Calculation of additional pensions for working military pensioners. Civil pension for military pensioners. Basic accrual rules

The military has the opportunity to retire before reaching the statutory retirement age, therefore, they receive a payment for seniority or disability. But even under such conditions, many citizens prefer to continue to serve in various structures, engage in entrepreneurship or work in a commercial or industrial field. Therefore, citizens participate in the OPS system, which must be confirmed by registration in a special system that specializes in personalized accounting. They are assigned a specific number, according to which all changes related to the pension rights of citizens are made. Upon reaching the age of 60, they are assigned a second pension for military pensioners.

When payment is due

Important! To complete it, it is necessary to collect certain documentation, which, together with an application drawn up in writing, is sent to the Pension Fund, and the department located at the applicant's place of residence is selected for this.

The payment is assigned practically according to the same principles and conditions as the standard insurance pension. But its accrual has some nuances, and the serviceman independently determines in the application which method of receiving money will be used. To others important points payment includes:

  • until the age of 60, citizens must continue to work officially, and you can not only get a job in any company, but even independently engage in entrepreneurship;
  • the second payment is transferred simultaneously with the standard pension previously issued through the military institution where the citizen served;
  • employment must be official, therefore, it is necessary to transfer insurance premiums to the appropriate fund;
  • according to Federal Law No. 400, military personnel must register with the OPS, since all payments are fixed on a personalized account.

The certificate that confirms registration is SNILS, which is available to every officially working citizen. The document is presented with a special green laminated card. It can be obtained by personally contacting an employee of the PF department or with the help of the MFC. You can also fill out an appropriate application when applying for a job, after which the employees of the organization will independently request a document.

What requirements must be met

The second pension for military personnel after 60 years of age is assigned only if specific conditions are met. This includes:

Requirement Its features
Age The age of the military must reach a certain value, and for men it is 60 years old, and for women 55
Experience A certain length of service is required as a minimum, which increases every year, and by 2024 its size will reach 15 years
Coefficient Size Factors that are unique to each working person should also be in the minimum number, and they increase every year, so by 2025 they will be equal to 30
Other requirements It is required to confirm that the serviceman is already receiving a pension, therefore he claims a second payment

Important! In certain situations, requirements related to age or seniority may be reduced, since if citizens work under difficult or dangerous conditions, then their experience is accrued according to a special scheme.

The beneficiaries include pensioners who have been subjected to any man-made impact during the service, as well as those who have been injured in the service, therefore they have issued a specific disability group. They can count on a second pension until the age of 60.

How the payout is calculated

The procedure for calculating the second pension for military pensioners at the age of 60 is considered simple and understandable, therefore, each person applying for this payment can independently determine its size. The calculation rules are contained in Federal Law No. 400, and the formula used for this process is indicated here:

The amount of the pension = the number of individual points accrued for the time of work * the value of 1 point, determined on the day when the payment is established.

Due to this formula, each military pensioner has the opportunity to independently engage in calculations. From it it is clear that the size of the additional payment depends entirely on the number of points accumulated earlier during the work. The number of such points depends on factors:

  • length of service;
  • the amount of the salary, which should be official.

Important! The above formula is suitable for the military, who began working in 2015, and for people who started working earlier, the conversion of pension rights that citizens have into the corresponding points is applied.

The second pension for military pensioners and its calculation suggest that there is no minimum fixed payment, therefore it is calculated solely taking into account the length of service and salary of a citizen. During the calculation, certain periods are certainly excluded from the length of service, which include:

  • the period of service that was conducted before the appointment of disability payments;
  • service or work for those periods that were taken into account when calculating the pension for years of service.

Thus, the amount of this payment will not be too large, since a short period of service is taken into account. It follows from this that the number of points will be low.

Calculation example

For example, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs finished work in 2007, and then was employed in a commercial company on the basis of a standard contract. In 2016, he turns 60 years old, so he can receive a standard pension, assigned upon reaching this age. Next, you need to determine the number of points. Since 2007, a citizen has worked for 9 years, and for 2016 the minimum figure is 7 years.

The average earnings for this period are equal to 28 thousand rubles, and in the Pension Fund it was transferred for 9 years: 483840 rubles.

The average annual contributions to the PF are: 483840/9= 53760 rubles. In 2016, the maximum base from which contributions are calculated is 796 thousand rubles, of which contributions are 127,360 rubles, so the number of points for the year is: (53760/127360) * 10 \u003d 4.22.

