Poems for children's photographs. Original captions for baby photos? Photos with grandma

Such sweethearts are copies of daddy and mommy.

Happy children's smiles reflect the well-being of the family.

My happiness, my meaning of life and hope for the future.

My little crumbs and my biggest achievement.

Tiny fingers, small feet. There is no prettier boy. There is no more heart.

I already have two teeth. And not a lot, but not a little! And teeth marks everywhere, no matter what I chew!

I am my mother's treasure and my father's joy. I am grandmother's sun and grandfather's reward!

From the smile of the little one, joy immediately fills the soul. May children always laugh heartily, all over the Earth!

It’s immediately obvious that mom and dad did their best. It's a real joy when there are kids in the house...

Such cheeks, such eyes! Let your daughter grow up like in a fairy tale - a princess of a fragile and tender lady and live the happiest life in the world!

Son - a copy of yours. You worked like a copier! Let him surpass you, live richly, carefree!

You have received a gift from God. While it is fragile as crystal. Only a little time will pass and it will become stronger than steel!

Commentary on a photo of a little girl

I have my mother's eyelashes and my eyes are so brown)) I am obedient, handsome, looking like a inch!

There are many pretty girls, but I'm prettier than everyone else))

My baby girl is growing up very fast. I enjoy her childhood. I'm trying to delay time before he grows up and flies out of the house ...

I've been waiting for you, baby. I dreamed of how we would play with dolls, read books. You turned everyday life into a holiday, changed my goals in life and made the whole family fall in love with you!

This is my copy! This is the little me! My dear girl, the world - which is better than paradise!

Compliments to a little girl for a photo

What cheeks! Like two juicy peaches with charming dimples.

What freckles! You are the beloved child of the Sun itself!

Such a baby - and what a smart look!

Just Barbie in miniature!

From your sincere laughter, sparks are scattered.

I want to admire your childish smile again and again.

Such snub nose it makes me want to smack.

What a coquette you are, but you look like a candy.

A lighter for smiles, a warmer for hearts.

How to sign a photo with mom in an album? Here are some ideas to keep in mind:

The art of motherhood is to teach the child the art of life.
E. Heffner

I love my mother like a tree loves the sun and water - she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights.
T. Guillemets

God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers.
Jewish proverb

M. Burley

Most moms are instinctive philosophers.
G. Beecher Stowe

The mother's heart is the deepest abyss, at the bottom of which you will inevitably find forgiveness.
O. de Balzac

One who does not have a longing for the past did not have a mother.
Gr. Nunn

There is only one most beautiful child in the world, and every mother has one. Chinese proverb

No gift to mom will be equal to the gift she gave us - life. Unknown.

Mom is the person who, seeing 4 slices of pie for 5 eaters, will say that she never wanted it.
T. Jordan

All women become like their mothers. This is their tragedy. And it doesn't happen to any man. This is the tragedy of men.
O. Wilde

Mom will always make us feel like people more high class than we really are.
J. L. Spalding

The greatest right of a woman is to be a mother.
L. Yutang

In the early years, the mother is the most important person in her child's life, and if she's a good mother, she'll probably manage to be the dumbest person he thinks.
Mary Kay Blakely

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness...
Victor Marie Hugo

Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk.
Maksim Gorky

The pleasures of motherhood are never fully realized until the children are in bed.
Unknown author

If evolution really works, then why do moms still have two arms?
M. Burley

The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.
Donna Brower

Now, as ever, the most automated instrument in household- mother.
B. Jones

I'm a mom and mom is never alone
K. Deneuve

A mother's heart is the only fireproof capital that can be repaid at any time and at any time.

You won't stop being a child as long as you have a mom.
S. Jayet

In this article you will find options for comments and captions for Vkontakte photos.

Beautiful words in social networks to photos of children, daughters, sons: words, text

Sometimes caption your photos on social media in simple words“My daughter” or “my son” can be quite boring. It is much more pleasant to match the necessary and important words or beautiful quotes that will create a mood and prompt reflection. Thus, the photograph itself will become more meaningful and valuable.

What can be used as a signature:

  • Personal philosophical thoughts
  • Memories
  • Emotional stories
  • Words and sayings of famous people
  • Movie Quotes
  • Book excerpts

Beautiful quotes to photos of children, girls, boys in social networks: words, text

Of course, each child is individual and good in his own way. For his parents, he is the most special and the best. By posting his photo on social networks, parents, of course, are proud of their child. It is very easy to convey this note of mood by making an accurate and very sensitive caption to the photographs.

Beautiful comments on photos of children, girls, boys in social networks: words, text

Even if you don't post pictures of your kids, you can always comment on someone's posted picture, showing off your good side and leaving a mark on your friend's page. Choose the most beautiful and wise statements that can “wake up” emotions and make a positive imprint.

