Can everyone live according to the laws of honor. What does it mean to live according to the laws of honor. Topic: How to help your child express his thoughts literary and write essays

Honor is a moral quality worthy of respect. To live according to the laws of honor means to be conscientious, noble, courageous, honest, reliable. It means to have dignity, to be able to make friends.
The heroes of the novels by Alexandre Dumas "The Three Musketeers" and Jules Verne's "Children of Captain Grant" live according to the laws of honor. They help each other, by all means achieve their goals.
D, Artagnan and other musketeers go at the first call of a friend, defend the honor and dignity of a woman, always and in everything strive to the rescue, perform feats disinterestedly.
Spouses Glenarvan, McNubbs, John Mangles, Paganel, Mary and Robert risk their lives, overcome trials to save human life. In difficult times, they support their comrades.
Reading these books, I admire the heroes, try to be like them and understand how important it is to live according to the laws of honor. I especially like D, Artagnan. Courage, nobility, loyalty to friendship - these are the features that I would like to adopt from this hero.

Essay on literature on the topic: What does it mean to live according to the laws of honor

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What does it mean to live according to the laws of honor

Once in a lesson, the teacher asked us how we understand the expression "to live according to the laws of honor." Everyone wanted to express their opinion. And when my turn came, I replied that it should be a good man. Respect others. Do not be rude to anyone, do not steal, do not lie.

Honor is one of the moral qualities that every person has. Of course, it is a pity, because not everyone has this quality. Many people forget about honor and above all put only their desires and principles. Such people do not think about others at all, not to mention their own honor. Real well-mannered person, will never step over respect for another, through friendship, only to do well for himself. To live by respect and the laws of honor means not putting yourself above the rest. Pay no attention to social inequality. To be friends just like that, without any benefit.

Sometimes we forget about the laws of honor when we are angry with someone or in bad mood. We can be rude and offend a person. You can't do that. You always need to put yourself in the place of that person and think, but it would be nice for us if they talked to us like that. It is best to step over your pride and ask the person for forgiveness. He will definitely forgive.

At school, every student should never forget the laws of honor. He treats teachers and his classmates well and with respect, sets only a good example and studies well. Be sure to listen to your parents and help your elders. If we learn to behave correctly at school, then it will be much easier for us in life. We will become good people. Everyone will be friends with us and respect us. Ask for advice and simply invite guests. The way we treat people is the way they will treat us.

What does it mean to live according to the laws of honor? (based on the books by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" and J. Verne "Children of Captain Grant")

My favorite adventure books are the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" and the novel by J. Verne "Children of Captain Grant". We can say with confidence that the main characters of these works live according to the laws of honor.
So, in the novel by J. Verne, the members of the expedition, who went in search of the missing Captain Grant, support each other until the very end of their operation. They do not leave their friends in trouble, they are always ready to help one of the members of their "team". The resourceful and dexterous Robert saves his friends from the captivity of cannibal natives. Major McNabbs exposes the vile Ayrton, who plotted to destroy the entire crew of the Duncan yacht. Ridiculous, but brave and devoted, Paganel supports his friends as best he can, does everything to ensure that the operation to search for Captain Grant is completed successfully.
The heroes of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" generally live under the motto "one for all, and all for one." This means that always, in all adventures, troubles and joys, they are together, ready to help each other. Four Musketeers fight to the last, defending good name Queen of France, honor home country, your dignity. Neither fear of enemies, nor big money, nor power can break them.
That is why, it seems to me, at the end of the novel, Athos, Parthos, Aramis and D. Artagnan turn out to be winners, they pass all the tests with honor. The adventures of the heroes of the novel "Children of Captain Grant" also end happily. I think that it helps them that they lived according to the laws of honor - they followed the voice of their heart and conscience.
These heroes never left friends in trouble, defended the weak, were on the side of goodness and justice. It is precisely this - to always take the side of honor - that the novels of A. Dumas and J. Verne teach us.

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/ Works / Verne J. / Children of Captain Grant / What does it mean to live according to the laws of honor? (based on the books by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" and J. Verne "Children of Captain Grant")

See also the work "Children of Captain Grant":

Dumas "Three Musketeers"

The adventure novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" is very interesting story about the life and heroic deeds of devoted friends - the musketeers, who, risking their lives, defended their honor. The novel leaves no one indifferent, as it is filled with vivid events and characters.

The plot of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers"

The protagonist of the work, the young nobleman Charles D'Artagnan, guided by the desire to become a musketeer, goes to Paris. On the way, he gets into a fight with Count Rochefort, Cardinal Richelieu's best friend, who stole his letter of introduction.

