How to choose a handle for an interior door. Handles for interior doors: types, installation and dismantling What are door handles

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A door that does not have a handle cannot be called comfortable and fully functional. The choice of a door handle should be given special attention, because the parameters of this small product determine how comfortable the use of the door structure will be.

To freely and easily open in any direction, you need to know what door handles are, what advantages each model has and how to install it yourself.

Types of handles in interior doors

Handles designed for interior structures are practically no different from models produced for installation in entrance doors. All these products have an identical design scheme and features. And only a few small nuances are worth noting separately.

First of all we are talking about the material from which they are made, secondly, there are slight differences in the mechanism and principle of operation.

Varieties of interior door handles:

  • Stationary Models. They do not provide interaction with the locking mechanism or latch. This type includes a whole mass of products, starting with staples that were widely used a century ago. An impressive list is completed by modern analogues of such products, produced in the form of figures of animals and people, balls, spheres and their geometric varieties. The main task of such a model is to ensure the convenience of using the door structure.
  • pressure. Modern modification, equipped with a latch. Pressing the handle causes the latch to move in the desired direction. The latch holds the door securely closed. This model is widespread and equally often installed on interior and entrance structures. Often, manufacturers implement this option in conjunction with a locking mechanism. Two subspecies of the product are produced - handles with a base in the form of a heel, in which point fastening is provided, and models equipped with an oblong bar designed to locate the keyhole.
  • Rotary knobs, often referred to as knobs. The principle of operation of this model is identical to the mechanical manipulations that make the handle-locks installed on interior doors work. In this case, the difference lies only in the features of the mechanical load. The latch is not driven by pressure, but by turning the handle. Usually these models are produced in the form of a ball, sphere or disk. Varieties are distinguished in the general group - samples equipped with a push-button or rotary latch position lock. Users do not always note the ease of use of both modifications.
  • Handles designed for sliding doors. The main distinguishing feature of this model is certain geometric parameters, due to which its elements do not extend beyond the borders of the door leaf. In this case, there is a clear resemblance to mortise products. Functions, subtypes and technical solutions resemble similar characteristics of other door handles. Manufacturers produce varieties equipped with a latch with a locking function, with an overlay on which there is a slot in the form of a keyhole, with different options for the opening mechanism. Basically, all the differences between come down to the difference in geometric shape and installation features.
  • Magnetic. One of latest developments, which no longer resembles a handle, but a direct locking mechanism. The handle in this model serves to control a powerful magnet, which, moving in the right direction, securely fixes the door leaf in a given position. The device equally often uses handles with a rotary and push operating principle.

This is the main classification under which all fall. existing species door handles for interior designs. Some manufacturers equip their products additional details and functions. However, in fact, any of them can be attributed to one of the above types. For example, a number of manufacturing companies distinguish such a variety as handles for installation on metal-plastic doors. But, in fact, these models are ordinary pressure modifications.

Entrance door handles are predominantly made from strong, durable materials such as stainless steel. In contrast, models designed for interior structures are made from various types of raw materials. The "home" options are not subject to such stringent requirements as their "street counterparts", which are often operated in harsh weather conditions.

Therefore, manufacturers are practically unlimited in the choice of materials for the manufacture of interior door handles. The most common on the shelves are metal, plastic, wooden, glass, combined models. Here, the original, presentable design often comes first, as opposed to strength, durability and reliability.

The main types of door handles are as follows:

  • metal. For the manufacture of such products, various alloys are used, including brass, TsAM (aluminum, copper and zinc), silumin, etc. The mechanical load on the handles that are installed on interior door structures is minimal, and therefore such materials are ideal for the manufacture of door handles. Products made from such raw materials, in terms of their strength characteristics, are an order of magnitude ahead of all other models. However, it is worth noting that each material used has its drawbacks. For example, silumin has increased fragility. With intensive use, handles made from it break quite quickly.
  • Plastic. it a budget option, which cannot boast of outstanding technical characteristics or external data. The main advantage of plastic models of handles is their low cost. Therefore, they still find their consumers, despite the short service life and dubious aesthetic properties.
  • Wooden. natural, natural materials have outstanding aesthetic appeal and good technical performance. Wooden models of door handles are pleasant with tactile contact, they retain heat well and are in the price range affordable for many consumers. Among the shortcomings of the modification, it is worth noting the insufficient variety of forms. The number of types is limited by the capabilities of lathes. Usually such models are balls, discs or brackets. AT last case it is a combination of wood with metal parts.
  • glass. The material captivates with its appearance. As a rule, glass handles look very impressive. One of the main drawbacks is fragility. If the handle is handled carelessly, it breaks easily. To increase the strength of the product, manufacturers prefer to combine glass with other materials. Often it is presented in a certain model only as decorative inserts that do not take on the main mechanical load.

