Modular origami Christmas tree step by step instructions. Origami tree from modules. Schemes for folding Christmas trees using the origami technique

The next competitive master class will introduce you to another option main character the upcoming holiday - a Christmas tree made of paper modules, i.e. in the technique of modular origami. The relative ease of manufacturing the model and the availability of the technology itself will allow even children to create lovely symbols of the holiday. The main thing is to understand the intricacies of paper modules. And the author of the work will help you to do this Anna Susmetova.

Christmas tree in the technique of modular origami

Hello! My name is Susmetova Anna Vyacheslavovna. I work as the Head of the circle of technical creativity in the House of Culture of the village. Youth of the Simferopol region, Republic of Crimea.

With my students, we study various creative techniques: technique sand animation, trimming technique, paper torsion technique (quilling), as well as the technique of folding figures from triangular simple modules ( modular origami).

Today I want to present you one of my favorite works made in the technique of modular origami - "Christmas Tree". This craft can be a great decoration for your New Year's interior or a gift for a loved one.

For its manufacture we need the following materials:

- green and red paper;

- PVA glue;

- beads for decoration.

The Christmas tree consists of six parts, assembled from triangular modules Green colour, — 450 modules in total. Another 50 red modules will be required to make a star.

Divide A4 sheet into 25 rectangles and cut. From ready-made rectangles we make triangular modules. After all the modules are assembled, we proceed to assemble the "Christmas Tree" figure according to the following scheme.

1. The first part of the Christmas tree. The first 2 rows consist of 8 modules each.

2. The second part: 1st row - 10, 2nd row - 10, 3rd row - 10, 4th row - 5 modules.

3. The third part: 1st row - 12, 2nd row - 12, 3rd row - 12, 4th row - 12, 5th row - 6 modules.

4. Fourth part: 1st row - 14, 2nd row - 14, 3rd row - 14, 4th row - 7 modules.

Now we collect 5 more modules as follows: 4th row - 2, 5th row - 2, 6th row - 1 module.

We attach a part of 5 modules to the fourth part between the formed rays.

We make and add 6 more such details. The fourth part of the Christmas tree is ready.

5. Fifth part: 1st row - 16, 2nd row - 16, 3rd row - 16, 4th row - 16, 5th row - 8 modules.

We collect 7 more modules in this way: 5th row - 2, 6th row - 2, 7th row - 2, 8th row - 1 module.

We connect the resulting part with the fifth part between the formed rays.

We add 7 more of the same details. So the fifth part of the Christmas tree is ready.

Sixth part: 1st row - 18, 2nd row - 18, 3rd row - 18, 4th row - 18, 5th row - 18, 6th row - 9 modules.

We collect 9 more parts from 9 modules in this way: 6th row - 2, 7th row - 2, 8th row - 2, 9th row - 1 modules.

We attach the details between the beams of the workpiece. The sixth part of the Christmas tree is ready.

7. The top of the paper Christmas tree is decorated with a red star.

The star consists of 50 red triangular modules. We collect it according to the scheme: 1st row - 10, 2nd row - 10 modules (put on with the long side out (dsn)).

3rd row - 10 modules (put on with the short side out (ksn)).

4th row - 10 modules (ksn). There is a division into five beams - the modules are put on with one pocket, and the second outer one remains empty.

5th row - 5 modules (ksn). The module is put on two inner pockets of each beam.

8. When all the parts are ready, we proceed to the assembly of the Christmas tree.

8. We decorate the product with mother-of-pearl beads.

Our "Christmas Tree" is ready!

All competition entries

A beautiful Christmas tree is fast and not expensive.

The tree lowered its branches, White frost showered her ... Why is it so close to me, so sweet. Are you my own tree? Green with a silent hello, You come as a dear friend And hope and joyful light Lights up ahead of me...

The long-awaited new year 2015, frost is getting stronger outside the window, children are playing in the yard. Students take the winter session. There is some kind of fuss all around, everyone is running somewhere, apparently they are afraid not to be in time, but where to? Stop, look around, take a closer look and maybe you can see our mortal world in a different way. See how frost plays and shimmers with silvery light on the green paws of fluffy fir trees. Bullfinches are poured on the branches, heated sunbeams daytime sun. Crimson sunset heralds morning frost. After everything you have seen, when you come home, sit in a chair, take cover warm blanket and with a great mood, start making a beautiful fluffy Christmas tree

Did I manage to cheer you up? Excellent! Then let's start...

For the Christmas tree, you will need 630 1/16 size modules, of which: 528 green, 102 light green modules and PVA glue. The whole design consists of 8 parts and the crown.

A video tutorial will help you assemble a beautiful Christmas tree.

You can find out how to cut paper to the desired size here, and how to make the module itself - here.

