How quickly the child's temperature rises. What should be done if the child has a fever? When the fever becomes life-threatening

In the first few days of life, the body temperature of the newborn may be slightly elevated (37.0-37.4 C in the armpit). By the year it is set within the normal range: 36.0-37.0 degrees C (usually 36.6 degrees C). Elevated body temperature (fever) is a general defensive reaction of the body in response to disease or injury.

In modern medicine, a fever caused by infectious diseases and non-infectious causes(lesion of the central nervous system, neuroses, mental disorders, hormonal diseases, burns, injuries, allergic diseases, etc.).

The most common is infectious fever. It develops in response to action. pyrogens(from the Greek. pyros - fire, pyretos - heat) - substances that increase body temperature. Pyrogens are divided into exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal). Bacteria, entering the body, actively multiply and in the process of their vital activity, various toxic substances are released. Some of them, which are external pyrogens (introduced into the body from outside), are able to increase the temperature of the human body. Internal pyrogens are synthesized directly by the human body itself (leukocytes - blood cells, liver cells) in response to the introduction of foreign agents (bacteria, etc.).

In the brain, along with the centers of salivation, respiratory, etc. there is a thermoregulation center "tuned" to a constant temperature internal organs. During illness, under the influence of internal and external pyrogens, thermoregulation "switches" to a new, higher temperature level. Elevated temperature in infectious diseases is a protective reaction of the body. Against its background, interferons, antibodies are synthesized, the ability of leukocytes to absorb and destroy foreign cells is stimulated, and the protective properties of the liver are activated.

In most infections, the maximum temperature is set within 39.0-39.5 C. Due to the high temperature, microorganisms reduce their reproduction rate and lose their ability to cause diseases.

How to measure the temperature in a child?

It is advisable that the baby has his own personal thermometer. Before each use, do not forget to wipe it with alcohol or warm water and soap. To find out what indicators are normal for your baby, measure his temperature when he is healthy and calm. It is advisable to measure it under the armpit and in the rectum. Do this in the morning, afternoon and evening. If the baby is sick, measure the temperature three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Every day at about the same time throughout the illness, this is especially important for children at risk. Record the measurement results. According to the temperature diary, the doctor can judge the course of the disease. Do not take the temperature under the covers (if the newborn is tightly wrapped, his temperature may rise very much). Do not measure the temperature if the baby is scared, crying, overly excited, let him calm down. The safest is an electronic thermometer.

In what areas of the body can a child's temperature be measured?

Temperature can be measured in the armpit, groin, and rectum, but not in the mouth. The exception is temperature measurement with a dummy thermometer. Rectal temperature (measured in the rectum) is approximately 0.5 degrees C above oral (measured in the mouth) and a degree above axillary or inguinal. In the same child, this variation can be quite large.

For example: the normal temperature in the armpit or inguinal fold is 36.6 degrees C; normal temperature measured in the mouth, 37.1 degrees C; the normal temperature measured in the rectum is 37.6 degrees C. The temperature may be slightly higher than the generally accepted norm. individual feature baby. Evening readings are usually several hundredths of a degree higher than morning readings. The temperature may rise due to overheating, emotional arousal, increased physical activity. Measuring the temperature in the rectum is convenient only for small children. A five-six-month-old baby will deftly turn out and will not let you do this. In addition, this method can be unpleasant for the child. An electronic thermometer is most suitable for measuring rectal temperature, which allows you to do this very quickly: you will get the result in just one minute. So, take a thermometer (previously shake off the mercury to a mark below 36 degrees C), lubricate its tip with baby cream. Put the baby on the back, raise his legs (as if you were washing him), with the other hand, carefully insert the thermometer into the anus by about 2 cm. Fix the thermometer between two fingers (like a cigarette), and squeeze the baby's buttocks with your other fingers.

In the groin and in the armpit, the temperature is measured with a glass mercury thermometer. You will receive the result in 10 minutes. Shake the thermometer down to below 36.0 degrees C. Dry the skin in the folds, as the moisture cools the mercury. To measure the temperature in the groin, lay the baby on the barrel. If you are taking underarm measurements, sit him on your lap or pick him up and walk around the room with him. Place the thermometer so that the tip is entirely in the skin fold, then with your hand press the baby's handle (leg) to the body.

What temperature should be lowered?

