What does May 9th mean to me? What does Victory Day mean to you? The greatest day in human history

For me, Victory Day is a very important and solemn day. It really is a holiday with tears in the eyes. These are tears of pain for the departed warriors. And tears of joy and pride for the victory over evil. It is bad that in our time not all children diligently learn history. Many do not even know about the horrors and terrible events that took place in wartime. Soldiers defended the future of our country. Thanks to them, we can now live, study, work, raise and educate children. The dead soldiers gave happiness and prosperity to our common homeland. And so that the lives given are not in vain, we must comply. You need to protect your homeland.

We must honor the memory of the fallen soldiers, as well as the people who worked in the rear, creating weapons and things necessary for the front, food. We must remember the feats of heroes and the hard work of nurses who carried the wounded from the battlefields. We must not forget those people, our ancestors, who restored the country and our city from the ruins after the war, manually re-layed tram tracks. If not for all these people, there would be no us and our calm, peaceful life. When I hear the song "Victory Day" performed by Leshchenko, tears always come to my eyes. I love military songs in general. And under the march "Farewell of the Slavyanka" I am always overwhelmed with a deep sense of pride. On the next Victory Day, my mother and I will definitely take part in the Immortal Regiment project. Let's take a photo of our grandfather and walk with him along the main square of our city. When we looked at the participants of this action last time, my mother even cried.

I am sure that we must not forget the feat of the participants in the Great Patriotic War. It is necessary to take care of veterans, to take care of them, because there are very few of them now. And most importantly, remember them not only on May 9th. The feat of the fallen warriors is immortal. And we must remember at what price happiness is won.

Short version May 9

Victory Day is a solemn, but very sad and even difficult holiday. It reminds us of a long and bloody war.

All the teachers at school tell us a lot about the war. I myself try to read more and watch a lot of war films. My favorite films about the war are "Officers" and "Only Old Men Go to Battle". These are very good and sincere films showing the life of people in wartime. I know how much pain the civilians endured in wartime, how hard it was for the soldiers at the front, what torments the Russian people endured. But the soldiers got up and went into battle. We went to the end. They understood that the lives of their relatives and friends, as well as the future of the whole country, depended on them. They defended their honor and the peaceful life of the Motherland.

Future generations have no right to forget the events of the war. The cost of victory and peaceful life should be known to all citizens of the state. Eternal memory to the heroes.

Composition No. 3 May 9 - Victory Day

Many with early childhood familiar with this holiday. On this day, solemn parades are held annually with the participation of various military equipment, military and veterans who participated in hostilities during the war. Every year these parades are televised, but you can also watch them in person - they are usually held in the main square of the city and start at a pre-announced time.

Parades are usually accompanied by solemn musical accompaniment and joyful cries of "Hurrah!". But why is this holiday given so much attention? The fact is that more than 70 years ago, the Soviet Union defeated Germany, which on June 22, 1941 launched an offensive against our Motherland in order to seize power over the country. On June 22, 1941, at exactly 4 am, an announcement was made on the radio by the famous announcer Levitan that the war had begun. German troops invaded the territory of the Soviet Union and expected to win as soon as possible. But, unexpectedly for themselves, they met desperate resistance from the inhabitants of the USSR - almost everyone, regardless of gender and age, stood up to defend their homeland.

Thanks to the courage and bravery of the Soviet people, after 4 years of war, the enemy was defeated. On May 8, 1941, the enemy was finally expelled, the occupied territories were liberated, and May 9 was proclaimed "Victory Day". But not only the enemy soldiers died - many residents Soviet Union also died in this fierce battle (for comparison: the USSR 6.329 million people, Germany 3,604.8 thousand) therefore, Victory Day causes not only joy for our country, but also a feeling of longing for loved ones for whom this battle was the last.

In honor of the victory, an international public action "Immortal Regiment" has recently been held, where everyone can honor the memory of their deceased relatives. At present, it is less and less reminiscent of the events of that time - all the buildings have been restored, and there are very few veterans who can tell about those events. But, despite this, pride in this great victory continues to fill the hearts for many years to come. And Victory Day will remain in history for centuries.

brief discussion Victory Day Grade 6

Ninth day last month spring - significant and important holiday not only for the Russian people, but also for many people of our planet. On this day, we rejoice and congratulate each other on the victory, remember and mourn for those who died in that difficult time, wipe away tears of joy when we watch films about the Great Victory and admire watching the parade on the main square of the country.