You can watch how to assemble a Christmas tree in just 2 minutes in the video tutorial at the top of this master class.

Friends! Don't forget my words. Be happy and love your loved ones(they love you - I know it)!

Consists modular tree from individual branches, so you can make Christmas trees of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. In addition, from such branches you can make New Year's compositions with toys, snowflakes and stars. The height of the Christmas tree according to this master class is approximately 23-24 cm. For the Christmas tree, you can take modules of one or two colors or different shades Green colour. Here we used modules from rectangles measuring 38 × 60 mm. But there may be other sizes. You can also make modules in several colors. This will give more realism and volume to the Christmas tree. The modules are mounted on a skewer. A skewer is a thin wooden stick for barbecue (for one-time use). They are sold in packs in supermarkets, in the departments of household items. There are 20 cm or more. We used a 20 cm long skewer. For this Christmas tree, 637 pieces were needed (391 dark green, 246 light green).

We add triangular modules according to the scheme.

There is another way to assemble a beautiful Christmas tree from modules

For this Christmas tree, you will need 353 green Chinese modules. We collect:

or this diagram:

Christmas tree in modular origami technique. Master class with step by step photos

Seyitmedova Oksana Seytievna, teacher, Gymnasium No. 1503
Material Description: This material will be useful to educators, teachers additional education, parents.
Making crafts using the modular origami technique.
- get acquainted with the technique of "modular origami";
- to consolidate the skills of working with paper, scissors, glue;
- learn how to fold triangular modules;
- connect modules in different ways.
Rules for safe work with scissors
1. Keep order in your workplace.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not work with loose scissors.
4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only at your workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades as you work.
7. Put the scissors with the rings towards you.
8. Feed scissors rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store your scissors in their sheath with the blades down.
11. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors for their intended purpose.
Rules for safe work with glue
1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.
3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.
4. Wash the brush and hands well with soap after work.
For work we need:
- colored paper,
- eggplant lid
- bamboo skewer

Preparing modules.
Cut an A4 sheet into 16 rectangles.
We begin to fold the module.
Fold the rectangle in half.

Fold again to mark the middle line.
Fold one edge to the middle, then the other edge.

Turn over and fold the outer corners as shown in the photo.

Fold the top edge with the two folded corners to form a triangle.

The module is ready.
We make the first tier, the first and second row of eight pieces of modules. We put one module on the short side and put it in the pockets of the other two modules.

Next, we make the second tier, three rows of ten pieces of modules.

Then we put on five modules through one module.

After we make the third tier, four rows of twelve pieces of modules.

Then we put on six modules through one module.

Now we make the fourth tier, three rows of fourteen pieces of modules.

Then we put on seven modules through one module.

We make a blank of five modules, we need to make seven pieces, and dress them.

It remains to make the lower tier, three rows of sixteen pieces of modules.

Then we put on eight modules through one module.

We make a blank of seven modules, we need to make eight pieces, and dress them.

Make a hole in the middle of the eggplant lid, insert a bamboo skewer, the base for the Christmas tree is ready.

We collect the Christmas tree tier by tier.

Print the star template on the printer, glue the parts together.

Although the origami technique has recently appeared in our country, all children adore it. After all, from ordinary square sheets paper, you can easily and effortlessly create beautiful voluminous crafts: animals, flowers, houses, appliances and more.

Children with pleasure together with their parents, repeating their actions, make funny figures. On the eve of the New Year, you want to decorate your house beautifully. Therefore, I propose to stock up on origami paper and make cute origami Christmas trees out of paper ... Well, of course, do not forget to call for help from little helpers, so something, and they can fold paper perfectly. Below we will show you step by step how to fold it.

Necessary materials:

  • A5 origami paper
  • scissors

Paper origami Christmas tree - step by step with your own hands:

To make an origami Christmas tree, we need to take colored double-sided paper square shape or take a regular A4 sheet and fold a square, cut off the excess part.

We fold a sheet of paper for origami crafts in half diagonally, then turn it back and fold again diagonally, but on the other side.

Unfold the sheet again and fold it in half across. Unfold again and fold in half again.

Now fold the sheet diagonally into a triangle.

On the right side, we bend the small triangle inward as shown in the photo below.

We do the same action on the opposite side. - we get a figure in the form of a square, only deployed.

Inside - this design looks like this.

We bend the right side to the center line into a triangle, on the left side we bend the same triangle to the center.

Turn the figure over to the other side and do the action described above. As a result, we get such a rhombus.

Next, fold one side and carefully bend inward. We also act with the other three sides and get just such a voluminous figure.

We cut off the lower triangular part with scissors - we get the shape of a Christmas tree with eight sides.

On both sides of the future Christmas tree we make small cuts, not reaching the center line.

