Mini performance for Valentine's Day. Holiday Scenarios - Valentine's Day! (3). Original congratulations on Valentine's Day

Scenario for lovers

To hold this holiday, you need to beautifully decorate the room, send out invitations in the form of valentines to all guests, and make sure that the number of established couples is approximately equal to the number of singles. The evening opens with a comic theatrical performance.

The stage or the central part of the room is decorated under the cell; for this, the walls can be hung coarse cloth(burlap or cloth), lay a rug on the floor gray color, in the corner of the makeshift room they put a table on which a candle burns in a candlestick, on the walls of the icon. At the table sits a Catholic Priest in a long black cloak with a hood put on his head and writes something. Before him stands a couple in love: the Bride in torn dress, The groom in a shabby suit.

Priest (strictly). Is your desire to marry mutual and deliberate?
Lovers (in chorus). Yes!
Priest (strictly). Do you agree to love each other forever until death do you part?
Lovers (in chorus). Yes!
PRIEST (already more affectionately). Well, then I declare you husband and wife, you can kiss (turns away).

The lovers kiss and run away. Another couple enters the cell: the Bride is tall, plump, with a huge belly, the Groom is short and thin. The bride strongly drags him by the hand.

PRIEST (surprised). What is it you, my dear, drag him like a lasso?
Bride What am I to do now! (Pointing to the belly.) How they met, kissed, so “Darling, beloved, beautiful ...”, but how it is (points to the stomach again), so “we don’t fit in height!”
PRIEST All right. Is your desire to marry mutual and deliberate?
BRIDE (loudly, quickly and decisively). Yes!
PRIEST Do you agree to love each other forever until death do you part?
BRIDE (also loudly, annoyed). Yes!
PRIEST (with apprehension). Well, then I declare you husband and wife, you can kiss ...

The Bride grabs the Bridegroom by the breasts, passionately kisses and drags him by the hand. The priest takes from the table a large sign "REGISTRY OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR A BREAK" and broadcasts it to front door. Then he takes off his hood, approaches the guests and begins the evening.

Priest Hello, dear guests, as you already understood, my name is Valentine. For many years, ever since I secretly married the first couple, people have been coming to me. And I crown them (as if justifying myself), of course, by mutual desire! You know that marriages are made in heaven! And every year on February 14, I descend from heaven in order to help lovers find each other, and for those who have already found each other, to keep the peace and warmth of relations! Today is just that day, so today I will do everything so that none of you leave without a pair!

Valentin sits down at his table and begins to write something, glancing at the guests and pointing first at one, then at the other with a pen. At this time, two young people dressed in costumes of angels run out onto the stage: white tights, short dresses, wings, wreaths on their heads, in the hands of bows and arrows - Lyamour and Cupid.

Cupid Hello, dear guests!
LAMOUR We don't. just angels, our names are Lyamur (bows) and Cupid (points to the second angel, who bows in the same way).
Cupid Today we came here not by chance, Valentine invited us to teach you all to love.
LamurLet's start the first lesson! A lesson in love poetry.

The angels divide the guests into four teams so that each group has no more than 5 people, either only boys or only girls. Then they are given a piece of paper tied with a red ribbon and sealed with a kiss. On each piece of paper you need to write the first lines of the poem, which the participants will have to continue.

For example:
On Valentine's Day
Looking forward to the second half...
Today is a holiday for girls -
Today is Valentine's Day...
And so on.

Cupid This is a love message addressed to your chosen one or chosen one, however, it is unfinished ...
Lyamour Let's finish it together!

Teams are given no more than 5 minutes to conduct the competition. After the time is up, the Angels collect the pens and stop the competition. Then the team of participants stands up against the team of participants and reads out their message. The guests sit down and drink "for the eloquence of lovers"! Angels appear on the stage again.

Cupid So, dear guests (rings the bell), we invite you to the second lesson of love skill.
LAMOUR (clearing, solemnly announces). Singing lesson!
Cupid Yes, yes, singing is very important in order to achieve the love of your chosen one or chosen one.
Lyamour Every person is pleased when they sing serenades under the balcony!
Cupid Just be careful! Look, don’t wake up the neighbors, otherwise you can get a pot of geraniums instead of a return rose!

The angels divide all those present into two teams (you can right at the table) and invite each to come up with a name for themselves.

Amur So, our dear participants, now you have to strain your memory and try to remember as many love songs as possible! Lamur Don't be scared, it's easy! Over the history of its existence, people have come up with just great amount love songs.

After that, each team takes turns singing the song. The competition continues until all songs have been sung. Then a toast “for the lyricism of lovers” sounds at the table! Valentin appears on the scene.

Valentine What a beautiful love! Love is a feeling that ennobles, it is a feeling that makes us generous and considerate and at the same time completely reckless. In love, as in any other matter, you need to know when to stop. Otherwise, you can get into an uncomfortable position, and maybe suffer in the name of love!

An anecdote is played on the stage on the topic: the husband returned from a business trip ... The choice of this or that anecdote depends on the degree of emancipation of the company, as well as on the age, social status and degree of closeness of those present. For example: a bed is brought onto the stage, a closet is placed next to it. A Woman and a Man lie in bed, covered with a blanket, kissing. Suddenly there is a sound out the door.

WOMAN (in dismay). Husband!
MAN (getting fussy, jumps out of bed, begins to rush between the balcony and the bed). Damn it! I told you to be careful!
WOMAN (pushing him into the closet). Sit still!

Another Man enters the door, lies down in bed, he and the Woman cover themselves with a blanket, kiss ... The man quietly crawls out of the closet, tiptoes around the room, collecting his things.

Man (in a whisper, displeased). Husband! (a little louder) Husband! (Quite loudly.) And then who am I?!

Everyone leaves, Valentine makes a toast "to the ingenuity of lovers"! Angels appear on the stage again.

LAMOUR (rings the bell). All for the lesson! All for the lesson!
Amur Let's start the third lesson - a dance lesson!
LAMOUR (dancing, dreamily). How cool is it to spin a lady in a dance ...
Cupid (pushing him). Wake up, look, don't give the lady all her legs!

Angels invite several couples (a man and a woman) to the stage. Then the terms of the competition are announced.

Lyamour Now, our dear lovers, we will turn on the music for you, and you will have to dance to it.
Cupid What could be easier! But not in our dances! The main condition is that in any case your dance should be mutual.
Lamur Yes, yes, it is strictly forbidden to unclench your arms!

After the announcement of the competition, a variety of music is turned on. For example:

1. Viennese waltz;
2. mazurka;
3. square dance;
4. melodic modern song;
5. fast modern song;
6. rock music;
7. rap music.

And so on. The more diverse genres there are, the more interesting the competition. The couple that loses the rhythm and breaks the embrace is eliminated. The most elegant couple wins. After this competition, a toast “for the grace of lovers” sounds at the table. Valentin appears on the stage, a hood on his head, a candle in his hands. The bell sounds.

Valentine Hear... It's the church bells ringing... There's a wedding! Of course, a wedding is the most beautiful, the brightest, the most memorable event in the life of young people. However, nothing tempers feelings like trials. How many beautiful, romantic stories ended with weddings, a prosperous quiet family life, a bunch of kids and other benefits. But history includes only those lovers who have passed many trials ... (calling) Cupid! Lamour!

Angels run onto the stage, aiming at the guests with a bow.

Cupid Valentine! Did you call us?
Lyamour Do you need to fall in love with someone again?
Valentine Of course you do! How are your lovemaking lessons? Are there any results?
Cupid Yes! And what!
Lyamour Our guests can write love messages in verse, they can sing serenades, they can dance.
Valentine But you remember that the most important thing in love!
Cupid (looking down). Forgot!
Valentine In order for love to be strong, for relationships to be harmonious, lovers must be able to be different: cheerful, sad, romantic, passionate, bitchy, and complaisant. Announce the beginning of the fourth lesson!

The angels ring the bell and announce a theater lesson. Several couples are invited to the stage, it is better if they are people who are still unfamiliar with each other. Each couple needs in a few minutes, armed with a set of simple items that are at hand (for example, napkins, flowers, forks, lodges, etc.), to portray the famous couple of lovers. Moreover, it is not necessary for everything to be literary characters (Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, etc.). You can portray Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov, Valery and Joseph Prigozhin, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, etc. The main thing is that the couples show all their artistic abilities and notice all the nuances! The judges in this competition are the remaining spectators. Then a toast “to the artistry of lovers” sounds at the table. Valentin enters the scene.

Valentine. So, our lessons of love mastery have come to an end! I hope that each of you has learned them and already on the next February 14 I will see only loving faces here! (The lights go out, Valentine lights a candle.) Well, dear lovers! I, Saint Valentine, the patron saint of all lovers, bless you for a happy family life I wish you mutual love, understanding, emotionality. Be happy! (Extinguishes the candle, puts on his hood and leaves.)

The solemn part of the holiday ends, during the feast, the guests remain to entertain the Angels.

An exciting journey into the world of love

The stage or the central part of the room is decorated in the style of a historical office, in the center of which there is a table with a table lamp, maps of the world are hung on the walls, and a large globe is on the chairs. Books are scattered on the floor. A man in a gray suit, round glasses, his hair combed to one side, is sitting at the table, a scientist is reading something. Then he jumps up from his chair, runs to the map.

