Wet wipes for intimate hygiene: composition, features of choice

Virtually every modern woman In the purse are napkins for intimate hygiene. They are very convenient to use, in addition, they are indispensable during trips, hikes and wherever there is no possibility to use running water. But many are interested in the question of whether such wipes are harmful, whether they can be used constantly, and whether there are any contraindications for this. Let us tell you in more detail what these napkins are made of, how they are impregnated, and whether this composition is dangerous for women's health.

What are napkins made of?

For the first time wet wipes began to be produced in the 70s of the last century. Then they were made from cellulose and impregnated with various compounds. Such napkins were very similar to ordinary paper ones, they were easily torn and dried quickly after being removed from the package.

Over time, manufacturers began to use to create napkins synthetic materials(spunbond) and combined - synthetics with natural fibers (spunlace). Now all napkins are made from them, so they have become much stronger and more convenient to use.

As an impregnation for sanitary napkins, the following substances can be used:

  • Water. It is she who should be the basis of the lotion, which is impregnated with napkins for intimate hygiene.
  • Various extracts (for example, chamomile extract, calendula, aloe, etc.). Each of them has a different effect: disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, softening.
  • D-panthenol. Has a regenerating effect.
  • Perfumes. They are added so that the lotion has a pleasant smell.
  • Parabens. They play the role of preservatives, they have no taste and smell, they do not irritate the skin, but at the same time they do not allow other products included in the lotion to deteriorate.
  • propylene glycol. This is a moisturizer that is included in almost all lotions for impregnating wet wipes. It is non-toxic, has a plant origin, softens the skin, moisturizes it.

All wipes have different impregnation compositions. Manufacturers create them individually and keep the recipes secret. For each type of wipes (for hands, for the face, for children, for intimate hygiene), the compositions differ significantly.

What should not be in intimate hygiene wipes?

There are several products that definitely should not be in the composition of intimate hygiene wipes:

  • Alcohol. If the packaging indicates that the wipes contain alcohol, they cannot be used for intimate hygiene. Alcohol dries the skin and burns the mucous membranes. Therefore, it should not be in the composition of intimate hygiene products!
  • PEG-40. It's hydrogenated Castor oil, it is very often found in wipes for hands, for the face, but it cannot be used for intimate hygiene, because in such sensitive places this substance can cause irritation and allergic reactions.
  • Monopropylene glycol. It is a household solvent of organic origin, commonly used in household chemicals, and for the skin this substance is harmful. They are impregnated with wipes for cleaning, for example, glass or furniture.

It is better to check a new brand of wipes by wiping your hands with one of them - if there are no reactions, you can use these wipes for your intimate hygiene.

Side effects of using wipes

There are actually not many side effects. In most cases, they are complained about by people who thoughtlessly approached the choice of intimate hygiene products: they bought the cheapest napkins of an unknown brand, and not in a pharmacy, but in a nearby store, or even used them for other purposes. You can often hear that instead of special wipes for intimate places, women buy others: for hands, for face, for children. You should not do this, because the skin is different everywhere, and the composition of the impregnation in napkins is designed for their intended use.

Side effects when using these funds for an intimate hyena, they can be as follows:

  • Allergic reactions. The material itself, from which the base of the napkin is made, does not cause allergies, but the impregnation may well do this. We already wrote that the wipes contain both plant extracts and fragrances, and soapy ingredients are added to them to enhance the cleansing effect. All of these substances can cause a reaction if a person is allergic to them.
  • Irritation. You need to understand that a remedy has not yet been invented that would cleanse the skin better than running water. Even the best wipes do not completely remove dirt, and besides, after using them, chemicals remain on the skin, and as a result, irritation can occur.

Can you use it all the time?

Showering or simply washing with water cannot be replaced by the use of napkins. Despite the fact that doctors have nothing against these hygiene products, they all claim that only water is ideal for washing intimate places. Napkins can be carried in a purse and used when visiting public toilets, on trips, hiking and in other situations where it is not possible to wash with water. But at home, be sure to take a full shower - only then the use of napkins becomes completely safe.

You should not use such napkins after each visit to the toilet, it is preferable to use ordinary toilet paper, and let the napkins lie in your purse “for safety net”.

Too frequent use of intimate hygiene wipes can cause allergies.