If your child is ill and has a fever, be sure to call a doctor who will diagnose, prescribe treatment and explain how to carry it out. As recommended World Organization health care (WHO), initially healthy children should not reduce the temperature that has not reached 39.0-39.5 degrees C. The exception is children at risk who have previously had convulsions against a background of elevated temperature, children in the first two months of life (at this age all diseases are dangerous rapid development and a sharp deterioration in the general condition), children with neurological diseases, chronic diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs, with hereditary metabolic diseases. Such babies, already at a temperature of 37.1 degrees C, should immediately be given antipyretic drugs. In addition, if a child’s condition worsens against a background of a temperature that has not reached 39.0 degrees C, chills, muscle pain, and pallor of the skin are noted, then antipyretic drugs should be taken immediately. In addition, fever exhausts and depletes the body's capabilities and can be complicated by hyperthermic syndrome (a variant of fever, in which there is a violation of the functions of all organs and systems - convulsions, loss of consciousness, respiratory and cardiac disorders, etc.). This condition requires urgent medical attention.

How to reduce the temperature in a child?

    The child should be kept cool. Warming a child with a high temperature with blankets, warm clothes, a heater installed in the room is dangerous. These measures can lead to heat stroke if the temperature rises to dangerous levels. Dress a sick child lightly so that excess heat leaves without hindrance and maintain the temperature in the room at 20-21 degrees C (if necessary, you can use an air conditioner or fan without directing a stream of air at the child).

    Since at high temperature fluid loss through the skin increases, the child needs to drink plenty of water. Older children should be offered diluted fruit juices and juicy fruits, water as often as possible. Babies should be breastfed or given water more often. Encourage small amounts (from a teaspoon) to drink frequently, but don't force the child. If the child refuses to take liquid for several hours a day, inform the doctor.

    Rubbing. used as aid in combination with other measures to lower the temperature or in cases where antipyretic drugs are not available. Sponging is indicated only for those children who have not previously had seizures, especially against the background of fever, or there are no neurological diseases.

    For rubbing, use warm water, the temperature of which is close to body temperature. Cool or cold water or alcohol (once used for fever-reducing rubdowns) can cause not a decrease, but an increase in temperature and provoke trembling, which tells the "confused" body that it is necessary not to reduce, but to increase the release of heat. In addition, inhaling alcohol vapors is harmful. Using hot water also raises body temperature and, like wrapping up, can cause heat stroke. Before starting the procedure, dip three rags into a bowl or basin of water. Put an oilcloth on the bed or on your knees, on top of it terry towel, and on him - a child. Undress the child and cover him with a sheet or diaper. Wring out one of the cloths so that water does not drip from it, fold it and place it on the child's forehead. When the cloth dries, it should be wetted again. Take the second cloth and start gently wiping the baby's skin, moving from the periphery to the center. Pay special attention to the feet, shins, popliteal folds, inguinal folds, hands, elbows, armpits, neck, face. Blood rushed to the surface of the skin with light friction will be cooled by the evaporation of water from the surface of the body. Continue wiping the baby, changing cloths as needed, for at least twenty to thirty minutes (this is how long it takes to lower body temperature). If the water in the basin cools during the wiping process, add some warm water to it.

    You can pre-freeze water in small vials and, after wrapping them in a diaper, apply to areas where large vessels are located: inguinal, axillary areas.

    The use of antipyretics. The drugs of choice for fever in children are PARACETAMOL and IBUPROFEN (trade names for these drugs can be very diverse). Ibuprofen is recommended in cases where paracetamol is contraindicated or ineffective. A longer and more pronounced decrease in temperature was noted after the use of IBUPROFEN than after PARACETAMOL.

    AMIDOPIRINE, ANTIPIRINE, PHENACETINE are excluded from the list of antipyretics due to their toxicity.

    Acetylsalicylic acid (ASPIRIN) is prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age.

    The widespread use of METAMIZOL (ANALGIN) as an antipyretic is not recommended by WHO, because it inhibits hematopoiesis, can cause serious allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock). A prolonged loss of consciousness is possible with a decrease in temperature to 35.0-34.5 degrees C. The appointment of METAMIZOL (ANALGIN) is possible only in cases of intolerance to the drugs of choice or if intramuscular administration is necessary, which should only be carried out by a doctor.

    When choosing a form of medicine (liquid medicine, syrup, chewable tablets, suppositories), it should be borne in mind that drugs in solution or syrup act after 20-30 minutes, in suppositories - after 30-45 minutes, but their effect is longer. Candles can be used in a situation where the child vomits when taking liquid or refuses to drink medicine. Candles are best used after a child's bowel movements, they are convenient to enter at night.