Historian. Damn it, today is February 14th - Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day (strikes his forehead with his fist). And I forgot, I forgot! (Turns around and notices the audience.) Good afternoon, dear guests - lovers or just dreaming of falling in love. (Walks about the room with a slightly guilty look, picks up books from the floor.) Welcome to my office. You don't think it's small, it's (punches the walls) just the walls that enclose this room. And the world is big! I'll tell you about a secret (in a whisper) I'm in love! She is wonderful, beautiful, kind, tender, young... And what kind of buns does she bake... for those who are in love, there are no boundaries - what is this room? Just an office! Love is eternal! She knows no barriers, is not subject to time.

A girl in a perky cap peeks through the office door, puffy dress and with a tray of buns in their hands.

Girl Can you? (He enters timidly.) Well, how long can you work? Relax, eat a bun ...
HISTORIAN (smiling and inviting her to sit on her knees). My dear, I have prepared for you a gift that has not been given to any woman in the world. No scientist is capable of this, but every lover is capable of it! My gift is the world!
Girl So big (looking at the globe) and motley??
Historian Look! (Turns the globe around.) Let's start with Africa! In far, far Africa, there is a tradition to perform ritual dances for the sake of a beloved woman. For these purposes, men dress in the most beautiful, brightest costumes, put on the most expensive jewelry, make the most fashionable hairstyles and, having invited their chosen ones to the fire, start the show! Only the most graceful, the strongest, the most handsome man will achieve the reciprocal feelings of his girlfriend.

Two Negroes come on stage (young people smeared with dark foundation) in loincloths, with hair raised on end.

1st Negro Well, handsome men, aren't you tired of receiving women as a gift? Maybe fight for them?
2nd Negro We announce a competition for the most beautiful ritual dance.

Several men are invited to the stage (preferably from a couple). Each of them are given the following items: a roll toilet paper, leaves from artificial flowers, foil, beads, hairspray and a comb. In 5 minutes, they must build for themselves the most unusual and most beautiful ritual outfit without a mirror, not forgetting about jewelry (foil rings).

1st negro Well, leaders, invite your ladies to the fire!
2nd negro Don't forget, you are warriors, so you must be the most gallant.

In the center of the room or on the stage, a circle of chairs is made, in the middle of which a fire is burning. Women sit in a circle, and men take turns performing their dances to the beat of African drums (recorded). The audience chooses the winner! The Historian again enters the stage, leading his Girl by the hand.

Historian These are the traditions of the peoples of Africa. But in Australia they are completely different. Listen! In Australia, the honorable mission of winning the heart of a loved one is assigned to women. Kangaroo is a sacred animal in Australia, it is considered the most caring mother, so women in this country are affectionately called "kangaroos". So, in order to win the heart of a man, dear ladies, the ancient Australians held a kangaroo contest. The winner received the most handsome man.

Two Girls enter the stage, dressed in loincloths, they have ostrich feathers on their heads, and a fluffy bag on their stomachs.

1st girl Dear ladies, how much can you make men fight for you?
2nd girl Let's put an end to the power of men and choose for ourselves the most beautiful, strongest, wealthiest man.
1st girl We will not choose, but we will win!

Several girls (better not from couples) and several men are invited to the stage. A small bucket is tied to each woman's stomach with a rope or tape. “Kangaroos” get up to the start, press their hands to their chest (as kangaroos do) and begin to jump to the opposite wall of the room. Having reached the finish line, they must take the baby with their teeth and put it in a bucket and return to their original place with the child. Men at this time sit on the edge and watch the competition. They make sure that women jump only on two “paws”, do not take the “child” with their hands and do not drop it on the way back. The most graceful, most accurate "kangaroo" wins and gets a prize! The Historian and the Girl enter the stage again.

Historian Ah, yes women! Ay, well done! What grace, what strength...
Girl What's next? What other traditions exist in the world?
Historian Now let's turn our attention to the North! Here, in conditions of permafrost, snow and ice, customs are completely different. Despite the cold weather, the feelings of the Chukchi are not cold at all. They also get acquainted, also fall in love, also start families.

Two Chukchi enter the stage - a man and a woman, dressed in fur coats, hats, high fur boots, downy mittens.

Man Listen, wife, however, do you remember how we met, how I looked after you, how I gave you flowers?
WOMAN No, my husband, however, I do not remember!
Man You are a stupid woman, how can you not remember?
Woman Well, I don't remember, however, that's all!
Man Yes, how many jokes have been written about it!
Woman Dear viewers, remind me of our love, otherwise my husband is a hunter, he will kill me, however!

Two teams are invited to the stage, consisting of both women and men. Each team needs 5-10 minutes to remember and beat any joke about the Chukchi. For dramatization, it is better to take simple anecdotes. For example: two people are lying on the floor - a man and a woman of the Chukchi, dressed in a fur coat, hat, high fur boots, mittens. They lie and make babies (attach handles, legs).

Man Well, wife, it turns out?
Woman No, however, some materials are defective!
Man Something doesn't work out for me either, it's a complicated matter, however!

Then a third Chukchi approaches them - a neighbor.

NeighborHey, neighbors, what are you doing?
Man Can't you see, though?
Woman Children do!
Neighbor what's in the clothes?
Chukchi (in chorus). So cold though!

After all the teams have presented their jokes, the guests vote for each team with applause. The winner receives a prize. The Historian and his beloved Girl enter the stage.

Girl And I always thought: the Japanese are such cruel people, how do they express their feelings?
Historian Oh, that's very interesting story! Listen! A long time ago in Japan there was a tradition to choose a life partner for his eloquence. At first, young people and girls wrote haiku to each other - Japanese three-liners, but their parents were not satisfied with such a selection, since it was too easy! Then the elder said that the most enviable groom and the most enviable bride would be the one who spoke the tongue twister best of all. So we decided! Since then, Japanese girls and boys have been saying tongue twisters to each other. This is such a custom!

Two people enter the stage - a Young Man and a Girl with floured faces, hair pulled back, in a kimono and with fans in their hands.

Woman Ivan-san, do you love me?
Man Of course, Marya-san!
Woman And when are you going to explain your love to me?
Man And even now! (Quickly speaks a tongue twister.)
Woman Dear guests, don't you want to declare your love to each other according to our traditions?

Several couples (a man and a woman) are invited to the stage. Each pair receives a package with a tongue twister written on it. After that, they are given 3-5 minutes to prepare. The pair divides the tongue twister into lines that will be spoken in turn. For example:
Greek rode across the river,
He sees a Greek in the river Rak.
He put the hand of the Greek into the river,
Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap!
Grass in the yard
On the grass - firewood,
Don't cut wood
On the grass of the yard!
From under Kostroma,
From under the Kostroma region,
Four men walked
Four men;
They talked about trading
about shopping,
About the cereal
About the undergrowths.

The couple that pronounces the tongue twister more clearly, never straying or dragging out, wins and is recognized as the most romantic Japanese couple! The Historian and the Girl enter the stage.

HISTORIAN Well, my dear, this is the end of our journey.
Girl Darling, and finally tell me how Russian people show their feelings.
Historian Well, well! I can't refuse you! Listen! Since ancient times, the Russian people have been considered the most romantic, kindest and most musical. Someone dances funny dances to their chosen ones, someone jumps like a kangaroo, someone generally speaks tongue twisters.
Young woman. And we?
Historian. And we sing songs to each other. Singing, melodic, beautiful and a little sad. Let's, dear guests, remember the old Russian folk songs about love - happy love and sad love.

All guests are divided into two teams (right side of the table and left side of the table). Then they take turns singing Russian folk songs about love (at least one verse each). The team that remembers the most songs and sings the last one wins.

HISTORIAN You see, my dear, how differently people all over the world express their feelings. But one thing unites them all.
Girl What?
Historian Love! Love — how much has merged in this sound for the human heart! It contains joy, laughter, and the desire to be the most beautiful (takes off his glasses and returns his hair to its normal position) for his chosen one or chosen one, and, of course, the desire to throw the whole world at her (points to the Girl) feet!
Girl Be happy, lovers! Be attentive to each other, be mutually polite. And may peace, harmony and, of course, love always reign in your relationship!

The solemn part ends, the Historian and his beloved join the guests.

Theatrical performance for Valentine's Day

The room in which the holiday will be held is decorated with all the possible attributes of this holiday: balls, ribbons, flowers, etc. The table (or tables, if a party is planned in a large company) is arranged so that the front part is free and well viewed from all places. When all the guests take their seats, the march of F. Mendelssohn sounds, the Hosts (a man and a woman) enter the stage.

Presenter Good evening, dear guests! Today we all have gathered in this bright hall to celebrate one of the most beautiful, most romantic, most beloved holidays - the holiday of all lovers!
Presenter Despite the fact that it is cold outside, the February snow is sweeping, it is warm and cozy in our hall and our hearts. All this is due to the fact that love lives in each of us!
Presenter Do you know, dear guests, why it is customary to celebrate St. Valentine's Day on this day?
Host Don't know? Well then we'll show you!

A comic dramatization of the story of Valentine is shown.