D'Artagnan is sent to serve in the Guards regiment of Desessard, since without a letter of recommendation they could not take him into the guard of the royal musketeers. On the first day of his service, D'Artagnan quarreled with three Musketeer friends - Aramis, Porthos and Athos, and challenged them to a duel.

A duel between friends did not take place, since on that day a royal decree was issued banning such battles between musketeers. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers soon became friends and forgot their former quarrels.

At this time in royal palace, one of the friends of Cardinal Richelieu arranged an intrigue against the queen herself. The Musketeers found out about this, and went to Paris to defend the honor of the queen.

The musketeers managed to overcome all the obstacles that the cardinal and Milady placed on their way to Paris, and exposed the intrigue against the queen.

However, the brave struggle of the Musketeers did not end there. Faithful friends many times lagged behind the honor of French women, which was encroached upon by the British, and even managed to defend their kingdom from invaders without outside help. However, the evil Milady and the cardinal also continued to intrigue the musketeers.

Milady found D'Artagnan's beloved in the monastery - beautiful girl Constance and poisoned her. D'Artagnan decided to punish Milady: having convicted her of all the atrocities against the French crown, he handed over the villainess to the authorities.

Cardinal Richelieu, afraid that he might suffer the fate of Milady, decided to make peace with the musketeers. He apologized for his actions and presented them with high ranks in the army of musketeers.

The laws of honor by which the heroes of Dumas live

Honor is a set of moral qualities that at all times commanded respect. What does it mean to live according to the laws of honor? First of all, it means to be noble, courageous, fair, reliable, honest and able to defend the interests of weaker people.

This is how we see the heroes of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". Musketeer friends help each other, together they go towards their goal. Risking their lives, at the first call they go to defend the life and honor of other people.

Musketeers help each other fight obstacles. Reading the novel by A. Dumas, we admire the dedication and devotion of the main characters.

Not only musketeers, but also we must live according to the laws of honor. Nobility, courage, loyalty to friendship are the qualities that each of us must learn from the valiant musketeers.

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Award fanfiction "Reflections on the topic of Vysotsky's laws of honor"

Shamsutdinov Mark, portoble


“Honor is a moral quality worthy of respect.
To live according to the laws of honor means, first of all,
follow your moral standards, be conscientious, noble,
courageous, honest, reliable. It means to have dignity."

Vysotsky Vladimir Semyonovich - poet, Soviet actor and songwriter, author of prose works. These are just dry words of the biography of this great man, who, despite all his shortcomings and mistakes, always went forward. This skill, or rather, the desire, which goes along with the goal of life knowledge, gives Vladimir Semenovich an unusual ability to read not only human souls, which is not rare, but also the realization with his thought that he, in fact, can read, or rather retell, and, last but not least, correct your heart and mind. Vysotsky looks ahead, "without looking back at the policeman around the corner", but he does not forget about the past, thereby not stepping on the rake that always lies under the feet of any person, preventing him from moving forward, blocking the path, making it impossible to strive for something.
Consider Honor as a general understanding - this is the bar, or if you like, the level below which a person not only did not want, but could not go down without violating his moral principles, it follows that Honor is the observance of moral principles, which a person does not impose on himself, then at least forces himself to follow them, it is this character trait that distinguishes a Man from a man.
What is life - everyone will answer this question in different ways. But in any case, this is nothing but the sequence of all stages of development, both moral and physical. Vysotsky considered life - as something that is not worth clinging to - not loving, empty without barriers, unnecessary without loss; but what needs to be carefully preserved is by no means for oneself, but for the one who loves and appreciates you, even if it is a hundredth part of love for oneself.
It was the awareness of the need for loved ones in him that helped him to fly over all the obstacles, except for one ... And this barrier, so easily and hard thrown away, was for him hard days something like a relieving and soothing substance that gives hope ... But Vladimir Semenovich did not see, or did not want to see in him that mortally cutting, piercing and splitting.
Vysotsky is a strong-weak person. Let it be contradictory, but extremely honest. This person is all so outwardly strong, courageous - but this is only the way he wants it, i.e. how he wants to look, in fact, Vysotsky is not exactly a child, but at least a teenager. Everything in his behavior contradicts other people, if necessary, I will do the opposite, because I want to ... But an important factor is applied to this quality - experience that changes this quality beyond recognition, and suggests that it is worth doing this and it will turn out it is... When these two qualities are combined into one whole, a person becomes unique, as experience is enriched.

