures that he does not remember how much the cat cost him.

whose image, however, some sources have calculated that in order to turn from a person into a cat, you need to be at least a person who is not poor.

It is known that in the former, "pre-cat" life, Avner was a sonar technician in the navy, but the image of a tiger haunted him from childhood.

The crouching tiger is a real celebrity. He has appeared in various

video and TV shows, including Ripley's Believe It or Not!, Larry King Live, VH1's Totally Obsessed, Kerrang! Radio "s The Night Before" and many others.

Avner's body was found at his Nevada home on November 5, 2012, and the death was announced on November 13. The cause of death was not officially reported, but there are suggestions of suicide.

Recently, more and more cases have become known when a man or woman realizes that they were born in the wrong body and decide to change their sex. They start to live new life, most of them never regret what they have done and find happiness in a new, more comfortable way. But what motivates people to simply mock their appearance, for example, achieving the maximum resemblance to some animal? Is it a real need to be like him, a psychological illness or PR? Today we will talk about Dennis Avner, better known as Crouching Tiger.

Prey stalking cat

It was this nickname that Dennis Avner received from his parents at birth. From some sources, it became known that the guy's ancestors were Indians, and their totem animal was a tiger.

Dennis was born in Flint, Michigan in 1958. Since childhood, he was attracted by the image of a tribal totem, and it seemed that he received the nickname for a reason. From an early age, the guy dreamed of finding the meaning of his middle name and eventually decided that his essence was far from being human, but tigerish.

Dennis Avner was not a rich man before the operation, but he still found the necessary money for reincarnation - a change in the physical shell that he did not like so much. Numerous plastic surgeries, underwear drawings (tattoo), piercings allowed the guy to radically change the appearance. And what did he get in return?

Terrifying image of a tiger

When looking at a man-cat confidently walking along the city streets, many became terrified. Initially, passers-by perceived him as a disguised ordinary person, but soon the media flooded the press with information that a real cat-man or man-cat was walking around the city. What was Dennis Avner, whose photo is provided in this article, in his new "skin"?

His body was completely dotted with tattoos imitating tiger color. Extended, and rather sharp, fangs protruded from under the forked upper lip, long cat's eyebrows "grew" from the tunnels on the forehead, and plastic mustaches from the same ones on the cheeks.

Dennis's eyes also did a good job, they were artificially narrowed. Green lenses with long constricted pupils gave the look a mystical tint.

To complete the image, Dennis Avner pointed his ears, instead of nails he had sharp claws, and on the place where the coccyx is located, he put on the most catlike mechanical tail, which he could move like a real representative of the striped family.

Not only did the person outwardly become a cat, but he also adopted all the habits of a domestic fluffy. With special passion he climbed trees, ate raw meat. I wonder how many mice he was able to catch?

Dennis Avner before and after: how life changed

The guy before his modifications served in the army, and in the armed forces he was in good standing, as he perfectly established locators. He led a normal life. He had many friends. In the future, his career began to build well in the company where he was engaged in programming. But that was not his life, the desire to change the appearance overcame all the rest, including getting married, starting a family.

In 1985, the first, but quite noticeable tattoos began to appear on his body. Soon he turned into a real victim of plastic surgery. Over time, the guy did not have a single friend left, in most cases he was mistaken for a real psycho. Passers-by, who did not avoid the cat-man, even admired his courage, and he, in turn, posed with pleasure in front of the cameras.

Dennis Avner soon became a national hero. He was invited to rating talk shows, his photos were placed on the front pages of magazines and newspapers. Dennis was recognized, he was asked for autographs and joint photos.

Of course, Avner began to live better. He rejoiced like a child that society did not condemn him, accepted him in this form. He spent huge fees for a photo shoot or participation in a television show without regret in plastic clinics, more and more improving the image, bringing it to the ideal.

Diagnosis - dysmorphophobia

In official data, there is evidence that Dennis Avner suffered from a complex psychological illness. He, apparently, did not so much dream of reincarnating as a cat, how to eliminate a known physical or external defect only to him. Patients diagnosed with dysmorphophobia do not seek psychological help in the same way as people who are afraid of heights, or themselves, for example, do. Dysmorphophobia neatly, like a cat stalking after its victim, approaches a person. The victim herself does not even suspect that a hunt has been declared for her, and goes, led by an invisible enemy - her psyche. With every tattoo or plastic surgery it seems to a person that perfection is very close, it is worth taking one more step, and then another and another, and so on ad infinitum, until loved ones snatch him from the tenacious paws of the disease.

So a lot of characters incomprehensible to a person appeared, for example, "The Platypus Man", also a very interesting personality, who was once an ordinary guy.

The end result is loneliness

Soon, Dennis Avner realized that he had done the irreparable. His inner discomfort, so oppressive to life, remained, and with a complete change in appearance, he did not go anywhere. The man, having lived to 54 years old, was dissatisfied with his life, the whole world. He began to get tired of the fans, of himself. More and more he closed himself at home, more and more he did not answer phone calls. No friends, no family. Only loneliness, only people who dream of cashing in on his image.

Dennis Avner: cause of death

In May 2012, Catman decided to die. He understood that he had only one, human life, but he could not resist the newly surging desire - to end this vicious circle of discomfort.

Even before his suicide, Avner's condition had caused alarm among doctors. Now he suffered not only mentally, but also physically. The man's body became very susceptible to pain, and any touch to it caused incredible torment. Beneath his feline smile, Dennis Avner hid indescribable suffering and anguish.

Like a real cat, Dennis decided to die quietly, in all alone within your own home.