Valentine (a woman disguised as a man, with a glued mustache, in a black hoodie tied with a harsh rope);
Jailer's daughter (a man of thin build, dressed in women's dress, lace pantaloons, in a wig, with bows and bright makeup);
Jailer ( fat woman dressed in a police uniform).
Several pairs of lovers in which the role of a woman is played by men, the role of men by women;
Emperor (a man in a white sheet over his shoulder, with a laurel wreath on his head);
Servant (in a colored sheet over his shoulder, sandals, with a roll of parchment in his hands).

The performance begins with a stage in the Imperial Palace. There is an armchair on the stage in which the Emperor has collapsed. A Servant enters the Throne Room.

Servant (falls to his knees, beats his head on the floor). Oh great. emperor, our deeds are bad, bad ...
Emperor What happened in my great empire, which has no equal on earth or in heaven?
Servant (rising from his knees, rubbing his forehead). The authority of our army has been shaken, no one wants to serve the emperor for a piece of stale bread a day. And yet (in a whisper, looking around) they are afraid of hazing!
Emperor (indignantly). What such hazing!
Servant (as if making excuses). Hazing, Your Majesty, is when older soldiers dip their heads into the toilet bowl or make them wash their underpants, wind footcloths!
Emperor And how do our men mow down from the army?
Servant It's very simple - get married! (Points to the audience.) Look: Ivan is married, Peter is married, Vasily - and he got married recently. (The names of married men present are substituted for these names.)
Emperor Come on, Ivan, come to me (one of the guests approaches). How long have you been married?
Ivan (answers). Recently.
Emperor Didn't go to the army?
Ivan No.
Emperor Well, if you complete my task, you will live, no, I will order you to be executed!

The servant brings out a large apple on a golden tray with many matches stuck in it. The participant draws a match and names any quality of his wife, thanks to which he married her! This competition is for everyone married men. As a result, all the guests remain alive, and the Servant makes a toast "to the ladies present." Only the Emperor remains on the stage, the Servant leaves, all the guests take their seats.

Emperor (thinking, scratching his head and writing something on parchment). With-ka-zy-va-yu ... (out loud) that's what they came up with, found a way out! I will show them how not to go to the army, not to fight for the emperor (he writes something). Servant!
Servant Yes, O great emperor!
Emperor Read!
Servant (unfolds the parchment and reads aloud). In the name of the great emperor Claudius II, I order! From this day on, to ban all weddings and impose a fine for every meeting of lovers. Every romantic letter - burn! For disobedience - the death penalty!

Loud music sounds, march, the Emperor and the Servant leave. The Priest appears on the stage.

PRIEST (raising his hands to the sky). Oh gods, gods! Our Emperor has gone mad! Ban weddings, punish lovers! Oh Gods! (Turns to the audience.) You heard that weddings are banned from today! What to do, how to be?

A loving couple enters the room.

Guy Father Valentine, Emperor Claudius forbade marriage, and we already have a wedding day!
Girl What should we do, I'm pregnant (turns to the audience, showing a huge belly).
Valentine Well, my children, how can I, a servant of heaven, help you? I will marry you (in a whisper) secretly!

The girl puts a veil on her head, the guy tightens his tie, the priest picks up the icon and begins the ceremony, after which the lovers run away holding hands. Valentine addresses the guests.

Valentine Well, dear guests, are there lovers among you who want to receive the blessing of Valentine himself? Eat? Well, walk like that, I will marry you all! Only for this you need to complete my task.

Several couples in love come on stage and sit on chairs opposite each other. The man takes as many lollipops into his mouth as he can and begins to sing a love serenade. The task of the girl is to listen to her as touchingly, romantically as possible, in no case laughing, the couple who did not fulfill the conditions return to the table. The winner couple receives Valentine's blessing and gets married. After this rite, the Jailer runs out onto the stage.

Jailer Father Valentine! What did you just do?
Valentine (hides the icon). Nothing special!
Jailer Of course, nothing! You have just married several couples, and now I must read your rights (takes out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and reads). Father Valentin, you are under arrest, you can remain silent, you can not testify against yourself and your relatives, anything you say can be used against you in court.

The jailer ties up the Priest and takes him off the stage. At this time, the Servant of the Emperor comes out and solemnly, making a serious and mourning face, pronounces a toast “to the sacrifice of love!” Slow music sounds, Valentine appears on the stage in handcuffs.

Valentine Oh, woe to me, woe! Why, God, are you punishing me? I suffered for love!

The Jailer enters the scene.

Jailer Valentine, Emperor, His Majesty Claudius I, made a decision: to sentence you to death, which is scheduled for February 14, 270.
Valentine Well, if I am destined to die because of love, I am ready to sacrifice myself!

The jailer leaves, Valentine sits on a chair and covers his head with his hands. The Jailer's Daughter enters the scene.

The Jailer's Daughter Oh, Valentine! How cruelly the emperor punished you!
Valentine (looks at the girl with loving eyes). No more than I punished myself!
Jailer's daughter How did you punish yourself, Valentine?
Valentine On the verge of death, I not only fell in love (kisses the girl's hand), but also won a reciprocal feeling.

Valentine and the Jailer's Daughter kiss, after which the girl, covering her face with her hands, runs away. Valentine then sits at one end of the stage and the Jailer's Daughter at the other.

Valentine My dear beloved, how will we communicate if I am in prison and you are free? That's right, I'll write you a letter!

Valentine invites several young men to the stage, while the Jailer's Daughter calls several girls. Each team is given a sheet of paper on which the words are written:
1st sheet: love, carrots, gifts, roasts, heart, door.
2nd sheet: love, carrots, potatoes, window, stomach, mind.
Each team in some time (about 5 minutes) must compose a love letter in the form of a small rhyme, using the words that are written on their sheet. After the teams complete this task, Valentine takes his team's sheet, and the Jailer's Daughter takes hers. The lovers stand close to each other, look into each other's eyes, hold hands and read the resulting messages romantically and tenderly. After that, everyone walks, the Servant appears on the stage and, brushing away a tear of tenderness, pronounces a toast “for love!”. A chair and a large ax (cut from plywood) are brought onto the stage. The Jailer then brings Valentine out. Everything goes into the background characters.

Jailer Today, February 14, 270 AD, a priest is to be executed, who, despite the emperor's order, secretly married lovers, thereby strengthening their desire to hang out from the army. Our great Emperor Claudius II sentenced him to death. Valentine, what can you say in your defense?
Valentine And I have nothing to justify myself for. I did a good deed, reunited loving hearts. Now, when you cruel people take my life, I will ascend to heaven and there I will make marriage unions. From now on and forever and ever, remember that marriages will now be made in heaven. And what is united by God, no one can separate!
Emperor (terribly). You dare to be rude to the emperor! Cut off his head, quickly!

The Jailer and Servant grab Valentine, put his head on a chair and stab him with an axe. Valentine's body falls lifeless! The jailer's daughter rushes to the body and takes a note from the hand of the murdered Valentine.

Jailer's daughter (reads). "Your Valentine!" How few words, but how much meaning! What other words do lovers need to better understand each other? (Screaming) I love you, Valentine! (The girl takes an ax and hits herself on the head with a butt, her body falls next to Valentine's body.)

Jailer and Servant take away the bodies of lovers, everyone leaves. The Servant appears on the stage and with a tragic face says a toast "To marriages that are made in heaven!". After the show is over, the hosts take the stage.

Host This is such a sad story. Poor Valentine sacrificed himself so that from now on all lovers could be together.
Leading And the continuation of this sad story is. After his death, Valentine was canonized, and the day of his execution was proclaimed Valentine's Day!
Presenter Yes, that's what the people were like! But I wonder if today there is someone who can sacrifice himself for love?
There is, of course, a leading K. These are our guests!

Several couples come on stage, each participant is given a glass in their hands. After that, the Hosts blindfold them and begin to pour into the glass everything that comes to hand, carefully (and most importantly, loudly) mix it all right in the hands of the participants. In fact, the Leader pours only champagne into the glasses of the participants, just to achieve the effect, they make noise with different bottles, rattle salt and other objects that make a knock, and then champagne interferes with the glasses of the participants. After the preparation of the "love" potion is completed, the following is announced.

Moderator So, ladies and gentlemen, here are the people who decided to sacrifice their stomachs, their health for the sake of love. On my command, you must drink this explosive mixture!

When the participants, overpowering themselves, take the first sip, they will understand that this is champagne, and they will drink “For the sacrifice of love!” to the toast of the presenter. Everyone leaves the stage, the Leaders appear.

Presenter Well, dear guests, our holiday, dedicated to the day Valentine's Day is coming to an end.
Presenter Remember that there is no feeling in the world brighter, happier and more pleasant than love.
For lovers, the sky is always blue, the sun is yellow, the water is blue, and even the nastiest potion is like champagne!
Leading Let's raise our glasses and drink for lovers!

On this solemn part of the holiday ends. Entertain the guests are Valentine and the Jailer's Daughter.