Among the most popular options are combined handles designed for. Popular combinations are metal and glass, metal and wood. Such structures also have a significant drawback. They are short-lived due to the lack of effective technologies that would provide a reliable connection of individual elements from different materials into a complete product.

Choosing handles for interior doors

When choosing the right model, there are several important parameters to consider. If we make a comparison with the handles for the entrance doors, then the main role is played not by strength, but by design.

The main selection options are as follows:

  • Execution quality. When buying a product, it is necessary to test it for the strength of the connections between the individual elements. A well-made handle has no room for loose or loose parts.
  • Ergonomics. If the model is designed with physiological characteristics human hand, so it is convenient to use. Ergonomically designed products easily and naturally “fit” in the hand, they are pleasant to the touch and do not cause discomfort during operation.
  • Compatibility with the chosen interior style. Choosing suitable model, it is necessary to pay attention to the style in which it is "aged", to its color and shape. It is important to observe the norms of harmonious unity of the handle with the door leaf, awnings and other fittings.
  • Identity with other similar products used indoors. For all rooms of the same house or apartment, you should buy the same door handles. For this reason, it is better to immediately purchase the right amount of pens, because even in different batches of products of the same article there may be slight differences in appearance (as a rule, there is a slightly different shade).

It is important to remember that the purpose of the handle, first of all, comes down to the main task - to ensure maximum convenience in opening and closing the door. For the buyer, the main rule is to find the “golden mean” between the functional features of the model and its external data.

One of the main elements of door fittings, which is constantly in sight, is the handle. Modern industry offers a wide range of various models, therefore, buying a door handle requires certain knowledge. It should not only fulfill its intended purpose with high quality, but also be a decoration of the door, and also organically fit into the interior of the room.

Purpose and design of door handles

The handle is one of the essential elements of fittings, with which you can open or close the door. In addition to its functional purpose, it is a decoration of the door and must match the design of the room. Modern handles can have a wide variety of shapes and are often the highlight of the interior. They differ not only in their appearance and device, but also in material, shape and size.

According to the location, two types of handles are distinguished:

Features of the device and operation of door handles

Depending on the type of door handle chosen, its device and principle of operation will differ:

  1. Push or lever. They open the door by pressing the L-shaped handle. A latch built into the structure allows you to fix the door leaf in the closed position. Lever handles can be plated or rosette-shaped. The first option is usually used with a lock in which the latch and bolt are actuated by a key. When choosing such a handle, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the centers of the keyhole and the handle, the width of the decorative overlay, the size of the square pin and the shape of the keyhole. Otherwise, only the size of the overlay matters. If a lock with a latch without a bolt is used, a handle with a rosette is usually installed. It consists of the following elements:
  2. Push-button. This is a kind of pressure structures, in which the handle has the shape of a ball. Such models are also called knobs. To actuate the latch, here it is not necessary, as in the previous version, to press the lever, but just turn the ball. The keyhole is in the center of the handle. Most often, push-button handles are installed in the toilet or bathroom. From the outside, the door can be closed with a key, and from the inside - using a button or latch, which are located directly on the handle.

    To activate the latch, just turn the knob.

  3. Stationary. They are intended only for opening the door leaf and differ in that they are not connected to a lock or latch. The fixed knobs don't move, so you can't press or turn them. Such models are fixed by tightening screws or using self-tapping screws. Due to the design of the stationary handle, only a roller latch can be used with it.

    Stationary handles are used only for opening / closing doors

Various materials can be used to make door handles:

Types of door handles

To choose the right door handle, you need to understand the features different options their performance and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Pull handle

The main difference between such models is reliability and simplicity. Handles-brackets can have a variety of shapes, different materials are used for their manufacture. They are used in cases where the locking device on the door is not provided.

