Moms are different: parenting styles. Five types of mothers and their emotional legacy There are 2 types of mothers of friends

Popular wisdom says: do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. But are these hundred friends really needed? Maybe one is enough, but the most real, most devoted and most beloved friend? I think yes.

A friend has certain qualities, such as patience, respect, loyalty, and of course honesty. A friend will not deceive you, much less betray you. Same way best friend ready to listen to problems and experiences at any time, even if tired. A friend will come to the rescue and will not refuse it. The best friend is a reliable person, he will not reveal your secrets, and will be faithful in any situation, therefore, not everyone can become one.

Now I want to talk about the main contender for the role of best friend. Firstly, she was with us from birth, she raised us, taught us the norms and rules of life. Secondly, she saw when we cried, she saw us in joy and in sadness. Thirdly, she is most interested in being full, dressed, whether we are satisfied. This woman will never leave us alone in the most difficult moments. This is mom. I believe that if a person thinks, first of all, about your good, then he can be the best friend. Mothers do this all the time, without exception. It is not embarrassing to talk with her for hours, it is interesting to walk with her, and she will not offend a child friend in any case, because this is her particle, her blood.

Mom is the best friend, regardless of age and hobbies, because she sincerely loves us and will love us.

Mom is my best friend (essay No. 2).

Many children laugh when a child says that his best friend is his mother. In fact, they are far from being right, perhaps their family has a bad relationship with their parents and they do not trust them. In fact, mom is the most true friend who will not leave you after a while.

Friends change with every stage of life, and mom is ready to support you at any moment. Another proof that mom is the best friend is that she will not tell anyone your secrets, but will carefully keep them to herself. When you stumble or make a mistake, friends rarely extend a “helping hand”, and mom will never miss the chance to give it to you and raise it to your feet.

It is very easy to communicate with mom, as she, being wise, always gives helpful tips. Mom will never envy your success and happiness, but on the contrary, she will rejoice with you and pray for your happiness. Despite all this, it is rare that a child will understand these words. Awareness comes only with age, when wrinkles appear on the face of your best friend and a little fatigue in the eyes. Therefore, you should not offend your best friend, even when he is sometimes stubborn, because after him he may not be. Do not repent later, it is better to appreciate it now, at this moment.

Looking back, you can see that all the best and brightest moments of life took place next to my mother. With her, you do not need to put on various masks, because she knows your soul beautifully. Yes, sometimes you swear and very strongly, but in her huge vulnerable heart there will always be a place to forgive your offenses, no matter what, she will accept you as you are and will not condemn you for your actions.

Now try to look into the depths of your soul and analyze all the words said above, for sure, many will shudder and they will want to change everything. Take action.

2nd grade, 4th grade.

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Psychologists assure: ideal mothers do not exist. There are no social institutions where they teach how to be a mother so that you can choose a certain style of behavior. The only thing a woman can do is copy her mother's behavior pattern.

“The motherhood gene has an intergenerational family character,” explains psychologist Milana Burchakova. But the specific situation also plays a role. Sometimes the same scenario is reproduced from generation to generation. Generations are different, situations are different, but the essence is the same. However, some women choose to counter-script their relationship with their mother. But both options are wrong, and each specific situation is special. You can not blame a woman for raising a child one way or another. Even the worst, according to the public, mother tries to be the best for her child.

The style of raising a child is usually influenced by the dominant character traits of the mother. Of course, it is impossible to divide all the mothers of the world into several types, but we will try to identify the main behaviors and consider their features.

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mother hen

Mother hens tend to surround their child with excessive care, like hens hatching their eggs, sometimes not even caring about their own food. The life of their children is scheduled according to the strictest schedule: a pool for babies, English from a year. Mother hens often do not realize that the child has grown up, even if she has already celebrated 35 years and does not know where to go from guardianship. According to psychologists, the childhood memories of mothers are to blame: most likely, they themselves received less parental love and attention in childhood. However, most of the problems and behavioral patterns of parents come from childhood.

perfection mom

She strives for perfection in everything. A child, as an object of pride that everyone needs to demonstrate, should look exceptionally perfect: no tantrums in public and diathesis. The baby is the first of his peers to smile, crawl, talk, walk, read and draw, quote Kant in the original and eat exclusively with a knife and fork. Perhaps one of the most annoying types, because they cannot help but brag about the success of their child.