So what is Vysotsky's honor? What did he want to say with his "Mountains for Friends"? Why should he, the same common man how do you and I hint at difficult life situations that have passed by him?
Why did he need all this?
Even those closest to Vysotsky cannot answer these and many other questions. Although these questions can be answered simply, in a nutshell: "egoist, social activist". How can this fit in one person? Everything is very simple - he did not write for people, but to understand himself, but why, if he himself found out, did not lead the people to the same idea? It seems to me that this thought went with Vysotsky through life and did not give him rest. This idea, a story about life, through indirect evidence and examples, was invigorating for Vladimir Semenovich, because in the songs he found answers to his life questions.
For every life situation, it seems to me, one can find an explanation in the songs of Vysotsky, because each of them can be interpreted in different ways, but with the same consequence, because after these songs, doing what is so condemned, analyzed, and accurate conclusions are put forward is simply impossible!

In all his songs, Vysotsky, like a mosaic, lays out in small particles the doctrine of honor and dignity. All his songs are filled with metaphors and comparisons, they can be parsed indefinitely. But I want to analyze one - "The Song of a Friend".

Consider the first verse - Friend, it can only suddenly turn out to be "so." If you can’t find out what he is “Good or bad”, then you need to go to the mountains - this non-unique metaphor of “life”, “life path”, as it were, emerges in a new light, and each has its own explanation. But not everyone is ready to take risks, to let a complete stranger into their lives, “at a distance of one bunch”, - here it is, one of the provisions about the hero Vysotsky - 1 law of honor - “Believe without looking back, for the sake of understanding.”

Vysotsky seems to be reluctantly waking up the lines of the second verse in his hands, emphasizing especially the unwillingness to deal with such people. But, despite this, the verse is filled with such meaning that one can argue which of the verses carries the "abyss of meaning." This verse reflects the clearness of the fact that one who lives according to the laws of honor cannot himself be the same as indicated in this verse. It is like a rule that can be taken as the law of honor, but the rule is built from the opposite, as mathematicians say, in other words, the antithesis of the text.
"You have to be brave yourself"
“You yourself must understand that words are useless when betrayal is obvious”
And finally, "You, and only You, must be aware of how low this is."

In this verse there is a fuzzy opposition with additions to the previous one. These additions are like variants of situations that have a place to be "Let him be gloomy and angry." And this word “let” seems to give hope for salvation, from one’s own thoughts that evil-looking is evil-creating. That even he, gloomy, certainly taciturn, can be a savior, only one thing is important - absolutely any person can be this gloomy person, even not at all like him. Much attention should be paid to the fact that life for you, as well as for everyone, is like a battle, but such a battle in which allies must be found.
“A drunken man stood at the top” - you can read how in relation to a person - a drunken person, because this is how Vysotsky himself can be described. But the main thing is that even when he is drunk he will stand against his enemies, his thoughts, in which he doubts someone, and that he says what he thinks.
Also, it can be deciphered as on the “Top of the intoxicated”, that is, resisting the temptation to drink alcohol, drugs, etc., in other words, overdoing yourself. This is exactly what Vysotsky tried to achieve - but he could not ... So, what are the laws of honor dictated to us by this couplet:

So we can summarize:
Vysotsky is a "martyr and saint" who has an unshakable gift of opening the closed by unambiguous allusions to the far ambiguous "meaning of being". He does not live according to the generally accepted laws put forward by people, taking into account only his own benefit, but according to his own laws, carefully considered. Is it possible to call Vysotsky - "Living according to the laws of honor" - yes and no. Since this concept can be "stretched" across the expanses of one's imagination and mind, moreover, two identical interpretations cannot be found. What are the laws of his honor? Not at all what I described above (conclusions from the verses), but what every person thinks when listening to his songs. But I do not refuse my words, and for me these words are not an exclusive meaning, but a variation of it. A person receives an exceptional and absolutely true meaning for himself only when listening, and not even when reading, songs-ballads-teachings of this, it’s not enough to say a teacher, a guru who is subject to open to us for understanding and conclusions what was lost, or simply closed from prying eyes. This is a bold challenge to the prejudices of that time, it is a challenge to one's state of life, it is a challenge to the situations of life, it is a challenge to oneself. Which the

So what is considered "life according to the laws of honor"?
This is nothing else than life, based on its additions to the indestructible foundations-truths, albeit thoroughly worn out and forgotten, but still firmly holding our life.