The main advantages of the handle-bracket:

  • simple and reliable design. There are no mechanisms here, so there is nothing to break;
  • long service life. If the surface is worn out during operation, it can be renewed, after which the handle will again look beautiful and fulfill its purpose for many years;
  • big choice. Such models are presented in a wide range, there are both modern solutions and antique options, so you can always choose the one that will satisfy your requirements;
  • simple installation. To fix the handle, it is enough to screw it with self-tapping screws to the door leaf.

The handle-bracket can be made:

  • made of PVC, such products are designed for installation on metal-plastic doors. Most often they are painted White color and have a length of 250 mm;

    PVC pull handle is usually installed on metal-plastic doors

  • from metal. They are mounted on the input aluminum or metal sheets both inside and outside the premises;

    The metal handle-bracket is installed on aluminum or metal blades both inside and outside the premises.

  • antique. it modern models, which are stylized as old times. Often such pens are made by hand, so their cost is usually high;

    Antique handles are often made by hand.

  • for a bath. The handle is usually made of wood, and the mount is made of metal. You should not install such a handle on the door from the side of the steam room, but for other rooms of the bath it will be ideal;

    The bath handle has a wooden handle and a metal base.

  • for interior fabrics. Such models can have different shapes, colors and sizes;

    If there is no need to fix the interior door, you can install a handle-bracket on it

  • for business premises. The difference between such models is their low cost, and their reliability and durability are at a sufficient level.

    For doors in outbuildings, simple and reliable handles are usually used.

To protect the surface of the handle from damage and corrosion, paint with polymer additives, electroplating or oxidation can be used.

Latch handle

The door handle with a latch allows you to securely fix the canvas in the closed state. The following fasteners may be used:

  • fake. Here, the locking element is made in the form of a tongue, on which there is an oblique cut on one side. The tongue is pressed by a spring, so that it snaps into place, it is enough just to close the door. To open the door, press the handle;

    The door is fixed with a latch-tongue

  • with magnets. Such a latch consists of one or more permanent magnets and a metal bar. Simple Models work on the same principle as furniture magnetic latches;

    The door is fixed in the closed state due to the installed magnet and a metal plate

  • roller. Stationary handles are often supplied with this mechanism. The roller is spring-loaded and fixes the door when closing, and if you apply a certain force to the canvas, the door will open.

    Roller latch installed with fixed door handles

When choosing a handle with a latch, you need to consider where the door opens so that it is convenient to turn it.

round pen

Round knobs are great for interior doors. Similar designs have replaced the traditional handle-brackets. Their advantage is that they fit more comfortably in the hand and have a more attractive appearance.

Compared with a pull handle, round models look more attractive.


The difference between this design is its appearance. It got its name because of its resemblance to a button. To create handles-buttons, different materials are used, so you can choose a model for any interior.

Knobs are usually made from wood, metal, or plastic. They can be installed on any door. The disadvantage of wooden fittings is that over time its surface wears out, so you need to periodically cover the handles with varnish or paint.

Depending on the type of design, knobs can be:

If it is necessary to block the doors so that an unauthorized person cannot enter the room, handles with locks are used. Usually they are installed in the bathroom, toilet or bedroom.

Rotary handles are often supplied with clamps. Their device is almost the same as that of lever models. To control the latch, simply turn it. If you need to block the door, then you can do this with a button, a rotary latch or a key, it all depends on which model you purchase.

To lock the doors, just turn the latch on the handle

You should not buy cheap silumin products, as their strength is low, so they fail very quickly.

If there are elderly people or small children in the house, then sometimes it becomes necessary to open a locked handle with a latch from the outside. To do this, you need to find a hole in the bottom of the handle through which you can get to the blocker. It is enough to insert a knitting needle, nail or other sharp object into it and lightly press on it. After such actions, the blocker key is pushed out and the door can be opened.

To ensure maximum security on the doors of public places, it is recommended to use bar handles. Popularly, such devices are called “anti-panic handle”, because in the event of a critical situation, you can open it with a light touch of your hand and quickly leave the room, while outside they will be inaccessible to unauthorized entry.

Depending on the model, the length of the handle bar can be 80, 90 and 98 cm. Only high-quality materials are used to create such products, it can be steel, aluminum or plastic. The handle bar has an attractive appearance and can be painted in any color.