For 9 years, the number of points is: 4.22*9=37.98

The cost of 1 point in 2016 is 74.72 rubles, so the amount of the pension is calculated: 74.72 * 37.98 = 2838 rubles.

Important! The above example is conditional, since some data may differ significantly in different regions, therefore, it is necessary to clarify the correct amount of the pension from the employees of the PF department located at the citizen's place of residence.

Some regions apply additional coefficients that increase the insurance pension, and they are used for people who served on the draft or who have dependents. Other unique characteristics of each applicant are also taken into account.

When can I apply for a second pension?

make out this payment can be done at any time when there is a right to receive it. To do this, all conditions must be met, and in 2017 they include:

  • reaching a specific age when people can retire;
  • insurance experience, which should be at least 8 years;
  • points cannot be less than 11.4;
  • you need documents that confirm the transfer of payments for military service.

How to get a second pension for military pensioners upon reaching the age of 60? To do this, you need to prepare some documentation and correctly draw up an application. Federal Law No. 400 states that a payment is assigned from the day a citizen applied for it. It is allowed to submit documents until the moment when the right to receive a pension appears.

Where to apply for payment

The second pension is assigned to military pensioners of the Pension Fund. Moreover, you can choose a branch according to different criteria:

  • at the place of registration of a citizen;
  • at the place of his stay, but the absence of a place to live on a permanent basis must be confirmed by documents;
  • at the place of residence.

Even if a person has the right to this payment, it will not be assigned to him until such time as he independently draws up and submits the corresponding application and other documents to the Pension Fund. The application, together with other documents, can be submitted to the PF department different ways:

  • personally, why you need to visit the department of the institution;
  • using the help of the principal, but for this a power of attorney is drawn up and notarized;
  • with the help of the personnel service at the place of work;
  • sending documentation to the PF by mail;
  • contacting the MFC, and this organization is an intermediary;
  • submission of documents via the Internet, for which you can use the State Services portal, but for this you need to register and log in to the system in advance.

Thus, if a military pensioner does not independently process this payment, then it will not be transferred to him. Payment is assigned only in a declarative manner.

What documents are being prepared

To process the payment, it is important to figure out what documents are needed for the second pension for military pensioners. For this, a complete set of documentation is being prepared. This includes:

  • citizen's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • documentation confirming that the person is receiving a military pension;
  • employment history;
  • a certificate containing information about the length of service that is not indicated in the work book;
  • certificate, which must be obtained at the place of work for 60 months;
  • data on the presence of dependents represented by minors or children who are not yet 23 years old, and at the same time they are studying at a university on a full-time basis.

Other documents may be required, for example, when changing the name or having a disability, as well as, if possible, to use various benefits. If a representative applies for a pension, then he must have a passport and a power of attorney certified by a notary.

How funds are paid

In the process of applying for a second pension, you will need to draw up an application that indicates which method the payment will be transferred to. To do this, you can choose one of the options:

  • receiving funds at Russian Post offices;
  • using the services of postal workers who bring money directly to the recipient's home;
  • transfer of pension to a bank card;
  • execution of an agreement with a company specializing in the delivery of pensions, and PF employees can provide applicants with a complete list of such organizations.

If over time the chosen method becomes inconvenient, then it can be changed.

How is the second pension indexed?

This payment is indexed annually. government bodies, and for this the inflation rate is taken into account, which is prescribed in Art. 18 of the law "On insurance pensions". It is allowed to carry out the repeated procedure for increasing the payment in April.

In 2016, due to a significant crisis, indexation was set even below inflation, but this was a temporary solution. In 2017, the indexation was 5.4%, and additionally in April of this year, the pension was re-indexed by 0.38%. If a military pensioner continues to work, then the number of points awarded increases.

The second pension, intended for military pensioners, can only be received if certain conditions and requirements are met. It is calculated according to a simple and accessible formula, so the citizens themselves can use it. The pension is transferred only after the submission of the relevant application and other documentation to the Pension Fund. It is regularly indexed and depends on the accrued points. Funds can be transferred in different ways, so the specific method is chosen by the applicant himself in the process of preparing the application.

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It should also be borne in mind that the procedure for calculating the second payment to military pensioners involves the exclusion of the following periods:

  • service, work and other periods of labor activity taken into account when determining the size military pension for years of service;
  • service that took place prior to the appointment of the disability payment.

Indexation of insurance pension provision

The second pension for the military, as well as assigned to ordinary citizens, is subject to the state. The amount of the increase is set in the amount of the inflation rate of the previous year in accordance with clause 10, art. 18 law "About insurance pensions".