The spirit of triumph and tragedy will be in the air. And no matter how the sky above people's heads on this holiday, cloudy or sunny, cool or sultry, it will always light up with festive and colorful fireworks in all corners of invincible Russia.

Composition May 9 - Victory Day in my city

Today is a sunny day. It seems that not only people, but also nature celebrates Victory Day - May 9th. For a week now, festive flags have been hanging around the city and crossroads have been decorated. And thanks to the good weather, the mood of the people is already upbeat.

Today in our city there will be a parade on the main square. Our whole family goes there every year. They show military equipment from the times of the Great Patriotic War and modern ones. I like old cars that, despite their age, proudly move around the square. Soldiers in the clothes of those times are sitting in these cars, and it seems that those years since the great victory did not exist.

Veterans are always present at the parade. They have so many medals, they are all our heroes. The moment when children give them flowers is especially touching.

May 9th in our family special holiday and because my grandfather died in the war. He did not live to win 8 months. Grandma cries when she talks about him.

After the parade, we walk around the city. First along the bay, then we go to the center. There are interesting events in the parks. We return tired but happy.

I think that the people of our planet should not forget the lesson that those difficult times taught us.

Reasoning What is victory day, OGE 15.3, in the city.

Solzhenitsyn, as a writer-philosopher, was always concerned about eternal questions, the problems of the present. All disturbing thoughts could not help but find their reflection in his work.

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  • More than 70 years have passed since the explosions of the Great Patriotic War died down. We have an idea about that war only from books and films, and few of us have already communicated with living participants in the battles. But here comes May 9th.

    What are your feelings on this day? What does Memorial Day mean to you personally?

    It means a lot, and the feelings are exciting. Thanks to our God and great veterans for the fact that we live in peace! Unfortunately, only on May 9 we think about it and remember! Olga

    For me it's personal and family holiday- my paternal grandfather went through the whole war, and then fought with the Japanese. This is a day of special memory that my homeland was protected from the most terrible enemy of those years. This day shows that any of us must and can stand up for loved ones at the right time. This is a day that everyone should remember. Evgeniy

    Both of my grandfathers were in the war. My father's father was a tanker, he fought on the Neva patch. My mother's father lived in besieged Leningrad. Both order bearers, heroes. For me, May 9 from a very young age was a special day. On this day, we often went over the orders and medals of both grandfathers. And I still didn’t understand their meaning, but I knew that my grandfathers were very strong and courageous. Now that I'm an adult, I regret that I didn't get to meet them.

    Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans. Many have forgotten what the warmth and love of their children is. And we are mired in the turmoil of the earth.

    There was an article on the Internet that said how one young man saw a grandmother with a half-empty basket at the checkout of a store, who was looking for money in her pockets to pay for the purchase, and who did not have enough money to pay it in full. And he did a truly noble deed. Taking her by the hand, he led her back to the store, bought her a full basket of food, drove her home, thanked her and left. On May 9, many people help veterans, give flowers, and on the rest of the year they are not even remembered. In my opinion, there is no fixed date for helping people. It doesn't matter if it's a veteran or just a passer-by, May 9 or any other day. If we have humility and humanity in our hearts, then each of us, at the sight of the same grandmother, will act like that young man. Nicholas

    On this day, since childhood, I have been feeling a special thrill, I think what this victory meant, at what cost it was given. "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". When my children grow up, I will certainly tell them about the parades that I saw, and about the veterans with whom I was lucky to meet. They are living history. Appreciate those who are still alive, because soon they will be gone forever. And with them an entire era... Catherine

    In childhood, in school years, Victory Day didn't feel like it does now. It is now that you understand what he really means to me and to the whole nation as a whole. I especially began to understand this in the alternative service. In boarding schools there are still war veterans, oddly enough. I remember one grandmother, whom I looked after, named Lyuba. During the war, she worked at a defense factory. So, her children were sent to a boarding school, and perhaps, thanks to such institutions, abandoned / abandoned / forgotten people have, I’m not ashamed of this word, a calm old age.