The handle-bar in case of a critical situation allows you to quickly open the doors from the inside

Sliding door handles

The main difference between handles for folding doors is that they must be flush with the door leaf, which is why they are also called mortise. Otherwise, they are not much different from conventional models. Handles for folding doors can also have a latch, a latch and even an overlay with a slot for opening the lock.

The handle of the sliding door should not protrude beyond the leaf

Video: types of door handles

Features of mounting door handles

For self-assembly of the door handle, you need to purchase the following tools:

Latch handle installation

With self-assembly of a handle with a latch, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Canvas marking. Experts recommend installing the door handle at a height of 80–100 cm, but there are no clear standards. The main thing is that it is convenient to use. At the end of the canvas with a pencil indicate the place where the latch will be installed. On the canvas itself, a place is marked for mounting the push fittings and its center, since a rod will be installed here, transferring the force from the handle to the latch. This rod has a square section and is commonly called a square.

    The installation height of the handle is 80–100 cm and is chosen so that the handle is convenient to use for all residents

  2. Creating holes. According to the markup, holes are made at the end of the canvas and on both sides. To do this, use an electric drill, a pen drill or a crown of the required diameter. To prevent chips from appearing on the surface of the door, a hole for mounting the square must be made on both sides. First, the canvas is drilled halfway on one side, and then the same is done on the other.

    Holes are made with an electric drill using a drill bit or crown

  3. Preparing sweat for mounting the latch. The mechanism is inserted into the hole prepared at the end of the door and the place of its attachment is marked. Using a hammer and chisel, make a small indentation for the latch trim. If there is a milling cutter, then it is better to use it for sampling grooves.

    The place for installing the latch is deepened with a hammer and chisel

  4. Latch installation. It is installed in the prepared hole and fixed at the end of the door with self-tapping screws. To prevent the latch from sticking, before installing it, the hole must be blown with air and the remnants of wood dust must be removed.

    The latch is fixed with self-tapping screws

  5. Square setting. It is inserted into the latch and the operation of the mechanism is checked.

    The square is inserted into the latch and the operation of the mechanism is checked

  6. Handle assembly. First, put on one handle on the installed square and fasten it to the canvas with self-tapping screws. Then they put on and fix the second handle.

    The handle is put on a square and fixed with screws on the door leaf

  7. Installation of decorative caps. The places where the handle is attached to the canvas are hidden with decorative caps, then the screw is tightened under the handle using a hex key.

    Decorative caps hide the handle attachment points

  8. Reciprocal plate fastening. Now it is necessary to mark the place of contact of the tongue and the box. With the help of a hammer and a chisel, a recess is made here, into which the latch tongue will enter, after which the counterpart is installed.

    The striker plate is mounted on the door frame opposite the latch tongue

Video: mounting a latch handle

Installation of stationary handles

Installing a stationary handle with your own hands is very simple, even a beginner can cope with such a task. The sequence of work will depend on whether a paired structure is being installed or a single handle is being installed:

Video: marking the place for mounting the handle-bracket

Door handle repair

If an ordinary stationary handle breaks on the door, then most often it is not repaired, but simply replaced with a new one. For push or push-button handles, the design is more complex, and therefore breakdowns occur more often. Most door handle problems can be fixed by hand.

Consider the main defects of lever handles and how to eliminate them:

  1. The handle is stuck. During prolonged use of the pen, dust gets on its moving parts, so they wear out over time. This can cause the door handle to stick. For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to periodically lubricate the latch. To do this, it must be disassembled and lubricated. You can use special formulations in the form of sprays or apply a couple of drops of oil to the tongue, and then turn the handle several times so that the lubricant is evenly distributed. Sometimes the reason for the sticking of the handle may be that some elements of the mechanism have become loose. To eliminate the breakdown, it is enough to correct their position and normally tighten all fasteners.

    It is enough to apply lubricant to the tongue and press the handle several times

  2. The handle falls out. This malfunction is caused by the loss or breakage of the retaining ring. To eliminate such a malfunction, it is necessary to remove the decorative trim and look at the condition of the retaining ring, which does not allow the handle to fall out. If it has moved out of the groove, then it is inserted into place. If the retaining ring burst, it is replaced with a new one. After that, everything is collected in the reverse order.

    If the ring popped out of the groove, it is inserted into place, and if it bursts, it is replaced with a new one.

