We make a simple poster for the day of aviation and astronautics. Collection of posters dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics Wall newspaper on the theme of astronautics

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All sections | Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. Wall newspapers, posters, collective works

Project " space distance" Target project: introduce pupils children's garden with the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, With outer space, with the first astronaut -Yu.BUT. Gagarin. Tasks project: 1. To give knowledge to children about the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, about outer space about the first...

Target: Formation of ideas about outer space, astronauts. Get to know the first astronauts : dogs Belka and Strelka, Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova. Tasks: 1. To give knowledge to children about the holiday on April 12 - Cosmonautics Day, about space 2. develop children's speech, imagination and thinking ....

Publication "Wall newspaper dedicated to the Day ..."
"When an astronaut flies over the Earth, Millions of children look after him, Sometimes they look at the sky in the evening, Childish eyes shine, shine. And they reflect, burning brightly, Those stars to which they will fly!" "Day of Cosmonautics" - significant event in the life of our country, and we should know about it...

MAAM Pictures Library

The best wall newspaper. Collective work "Space Journey" of children preparatory group No. 16 State Budgetary Educational institution School "Pokrovsky Quart" Kindergarten No. 2 The main goal and task of the work was: - To continue to develop children's interest in ...

collective work for the Day of Cosmonautics "Colorful rockets" in the second junior group. Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about space, about a rocket. Tasks: 1. Develop the ability to create a whole composition from parts. 2. To form skills for performing application work. 3....

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspace. Tasks: to encourage children to convey a picture of a cosmic landscape in a drawing, using the impressions received when looking at pictures; develop a sense of composition, m / m hands, memory; instill in children the desire for knowledge ...

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. Wall newspapers, posters, collective works - Wall newspaper dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

So the week dedicated to Cosmonautics Day has ended. Classes dedicated to this holiday were held, illustrations in books were examined, many rockets and spaceports were drawn and designed. I hope that the children will be proud of the country in which the number one cosmonaut, Yuri, lived ...

Creativity on Cosmonautics Day! In our kindergarten, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated in each group. Children look at pictures about space, listen to stories about the exploits of our astronauts. paint pictures, glue and make rockets and models of the solar system. The result of creativity...

The wall newspaper is a wonderful project for joint creativity with a child! How? Have you ever made wall newspapers before?! Try it and you will definitely like it! This is a very exciting activity!

Wall newspapers are usually thematic and dedicated to some event, the first birthday, for example, memorable date or holiday. They can decorate the house, or you can Kindergarten! Imagine how nice it will be for a child to see the result of your joint work with him in the building where he spends 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week! Think also about the role these wall newspapers can play in the development of his personality, his leadership qualities and self-confidence.

Thought? Excellent! Today I'm telling you how to make a wall newspaper by April 12 - Cosmonautics Day.

The simplest thing is to find ready-made templates on the Internet and print them out. I love coloring templates that are immediately divided into A4 sheets.

1. Download the layout of the wall newspaper, for example, from here www.stengazet.net and print.

2. Glue into one. We usually use a glue stick for this, sometimes, however, the seams have to be glued for reliability with adhesive tape on the back.

3. Coloring! This is the most exciting activity. A three-year-old child will be happy to help and color to the best of his ability, and even new skates and a helmet are not a hindrance to him.

No need to rush and paint everything in one sitting. Stretch the fun! It usually takes us about a week to produce one newspaper. Every day 40 minutes of coloring after a heavy labor day will help you relax, and the child will be given the opportunity to communicate with you. Think about it, a child visiting the garden sees you on average one hour in the morning (when you struggle with yourself so as not to fall asleep on the go) and three hours in the evening (when you are already tired), i.e. he only sees you 4 hours a day and can't help but miss talking to you. Such a simple matter, like making a wall newspaper, will solve the problem of your lack of attention as productively as possible for both parties.
And even though his coloring is far from perfect and the strokes go beyond the lines, this will only add charm to your joint creation.

4. After everything is colored, we fill in the fields intended for this with text and pictures.
Since this year, on March 9, it was the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the history of Mankind, the content of our newspaper is mainly devoted to him.

If you want to repeat - go for it!

Photo by Yuri Alekseevich

Gagarin's autograph about his impressions of the flight.

I took information about the first flight from Wikipedia.

The font of the text of the poem must be chosen so that the poem occupies half of the A4 sheet, for this you can combine two lines into one, as I did.

All the planets in order

All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.

Or this verse can also be used:

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket
Named "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to climb to the stars.
Sing songs about it
Spring drops:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.