    I remember there was a case when the staff of the boarding school and I celebrated New Year. Fireworks rang out in the street. During the volleys, we suddenly hear from grandmother Lyuba’s room: “War, war, war!” At first it was funny to us, but when we went to visit her, we didn’t feel like laughing - she was lying in bed and crying (at that time she was in the mental ward, and she was 99 years old!) After this incident, I became even more serious treat this significant date and everything connected with it. Yes, with age, you start to look at many things in life differently. Daniel

    For me, Victory Day means that there was a war. And it's terrible. It is terrible that people had to endure such grief, it is terrible that they had to kill and see mass bloodshed. Therefore, on May 9, I rejoice in the world and pray that humanity will never again know such periods of history. Masha

    For me personally, this is the day of the end of the war, a day that I do not know, since I am from a different generation, but it is a joy. It is sad that on May 9, veterans and the St. George ribbon symbol have become political weapons in our time. It is sad that under the guise of patriotism and calling the fraternal people fascists, politicians are unleashing a new war. It is sad that many facts of the murder of our own under Stalin overshadow this bright date. But it's better to know the truth, no matter how sad it may be.

    Veterans need to be protected and separate this date and symbols from politics. Veterans need to be visited and paid attention not only on May 9, because they need communication. Sergey

    · Probably, for me it is a look into the past from the other side. What would our future be like without these sacrifices, without the valor of our veterans...

    The day when the whole country remembers the heroes...

    A day of joy and sorrow...

    · Victory Day is an unforgettable day for all of us. It is both sad and joyful, but we must be strong and believe that the Motherland for us is the most important thing in life...

    · One of the most important holidays. It seems to me that even those who were not at war feel the joy of that day...

    · Victory Day is a great date when my homeland gathered all its strength into a fist and defeated the Germans. It's sad that so many people died...

    · The memory of the dead people, of their relatives, of blood, murders and cruelty, of the fighting spirit, with the help of which we won. I am proud of my grandparents who took part in the war...

    · Sadness and joy. It is a pity for those who died for us, it is joyful that this hell is over...

    · For veterans and for everyone else, this is more than a holiday: it is the day when we won, when the war ended!..

    The day on which people were freed from torment, from grief ...

    · If not for those who gave their lives for us and for the Motherland, we would not have been born. The Great Patriotic War is the most terrible war in the history of Russia. I want to say "thank you" to the people who saved Russia...

    · Victory Day is a holiday of all people of the world. The victory was won at the cost of numerous lives, and all thanks to the thirst for freedom, love for the Motherland. If they had not won this Victory, we would not be here now, we would all be slaves ...

    Mourning, memory of the heroes, the grief that mothers experienced, the joy of victory, gratitude to the defenders of the Fatherland...

    Holy feast...

    · For me it is admiration, sadness and joy at the same time. When I remember what these people, veterans, went through, I feel sad. For me, this is a holy day...

    · Great day in the history of the country.

    · Day of the end of the most terrible war.

    · For me, this is the greatest holiday. I express my gratitude to all the dead and surviving veterans.

    Day of Sorrow.

    Day of remembrance of the grandfather, who was shell-shocked and died in 2005.

    · The holiday of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany, the holiday of veterans who survived the fierce battles for their homeland.

    · Day of respect and memory. A day when we remember the deeds and sacrifices and hope that this nightmare will never happen again.

    · The day when people are sad, but they should have fun, rejoice at the Victory. I like to watch documentaries about the war and give flowers.

    · It is a sacred day. What huge sacrifices this victory was achieved. So many lives were given for us that it is impossible not to celebrate the Victory Day. This is a day of joy and sorrow at the same time. I am from pure heart I thank all those who defended our Motherland, who took care of us...

    · Memorial Day of the Victory.

    Day of Remembrance for the Lost Relatives.

    · The day when we remember relatives and friends who did not spare themselves and gave their lives so that we could live it right.