In 2019, insurance payments were indexed by 7.05% - this increase exceeds the inflation of the previous year. In addition, the indexing itself has been moved from February 1st to January 1st. The cost of IPC is currently 87.24 rubles.

A further increase in the second pension for military personnel () may occur in August of this year and it will be associated with an increase for those pensioners who worked last year. The deadline for such a recalculation is August 1. But do not forget that the maximum increase in this case will be limited to three points expressed in monetary terms.

When should I apply for a civil pension?

You can apply for military pensioners Anytime without any time limit, but not before the emergence of the right on her.

It should be remembered that the right to a second payment arises if all the conditions necessary for the appointment of an insurance pension are met. In 2019 the general requirements are as follows:

  • reaching the age of 60.5 years for men and 55.5 years for women;
  • the minimum insurance period not taken into account when assigning a military pension must be 10 years;
  • the minimum sum of individual scores must be equal to 16.2;
  • the fact of assigning a pension through law enforcement agencies.

The general procedure for applying for an insurance pension, applicable in this case, involves a written application for the purpose of payment.

According to paragraph 1, Art. 22 FZ No. 400 "About insurance pensions" civil payment appointed from the date of application for it provided that the right has arisen by that time.

In order not to miss the appointment of a second pension, documents can be submitted even earlier than the date of the appearance of the right to it, but no more than a month before the onset of sixty years.

Where to apply for a civil pension?

The civil pension should to the territorial administration pension fund RF:

  • at the place of registration;
  • at the place of stay (in the absence of a place of residence confirmed by registration);
  • at the place of actual residence (in the absence of a registered place of residence and place of stay on the territory of our country).

The application for a second pension provision is strictly declarative in nature, that is, it must be made in the form of a written notification.

You can apply in several ways:

  • independently or through a legal representative to the client service of the district department of the PFR;
  • through the personnel department of your employer;
  • sending the necessary documents by mail;
  • personally or through a representative by contacting the specialists of the MFC.

Moreover, in recent years, the popularity of new way submission of documents electronic. This can be done using such a system on the Internet as the Unified Portal of Public Services. This will require pre-registration in the system, but in the future the ability to use the portal will save time and effort.

What documents are needed to apply for a second pension to a military pensioner

For a written application for the appointment of a second pension, a military pensioner will need to prepare. The general requirements for them practically do not differ from the rules for filing the necessary papers for an ordinary citizen.

To binding documents when assigning a second payment include the following:

  1. passport (or other registration document);
  2. insurance certificate (SNILS);
  3. a document confirming the fact of the appointment of a military pension;
  4. employment history;
  5. certificates of the length of service not recorded in the work book before the date of registration in (from the employer, and in case of its liquidation from the archive);
  6. certificate of salary for 60 consecutive months of work (if there were periods of work before 2002);
  7. information on the presence of dependents (children under 18, and in the case of their full-time studies, this age is extended to 23 years).

In addition, due to certain circumstances, military pensioners may also need to additional documents, For example:

  1. documents on the change of surname (or other personal data);
  2. data on the presence of disability (extract from the conclusion of the expert commission indicating the validity period);
  3. preferential-clarifying certificates, indicating the special nature of the work, in the presence of preferential service;
  4. documents confirming the identity of the legal representative, if the application is submitted through him.

The procedure for receiving a second pension payment to military personnel upon reaching 60 years of age

Delivery second accrued pension payment military personnel is carried out according to general rules for the current month. A military pensioner chooses the method of receiving a pension independently when submitting a written application for appointment.

Among the following are:

  • Russian post (at the box office of the institution itself or at home);
  • bank (at the cash desk of one of the bank branches or making a payment to a bank card)
  • an organization involved in the delivery of a pension (a complete list of such institutions is kept by the PFR specialists and is presented to a military pensioner when choosing this method; here you can also issue a payment at the organization’s cash desk or at home).

It should be remembered that once chosen way to get insurance coverage you can always change in case of inconvenience after the expiration of time. To do this, the serviceman will need to re-apply to the district office of the PFR at the location of his payment file and submit applications for changing the delivery method.

The pension is accrued to military personnel and civilians upon reaching a certain age. Its size depends on the length of service, the amount of accruals, position. But there is a mixed military pension and a civil pension, which has features of accrual.

The entire amount of accruals for the military, which includes military and seniority, is called a mixed type pension. This option social payments is paid to military personnel when they reach the age of leaving the service - military experience of less than 20 years.

