Interpretation of test results for intelligence, type of thinking and mindset. Tests for mindset - mathematician or humanities? School for scientifically minded children

From the basics of psychology, it is known that the hemispheres of the brain are responsible for the mental function. People with a dominant right hemisphere are more emotional, they differ in figurative, abstract thinking. Such personalities humanitarian warehouse mind. If the left hemisphere dominates, the person is more practical, has analytical thinking and a mathematical mindset.

There are 5 main categories of human thinking:
- practical mindset;
- artistic and figurative;
- humanitarian;
- mathematical ();
- universal mindset ().

What type of thinking do you have?

In order to understand your type of thinking, first of all, you need to become more familiar with each of them.

Practical mindset. People who possess it, in everyday life, prefer objective thinking. They are consistent in everything and have an inextricable link between the object-space-time. A person with such a mindset is inherently not inclined to fantasize and dream.

Artistic mentality. With such thinking, all information is processed with the help of images. Such people have a developed imagination and vocabulary. It is easier for them to tell than to show by action. A person with an artistic mentality is very easy to recognize, as he reacts sharply to criticism and is emotional in almost all manifestations. Analytical abilities in such a person are much less pronounced.

A person with an artistic and imaginative mindset is perfectly suited for the profession of a psychologist, social worker, as well as creative professions.

A humanitarian mindset that can be described as iconic thinking. The personality of such a warehouse processes information with the help of inference. Such a person does not build a logical chain according to “small details”, but ties it to a specific imaginary goal. In this he is helped by developed intuition and creativity, which is based on imagination and feelings. The emotional method of cognition is the first thing a humanist relies on.

Mathematical (analytical) mindset. In this situation, the opposite is true. People with this mindset prefer laws, rules, and formulas. Unlike humanitarians, these individuals are able to adequately assess the situation and resolve serious issues. Cold calculations help you succeed in the commercial field. The analytical mindset is based on the logic of reasoning and is the exact opposite of intuitive thinking. Facts, objective information and figures are what such people prefer to be guided by.

Mathematical (analytical) thinking is very similar to the practical mindset.

Universal (synthetic) thinking. People with this mindset can be called lucky, because they have all the abilities. They have well-developed left and right hemispheres. They have a fairly clear picture of the world and are well versed in technical disciplines. They are emotional realists. However, these abilities are not divided equally, but with some preponderance. And in order to identify the predominant type of thinking, you need to go through a special psychological test.

Based on the foregoing, knowledge about the types of thinking and mindset has a huge impact on your future successful future. Develop in the right direction! I wish you success!

You can often encounter the division of people into humanists and techies. The Internet is filled with endless disputes between these two groups. But who are the humanities and techies in reality? And how to determine which group a child belongs to? The answers to these questions must be sought in the inclinations, inclinations, interests and features of the mindset of each person. Today we will see what features people with a humanitarian and technical (analytical) mindset have.

Prerequisites for an inclination towards the humanities or technical sciences

The tendency can be noticed already in early childhood.

Almost every person has a penchant for certain types of sciences, i.e. Some disciplines are more interesting than others. For example, some prefer to carry out calculations (a propensity for mathematics), while others prefer to read books and analyze texts (a propensity for literature and language). This tendency is most pronounced in school years, and in some cases is noticeable even at an earlier age. There are several prerequisites for this:

  1. Makings. These are the natural qualities of a person that determine his success in a particular type of activity. These are innate physiological psychological features, peculiarities nervous system and structures of the brain. For example, absolute pitch, a strong type of nervous system, excellent memory, etc. Under favorable conditions for development, the inclinations turn into abilities: musical, mathematical, etc.
  2. Upbringing. Even in the absence of certain inclinations and abilities, it is possible to instill in a child a love for some kind of science. For example, families of hereditary mathematicians, doctors, teachers, etc. are quite common. Growing up in a particular family, the child adopts the ideas, norms and values ​​of his parents. And especially bright interest in the humanities or technical sciences will be manifested if adults work with the child and support his enthusiasm.
  3. Interest. It can be formed under the influence of parents, teachers, friends, etc. Sometimes interest in a particular science flares up in a child as if spontaneously, i.e. no one deliberately inoculates him. In this case, it will be more due to the makings and mindset.
  4. Mentality. This concept refers to the way in which a person thinks, how he expresses and implements his thoughts and ideas. To a greater extent, it is due to the natural component (i.e. inherent in a person from birth), however, education also plays a significant role in its formation.

