Beautiful SMS apologies to your beloved guy, man. Apologies to your beloved boyfriend. Forgive me

My incredible, madly loved, how can you be angry with me for so long? I admit I blundered, and for that I ask your forgiveness. Excuse me, precious, I didn't want my impulse to develop into the situation that has developed. Let's forget this difficult and very unpleasant moment for both of us and continue to enjoy each other. After all, every quarrel is just a small test that lovers overcome together, thereby strengthening their feelings. I promise that I will be more tolerant and restrained. Forgive your little girl who is crazy about you and stop being angry with her.

"Forgive me" - I'll tell you quietly.
For my whim, for my silent reproach.
You, as always, forgive my whim.
Do not put out the fire of my love now.

I'm guilty, forgive me, my love.
I'm stupid, it's true, I sometimes.
And you let go of resentment invisibly,
And we will be together with you.

Please forgive me for everything
Let go of grievances with a light heart.
For all the sorrows and hardships
Yes, and for being proud.
Dear, before you I am to blame
And I was blunt with you.
Guilt gnaws and haunts
Oh, how I want to be with you again!
How much regret in the heart
... I hope to beg for forgiveness.
Your hands are no more warm
Your smile gives me light.

I did bad to you
Now I have guilt
Because I broke my heart
And it turned out to be wrong.

I'm sorry darling, I was wrong.
I beg your pardon
I want to see your eyes again
And loving to talk to you.

Honey, I'm sorry!
Honey, I'm wrong!
Not understanding the wall
Break my words!
You can spank me
You can execute me
If only to soot resentment
Wash off your tender eyes.

Yes, the fault lies with me!
It's my fault - I won't even argue...
But the meaning of love is hidden in the depths
Mutual reconciliation after a quarrel.

Let's sit down, let's be silent together,
You might be a little more angry...
But know, from a sincere soul, I'll tell you
I'm very, very ashamed...

I'm proud, I'm sorry
Blame you.
Please accept my apologies
Come back, be with me.

I'll try, I promise
Don't harm you
You are my boyfriend and I know
You love me anyway.

I hope for forgiveness
I can redeem myself,
I apologize
I accept all conditions.

I have not learned
In this world to cherish
Not a little will I have to
It is in life to receive.

Learn to be like everyone else.
Learn to fall again and again.
I hope you help me
Appreciate love Appreciate love

Excuse me, my dear.
I myself do not understand how it happened.
Like something came over me
It's like I dreamed something...

Excuse me, don't pout too much
I won't be like that anymore.
Well, let's forget everything
You are nice to me...

Resentment hangs right in the air
Because I know I hurt you.
I want so much that a sunflower
The sun shone in your soul!

In the largest such planet
Only you are dear to me like no one else.
Please accept these apologies.
After all, someone is asking tearfully!

Confessions to a guy Good morning to my beloved Good night to my beloved I miss my beloved Apologies to a loved one For mood Love boyfriend

Oh, she was a half-wit vixen -
Anger unleashed for no reason.
Apparently, beloved, with a moon phase
Moved a little brain axis.
I love you! I'm sorry!
I promise to be a fairy incarnation!

Storm on the soul. Wave after wave
Sorrow bubbles, blows to the bottom
Hole in the heart. It's my fault
What you don’t want to see - offended ... But

Know, dear, you are my world, my fiery light
Crazy happiness in a foggy window.
Forgive me, sun! Still hot
Our passionate love. Come to me!

Darling, do me a favor
And give me your forgiveness
Give your obedient baby a chance
You are like a light in a window to me!

Words are thrown in the heat of resentment,
Your steps in the distance are quieter, quieter ...
The heart begged: “Stop! I was wrong!", -
But you, alas, did not hear his prayers.

Drops of bitter tears froze in the eyes,
In the soul of sadness and bitterness, the pain of loss.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it seriously.
I still love. Open doors for me...

Beloved, I'm waiting for your indulgence,
Forget the hurtful words.
I beg you today for forgiveness
I am very sorry about our quarrel.

