Meeting Boris and Katerina. The last meeting of Katerina and Boris. Essay on literature on the topic: The last meeting of Katerina and Boris

Wonderful and fair words were said about the play “Thunderstorm” in his letter to A.N. Ostrovsky V.P. Botkin: “You have never revealed your poetic powers as in this play ... "You took a plot that is full of poetry through and through, a plot that is impossible for someone who does not possess poetic creativity ... Katerina's love belongs to the same phenomena of a moral nature, to which world cataclysms belong in physical nature .. .".

So, Katerina is in love with Boris. After reading this line, one can only sigh: "Well, all ages are submissive to love ...", or you can think deeply, because love for Boris became a real tragedy for the heroine of "Thunderstorm", intensifying the drama that she experienced, being in the "dark realm".

Katerina is a thin, dreamy, ethical girl. This is a man of high morals, simply stuffy, artless in relations with people. She does not know how to lie, pretend, hide her feelings. She feels deeply, therefore, once she sees Boris and falls in love with him, she can no longer do anything with herself. “Do I want to think about him? she argues. I don’t think about anything, but he just stands before my eyes. For married Katerina, faithful to her husband and pious, this love becomes a real moral torture. “It’s as if I’m standing over an abyss and someone is pushing me there, but there’s nothing for me to hold on to,” she describes her condition.

Being kind, Katerina pities her husband, whom she never loved and does not love, with whom she can never be happy. He is a weak, weak-willed person who allows himself to be humiliated in front of his wife.

Boris and Katerina cannot see each other, because the married ladies are kept in Kalinovo under seven locks. Tikhon's sister, Varvara, for whom there have long been no moral barriers, is taken to solve the problem. “And I was not a liar,” she says about herself, “but I learned when it became necessary.” It is unlikely that Katerina would have been able to master this science.

At first resisting, Katerina nevertheless accepts Varvara's services. She can no longer be in a suffocating atmosphere of hypocrisy, lack of freedom, tyranny, and she cannot overcome her love. The heroine commits a great sin - she decides to meet with Boris. Fate favors this: Kabanikha sends his son out of the house. Katerina experiences the current situation painfully, but she cannot overcome it. Several meetings with Boris illuminate her life with rays of happiness, but not for long.

Boris is dependent on his uncle, the merchant Diky. He is an orphan, and his grandmother in her will ordered that Boris receive a share of the inheritance only after coming of age and only on condition of a respectful attitude towards his uncle, which is basically impossible. Not because Boris is disrespectful to his elders, but because the Wild, domineering, rude, unscrupulous and cunning person, it is impossible to please. Nevertheless, Boris continues to live in his uncle's house, patiently enduring all insults. There is no strength in his character that would help him overcome circumstances.

Once in Kalinov, Boris, like Katerina, feels uncomfortable. “It hurts hard for me here, without a habit! he says. “Everyone looks at me somehow wildly, as if I’m superfluous here, as if I’m disturbing them.” Love becomes an unexpected misfortune for him. “Hunted, downtrodden,” he exclaims, “and then he foolishly decided to fall in love.”

Boris cannot overcome his feelings. “If I have fallen in love ...,” he says, revealing his secret to Kud-ryash, and does not finish the phrase, because everything is clear anyway. However, he cannot take the first step either. Barbara turns out to be much more agile than him. Boris accepts her service, but he does not know how to answer for what he has done. Punished by his uncle, he obediently goes to Siberia. At Katerina's request to take her with him, Boris refuses - he is wary of his uncle. Boris actually betrays Katerina by leaving her in this position.

The heroine is stronger than Boris. It is she, who does not know how to lie, who speaks publicly about her love. She challenges the "dark kingdom" by throwing herself into the abyss. Boris, of course, sympathizes with Katerina, but the only thing he can do to help her is to wish her death.

Ostrovsky showed Katerina as a woman who is "clogged down by the environment", but at the same time he endowed her with the positive qualities of a strong nature, capable of resisting despotism to the end. About Boris, the critic N. Dobrolyubov said that he was the same Tikhon, only "educated." "Education took away from him the strength to do dirty tricks ... but it did not give him the strength to resist the dirty tricks that others do ... ".

Tests on the drama "Thunderstorm". 1 option

1) To which literary direction should the drama "Thunderstorm" be attributed?


  1. classicism


2) The action of the drama "Thunderstorm" takes place

    in Moscow

    in Kalinov

    In Petersburg

    In Nizhniy Novgorod

3). Determine the climax of the drama "Thunderstorm"

      scene with key

      Katerina's meeting with Boris at the gate

      Katerina's remorse before the inhabitants of the city

      farewell to Tikhon and Katerina before his trip

4). What invention did the self-taught mechanic Kuligin want to introduce into the life of his city?


        lightning rod


        printing press

five). What was the name of Katherine's husband?