Each of these four prerequisites significantly affects the child's inclination towards the humanities or technical sciences. However, the division of people into two categories (humanitarians and technicians) occurs precisely according to the mindset, which in each case has its own characteristics.

Features of people with a humanitarian mindset

It is believed that such a mindset is inherent in people whose right hemisphere is more developed. Those. people with the so-called artistic personality type. Their features are:

  • Emotional way of knowing the world. Such people are more focused on feelings and emotions, learning something, they pass it through themselves. For example, listening to a fairy tale, such a child will pay more attention to the feelings of the characters, worry about them.
  • Mode of action. Humanitarians are more theorists than practitioners. They are avidly interested in the discoveries of other people, study the history of various phenomena and at the same time do not particularly strive to create something on their own. They make their own discoveries if the available knowledge is not enough to explain a particular phenomenon. A child with a humanitarian mindset in games will act according to the existing rules (if they are clear and suit him), not trying to move away from them and invent something new.
  • Acceptance of multiple points of view. People with this inclination are able to accept the existence of other points of view, to understand that other people may think differently from them. Humanitarian children will strive to find various explanations for the phenomenon that interests them, for example, they will not be satisfied with one theory of the origin of man, but will try to get acquainted with all of them.
  • The predominance of visual-figurative type of thinking. Such children have a very developed imagination, they can easily imagine some kind of object or phenomenon (but only if they have already seen it once), they do not need to have an object in front of them in order to mentally perform some actions with it. However, it should be noted that the predominance of this type of thinking in a person does not necessarily determine the humanitarian mindset.
  • Love for the humanities. A humanist child would rather prefer literature, language, history, etc., than mathematics, physics, and other natural and technical sciences. However, there are times when people with such a mindset love not only the humanities, but they are more difficult for them.

So, the humanitarian mindset of a child can be determined by his increased emotionality and sensitivity, by his ability to understand people and establish contacts with them, by his love for reasoning and thoughts. After reading some interesting book or watching a movie, such children will think about it / him, try to feel and imagine. Humanitarians are by no means passive, but they are less active and lively than children with an analytical mindset. They gradually accumulate knowledge, collect it bit by bit, and then they can surprise adults with the vastness of their knowledge. At the same time, they are perfectly able to apply this knowledge in life, in communicating with people, etc.

The most preferred professions for people with such a mindset are: psychologist, teacher, philologist, historian, archaeologist, lawyer, political scientist, economist, sociologist, etc.

Features of people with a technical (analytical) mindset

As a rule, in such people, the left hemisphere is more developed and leading. Children with a technical mindset belong to the mental type of personality and are characterized by:

  • Cognition of the world through logical schemes. Faced with some new situation or phenomenon, the technician will try to analyze it from all possible sides and aspects, to consider every little thing. For example, in fairy tales, such children will pay more attention to the actions of the characters, ask how they managed to do this or that action. Techniques are not devoid of feelings and emotions, but they fade into the background.
  • Active mode of action. Technicians prefer to act, not to reason. At the same time, they strive to think everything over in detail, to make the activity clear and purposeful. Such children are not so much interested in hearing about the discoveries of others as in making these discoveries themselves. Even in games, they tend to invent something new, come up with and introduce their own rules.
  • Adherence to one specific point of view. As a rule, technicians tend to have one point of view, one way of doing things, and so on. It is difficult for them to accept the existence of other opinions. For this reason, the study of sciences, where there are many theories and paradigms that explain one phenomenon, is difficult for them.
  • The predominance of the abstract-logical type of thinking. As a rule, such people think in categories that do not exist in nature. They all strive to explain from the point of view of logic: to connect concepts with each other, to draw a conclusion, etc. But it is worth remembering that the prevalence of this type of thinking will not necessarily determine the technical mindset.
  • Love for natural and technical sciences. Mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, areas dominated by drawings and diagrams - these are the elements of human technicians. This does not mean that they do not like to read books and watch films, they are not interested in art. It's just that analysis, reasoning and discussion are not typical for children with an analytical mindset.

Briefly describe children with a technical mindset as very mobile, but at the same time rational and rarely show their emotions. They strive to learn everything from their own experience, to make great discoveries, to go down in history. Their goal is to acquire new knowledge, new ways of acting. At the same time, it does not matter at all that this knowledge and methods of action could exist earlier. Techies are energetic and self-confident, but at the same time find mutual language it can be difficult for them with those around them, and they do not always strive for this. They love technology and are good at it.