When you use a napkin, the movements must be performed in the same way as with normal washing: from front to back.

The most common brands

There are a lot of brands of napkins now, let's consider a few of them, from different manufacturers.

  • "Ola". Like other modern napkins good quality, they do not contain alcohol and do not disturb the woman's pH level. They contain plant extracts, are available in various flavors - you can choose any to your taste. Their average price is 40 - 50 rubles.

  • "Lactacyd Femina". Very gentle wipes, have a pleasant unobtrusive aroma. They contain lactic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. There are 20 wipes in a pack big size which makes them convenient to use. Now the packaging of such napkins costs about 150 rubles.

  • "I am the". Contain chamomile extract, which eliminates skin irritation. Delicately care and soften delicate skin in intimate places. The packaging is convenient, small (it contains 15 napkins), the valve does not lose its properties after repeated use, it still closes hermetically. They cost from 20 to 35 rubles.

  • "Pupi". Widespread budget brand with good quality. The package contains 15 alcohol-free wipes. Moisturizes well, does not dry the skin, does not cause irritation. They cost from 20 to 35 rubles.

  • "care free". The package contains 20 wipes with aloe vera extract. Well suited for sensitive skin, the acidity is neutral - which means that after applying them, the woman will not feel discomfort. Depending on the type, the price of these napkins varies from 100 to 200 rubles.

Not so long ago, wet wipes were issued only on planes and trains, and they were intended for cleaning hands, and a little later, similar products were used for intimate hygiene, moreover, they are now even divided by gender. Although, universal wipes for intimate hygiene are in the greatest demand, which you can always buy on our website.

No need to abuse

This is true, because it is really not necessary to abuse the achievements of the modern cosmetic industry, because the appearance of such products does not at all cancel the daily hygiene procedures. But then what is their purpose? Everyone needs to buy wet intimate wipes, because they will certainly come in handy, but you need to use them occasionally, as needed. For example, when traveling, on a picnic in the forest, in the country, when visiting a public toilet, and also in some other situations when it is not possible to take a shower normally.

Composition features

For the manufacture of these products is used nonwoven fabric with low absorbency and breathability. In the role of impregnation, a special composition is used that does not contain alcohol and has antibacterial properties. The function of an antiseptic may well be taken over by an extract of some medicinal plant, for example, chamomile. Naturally, all products are moderately flavored, although there are products that are odorless, which definitely will not cause itching and irritation. By the way, the price of non-perfumed napkins is slightly higher than that of “fragrant” ones.

How to use?

During the “problem” period of the cycle (on critical days), it is not recommended to use such products, although if there is no other alternative, then intimate hygiene wipes may be the only way out of the situation, however, the cleanliness of hands will have to be monitored very carefully. In all cases, only the outer surface of the genital organs is wiped with a napkin, that is, the vaginal mucosa cannot be touched - its own microflora reigns there and it does not need any foreign substances contained in the impregnation. All movements with a napkin are made from the pubis to the anus - as when washing.


  1. Allows you to keep the genitals clean even when it is not possible to take a shower.
  2. The composition used for impregnation is endowed with an antibacterial effect, and the presence of certain components in it has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  3. Ease of use, which is clearly confirmed by numerous reviews.
  4. Nice texture and wide range of flavors.
  5. Deodorizing effect.

In the online store "AltaiMag" you can purchase these products at the best price, and in addition to napkins for intimate hygiene, our catalog has a unique heading of its kind - moistened toilet paper, which is also easy to use and has a number of positive characteristics.

Where to buy intimate hygiene wipes in Moscow price:

Prices for intimate hygiene wipes in Moscow range from 25 rubles. up to 64 rubles Product cards will help you choose the option that suits you, where there are detailed description, instructions for use, certificates, photos, videos and customer reviews.

AltaiMag is the official distributor of the leading Russian manufacturers beauty and health products!

Rest assured, you will receive a 100% quality product in Moscow with a guarantee and delivery.

To buy intimate hygiene wipes, take just a few steps: specify the quantity of the product and click on the "Add to cart" button or call

Wipe your hands, remove make-up, wipe dirt off your shoes, freshen up on the road - wet wipes will help out in all situations. They are needed in travel and in the care of young children.

What types of wet wipes exist and how to use them correctly - we will consider in the article.