Complete darkness to the music, one laptop lights up, then the second and the correspondence begins (dialogue between a guy and a girl)
Artyom: Hello!
Irina: Hello!
Artyom: And you are beautiful, it seems to me that I am already in love with you!))))
Irina: In love? What is love?
In the background, several people with laptops open their laptops in turn and create an atmosphere of correspondence in in social networks, then one by one they close the laptops and ask a question about love.
Dasha - What is love?
Roma - Can we love now?
Sonya - Does she even exist?
Aruna - What about love on the Internet?
Zhenya - And you believe in love? (irony)
Katya - Is there always love?
Sergei - The Internet has changed our worldview and attitude, penetrated into such an area of ​​human relationships as personal sympathy and love.
Eleanor - What is the difference between love on the Internet and real relationship, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of such love?
Irina - You yourself can choose with whom you communicate and build relationships.
In addition, when communicating via the Internet, you can slightly embellish your dignity.
Artyom - Through the Internet, you can express those thoughts that you would never dare to publish in real life. We do not see the reaction of the interlocutor to our letters - this can be both a positive and a negative side of love through the Internet.
Alena - As for the depth of feelings, it can capture no less than relationships in real life. People are waiting for virtual meetings with each other, counting days, hours, minutes.
Negative points:
Natalia - When communicating via the Internet, we do not see the interlocutor, we do not hear his voice, and the photo in the profile may not accurately convey the nuances of his appearance. Often people pretend to be something other than who they really are, and when it comes to real meeting(if it comes, of course), a severe disappointment sets in, and it is the tougher, the more attached to a fictitious image.
Dialogue about love "What is love?" (read by everyone on stage)
Dialogue about love

Sonya: What is love? I want to know.”

Aruna: - “To understand such a deep feeling,
You need to love and be loved,
And keep in your heart
That light is invisible.

Alena: When we are born with love,
Happiness is given to us for many years.

Dasha: And if we are not given this feeling to experience,
Both father and mother are to blame for this:
They didn't love each other,
Or maybe they just lost their feelings?

Sonya: Or crashed into household life?
The fragments have been swept away ... Who will forgive them now?
God be their judge…” “But we got off topic.
What is love. And maybe it's wrong
Question am I asking? Love is multifaceted…”

Natasha: -“The love of a man with a woman is desired by both. That is the union of hearts,
It is not measured by ringing rings
And wedding marches. That's not love
If the heart is cold and the blood runs cold in the veins.

Artyom: Love is probably a premonition of each other.

Seryozha: The desire to live the desires of a friend,
Support to be her in joy, in trouble,
To be the main thing in her life and destiny ...

Ira: I still believe that there are those among us who experience this feeling! At all times, people wrote poetry and through them expressed their feelings and inner world. And many still write and will write poems about a wonderful feeling - about love!
Irina reads a poem by Ilona Karpenko "I need you by anyone ..."
I need you by anyone: both healthy and weak,
Lost themselves among evil or good ...
Insecure, maybe somewhere wrong
Not changing the foundations for the ringing of silver.
I need you so that you are surprised
And wish for one thing - to know everything to the end,
How can you be sad ... What will make you laugh,
How you know how to love, and how much to suffer.
You are dear to me because with such a smile
Make your heart beat faster.
I need you in the spring, I need you in the winter
To warm me with one look.
I need you sad, broken, unhappy.
So that I can take all your pain for myself.
I need you cold, calculating, domineering,
So that I can sometimes tame you.
I need you to just smile in the spring,
To live and create for you alone...
And to touch your soul at least sometimes,
Considering this the highest reward of the gods.
Aruna and Alena read a poem by Yuri Schmidt "Dialogue about love"
Yuri Schmidt
Dialogue about love

Alena: “Tell me, what is love?
Explain to me the meaning of the word.
There are many poems about love
Why write again and again?

Aruna: “Because love is the country
Where the power is not the mind, but the feelings,
There is always spring outside the window,
And love in that country is an art.”

Alena: “Why then, tell me,
They say: "From love - suffering."
That love only ruins life
It dulls your attention."

Aruna: “Because love is fire.
Or burns, or warms the heart.
She can hurt
But the ice will be able to melt.

Alena: “But wouldn’t it be easier to live evenly,
You will live well without love.
Without love you can eat and drink
Without her, the soul is calmer.

Aruna: “We were born not just to live,
May you not become a poet of love,
We are born to suffer, to love,
The meaning of life, my friend, is only in this.
Dasha reads Yulia Drunina's poem "Love"
Julia Drunina
Lying in the night again with your eyes open
And you are leading the old argument with yourself.
You say:
- He's not that handsome! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Everything does not go to you damn dream,
Everyone thinks where is the truth, where is the lie ...
You say:
He's not that smart! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Then fear is born in you,
Everything falls, everything collapses around.
And you say to your heart:
- You will be lost!
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Natasha reads a poem by Yulia Drunina "There is no unhappy love ..."
There is no unhappy love.
Maybe she is bitter, difficult,
Irresponsible and reckless
May be deadly.

But unhappy love does not happen,
Even if she kills.
Just who doesn't get it
And happy love not worth it...
Katya: We want to be able to love, but we want to be loved more. We need to define what love is, and then ask ourselves: do we know how to love? For many people, the concept of "love" is different. In life, it is clear that many want to receive more pleasure and from here they interpret their concepts of love, tk. on this moment for them it is more "profitable" to understand this property - Love.
Aruna: Therefore, we do not know how to LOVE, but we will learn anyway, because. Everyone subconsciously strives for it.
Aruna reads the poem "Do we know how to love ..."
Can we love? We probably can.
But what should love be?
Probably something unearthly
It's weird, it's good.

Love is supposed to be beyond strength,
Giving everything for the source.
And if only "he" lived and lived,
Creating great feelings.

Can we love?
Love, give, give!
And we're ready to die
Or surrender to the flame in the fire?

No, we do not know how to love.
No, we can't give up...
What a joy to love!
And not like everyone else to stay.
Sonya sings a song to the verses of Eduard Asadov "I can really wait for you"
I can wait for you
Long, long and true, true
And I can't sleep at night
A year, and two, and all my life, I guess.

Let the leaves of the calendar
They will fly around like the leaves of a garden,

What do you really need!

I can follow you
Through the thickets and stiles,
On the sands, almost without roads,
Over the mountains, on any path,
Where the devil has never been!

I'll go through everything, without reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any anxiety
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
What then do not betray on the road.

I can give for you
Everything I have and will have.
I can accept for you
The bitterness of the worst fates in the world.

Alena: Do you know? Each person has his own color of love, season, song, maybe a book, a picture, this list can be continued for a long time. Love is multifaceted, like the person himself. We all understand it in our own way. I cannot judge for everyone about this great, fabulous feeling, I can only express my opinion, which can cause denial, consent and even laughter, the main thing is that there are emotions.
Alena reads a poem by Olga Vysotskaya "Love is different ..."
Olga Vysotskaya
Love - it is different.
Is a reflection on the ice
There is unrelenting pain
There is an apple tree in bloom.
It happens as a whirlwind and flight.
Sometimes chain and prison...
We give her peace and work
And we sacrifice our lives!
But there is still love
which fits imperceptibly
And, lifting, helping,
Will guide you through the years
And will be until the last days
Your soul and conscience.
Elya: Essential for any love is that the loved one is perceived as something beautiful, precious, accessible to love.
Artem: It can happen anywhere and anytime. Love happens. Love is always unplanned, spontaneous, fresh.
Dasha: “Love jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumping out of the ground in an alley ...” - Bulgakov wrote.
Ira: A lot has been written about love. Tens of thousands of lines are dictated by emotional excitement and deep thoughts. Poetry, music, theater, painting - created a romantic atmosphere of the Silver Age, the birth of a unique feeling of love.
Zhenya: Sergei Yesenin had many novels, he did not differ in constancy. But what amazing examples of love poetry these novels gave the world. The feeling of love is perceived by the poet as a rebirth, as the awakening of all the most beautiful in a person.
Zhenya reads a poem by Sergei Yesenin "Letter to a woman"
Sergey Yesenin
"Letter to a Woman"
Do you remember,
Of course, you all remember
How I stood
Approaching the wall
You excitedly walked around the room
And something sharp
They threw it in my face.

You said:
It's time for us to part
What tormented you
My crazy life
That it's time for you to get down to business,
And my lot -
Roll on, down.

You didn't love me.
You did not know that in the host of people
I was like a horse driven in soap
Spurred by a brave rider.

You didn't know
That I'm in solid smoke
In a life torn apart by a storm
That's why I'm tormented that I don't understand -
Where the rock of events takes us.

Face to face
Can't see faces.
Big is seen from a distance.
When the sea surface boils,
The ship is in a sorry state.

Earth is a ship!
But suddenly someone
Behind new life, new glory
In the midst of storms and blizzards
He directed it majestically.

Well, which of us is big on deck
Didn't fall, vomit, or swear?
They are few, with an experienced soul,
Who remained strong in pitching.

Then I too
Under the wild noise
But mature knowing the job,
Went down into the ship's hold,
To avoid watching human vomit.
That hold was -
Russian kabak.
And I bent over the glass
So that, without suffering for anyone,
destroy yourself
In a frenzy drunk.

I tortured you
you had longing
In the eyes of the weary
What am I showing to you
He wasted himself in scandals.

But you didn't know
What's in the smoke
In a life torn apart by a storm
That's why I suffer
What I don't understand
Where the rock of events takes us...

Now the years have passed
I'm at a different age.
I feel and think differently.
And I say over the festive wine:
Praise and glory to the helmsman!

Today I
In the midst of tender feelings.
I remembered your sad tiredness.
And now
I'm rushing to let you know
What was I
And what happened to me!

Nice to say to me:
I avoided falling off the cliff.
Now in the Soviet side
I am the most furious fellow traveler.

I became not the one
Who was then.
I wouldn't torment you
As it was before.
For the banner of liberty
And bright work
Ready to go even to the English Channel.

Forgive me...
I know you are not the one
Do you live
With a serious, intelligent husband;
That you do not need our maeta,
And I myself to you
Not a bit needed.

Live like this
How the star guides you
Under the tabernacle of the renewed canopy.
always remembering you
Your friend

Natasha talks about Zinaida Gippius and reads the poem "One Love"
Zinaida Gippius claims that true love exists only in the eternal present. It is one, it does not repeat and does not change. Love is true and constant.
Gippius sees the meaning of human life in a person's desire for love.
Love is life itself. Not to love for her meant not to live!
Zinaida Gippius
"Love is One"
A single time boils foam
And the wave breaks.
The heart cannot live by betrayal,
There is no betrayal: love is One.

We are indignant, or we play,
Or we lie - but there is silence in the heart.
We never change:
One soul - one love.

Monotonous and deserted
Monotony is strong
Life passes ... And in a long life
Love is one, always one.
Dasha talks about the work of Anna Akhmatova and reads the poem "Love"
The lyrics of Anna Akhmatova are exclusively the lyrics of love. The combination of tenderness, whispers of love, the language of passion, all this is reflected in her poems.
Anna Akhmatova
That snake, curled up in a ball,
At the very heart conjures
That whole days like a dove
Cooing on the white window,

It will shine in the bright hoarfrost,
Feel like a left-handed man in a slumber ...
But faithfully and secretly leads
From joy and peace.

Can cry so sweetly
In the prayer of a longing violin,
And it's scary to guess
In an unfamiliar smile.

Elya reads Anna Akhmatova's poem "As simple courtesy dictates ..."
As simple courtesy dictates...
It was stuffy from the burning light,
And his eyes are like rays.
I just shuddered: this
Can tame me.
Bent over - he will say something ...
Blood drained from his face.
Let it lie like a tombstone
For my life love.

Don't like, don't want to watch?
Oh, how beautiful you are, damned!
And I can't fly
And from childhood she was winged.
My eyes were covered with fog,
Things and faces merge
And only a red tulip
Tulip in your buttonhole.

As simple courtesy dictates,
Came up to me, smiled
Half kind, half lazy
Touched the hand with a kiss -
And mysterious, ancient faces
Eyes looked at me...

Ten years of fading and screaming
All my sleepless nights
I put in a quiet word
And she said it - in vain.
You left, and it became again
My heart is empty and clear.
Seryozha talks about Vladimir Mayakovsky and reads the poem "Lilichka!"
Throughout almost the entire creative career of Mayakovsky, Lilya Brik was his muse. Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik met in July 1915, when Lily's sister Elsa, with whom the poet had an affair, brought him to the apartment of Brikov, Lily and her husband Osip. Mayakovsky read his unpublished poem "A Cloud in Pants" and immediately dedicated it to Lila Brik. Mayakovsky called this day "the most joyful date."
Vladimir Mayakovsky
Smoke tobacco air has left.
Room -
head in krunykhovsky hell.
Remember -
behind this window
your hands, frenzied, stroked.
Today you sit here
iron heart.
Another day -
you will expel
maybe scolded.
In the muddy front will not fit for a long time
trembling broken arm in the sleeve.
I'll run out
I will throw the body into the street.
go crazy
vanishing in despair.
Don't need this
Let's forgive now.
Doesn't matter
My love -
heavy weight after all -
hanging on you
wherever you run.
Let me roar in the last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If the bull is killed with labor -
he will leave
thaw in cold waters.
Except your love
to me
there is no sea
and from your love and crying you will not beg for rest.
A tired elephant wants rest -
regal will lie down in the scorched sand.
Except your love
to me
no sun,
and I don't know where you are and with whom.
If so the poet was tormented,
I would exchange my beloved for money and fame,
and me
not a single joyful ringing,
except for the ringing of your favorite name.
And I won’t throw myself into the span,
and I won't drink poison
and I can’t pull the trigger over my temple.
over me,
except for your gaze
the blade of no knife has no power.
Tomorrow you will forget
who crowned you
that the soul blooming with love burned out,
and vain days swept carnival
ruffle the pages of my books...
Are my words dry leaves
make you stop
greedily breathing?
Give me at least
spread the last tenderness
your outgoing step.

Sonya sings a song to the verses of Marina Tsvetaeva "I like that you are not sick of me"
Marina Tsvetaeva
"I like that you are not sick of me"
I like that you are not sick of me,
I like that I'm not sick of you,
That never a heavy globe of the earth
Won't float under our feet.
I like that you can be funny -
Dissolute - and do not play with words,
And do not blush with a suffocating wave,
Lightly touching sleeves.

I also like that you are with me
Calmly hug another
Don't read to me in hellfire
Burn for the fact that I do not kiss you.
That my tender name, my gentle, not
You mention neither day nor night - in vain ...
What never in church silence
They will not sing over us: hallelujah!

Thank you with heart and hand
Because you me - not knowing yourself! -
So love: for my peace of the night,
For the rarity of meetings at sunset,
For our non-festivities under the moon,
For the sun, not over our heads, -
Because you are sick - alas! - not by me
Because I'm sick - alas! - not by you!
Sonya talks about Marina Tsvetaeva and reads the poem “My dear, what have I done to you”
This is a romance to the words of another poetess, of the same great lyrical power - Marina Tsvetaeva. All her life she wrote about the tragedy and greatness of female love in the twentieth century. To love for Tsvetaeva is always to be able! Therefore, when a lover does not respond to this stormy energy of the soul and heart, love becomes a duel, argument, conflict, death, and almost always ends in a break. No one better than Tsvetaeva saw, experienced and conveyed the spiritual beauty of all the abandoned, fallen out of love, abandoned lovers. The depth of thought in Tsvetaeva's poems emphasizes: a woman is always right when she suffers, a woman is always beautiful when she loves.
Marina Tsvetaeva
Yesterday I looked into your eyes
And now - everything is squinting to the side!
Yesterday I sat before the birds, -
All larks today are crows!
I'm stupid and you're smart
Alive and I'm dumbfounded.
O cry of women of all times:
“My dear, what have I done to you?!”
And her tears are water, and blood -
Water, - in blood, in tears washed!
Not a mother, but a stepmother - Love:
Don't expect judgment or mercy.
They take away cute ships,
The white road leads them away ...
And a groan stands along the whole earth:

Yesterday I was lying at my feet!
Equated with the Chinese power!
Immediately opened both hands, -
Life fell out - a rusty penny!
Child killer on trial
I stand - unloving, timid.
I'll tell you in hell
“My dear, what have I done to you?”
I'll ask for a chair, I'll ask for a bed:
“For what, for what do I endure and suffer?”
“Kissed - to wheel:
Kiss the other, ”they answer.
I taught to live in the fire itself,
I threw it myself - into the icy steppe!
That's what you, dear, did to me!
My dear, what have I done to you?
I know everything - do not argue!
Again sighted - no longer a lover!
Where love retreats
There comes Death - the gardener.
Itself - what a tree to shake! -
In time, the ripe apple falls ...
- For everything, for everything, forgive me,
My dear, what have I done to you!
Katya: When we begin to truly love, the desire to criticize other people and be offended automatically disappears, everything around blooms and acquires new bright colors. The Golden Age is a prime example of the flowering of love in poetry.
Katya reads a poem by A.S. Pushkin "Tatyana's letter to Onegin"
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
"Tatyana's letter to Onegin"
I am writing to you - what more?
What else can I say?
Now I know in your will
Punish me with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate lot
Though a drop of pity keeping,
You won't leave me.
At first I wanted to be silent;
Believe me: my shame
You would never know
When I had hope
Rarely, at least once a week
To see you in our village
Just to hear your words
You say a word, and then
All think, think of one
And day and night until a new meeting.
But, they say, you are unsociable;
In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,
And we ... we do not shine with anything,
Even though you are welcome.

Why did you visit us?
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I would never know you
I would not know bitter torment.
Souls of inexperienced excitement
Reconciled with time (who knows?),
By heart I would find a friend,
Would be a faithful wife
And a good mother.