The most preferred professions for people with a technical mindset: mathematician, physicist, chemist, engineer, architect, mechanic, programmer, biotechnologist, cook (culinary specialist), etc.

Mathematical ability is one of the main indicators.

Can propensity be changed?

Inclination and mindset in most cases determine the future profession and occupation. However, situations often arise when, contrary to these criteria, one has to choose a different field of activity. So is it possible to change a child's propensity for technical or human sciences? Yes, it is acceptable in some situations:

  1. The child has a synthetic mindset. This means that the humanities and technical sciences are given to him equally. In this case, it is worth getting him interested in other disciplines, instilling love for them.
  2. The child shows interest in the opposite area of ​​knowledge. A great desire is an excellent driving force for mastering any field of knowledge. Having the interest, desire and support of loved ones, the child will be able to successfully master any profession, even contrary to his mindset.

It is worth remembering that not a single person is completely deprived of the ability to master certain sciences. It’s just that he feels great love for one, and they are given to him an order of magnitude easier. Most often, it is on the basis of this inclination that one chooses future profession. However, the human brain is so complex that, with great desire and aspiration, it allows you to succeed even in those areas that seem infinitely far from his mindset.

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The mindset or type of thinking of a person largely determines his professional activity and success in the chosen profession. After all, if the individual characteristics of thinking "correspond" to the work of a person, then it is much easier for him to fulfill his duties, his achievements are more significant, and his career advancement is more successful and easier. Since only a person who is engaged in “his own business” is capable of real achievements. What are your individual characteristics of thinking?

Psychologists believe that the characteristics of a person's thinking are determined by the hemisphere of the brain, which is his leading one. If the right hemisphere is more developed, then emotional sphere, figurative, abstract thinking. In this case, the place has a humanitarian mindset. If the left hemisphere of the brain is more developed, then this is an analytical mindset, the so-called mathematical thinking.

We propose to understand this in a little more detail before moving on to interpreting the results of the intelligence test.


Basically, the type of thinking is divided into four categories: practical or technical mindset, artistic-imaginative, humanitarian mindset, and mathematical mindset. However, the names may be somewhat different. Each of them has its own individual characteristics of thinking.

  • Practical thinking.

A person with a practical mindset prefers and uses objective thinking in everyday life. This type of thinking is characterized by an inseparable connection between the subject and space and time, the consistent execution of operations. They carry out the transformation of information with the help of substantive, specific actions. The result of this type of thinking is a thought embodied in some new construction. In life, people with such a worldview are often called realists, they rarely fantasize or are generally incapable of abstract thinking.

  • Artistic mentality.

Such people have a purely figurative thinking. On the contrary, they separate the object from space and time, carry out mental transformations of information, operating with images. In practice, it is easier for such people to imagine, imagine what needs to be done, it is easier for them to tell than to show with actions. result figurative thinking becomes a thought, which is embodied in some new image.

A person who has such a figurative, abstract thinking “passes everything through himself”, i.e. trying to feel, imagine. They are very clearly visible, because they have a hard time accepting criticism, separation, and react emotionally to almost everything. They react violently to love notes and poems, lyrical moments in a movie or book. They rarely have analytical skills. These are, as a rule, good humanitarians: doctors, psychologists, social workers, etc.

  • humanitarian mindset.

Individuals who have such individual characteristics prefer sign thinking. They transform information with the help of inferences.

This is the strategic, creative thinking of a person, when a logical chain is built not according to some small details, but is firmly tied to some imaginary goal. Since the goal is not yet a “thing” that does not exist in reality, but only a planned one, people who have a humanitarian mindset have developed intuition and creativity based on imagination, feelings. That is, a person first needs to imagine and feel everything. This type of thinking is based on the emotional method of cognition of the surrounding world.

  • Mathematical thinking.

Such people give preference to symbolic thinking, that is, the transformation of information using certain laws and inference rules (for example, algebraic ones). The result is a thought, which is expressed in the form of formulas and structures that fix the relationship between symbols (literally or figuratively).

A mathematical mindset or an analytical, technical mindset are practically synonymous. Mathematical thinking allows a person to analyze individual phenomena in actions. That is, the analyst, unlike the humanists, sees the situation in individual details, is able to better, more adequately, or something, assess the situation. Logical thinking people with a mathematical mindset, as a rule, are much less developed, but they perform calculations in the mind just fine. They easily use existing formulas, laws and rules, and this is not only about mathematics, but about life in principle.