Types of wet wipes

Wet wipes can be found in stores in three types:

  • package. The bowl is flow wraps. It is a stack of napkins of 10-60 pieces, in a film package. The pack is closed with a special sticker or plastic cover. The special composition allows you to retain moisture, and sealed stickers or lids prevent air from entering.
  • piece goods. You can find on sale piece disposable napkins. These are often offered to customers in fast food restaurants to rub their hands.
  • Plastic container. Ideal for use at home - caring for children, the sick, or traveling. Often these are large packages. Many manufacturers create original container design solutions.

At home and in public places, for convenience, you can use a special dispenser for dispensing wet wipes.

What are wet wipes made of?

Previously, napkins were made from cellulose fiber. However, they quickly dried out and broke. Over time, synthetic materials began to be used for the production of wet wipes - spunbond, spunlace and other types of non-woven fabric. Spicelace wipes contain synthetic and natural fibres. They are pleasant to the touch, better quality, but at the same time they are more expensive.

The wipes are 90% water or alcohol solution. The inscription "without alcohol" means the absence of ethyl alcohol in the composition, which dries the skin. Napkins may also include:

  • surfactants. Often included in household wipes. Remove dirt effectively.
  • glycerin and oils. Can be found in skin care wipes. Prevent the feeling of dryness.
  • fragrances. For giving napkins different aromas.

Using wet wipes

There are many types of wet wipes designed for use in different situations. They are convenient when there is no way to use water.

For hands and body

The most popular type of napkins. Helps remove impurities and refresh skin in the absence of soap and water. With the help of these wipes, you can once replace the procedure for washing hands or taking a shower during a trip.

For children and newborns

In the care of babies, wet wipes are indispensable, especially on a walk, in a clinic and other situations where it is not possible to bathe a child. With their help, you can put in order any parts of the baby's body. Many baby wipes contain caring ingredients that make the skin soft. Phyto wipes are suitable, which not only moisturize the skin, but also fight irritation, which can often occur on the baby's delicate skin.

For bedridden patients

Wet wipes can also be an aid to bedridden care when soap and water are not available. They are suitable for the care of delicate areas of the skin, as well as areas that are prone to the formation of bedsores. It is recommended to additionally use special caring foams and lotions.

For face

There are special wipes for facial care. They help remove make-up and also cleanse the skin, moisturizing and caring. They are suitable for all skin types. These wipes are recommended for rare occasions as they do not replace cleansers.

For intimate hygiene

Simply indispensable on trips and travels when it is not possible to take a shower. The choice of such napkins must be approached carefully. They should not contain ethyl alcohol, which causes dryness. It is desirable to have extracts of chamomile, aloe or whey. It is also better to choose fragrance-free sanitary napkins.

You can use intimate wipes up to several times a day, but only for a short period of time, and not on a regular basis. It is necessary to prevent contact of the napkin with mucosal areas.


Antibacterial wipes contain alcohol, sodium benzoate, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, and other active ingredients that help fight bacteria. Unfortunately, over time, bacteria develop resistance to antiseptics. Therefore not recommended regular use such wipes. In addition, the alcohol in the composition can dry the skin.

Without smell

The benefits of wet wipes without fragrances and fragrances are much higher. They are suitable for use by children and allergy sufferers. The risk of getting irritation from such wipes is much lower. In addition, for intimate hygiene, it is recommended to use odorless wipes.


They will help to temporarily replace the moisturizer. Suitable for use during the day. However, they do not completely replace the usual cosmetic cream, but only temporarily help fight dryness. They contain glycerin, hyaluronic acid, sugar and algae extracts and other ingredients that help control moisture levels.

Biodegradable wet wipes

Another handy tool is biodegradable wet wipes. Their main benefit is that they are environmentally friendly. These wipes can be a substitute for toilet paper. Unlike dry wipes and toilet paper, a wet wipe is more delicate and does not provoke the appearance of microcracks. Due to the fact that they dissolve, they can be flushed down the toilet.

Can wet wipes be used everyday?

Of course, wet wipes are sometimes indispensable. They are not only convenient to take with you, but also quick to use. There is no need to go to the sink - just wipe the skin and throw away the used product. However, doctors do not recommend replacing washing with wet wipes on a regular basis. Firstly, water and soap will remove any contamination much more thoroughly than a napkin. Secondly, alcohols, surfactants and other substances in the composition can cause dryness. Only use wipes when soap and water are not available.