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From the side of the eco-mom, she is a well-groomed young girl with a minimum of makeup. Her obligatory attribute is a sling, from which the baby's head sticks out. Such a mother votes with two hands for breast-feeding, preferably up to three years, cotton reusable diapers, organic cosmetics - ideally oils, seasonal products, homeopathy and yoga. Ekomama stands for conscious motherhood and worries about what kind of world her child will live in. And she also dreams of wintering in Bali, because there are no GMOs and warm clothes are not needed.

Dictator Mom

Mom-dictator keeps in full control all the actions of her child. Voting right? Laughter, and nothing more. An attempt at self-expression? Prohibited. With such a mother, everything is laid out on the shelves and is carried out strictly according to the regulations. The commander in the apron is sure: she has the right to control every step not only of her offspring, but also of his own children. A child is an object of education, subject to a strict “must” regardless of wishes.

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Servant Mom

The characteristic behavior of a mother-servant is endless attempts to predict all the whims of her beloved child, indulging the slightest whim. All the wishes of the baby are the law. Plans change depending on the mood of the baby. The only mission of the servant mother is to meet the needs of the cub. With excessive diligence, an overly active lady tires not only herself, but also the object of care, who would be glad to hide from hyper-custody, but so far she cannot due to age or circumstances.

Fashion mom

On the playground, it’s easy to recognize a fashionista mom by her addiction to trendy boats, perfect makeup and intricate hair. The child is dressed to match - shorts to match his mother's bag, even now on the cover of children's Vogue. Yes, and the stroller was bought in a branded store. True, in the sandbox in such attire you can’t tinker enough. And it’s better to forget about puddles too.

Hearth Keeper

The child of such a mother will not have to snack on store-bought yogurt with a bunch of dyes and preservatives. Moreover, the child will not starve on a walk - the parent will take care of a tasty and healthy snack in advance. In the arsenal of the “keeper of the hearth” there are many recipes for purees and soups suitable for the most fastidious kids. All the energy of this woman goes to the life support of her family.

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mother child

No one perceives a mother-child as an adult and independent person, including herself. And even more so, she is completely unable to take care of the child, to bear responsibility for him. Age has nothing to do with it. The parent can be either 18 or 45 years old. A mother-child does not trust her intuition at all, she is characterized by infantilism, immaturity and a tendency to anxiety states. She is even afraid to pick up a child once again: “He’s fragile, what if I drop it?”

surprise mom

This parent is characterized by a changeable, eccentric, inconsistent and unpredictable mood. “It can be pressed to the heart, or it can be sent to hell” - this is about her. Surprise Mom is completely unable to control her emotions. She does not adapt to the amplitude of the child's emotions, but adjusts the baby to herself. She changes the system of education or the pediatrician easily and on a grand scale, unexpectedly succumbing to a new trend.

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smart mom

The smart mom has a PhD in absolutely anything and is always ready to give expert advice on the playground. Her child tried all the novelties of the toy industry, experienced advanced development methods and even nutritional principles. The parent is sure that the world definitely needs a school on motherhood, where she will be a leading specialist. She wants to raise a man of the future, able to make the most of the reserves of his body and the world around him.

mother cuckoo

For a mother-businesswoman, it’s like a quest to carve out at least an hour for a walk with a child. Ideally, have a phone or tablet at hand - it is unacceptable to break away from work even for an hour. At other times, the care of the child is shifted to the grandmother or nanny. And even a teenager can be completely transferred to the so-called self-education mode, however, not forgetting to track the main points through the delegation of authority to the same grandmother or father of the child. The eldest daughter herself is preparing to become a mother, and her son desperately needs to hang out from the army, but you don’t know? It happens. The only thing to remember is that in pursuit of a career, the main thing is not to suddenly find out that the child considers you a stranger.

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mom friend

This mother considers it necessary to accustom the cub to independence from the cradle. The child early develops social skills, learns to use the most valuable right - the right to choose. However, the parent is always there to show and guide. You can negotiate with her, but this, too, will have to be learned first. At the same time, communication skills will be pumped.

blogger mom

Today, any mother can talk about her unique experience of potty training and recipes for making delicious broccoli casserole. All you need is nothing: to have a computer, pay for the Internet, love to chat and a child sleeping at least an hour a day. If you wish, you can also create a business: sew Stuffed Toys or knit caps and sell them to subscribers. Motherhood is a great starting point.