    Medicines in the form of sweet syrups or chewable tablets can be allergic due to flavorings and other additives. The active substances themselves can also cause an allergic reaction, so you need to be especially careful when taking it for the first time.

    If you are giving your child medications, especially those related to dosages for certain ages, you should carefully read the instructions so as not to exceed the recommended dose. Keep in mind that the doctor may change the dosage for your child.

    When alternately using different forms of the same medicine (suppositories, syrups, chewable tablets), it is necessary to sum up all the doses received by the child in order to avoid an overdose. Re-use of the drug is possible no earlier than 4-5 hours after the first dose and only if the temperature rises to high rates.

    The effectiveness of a particular antipyretic is individual and depends on the individual child.

What not to do if your child has a fever

  • Do not force the baby to lie down. A truly sick child will be in his own crib. If your baby wants to get out of it, it is quite possible to allow him to do something calm. Try not to allow excessive activity: this can lead to an increase in temperature.
  • Don't give your child an enema unless a doctor has specifically ordered one.
  • Do not dress or cover your child too warmly.
  • Do not cover the baby with a wet towel or wet sheet: this may interfere with heat transfer through the skin.

When is it necessary to call the doctor again for the baby?

  • The measured temperature in the armpit was 39.0-39.5 degrees C, the rectal temperature exceeded 40.0 degrees C.
  • The child has had convulsions for the first time (the body is tense, the eyes roll back, the limbs twitch).
  • The child cries inconsolably, cries out in pain when touched or moved, groans, does not respond to external stimuli, or his body goes limp.
  • The child has purple spots on the skin.
  • The child has difficulty breathing even after you have cleared his nasal passages.
  • The child's neck seems tense, and he does not allow him to bend his chin to his chest.
  • The onset of a fever follows exposure to an external source of heat, such as being in the sun on a hot day or inside a car on a hot day. Heat stroke is possible and requires immediate medical attention.
  • A sudden rise in temperature occurred in a child with a slight fever, but too warmly dressed or wrapped in blankets. It should be treated like heatstroke.
  • The doctor told you to report immediately if the child develops a fever.
  • It seems to you that the child has something serious, although you find it difficult to say why you decided so.
  • The child has exacerbated chronic diseases (diseases of the heart, kidneys, neurological disease, etc.).
  • The child is dehydrated, which can be seen by such signs as: rare urination, dark yellow urine, a small amount of saliva, tears, sunken eyes.
  • The child's behavior seems atypical: he is unusually moody, lethargic or excessively sleepy, cannot sleep, is sensitive to light, cries more than usual, refuses to eat, pulls his ears.
  • A child has had a low temperature for several days and then suddenly rises sharply, or a child with a cold that started a few days ago suddenly develops a fever. Such fever may indicate a secondary infection, such as otitis media or strep throat.
  • Fever does not decrease with medication.
  • The temperature of 37.0-38.0 degrees C persists for a long time (more than a week).
  • The fever lasts for more than a day without any other signs of illness.

In all these cases, you must contact the doctor even in the middle of the night or go to the "Ambulance" point.

To begin with, let's figure out that each of us has a temperature and normally it is not necessarily 36.6 ° C. This is the “hospital average” value, because in a healthy person it can range from 36.1 to 37.2 ° C and even change during the day. For example, rise after eating or heavy loads.

When we say “The child has a temperature”, we mean fever - a condition in which the body temperature is elevated, that is, the thermometer under the arm shows more than 37.2 ° C.

If you put a thermometer rectally (into the rectum) or measure the temperature in the ear, then the values ​​\u200b\u200bare usually higher Fever: First aid. Then fever - indicators more than 38 ° C. With oral (in the mouth) measurement - above 37.8 ° C.

Why is the temperature rising

Fever is a protective reaction of the body, as a rule, to various infections. At high temperatures, it is more difficult for bacteria and viruses to survive, so the body starts a process that destroys dangerous microorganisms, and at the same time activates immune systemFever.

The temperature in children rises more often due to respiratory viral infections, those that we call the common cold. But this is not necessary: ​​fever is manifested in many other diseases. In addition to infections, injuries, overheating, oncological, hormonal and autoimmune diseases, and even some drugs that have such side effects can be to blame for the temperature.