Beautiful words in social networks to photos of girls, women: words, text

A beautiful female photograph cannot be ignored. She calls the mass positive emotions and makes any user of social networks somehow react: put a "like" or leave a personal comment. So that your words do not go unnoticed, you should choose the most effective and beautiful quote, or a personal emotional statement.

Beautiful quotes to photos of girls, women in social networks: words, text

If you cannot find the words yourself or are lost in thoughts, you should leave quotes or aphorisms of famous personalities in the comments to the photos.

Beautiful comments on photos of girls, women in social networks: words, text

Well-chosen words or quotes are sure to decorate every photo posted on the social network. If you want to please a person or just please them, do not miss the opportunity to leave your "special" comment.

Beautiful words in social networks for photos of guys and men: words, text

Even men are pleased when women react to their photos. Do not miss the opportunity and make a small surprise for the “strong half of humanity”, leaving a couple of gentle and very precise words about their superiority.

Beautiful quotes for photos of guys and men: words, text

If it's hard to "collect your thoughts together" and write something worthwhile under the photo, you can always use a famous quote or saying of a famous person.

Beautiful comments on photos of guys and men in social networks: words, text

Comments under photos are always an indicator of how beautiful the picture is and how much people like it. Therefore, do not be too lazy to leave your comment under the photo of a friend or just a man you like.

Beautiful words in social networks for wedding photos: words, text

Of course, it is impossible to leave wedding photo without any signature. People who will view it must definitely feel the moment and only the right words can help in this. It can be personal impressions, poems or famous quotes about happy love.

Beautiful quotes for wedding photos: words, text

If you notice that one of your friends on social networks posted a wedding photo, be sure to leave your congratulatory comment under the photo. It should contain the most beautiful words, convey all your admiration and joy for the fact that two people have tied the knot.

    Every parent wants to capture their kids in photographs so that when they matured, you can remember what they were like. It is not interesting to store photos in a package, so they make out a children's album. To somehow comment on the photo, various captions are used for the photos.

    Funny and not only signatures in verses can be found here, here.

    Original captions for baby photos

    They exist great amount. To begin with, I propose a selection of short signatures in two lines:

    Here there are both general signatures, and to a specific event in the life of the child and, accordingly, his parents.

    There are also many quatrains that are perfect for captions to photos of kids:

    More signatures can be found here.

    The childhood of your son or daughter is a wonderful but very short period. Therefore, I want to leave as many reminders of this happy time as possible. And the most best idea for this - this is your own photo album of your baby.

    Of course, it would be better if each photo is somehow signed.

    Here are a few options for how you can make photo captions:

    If you are designing a baby photo album yourself or just want to decorate it with interesting captions and rhymes, then I suggest you two ways to do this:

    1. Come up with author's rhymes under the photo.
    2. Take advantage of the internet.

    Other interesting options you will find here here.

    You can come up with cool captions for children's photographs yourself if you have a gift for writing rhymes, or you can use the Internet.

    When bathing:

    About teeth:

    For 1 year, you can sign like this:

    Here is a photograph

    can be signed like this:

    A photo with a beautiful hairstyle can be signed like this:

    It is always interesting to look at photographs, especially children's ones, especially if they are accompanied by some comments or quatrains that complement the meaning of actions or events. Not everyone knows how to compose poetry, and there is not always enough ingenuity for interesting signatures, in this case you can turn to the Internet, for example, here

    When making an album, most mothers want to somehow sign children's photos. And, of course, mothers want to sign the photos somehow in an original, interesting and unique way, so that after a while they open the album with the child and read beautiful words.

    Here's how you can originally sign a photo of children:

    Here are the signs of the zodiac:

    Original captions for children's photos are needed when we want to design a children's album in an original way, especially if we write something there. Or your photo participates in any competition. You can paint literally everything: extract, daily routine, holidays.

    On this site you will find captions in verse for all occasions.

    there are some good rhymes here too.

    on this site, not only captions in prose and poetry, but also shows how to make an album yourself, beautifully arrange photos.

    Here, too, you can find interesting rhymes.

    Now many mothers sign photos with babies. short rhymes, such interesting to watch and read, the mood of the photo is conveyed, as it were. Do-it-yourself children's albums are also popular, you also want to sign these, since you already know where to place the inscriptions and arrange everything beautifully. There are a lot of poems on the Internet for photos that depict a busy baby different types activities, here are a few:

    just a beauty.

    I love her very much

    Tight, tight hug.

    Somehow Pampers met Popa,

    Joyfully exclaimed: Oh-pa!

    Instantly opened his arms,

    And wrapped the whole Ass.

    I can really fly

    I rise to the clouds.

    I have big wings

    Dad is holding only lightly.

    As if smeared with honey

    round cheeks

    And it's so delicious to kiss them

    Beloved daughter!