  3. Breakage of the pin (square). This can only happen if the part is made of low-quality materials. Replacing the pin with a new one is simple, the work is done on one side of the web. It is necessary to remove the decorative trim, and then dismantle the handle. Then they take out the broken square and insert a new part in its place.

    For a door handle, a square with a section of 6 and 8 mm is usually used.

  4. When turning the handle, the tongue does not work. In this case, the reason is that a short square was set by the manufacturer. During the operation of the handle, it gradually shifts and the latch stops working normally. To fix the problem, you need to purchase a square of the desired length. You can buy a long part and cut it to the desired size.
  5. The handle does not return to its place. If this happens, then the cause may be a jump or breakage of the return spring. To fix this, you need to disassemble the handle and check the position of the spring. If she jumped off, then she is installed in place. When a spring breaks, it is quite difficult to find the same one, so it is often necessary to completely change the entire mechanism.

    If the return spring has jumped off, then after pressing the handle it will not return to the opposite position

If a serious breakdown has occurred, it is sometimes easier and cheaper to buy a new handle than to repair a broken one.

Video: door handle repair

Starting the replacement of interior doors, each of us is faced with the selection fittings on her. Most often, when choosing accessories, buyers pay attention to the price, and not to other selection criteria. If the loops are still more or less clear, choose which types of loops They suit you and select the handles in the color, then things are not so simple with the handle.

The handle on the interior door is not just a device for opening and closing the door, it is very important accessory. The door handle is capable of both emphasizing some elements of the interior and spoiling it.

So how to choose this such an important element of the interior door? I usually highlight Several criteria for choosing handles:

Type of door handle;

Quality of execution and reliability of the design;


Style decision;

Color palette.

Types of door handles

First of all, you need to decide on the type of door handle. On our website you will find an article describing types of door handles

Build quality and design reliability

When you have decided on the type of pen, pay special attention to how well the pen is made. The door handle is an assistant, which bears enormous loads every day. And so that it does not become unusable ahead of time, it must be made of reliable materials such as TsAM (an alloy of zinc, aluminum and copper) or brass. All structural elements must be well fixed, without backlash. There should be no chips, scratches on the handle, and the color should be even and uniform.

It is also worth considering which interior door you have chosen. It is undesirable to put flimsy door handles on heavy, massive doors, they simply cannot cope with the load.


When choosing a door handle, you must first hold it in your hand. The pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be pleasant to the touch, because you have to touch it every day. However, if you have small children, then it is worth noting that ballpoint pens are not the best solution, as it will be difficult for a small pen to grab onto it.

Style decision

The previous criteria were based on reliability and ease of use, but we must not forget about the aesthetic component. The door handle should be combined not only with the interior door, but also in harmony with the entire interior.

The simplest solution would be to choose a handle that repeats the shape of the panels on the interior canvas, so if your door consists of straight lines, then we choose a straight handle, and if there are curved lines on the door, then we try to pick up a handle that repeats bends.

Do not forget about the overall interior, all handles should be the same on all adjacent doors. In addition, it is desirable that the handles on interior doors be in the same style and color scheme as furniture handles.

It is also worth noting that designers recommend sticking to minimalism and not trying to be original. A chic and bulky handle will look ridiculous in a small room.

Particularly noteworthy are the doors with glass. Here it is necessary to choose such handles that will not be visible from both sides. It is also recommended that on doors where the glass is broken into squares, choose simple handles without excessive variegation.

Color spectrum

Perhaps the most difficult task is to choose the color of the door handle. Many designers agree on one better choice of pens neutral colors than bright and elegant. The options will be winning, the color of the handle coincides with the overall color scheme of the interior, or vice versa contrasts with it.

So, for example, in an interior dominated by gray and cold tones, a handle in chrome color will merge with the general colors, and already in color gold will look pretentious and out of place. In a gray modern interior, brushed steel behaves inconspicuously, and brass will look out of place. Also, the handle in bronze blends with the warm color schemes of the interior, and the chrome already looks cold. But in an interior where a dark floor or furniture, or a dark pattern, dark metal handles will fit perfectly, especially if the tones match.

- for interior doors in wenge color it is best to purchase handles in matte chrome or bronze.

- for interior doors in bleached oak color It is best to purchase handles in matte chrome.

- for interior doors in walnut, oak, cherry, anegri colors It is best to purchase pens in matte or glossy gold.

- for interior doors in Milan walnut, tavolato walnut it is best to purchase handles in copper color.