Adults notice a high temperature by special symptoms:

  1. Weaknesses.
  2. Headache.
  3. Feeling chills and shivering.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Pain in the muscles.
  6. Sweating.

Children who already know how to talk may complain of discomfort. But the temperature rises in infants who do not know how to describe their condition.

The reason to measure the temperature is the unusual behavior of the child:

  1. Refusal to eat or breastfeed.
  2. Tearfulness, irritability.
  3. Drowsiness, fatigue, passivity.

You can't talk about a fever based on a kiss on the forehead. Only the thermometer shows high temperature.

When and why to lower the temperature

An elevated temperature is a sign of a correct immune response when it comes to infections. Therefore, it should not be reduced so as not to delay recovery. Advice for managing child fever. It usually makes sense to give antipyretics after the temperature has risen. On the safe use of antipyretics in children up to 39 °C - these are rectal measurements. When the temperature is checked under the arm, doctors recommend lowering it after 38.5 ° C, but not before. Don't worry, the fever itself isn't that bad.

Many fear that high temperatures will damage brain cells. But according to the WHO, it is safe for children until they reach The Management of fever in young children with acute respiratory infections in developing countries 42°C.

Fever is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of it. When the temperature is reduced with drugs, the external manifestations of the disease are removed, but they do not cure it.

In rare cases, too high a temperature in children leads to febrile convulsions - involuntary muscle contractions. It looks creepy and makes parents faint, but basically the attacks stop by themselves and have no consequences. Fever. Call the doctors and make sure that the child does not injure himself: put him on his side, hold him, open tight clothes. Do not put anything in your mouth, it only increases the risk of injury.

But everyone tolerates fever differently: someone can read and play on a thermometer even at 39 ° C, someone at 37.5 ° C lies and cannot move. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature for the sake of convenience and improve the well-being of the child.

If the child feels normal, then nothing needs to be done with a high temperature.

The easiest, fastest and effective method- give the child antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. They are produced in forms that are convenient for children to use: sweet syrups or candles. Be careful if you give your child syrup: flavors and dyes can cause allergies.

In no case do not exceed the dosage of the medicine. It is usually calculated based on the weight of the child. Children, especially preschoolers, can vary greatly in weight even at the same age, so focus on the number of kilograms, not years.

Remember that the action of drugs takes time: from 0.5 to 1.5 hours. So do not rush to measure the temperature 10 minutes after taking the pill.

Use the measuring cups, spoons and syringes that come with the medication. Do not collect medicine in the dark or in a teaspoon by eye: you always need to know how much and what medicines you gave your child.

To avoid an overdose, do not give babies combination medicines for cold symptoms. They already have paracetamol or another antipyretic in their formulation, so it's easy not to notice that you overdose if you give several drugs at the same time.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be taken on the same day Paracetamol for children, but do not get carried away and do not give the child everything at once. If, for example, you gave paracetamol and it didn't help much, then when it's time for a new dose of antipyretic, give ibuprofen (or vice versa).

Do not give aspirin and analgin: children can develop serious side effects from them.

There are also physical methods, however, ineffective: wipe the child's hands and feet with a damp towel, put a cool compress on the forehead. Just do not take ice for this, it is enough to soak the towel with water at room temperature.

When to Call the Doctor

Experienced parents know that mild SARS can be dealt with on their own, at home. In such cases, a doctor is needed only to write out a certificate or sick leave for parents. But still, you need to see a pediatrician if:

  1. You need to get a doctor's advice, calm down. Or you just think that the child needs medical help.
  2. A feverish baby is less than three months old.
  3. The child is less than six months old, and the temperature is above 38 ° C for more than 1 day.
  4. The child is less than a year old, and the temperature is above 39 ° C for more than 1 day.
  5. The child has a rash.
  6. Along with the temperature, there are severe symptoms: uncontrollable cough, vomiting, severe pain, photophobia.

When to call an ambulance

You need to seek help urgently if:

  1. The temperature has reached high values ​​(more than 39 ° C) and continues to rise after taking antipyretics.
  2. The child has a confused mind: he is too sleepy, he cannot be woken up, he reacts badly to the environment.
  3. Have difficulty breathing or swallowing.
  4. Vomiting was added to the temperature.
  5. A rash appeared in the form of small bruises that does not disappear when you press the skin.
  6. Convulsions began.
  7. There are signs of dehydration: the child rarely goes to the toilet, he has a dry mouth with a red tongue, he cries without tears. In infants, the fontanel may sink.