Harm from using wet wipes

However, in addition to ease of use, wet wipes also have their drawbacks:

  • ethyl alcohol in wipes can cause dryness and tightness of the skin.
  • a large number of flavors, fragrances and other substances can cause irritation, an allergic reaction, especially on children's skin.
  • The inscription "antibacterial" does not guarantee 100% disposal of all germs.
  • synthetic fibers of most types of wipes do not decompose, which adversely affects environment. In addition, people often throw wipes down the drain, and this causes blockages.

Remember that wet wipes are convenient in some situations, but they are not a complete replacement for regular hygiene procedures.

- Clean and comfortable

Pros: all in review

Cons: none

Ordinary wipes - wet and dry, at least one pack can be seen in every girl's bag, it's convenient, practical and hygienic. How convenient all the same - he took out one napkin, rubbed his hands and went. And when near Small child, then without wet wipes it is difficult to imagine how to walk? How did our mothers used to walk with us? I don't know, it's hard for me to imagine! I'm more comfortable with napkins.

And let someone claim that there are some negative aspects of this product, but there are also pluses. Let's consider everything separately and decide - what is still more important - cleanliness and comfort or the danger of a particular product. I'll start with the danger. What danger can wet wipes pose and, using the example of sanitary napkins, for intimacy, yes, I would like to talk about them today. I started using them from the day I wanted to go to the toilet on the street, or rather in the market. I went into a decent-looking building, saw my letter - w - and headed for the entrance. A 65-year-old man was sitting there, he offered me to pay a certain amount for going to the toilet - a little, but still, and then he handed me a piece of toilet paper. I didn't take it because it's just unhygienic. He didn’t know what kind of hands - after which, in general, I couldn’t even think at that moment. Thank God, in my purse there were baby wipes of the child, they, excuse me, I had to dry myself. But it was still much better than wiping myself with paper from the hands of that uncle, that’s one hundred percent, it’s not known what kind of infection I could bring myself directly into the female reproductive system - it’s scary to think !!! So, since then, I always have in my bag not only baby wipes and dry wipes, but also mine - wipes for intimate hygiene.

What is the danger in this product? How could he be dangerous? women's health and is it even possible? I have never experienced anything like this personally, but I know a couple of girls who complained about the appearance of thrush and itching from the use of wet wipes. But when I asked what company they used. then none of them could really name the name of the company of those ill-fated wipes, so apparently they didn’t buy like me - I choose a product not only for intimate hygiene, but this applies to everything in the world, so I buy intimate wipes only in a pharmacy and from the Faberlic distributor. I don't know why, but I trust both - both the pharmacy and that company.
There have never been any unpleasant sensations, on the contrary - always clean and fresh, so don’t buy God knows what - but choose high-quality and good, and it’s not worth saving money on this, since the treatment of the same thrush will drag on a decent amount, and how much discomfort, pain and all that??? So my advice to you - there is no danger in proven manufacturers, do not buy nonsense, and that's it! Of course, there may be another thing - a person may have an individual intolerance, which can even cause an allergic reaction. But no one is immune from this, and therefore it is not so easy to talk about it.

Napkins for intimate hygiene allows any woman to clean the intimate area from pollution in the absence of water, this is a great find and idea, no one will argue here. The napkin is not saturated with alcohol, therefore it will not cause irritation and burns, on the contrary - in most cases it contains an antibacterial substance that not only cleans, but also moisturizes the skin - so this is the advantage of wet wipes.

I am for - napkins, and you? If you agree with me, then we think right and act right, that we do not save on our hygiene and, most importantly, on our health!