In addition to the wall newspaper, on the eve of the holiday, you can visit a thematic exhibition or museum with your child. In St. Petersburg, by the way, near the Peter and Paul Fortress, where the Museum of Cosmonautics and Rocketry is located, every year in honor of this holiday there is a mass launch of home-made rockets. You can develop the theme of space by watching thematic cartoons, documentary footage of Gagarin's first flight, the landing of Americans on the moon, a film about the first lunar rover, etc. etc.

And this is a 1969 documentary "Yuri Gagarin".

"Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in the pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer all the space around the Sun." - K.E. Tsiolkovsky


You will need

  • - a sheet of A-3 paper
  • - acrylic paints: red, white, blue, black, green
  • - foam sponge
  • - pin
  • - a piece of plastic or glass (palette)
  • - paint brushes
  • - simple pencil
  • - eraser
  • - ballpoint pen
  • - table lamp
  • - glass (or tracing paper)
  • - white paper format A-4
  • - ruler


We select a picture, for example, an astronaut in outer space. This picture needs to be copied. This can be done in three ways: on a printer, copied using tracing paper, or redrawn using a simple device, colloquially referred to as a dralloscope. To make this device, we put a table lamp on the floor, put two stools on both sides of the lamp, put glass on the stools, a picture that we will redraw, a sheet of A-4 paper on top, turn on the lamp and transfer the drawing with a pencil. When the drawing is ready, turn the sheet upside down and shade the entire drawing tightly with a simple pencil. We turn it over, put it on a sheet of A-3 format in the place where, as planned, this drawing will be located. Draw a picture with a little pressure ballpoint pen. From below, with a pencil, we denote the contour of a part of the globe.

On the free part of the sheet using a ruler with light pressure simple pencil draw lines. There will be a text with something like this: "The history of the exploration of the Earth is inscribed with the names of many pioneers, only some of whom escaped the limits of Earth's gravity into space. Space exploration is the most dangerous, but space exploration expands our understanding of the Universe. The first space flight was made by a Russian Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.On April 12, 1961, he went into space aboard the Vostok-1 spacecraft.Gagarin made one revolution around the Earth and made a soft landing on the descent vehicle.In memory of the first manned flight into space, all mankind annually celebrates 12 April Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics.

We paint the suit with dry brushes with blue and dark blue paint (we mix blue and white paint in different proportions), draw the details with a mixture of red and white paint. Highlight the places lit by the sun with white paint. Let's paint a fragment of the Earth, at the same time applying strokes to foam sponge paints of blue, blue, white and green colors. We paint with frequent movements from top to bottom.
Acrylic paints dry quickly, wait a couple of minutes. Using the eraser, delete the auxiliary lines under the text.
That's it, our poster for the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics is ready. The child will cope with such a pattern easily.

Galina Gavrilina

As part of a long-term project "Across the Stars and Planets" with older children preschool age to the Day Astronautics made a wall newspaper« Cosmonautics Day. Go.

Wall newspaper contains childish statements about outer space. Each statement is framed on a gouache-drawn star. Rockets and satellites fly around the stars and planets, which are made using porous rubber appliqué. Photos of children in homemade helmets are placed in the windows of rockets. Background wall newspapers drawn with gouache using the technique of spattering with a toothbrush.

During the conversation, the children were asked to answer the following questions. questions:

What space?

What qualities should astronaut?

Would you like to fly to space?

What would you take with you on a flight?

Who would you like to be with space meet?

If you opened your own star, what would you name it and who would you give it to?

I bring to your attention interesting statements children about outer space.


« Space is galaxies, planets, stars, black holes, comets.

Astronaut must be strong and courageous. He must be able to control a rocket, insert a hose to breathe when entering space.

I want to be astronaut, because space is very beautiful. With you to space I'll take all my friends, we'll fly on a big shuttle. I will call the star I discovered the Golden Star and give it to everyone!


« Space is black, endless world. So far no one has been able to find where it ends.

I'm waiting to be astronaut because I know a lot about space, I have four books about outer space. I will be able to study planets and alien life. I would call the star I discovered Superstar and give it to Varya S.

AT outer space I would like to meet green nine-eyed creatures. I hope they would understand my language. I would give them protection from evil creatures living in the universe.


"AT outer space The Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, rockets and satellites fly.

Astronaut should be able to overcome any difficulties.

I want to be astronaut. I will study the stars and planets. AT space fly with mom. I will take a bag, a spacesuit, tubes of food with me on the flight. There is no need to take a lot of things, otherwise the rocket will not fly, it will be very heavy.

I will name my star Comet and give it to aliens, because they are good.”


« Space- this is an endless labyrinth, there is eternal darkness in it.

An astronaut must be brave, brave, noble and able to manage a complex system in a rocket.

If it were possible to give a star, then I would give it to aliens and call it - Bright.