I know that she said it all
And, of course, not for the first time.
I know that I made you angry
For that, I apologize now.

I know my character is bad
I know this is hard to understand.
Don't close the door to your heart
Give me a chance to start over.

Sorry, darling, sorry, dear!
I know it's not easy to be with me
I only promise to be the best
To live with you, love, dream.

I couldn't contain my emotions in the heat of the moment,
Broken, alas, offensive words,
Forgive me, my love, I did not understand
What was then, of course, is not right.

Living with you in a quarrel is unbearable for me,
The world is losing color, the white light is fading,
Smile to me as soon as before, dear,
There is no happiness in life without your smile.

I'm guilty before you
Your silence is payback
My days are running in sadness
Please, my love, I'm sorry.
Just for your smile
I will correct all my mistakes.

We are silent on different shores,
Between us - bitterness and resentment.
I fall asleep in grief and tears,
Heart broken with remorse.

How could I offend you?
I beg for forgiveness...
And my soul flies to you
Never knowing any barriers!

Forgive me, dear!
I was wrong and I know it.
I disturbed your peace
And now I'm dying without you.

I'm guilty, I'm sorry
Dear, beloved, do not hold evil.
Let your heart decide.
Let the turns of love swirl around us.

I will be obedient, kind and gentle,
I will be affectionate myself again,
I will be love, boundless passion,
Just try to forgive and understand.

My love, I beg you, I'm sorry!
Without your smile - gray days
No thoughts, just empty words
I know, honey, I was wrong.

Forgive me for the harsh words
Sometimes I'm wrong
And then I suffer in the silence of the night,
Dreaming of meeting you again

Fall into your arms strong,
Feel the intoxicating passion in your chest
And, plunging into the pool of gentle eyes,
Say "I love you" like it's the first time!

I burn, I burn without fire,
And I weep bitterly, repeating:
“Darling, excuse me!
Forgive me, I beg you!"

Alina Ogonyok SMS with apologies to a loved one

❤ ❤ ❤
With you next to me I breathe
I'm on fire with you,
I live next to you
And without you I'm dying
Forgive me, I beg!
❤ ❤ ❤
I know you loved me once.
Tell me why do you need her?
Come back to me soon, my dear!
I'm sorry for what I did wrong.
❤ ❤ ❤
Life won't be good
Until you forgive me
Fate crumbled into crumbs
And soon it will fly into the abyss!
❤ ❤ ❤
Let the days and years go by
I'm lonely, everything is empty
Forgive me, my dear, for the insult,
Let's try again.
❤ ❤ ❤
Let the days fly away!
Don't be sad about the past!
Darling! I'm so guilty!
For all of me, dear, I'm sorry!
❤ ❤ ❤
Dear, I beg you -
Forgive me for what I said!
I can't stand long breakups
And I'm tired of pouting...
❤ ❤ ❤
Forgive me, don't be cruel
I curse my tongue already!
Holy truth - these lines,
How it happened - I do not understand!
❤ ❤ ❤
Let everything be as you want!
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
Let it become reality!
❤ ❤ ❤
Outside the window snow is spinning,
Winter is on the street,
Where are you, my beloved person?
I feel very bad without you!
Come back to me my dear
Forgive me for everything, my love!
❤ ❤ ❤
Right after the breakup
Was it night or day
One desire lives in me
So that you forgive me, dear.
❤ ❤ ❤
I want to correct my mistake
And improve our relationship
I hope you forgive me
And stop being offended
Know I love you baby!
❤ ❤ ❤
I apologize, weeping,
I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness
I won't sleep peacefully now
Until you forgive me!
❤ ❤ ❤

I ask for forgiveness for everything
For pain, resentment and betrayal!
For the years of lies that you endured
And for my silent scenes!
I'm sorry, dear
That through separation, distance
I couldn't forget you hero
The man of all my dreams!

❤ ❤ ❤

I can't live without you
I can't breathe without you
I can't love another
I can't forget you
Come back to me my dear
Forgive me, my love!