Video review

Wet wipes are banned in the States: they are dangerous and harmful EXPECTATION VS REALITY____ INTIMATE HYGIENE WIPES (Ira) Intimate THEMEHow to choose wet wipes

When choosing intimate hygiene products, it is important to consider:

  • Alkaline soap causes dryness, kills the microflora, violating the pH. It is recommended to use special products for intimate care: gels, soaps and foams, mousses.
  • Means should contain mild surfactants, for example: succinate, amphoacetate, alkyl polyglycosides, betaine. It is desirable to have lactic acid, or Lactic Acid. Phosphates are strictly prohibited.
  • Preference should be given to a bottle with a dispenser.
  • The composition does not contain fragrances, dyes, alcohols and antiseptics. The presence of glycerin, vitamins, extracts of medicinal herbs is desirable.
  • The expiration date must be correct.
  • Wipes for intimate care choose those that contain lactic acid and antibacterial additives. The product is needed when it is not possible to take a shower for a long time, and not regularly.
  • It is better to take panty liners without smell. They are not intended for permanent use.

Newborn hygiene includes rinsing after each visit to the toilet. With quality diapers, you can do this after each change. It is important to wash every time after a bowel movement and before going to bed. Any irrigation, vaginal showers, douching and other attempts to "clean up the inside" are prohibited. Do not rub with washcloths and sponges.

The girl and adult woman must have different towels. You should choose soft, well absorbent, use it only for intimate purposes.

A little girl needs the following hygiene products:

  • with a pH of about 5-6 or neutral. Bathing gels and mousses should only be used during the evening shower.
  • Sometimes you can use special wet wipes. The packaging should indicate that they are for intimate hygiene, without alcohol and antiseptics. Wipe should be from the pubis to the coccyx, only in one direction.
  • Gels, foams for intimate hygiene should be suitable age group child. Apply only once a day.
  • For infants up to a year, liquid soap without dyes is suitable.

Hygiene in adolescence includes the following important details:

  • It is undesirable to use gels and mousses constantly, a maximum of twice a day. Do not take with fragrances.
  • Gels and mousses do not exceed a neutral pH. Suitable liquid soap, without fragrances and dyes, for children up to a year.
  • Teenage girls should not use panty liners, linen change every day, even several times a day.
  • Particular attention should be paid to hygiene at the beginning of menstruation. Rinse the external genitalia every 2-3 hours, change the pads after 3-4 hours. Use tampons as needed.
  • Shower water should be directed from front to back.
  • wear underwear from artificial materials harmful, thongs should be avoided.

The best intimate hygiene products for women:

  • Cleansing. The most popular are: gel "Intimate" from Nivea (it does not contain alkaline soap and dyes, but there is lactic acid and chamomile extract), gel "Lactacyd"(contains lactic acid and serum), gel "Vagisil"(maintains natural pH, contains glycerin, lactic acid, chamomile and aloe extracts, relieves dryness, moisturizes and does not cause irritation); delicate foam "Pleyana" (the product does not provoke allergies, very delicate to the skin).
  • Antibacterial. You should not use it on an ongoing basis, only in special cases, for example, after sex, during critical days, in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, thrush. These include: foam "Epigen Intimate"(lactic and glycyrrhizic acids in the composition fight harmful bacteria), gel "Cleanic"(enriched with calendula extract, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic flora), gel "Green Pharmacy"(comprising tea tree, provitamin B5), gel "TianDe" (natural composition, pH - neutral), gel "NanoCare Intime"(antibacterial effect due to chlorhexidine in the composition, panthenol moisturizes the skin).
  • For daily intimate hygiene: gel "Carefree Sensitive"(delicate product, suitable for delicate skin that is sensitive to "chemistry"); gel SebaMed (low level pH - 3.8, the presence of panthenol, betaine, virginia nut extract); gel "Bark"(moisturizes delicate skin, does not violate the natural pH); foam Organic Zone(soft, does not provoke allergies); mousse "Denis Ozornin" from Grim mom (include lactic acid, does not have alkaline soap in the composition).
  • Hydrating: gel "Sesderma Intim"(it contains hyaluronic acid and panthenol, burdock extract), gel Saugella Poligin(acidity pH - 7, contains chamomile extract).
  • Refreshing: Usually these are napkins - "Femfresh", "Aura beauty", Premium Classic "Lactic acid", "Lactacyd", there is Sensitive mousse "The little Mermaid".
  • From the smell. Cannot be used for girls. Effective are: gel Femfresh(does not have its own fragrance, does not interrupt the smell, does not cause irritation, suitable for everyday use), deodorant spray Femfresh suitable for travel).

Read more in our article on intimate hygiene products.