« Space like a deep lake where it is very dark and cold. You can fly there like a bird.

If I flew to space, then I would take Andrey and my toys: bear and hedgehog.

I would give my star to Andrey and call it Gamma.


« Space is the stars, planets, comets, meteorites. AT you can fly in space, run on the ceiling, eat from tubes, repair rockets.

I would like to fly to the moon. I would take my favorite toy with me - a bear, plasticine, coloring books and lessons that will have to be done. I would like to meet aliens there. I would give them a green laughing frog and wish that they were always visible to people.


« Space is a black world. I imagine that Neptune has

oceans and whales swim in them.

The astronaut must be strong, prepared and handsome, so that the aliens would greet him with a smile.

If I flew to space, I would take tubes of food, a cake and a big cake with me.

I would name my star Sirena and give it to my whole family.”


« Space is an endless ocean of stars.

I wouldn't be an astronaut because I want to live, and in outer space during the flight, you can die.

If you still had to fly to space, then I would take my dad with me, a toy - a dog Pusha, Lego. Too bad you can't have a computer.

If I had a star, then I would give it to the dog Naida, Nikita, Vlad, mom, dad, myself and call it the star Fluff.


« Space is a dark world.

I would take Vlad with me on a flight and would like to look at the black hole. I would learn from aliens how to move a small planet out of its path.

I would like go to red square, climb the highest tower and get the star. I would call it the Emerald Star and give it to my friend Feda.”


« Space like an endless ocean.

I want to be astronaut, because it will be possible to fly and study everything. Astronaut should be able not to be afraid of concussions when a meteorite hits a rocket.

On the flight, I will take a spacesuit, a backpack and food with me. When meeting with aliens, I would like to know how they live, what they eat. I would wish them to be careful not to be hit by a meteorite.

If it were possible to give stars, then I would give it to Igor and call it Lightning.

« Space is an endless world. It looks like an impenetrable forest

where you can get lost.

Astronaut must be able to look into the mirror on the suit sleeve to see what is happening behind it. A spacesuit must have a sockliner.

I would fly to space with dad, and would give foreigners space book. I think they like to read."

"AT space has the sun, moon, stars.

With you to space I would take my friend Vova, a toy - a doll, dumplings, pasta and apples.

I will give my star to my mother and call her Snowball.


« Space It's a big galaxy.

Astronaut must be strong and courageous, he must be able to fly in zero gravity.

AT space I would take Misha with me. I would like to see the planets and

meet the lunatics. I would ask them how they live on their planet.

I would give a star to Misha and call her Artyom, because this is a very good name.


« Space is the Milky Way, planets, stars, comets.

An astronaut must be brave, be able to control a rocket and should never get sick.

I want to be astronaut because I love stars and planets. On the flight I would take my things, books, computer, phone, walkie-talkie.

When meeting aliens, I would ask how they are doing and wish them good health and good luck. Give them a good mood."

P First woman in space

1963 The first woman in space. June 16, 1963, on board the Vostok-6 spacecraft, a Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel in space. After 71 hours in space and 48 revolutions around the Earth, she returned to Earth, having spent more time in outer space than all American astronauts put together until then. After her historic flight into space, she was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Star of a Hero of the Soviet Union. Not a single interview! There were dozens of stupid reports in those days about how she was scared and asked to be taken out of the spacecraft when the hatch was closed, about how Khrushchev forced her to marry Cosmonaut No. 3 Andrian Nikolaev. A daughter was born from these two astronauts and they still hide it from people.

Valentina Tereshkova weaver. The decision to be the first to fly into space was the result of Khrushchev's ambitions. Officially, Valentina's biography is as follows: an ordinary girl from the village of Maslennikovo, Yaroslavl Region. Her father died at the front. The mother took care of three children. Valentina at the age of seventeen went to work in a garment factory. She had to earn money. On weekends she went to the flying club and went skydiving. In 1962, she turned twenty-five and was chosen to train for space flight.

After the flight of Yuri Gagarin, all flying clubs are looking for girls paratroopers. Khrushchev wanted a Soviet woman to become, like Gagarin, also the first to fly into space. At that time, Tereshkova was already the secretary of the Komsomol organization of a weaving factory in Yaroslavl, although her father died without a trace in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939. Dmitry Yazov helps Valentina find a mass grave where her father, Vladimir Aksenovich Tereshkov, is buried.