Another! .. No, no one in the world
I wouldn't give my heart!
That is the predestined council in the highest ...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life has been a pledge
Faithful goodbye to you;
I know you were sent to me by God
Until the grave you are my keeper ...
You appeared to me in dreams
Invisible, you were already sweet to me,
Your wonderful look tormented me,
Your voice resounded in my soul
For a long time ... no, it was not a dream!
You just entered, I instantly found out
All numb, blazed
And in her thoughts she said: here he is!
Isn't it true? I heard you
You spoke to me in silence
When I helped the poor
Or comforted by prayer
The anguish of an agitated soul?
And at this very moment
Aren't you, sweet vision,
Flickered in the transparent darkness,
Crouched quietly to the headboard?
Is it not you, with joy and love,
Whispered words of hope to me?
Who are you, my guardian angel
Or an insidious tempter:
Resolve my doubts.
Maybe it's all empty
Deception of an inexperienced soul!
And something completely different is destined ...
But so be it! my fate
From now on, I give you
I shed tears in front of you
I beg your protection...
Imagine I'm here alone
Nobody understands me,
My mind is failing
And I must die silently.
I'm waiting for you: with a single look
Revive the hopes of the heart
Or break a heavy dream,
Alas, a well-deserved reproach!

I'm cumming! Scary to read...
I freeze with shame and fear ...
But your honor is my guarantee,
And I boldly entrust myself to her ...
Roma: Love in its various manifestations, flights of the spirit and low passions, philosophical reflections and merciless introspection - all this, as well as vivid images, cascades of brilliant metaphors and simply beautiful verses we find in Shakespeare's sonnets. It is not surprising that even now, almost four hundred years after their first edition, they remain the favorite reading for millions of people.
Roma reads the sonnet "Hinder the connection of two hearts ..."
William Shakespeare
Interfere with the union of two hearts
I don't intend to. Can treason
Love boundless put an end to?
Love knows no loss and decay.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog.
Love is the star that the sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.

Love is not a pitiful doll in the hands
By the time that erases the roses
On fiery lips and cheeks,
And she is not afraid of time threats.

And if I'm wrong and my verse lies,
Then there is no love - and there are no my poems!
Artyom: Shakespeare said: “Love is omnipotent? There is no grief on earth - higher than her punishment, no happiness - higher than the pleasure of serving her.
Artem reads the sonnet “I love, but I rarely talk about it ...”
I love, but I rarely talk about it,
I love more tenderly, but not for many eyes.
Trades in the feeling of the one in front of the light
He exposes his whole soul.

I met you with a song, like hello,
When love was new to us
So the nightingale rumbles at the midnight hour
In the spring, but forgets the flute in the summer.

The night will not lose its charm,
When his outpourings are silenced.
But music, sounding from all branches,
Having become ordinary, it loses its charm.

And I fell silent like a nightingale:
I sang mine and don't sing anymore.
Ira reads Juliet's monologue
Ride faster, fiery horses,
To the evening goal! If Phaeton
I was your driver, you would have rushed long ago
And the earth would be dark.
Oh night of love, spread your dark canopy,
So that those in hiding can
Secretly look at each other and Romeo
He came to me unheard and unseen.
After all, lovers see everything in the light
The excitement of lit up faces.
Love and night live by the instinct of the blind.
Great-grandmother in black, prim night
Come and teach me fun
In which the loser in the profit,
And the stake is the purity of two creatures.
Hide how the blood burns with shame and fear,
Until suddenly she dares
And he will not understand how pure everything is in love.
Come, night! Come, come Romeo
My day, my snow, glowing in the dark,
Like frost on a crow's plumage!
Come holy loving night!
Come and bring me Romeo!
Give it to me. When will he die
Cut it into little stars
And everyone will fall in love with the night firmament,
What will throw without attention the day and the sun.
I bought a house of love, but right
Not introduced, and I myself am different
Sold but not handed over.
And the day is dreary, as on the eve of the festivities,
When the new thing is sewn, and put on
Not done yet. But here comes the nanny
With news from Romeo, and then
Any language is as eloquent as the sky.

The final:
Dasha: We all loved, love and will love.
Sonya: Love is the source, the beginning of the source, it is when the world becomes rich, it is admiration, it is the feeling that you have met a miracle for the first time.
Seryozha: And at the same time already familiar with him, attachment to life and lack of fear of death, faith, unshakable and at the same time unstable, passing, which every day needs to be conquered anew ...
Zhenya: Love is like a talent, and everyone is endowed with this talent to a different degree.
Artem: And someone is deprived. One is gentle and affectionate from childhood, the other is cold and aloof;
Katya: This one is an amorous many-lover, this one is a stubborn monogamous, and this one is not at all loving at all - he does not love himself and does not allow others to love him ...
Elya: Everyone loves differently. But why?
Alyona: There are such different kinds of love.
Aruna: We will never fully understand love.
Ira: After all, this is such a miracle and the most unsolved mystery of mankind.
Roma: Love and be loved.
Natasha: Love is always there.

Scenario for two lovers on Valentine's Day
Your gait has become surprisingly easy, you are not walking, but flying?
Pulse constantly quickens at the mere memory of this person and appetite disappears?
Takes your breath away at the mere thought that soon you will be holding hands?
There was an acute desire to run away together to the ends of the world, turning off Cell phones?
Have you stopped clearly distinguishing the seasons?
Absolutely do not remember those days when you woke up alone, but remember every day together in great detail?
With bated breath, follow the words to hear the long-awaited "I love you"?
Then this is your holiday! Valentine's Day is exactly the holiday that should be spent with the people you love, who are the most and most for you, who love you and receive reciprocity from you !!!
February 14, Valentine's Day - it's time to say the three cherished words "I love you." So why not take the initiative into your own hands? And so that your confession turns into a real fairy tale that will be remembered for a lifetime???
Next, the two are led along a road strewn with rose petals, arrange fireworks, launch a sea of ​​​​balloons and leave them alone to give them the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful dinner and each other's company!

Scene for Valentine's Day

"Cupids of Love"
Valentine's Day - the day of all lovers - having fallen on our soil, acquires Russian features. One of them is holiday concerts. It is for such concerts that we composed this scene, which, we hope, will thunder on February 14 throughout the country.

LEADING: On Valentine's Day, we simply could not invite the heroes of the occasion to this evening. No, not couples in love, but those who make them so... Meet cupids and their arrows!
CAST: Two young men run out in all white with bows and arrows.
AMUR 1: We are Cupids from the structure
Erotic culture.
AMUR 2: And Caucasian Cupids
Skewers are used instead of arrows.
TOGETHER: Our motto: Cupids - connecting people!
AMUR 1: Why are we called cupids?
AMUR 2: Oh, it's a long story... In honor of the Amur highway! ... well, the M58 highways
AMUR 1: ???
AMUR 2: Well, remember how it shakes ... how the heart beats and all other organs ...
AMUR 1: Tell me, are we Cupids - are we for safe love?
AMUR 2: Yes. And what?
AMUR 1: I just can't understand why there are no arrows with tendrils in our arsenal?
AMUR 2: Rhetorical question! Well, let's go do "amorous things" (go down to the hall)
AMUR 2: (fits a large young man) Look what a healthy guy. Probably an athlete. Look, you can't shoot him with an arrow. Here the shaft is needed.
Cupid 1 leaves.
AMUR 2: Where are you going, behind the shafts?
AMUR 1: No... I'm for an ambulance.
AMUR 2: Yes, I'm not strong.
AMUR 1: Well, you are not strong, but he is an athlete, just give him a reason.
AMUR 2: (aims at the girl's ear) Why are you aiming at the girl's ear? Like women love with their ears?
AMUR 1: No. Just a girl came up and said: "Uncle, pierce my ear."
AMUR 2: Hey, watch where you shoot...
AMUR 1: What?
AMUR 2: Che ... you hit a man with an arrow for a woman.
AMUR 1: So what?
AMUR 2: Nothing. Like this, you mess around indiscriminately, and then again this gay pride parade. Us to the authorities and the premium bye-bye.
AMUR 1: So shoot this brunette with brown eyes and this blond with blue
AMUR 2: Why is it in them
AMUR 1: They will have beautiful children
AMUR 2: Come on then, then, not into a brunette, but into a brunette
AMUR 1: Why?
AMUR 2: They won't have children at all!!!
AMUR 1: (runs up to the couple) Look what beautiful girl and guy. Now I will shoot an arrow at them so that they are together ...
AMUR 2: Wait (approaches them, takes them out of the bag) Here is the cognac and the keys to the hut! That's for sure!
AMUR 1: (points to three) Let me make these three with one arrow
AMUR 2: Let's shoot in Sweden, not in Russia
AMUR 1: (Approaches a large bald man. Moves away.) You know, we'd better sheathe our arrows. He says he has an arrow here.
AMUR 2: Shooting cigarettes is not an arrow! … OK. Let's go just in case. Dear friends! On this day we want to tell you: look for your soul mates ...
AMUR 1: Otherwise, we will make the choice for you!