    If you were found in a cabbage,

    You have no reason to be sad

    Because then you

    Food provided.

    My plan for the year is extremely simple -

    more weight, more height,

    More to know and be able to

    And less every day to roar!

    Eyes tired of looking

    The hands are tired of playing.

    Feet are tired of jumping

    The girl wants to sleep

    ruddy apple

    There is one I will not:

    half an apple

    Give to my beloved mother.

    Fresh air kids

    Needed and helpful!

    We have a lot of fun walking!

    And no sickness!

    The playground is so interesting

    Probably everyone already knows this!

    There I dig in the sandbox with a shovel,

    And my mother rolls me on the swings.

    First steps

    And these are my first steps.

    In a huge, interesting world

    Parents call that world apartment

We sell original holiday scenarios at low prices from 99 rubles. In our online store you will find complete holiday SHOW programs and mini-sketches, or competitions that can diversify a large scenario.

The most popular sections of our store:

  • New Year- scripts for New Year's corporate parties and performances for children, as well as short skits and musical fairy tales-alterations of roles. We pay special attention to the preparation of scenarios with symbols of the year Eastern calendar. For example, 2021 will be the year of the White Metal Ox. And we are already preparing a lot and farewell to the Rat - the symbol of the outgoing year. For children, we compose interactive New Year's theatrical performances with the participation of Bulls and Cows. Our materials can be used in the recreation center, at the Christmas tree, cafe, school, at work in the office, at home. A novelty on our site - New Year's quests for an exciting search for gifts.

  • Anniversaries and birthdays - perhaps the largest section of our site. Here we have compiled a collection of detailed celebration scenarios for anniversaries, as well as comic dramatizations in verse and prose for congratulations from guests with and without dressing up. Among the scenes there are from one person and several, from colleagues, relatives, children, friends. Also for the hero of the day we write ditties and congratulations to order.

  • A wedding is a very bright event in life, so the preparation of a wedding celebration should take place according to a beautiful and original plan. We write long entertainment programs with congratulations for the newlyweds, joke scenes from the guests, humorous tales of love by roles, and we also remake the lyrics to the motives you have chosen. Such a program turns out to be original, unique, and if the script is written to order, then it is also very individual.

  • March 8 is the day when men congratulate women with funny scenes and prepare a corporate party according to our scenarios, including various jokes, dressing up, funny parodies, jokes, gentle romantic poems for ladies. Get fresh material from us and surprise your fair sex colleagues! Example:

  • February 23 - a page with scenarios for the strong half of humanity - our dear men, in connection with the Defender of the Fatherland Day. To help the facilitators are offered fresh humorous scenes, full corporate programs with cool numbers. The best:

  • May 9 - soulful concerts for schoolchildren and adults on Victory Day. On the occasion of the 74th anniversary of Great Victory thematic programs to congratulate veterans, performances for adults and children, containing fresh poems touching to tears by contemporary authors, mini-performances, the best and rare songs of the war years. Example:

  • Graduation and last bell is a favorite category of our visitors involved in the preparation of graduations solemn events in schools and kindergartens. We offer not only detailed scenarios, but also comic mini-scenes, cool songs-alterations on modern motifs, for example: Svetlana Loboda (Superstar) and Tim Belorussky (Forget-Me-Not) - break all records in popularity.

  • September 1 - a section with festive performances for the day of knowledge, for the opening of the solemn line, with congratulations and parting words for first graders, teachers and children of other classes. The section is filled with comic mini-sketches for school.

  • Mother's Day is a special catalog of scripts for performances, skits and congratulatory programs for our beloved mothers, dear grandmothers, to alleviate the fate of the presenters and save their time.

  • Teacher's Day - scripts with congratulations and sketches from students, nice words gratitude to teachers, respect and recognition of a great profession - a teacher!

  • Day of the Elderly - new programs for recreation centers, rural and urban leisure clubs, school theater, performances for preschool educational institutions, with wishes to grandparents good health, with soulful songs, comic scenes and ditties!
  • We also have scripts for other holidays: Valentine's Day, child protection, professional holidays(the day of the builder, trade, physician, driver, etc.). A wide variety of activities and plays for the school theater: for summer camp, at KVN, scenarios for sporting events, for the day of health, at topics of traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, environmental protection.
    We did not ignore the preparation for Easter, Maslenitsa, the day of family, love, and fidelity, the day of Russia.

    To help the hosts of the holidays, we are developing ready scripts with a selection of music tracks that contain songs-alterations, sketches and impromptu fairy tales, comic horoscopes, a variety of contests, games, quizzes with questions and answers. Especially such programs are popular in the New Year, for birthdays and anniversaries, at weddings.

    If you do not find a suitable script or sketch in our store, then do not rush to leave. We will definitely help you and write the material to order in a short time. To contact us, you can use the feedback form on the website or write an e-mail: [email protected] website.