The first set of female cosmonauts in the detachment consisted of five women. But Valentina Tereshkova, Irina Solovieva and Valentina Ponomareva turned out to be the most suitable and reliable. Ponomareva had a higher education and participated in the All-Union competition of sports flights. Solovieva was a graduate of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, a master of parachuting, who made more than 700 jumps. Valentina Tereshkova did not have a higher education and she had the first category in parachuting. She did not have amazing success in the preparation process. She did not always perform all the tests with excellent marks. But the committee approved it for the upcoming space flight. There are several reasons for this. After the triumph of Gagarin, it was already clear that the future cosmonaut would have to travel a lot, and she talks about the achievements of the Soviet system. Val had such a Komsomol experience. The second reason was that Korolev wanted one of the girls to go into outer space on the next "female" flight. And for this he planned Solovyov or Ponomarev. It was kept secret for decades.

On June 14, 1963, the Vostok-5 rocket carried Valery Bykovsky into space. Scheduled for The next day after this event, the launch of "Vostok - 6" with Valentina Tereshkova passed without problems. And here is what Valentina Tereshkova says about what happened to the spacecraft in orbit: “there was an inaccuracy in the automatic program of the ship: it reacted quite the opposite to manual control actions. It went out of orbit, with each turn.” Tereshkova could not eliminate this problem and this knew the Queen. Only on the second day, with the new data system, the accuracy of entering the planned orbit began to increase. "Sergey Pavlovich asked me not to talk about it. And so, I kept it a secret for decades - explains Valentina Vladimirovna. - But now I can speak freely." There were many rumors about it. that Valentina had difficulty enduring weightlessness. The spacecraft had only dry rations. In the end, it turned out that there were many problems with a three-day flight. During the flight it was forbidden to remove the suit. On the second day she felt pain in her right leg, lower leg. On the third day, the pain is already difficult to bear. Her shoulders were under intense pressure from the tightly fitting helmet. The itching on my head was unbearable. "I wanted normal earthly food - bread, potatoes and onions. Instead, there was only dry bread in slices," says Tereshkova. She admits that she felt sick, but not because of a vestibular disorder, but because of food.

Another problem arose during landing. “When I ejected, I experienced a quiet horror - the astronaut confessed for the first time after 44 years of flight. - I was under a lake. An astronaut cannot control a large and heavy parachute that opened at an altitude of 4 km. My first thought was, Lord, now I have to fall into water."
The astronauts were trained to land in the water. But they do not have the strength to stay above the water after many hours of flight. HER happiness is that she flew over the lake. On the ground, a strong wind dragged her behind a huge dome. She was in a heavy space suit that constrained her movements...

"I hit very hard with a helmet - said Tereshkova - and got a big bruise."
The doctors had to hide the bruises - can't an astronaut girl stand next to the head of the country in bruises? Khrushchev did not force Tereshkova to marry another cosmonaut, Andrian Nikolaev. This is a fabrication. Thirty-five-year-old Andrian began courting twenty-six-year-old Valentina a year before the flight. And five months after returning from Valentina's flight, they got married. A week after the wedding on November 10, 1963, General Nikolai Kamanin wrote in his diary: "Their marriage will probably be useful for science, but I'm not entirely sure that Valya loves Andrian. They are too different: he is like fire, and he - like water. Two strong-willed people, others.... "Ultimately, Andrian and Valentina lived together for 19 years. A year after their wedding, daughter Alena was born.

In the late 60s, Valentina was fully engaged in public work: a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, vice-president of the International Women's Federation. "Iron Lady", they called her in those years. Tereshkova was a strong, determined and strong-willed person who created the impression that she was making a nomenklatura career with joy and pleasure.

And the truth is that Valentina became bored with party work, although she felt her responsibility. She did not receive a penny for public work. All these years she worked as an instructor-cosmonaut of a cosmonaut corps at the Cosmonaut Training Center, where they were paid. And there was a dream of a new flight. She tried to re-enter the cosmonaut corps. Tereshkova remained in the detachment, and in 1982 she could even be appointed commander of the female crew of the Soyuz spacecraft. "I'm ready to fly to Mars and even if I don't come back." But after the death of Gagarin, the "first persons" decided to keep it. They let Tereshkova know that Valentina would not wear a space suit. On April 30, 1997, Tereshkova left the detachment of the last of the 1962 women's recruitment due to reaching the age limit. Since 1997, she has been a senior researcher at the Cosmonaut Training Center. “If I had money, now I would be happy to fly,” Tereshkova once admitted. - For many years she was interested in everything related to Mars. It was the dream of the first detachment of astronauts - to fly to Mars. "Oh, if only I could do it! I'm ready to fly there and never even come back."

Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova became the first woman in the Russian army with the rank of Air Force General. In addition, she has a Ph.D. She has two grandchildren - Alexey and Andrey. A weather vane in the form of two seagulls is installed on the roof of a red brick house built in the Star City area. This is the memory of her conquest of space.