Scene for couples on Valentine's Day
(The song “If I were a Sultan” sounds. A young man in the costume of a Sultan enters the stage)
Youth: Wah, wah, wah, wah!
Oh, how I need a wife.
Not three, but only one!
Lamp, lamp, help
Bring me a bride.
There is only one request
To be talented.
Wah, wah. Wah. Wah!
(Music. A girl is pushed onto the stage with a wrapped rope.)
Young man: Here it is the light of my eyes,
The feeling will flare up, I know, in an instant!
Just what I don't understand
Jin, why did you tie up your wife?
(voiceover) Jin: Those times, it's my fault,
Though I was glad to try!
Where did you see talent
It went into your hands like snowfall ?!
Young man: Okay, okay, don't grumble,
Better, Jin, you shut up.
What's your name, girl?
Jin: That, Polunina Marina.
Youth: Well, shut up, please for a moment.
After all, not you, but I am the groom!
Give with the bride tete-a-tete,
At least we can eat sherbet.
You, soul, do not listen to him.
If you want, eat an apple.
Girl: You are better for me, adversary,
Explain who is to blame!
Who stole me from home?
And why do you need my talent?
Young man: Sinful, I say sinful.
That I love you!
Girl: Well, if so, then listen,
The song that I will sing to you.
(The girl performs a verse and chorus of the song “You can’t get anywhere ...”)
Young man: Oh, your song has struck.
Be my wife.
I'll give everything for such a song,
I don't want another wife!
Girl: Wait, don't rush.
Swear to me first.
That you will love me
Beer, forget the bars.
Forget about football
This sport is prohibited in the house.
Yes, in Morozovsky me
Take it once every four days.
Don't stop chanting...
Youth: Jin, help me out!
I can't refuse her
But how to do everything!
Jin: You distract her, brother,
Yes, look into her eyes.
Women need air
A look filled with love.
Girl: Jin, which side are you on?
Maybe you can serve me!
Jin: Must be suicidal
To refuse you.
Girl: Look into my eyes.
Honey, do you love?
Boy: Yes, yes, yes.
Girl: You won't change for others? Never…
Boy: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Girl: Our main female talent,
This is an uninterrupted look.
Kohl got you on the hook,
Don't resist, fool!
(The guys sing a song to the melody "If I were a Sultan")
If the guy is in love, then don't miss it.
You will immediately catch his eye on yourself.
Hold, lure, and then catch.
This is just the first step towards that great love!
It's not easy to love girls
But how can we live without them!

Scenario of the holiday "Valentine's Day at the firm"
The leader says in the morning introduction:
Today, on Valentine's Day,
The company has a warm atmosphere!
In love, any man is waiting for recognition,
And about the love of the girls of dreams!
Yes, and a native company, by the way,
We love a lot, for that matter!
Our team is very close-knit and strong!
We are very lucky with our colleagues!
The moral is this: today we need
Celebrate this day at the firm together!
Do not you mind?
Then the first task: each draws out the name of the person of the opposite sex to whom he must make little present with a declaration of love. The gift must be given to a colleague through the Postman of Happiness.
No one knows from whom he received the parcel.
Your task is to guess the sender based on the gift and congratulations.
The most insightful at the end of the day will receive prizes!
To do this, everyone must send through the "Postman of Happiness" to the intended
to the sender of the gift a note with words of gratitude.
You can only send one note!
The results will be summed up at the end of the day!
Second task: each couple (each must choose a couple) must answer the questions about the test about love, which I will now give you!
Please circle your answer.
1. From geometric shapes What do you like the most:
a) a circle b) a triangle; c) square.
2. You read your favorite book all night long:
a) Scanavi mathematics problem book; b) captain's daughter Pushkin; c) a collection of jokes about Little Johnny.
3. There are different films on different TV channels. You will watch:
a) a fighter b) melodrama; c) cartoon.
4. What do you like most for breakfast:
a) semolina; b) pizza; c) sandwich.
5. In your free time, do you prefer:
a) sound healthy sleep; b) cross-country running; c) reading Dante in the original language.
6. Of all sports, do you like the most:
a) football b) mountain skiing; c) swimming.
7. In a large company, you prefer to talk about:
a) politics; b) a Ramstein concert; c) a geography test with O. G.
8. If your parents were not against it, you would certainly have settled at home:
a) Persian cat b) purebred bulldog; c) a tarantula.
9. Your preferences in music are:
a) Tattoo; b) Limp Bizkit; c) song and dance ensemble Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrova.
10. Would you like to go on a trip:
a) to Africa on a safari; b) to Venice on the canals; c) to the tundra on reindeer.
Those with the most matching answers become perfect couple evenings.
Third task: during the day, remember a line from a song that you can declare your love to.
At the end of the day, for festive table are summed up.
While the table is being laid, a competition is announced. You need to come up with a name for each dish, corresponding to the holiday. For the three most original titles
prizes are awarded. Nameplates are placed next to these dishes.
A prize is awarded to the first person to send thank you letter to the correct address.
Everyone pronounces his declaration of love (a line from the song). To whom - also decides the lot. Prizes are awarded for the most lyrical, most funny and most
original declaration of love
A competition of jokes on the theme "Man and Woman" is being held.
It all ends with dancing and a feast.

On sitehost: DJ ANGEL

DJ Angel: Two equally respected cultures on stage

Where events meet us

There are internecine battles.

And they do not want to appease the spilling of words ...

Have mercy on the weaknesses of the pen!

Country music sounds, a man in a monastic robe comes out, behind himthree girls with bright

Panicles in hand.

So, meet - Valentine,

And it's a saint.

He with his pious retinue:

Jennifer, Mary and Annette.

The girls dance cheerfully

With might and main swinging panicles.

Valentine: Hi all! I, Saint Valentine, am glad that I came to you in Russia. Today is my day. Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day! Lovers, forever!

girls(joyfully repeating): Lovers, forever!

Valentine: Today's motto: fall in love, love and be loved!

Girls: Fall in love, love and be loved!

Valentine: Love is the meaning of life!

Girls: Love is the meaning of life!

Valentine: In honor of my day - everyone dance!

Cheerful music, music and dance block.

DJ Angel: Valentin, how did you come into being?

Valentine: Oh, this is a very sad story! .. I lived calmly in the 3rd century from the birth of Christ ... I lived so nicely in the town of Terni, was a priest, married lovers ...

girls(repeating): Lovers!..

Valentine: Wrote love letters for illiterate warriors. Didn't seem to do anything wrong!

Girls: Didn't!

Valentine: But the cruel Roman emperor forbade the soldiers to get married, and I continued to get married. In the end, they arrested me and executed me...

Girls: Executed!

Valentine: That's why everyone and everyone gives "valentines"!

DJAngel: Stop! What's with the "valentines"?

Valentine: What are valentines?

Girls: Which!

Valentine: A! So I fell in love with the jailer's daughter before the execution...

Girls: Jailer!

Valentine: And before his death, he wrote her a touching letter with a love meaning.

Girls: With meaning!

Valentine: I wonder if she read it or not?

DJ Angel: And what does it matter now? Most importantly, there is a reason to celebrate! So let's all dance!

Girls: Let's dance!

After the musical block, a person enters the stage

In a stylized cassock, behind himthree fellows on horseback (horse's head on a stick).

All of them march importantly in serenity.

Tryphon: Good people, hello! Celebrate my piously!

Three heroes: Indeed so!

DJ Angel: Here are those times! And who are you, may I ask?

Tryphon: Tryphon I. And these are my heroes - Churilo, Danyalo and Yarilo. And today is my day. Day of the martyr Tryphon. Once I loved a girl, and we were going to marry her. But the infidel left me at the very altar, and in order to avoid disgrace, I went to the monastery, where I was left to suffer alone. Since then, I have been called the martyr Tryphon. I preach godly marriage. And love is not welcome!

Three heroes: Indeed it is!

DJ Angel: Somehow everything is confusing. Then you - Valentine, then - Tryphon ... So, we take a time out! Let's play!

Valentine(vigorously breaking through to the foreground): Oh yeah! Just like me For this occasion has the most original games! They will help all lovers get closer!

VALENTIN together with GIRLS conducts games

(games see in the appendix).

Tryphon: Heavenly powers, what are they doing on my day? Games can be played, but very different!

TRIFON with HEROES holds games where the main charactershusband and wife.

DJ Angel: Hey, holy martyrs, so what day is today? Valentine's Day or the day of the martyr Tryphon? You would decide!

Tryphon: and Valentine(simultaneously): Of course mine!

DJ Angel: Prove!

Tryphon: OK. On my day they give gifts.

Valentine: And on mine too.

Tryphon: Guys give girls this day - what?

Valentine: Like what? Flowers and Valentines!

Tryphon: Guys give their beloved girls that's what - a broom! As a symbol of purity, order and peace in the future family! Recommended - very useful thing!

Three heroes: Indeed so!

Russian music sounds in modern processing.

dance block.

Valentine: Of course, a broom is a useful thing, but certainly not

Romantic! Giving sweets is romantic!

Girls: Romance!

Music, dance block,

In which western compositions sound.

DJ Angel: I wonder how the intrigue of our evening will be unleashed? Who will win - Trifon or Valentine? Love or duty?

Tryphon: Duty!

Valentine: Love!

Tryphon: Duty!

Valentine: Love!

Girls: Love!

Three heroes: Duty!

Girls: Love!

Three heroes: Love! .. That is - duty!

Girls: Duty! .. That is - love!

Three heroes: And marry us!

Girls: We agree!

BOGATYRS give GIRLS brooms,

which are decorated with flowers.

DJ Angel (slyly): Hey Valentine, hey Tryphon!

Who cares who we celebrate

It is a holiday today?

I, your most obedient servant,

DJ Cupid is a prankster,

Dare to put it all together.

People won't judge me.

I can't please everyone!

Here matrimonial duty dared

Become love:

Love and duty in the family are inseparable,

And all the prohibitions on this holiday are imaginary!