❤ ❤ ❤

I need your eyes, you know?
And a smile, and words, you know about it!
Why are you silent and do not write?
I love you, baby, very much, do you hear?
Forgive me, come back to me
I will wait for you even in my dreams.

❤ ❤ ❤

I love you like no one else in the world
I love you like candy kids
I love you like the sun is the wind
I love you more than anything!
I miss you like always
I'm sorry, please!

❤ ❤ ❤

I want to see you fall asleep
I want to see you wake up
I want to feel your hands and lips
See you every day
I'll give everything for your love
If only you could forgive me everything.

❤ ❤ ❤

Forgive me for everything that happened
Forgive me for not loving me
After all, then I did not understand
That you loved me, but I did not know about it.
Now I understand everything
Better than you, I will not have,
Let's go to reconciliation
Be friends, love and be together.

❤ ❤ ❤

I'm not looking for a replacement for you.
Nobody can be you.
I don't need your substitutions.
A loved one is needed, not just anyone.
Let's make up, let's forget
Empty quarrels, swearing, dirt,
And our feelings will wake up again
Without loud and false phrases?

❤ ❤ ❤

Forgive me, I was wrong.
I'm trying to change now.
Reason for jealousy stupidly gave
And now I have to apologize.
I've always needed only you.
This is generally obvious.
To lose trust in love -
Very scary and very embarrassing.

❤ ❤ ❤

If you come back to me
Pain will turn into happiness!
The day will never be longer than the night...
I'm not myself, I'm very sad ....

❤ ❤ ❤

Sorry for being stupid
Why didn't you call...
What did I do to you
Believe it for the last time!

❤ ❤ ❤

My hedgehog is prickly, stop snorting.
Even if it hurts, I want to hug you.
All in injections, wounds, I will snuggle up to you,
I ask for forgiveness in an affectionate prayer.
I smack my cute nose and let a tear go.
I really want to be with you.
I'm sorry, love. Hide your thorns
If at least a little sorry for my hands.

❤ ❤ ❤

I'm sorry for the tears that often shed
From your clear emerald eyes.
Forgive me for giving me roses so many times
I just heard another rejection...
Forgive me for five months
You are at arm's length.
After all, I did not understand then,
That you and I will be so close.

❤ ❤ ❤

I'll do whatever you want.
Just come back as soon as you can!
Come back, please! I'm begging!
We lose our love...

❤ ❤ ❤

I have gone through a lot in my life, there is no flaw in my love,
I give my soul, pure as a diamond, a beautiful light,
And you forgive me for everything, it's hard for you with me,
And come quickly, I have no peace without you.

❤ ❤ ❤

I'm waiting for a message from you
All days - from morning to sunset ...
When will I be forgiven?
I know it's my fault...
Every weekday and holidays
My love is unchanging.
As the classics said -
Feelings are imperishable.

❤ ❤ ❤

I'm sorry...
I can not live without you.
You became everything to me
And the sky, and the earth, and the air
And everything that surrounds me.
There is a void in my soul
And only you can fill it.
Sorry if it's wrong...

❤ ❤ ❤

I'm sorry for being so stupid
What did I hurt you
That's how I treated you
That I fell for you
I was very angry that day
I don't know what happened to me
Sorry, you are the dearest.

❤ ❤ ❤

I'm completely different now
I changed completely
I can be what you want!
Come get me I'm so tired
Wait for your half!
I'm sorry for everything
I'll be waiting for you!

❤ ❤ ❤

I sit and miss and dream of you
I think only about you,
I want to see the sparkle in your beautiful eyes
I'm waiting, but you're not there
You were offended, left, forgot me,
Let's put up, forgive me soon.

❤ ❤ ❤

I'm sorry for being such a bitch.
Forgive me for always being her.
I'm sorry that I didn't see you right away
The one you've been waiting for all your life.

❤ ❤ ❤

Dear, let's start all over again,
I no longer have the strength to think about it.
Still, how strong the word sometimes beats,
Sometimes it is comparable to a gun put to the head.
Let's drop all the fights
If we don't want to lose each other.
Our love is like a roller coaster
And I so want to forgive you, hug ...