Pension, like any other income, can have a different amount. Some citizens are entitled to additional allowances for length of service, for specific merits. This income is regularly indexed, which increases its size to the required level.

Who is considered a soldier?

According to the law, military personnel include citizens who serve and work in parts of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the FSB. This list includes employees of foreign intelligence, bodies of the penitentiary system and other paramilitary units of the country. The term "serviceman" is deciphered in Federal Law No. 76.

The pension is not based on age. Experience must be 20 years. His calculation has a special order. When participating in hostilities, 1 year is equal to 3. Three years in special conditions are calculated as 4. Reason early exit retirement may be an injury due to which health has deteriorated. In the event of the death or death of a military man, his widow receives the right to a pension. Military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to retire at the age of 45. To establish pension provision mixed experience may be considered.

Payout difference

Military pension and civilian pension are different. Payments for military personnel are determined by the amount of salary and length of service. The differences will be as follows:

  1. Military personnel have at least 20 years of experience, while civilians must have at least 15 years of experience.
  2. When determining payments to military personnel, pension coefficients are not taken into account.
  3. Compared to civilians, military personnel can apply for payments even at the age of 40 if they have at least 20 years of service.

Power of attorney

Different payment delivery options allow you to choose the most convenient way. But there are times when, due to life circumstances, it is not possible to withdraw funds on your own. Then another person can do it by proxy. This is a notarized document provided by a pensioner to another person. The power of attorney is issued for a fee at the notary. But a free option is also possible, and then the document will be similar to a normally certified one.

Since 2013, the power of attorney has been certified free of charge by the organization where the pensioner studies or works. This is also carried out in the institution where the treatment takes place. If the document does not indicate the validity period, this means that it is valid for 1 year (Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The Trustee can receive a pension during this period. If a period is specified more than a year, then the payment occurs throughout the entire period of validity of the power of attorney.

Change of residence

When you change your place of residence, payment will be made at the new place. Then the pensioner should notify the FIU about this with the help of an application. Documentation will be transferred to another territorial office.

It is also necessary to fulfill a request for a payment case due to a move when receiving funds through a card. This is due to the fact that it contains all the necessary information that will be useful to the FIU at a new place of residence, for example, for recalculation purposes. With a timely notification, the pension will be credited to the account on time.

In the previous article, we provided information on the conditions for the retirement of military personnel based on length of service and disability, as well as on mixed length of service. Servicemen become pensioners at working age, so they either continue to serve in military units and other bodies, or retire and work in civilian specialties. Until the age of 60 for men and 55 for women, they acquire a general insurance period, which entitles them to receive a second old-age pension. Unlike a military pension, it is provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Who is entitled to a second pension

It is very important for a military pensioner, having retired and engaged in IPD or having taken a job at an enterprise of any type of property, to register in the system of compulsory pension insurance. An individual card of a personal insurance account will become the main document when applying to the PF department for calculating a pension.

To assign a second pension to military pensioners, the following conditions must be met:

  • The presence of a basic pension for seniority, disability or a military pension of a mixed type.
  • Reaching the age of 60 for men and 55 for women.
  • Important! If insurance premiums were paid while working at enterprises where preferential, earlier retirement is provided, then the age of military pensioners is also reduced accordingly.
  • Availability of civil service after retirement. In 2019, it will be 9 years and further increased by 1 year until it reaches 15 years.
  • Availability of the required amount of individual points. In 2019, the minimum amount is 13.8 bp.

Important! If a pensioner has not accumulated the required amount of points by reaching the general retirement age, he is not entitled to a second pension.

The number of pension points depends on the accrued and paid insurance contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system and the length of the insurance (work) experience.
For each year of labor activity of a citizen, subject to the accrual by employers or by him personally of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, he forms pension rights in the form of retirement points.
The website of the Pension Fund has a points calculator according to which for a year with a salary 15 000 rubles per month you will receive 2,74 points, and with SP 70 000 - you will get maximum 8,26 points.
You can find out the number of points you have accumulated in your personal account

How is the second pension calculated?

Calculate the amount of the second pension, knowing the number of accumulated points and the value of one point (on the day the pension is awarded).
RP (pension amount) = CIB (number of points) x SB (cost of one point).
In 2019, it will be equal to 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

How many points can you earn in 2018?

Enter the amount of the monthly
noy salary before deduction of personal income tax:

Mistake! Enter a salary higher than the minimum wage in Russian Federation in 2018 - 9,489 rubles.