*Photos taken from the Yandex Pictures service.

When choosing fittings for interior doors, you need to understand what types of door handles are and how they differ. Due to the presence of at least minimal knowledge regarding the classification and properties of these products, you can choose the best quality option for an affordable price.

There are many varieties of handles for interior doors.

Main classification criteria

In order to choose the right handles for interior doors, first of all, you need to know what criteria exist for their classification today.

First of all, when buying a pen, you need to pay attention to its shape and type, they can be:

  • stationary;
  • pressure;
  • rotary;
  • nobs.

Varieties of door handles for interior doors

Products are also distinguished by the type of material from which they are made. There are many more options here, since several materials can be combined in one model. The appearance of the handle, its strength and other performance characteristics depend on the quality of the raw materials.

It is also important to distinguish. It can come with a handle or be mounted separately. There are also models with a latch on the plug.


To begin with, consider the simplest option, namely stationary handles. This type of fittings can have a different shape:

  • U-shaped;
  • L-shaped;
  • round.

The main types of stationary handles

The product is attached directly to the canvas using two or more screws. It will not be difficult to install such accessories. If we talk specifically about interior doors, it is worth noting that these types of door handles are rarely used today.

Stationary models are not directly connected to the locking system, in order to open the door you just need to pull it in the appropriate direction, or at the same time turn the key in the keyhole. No other movements for such fittings are provided.

The scope of such handles today is mainly limited to suburban areas, utility rooms with additional locks, storage rooms. Much more often, their analogue can be found on furniture, this is the most striking example of the use of such handles.


One of the most popular types of handles are push models. A feature of their device is a fall tongue, in order to set it in motion, it is necessary to lower the handle-lever down by pressing. Thanks to the design of this model, you can easily find fittings that are suitable for design.

Such varieties are ideal for use both on interior doors and on entrance doors. They are cut into the canvas and connected to a locking device; in addition, you can equip the presence of a lock or latch.

Some models have a built-in latch.

To understand why lever handles are better than other types, let's look at their advantages:

  • Ease of use. In order to open the door, just press the lever. You can even do this with busy hands. You can also silently close the door with a simple movement.
  • Ergonomics. In use, the handle fits comfortably in the palm of a person, however, the ergonomic index varies depending on the specific product.
  • A wide range of. Lever handles may vary in color and combination of materials. In addition, the lever can have a wide variety of shapes, curves and additional decorative elements.
  • Reliability. The failure rate of lever handles is much lower than other types.

Push handles are considered the most convenient to use.

However, these pens also have some disadvantages. One of them is that the push lever is often touched when moving around the house, it can be caught on clothes, a bag, or just hit.

Knobs and rotary models

Another option is round knobs. They may also have a slightly elongated oval shape. Such models are mainly used only for interior doors. For them, there is the possibility of expanding the range of products through the use of combinations of different materials, transparent inserts, etc.

The principle of operation of rotary handles is that to bring the latch tongue to the “open” position, it is necessary to turn the round handle clockwise. After you release the handle, it will automatically return to its original position and the tongue will be outside.

If you want to additionally have a handle with a built-in lock, then it is better to choose the nob model. This is similar to a conventional rotary knob, but if in the first case a minimum of space is required to insert the mechanism, for this option it will be necessary to cut a hole in the canvas for the placement of the lock. The difference between nobs is that a keyhole is located in the center of the round handle. It can have a double-sided exit or be closed on one side with a plug or latch.

Rotary models of interior handles are the safest to use

The advantage of round rotary handles is that it is almost impossible to injure yourself about them. However, there is such a disadvantage as the inconvenience of use, since the hand can slip off, and if there is no way to clasp the handle with your palm, you are unlikely to be able to turn it. In addition, often due to sudden movements, jamming of parts inside the mechanism occurs.

Materials used

In order to finally figure out which door handles are best for use on interior structures, you should consider the range in terms of the materials used for their production. First of all, it is worth dividing all models into three categories:

  • Metal. This is the standard material used for the production of all models of door handles. This is mainly brass, as well as aluminum, stainless steel, silumin and various alloys. The surface coating can be represented by chromium, nickel and other variations.
  • Plastic. cheaper models. Plastic can imitate metal with a certain coating, and a transparent material can imitate glass. It is very easy to determine it by its small weight.
  • Wood. Very pleasant to the touch and respectable in appearance. They can be made both from cheap breeds and from valuable ones, which directly affects their cost. From above, the wood is polished and mostly varnished. The internal mechanism and main parts are also made of metal.