The analytical mindset in everyday life implies a “perceptive mind”, a person’s ability to “intelligently analyze, do correct conclusions". In psychology, this is thinking, based on the logic of reasoning, not perception. Simply put, the analytical mindset is the opposite of intuitive thinking. A person who has this type of thinking prefers to be guided in life by “dry” facts, some kind of objective information, and not at all by feelings. Analytical ability is very close to technical or mathematical.

  • Universal mindset.

In addition to all this, very often people have the so-called synthetic mindset, that is, universal, including abilities in different directions. It is quite difficult for such people to clearly define who they are to a greater extent, humanitarians or technicians. They, as a rule, have the same success in studies on completely polar fronts, they are equally good at all subjects, both mathematical disciplines, and, say, literature. Such people quite clearly represent the general picture of the world, understand graphs and drawings. At the same time, they can easily get emotional and cry.

The owners of a universal mindset can be considered lucky, because their individual features of thinking cover everything, they are endowed with all abilities. However, their abilities are not distributed equally, not evenly, but with some preponderance. To determine their predominant features of thinking, they are encouraged to take professional testing.


Compare the answers you gave to the test questions with the correct ones, and give yourself 1 point for each of the matches of your option with the correct answer. This is how the results are evaluated for all sections of the intelligence test, with the exception of the FOURTH SECTION.

In the FOURTH SECTION, points are calculated a little differently, namely:

For a direct match with the key (correct answer) - 2 points;

For a word similar in meaning, but not matching the key - 1 point;

If your answer does not match the key at all, and the concept of the word is far from the meaning of the correct answer - 0 points.

Calculate the number of points in each section of the intelligence test separately and evaluate your results, individual thinking patterns and mindset.

  • Correct answers of the test for the structure of intelligence


Having calculated the results of the test for the structure of intelligence, you can independently interpret them (interpret, decipher). The more points you ultimately score when answering the questions of a particular section, the more pronounced in your thinking are the characteristics that were tested in this section. You can talk about high results if the level of 3/4 of the number of correct answers in a particular section is overcome.

SECTION ONE tested your ability to reason, your sense of reality, common sense, autonomy and independence of your thinking.

SECTION TWO is responsible for identifying the level of development of your sense of language, the ability to generalize and clearly, accurately express the meanings and meaning of words and concepts.

SECTION THREE tells how vividly your ability to combine is expressed, how flexible and mobile your thinking is. Here it turns out to what extent your mind can understand certain relationships, and also how much you tend to find an exact definition of concepts, how important this is for your type of thinking.

SECTION FOUR indicates your ability for abstract thinking, your education, the ability to define concepts and competently express your own thoughts.

SECTION FIVE assessed your practical thinking, how developed are your abilities to quickly, quickly navigate in the proposed situation, information, as well as the ability to use ready-made algorithms when solving problems (as in professional activity, as well as in life).

SECTION SIX evaluates your mathematical abilities, the ability to think logically, reveals the desire for order in everything, for a certain rhythm and pace in life.

The absolute maximum score that is possible when testing is 132 points, and the closer your score is to this figure, the higher your level of intelligence. In general, you have the right to consider yourself intellectually developed and an educated person, if the number of points you have earned exceeds at least 95 points. If you scored 125 or more points during the testing process, then you can not hesitate to tell your relatives and colleagues that you have a truly universal mindset and you are practically a Genius!


For a more holistic and complete interpretation of the results obtained, the sections are combined into the following complexes, dividing the mindset characteristic of a person into: verbal thinking; mathematical thinking; theoretical and practical thinking.

Averages are not interpreted here, since their meaning is obvious - something in between, between high and low intellectual level in the context of assessing a particular type of thinking. Also, the interpretation of the results is clearly lower than low, since there is simply nothing to characterize - perhaps the test is not yet suitable for age parameters (a child has passed it), or the level of a person’s intellectual abilities, as they say, wants the best. Anyway, given test is aimed at the structure of the intellect - this is an assessment of the type of thinking, that is, it assumes the presence of a certain level of its development. To determine the level of IQ and mental retardation, there are other, more suitable testing methods for this.

  • 1. VERBAL THINKING (sections one through four)

High results: 65-92 points. You have a very well developed speech, a rich vocabulary. You easily express your own thoughts with the help of words and understand others. You almost certainly have a purely humanitarian mindset. Perhaps you are given mathematical problems without much difficulty, but you think more in images than in objects.