We begin to bend the corners of the origami Christmas tree down, starting from the lowest tier.

We bend all the corners except the top, we leave it unchanged.

We need to bend the corners on all eight sides of the Christmas tree - we should get such a paper design.

Now straighten all sides of the Christmas tree evenly in a circle. It turned out a beautiful origami Christmas tree made of paper with fluffy branches. Making your own is great! Be sure to make your Christmas tree following this step-by-step description with a photo.

Christmas tree. modular origami

DIY paper Christmas tree

Which New Year, christmas decor interior without beauty Christmas tree. Of course, it is possible that a living New Year's beauty will settle in your house, but, unfortunately, a living spruce does not live in an apartment for long, but you really want to extend your favorite New Year holiday. Therefore, we suggest you make a Christmas tree out of paper.

Make a Christmas tree with your children. Since origami classes contribute to the development of attention, memory, spatial and figurative thinking, develop fine motor skills hands, bring up patience and accuracy.

Craft Christmas tree for children from 6 years old.

Stages of manufacturing Christmas tree modules

1. Assemble the green and white modules.

2. Take 16 green modules. 8 of them will be required for the first row and 8 for the second.

3. Connect these modules using Method 2 (“modules on short sides”) and complete the chain of modules in a circle.

4. The first (upper) tier of the Christmas tree turned out.

5. To make the second tier, repeat steps 2 and 3 and add a third row alternating green and white pieces.

6. To make the next tier, take 30 green modules and assemble them into three rows of 10 modules each, using the same fastening method.

7. Close the resulting chain in a circle by connecting the extreme modules together.

8. Add 5 white modules to the tier, skipping two rays from the green modules of the previous row.

9. We pass to the fourth tier. To start, repeat steps 6 and 7.

10. Complete the tier with the fourth row, consisting of 15 green modules: put one module on two corners from two neighboring modules of the previous row, then one module with an outer pocket on one corner of the previous row and one with an outer pocket on the corner of the next module of the previous row. Do the same four more times, following in a circle.

11. The next row will consist of 5 white modules, put on the inner corners of the green modules, which were dressed in one corner.

12. For the fifth tier of the Christmas tree, connect 48 modules (four rows of 12 pieces) and lock them into a ring.

13. In the fifth row of the fifth tier, put on 6 green modules, passing two corners of the previous row between them.

14. Put on “legs” consisting of 5 modules on these corners (see paragraph 15).

15. foot: fasten 2 green pieces by inserting the right corner into the right pocket, and 2 green pieces by inserting the left corner into the left pocket. Connect the blanks together with a white module, leaving the corners of the green modules on both sides free.

16. To assemble the sixth tier, you need to connect four rows of 14 green modules and close them in a ring.

17. In the fifth row of this tier, put on 7 green modules, passing two corners of the previous row between them.

18. On these corners, put on “legs” made of two green figures (unlike the previous ones, each blank consists of 3 modules), interconnected by a white module.

19. "Top" is assembled from four external and four internal modules, fixed in a circle.

Let's move on to assembly.

20. To make the barrel, use a thin wooden stick and, for stability, stick it, for example, into an eraser.

Put on the tiers you made on the stick, starting from the sixth and ending with the crown.

Dressed up the Christmas tree in a festive dress:

In colorful garlands, in bright lights,

And stands, sparkling, a Christmas tree in a magnificent hall,

Sadly remembering the old days.

The Christmas tree dreams of an evening, monthly and starry,

Snowy glade, sad cry of wolves

And pine neighbors, in frosty mantles,

All in diamond sequins, in fluff of snow.

And the neighbors stand in gloomy sadness,

They dream and drop white snow from the branches ...

They dream of a Christmas tree in a lighted hall,

Laughter and stories of joyful children.

Origami lovers will not miss the opportunity.

The word Origami comes from the two words ori meaning "folding" and kami meaning "paper". Origami technique is a traditional japanese art folding various paper sculptures. The art of origami began to develop in the XVII century. AD in Japan, and in our time has spread widely across all continents and countries.

This video tutorial will show you how to make a three-dimensional origami Christmas tree, for this you first need to assemble triangular origami from white and green paper.

Video 1: triangular modules for 3D origami, assembly diagram

Video 2: Modular Origami Christmas Tree

simple origami tree

This master class is much simpler than the previous one. The Christmas tree is made from a sheet of green paper using scissors, although this technique is not used in classic origami.

You will need a square of double-sided paper 20x20. It will make a Christmas tree 12 cm high.

Step by step instructions in pictures:

We make a square, fold in half, connecting opposite corners. Then - the basic design common in origami - a triangle with nested internal corners.

The tree will be octagonal. After you make the cuts, make sure that all the folds are in the same direction.

You can make several Christmas trees and arrange them wherever you like.