Whether we are close to our mother or prefer to keep our distance, lost her a few years ago or moved to another country - in any case, her lifestyle and our relationship with her determine almost every aspect of our being. In the way we behave and interact with others, in our attitudes, values ​​and beliefs, in our family and sexual life, the emotional heritage that we received from our mother is reflected.

Much has been written about how attachment is formed between mother and child in the first months and years of life. Thanks to Sigmund Freud and especially John Bowlby, we know that a child's well-being is based above all on a healthy, secure attachment to the mother. Less attention is paid to how these relationships develop later, in childhood and adolescence how this attachment shapes the way of life and behavior of an adult.

American clinical psychologist and experienced family therapist Stephen Poulter notes: “The most important thing is to recognize that this influence exists. And it can only be negative if it remains unidentified, rejected or misunderstood. When you realize how multifaceted this impact is and learn to manage it, the “mother factor” becomes a positive force that changes your life for the better.”

Stephen Poulter defines five styles of motherhood: "perfectionist", "unpredictable", "best friend", "selfish" and "ideal".

1. Perfectionist

As a rule, this is a controlling, fearful and anxious woman, for whom the main thing is the external side of life: she needs to make an impression, maintain an image. Her children tend to criticize themselves and engage in self-discipline, they feel their failure and emotional emptiness.

If you are her child...

Your strengths: You are most likely a person who is very responsible in your relationships, you can rely on everything. You appreciate perseverance and diligence, these are the most important qualities of character for you.

Emotional legacy: You always think that other people's opinions are more important than your own. You live with the feeling that the whole world is watching you and ready to judge you.

2. Unpredictable mother

Restless, irritable, overly emotional, she is not able to control feelings, and her changeable mood determines her parental style. She herself creates problems and crises in her head, and then broadcasts this excited state to her children.

If you are her child...

Your strengths: You have a well-developed empathy, you work well with people. You are always ready to support your work colleagues, relatives and friends.

Emotional legacy: Growing up with an ingrained need to care for people and their mental problems, you can also be overly irritable and prone to depression at the same time. You learn to read people and situations from an early age, and this helps you deal with other people's outbursts of anger or indignation.

3. Best friend

She communicates with the child on an equal footing, unconsciously wanting to avoid responsibility for him. Instead of an adult capable of caring and protecting, the child is offered a soulmate, partner, interlocutor, but at the same time he is actually deprived of his mother. Her emotional needs are so great and all-consuming that she herself has to rely on the child to satisfy them.

If you are her child...

Your strengths: You understand the importance of boundaries between parents, children, friends and relatives. You are often aware that you are taking the lead in your relationship and assuming a responsible adult role.

Emotional legacy: You may feel neglected and neglected and fear rejection. Other feelings familiar to such a child are resentment, indignation, the feeling that he is not loved and underestimated.

4. "I'm first"

One of the most common styles of motherhood. Such a woman is not able to see a separate individuality in a child, she is self-centered and not self-confident. Her offspring from early age used to illuminate her life and at the same time remain in the shadows.

If you are her child...

Your strengths: You have a real talent for supporting others, you feel good and understand people in all types of relationships. You are loyal and sympathetic, able to take other people's needs to heart and solve other people's problems.

Emotional legacy: You doubt your ability to make decisions. You find it difficult to trust your own feelings in any situation, because the mother's opinion has always been more important and meaningful for you.

5. The perfect mother

Surprisingly, such mothers exist. But they, according to Stephen Poulter's book, are very few - about 10%. The Perfect Mother combines the best features of the other four styles. She is emotionally balanced, she sees unique personalities in her children and helps them grow up to be independent people. She is imperfect, but whatever her life circumstances, she cares for children consciously and with great desire.

If you are her child...

Your strengths: Feeling the love and acceptance of your mother, you are ready for risky decisions and changes in life without fear of being misunderstood and rejected.

Emotional legacy: You are able to accept and respect someone else's point of view. You are emotionally autonomous from your mother and able to cope with the challenges of an independent life.

How to rewrite the rule book

Stephen Poulter emphasizes that our mothers most often have not one particular style, but at least two. But one of them still dominates.

It is important to look at this motherly style in a detached way, without criticism and indignation. Only in this way, from the position of an adult, and not a child, can one understand the true role of the mother and her influence on you. An adult approach implies both our willingness to share responsibility for relationships, and the realization that they are not fixed once and for all.