6). Determine the main conflict of the drama "Thunderstorm"

    love story of Katerina and Boris

    love story of Tikhon and Katerina

    clash of tyrants and their victims

    description of the friendly relations between Kabanikhi and Dikiy

7). Which of the heroes of the drama "Thunderstorm" "envy" the deceased Katerina, considering his own life the forthcoming torment?

9) What type of literary characters did Kabanikha belong to?

1. hero-reasoner

2. "tyrant"

3. "extra person"

4. "little man"

10. What character are we talking about?

He has such an establishment. With us, no one even dare to utter a peep about a salary, scolds what the world is worth. “You,” he says, “how do you know what I have in mind? Can you know my soul somehow? Or maybe I will come to such an arrangement that five thousand ladies will be given to you. So you talk to him! Only he had never in his entire life come to such and such an arrangement.

3. To bring the play to life

12) What character are we talking about?

13) A.N. Ostrovsky reveals the socio-typical and individual properties of the characters of a certain social environment, which one:

1. Manor-noble

2. Merchant

3. Aristocratic

4. Folk

14) Who owns the words

Everyone should be afraid! It’s not that it’s scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts.



Option 2

1) What was the name of Katerina's lover?

1. Kuligin

2) Who arranged the meeting between Katerina and Boris, stealing the key from Kabanikh?

2. Kuligin

3. Barbara

3) Who owns the phrase: “Do whatever you want, if only it was sewn and covered”?

  1. Katerina

  2. Kabanikhe

4) What did the self-taught mechanic Kuligin invent?


    lightning rod


    perpetuum mobile

5) What phrase ends the drama "Thunderstorm"?

    Mother, you ruined her, you, you, you...

    Thank you, good people, for your service!

    Good for you, Katya! And why did I stay in the world and suffer!

    Do with her what you want! Her body is here, take it; and the soul is no longer yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!

6) What character are we talking about?

He will first break upon us, abuse us in every possible way, as his heart desires, but all the same will end up giving us nothing, or just a little. Moreover, he will begin to tell that he gave out of mercy, that this should not have been.

7) Who said:

“My parents raised us well in Moscow, they spared nothing for us. I was sent to the Commercial Academy, and my sister was sent to a boarding school, but both suddenly died of cholera, and my sister and I remained orphans. Then we hear that my grandmother also died here and left a will so that our uncle would pay us the part that should be paid when we come of age, only with the condition ... "

8) Who said:

“Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and bare poverty. And we, sir, will never get out of this bark.

  1. Boris Grigorievich

9) The play "Thunderstorm" shows the life of the patriarchal merchant class, wild, limited, ignorant. Is there a person in Kalinov capable of resisting the laws of this life? Name it:


3. Barbara


11) Katerina confesses her “sin” to Tikhon in public. What made her do it?

1. Feeling of shame

2. Fear of the mother-in-law

4. Desire to leave with Boris

12) A.N. Ostrovsky reveals the socio-typical and individual properties of the characters of a certain social environment, which one:

1. Manor-noble

2. Merchant

3. Aristocratic

4. Folk

13) The play "Thunderstorm" was written in

14) The city in which the action of "Thunderstorm" takes place is called

    Nizhny Novgorod


3 option

1) A.N. Ostrovsky reveals the socio-typical and individual properties of the characters of a certain social environment, which one:

1. Manor-noble

2. Merchant

3. Aristocratic

4. Folk

2) What literary genre can the play "Thunderstorm" be attributed to (as defined by the author):

1. Comedy

3. Tragedy

4. Lyrical comedy

5. Tragicomedy

3) What is the main conflict in the play "Thunderstorm" (according to Dobrolyubov):

1. This is a conflict between generations (Tikhon and Marfa Ignatievna)

2. This is an intra-family conflict between a despotic mother-in-law and a recalcitrant daughter-in-law.

3. This is a clash of tyrants of life and their victims

4. This is a conflict between Tikhon and Katerina

4) The play "Thunderstorm" begins with a lengthy, somewhat drawn-out exposition in order to:

1. Intrigue the reader

2. Introduce the heroes directly involved in the intrigue

3.Create an image of the world in which the characters live

4.Slow down stage time

5) The action of the play “Thunderstorm takes place in the city of Kalinov. Do all the heroes belong (by birth and upbringing) to the Kalinov world? Name a character that is not one of them:


5. Barbara

6) Which characters are (in terms of conflict) central in the play:

1. Boris and Katerina

2. Katerina and Tikhon

3. Wild and Boar

4. Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova and Katerina

5. Boris and Tikhon

7) N.A. Dobrolyubov in the article “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom” called Boris “an educated Tikhon” because:

1. Boris and Tikhon belong to the same estate

2. Boris only outwardly differs from Tikhon

3. Boris is very different from Tikhon

8) The play "Thunderstorm" shows the life of the patriarchal merchant class, wild, limited, ignorant. Is there a person in Kalinov capable of resisting the laws of this life? Name it:


3. Barbara

1. Feklusha



10) Why do the events in the play "Thunderstorm" take place in a fictional city?