William Somerset Maugham- "The burden of human passions." “Live the way you want. But, with due regard for the policeman around the corner. - the words taken by the main hero Philip for the motto of life.

. “Abyss of meaning” is a personal expression that has the meaning of saturating the semantic load of the passage.

Scientists have proven that a drunk person is the exact opposite of the same sober person. Whence it follows that the proverb “What is on the sober mind, the drunk on the tongue” is justified.

Zinoviev Nikolai Mikhailovich book.

Vysotsky's Laws of Honor (in my opinion):
"Believe without looking back, for the sake of understanding"

"You have to be decisive yourself"

"You have to be brave yourself"
“You yourself should not feel fear”
“You yourself must understand that words are useless,

when there is betrayal
“You, and only You, must be aware of how low this is.”

“No matter how a person looks, he can turn out to be a savior” and as a result, “he can also turn out to be a scoundrel.”
“Life is a battle, but do not forget that enemies can become allies” and, accordingly, vice versa.
"Any weakness can be fatal"
“A moment of weakness is reflected in a life misfortune.”

Topic: How to help a child express his thoughts in a literary way and write essays?

Theme Options

Obviously, we are talking about essays in the Russian language. It is strange that the teacher does not teach (sorry for the repetition) how to write them. The plan is a plan, but you still need to give some ideas about the genres of compositions.
Roughly speaking, at the initial stage of learning, we can talk about three genres: narration, description, reasoning. well, plus a narrative with elements of description, reasoning with elements of narrative, and you are. The teacher should teach children, as part of the lessons on the development of speech, how each of the genres is built.
The above given themes are very correct. There are topics for essays in all genres.

"My best friend”,“ What I see outside the window ”- these will be essays-descriptions
“What I like about this movie” is narrative with elements of reasoning.
“My favorite color and why”, “Why dogs don’t like cats” - essay-reasoning
“Favorite dish”, “My best friend” - a description with elements of reasoning (why is it favorite, why is it the best).

Each genre is built according to its own laws. Reasoning is always the answer to the question “why, why?”. As in the theorem. Given - prove - proof - conclusion.
Description - the answer to the question "what" (well, approximately). And there must be definitions in large numbers, which will show the size, color, and everything else that helps to describe the object or landscape. Describing a picture, say, a child will systematically tell what he sees in the foreground, in the background, what colors, etc.
The narrative requires the presence of some kind of time frame - this is a listing of some actions, events in the order they follow one after another.

Before writing this or that essay, you must first decide in what genre it should be written. This is always easy to read from the topic (at least in grade 5). In the examples given, this is immediately evident.

Plus, of course, it would be nice to add some of your own emotions to any genre of writing at the end: write why you like or dislike the described picture, etc.

It's so short
In principle, I think that in the internet you can find up to a fig of benefits on the above problem if you wish.
But if the question worries you so much, you can also approach the teacher and politely “ask through the slot of the tank” what and how.

PS: all of the above has little to do with writings on literature. It's about only about essays in Russian within the framework of hours on the development of speech.

Live by the laws of honor- means not to change your convictions, to defend your honor and the honor of your friends, relatives, to be a faithful and devoted friend, not to betray your faith, to fight in life's difficulties and not to give up

Live by the laws of honor and characters from Jules Verne's Children of Captain Grant. the brave Lord Edward Glenarvan, Lady Helene Glenarvan, Paganel Jacques-Eliasin-Francois-Marie, Major McNabbs, John Mangles, Ayrton, Talcave, Mary Grant, Robert Grant and Captain Grant.

In extreme situations, these heroes reveal their qualities: loyalty, devotion and courage. When the travelers were surrounded by caimans, “Mulready broke off a branch that was burning from the end and grabbed the predator with it so that he broke his back. The caiman fell into the water and, striking it with terrible force with his tail, disappeared in a turbulent stream. And Glenervan goes for Captain Grant, a man who is completely unknown to him.

This is how the main characters of the novel live Alexandre Dumas "Three Musketeers": brave and smart d "Artagnan, honest and noble Athos, friendly and inquisitive Porthos and cunning Aramis. This novel was written in the 18th century.

According to my Christian beliefs, Musketeers are doing the wrong thing. D "Artagnan and his friends kill innocent people all the way. But I admire their devotion to their king, loyalty to their convictions, their homeland. I agree with Natalya Dolinina that "musketeers do not always act the way we would wanted", but "d" Artagnan is good first of all because he is convinced that a person must live with the concept of "no".

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