How to help a child with a fever

The main thing that we can help in the fight against temperature is to eliminate its cause. If the case is a bacterial infection, they are needed (only as prescribed by a doctor). If other diseases are to blame, they must be treated. And only viruses pass by themselves, you just need to support the body, which will destroy these viruses.

Let's have a warm drink

At high temperatures, the moisture that is in the human body evaporates faster, so there is a risk of dehydration. This is especially true for children: they are small and they need very little to lose 10% of the liquid. With a lack of water, the mucous membranes dry up, it becomes more difficult to breathe, the child has nothing to sweat with, that is, he cannot dump heat himself. Therefore, a warm drink at a temperature is very, very important.

Give your child juices, compotes, tea, water more often, persuade him to drink at least a few sips. Babies need to be offered breasts more often, but if the baby refuses, it is better to give him water or a special drink than to wait until he returns to breast milk.

Buy a humidifier

In order not to increase the loss of fluid with breathing (and we exhale steam, in which there is a lot of moisture from the mucous membranes), humidify the air in the room. To keep the relative humidity at 40-60%, it is best to buy a special humidifier. But you can also try.

Get out

Every day, carry out wet cleaning in the room: wash the floors and collect dust. This is again necessary to facilitate breathing. Do not be afraid to open the windows and ventilate. Fresh air is especially necessary for a person whose body is fighting a disease, because ventilation is one of the ways to disinfect a room. From an open window it will not get worse, but from hot, dry and full of microbes air it will.

By the way, the child can be bathed if he has a fever.

Of course, when the baby wants to sleep and lie down, you don’t have to drag him to the bathroom. But if the general condition is normal, the child moves and plays, you can wash.


Feed your child healthy food: don't give kilos of sweets just because he is sick. If the baby does not have an appetite, do not force him to eat. Lunch eaten through force will not help to cope with the infection. It is better to boil chicken broth and give it to your child: it is liquid, food, and help in the fight against inflammation.

What not to do when a child has a temperature

The best way to survive the unpleasant period of illness without problems and losses is to provide the child good care. For some reason (according to tradition, on the advice of grandmothers, on advice from the forums), many harmful actions are considered mandatory in the treatment of temperature. How not to make mistakes:

  1. Don't wrap your baby. If the temperature is high, then warm clothes and two blankets will only aggravate the process. It is better to persuade him to drink another cup of warm compote.
  2. Do not place a heater near the child. In general, if the temperature in the room is above 22 ° C, it is necessary to reduce it. For a child with a fever, it will be better if the room is 18-20 ° C: inhalation of such air will not dry out the mucous membranes.
  3. Don't sweat your feet, don't make you breathe over a pot with something hot, don't put mustard plasters: These procedures have no proven effectiveness, and the risk of burning and overheating is higher than any possible benefit. In addition, these are unpleasant activities, and the child is already bad. If you really want to help the baby, it is better to figure out how to entertain him when he is having a hard time.
  4. Do not rub the child with vinegar and vodka. These methods help little, but they are very toxic to children.
  5. Do not put the child to bed if he does not want to go there. The patient himself prescribes bed rest. If he has the strength to play, then it's good.

What to do if the temperature rises after vaccination

Some vaccines cause temporary reactions in the body - redness at the injection site, irritability, a slight increase in temperature. These are not complications, everything will pass by itself in 1-3 days.

You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the same way as in the case of any other temperature: antipyretics and a suitable regimen.

Usually the temperature after vaccination is not higher than 37.5 ° C. But if the fever rises, see a doctor.

If the child has a sharp rise in temperature, this can cause parents to panic. But everything is not always so scary, although negative factors should not be written off. Consider what such changes can mean, as well as what actions need to be taken if they nevertheless manifest themselves.


First you need to weed out the main reason why the child's body temperature sometimes suddenly rises.

Often, a sudden fever is not a symptom of any disease, but indicates a banal overheating due to:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • stuffiness;
  • wrapping;
  • too hot and tight clothes;
  • prolonged physical activity.

All these factors can cause discomfort in adults, and in children with their imperfect thermoregulation system in the first years of life, this is even more so, because a one-year-old child often has a temperature.

If the baby was in the heat or was too tightly wrapped, then just wait a bit. The temperature will pass quickly enough. If it persists for an extended period of time, other potential causes should be considered.