    · A day to congratulate and remember veterans, all those who served, who tried for the future of the whole country, thanks to whom we live in peace today.

    · This is the day when you can be proud of your country.

    · I do not know for sure. When you wake up on May 9, you feel some kind of joyful, happy feeling. Not because it's a day off, but why - I can't describe. This is the most the best holiday in a year.

    · Victory over the enemy.

    Celebration of Life.

    · The day when I feel the unity and power of my country.

    Great joy for the living and great sorrow for the dead.

    For many, this is a very sad holiday, as it is a memory of those who were once lost...

    · The memory of the fallen and pride for the victorious.

    · The day when we remember the horrors of war, when we realize that we need to make sure that they never happen again...

    The day they say "thank you".

    It's the day your grandma smiles and cries at the same time...

    · Parade of military equipment on Red Square.

    · The day when the torment and pain of people ended. War is scary.

    · A reason to be proud of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

    · The day when we say “thank you” to grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers for life.

    · On this day, the main people of Russia are veterans, people who fought for their Motherland.

    · Day of Remembrance. On this day, veterans, remembering those years, cry, and looking at them, it becomes sad, but often these are not tears of grief, but tears of joy that the war is over. A day not to be forgotten.

    · These are thousands of lives given for freedom, love, for our lives. A day in which we should remember this and be grateful.

    Pride in one's country.

    Unity Day. Only thanks to unity, the country was able to defeat the enemy.

    · The day of those who lived through that terrible time, who fought at the front, giving their lives without hesitation for the happiness of future generations. Day of Remembrance of the people who fought in the rear, the victims of concentration camps, all those who died in that war...

    Liberty Day. A day to say thank you for giving us the future...

    And yet the reduced number of hours devoted to studying it today is taking its toll on the current generation of youth. Children do not know the names of pioneer heroes, Komsomol members of the Young Guard, famous military leaders, the chronology of great battles. These topics are either simply not in the school curriculum, or they are given in a truncated form.
    Vlada Belyaninova, 5th grade:
    May 9 is a solemn and significant day for my family and for many people. Everyone knows that the Great Patriotic War began 72 years ago. It was very scary to go into battle, but people went, fought, gave their lives. We, the modern generation, remember, must remember this! I don't know my great-grandfathers who fought and won this war because they died. But my family remembers them. We live thanks to their feat. This must be remembered and appreciated!
    Angelina Khatizova, 5th grade:
    May 9 is a great and solemn holiday. After all, if it were not for the Victory that Russia won in the Great Patriotic War, there would probably be no us. It was attended by people who fought for our country. These are veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Nowadays, on May 9, rallies, concerts are held, and fireworks are launched in their honor. I am very proud of my country and this great holiday.
    Oleg Kushnarev, 5th grade:
    Victory Day is a great holiday. Today, there are few people left alive who defended our Motherland. My great-grandfather Viktor Nikiforovich Korolev went to the front as a young man. He fought, was captured, but returned home. My mother told me that my grandfather never talked about the war. Only the fact that in those years the war touched every family. Millions of people have gone through these terrible trials.
    It is a pity that I did not manage to find him alive, because much could have been heard first hand.
    Ekaterina Golubeva, 7th grade:
    Victory Day is a great holiday. On this day, we express great respect and gratitude to those people who for several years fought, not sparing their lives, for the Motherland, so that we now live well and freely. We must remember veterans not only on Victory Day! Dear veterans! Thank you for fighting for our bright future. Happiness and health to you!
    Vasilina Vasilyeva, 9th grade:
    Often older generation asks the question: what does the Victory Day holiday mean for modern youth? There are a lot of discussions on the Internet about this topic. Someone thinks that it would be better if the Germans won, that we live in an uncivilized country. I, like most of my peers, do not think so. After all, if the Russians had lost this war, then we would not have been born, or Russia would have been in slavery to Germany. Veterans must be honored! And every time we come to a rally in honor of Victory Day, we pay tribute to Russian soldiers, not only to those who are alive now, but also to those who gave their lives defending their Motherland.
    Chernechkin Ivan, 9th grade:
    I don't have grandparents who could talk about the war. My generation does not know all the horrors that the older generation had to endure during the war. A great feeling of gratitude lives in my heart to those who brought us peace, won that terrible war - to our veterans.
    With my family and class every year, on May 9th, I go to the rally, dedicated to the day Victory. Among all the villagers on this day, veterans with military awards on their chests stand out, but every year there are fewer and fewer of them. It is sad to see now the infirm old people, remembering their glorious youth, weeping for their dead comrades.
    We have no right to forget them, who defended the freedom and independence of peoples. And not only to remember, but to be worthy of their feat, to prevent the repetition of a modern war.
    Vika Lukyanova, 10th grade:
    This holiday is very important in my life. The people who gave their lives for the future of the country make me feel proud of the feats they have accomplished. Without them, who knows, maybe our world would look very different. A story that is very large is difficult to convey to the younger generation. It is important to remember people to congratulate the veterans on the great holiday, to try to do something nice for them.
    Vlad Lesnov, 11th grade:
    I understand why you asked this question. Adults believe that for our generation this holiday has long gone down in history and has ceased to be significant. This is not true! We live in peace, we are not in slavery - thanks to the veterans for this!