High results: 30-40 points. You have what they call a mathematical mindset. You do not cause any particular difficulties, neither mathematical operations, nor the identification of mathematical patterns, nor the memorization of formulas and rules. Your life is probably also subject to some strict rules and you think clearly, structured, taking into account many details.

Low scores: up to 25 points. You have a very moderate ability to any exact sciences. Perhaps the world of numbers just seems boring and lifeless to you, or perhaps you are just not paying enough attention. But, most likely, your lack of mathematical abilities is more than compensated by your creativity, wild imagination and emotional perception.


If you received high scores in sections 2, 4, and 6, then this speaks of your theoretical mindset. You probably love encyclopedias and any scientific literature. You are one of those people who carefully and carefully consider some kind of action, but in the end, in practice, they cannot carry it out. The role of “commander” rather than “executor” is more suitable for you, because you understand everything perfectly, imagine how to do it in the best way, ideally, so to speak, and you can even supervise and tell subordinates what and how to do. But doing it yourself is problematic for many reasons.

If a most of the correct answers you received in sections 1, 3, 5 then you are endowed with a practical mindset. You tend to memorize only those scientific knowledge that can be useful in practice, which can be used in real life. Do you think that the most the best teacher- this is an experience. A practical mindset helps you navigate the reality around you perfectly. However, you rarely have the desire or time to think about your own actions and decisions, so you tend to make mistakes often, and the same ones, step on the same rake, as they say.

And a little more about individual features thinking:

Everyone knows the heated debate between the "humanitarians" and "techies". "Physicists" often make fun of the "lyricists", considering them to be eccentric people and of a narrow mind. Like, a really talented and quick-witted person is distinguished by the ability to memorize and analytical thinking at the same time. Is it true? How to determine whether a person has a humanitarian mindset, or a technical one? What are the “strengths” of the “lyricists”?

Features of the humanitarian mindset

"Humanists" can easily understand formulas and physical phenomena. Of course, if they want. However, more often than not, they are not attracted to such activities. It is much more interesting for its owners to engage in literature, social sciences, to try themselves in creative activities. Note that the division into "physicists" and "lyricists" is conditional. A person can perfectly know the laws of resistance of materials, but choose a social activity that is closer to him.

The humanitarian mindset is characterized by the predominance of the spiritual component of the personality. Many natural scientists (physicists, chemists) felt the need to express themselves in creativity and succeeded in this. For example, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was valued for his poetic talent, the great Leonardo da Vinci was both an artist and an inventor, Albert Einstein played the violin.

It is believed that the humanities see the world in the totality of the intellectual and emotional components, which are closely intertwined into one whole. It is not only a good memory ability or a hobby fine arts, and to a greater extent, a multifaceted perception of the world, they see the environment from all sides. They are distinguished by a clear awareness of the "two sides of the coin", the possibility of a different opinion, vision, experience, interpretation.

People with a "technical" mind like to "sort things out". The key point for them is that everything should be “according to the rules”. "Physicists" are ready to argue endlessly about the existence of unshakable laws of the universe, "truths in the last resort", unconditional obedience to the only true statements. For creative people this perception is unacceptable. They can reject the opposite opinion, disagree with it, but recognize its right to exist.

The predominance of the type of mind is determined without much difficulty. Teachers, for example, immediately see what the student gravitates towards - mathematical or humanitarian disciplines.

Typical signs of "lyricists":

  • high literacy;
  • ability to foreign languages;
  • creative abilities (passion for music, painting, poetry);
  • good memory;
  • ability for philosophical reasoning.

There are special tests to determine abilities. The range of professions for the humanities is quite wide - from library work to a political career. It is necessary to take into account the inclinations and preferences for a particular field of activity.

How is the humanitarian mindset manifested in children

Features of mental activity are visible already at an early age. How to determine whether the baby has an emotional mindset, or rational?

"Humanitarian" signs that appear first:

  • A well-developed sense of touch and smell, sensitivity to smells, touch, visual effects that "techies" may simply not notice.
  • Passionate about puzzles logic games(sorters, pyramids, nesting dolls), but they like to sculpt, draw, paint, make from different materials.
  • They analyze the literary works they have read, express their opinion about the plot and characters, and try to discuss them critically.
  • They enthusiastically play “war”, “daughters-mothers”, i.e. prefer role-playing activities.
  • Don't be afraid to sleep without light.
  • They do not ask “research” natural science questions, what are the stars, where do frogs winter, do fish sleep, where do animals get their tails, and so on.