Calculation results

Number of pension points
per year: 7.83

You can find out about the number of accumulated individual points when you personally contact the Pension Fund, in your personal account on the website of the district branch of the Pension Fund, on the website of the city hotel of public services. Also, at the same time, information about the exact insurance period and the amount of savings will be provided.
Subject to the emergence of the right, a civil pension will be provided from the date of the initial application.
Important! The amount of the military pension does not affect the calculation and the amount of the second pension.

Example: if you worked "in civilian life" for 10 years and received 30,000 rubles of salary all this time, then you will have 3.53 * 10 = 35.3 bonuses and, accordingly, 35.3 * 81.49 = 2876 R.

What documents need to be submitted to the PF

Citizens' applications for the appointment of a civil pension are considered if the following documents are available.

The appointment of pensions for the military is carried out in a special manner and is regulated by separate regulations. However, military personnel are not always associated with the army or other power structures all their lives. After retirement, a military pensioner often continues to work as a "citizen" and, accordingly, is included in the pension insurance system. In this case, he may be entitled to a second pension. Consider who, under what conditions, can be assigned a civil pension for military pensioners after 60 years.

Legal basis and conditions for assigning a second pension to the military

The procedure for assigning pensions “on a general basis” is determined by the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”. A military pensioner who wants to receive a second pension is also subject to the requirements of this regulatory act. The conditions for the appointment of a pension payment will be as follows:

  1. Reaching the legal age. Today it is 60 years for men and 55 years for women (clause 1, article 8 of Law No. 400-FZ). For certain categories of citizens, this age may be reduced (Articles 30,31,32 of Law No. 400-FZ). Primarily we are talking about those who worked in special conditions (harmful or dangerous, in the navy, in aviation, in areas Far North etc.). Mothers with many children and the disabled also have the right to early retirement.
  2. Availability insurance experience duration not less than the established minimum. The length of service required depends on the year in which the pension is awarded. For 2018, the minimum is 9 years. In the future, this indicator will increase by 1 year annually until reaching 15 years in 2024. (Appendix 3 to Law No. 400-FZ). In this case, only the “civilian” insurance period is taken into account, which does not include the period military service for which the pension has already been assigned.
  3. It is necessary to have an individual pension coefficient in points not lower than the established minimum for the year of retirement. In 2018, this is 13.8 points. The minimum value of the coefficient will increase annually by 2.4 points until it reaches 30 points by 2025 (clause 3, article 35 of Law No. 400-FZ).

Read also With an experience of 37 years, any woman can apply for a pension 2 years earlier: the media is silent about this

The procedure for calculating the pension

Additional pension for military pensioners after 60 years is calculated in accordance with Art. 15 of Law No. 400-FZ. The formula for calculation is as follows:

P \u003d IPC x C,

Where IPC is an individual pension coefficient (in points), determined on the basis of seniority and insurance premiums transferred by employers;

C - the cost of one point on the day of the appointment of a pension; This value is regularly indexed for 2018. is 81.49 rubles. (Article 5 of the Law of December 28, 2017 N 420-FZ).

It should be noted that military pensioners do not receive a fixed payment for an insurance pension (clause 1, article 16 of Law No. 400-FZ). Those. their "civilian" pension depends entirely on the length of service and wages.

The procedure for assigning an insurance pension for military personnel

A military pensioner can apply for a second pension at any time after becoming eligible. If by the age of retirement (60 years or less for preferential categories) the required minimum of experience and points has already been gained, then you can apply for a pension immediately after your birthday. Otherwise, a pensioner who wishes to receive two pensions must continue labor activity and after this age until the desired parameters are reached.

List of main required documents includes:

  1. Passport (or other identity document).
  2. Pension insurance certificate (SNILS).
  3. Labor book.
  4. A document confirming the appointment of a military pension.
  5. If there is an unaccounted for experience in the work book - confirming certificates from employers or from the archive.
  6. If the length of service includes periods of work before 2002, then you need to provide a salary certificate for 60 consecutive months.

Also, if necessary, the following documents may be required:

  1. Information about dependents (children under 18 years old, if children are full-time students - up to 24 years old).
  2. Certificates confirming the length of service, which gives the right to a preferential procedure for assigning a pension.
  3. Documents reflecting the change of personal data.
  4. Documents confirming disability.
  5. When applying through a representative - documents confirming his identity and the right to act on behalf of the applicant.