Other reasons

In children under 2-3 years of age, a sudden rise in temperature is often side effect vaccination and accompanies the process of teething. In both cases, such a reaction is normal and may additionally be accompanied by weakness, irritability, and similar symptoms. If everything is limited to them, then parents should not worry too much. The temperature usually disappears in 2-3 days, at this time only symptomatic treatment is necessary.

For young children with neuralgic problems or simply overly sensitive and impressionable, a sharp increase in temperature can be a reaction to stressful situations, sudden changes in weather and climate. With the disappearance of irritating factors and as you adapt to changing conditions environment the symptom goes away on its own.

Very often, the sudden onset of a fever in a child without symptoms indicates a viral or bacterial disease, and it is often the temperature that appears first. Other symptoms may appear with a delay of 1-2 days. If the child has recently been hypothermic or has had a risk of contracting acute respiratory infections, infectious diseases or something similar, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor for examination and basic tests. Early detection of the disease will help it to proceed easier and pass faster.

If the temperature that appears, which rises quickly, is easily knocked off by medication, but then returns to the same level again, then this is a sure symptom of measles, rubella, chickenpox and other similar unpleasant infectious diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to call a doctor at home.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of reasons why the rise occurs or with symptoms, but minimal and not obvious. But in most cases, it is these problems that provoke a sudden temperature jump, so you should first take measures to identify and treat them.

How to treat

The first thing parents need to do is not to panic and make sure that ordinary overheating is not the cause of a sharp increase in temperature. Next, you need to assess the general condition of the child - how active he is, whether there are any other symptoms besides a sudden fever, then remember who he has been in contact with lately and what theoretically he could have contracted. These data and numbers on the thermometer determine further actions.

It should be understood that a high temperature indicates the body's fight against infection. Therefore, it is impossible to thoughtlessly knock it down, as an effective biological mechanism of protection against diseases is removed.

If the thermometer shows 37-37.5⁰, then there is no urgent need to take any measures, especially if the child remains active and has a typical behavior. This temperature can be considered the norm, it can occur even after simple overwork or prolonged games. It is enough to observe the state of the child's body, make sure that it does not overheat, provide plenty of warm drink.

With indications of 37.5 - 38.5⁰, the room should be ventilated more often, and to the large amount of drinking necessary to replenish fluid losses, it is worth adding periodic wiping with a damp cloth and applying compresses to the forehead. ethnoscience advises using vinegar or alcohol for this, but their vapors can harm the children's body, so it is better to limit yourself to plain water.

The numbers on the thermometer over 38.5⁰ indicate the need to use antipyretics medicines. This is already a dangerous sign - such a temperature in a child not only fights infection, but also harms the body (especially the nervous and cardiovascular systems).

emergency measures

Regardless of the severity of the fever, you should call ambulance if children:

  • convulsions;
  • complete lack of response to antipyretic drugs given in a dosage sufficient for age and weight;
  • the temperature rises above 39⁰ for a period of more than 15-20 minutes;
  • severe shortness of breath (not to be confused with cough or slight wheezing in acute respiratory infections);
  • atypical pallor, severe lethargy up to loss of consciousness, cold extremities.

In other situations, you can wait 1-2 days to see a doctor, carefully monitoring the child's condition at this time. The maximum that you should wait before contacting a specialist is 4-5 days. If the child's temperature has not decreased during this time, but only the temperature has risen, then something is wrong with his body.

Save so you don't lose! Recommended by pediatricians! Highly useful information, Thanks! I did not know everything, now I will take note. Described in detail and...

Save so you don't lose! Recommended by pediatricians!

Very useful information, thanks! I did not know everything, now I will take note. It is told in detail and simply, without unnecessary troubles.

Now, when children get sick so often, this knowledge is necessary for every mother! After all, it is so important to help your child and do no harm!

1. How and when to bring down the temperature of a child

  • We knock down if above 38 Your task is to reduce T to 37.5 C armpit.
  • To lower T, use paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen. Never use aspirin, especially if your child has chickenpox.
  • Undress the child (do not wrap!). Don't forget the cool fresh air in the room.
  • To reduce T, you can also use cool baths (water temperature corresponds to normal temperature bodies).
  • Do not use alcohol rubs, especially on young children. Remember, alcohol is poison for a child.