And most importantly, you always remember

Love is not grief, it does not matter!

And duty - it will make you remember that

What are you responsible for love!

All: Yes, we are responsible for love!

DJ Angel: Now our joke is over, and the holiday continues!

dance block.

School-wide theatrical event


Goals : give children information about the history of the holiday; arouse interest in "eternal" problems: love, happiness, mutual understanding; evoke a special, lyrical mood.

Leader and children (read a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky “Everything begins with love”)

Everything starts with love... Everything starts with love.

They say: "In the beginning was the word." With love! I know it for sure.

And I proclaim again: Everything, even hatred -

Everything starts with love! Dear and eternal sister of love.

Everything starts with love: Everything starts with love:

And insight, and work, Dream and fear, wine and gunpowder.

Eyes of flowers, eyes of a child - Tragedy, longing and feat -

Everything starts with love. Everything starts with love.

Spring whispers to you: "Live!"

And you shake from the whisper.

And straighten up.

And you will begin.

Everything starts with love!

Leading Today is February 14, the most “hearty day” of the calendar - the holiday of all lovers -Valentine's Day (all children say). At different peoples world, in many languages ​​every day from a thousand lips is heard: “I love you! I love! Love you!" Songs are sung, hundreds of sites have been created that millions of people visit, books and poems are written ... And all this is dedicated to Love! Listen to the poem here:

This story has a long way to go!

It was a long time ago. Ancient Rome.

Valentine's hand

Love secretly carried two ... "

Leading You can understand that people already knew about love and talked about it for a long time! And what does it mean "love"! Modern psychologists say that love is the sixth sense. Not mystical, but ordinary, like sight, hearing, taste. This is a feeling that eighty percent guides a person. The students of our school were asked to answer the questions: “When you are told I love you, how do you feel about it and what does this word mean to you?” and “When you say love, what do you mean by that?” And here are the answers we received from high school students. Answers of children are read out (names are not called). Older people were asked a question that prompted them to remember and made them think a little: “How did you feel in adolescence when they said I love you and what does this word mean to you now?”

For some, love is a favorable state of mind, in which there is peace and warmth, for others it is a world of dreams, a storm of emotions, restless thoughts and inner feelings that a person lives with. Well, the third group includes those people who, when asked “what is love”, were lost, embarrassed and did not know what to answer. So why are there so many different opinions? After all, there is only one word! What is love?!

Reading love poems.

Love is a violent outburst. Love is an execution and an executioner.

Love is a torrent. Love is the ice of loneliness.

Love is the sparkle in your eyes. Love is the first-born cry.

Love is a wonderful flower. Love is the flight of life.

Love is the scream of eagles. Love is sadness and sadness.

Love is a storm and a wave. Love is tenderness and pain.

Love is a bell, a call. Love is blue.

Love is joy, spring. Love is the password to the heart.

Love is evil and trouble. Love is the flame of a fire.

Love is envy and lies. Love is the song of the nightingale.

Love is a star in the sky. Love is happiness.

Love is sun and rain. Love is us - you and me.

Leading On Valentine's Day, give your loved ones flowers, sweets, toys, air balloons and special cards - valentines (often in the shape of a heart) , with poems, love confessions or wishes of love. The main condition for "valentines" is anonymity, that is, the sender of the "valentine" did not sign, and the recipient had to guess the author of the message himself. We also decided not to deviate from tradition. Dear friends, get your "valentines" on this day! (Handing "valentines").

Leading How many lovers have remained in history for centuries, it's just hard to imagine! It is enough to recall the literature of the whole world and of all times. But if you are familiar with them, we will find out now!

!. Competition "Find a couple".

Orpheus - Eurydice

Othello - Desdemona

Romeo - Juliet

Tatiana Larina - Eugene Onegin

Captain Gray - Assol

Thumbelina - Elf King

2. Theatrical competition.

Leading We remembered the great lovers, and now it would be nice to look at them. (Scenes from William Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"). (The presenter reads summary Shakespeare's tragedy.)

First couple


















Second pair


I swear to you by the holy moon,



Oh, DO NOT swear by the Fickle Moon,







IL, if you want, swear by yourself,





Third pair








THEN THE LARK WAS, THE harbinger of the morning, -





























Final performance of all couples.







Leading Let's welcome our artists.

3. Musical competition.

Two teams of 5 people are selected.

How many songs are composed about love - it is simply impossible to imagine! Try to sing at least a few lines from songs that talk about love. (A "heart" is awarded for each song sung).

4. Competition for the most original declaration of love.

How, it used to be, in the old days they knew how to beautifully declare their love! Remember:

I loved you, love still, perhaps, In my soul has not completely died out ... But let it no longer disturb you - I do not want to sadden you with anything.

Tell me, whose poems are these? Of course, this is the divine Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Now you won't hear that. But we can also express our love. True, today it will be just a joke game. (5 volunteers are called). Dear friends, I suggest you confess your love, but to whom, you will find out by pulling out a lucky ticket.

(Participants choose tickets on which it is printed: for a school board, a chair, a glass of tea, a guitar, any other item).

Leading Inspired by high feeling.

Sometime in the old days

Someone came up with Valentine's Day,

Without knowing then

What will be your favorite day?

The desired holiday of the year,


He will be named with respect.

Smiles and flowers everywhere...

In love, confession again and again ...

So let a miracle happen for everyone -

Let only Love rule the world! (Together).


Information Center "Educational Resources".

    William Shakespeare "Tragedies", "Children's Literature", Moscow, 1964.

Musical accompaniment

Music CD "Golden Classics".


Holiday of all lovers

In the middle of February in all educational institutions a small nondescript object appears that would hardly attract the attention of adults taking their child, or just people from the outside. Even teachers walk past him, occasionally throwing their conservative pedagogical glance in passing. But this subject, no doubt, excites the minds of all schoolchildren, young and old. To a greater extent, of course, girls, but I'm sure the boys, in the depths of their consciousness, also look at this subject with some interest. What is this? It looks like an ordinary box, wrapped on the outside with adhesive tape so that it turns into something similar to Pandora's box. In some schools, of course, they "gone ahead" and put something more reminiscent of a mailbox. But he still enchants with his mystery and inaccessibility! And in everything, whether it's a box or a box, in the middle, at the top, there is a small hole. This is the most attractive, because the hole is not simple, but you can say golden - it is for "valentines"! Now fast forward to about 269G.,when the Roman Empire was ruled by Emperor Claudius II. The warring Roman army experienced an acute shortage of soldiers for military campaigns, and the commander was convinced that marriage was the main enemy of his plans, because a married legionnaire thinks much less about the glory of the empire than about how to feed his family. And in order to preserve the military spirit in his soldiers, the emperor issued a decree forbidding legionnaires to marry. But the soldiers did not become less in love with this. And to their happiness, there was a man who, not fearing the imperial wrath, began to secretly marry the legionnaires with their lovers. It was a priest named Valentine from a Roman cityTerni.Apparently, he was a real romantic, because his favorite entertainment was to reconcile those who quarreled, help write love letters and give flowers at the request of the legionnaires to the objects of their passion. As soon as the emperor found out about this, he decided to stop his "criminal activities". Valentine was sentenced to death. The tragedy was aggravated by the fact that Valentine himself was in love with the jailer's daughter. The day before the execution, the priest wrote to the girl Farewell letter, in which he spoke about his love and signed it "Your Valentine". It was read after he was executed. Subsequently, as a Christian martyr who suffered for the faith, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine's Day, and letters sent with congratulations and confessions of feelings on this day became known as "valentines". Meanwhile, Rus' had its own Valentine's Day, only it was celebrated not in winter, but at the beginning of summer. It was associated with the legendary love story of Peter and Fevronia from Murom and is dedicated to Kupala, the pagan Slavic god, the son of Perun.

But in last years In Russia, the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day has become more widespread. It has been celebrated most massively and openly since the early 1990s. It is interesting how this holiday is celebrated in other countries of the world.Massively, Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 13th century. V Western Europe, since 1777 - in the USA. The tradition of giving gifts on this day has grown stronger every year and for some has become a fairly successful business. For example, at the beginning of the last century, it was customary for Americans to send marzipans to their brides, which were quite expensive. In Japan, the tradition of giving sweets on this day appeared at the suggestion of one large chocolate manufacturing company. They started celebrating Valentine's Day in the 30s, and still chocolate remains the most common gift. In addition to heart cards in France, they give linen, chocolate mousses, sweets, romantic trips, "happy" lottery tickets, sausage cut into hearts, pink yogurts. In romantic Denmark, people send dried white flowers to each other. In Britain, unmarried girls on February 14 get up before sunrise, stand near the window and look at the passing men. According to legend, the first man they see is their betrothed. In Wales, before the holiday, lovers carve the so-called spoons of love from wood. They decorate them with hearts, keys, keyholes and give them to each other. Such a gift literally means - "You found the way to my heart." In Germany, St. Valentine is considered the patron of not lovers, but mentally ill people. In honor of the holiday, the Germans decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons, and hold a special service in chapels. But there are some countries in the world in which the celebration of St. Valentine's Day is officially prohibited, and under pain of heavy fines. This is Saudi Arabia, Iran.

Prepared by A. Safronova