❤ ❤ ❤

Fate gave us the warmth of relationships,
A million kisses and sleepless nights.
And I - a stupid cat - broke it all
And, wagging her tail, she disappeared, left.
Forgive my cowardice and bad temper
And let me back into the apartment of the soul.
Get on my knees and purr
And you gently scratch me behind the ear.

❤ ❤ ❤

Yes, I was wrong...
But I didn’t want separation, believe me!
If you can, forgive me
And open the door for me...

❤ ❤ ❤

Let's learn to put up with mistakes
What we ourselves did.
So as not to stray from the main path,
Trust to be between us.

❤ ❤ ❤

I ask for forgiveness in silence
Now listen to my words...
I need you very much.
And I won't disturb your peace...
My love for you is stronger
Stronger than the gusts of wind...
Dear, you are the light of my days,
I'm the only one warmed by you ...
Please don't be angry with me...
Dear, know that I am yours forever.

❤ ❤ ❤

Birds miss spring
They are very cold in winter
And I miss you,
When you are not with me
Forgive me if you can,
I plead guilty
Come to me soon
I love you madly.

I don't know why myself
I offended you so much.
My eyes are covered with darkness,
And I didn't see the light.

My tongue said the words
Offensive and stupid.
How obscuration found
On my mind is a minute.

Forgive me my love
As you can see, she is terrified.
To the words "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
Please listen!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm in trouble again
I want everything, but I have no patience.
said something about you
And I regret it hundreds of times.

I love you, I'm sorry
For all the words, ridiculous and bitter,
For everything that is said in the hearts,
I beg you, I love you, I'm sorry...

Dear, forgive me
Well, don't be upset
Let go of all resentment
Let the wind scatter.

I promise never
I won't do it again
Just know my love
Follows you everywhere!

Let's quarrel, but on the contrary,
I admit I'm wrong
You are my favorite, dear
And I love you very much.

I'm sorry, don't be offended by me
Please accept my apologies
I swear to you, my love, I promise
That I won't do it again, you understand.

I'm sorry, stop pouting already
For a good girl, my own,
It's time to forget all the insults for a long time,
End our strange war!

Don't avoid me please
We need to talk.
Listen silently to me
You don't need to interrupt.

I recognize my guilt
I am completely, my dear.
And I beg your pardon
Forgive me, my love.

I know it's not easy
I understand you.
I'm sorry anyway
Love will forgive, I know!

It's my fault, of course.
But after all, everyone is a little sinful,
It was completely wrong
Only it's not evil!

My favorite, I'm very sorry
And I apologize from the bottom of my heart
You read these lines
And let go of resentment!

I'm sorry, my love, I'm sorry, I beg you.
What I told you - I said in a rush.
And now I punish myself, I can’t find a place,
I miss you and your strong shoulder.

You know that I always light up like a candle
But then I quickly melt, leaving no trace.
So forgive me, darling, please, hurry up
I look forward to seeing you today, come soon!

I am sometimes jealous.
But what can you do, dear!
You are so handsome,
I will not give you another!

I offended you
Brought experiences
Forgive me for the harsh words...
I'm ready for a lot for you.

I won't repeat my mistakes
I will not suffer anymore.
I appreciate you, faithful, dear,
My most favorite guy!

I'm sorry I was wrong
For insults, bad words,
I admit my mistake
And I won't repeat it again.

In the stream and bustle of days
You have become a part of my life
I want to give sincere love
And be happy with you!

How many tears have I shed
Through my own fault.
The guy let me down -
The one who is dear to me!
Why so unreasonable
Did I get in?
I sit for you, I roar
No boyfriend, no heat!
How to ask for forgiveness
How to convey to him
I realized that it's windy
I won't do that from now on!
Bitter heart hurts
Forget about shame and fear
I'm running to tell the boy
Yes, I'm wrong!
I hope everything goes well
I hope he understands
What I love and like
Only He is in the world!