11) Savel Prokofievich Dikoy does not participate in the main conflict of the play "Thunderstorm". Why did Ostrovsky introduce this character?

1. To oppose Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova

2.To create a holistic image of the "dark kingdom"

3. To bring the play to life

4.To emphasize the prowess and scope of the Russian merchants

12) What class did Katerina Kabanova's parents belong to?

1. Nobles


5. Raznochintsy

13) Katerina confesses her "sin" to Tikhon in public. What made her do it?

1. Feeling of shame

2. Fear of the mother-in-law

3. Desire to atone for guilt before God and pangs of conscience by recognition

4. Desire to leave with Boris

14) N.A. Dobrolyubov called one of the heroes of the play "Thunderstorm" "a ray of light in the dark kingdom." This:


2. Marfa Ignatievna


question number

1 option

Option 2

question number

3 option

question number

In Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm" the main character is Katerina.
The drama tells about the tragic fate of a girl who could not fight for her love.
From “love and affection”, Katerina ends up in the Kabanov family, in which she cannot express her point of view, argue about something.
The son of Kabanikha Tikhon, Katerina's husband, cannot argue with his mother in anything, just like Katerina. Kabanikha considers himself "above" others.
In this house she is a stranger, she is constantly, every day humiliated. She finds herself in an environment where there is nothing “holy and good”.
Let's move on to the scene of the explanation of the main character Katerina with Boris:
This scene takes place at the end, this scene is the denouement, the tragic denouement of their relationship.
They understand that their meetings do not make sense and they were a mistake. They say so, but somewhere deep down they don't think so.
The internal state of the characters is not so easy to understand, but you can still understand from it. This helps us to make remarks.
For example, Boris, when meeting with Katerina, looks around all the time as if he is afraid that they will be seen. Katerina is the opposite of Boris in this regard: She behaves calmly, does not get nervous, does not worry, because she cannot hide the feeling that she experiences.
(“Runs up to him and jumps on his neck”).
Boris and her love for him is a small gap in the "dark kingdom" of her life. For his sake, she is ready to give up everything, leave her husband and this nasty mother-in-law Kabanikh: “Take me with you from here!”) She is resolute, which cannot be said from Diky’s nephew - Boris - He cannot disobey him, argue with him. Because it depends on him financially... He can't give up everything for the sake of love!
“I’m not going of my own free will: my uncle sends.” He has no opinion! Only weak loves fall into dependence on another person, Boris is a weakling, weak-willed. He doesn't want to change his life for some love.
Katerina is stronger than Boris, but she also has more problems, he is a “free bird”, and she is a “husband's wife”.
At parting with Katerina, weak-willed Boris cries, But why? It seems that he sympathizes with her, regrets, but he runs away from her, runs away from his “love”, not thinking how hard it is for Katerina to live, how bad it is for her husband and Kabanikha. It is difficult for Katerina to say goodbye to Boris, she loves him, wants to stay with him longer and look at him. Boris strives to leave as soon as possible ... so as not to see her.
He believes that the best deliverance for her will be death! (“Only the bottom and you need to ask God that she die as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time!”) He worries about her, but he cannot save, he does not want to! Because he really doesn't love her.
He could have prevented death, but he didn't want to.
He's leaving. After thinking, she still decides on the most disgusting act - suicide. Before leaving, she asked him to pray for her sinful soul. It's hard for her.
it is difficult for her to take this step. But betrayal pushes her.
She believes that the house is worse than the grave and does it. She believes that her life is over and throws herself into the river.

Essay on literature on the topic: The last meeting of Katerina and Boris

Other writings:

  1. The drama "Thunderstorm", written by A. N. Ostrovsky in 1859, is a socio-psychological drama in its genre, but it is close to tragedy. This is proved not only by the tragic ending - the suicide of the heroine, but also by the strongest passions, the classic contradiction between feeling and duty Read More ......
  2. Drama by A. N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm” tells about the tragic fate of a woman who could not come to terms with the patriarchal foundations of the house-building that ruined her love, and therefore she voluntarily passed away. The scene of the explanation of the main character of the play Katerina with her lover Boris takes place in Read More ......
  3. The play by A. N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm” was written in 1859. In the same year, it was staged in theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and for many years it has not left the stages of all theaters in the world. During this time, the play has undergone many Read More ......
  4. Many writers of the late 19th century spoke about the Russian merchant class. The authors were also interested in the position of a woman in a merchant family. The play “Thunderstorm” by A. N. Ostrovsky and the essay “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District” by N. S. Leskov are devoted to this topic. These works have a well-known plot similarity: Read More ......
  5. The drama Thunderstorm was conceived under the impression of Ostrovsky’s trip along the Volga (1856-1857), but written in 1859. “Thunderstorm,” as Dobrolyubov wrote, “is without a doubt Ostrovsky’s most decisive work.” This assessment has not lost its force to this day. Among the Read More ......
  6. The frame “Thunderstorm” was conceived under the impression of Ostrovsky’s trip along the Volga (1856-1857), but was written in 1859. “Thunderstorm,” as Dobrolyubov wrote, “is without a doubt Ostrovsky’s most decisive work.” This assessment has not lost its force to this day. Among the Read More ......
  7. Many writers of the late nineteenth century wrote about the Russian merchant class. The authors were also interested in the position of a woman in a merchant family. The play “Thunderstorm” by A. N. Ostrovsky and the essay “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District” by N. S. Leskov are devoted to this topic. Both of these works are striking in the similarity of the plot Read More ......
  8. "Thunderstorm" and "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" are two famous works of two great Russian writers. They were created at about the same time (1859 and 1865). Even the main characters are both Katerinas. Leskov's essay, however, can be considered a kind of controversy Read More ......
last date Katerina and Boris

Katerina and Boris in the play "Thunderstorm" are the characters at the level of which the love conflict of the work is realized. The feelings of young people were initially doomed, the love of Katerina and Boris was tragic: Katerina was married, cheating on her husband and escaping with another person was below her moral principles. The author does not talk about the first meeting of Katerina and Boris, the reader learns about it from the words of Boris: “And then I foolishly decided to fall in love. Yes, to whom? Into a woman with whom you will never even be able to talk! She goes with her husband, well, and the mother-in-law with them! Well, am I not a fool? Look around the corner and go home." It was not love, but rather falling in love at first sight. For Katya, feelings meant much more. In such a hobby, the girl saw the very real and sincere love that her heart dreamed of. Therefore, the girl, whose upbringing did not allow her husband to cheat, desperately tried to calm her heart. Katya's decision to go out to Boris's garden was fatal. After ten nights of secret rendezvous, Katerina confessed to her husband and mother-in-law that she felt for Boris. The last meeting between Katerina and Boris happened after Katya's conversation with Tikhon and Kabanikha.

Each of the characters is looking for a meeting with each other, each has a feeling that they have to say something to each other. But both are silent. And there's really nothing to talk about. I must say that before the meeting, Katya was in a kind of borderline state. Fragments of thoughts and phrases, as if Katya wants to confess something important. The idea of ​​a terrible lynching seemed to be in the air, not yet taking clear forms, but after meeting with Boris, the decision was finally made. What happened during their conversation?

Katya still hopes that she can be happy with this person, she begins to make excuses for her actions, to apologize, to ask for forgiveness. Her question about whether he has forgotten her makes readers understand that there have been some changes in Katya's feelings. Boris answers all the remarks of the girl in a detached way, showing that he does not need anything. Katya finds out that Boris is going to Siberia. And now, the last thing the girl decides on: “will you take me with you?”

The remark once again proves Katya's strength of character, steadfastness and faith in this love. The girl desperately hopes for a positive answer. In fact, dozens of other, more important ones were focused on this issue. “Do you love me?”, “What do our feelings mean to you?”, “Am I wrong about you?” - and many others. Katya talks about herself, and Boris, at such an important moment for the girl, recalls her uncle: “I just asked my uncle for a minute, I wanted to at least say goodbye to the place where we met.”

Notice, say goodbye to the place, and not to Katya. At this moment, Katerina receives answers to all her unasked questions, finally deciding to commit suicide. It is after these words that such a sharp and painful insight comes, which the girl was so afraid of and at the same time was waiting for.

Despite this, the girl thinks about saying something important. Really important. But Boris hurries Katya, he does not have much time. The girl is silent about the fact that she has already decided to part with her life - this is a sacrifice not for Boris, but for herself. Death is not due to unhappy love (that would make everything vulgar), but because of the inability to live honestly.
There is one remarkable detail in Katerina's farewell to Boris: Boris begins to guess what Katya has in mind, wants to come closer, hug the girl. But Katherine pulls away. No, this is not an insult, not pride. Katya asks Boris to give alms to everyone who asks her to pray for her sinful soul. The girl finally releases Boris. And Boris leaves, not understanding the scale and significance of this conversation for Katya.