Read in this article

Rules for choosing hygiene products

Care of the intimate area plays an important role in preventing the development of many diseases of the reproductive system. Therefore, the girl must have special means. The usual alkaline soap will not work for these purposes. It causes dryness, kills special microflora, disturbing its pH balance, and this becomes an excellent breeding ground for harmful bacteria. So When choosing products for intimate hygiene, it is important to consider the following points:

  • Such products are designed to preserve the existing microflora, and not to relieve discomfort. If they appear, then you should consult a doctor for treatment.
  • Intimate hygiene products for women should contain mild surfactants, such as succinate, amphoacetate, alkyl polyglycosides, betaine. They gently wash off impurities and do not injure the skin. The presence of lactic acid or Lactic Acid is also desirable. It preserves lactobacilli and the correct pH level. Phosphates are strictly prohibited.
  • In women, an acidic pH is about 3.8-4.4, which is less than that of the skin on the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use special products for intimate care: gels, soaps and foams, mousses.
  • It is desirable that the bottle has a dispenser to extend its life and avoid the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • There are no fragrances, dyes, alcohols and antiseptics in the composition of products for the intimate zone. The presence of lactic acid, glycerin, vitamins, extracts of medicinal herbs is desirable.
  • The expiration date should be in order, that is, as “fresh” as possible.
  • Separately, it should be said about napkins for intimate care. Some believe that this product should be used constantly. But it is intended for "extreme moments" when it is not possible to take a shower for a long time. It is better to choose those that contain lactic acid and antibacterial additives in order to preserve the microflora and prevent inflammation.
  • The same goes for the daily. They are not meant to be used all the time. They are designed to protect linen, not skin. Not only do they absorb natural secretions from the genitals, which serve as a barrier, but they also perfectly contribute to the reproduction of harmful bacteria. This destroys the microflora and provokes inflammatory processes.

What to look for when choosing funds for girls

Intimate care for girls should be somewhat different from adults. This is the key to her future health. And there is also some difference in the means for intimate hygiene in infants and adolescents.

Newborn hygiene

Keeping babies clean is very important to prevent inflammation. Therefore, you should wash the child every time after she goes to the toilet. But again, you need to know the measure, because modern diapers perfectly absorb moisture, and if you change them on time, you can avoid constant bathing.

The main thing is to wash the baby girl after:

  • Defecation. And small children go "on the big" often.
  • While swimming before bed.

For hygiene, use warm, preferably boiled water. But it should not be scooped up, but only poured so as not to breed bacteria. Do not wash in cold or hot water. In the first case, you can catch a cold of the external genitalia, in the second - get burned and dry out the delicate skin. This rule applies to girls of all ages.

It is also important to understand that intimate hygiene should not go beyond reason. Too frequent bathing washes away beneficial bacteria and microflora, which provokes diseases. Hygiene procedures should be carried out only outside, on the outer labia.

Any irrigation, vaginal showers, douching and other attempts to clean up inside are prohibited. At the same time, you should not rub with washcloths and sponges, so as not to get microtrauma of delicate skin, which can lead to inflammation.

A girl and an adult woman should have different towels, as there is a high risk of contracting diseases. It should be chosen soft, well absorbent. This towel should only be used for intimate purposes.

Watch this video about the intimate hygiene of a newborn:

Hygiene in adolescence

AT transitional age some nuances are important in delicate care. It is also undesirable to use constantly gels and mousses. It is best to wash with their application twice a day. Care for the delicate part is necessary, based on the principles:

  • Teenage girls should not use perfumed intimate hygiene products. They can cause allergies, irritation and disruption of microflora.
  • Gels and mousses do not exceed a neutral pH. Also suitable liquid soap, excluding flavors and dyes, for children up to a year.
  • Also, teenage girls should not use panty liners. But linen needs to be changed every day, even several times a day.
  • Particular attention should be paid to hygiene at the onset of menstruation in adolescents. Rinse the external genitalia should be every 2-3 hours. And you need to change the pads every 3-4 hours. It's better not to use tampons.
  • Water under the shower should be directed from front to back, and should also be done if washed by hand.
  • Although girls want to look attractive, wearing underwear made from artificial materials is harmful, especially all the time. Also avoid thongs.