Varieties of door handles depending on the material of manufacture

Less commonly used glass for rotary models. A stone, such as jade, can be used. Also modern technologies allow you to combine all materials with each other and add special decorative elements: leather, stones, rhinestones, etc.

Poor-quality coating wears out and peels off over time, which significantly worsens the appearance of the door. If in the near future you do not plan to replace the fittings, it is better to immediately buy a more expensive and high-quality model.

Given all the above criteria, you can choose the most suitable handle model for interior doors. Depending on the operating conditions, the requirements for them can manifest themselves to varying degrees, so when buying, you need to focus on a specific situation and financial capabilities.


Stationary handles
Usually they have a U-shape (the so-called handle-brackets), less often - round or tulip-shaped. Completely independent of the lock or latch and operate on the principle of "pull" (or "push" if the door opens inwards).

Stationary pull handles

Round stationary handles

There is no mechanism, which means there is nothing to jam and loosen up.
+ Withstand a significant load, suitable for massive doors.
+ Inexpensive: you can meet even 100 rubles.
+ Elementary installation.
+ A huge selection of materials - from wood to stainless steel.
– Old-fashioned or overly utilitarian design.
- You can’t put a familiar (flange) latch to them, except perhaps a primitive roller one.
– Require more force when opening/closing the door.

If you settled on the option with a bracket, then choose a handle with an eye on the mass of the door leaf. The heavier it is, the larger and more massive the bracket should be.

Handles on rosette (flange)

Usually the socket is round. but also square.

Stylish and functional pressure models. If you were in doubt about which handle to choose for an interior or office door, then take this one. A big plus of the handle on the socket is that it is attached through a standard 8 mm square, so you can easily match the latch and latch to it, which will allow you to tightly close and lock the door.

elegant and modern solution, look neat on any door.
+ You can install any latch - even magnetic, even mechanical.
+ Add a latch or latch-key to the handle and latch - and the door can be locked.
+ Very convenient, do not require effort when opening.
- Several times more expensive than stationary ones.

You can choose an excellent handle on a socket for interior or office doors at.

Handles on the bar

Handle on the bar with a slot for the lock

The same lever handle, but assembled with a bar (solid overlay). The bar can have a turntable for a lock, a slot for a cylinder mechanism or a lever key (an option for front door). However, there are models on a deaf bar.

Combined solution.
+ The cost is comparable to the handles on the outlet.
+ Stylish look in classic interiors especially in spacious rooms.
- Restricted in the choice of castle.
- They take up a lot of space on the canvas.
- Any inconsistency with the interior will be evident.
- In general, they look much better in the office or on the front door than inside the house.

The question of how to choose a handle for an interior door requires a strategic approach. Consider in advance whether the door should be locked, and if so, how. If over time you want to put a lock or change the mechanism (for example, from a eurocylinder to a lever), and there is no suitable hole on the bar, the handle will have to be changed.

In addition, if you take a handle on a lath with a keyhole, do not forget to make sure that the center distances of the handle and lock match.
Prices - from 734 rubles.


Handle-knob: economical and short-lived

Combined handles with a latch or lock - albeit a ready-made, but not such a reliable solution. We did not begin to paint their qualities - the rare advantages and numerous disadvantages of knobs are sorted out in.


Aluminum door handles: economy option

Aluminum handles - the best choice for inexpensive doors
These handles captivate with their availability: they are inexpensive and are sold in any hardware store. Please note: they are very light. Accordingly, if you have a massive door or you like to feel the pleasant heaviness of metal in your hand, it is better to choose a handle from another popular material - TsAM.

Advantages of aluminum handles
1.5-2 times cheaper than TsAM handles.
Suitable for plastic, "Finnish" and other lightweight interior doors.
Do not rust, can be installed in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Cons of aluminum handles
Designed for a moderate load, on heavy canvases they bend and break faster.
Feels cool and slippery.
After 1-2 years, they begin to peel off, exposing their true silver-white color.
Easily scratched. Be careful if you wear a ring or ring.

Door handles from TsAM: balance "price - quality"

TsAM - the most popular material for the manufacture of door handles

TsAM (ZAMAK, “tsamak”) is a zinc alloy with aluminum, copper and magnesium as alloying components. This material is good, balanced in everything. And if you are looking for something as eternal as brass, but are not psychologically ready to pay more than 2,000 rubles for an interior door handle, then the best choice is a zinc alloy model.

Advantages of ZAMAK handles
2-3 times cheaper than brass handles, but almost as strong as them.
Not afraid of corrosion - can be put on the door to the bathroom or kitchen.
Practically do not wear out, retain their presentation for years.
Perfect adhesion to electroplating guarantees an even and juicy shade.

There are no noticeable shortcomings, but the characteristics may float depending on the composition of the material. So, the more% copper it contains, the stronger and more expensive the handle. Much depends on the origin of the alloy - whether it is obtained from "pure" ore raw materials or processed from scrap and contains impurities of cadmium, lead and tin. All Palladium pens from TsAM are Grade A.

Brass door handles: expensive pleasure

Brass has a pleasant golden color, products from it age nobly

Not every company will undertake the conveyor production of brass handles, not every buyer will allow himself to buy them. It's a pity, because in everything else, except for the exorbitant price, they are simply wonderful.

Advantages of brass handles
Strong and durable.
Do not rust throughout the entire service life.
They endure weather hardships and therefore are suitable for entrance doors.
Pleasant and warm to the touch.
Unlike other pens, they age gracefully.
Brass has an antimicrobial effect.

Cons of brass handles
Expensive. Instead of one brass handle, you can buy two of TsAM or three of aluminum.
A niche product that is increasingly difficult to find in retail.

Price per site: presented in the collection

Stainless steel door handles: an office in your home

Stainless steel handles are strong, durable, but often with a primitive design.

Yes, stainless steel is strong. Yes, it is durable. But it is difficult to make something elegant out of it: it is too reluctant to process. It remains only to pour something simple - like handles, staples or the simplest forms. It is acceptable for office doors, but how to fit such a miracle into the house is completely incomprehensible. Although, the taste and color ...

Advantages of stainless steel handles
Stronger and more durable does not happen.
Suitable not only for interior doors, but also for entrance doors.
Can be placed in the kitchen, bathroom and other areas with high humidity.
It takes a lot of effort to scratch the coating.

Cons of stainless steel handles
Unsightly design: most of the steel handles are stationary brackets.
Cold to the touch.

Site price: not presented

Plastic door handles: cheap but not cheerful

Plastic handles - the antipode of the word "reliability"
A completely justified choice for light PVC doors or high-tech interiors, but at least controversial in all other cases.

Pros of plastic handles
Cheaper than metal handles.
Any color is possible - even matte white, even glossy carrot.
Amazed by the variety of shapes and designs.
Not afraid of wet hands - suitable for doors to the bathroom or kitchen.
Pleasant to the touch, do not slip in the hand.

Cons of plastic handles
Flimsy, even on light doors they live on strength for several years.
They scratch with a fingernail and collect fingerprints.
Models "under the metal" bear little resemblance to the material they imitate.
On a solid wooden door, they look like a toy and third-rate.

Website price: – (soon on sale, stay tuned)


1. Match the color of the door handle with the lock, escutcheon and hinges.

2. Try to pick it up so that it does not discord with furniture and accessories. Bronze railing will not tolerate matte chrome handles.

3. Cold shades are usually suitable for modern, high-tech, loft styles; warm - for classic interiors.

4. On canvases with a wenge or bleached oak finish, handles in shades of chrome, palladium and those close to them look great. Handles of golden hues suggest themselves to the walnut and cherry doors: in fact, gold and brass.

5. The type of door handle is a matter of taste. But in general, push (lever) models are more reliable than round ones, and not as slippery to the touch.

6. Let the shape of the product echo the design of the canvas. The easiest way to focus on the panels. For example, on a canvas with two rectangular panels, a bizarrely curved handle is clearly out of place, it is better to choose a straight one.

7. For doors to adjacent rooms, select the same handles.

8. If you decide to take a knob, keep in mind that it has a non-standard mounting hole: more than 5 cm. Because of this, you will not be able to replace the knob with separate fittings in the future.

9. If you have a sliding door, you need a special type of handles - "boats". Read more about them in our article on fittings for sliding doors.

Looking for a beautiful and durable door handle with up to 12 years warranty? Look into .

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