The parent-child bond is an ongoing dialogue that we are also building. For example, each of us is able to "rewrite" the "book of rules" that he inherited from his mother. The “book of rules” is that set of written and unwritten laws that cover key aspects of life - choosing a profession, relationships with money, raising children, spirituality and sexuality. To change these rules, you need to understand how they affect your relationships and problems.

A rule, for example, might sound like this: "It is indecent for a girl to call a boy first." The subtext of this taboo reads: “Never marry a man you love more than he loves you. Let your husband love you: this way you will be in a more advantageous position. Ultimately, the message that the daughter absorbs may turn out to be even deeper and more dramatic: do not fall deeply in love and expect equally strong love in return.

By focusing on painful moments, we can determine which "chapters" from the mother's "rule book" have absorbed especially well.

How can this "rule book" be rewritten? First of all, consider scenarios in which we notice that we think, speak and act like our mother. “When I feel anxiety or insecurity, I immediately hear my mother’s pessimistic voice,” admits 36-year-old Natalya. - And her grouchy intonation: “I knew, I knew that it was not necessary to buy this / come here / agree to this adventure. And why did we do it? What were we even thinking about?"

By focusing on painful moments, we can determine which particular "chapters" from the mother's "rule book" we absorbed especially well. It will be useful for someone to describe in detail in the diary those situations in which the reactions suddenly begin to repeat the mother's, and then analyze what these scenarios have in common.

“I noticed that I hear my mother’s voice in those moments when I worry about some important event in the future or at work or when I am going to spend a large amount of money - in general, when I feel that I cannot control the situation, ”says Natalia. Once you have identified the key circumstances, you can look for ways to respond to them differently, to find arguments in favor of the opposite point of view.

But this work will make sense only in one case: if we are ready to perceive our mother not as an all-powerful and overwhelming being. And not as perfection itself, inaccessible to criticism. But as a whole person, with all its advantages and disadvantages. Then, having discovered its strengths and weaknesses, to fully realize their own capabilities and resources in this ongoing dialogue.

About the Expert: Stephen Poulter is a clinical psychologist and family therapist who has authored several books including The Father Factor: How Your Father's Legacy Affects Your Career and The Mother Factor: How Your Mother's Emotional Legacy Affects Your Life (both by Prometheus Books , 2006, 2008).

It is no secret that for a child, a mother is the closest and dearest person. Regardless of her character, her inherent shortcomings, the baby will love her mother. However, not all mothers are the same. Just as they differ in appearance, their views on educational process. But, despite this, all mothers according to the models of raising their baby can be divided into six types, with all the pluses and minuses.

mom home

For such a mother, life without a child does not make sense. The main desire of a home mom is to give birth to a couple of children and devote herself to them, precious ones. However, she does not show excessive guardianship in relation to the kids. Such a mother is always next to the baby, and the baby always has fresh soup and ironed panties. It should be noted that next to the children and the rest of the family, the coziness and comfort created by the home mother falls.

Pros: the children of such mothers never consider themselves lonely, they are positive and trusting.

Cons: a housewife is considered a failure these days, as a result, a child may eventually become ashamed of a home mom. In addition, such a mother can be a little limited due to the same limitedness of her interests.

Mothers of this type want to take care of their child all his life. Often, this model of behavior is explained by dislike in childhood, as a result, hen mothers want to give their children everything that they themselves lacked. However, a lot of good is also bad. Therefore, my mother's overprotection nurtures individuals who are completely unadapted to life with a mass of complexes.

Pros: the mother hen is ideal for the baby, the grown-up baby hen will never doubt that he is loved. However, over the years, if the child does not manage to tear himself away from his mother's skirt, this love will begin to weigh.

Cons: the children of mother hens are deprived of the chance to become independent adults. Mothers of good intentions protect their children from communication with peers, as a result, their children do not know how to contact and communicate with people, solve their problems, even take care of themselves.

mom controller

This is a mother-dictator or warden, because, despite her good intentions, she turns the house for the baby into a prison. The child of the mother-controller has no rights to privacy, and his word does not mean anything. The controller mother loves to collect information about the child and cross-examine the crumbs' friends from time to time, and sometimes their parents. Of course, peers of the child of the guardian mother try to stay away from the unpleasant aunt, and, accordingly, from her child.

Pluses: the child of a dictator mother from an early age knows how to lie so that a mosquito will not undermine his nose.

Cons: Often the children of controller parents become weak people, mostly choose the path of least resistance or simply lead a double life.

A critical mother will never sincerely praise a child for anything; she either does not know any other behavior, or wants to assert herself at the expense of the child. From the early childhood the baby will find out where his hands grow from, who has such a terrible character, why grades at school are no good. As a result, the child becomes a perfectionist or pathologically afraid of criticism.

Pros: Children of critical parents most often achieve outstanding success, despite or contrary to their negative predictions.

Cons: an under-praised and unloved child risks growing up as a merciless, angry and distrustful person.

mother cuckoo

Such a mother has an episodic interest in the life of her own child. The cuckoo mother either does not love her child, or is too passionate about her own interests. The child is raised by someone else: a grandmother or a nanny, a TV or the street. Cuckoo babies lack warmth and affection, but there is always enough expensive gifts from mom on holidays. Mother cuckoo is often not bad, she just is not set up for motherhood in life.

Pros: a baby deprived of affection and attention is often quite independent and grows up very easily.

Cons: the children of such mothers feel useless and lonely. The child thinks that the reason for maternal dislike is hidden in himself, therefore he strives for self-destruction and automatically falls into the risk group for drug addiction and suicide.

A mother-friend even perceives a baby as a person, she patiently explains why something is possible, and something is not, and sincerely admires the achievements of the child. But at the same time there is no permissiveness in relation to the baby. The children of a mother-friend value other people, build relationships on the principles of respect and trust.

Pros: the child knows his own worth, but does not turn up his nose, and therefore grows up as a constructive person who does not give up after making a mistake and is tolerant of other people's successes.

Cons: The real world of such children is sometimes shocking. It is difficult for them to come to terms with life's deceptions and betrayal, cruelty and injustice.

Any relationship between a man and a woman can be attributed to one of three types.
From a woman's perspective: She treats a man either as brother, or as to son, or as to beloved man. Not everything is obvious here, so let's look at each type in more detail.

Each type of relationship can manifest itself not only directly with sister and brother, mother and son (blood relatives), husband and wife - if everything were so simple, it would not be so interesting. In fact, these types are more common and wider.

They say there is no such thing as male-female friendship. I resisted this idea for a long time, until I finally realized that this is the way it is. For a while after, I thought that a man and a woman could only be lovers. But then came the realization that there is a more subtle division.

Three types

Type 1 - Mother-son relationship.
This is not only and not so much the relationship of relatives, it is not about them, but about prototype. It is named after the way a woman interacts with a man: she perceives him more as a little boy, strives to take care, secure, surround him with warmth and affection.

In these relations, of course, the “mother”, that is, the woman, dominates, and the man automatically finds himself in a subordinate position, which in essence (by nature) is not characteristic of him.

Type 2 - Relationship beloved man - beloved woman
This is not necessarily a relationship of husband and wife or two lovers. This description relationship prototype. The essence of these relationships is that here a woman treats a man as a sexual partner in the first place. A man is interested in a woman as a sexual object, it is masculine qualities that are attractive: masculinity, stamina, endurance, strong character, a certain brutality, etc. Here, love manifests itself not as a desire to take care of a person (as in a mother-son relationship), but as a desire for a partner, to belong to him, to surrender, to be with him, to give him love and passion.

Type 3 - Brother-sister relationship.
This is not only the relationship of blood relatives, but again relationship prototype, which can extend to the relationship of friends of the opposite sex and not only. Brother and sister, in fact, are close people who have known each other for a very long time, almost from birth, they lived in the same house, grew up side by side for some time, know each other for “a hundred years”. In the normal case, this a good relationship friendship and trust.

A woman here treats a man as a friend, a good friend, whom she can trust, in whom she has no sexual interest, but on whom she can completely rely. "Brother" will support in a difficult situation and protect, if anything, but this is a separate person and they are more like partnerships.

The most important thing about these types is that each of the three can be represented in any proportion in a man-woman relationship. It's about about the essence of the relationship, the general type is important here.

Husband wife

Let's look at an example of a husband-wife relationship. They can be based on any of the 3 types above. The mother-son relationship may be at the heart of it, it is these relationships that are most often written about in women's magazines and asked women don't do it, that is, not to be mothers to their own husbands. It is these relationships, psychologists say, that bring the most problems in family life, because women begin to manage, command, and a man finds himself in a deliberately weak position. But everyone chooses for himself.

A husband and wife can have a brother-sister relationship as the basis of their union. Then it is more like a partnership, where a man supports a woman, they develop in parallel, but at the same time, each has its own life, separate from the other.

Also, in a family, a beloved man-beloved woman relationship can be based. This is the healthiest union for marriage. Here, a man and a woman treat each other primarily as another of the opposite sex. It is precisely the masculine qualities in a man that are valuable here, a woman does not strive to take a male role or dominate in a relationship. And, of course, all this is based on love, not maternal and not sisterly, but the most real deep love for your man.

Male - female friendship

Similarly, all three types can exist to varying degrees in the relationship of friends (men and women). This is where male-female friendship gets its true definition. If the relationship is dominated by the mother-son model, then the alignment is clear: a woman takes care of her friend, he uses her as he used his mother in his time: she can come to complain about something, ask for food, and so on. If intersexual friendship is based on brother-sister relations, then this is friendship-partnership, without sexual overtones, where two people communicate on an equal footing, they don’t owe each other anything, because no one is more important, no one is better, but their support is valuable to each other .
If the relationship between the friends of a man and a woman develops according to the type, where the basis is rather sexual attraction and attraction to pure masculine qualities(in a woman) and to purely feminine ones - in a man, then in the presence or development of mutual love, these two can become for each other a beloved man and a beloved woman. If sexual attraction is not realized, then other models will be realized (mother-son or brother-sister).

What else is important to say that the theme of the three types of relationships is more or less complete. These types, of course. as you understand, they are realized in the other direction, describing how a man relates to a woman: for example, there is a type of relationship father-daughter, brother-sister, beloved man-beloved woman.

It is also true that in a relationship between two, a man can relate to a woman with a predominance, say, of the beloved man-beloved woman type, and a woman to the man of the sister-brother type. And also there can be (and more often, it seems to be) not one, but two, or even all three types in different proportions.

Practical use

You can ask yourself the question: how do I feel about this person of the opposite sex. And see what is more in your feelings:

Care, tenderness, guardianship (indicates the type of mother-son for a woman and father-daughter for a man);

Partnership, friendship, parallel development (indicates the brother-sister type);

Sexual interest, veneration and acceptance of the qualities of the opposite sex (indicates the type of relationship between a beloved man and a beloved woman).

It is also important to note when talking about love. Love is in all these types, well, or maybe there is. In the mother-son or father-daughter type, love is represented as love-tenderness, love-care, love-guardianship. In the type of brother-sister relationship, love is represented as love-pride for a loved one, love-respect, love-admiration. In the third type, love is love-passion, love-attachment, love-belonging.

Psychological components

Understanding what type your relationship is will help you understand your feelings: deepen some and take them to a new level, and let go of some and make room for a new one.

couple relationship

In a couple relationship, when people are just dating or about to get married, it is especially important to understand whether your relationship is based on the type of beloved man-loved woman. It is this type of relationship that should underlie a successful union. The mother-son / father-daughter relationship will not be able to compensate you for love-passion and other things that you get only in the type of relationship beloved man-loved woman. Brother-sister relationships also, interesting and productive in themselves, will not give you marital happiness.

Among other things, make sure what feelings your partner has for you. If you have determined your attitude towards him, and it suits you, if the partner has a different attitude (of a different type), then it will be more difficult for you to understand each other, you will have different expectations from communication and different feelings for each other. Therefore, understand that you speak the same language, and if this is not the case, can you maintain a relationship in such a way that it does not infringe on either your feelings or the feelings of your partner.

All kinds of feelings are needed, all kinds of feelings are important

Having described the three types of relations between a man and a woman, it must be said that no type is better or worse than another. They are just different and have different functions, different "load". Somewhere care is needed - this is a mother-son / father-daughter relationship, somewhere pure partnership is important - this is a brother-sister relationship, nothing can replace love for a person of the opposite sex. These three types are not interchangeable, they are different. Each type should be represented in a person's life, but to what extent - it's up to you. Here is someone who likes it more.

I suggest approaching relationships consciously. So you can get more from the union and give more to your friend, partner, loved one.

The article did not consider the relationship of colleagues at all. I did not take them into consideration due to the fact that they no longer have a gender, a colleague is like a comrade in Soviet time, just a person, an employee. If another subtext or friendship arises in the work, then see the three types above, in other cases it is a business relationship, without loads of care, support or passionate love.

Healthy and conscious relationship to you!