Have you noticed the manifestation of these signs in a child? Think about what profession he should aim for in the future. It should be noted that the humanities can also be exact. Take linguistics or psychology as an example.

Humanitarians, as a rule, have good communication skills. This trait shows up in childhood. They easily establish contacts with others, regardless of whether their worldviews coincide or differ. With such people it is always easy and interesting, they have a bright charisma, people with different temperaments, religious beliefs, mentality, professions are drawn to them. They can be talented psychologists, politicians, speakers, artists, presenters.

Attention! There is a fairly well-known and simple way to determine the type of thinking. You need to interlace the fingers of the hands and see which one thumbs will be on top. If the left "leads", the humanitarian-emotional aspect prevails. And vice versa, if the primacy is for the right, the rational component is closer to the person.

The method has many supporters, but there are also opponents. Whether to take it into account, everyone decides for himself.

mindset in adults

We have already said that "lyricists" "by the will of fate" may well be in demand engineers, mathematicians or nuclear physicists. In the same way, there are “techies” among officials, psychologists, cultural experts.

Thus, the mindset does not always determine the choice of profession, especially since not everyone is doing what they like. However, the emotional and mental personality type has an impact on the life path of any person.

You are a humanitarian if:

  • Possess symbolic thinking - you designate connections between objects with the help of concepts.
  • You can say that you have a large circle of acquaintances, real and virtual - a lot of contacts in your phone notebook and social networks.
  • Love noisy companies, the company of other people.
  • Willingly acquire new knowledge and skills.
  • You know how to express your thoughts, reason, analyze, highlight the main thing.
  • Interested in the culture and customs of other countries.

Humanities suitable profession:

  • journalist
  • criticism;
  • sociologist
  • teacher;
  • translator
  • tour guide;
  • marketer;
  • lawyer
  • designer
  • fashion designer;
  • archaeologist;
  • writer;
  • doctor;
  • hairdresser;
  • tourism manager.

Important! Dissatisfied with the way your career and life have turned out? It makes sense to determine the mindset and think about what you really want, taking into account inclinations and abilities. It's never too late to change your life!

Both parents and teachers should keep in mind that it is necessary to teach, educate, develop children wisely, take into account the temperament and interests of the child, and the type of intelligence that even the smallest crumbs have. If the characteristics of the child's intelligence are taken into account, then learning will be easy, and its results will certainly please. To determine what type of intelligence a child has, the baby must be observed and analyzed.

Features of children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence

If a kid has a logical-mathematical type of thinking, then he loves accuracy in everything, has abstract thinking, is surprisingly organized, loves to count. Such children with early age they show interest in logical experiments, computers, in solving problems - and all this comes to them very easily. They are easily given mathematics, physics, chemistry, that is, subjects that require developed logic, accuracy and a special mindset. To arouse the interest of these children in learning, you need to set different tasks for them, use tables and diagrams for clarity, offer various experiments, and play mathematical games.

Preferences of children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence

If the child is dominated by logical and mathematical thinking, then he likes modeling, the study of relationships, strictly ordered activities. He also likes math. He likes to experiment with things he doesn't understand. Such a student likes to ask questions, work with numbers, explore relationships and patterns. He is interested in untying logical tasks. For the purpose of the most effective learning, children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence prefer to classify information, they think abstractly and try to understand the basic principles. Children with developed mathematical abilities, as a rule, become mathematicians, biologists, medical technologists, geologists, engineers, physicists, researchers and other scientists. People with this type of thinking are easily versed in complex scheme or read a drawing. They like to untie logical and mathematical problems, moreover, the more difficult the task, the more interesting it is for them to solve it. Therefore, mathematics, physics, chemistry and economics are the easiest for them.

The abilities of children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence

Children with a logical-mathematical type of intelligence have pronounced abilities that distinguish these children from their peers from an early age. The main abilities of such children can be called:

  • Ease of perception of abstract ideas;
  • As a rule, punctuality;
  • Rely more on reason and logic than on feelings;
  • They love technology and are well versed in it;
  • When solving a problem, they try to think everything over carefully, analyze everything possible options and choose the best
  • Make accurate notes;
  • They remember faces better than names.

In order for the training of young “mathematicians” to be as successful as possible, you need to analyze data with them; play math games; always use logic. Such children in the learning process must be inspired in every possible way, assisted in carrying out practical experiments; together with them strive to predict the results; use deductive methods to solve problems; try to use graphs and tables as much as possible in the learning process.

I must say, this type of intelligence is often called academic, scientific.