Watch this video about the rules of daily intimate hygiene:

The best intimate hygiene products for women

Once in the store, a person can easily get lost among the huge selection. Preference should be given to the product that best meets the needs for this moment. It all depends on the problems and characteristics of tender places.


This is the most common group of products for intimate care. Each girl will be able to choose the right product in any price category. Some of the most popular intimate cleansers include:

  • Gel Intimate from the brand Nivea. It does not contain alkaline soap and dyes, but there is lactic acid and chamomile extract. However, it does have a slight, delicate fragrance. Therefore, it is worth doing an allergy test.
  • Gel Lactacyd. It is usually sold in a pharmacy or specialty cosmetics stores. It contains lactic acid and whey. The texture is soft and creamy.
  • Gel Vagisil. It has a natural pH. Its advantage is the presence of glycerin, lactic acid, chamomile and aloe extracts. The gel perfectly relieves dryness, moisturizes and does not cause irritation.
  • Pleyana Delicate Foam. The tool does not provoke allergies, very delicate to the skin.


Such products should not be used on an ongoing basis. Antibacterial agents for intimate hygiene should be used only in unique cases, for example, after sex, during critical days, as well as in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, thrush. These gels include:

  • Foam "Epigen Intim". Lactic and glycyrrhizic acids in the composition fight harmful bacteria.
  • Cleanic Gel, enriched with calendula extract, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic flora.
  • Gel Green Pharmacy. Produced in Belarus. Antibacterial properties obtained through essential oil tea tree. In addition, it has provitamin B5, it perfectly moisturizes delicate skin.
  • Gel TianDe has a natural composition. Its pH is neutral and it also has antibacterial qualities.
  • Gel NanoCare Intime. It prevents the growth of harmful bacteria thanks to chlorhexidine in the composition, and panthenol moisturizes the skin.

For daily intimate hygiene

Means for permanent use should be chosen as safe as possible. The most effective are:

  • Gel Carefree Sensitive. This is a very delicate remedy. It is especially suitable for delicate skin that is sensitive to "chemistry". It needs to be beaten into a light foam. Consumption is very economical.
  • Gel SebaMed. He sells mainly in the pharmacy. Its advantage is a low pH of 3.8. This is the most consistent with the natural microflora, especially in young girls. Its advantages are the presence of panthenol, betaine, virgin nut extract.
  • Gel Cora. Due to the presence of anti-irritant components, oils and extracts in the composition. it moisturizes delicate skin, does not disturb the natural pH. The product does not provoke irritation and an allergic reaction.
  • Foam Organic Zone. The texture is very pleasant, does not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Mousse Denis Ozornin from Grim Mama. An excellent tool for daily intimate hygiene, because they include lactic acid and do not have alkaline soap in the composition.

Expert opinion

Tatiana Somoylova

Cosmetology expert

As for the pads, as mentioned above, they cannot be used all the time. But in some cases it still has to. In this case, you should choose those that do not have fragrances, dyes and chemical additives. And the surface should be as soft as possible.


In some cases, a woman needs additional hydration in intimate area. This may be due to a certain period of critical days or during menopause. Therefore, the following moisturizers for intimate hygiene are suitable:

  • Gel Sesderma Intim. It contains hyaluronic acid and panthenol, burdock extract. Therefore, it helps to keep the skin of intimate places elastic and tender for longer, prevents it from drying out.
  • Also, a feeling of freshness is given by the Sensitive "Mermaid" mousse, which contains lotus hydrolat. The product has a pronounced aroma.

    From the smell

    In some cases, women may use special deodorant products. But they are not suitable for girls, as they provoke non-compliance with personal hygiene. Means for intimate hygiene from the smell remove the natural aroma, but also have their own. Effective are:

    How to properly use intimate hygiene products

    But it is important not only to use the right products for gentle care, but to follow certain recommendations. Using intimate hygiene products is not difficult. Doctors and specialists advise:

    • They should not try to get rid of disturbing symptoms. If there are unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, strong odor, dryness, discharge, then first visit a doctor. These products are designed for external care, not internal treatment.
    • You can't get too carried away. Twice a day will be enough, otherwise you can wash out all the natural flora.
    • You need to select a tool in accordance with the problems and needs.
    • First, it is desirable to foam them in the hand, then apply to the skin. You can't rub it.

    Useful video

    Watch this video on how to wash properly: