Lunar calendar for nail extensions for September. Nail cut for September. Safe days for release from someone else's care, as well as the rejection of burdensome contacts. At the same time, it will be possible to increase its significance in the eyes of loved ones.

With the onset of autumn, the fair sex wants changes in their lives. Start to change better with changes appearance.

September 1-4, 2016

Haircut curls, according to lunar calendar will bring big losses. The moon in September 2016 advises to refrain from staining to avoid possible damage.

It is better to postpone any procedures dedicated to beauty and personal care for a while.

The lunar calendar believes that after changing the length, the hair will look healthier, and after dyeing, you will get the hair color of your dreams. In September, this is the most favorable day for self-care procedures.

Manicure and pedicure will add health to the nails and protect against diseases. Today, the solarium will have a beneficial effect on the skin.

We decided to go to the hairdresser that day - do not postpone the trip for another day if you are going to grow your hair. After changing the length, the hair will grow twice as fast - this is how the lunar haircut calendar for September 2016 thinks. And with hair coloring, everything is pretty good. The shade will be persistent and saturated.

Refrain from any procedures with nails. Better make whitening face masks or visit.

Cardinal changes in appearance will bring an unpleasant variety into your life. Problems will arise precisely after a sudden change in appearance. Avoid haircuts and coloring, as well as other procedures related to personal care.

Week 5 to 11 September 2016

The lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for deciduous September 2016 advises to abandon any procedures related to hair. The use of cosmetics, even decorative ones, will negatively affect the appearance. Let your skin and hair rest today.

Hair cutting will bring finance to life - it can be a bonus at work or a cash prize. Wait a bit with hair coloring - the resulting color may disappoint.

The day, according to the lunar beauty calendar for September 2016, is favorable for nail procedures, as well as for problem skin care.

The day is suitable for a change in appearance. Coloring, haircut, manicure, pedicure - you can not be afraid to experiment. The lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring for September 2016 believes that today is the best time for external changes. Others will give compliments, and self-esteem will increase.

Even the simplest haircut, including the usual trimming of the ends, will add serious problems to your life. It is better to postpone the procedures for a better day.

On coloring, the lunar calendar for September 2016 does not give exact recommendations. A new shade can both pleasantly surprise you and disappoint you.

Read also:

Manicure and pedicure will improve the condition of the nails. On this day, the varnish is firmly fixed on the nails.

You have long wanted to dye your hair with basma or henna - start embodying your plans today. natural dyes strengthen hair and refresh the overall appearance.

Changing hair length lunar calendar advises to postpone until best period September 2016.

Get a massage or relax in the pool. This will give you positive energy.

Any manipulation of the hair is prohibited on this day. It's not that the result will disappoint you. Changing your appearance will add serious problems, including in your personal life.

Book a facial today. People who go on a diet on this day easily lose weight and do not break into forbidden foods.

Week from 12 to 18 September 2016

The day is well suited for both trimming the tips and for a dramatic change in hairstyle. People around you will be delighted with your beauty, and some will even begin to envy.

Stop coloring your hair. The same goes for pedicures.

Everyone at work appreciates new haircut hair. Be sure to go to the hairdresser if there are a lot of problems at work or if there hasn’t been a promotion for a long time. The authorities will admire the appearance and remember the old promise.

Be sure to go to the beauty salon! Even a very small change in hair length will bring good luck to life, and a change in shade will change life for the better.

In general, the lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring, as well as beauty for September 2016, today allows you to carry out any self-care procedures, except for the face area.

Relax on the full moon.

Postpone the haircut, otherwise you will be disappointed with the result. Yes, your hair will grow back.

Coloring is favorable according to the lunar calendar only for owners of dark hair.

The day is suitable for coloring nails, as well as for deep cleansing of pores.

Changing the length of the hair and the image as a whole is allowed only at the beginning of the day. A visit to the hairdresser in the afternoon will add new problems to your life that will haunt you for a long time.

But nail care today will favorably affect the condition of the hands at any time of the day or night.

Week from 19 to 25 September 2016

The day is favorable for haircuts and coloring. But it is better to refuse other procedures that will improve the appearance - this is what the lunar calendar advises.

A change in appearance will have a positive effect on both work and personal life. All problems will be solved by themselves, and the attention of men will be persistent. If you want to wallow in too much attention and listen to rave reviews about your sudden changes, do not put off a visit to your personal barber.

Our haircut lunar calendar for september 2016 will allow you, without knowledge of astrology and any calculations, to find auspicious days for a haircut in September 2016. Even if you don't believe that moon haircut really makes an impact, is it worth it to just take it and check it out? You can fully trust the data provided on this page because they are highly accurate. We are constantly striving to improve our haircut lunar calendar for September 2016. Be sure to get a haircut on favorable days for a haircut and happiness and unexpected success will come into your life! .

1 Sep. 2016 5:25 - 30 lunar day


On the 30th lunar day, it is better not to get a haircut - transfer the haircut to another day, especially since the 30th lunar day is very short. Moon in Virgo haircut is favorable

1 Sep. 2016 12:03 - 1 lunar day


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

1 lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut. Tibetan sages say that a haircut on this day shortens life. Moon in Virgo haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

Sep 2 2016 6:35 - 2 lunar day


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the second lunar day can bring unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid haircuts on this day. Moon in Virgo haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

3 Sep. 2016 7:44 - 3 lunar day


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can bring diseases into your life due to an imbalance of energies. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend money insanely. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable

4 Sep. 2016 8:52 - 4 lunar day

Moon in Libra from 3 Sept. 2016 4:10 to 5 Sep. 2016 15:40


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the fourth lunar day is not recommended, as it can bring various fears into your life, especially about losing something or someone. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. A haircut will add lightness and ease.

Sep 5 2016 9:59 - 5 lunar day

Moon in Libra from 3 Sept. 2016 4:10 to 5 Sep. 2016 15:40


A haircut on the 5th lunar day will give you good luck and wealth. A very good day in order to radically change your appearance. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. A haircut will add lightness and ease.

Sep 6 2016 11:04 - 6 lunar day


5 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can bring illnesses into your life or simply fall into depression, which will also affect your appearance. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable

7 Sep. 2016 12:09 - 7 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio 5 Sept. 2016 15:40 to 8 Sep. 2016 4:52


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

7 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

Sep 8 2016 13:11 - 8 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

8 lunar day is very good for a haircut. It will bring bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable

Sep 9 2016 14:11 - 9 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius from 8 Sept. 2016 4:52 to 10 Sep. 2016 16:22


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable, because it can bring ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using mild natural ingredients. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is magically good, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

10 Sep. 2016 15:06 - 10 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius from 8 Sept. 2016 4:52 to 10 Sep. 2016 16:22


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

10 lunar day is favorable for cutting and coloring hair. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche). Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is magically good, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

11 Sep. 2016 15:55 - 11 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

11 lunar day is just perfect for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is just a "bomb". Such a haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable

Sep 12 2016 16:38 - 12 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn 10 Sept. 2016 16:22 to 13 Sep. 2016 1:02


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon). Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

Sep 13 2016 17:15 - 13 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

The 13th lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzangbskyed) Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable

14 Sep. 2016 17:47 - 14 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius from 13 Sept. 2016 1:02 to 15 Sep. 2016 5:44


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

14 lunar day is a great day for a haircut. You will become a more successful person, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property, material well-being. (en spyod'phel) Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

15 Sep. 2016 18:16 - 15 lunar day


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

On the 15th lunar day, it is better not to cut your hair - there may be problems with pressure, an acute feeling of incomprehensible fear will appear. Moon in Pisces haircut is unfavorable

Sep 16 2016 18:42 - 16 lunar day

Moon in Pisces from 15 Sept. 2016 5:44 to 17 Sep. 2016 7:36


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

The 16th lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut, because at this time you can attract misfortune and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Pisces haircut is unfavorable. Dandruff may develop, and hair may become brittle and dry.

Sep 17 2016 19:07 - 17 lunar day


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

The 17th lunar day is unfavorable for a haircut - you will attract illnesses and unpleasant situations associated with outside interference. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod). Moon in Aries haircut is unfavorable

Sep 18 2016 19:33 - 18 lunar day

Moon in Aries from 17 Sept. 2016 7:36 to 19 Sep. 2016 8:20


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

The 18th lunar day is bad for a haircut, as there is a huge chance of attracting situations related to the theft of property or its damage. Moon in Aries haircut is unfavorable. Immunity may be weakened, diseases may appear. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

Sep 19 2016 20:01 - 19 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

The 19th lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), but if the second aspect (the moon in the sign of the zodiac) excludes a haircut, do not cut your hair. Moon in Taurus haircut is favorable

Sep 20 2016 20:32 - 20 lunar day

Moon in Taurus Sep 19 2016 8:20 to 21 Sep. 2016 9:04


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

20 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract poverty to the material and spiritual world. Tibetan: dbultog Moon in Taurus haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split ends.

21 Sep. 2016 21:10 - 21 lunar days


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

21 lunar days are ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and more attractive (gzugs bzang) Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable

Sep 22 2016 21:55 - 22 lunar day

Moon in Gemini Sep 21st 2016 9:04 to 23 Sep. 2016 12:04


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut - you can get what you want and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition nervous system and respiratory tract.

Sep 23 2016 22:48 - 23 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

23 lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid a haircut today if other aspects say so. Moon in Cancer haircut is favorable

Sep 24 2016 23:48 - 24 lunar day

Moon in Cancer from 23 Sept. 2016 12:04 to 25 Sep. 2016 17:20


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illness and misfortune (nad`ong) into your life. Moon in Cancer haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjusting hairstyles. Avoid chemical treatments.

Sep 26 2016 0:54 - 25 lunar day


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

The 24th lunar day is unfavorable for a haircut - you can lose sight of the most important thing, not see the opportunities that come and go. (mig tshag ong) Moon in Leo haircut is favorable

Sep 27 2016 2:03 - 26 lunar day

Moon in Leo from 25 Sept. 2016 17:20 to 28 Sep. 2016 0:52


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

26 lunar day is a great day for a haircut. She will bring you happiness and fate will treat you favorably. Moon in Leo haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiac for swifts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

Sep 28 2016 3:13 - 27 lunar day


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

27 lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and good mood won't leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung). Moon in Virgo haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

Sep 29 2016 4:23 - 28 lunar day

Moon in Virgo Sep 28 2016 0:52 to 30 Sep. 2016 11:14


In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.

An ideal haircut day - you will attract friendly people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes) Moon in Virgo haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

30 Sep. 2016 5:32 - 29 lunar day

Moon in Virgo Sep 28 2016 0:52 to 30 Sep. 2016 11:14


All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.

A haircut on the 29th lunar day is strongly discouraged - you can go astray and get in a lot of trouble. (bla`khyams) Moon in Virgo haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

Thank you for viewing our haircut lunar calendar for september 2016. We hope you can easily find lunar days favorable for haircuts. We take a responsible approach to business, and we understand that the condition of the people who use this site depends on the accuracy of the data. Haircut according to the lunar calendar for September 2016 auspicious days- find out if a haircut is favorable today? That is why our haircut calendar for September 2016 is one of the most accurate and detailed calendars on the entire Internet. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for September 2016 - favorable days for haircuts can be found on this page. We believe in karma and make the site with love. We wish you a pleasant haircut and a happy life!

Today, the question of when it is better to do a manicure and other manipulations with nails, in May or June 2019, no longer seems to be idle. Everyone remembered the ancient traditions of nail care. The understanding came that there are no traditions based on an empty place - the old truths come back into life and we try to cut our nails, dye our hair and do manicures according to the lunar calendar.

Proper nail care can not only improve their condition and normalize your health, but more importantly, change your fate for the better. Therefore, it is important to find out which days are most favorable for a haircut. Whether it is worth cutting your nails according to the days of the week, or according to the lunar calendar, this is not always just a tribute to fashion hobbies.
The lunar manicure calendar is not a whim of astrologers, but a tool proven for thousands of years for those who want to have beautiful nails and prosperity in life.

Many will ask - "Why is it better to do a manicure only on certain, auspicious days?". We do not know the answer to this question, just as we do not know - "Why does our life depend on the phases of the moon?". It just all depends. But we know which days are suitable for cutting nails and manicures in May 2019, and which are not.

As you know, the Moon influences many processes on the Earth. Some phenomena that arise at the behest of the Earth's satellite, we can easily see, for example, the ebbs and flows in the oceans. Others are less visible, but more important. The moon affects many natural processes - from crops to your health. And people have noticed this for a long time and understood that it is necessary to do a haircut, pedicure and manicure in accordance with the lunar calendar. The same applies to hair removal or cosmetic procedures….. But first, very briefly about the lunar manicure calendar in May and June 2019.

The best time to cut your nails is Friday, after dark, regardless of the phase of the moon. If you are lucky and it will be “Capricorn” and the waning moon, then shortening the length of manicure nails will not only make your nails beautiful, but will also positively affect your health.
But avoid shortening your nails on Saturday, especially in Gemini, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Perhaps, after quiet procedures, they will become fragile and brittle.
Besides, Saturday is not a good time for a manicure.
If you want your nails to grow faster, then shorten them with the growing moon.

Now we will tell you about nail care in May 2019.

We cut nails and do manicure in May 4, 8, 11. 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27, 31

According to the lunar calendar of May manicure, it is better to postpone the tweezers and nippers for the rest of the days.

Read more about cutting nails according to the lunar calendar below. But first, about the influence of the phases of our satellite on our lives.

For several thousand years, mankind has used the phases of the moon to measure time. Even in ancient times, people noticed that the eternal satellite of the Earth controls the tides, determines the time when to plant seeds and when to harvest. But for us, the influence of the satellite on beauty and health is more important. Many centuries ago, women knew well that there are days for haircuts, days for hair removal, days for skin care.

When the moon is waxing, hair and nails grow faster. Therefore, a haircut these days leads to an improvement in the quality of hair and nails. In addition, these days vitamins are absorbed by the body better, cuts and abrasions on the skin heal faster. And vice versa, cutting on unfavorable days not only worsens the quality of nails, but more importantly, it can adversely affect your health and even fate. But acne is best removed during the waning moon. By the way, these days it is best to do hair removal.

At the same time, it must be remembered that when determining favorable days, one must take into account not only the phase of our satellite, but also the constellation in which it is located.

Follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar when manicure and you will put in order not only your nails, but also your life. But, if you do everything right, and the nails look unsightly, peel off, crumble? The reason may be in individual intolerance to the varnish used, in metabolic disorders or in fungal diseases. You need to change the varnish, and if this does not help, contact a dermatologist. It is also useful to eat more foods containing iron, calcium, silicon, a lot of fresh herbs.
Remember nails are an indicator of the health of our body and karma. Healthy ones always have a smooth, shiny, pink surface. Then your life will be beautiful.

When is it possible (and better) to cut your nails in May 2019

the date Day moon day Zodiac Moon phase The best days for a manicure
1 Wed 25, 26 Aries Waning moon Do not rush to take on wire cutters or scissors. If necessary, it is better to work a little with a saw today. But without fanaticism.
2 Thu 26, 27 Bad day. You can't cut your nails today. Do not strain your eyes, take care of your eyesight
3 Fri 27, 28 Taurus Bad day. We do not do manicures and pedicures. Neither together nor separately.
4 Sat 28, 29 Who asked when you can cut your nails in May?? Today is a great day for manicures and pedicures.
5 Sun 29, 1, 2 New moon Bad day. The decision to cut your nails is yours. Lunar calendar, confused. There are for, but more against.
6 Mon 2, 3 Twins Waxing Crescent Unfavorable day in May for cutting nails. By the way, tomorrow, it is better to shorten the horny plates on the back surface of the fingertips. Tomorrow, alas, is a bad time to create a new manicure.
7 Tue 3, 4 Bad day. Who was interested in the question of when to cut nails in May ?? We answer everyone, not today. And prepare a new varnish, it's time for other colors.
8 Wed 4, 5 Crayfish The day is clearly conducive to cutting nails and creating a new nail image. Today length doesn't matter.
9 Thu 5, 6 We cut our nails infrequently and the bowl of the moon calendar is in an indefinite balance. Set aside both saws and tweezers
10 Fri 6, 7 lion No, no and NO. You can cut your nails in May, but, of course, not today.
11 Sat 7, 8 A good time in May for cutting nails and caring for the nail bed. Decorate and strengthen your nails, they will still be useful to you.
12 Sun 8, 9 Virgo An unfavorable day for a new manicure and nail cutting. The lunar calendar prohibits, but not all. We don’t change the varnish, you can, if necessary, work a little with a file ...
13 Mon 9, 10 The moon is growing, the desire to cut nails and do manicures is growing. So what's the deal. Today is a great day.
14 Tue 10, 11 Scales A good time when in May you can cut your nails and do an original French manicure
15 Wed 11, 12 Although it is almost full moon and it is light, it is better not to disturb either hair or nails. Watch a thriller on TV, read a detective story.
16 Thu 12, 13 We take care of our nails. You can do everything, and, of course, cut your nails. Set aside other evening activities, take care of your nails.
17 Fri 13, 14 Scorpion A great day ahead. You can and should have time to cut your nails and make an amazing manicure
18 Sat 14, 15 No, you don't have to cut your nails today. Unlucky day. It is worth starting the procedures on May 21, after 20 hours. Just the time for long female series.
19 Sun 15, 16 Sagittarius Full moon Let's shorten the nails. But not today, but on the day when the Moon recommends it to us.
20 Mon 16, 17 Waning moon Nail cutting and application fashionable varnishes on this day, will not give you pleasure. Go ahead, don't wait for June
21 Tue 17, 18 Capricorn Great time of the day to visit a manicure parlour. On this day, you can cut your nails and apply varnish.
22 Wed 18 If yesterday, you did not have time to shorten the length of your nails and do a manicure, then you can do it today.
23 Thu 18, 19 Aquarius Cutting nails and applying trendy varnishes on this day will give you pleasure. Don't wait, hold on
24 Fri 19, 20 If you did not have time to shorten the length of your nails, then this can be done in early June, but most importantly, do not do it today. A good time will come when you can do all the procedures.
25 Sat 20, 21 Don't be upset with long nails walking is short enough. Today is not a haircut day. Alas, we will not meet June with a new manicure.
26 Sun 21, 22 Fish Neutral day. In general, this may be a good day, but it is better to cut your nails more carefully today and not use new varnish.
27 Mon 22, 23 Everyone who was interested can cut their nails today, we answer. Can. And not only to cut, but also to do procedures called "manicure".
28 Tue 23, 24 Aries We will now look for days that are successful for cutting nails in June.
29 Wed 24, 25 And the manicure and haircut, apparently, will have to be postponed to the next month. We study the auspicious days of June
30 Thu 25, 26 Nail cutting in June is also not bad. Wait a short time. For the remaining days, you need to decide what kind of manicure to do and purchase a new varnish.
31 Fri 26, 27 Taurus May ends with days lucky for new manicure fantasies. Whether we cut or not, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is everything is possible, and so that we have time before June ...

May, spring. Summer is coming, it's time to pass, I want to look good. First of all, for this you need to do beautiful manicure, pedicure, hair, skin treatments ... But all this must be done on favorable days dictated by the moon. On this page we will tell you when to cut your nails in accordance with the lunar manicure calendar in May, June 2019. But first, a few words about the influence of the eternal satellite of the Earth on health, beauty and karma.

Our ancestors were well aware of the magical power of the moon. They understood that it affects not only the ebb and flow of the oceans, but also health and destiny. And so they built their lives in accordance with the lunar calendar. It was intuitively clear to them when to sow, when to cut hair or nails .... This knowledge has never disappeared from the memory of mankind, just with the development of technology, the belief in something that could not be explained with the help of science was gone. But, today, we understand in June that traditions do not arise from scratch and therefore more and more people are trying to build their lives in accordance with the lunar calendar.

Nail and hair cutting, coloring, cosmetic procedures, surgical operations - everything must be done taking into account the phase of the moon and its position in the sky. Only in this way will you be able to maintain health without expensive, fashionable products, but simply by using the natural rhythms of nature. It's about not only about health, but also about success in life. For example, the inhabitants of Tibet have always known that cutting nails on an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar will worsen karma, which means it will change fate.

Therefore, manicure and hair cutting in May and June 2019 should be done according to the lunar calendar. Sometimes they say - "manicure according to the horoscope or oracle." The main thing to remember is that cutting auspicious days will make your nails not only beautiful, but also improve your karma, which means fate and health.

Auspicious days for manicure and pedicure according to the oracle in May 2019, June 2019.

Nail cut in May 2019.

  • Good days for a manicure according to the lunar calendar in May 2019 are 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 29.
  • Bad days for nail care - 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 May 2019 .

Manicure in June 2019

  • Calendar of favorable days for manicure and pedicure in June 2019 - 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30 June 2019.
  • Do not cut nails 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 June 2019.

At the end of the article, we will tell you in more detail what you can do on a given day in June according to the lunar calendar.

You yourself can choose the right day when you can get a haircut. The basic rule is that nails and hair will become healthier if they are cut (at least a little) with the growing moon. But after a haircut with a decreasing one, their growth will slow down. But in fact, not everything is so simple - when calculating favorable days, one must also take into account the constellation in which the Moon is located. If you want your nails to become less brittle and your hair to be healthier, never cut them on a full moon or a new moon. As a rule, the days lying next to the new moon and full moon are also not suitable for haircuts. If you want to have beautiful strong nails, choose Leo days. Taurus days are also great for strengthening hair. Also, the days of Virgo, Libra and Leo are suitable for creating magnificent curls and manicure. And you need to twist and paint in Virgo. Also, the most durable color can be achieved when the eternal satellite of the Earth is in Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. Try to avoid manicures during Aries days.

The best time for manicure and pedicure is Friday after sunset. And well, if at the same time, if the Moon is in Capricorn. Because this sign guarantees resistant manicure. Processed these days, they will look beautiful and healthy for a long time.

On Saturday, manicures and pedicures are usually prohibited. It is also bad to take care of your nails on the days of Cancer, Pisces and Gemini. Treated these days, they will break and flake off, in addition, the varnish does not hold well.

If you are concerned about the health of your nails, try not to cut them when the moon is waning, it is better to do this when it is growing. But, if you need to completely remove the nail (for example, if it is sick with a fungus), then this should be done on the waning Moon, at any time, except for Pisces.

A few more simple tips

  • To make your nails hard, strong and stop breaking better, it is best to cut them on Friday after sunset.
  • The best position for a manicure is when Capricorn is above us.
  • A pedicure is not recommended in the sign of Gemini, Cancer or Pisces.
  • Saturday is not the best time for a manicure.
  • If you want your nails to not break, grow faster, cut them when the moon is waxing.
  • Sunday is a day of rest. Do not touch the scissors, otherwise there is a risk of forever losing the support of higher powers.

On what day of May 2019 can you do a manicure and pedicure according to the lunar calendar.

May 2019

moon day Zodiac sign Phase Is it possible to do a manicure on this day in May 2019
The 1 of May 5 lunar day Crayfish Waxing Crescent

Bad day for a manicure.

6 a lion R May 2 is not suitable for manicure
May 3 7 a lion R May 3 is an auspicious day for nail care.
8 Virgo R May 4 - yes to manicure
5 May 9 Virgo First quarter

Yes to manicure

10 Scales Waxing Crescent auspicious day
May 7 11 Scales R

Very bad day for nail care

12 lunar day Scales R May 8 is an auspicious day for nail care.
13 Scorpion R On May 9, we don’t touch our nails.
14 Scorpion R On May 10, your nails should rest.
15 Sagittarius Full moon May 11 - Full Moon . If you do not want to worsen karma on the full moon, do not touch your nails.
12 May 16 Sagittarius Waning moon

bad day

18 Sagittarius Waning moon May 13, the oracle does not recommend manicure
May 14 18 Capricorn At
19 Capricorn At On May 15, you can (even need to) visit a manicure parlor. Strengthening baths for nails will be beneficial for health.
16th of May 19 lunar day Aquarius At bad day
20 Aquarius At bad day
May 18 21 Aquarius At

bad day

22 Fish Waning moon If you are planning to do nails, then it is better to do it today. The next three days will be unfavorable.
May 20 23 Fish At Not
24 lunar day Aries At Not
22nd of May 25 Aries At bad day
26 Taurus At On May 23 we cut our nails. Manicure will positive influence to your karma.
May 24 27 Taurus At
28 Twins New moon May 25, 2019 - new moon. Manicure on the new moon will worsen karma.
26 of May 1
Twins Waxing Crescent Let's rest our nails today.
2 Crayfish Waxing Crescent May 27 is an unfavorable day.
May 28 3 Crayfish Waxing Crescent On May 28, we do not touch our nails.
4 a lion Waxing Crescent Want to get rid of negative energy, it's time to get a manicure. It is recommended to use bright colors.
May 30 5 a lion R Bad day for cutting nails
May 31 6 Virgo R 31 do pedicure and manicure

Nail horoscope for June 2019.

June 2019

moon day Zodiac Phase Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure
June 1, 2019 5 lunar day Moon in Aries Growing
6 Aries Waxing Crescent June 2 - unfavorable day for manicure
3 7 Taurus R

June 3 is the best day for a manicure according to the lunar calendar and horoscope. We take care of the cuticles.

8 Taurus First quarter On June 4, 2019, the oracle recommends getting a manicure. Recommend massage nail plate
5 9 lunar day Twins R

Bad day for a manicure.

10 Twins R June 6 - we definitely do a manicure, it's for the money. It's time to think about the health of nails - please them with fortified enamel.
June 7, 2019 11 Crayfish R
12 Crayfish R According to the lunar calendar, on June 8, it is useful to do a manicure and pedicure.
9 13 a lion R June 9 cut nails
14 lunar day Moon in Leo R An extremely unfavorable day for a manicure. But after epilation, the hair will not grow for a long time.
June 11, 2019 15 Virgo Full moon
16 Virgo Waning moon You can and should get a manicure. SPA procedures for the nail plate are recommended. For this day, the horoscope recommends choosing pastel colors.
13 18 Scales At
18 Scales At On June 14, the manicure will turn out beautiful and will have a positive effect on your karma.
15 19 lunar day Moon in Libra At

We do not do manicures.

20 Scorpion At Neutral day.
June 18, 2019 21 Scorpion At June 18 is the best day for nail and hair care. best color for manicure - shades of red. The Oracle recommends - burgundy, red, cherry.
22 Sagittarius Last quarter Neutral day.
June 19, 2019 23 Sagittarius At On June 19 we do manicure and pedicure. We cover the nails with special enamel - this will strengthen them.

20 , Mon

24 Moon in Sagittarius At June 20 is not suitable for nail care.
June 21, 2019 25 Capricorn At On June 21, nail care will benefit not only nails, but also health.
26 Capricorn At June 22 - cutting nails for money. The perfect color for this day is black.
June 23, 2019 27 Aquarius At On June 23, 2019, a manicure will bring you material well-being.

"... do not cut your nails at the festivities of the gods" (Hesiod).

First, we will introduce you to the most auspicious days for cutting nails in May and June 2019. And we have placed a more detailed lunar manicure calendar for May 2019 at the end of the article.

Nail cutting calendar in May:

  • Here better days May 2019 for cutting nails according to the lunar calendar - 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 29, 31.
  • Days categorically not suitable for nail care 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 May 2019.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure in June 2019:

  • In June 2019, we cut nails - 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30.
  • Do not cut nails 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27June 2019.

Cutting nails and hair at all times and in all countries had a touch of mysticism. It was believed that for success in business, hair and nails should be cut on certain days according to the lunar calendar. Read about the lunar haircut calendar. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the lunar manicure calendar in May and June 2019.

Why at all times did people cut their hair and nails according to the lunar calendar?

The moon is the eternal satellite of the Earth and everything living on Earth. And it doesn't matter whether you believe in a lunar calendar for cutting hair and nails or not, but the Moon has always had and will have an impact on everyone living on Earth. The moon affects not only the seas (tides), but also the water in plants, animals, and humans. Human beings are known to be 80% water. The life cycles of man and animals are determined by the movement of the moon. Therefore, it is necessary to plant plants and harvest, cut nails and hair according to the lunar calendar.

The lunar month lasts from new moon to new moon. Its duration may vary, but on average it is 29 days.

Auspicious days of May 2019 for cutting nails.

May 2019

moon day Zodiac sign Phase Is it possible to cut nails on this day in May 2019
The 1 of May 5 lunar day Crayfish Waxing Crescent

Bad day for a manicure.

6 a lion R May 2 is not suitable for manicure
May 3 7 a lion R On May 3, according to the horoscope, you can do a manicure
8 Virgo R May 4, 2019 is a great day for cutting and coloring.
5 May 9 Virgo First quarter
10 Scales Waxing Crescent May 6 is the day when the oracle recommends cutting nails.
May 7 11 Scales R

Very bad day for a haircut, nails.

12 lunar day Scales R Today, according to the lunar calendar, is the day when you can visit a manicure parlor.
13 Scorpion R May 9 is the best day for cutting nails according to the lunar calendar. Yes, manicures and pedicures.
14 Scorpion R Extremely unfavorable day for haircuts and nails
15 Sagittarius Full moon May 11 - Full Moon. On the full moon, we do not touch nails (and hair). The full moon is a bad day for nail care.
12 May 16 Sagittarius Waning moon
18 Sagittarius Waning moon
May 14 18 Capricorn At A great day for cutting and coloring nails. May 14 - we do a manicure for sure - this is for the money.
19 Capricorn At According to the lunar calendar, May 15 is useful to visit a nail salon.
16th of May 19 lunar day Aquarius At The day is not suitable for a manicure.
20 Aquarius At May 18 is an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar for nail care.
May 18 21 Aquarius At

We don't cut our nails, we don't paint them.

22 Fish Waning moon May 19 manicure will benefit both nails and your destiny.
May 20 23 Fish At Not
24 lunar day Aries At Not
22nd of May 25 Aries At You can and should take care of your nails.
26 Taurus At On May 23, the manicure will turn out beautiful and will have a positive effect on your karma.
May 24 27 Taurus At A great day for cutting and coloring nails. May 24 - we do a manicure for sure - this is for the money.
28 Twins New moon May 25, 2019 - new moon. Manicures are not done on the new moon.
26 of May 1
Twins Waxing Crescent Not
2 Crayfish Waxing Crescent On May 27 they don’t cut their hair - neither hair nor nails
May 28 3 Crayfish Waxing Crescent Bad day for cutting nails
4 a lion Waxing Crescent On May 29, according to the lunar calendar, you can cut your nails.
May 30 5 a lion R Bad day for cutting nails
May 31 6 Virgo R Yes

Nail horoscope for June 2019.

June 2019

moon day Zodiac Phase Lunar calendar for nail cutting in June 2019.
June 1, 2019 5 lunar day Moon in Gemini Growing
6 Crayfish Waxing Crescent June 2 - unfavorable day for manicure
3 7 Crayfish R


8 Crayfish First quarter Not
5 9 lunar day a lion R
10 a lion R On June 6, let's say nail cuts - yes.
June 7, 2019 11 Virgo R


12 Virgo R Yes. Auspicious day for cutting nails.
9 13 Scales R June 9 cut nails
14 lunar day Scales R Can't be cut or dyed. The next auspicious day for a manicure is June 14th.
June 11, 2019 15 Scales Full moon

Bad day for a manicure.

16 Scorpion Waning moon Not
13 18 Scorpion At


18 Sagittarius At On June 14, the Moon and the oracle recommend a manicure.
15 19 lunar day Sagittarius At

Auspicious June day for manicure

20 Sagittarius At Neutral day.
June 18, 2019 21 Capricorn At On June 18 we do manicure and pedicure. A haircut on this day is good for health and for the wallet.
22 Capricorn Last quarter June 18 is the best day for cutting nails.
June 19, 2019 23 Aquarius At Not
24 Aquarius At Not
June 21, 2019 25 Fish At Not
26 Fish At You can cut your nails. June 22, 2019 manicure for money - cutting nails will bring you material well-being.
June 23, 2019 27 Fish At June 23, according to the lunar calendar, is the day when you can visit a nail salon.
28 Aries At Not
25 29 lunar day Aries At


1 Taurus New moon Not
27 2 Taurus R


28 3 Twins R
29 4 Crayfish R We cut and paint
30 5 Crayfish R You can get a haircut

Photo of fashionable manicure in 2019.