2. Why don't paracetamol and ibuprofen always work?

The fact is that all drugs in pediatric practice are calculated on the weight of a particular child. The drugs must be taken, correctly calculating the dose for the weight of a particular child, using special measuring syringes Manufacturers, especially cheap paracetamols, for some reason underestimate the doses, and focusing on the recommendation - "from 6 months to 3 years" is also not reasonable, since it is not one dose of the drug may be suitable for a child weighing 8 to 18 kg.

3. How to take antipyretics correctly? (We calculate the dose of the drug)

Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan, Cefekon D) single dose of the drug - 15 mg / kg. That is, for a child weighing 10 kg, a single dose will be 10 kg X 15 \u003d 150 mg. For a child weighing 15 kg - 15X15 = 225 mg. This dose can be given up to 4 times a day if needed.

Ibuprofen (nurofen, ibufen) Single dose of the drug 10 mg/kg. That is, a child weighing 8 kg needs 80 mg, and weighing 20 kg - 200 mg. The drug can be given no more than 3 times a day.
The drugs reduce the temperature within an hour and a half, by about 1-1.5 degrees, one should not expect a decrease in temperature to the “normal” of 36.6.

4. What drugs SHOULD NOT be given to a child

Analgin (metamisole sodium). The use of the drug in the civilized world is not approved due to its high toxicity, inhibitory effect on hematopoiesis. In Russia, it is widely used, especially in conditions emergency care, as part of the "lytic mixture". Perhaps a single administration of the drug in conditions where other, safer drugs are not available. But the constant intake of analgin with each rise in temperature is absolutely unacceptable.

Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) - the use of the drug in children under 12 years of age with viral infections is prohibited due to the possible development of toxic encephalopathy with liver damage - Reye's syndrome.

Nimesulide (Nise, Nimulide) - A few years ago, it was widely advertised as an antipyretic in children due to gaps in the legislation. Temperature drops remarkably. Produced only in India. In the civilized world, the application in childhood prohibited due to the possibility of developing severe liver damage (toxic hepatitis). On the this moment the use of the drug in children under 12 years of age in Russia is prohibited by the pharmaceutical committee.

5. You can't!

Applying cold objects to the "temperature" body of the child - this provokes a spasm of the skin vessels. And if a decrease in skin temperature occurs, then the temperature of the internal organs, on the contrary, increases, which is extremely dangerous. - It is impossible to rub with alcohol or vinegar, because these substances enter the child's body through the skin, which means that poisoning is possible.

6. What to do about ‘white fever’?

Is there any benefit to high temperatures? Undoubtedly! Fever is a response to infection, a protective mechanism that helps the body fight viruses, with an increase in body temperature, protective factors are produced in the body. If your baby's skin, despite the high temperature, is pink and moist to the touch, you can be relatively calm - the balance between heat production and heat loss is not disturbed. But if at a high temperature the skin is pale, the hands and feet are cold, and the child is chilled, then this is a “white fever”, in which vasospasm occurs. The cause may be damage to the central nervous system, lack of fluid, decreased pressure, and other reasons. For white fever:

1) Try to give half a tablet of Nosh-pa and intensively rub the cold extremities of the child with your hands. Keep in mind that antipyretics will not begin to act in full force until the vasospasm has passed. Be sure to call an ambulance - they will inject the ‘lytic mixture’!

2) Eliminate any methods of physical cooling - rubbing, wrapping in cold sheets, etc.! Your child already has a spasm of skin vessels.

7. What form of medicine to choose?

When choosing a form of medicine (liquid medicine, syrup, chewable tablets, suppositories), it should be borne in mind that drugs in solution or syrup act after 20-30 minutes, in suppositories - after 30-45 minutes, but their effect is longer. Candles can be used in a situation where the child vomits when taking liquid or refuses to drink medicine. Candles are best used after a child's bowel movements, they are convenient to enter at night.

An elevated temperature in a child is the first sign of the disease. Therefore, you need to “knock down” it correctly and, most importantly, on time. Do not panic - this way you can help your baby faster and more efficiently.

Most often, an increase in temperature is accompanied by chills, headache, as well as a deterioration in the general condition of the child, weakness. Sometimes, especially with SARS, fever is the only sign of the disease. It should be remembered that high temperature is a protective reaction of the body. It contributes to the production of protective proteins - interferon, lysocilin, which in turn fight viruses inside the body. The higher the temperature, the more interferon is produced. The peak concentration of this protein falls on the 2nd-3rd day of illness.