    What does May 9th mean to me?

    On the eve of May 9, a class hour was held in grade 2 dedicated to this significant date. extracurricular activity started with introductory remarks teachers: “On June 22, 1941, at 4 o’clock in the morning, fascist Germany launched a treacherous and unexpected invasion of the territory of the USSR. The war began with aerial bombardment and the simultaneous advance of the ground forces. Germany put forward a powerful, superbly equipped army of soldiers against the USSR. War is separation, poverty, cruelty, death, it is a thousand tormented, killed, tortured in the camps of people, these are millions of crippled destinies. How many people, so many destinies: everyone is different, but in one thing they are all similar: all destinies were broken, disfigured by war. Men from every house went to defend their homeland. The war did not bypass any family, who fought at the front, and who stayed to live and work in the rear.

    Seventy-two years have passed since the end of World War II on May 9th. Modern youth does not know all the horrors of war, they were lucky to live in peacetime. And it is a sacred duty for everyone to honor the memory of those to whom we owe it.”

    The memory of the past war will pass from fathers to sons, from sons to grandchildren.

    Finally class hour wrote a mini-essay on the topic: “What does the date May 9 mean to me?”. I would like to quote some excerpts from these writings.

    “Victory Day is the most important holiday of our Motherland. On this day, we go to the parade with the whole family ... and in the evening we watch fireworks dedicated to veterans ”(Masterskikh A.)

    “It is on May 9 that we somehow especially strongly feel pride in our Motherland ...” (Potlova A.)

    “I heard a lot how the Nazis killed women and children, how they mocked the soldiers, but they did not give up and went to the end. I believe that we should not forget about the victory of the Russian people and remember those who defended it in this difficult struggle ”(Kalashnikova M.)

    “On this day, Russian soldiers defeated the German invaders and hoisted the banner of victory over the Reichstag” (Andreichenko A,)

    “Every year our country celebrates another peaceful spring, and we all mentally remember our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who gave their lives on the battlefields for the sake of victory, for the sake of our lives and our future. Even without knowing the names, we remember them kind word, and it is not by chance that the Eternal Flame burns, confirming: “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal!” (Lebedev D.)

    “On this day, our army liberated the country from the Nazis. My great-grandfather Efim Stepanovich Serdyukov also defended our country. He went through the whole war and reached Berlin. (Komarova A.)

    “We have a military parade on the square in our city. On this day, we congratulate veterans and give them flowers” ​​(Ogorodov M.)

    “A low bow to those who defended our Motherland. And may there never be another war. I am for peace on Earth!” (Alekseenko S.)

    "I'm proud of my country! So much courage and heroism was shown by people during the war .... On May 9, we will once again remember these events. And everyone who has passed away will never be forgotten" (Chesnokov D.)

    Guys, remember that next to us there are people who suffered for us the Victory. Who save people's lives without thinking about their own.
    So let us be worthy of the honor of living side by side with them!