Plentiful drink

If a child has a fever, he needs to sweat thoroughly. But do not wrap the child in blankets, on the contrary, in this state, his body should be as free from things as possible. To have something to sweat, the baby needs to drink every 20-30 minutes. You can give a warm infusion of lime blossom, rose hips, dried raspberries, fruit drinks, especially cranberry or lingonberry, not strong tea with raspberry jam or black currant. It is best if you alternate these drinks - this will improve the effect. Any liquid you give should not be cold or hot - only warm. But, again, I note that all drinks must be given taking into account the age of the child and the absence of allergies to these products.

The room must be cool
It is necessary to ventilate the room every hour for 15-20 minutes, depending on the season, but the main thing is that there are no drafts. The optimum air temperature in the baby's room should be 16-18 degrees.

Bed rest
If the baby begins to act up, he develops weakness, measure the temperature and put him to bed. In this state, he needs bed rest. Of course, not every child can be put down like this right away, so you can lie down with him and read your favorite fairy tale to him or turn on a cartoon, but not a long one, as viewing can tire him. The ideal option, of course, is sleep.

The child refuses to eat - do not force feed. You can try to stimulate an appetite, say, by offering his favorite food, as it takes strength to fight the disease. You need to feed the baby often, but not in large portions and the most useful during this period will be fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals without milk.

When to start "knocking down" the temperature?
It is necessary to “knock down” the temperature in a child older than 3 months starting from 38.5 degrees, but on condition that the child does not suffer from cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the respiratory system, as well as febrile convulsions. It is not necessary to “knock down” the temperature below 38 degrees - give the body the opportunity to fight the disease. In addition, each child tolerates a rise in temperature differently. Some can easily play at 39 degrees, while others lose consciousness at a temperature of 37.5. Therefore, there are no universal recommendations on after what indication on the thermometer scale to start lowering the temperature. You should definitely discuss all these questions in advance with your doctor, because as soon as he can, taking into account the characteristics of your child's body, give you recommendations.

To speed up the process of heat transfer, you can wipe the child with a diaper or napkin soaked in water. If your baby has a high fever, you can wrap him in a damp, cool sheet. Handles and knives can be wiped with a mixture of water and alcohol, diluted in a 1: 1 ratio. You can put a compress on the baby's forehead with cold water or a cabbage leaf.

Chair problems
If a child has problems with stools, stagnation in the digestive system or is not regular, this can also contribute to an increase in temperature, which leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the baby. In this case, you can apply a proven home method - to make a cool (room temperature) cleansing enema.

The amount of water needed for an enema depends on the age of the child:

  • for newborns - 30 ml;
  • babies 1-3 months - 90 ml;
  • babies 6-9 months - 120-150 ml;
  • babies 9-12 months - 180 ml;
  • children 2-5 years old - 300 ml;
  • children 6-9 years old - 400 ml;
  • children 10-14 years old - 500 ml.

Paracetamol, the main active ingredient in most antipyretics for children, is the most recommended remedy for reducing fever in children. These funds can be sold in the form of syrup, tablets, as well as candles.
The syrup begins to act approximately 20 minutes after ingestion, the candles - after 30-40 minutes. For babies, as well as for children who vomit at high temperatures, it is best to use antipyretic suppositories, having previously made a cleansing enema, then its effect will be most effective. In addition, the effect of using candles is longer.
Many antipyretic drugs may contain dyes, flavors, and other additives that can cause an allergic reaction in children.

Attention! Before using any means, be sure to consult your doctor or ambulance workers. Also, carefully read the instructions for medicines and pay attention to expiration dates.

When to call an ambulance?

  • the age of the child is up to 1 year;
  • if antipyretic drugs do not work;
  • incessant vomiting (more than 3-4 times);
  • uncontrolled diarrhea (more than 3-4 times);
  • convulsions appeared;
  • rash of any kind, purplish rash, or bruising in the eyes;
  • the appearance of new symptoms or simply a deterioration in the general condition of the child;
  • if the child has apathy, drowsiness, lack of response to attempts to wake him up;
  • the child has a severe headache that does not disappear after taking analgesics and antipyretics;
  • if there are signs of dehydration: a reduced amount of urination or dry diapers, “sunken” eyes, a sunken fontanel, no tears when crying, dry tongue, pronounced drowsiness or arousal, more than usual, as well as the appearance of a specific smell from the mouth.