Nail correction coating. Self-correction of gel nails

The easiest way to make your nails beautiful and long is to build them up. For this, gel, acrylic and biogel are used, which can last several months, but may require repair. Therefore, before resorting to the imposition of artificial coating, you need to know what nail correction is and how to correct extended nails.

A natural nail after extension does not stop growing, on the contrary, under the protection of artificial coating, it grows faster than usual, especially under biogel. Thus, an unpainted hole appears, which is below the level of the extended nail, it looks untidy. In addition, in the process of wearing the nail can break, crack, or completely move away. The correction returns a presentable appearance, it is a kind of repair work on the extended nail.

It is very important to correct on time. During regrowth, not only appearance but also strength. The fact is that the fastening of an artificial nail starts from the middle of a living natural plate, which is called the stress zone. It got its name due to the fact that this is the most vulnerable area, so the layer of material on it is somewhat larger.

With regrowth, the stress zone shifts downward, which increases the likelihood of breakage.

The growth rate of the nail plates is different for everyone, as it depends on individual features body and lifestyle. If visiting nail salon happens regularly to one master, then he probably knows how fast the nails grow and he himself will set the date of the visit for adjustment.

At the first visit, the specialist makes an appointment for the next appointment in two weeks, for the initial adjustment and assessment of the condition, on the basis of which the time of the next appointment is calculated. But not all masters are so scrupulous, most often ladies come when they themselves consider the overgrown area to be large enough.

Types of correction

Modern ladies do not have much free time, so they often plan their day literally by the minute. It is good when the correction of extended nails with gel is planned, but there are also emergency cases. To include a visit to a nail salon in your schedule, you need to know what types of correction are and how long they last.

All types of correction are divided into three large groups:

  • Small involves minor repairs of cracks, scratches, small chips. This also includes a change in the decorative coating, the elimination of air pockets with a slight detachment. Depending on the number of repaired areas and the degree of their damage, it is worth allocating from half an hour to an hour and a half for the procedure.
  • The average refers to the planned one, it takes about two hours to correct overgrown nails
  • A large one includes a complete replacement of the artificial coating in case of severe damage, a cardinal change in the shape of the nail. One finger will take about an hour

Correction may differ in technology and time spent, depending on the material used. So gel and acrylic nails will be repaired much longer than shellac coating. It is more convenient for many people to carry out this procedure at home on their own, as there is not enough time or money to constantly visit a specialist. But for this you need to know how to do nail correction, and follow the instructions clearly.

Preparation for correction

Before you make a nail correction, you need to know some important points. A couple of days before the procedure, it is advisable to remove the regrown cuticle, treat the periungual ridges from rough skin. This is done so that in case of minor damage or irritation, the skin has time to recover. It is not recommended to use creams before adjusting, as this will affect the strength of the coating. For the same reason, contact with water should be limited.

In no case should artificial coatings be applied if a live nail is damaged, or an infection or fungus has been introduced.

In this case, you need to remove all coatings from the injured finger, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. You will have to refuse any manicure manipulations until the nails or cuticles are fully restored.

For extension to be successful, as well as nail correction, the gel must be good quality. For amateur application at home, you can simplify the procedure by using a single-phase system. That is, in this case, you do not need to take three different jars with a base, finish and modeling polymer, but only one, which takes on the functions of the others. But the Three-Phase approach is more sustainable, which means it will last longer.

  • UV or LED lamp
  • Bonder will prepare the nail plates
  • Primer for better grip
  • Base, build and finish gel
  • Dispersion remover, aka degreaser
  • Disinfectant
  • With a large correction, tips or forms will be required
  • Brush for easy application
  • Abrasive files
  • Polishing buff
  • orange stick
  • Lint-free wipes
  • Dusting brush

The procedure will be much faster and better if there is a special milling machine.

Usually in nail salons they cannot do without them. This is a machine with many rotating nozzles. They can eliminate cuticle residues, cut off excess gel, polish, so one device replaces many necessary tools. It is especially indispensable when cutting down artificial turf, since even a very hard file will have to work for a long time, spending a lot of effort.

Nail correction step by step

An experienced nail salon specialist will repair extended nails quickly and efficiently, because he has all the special tools at hand. At home, the procedure will take longer, and besides, it will be inconvenient to do it yourself. But if the decision home manicure already accepted, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions. Otherwise, the adjustment will be of poor quality, in addition, natural nail plates can be damaged.

To make a correction gel nails, you need to do the following:

  • Remove decorative top coat. To do this, the entire surface is washed down with a file with an abrasiveness of 120-180 grit.
  • Align the artificial turf at the joint so that it is on par with the natural one. This should be done carefully, trying not to touch the living nail.
  • With the same file, adjust the length and shape. Thus, a thin, previously formed tip remains, on which the gel can be reapplied.
  • If the artificial nail was badly broken, then it is removed completely, to the natural
  • Thoroughly remove dust
  • Push the cuticle back with a wooden stick. If it has grown a lot, you need to cut it, or use a remover to remove it.
  • Slightly sand the live plate
  • With a complete replacement of the nail at this stage, the shape is established, or the tips are glued and filed
  • Apply a degreaser or bonder to the regrown area, allow to dry
  • Cover the entire area with primer.
  • The preparatory stage is over, you can start applying the material
  • Apply a thin layer of the base, polymerize. The gel should not touch the skin and cuticles
  • Form a shape with a design gel, paying attention to a new stress zone, dry in a lamp
  • Remove all excess and irregularities with a saw
  • Cover with top coat
  • After polymerization, treat the areas around the nails with nourishing moisturizing oil. In extreme cases, you can use a cream

Now you can decorate your nails. A simple design can be done after applying the modeling gel, before the final layer. Thus, the decor will be reliably protected. But if it's a 3D design, like sculpting or liquid rock, it should be done last, as any overlay will ruin the whole look.

The gel is by far the most commonly used, as it is more convenient to apply. But many craftsmen prefer acrylic, it is believed that it is stronger and more flexible. Acrylic nails are corrected in the same way as gel nails, only instead of the three phases of applying the gel, acrylic is laid out, polymerized and filed.

Shellac is also amenable to correction, although it is not advised to wear it for longer than the prescribed two weeks in a row. Here the procedure is simplified, since only the regrown area is recovering. Coating is as easy as regular varnish. Therefore, it does not require additional filing, shellac evenly lays down in a thin, even layer.

In conclusion, we can conclude that correction, like extension, is a very complex process; a beginner will not be able to do it perfectly the first time. Therefore, it is better to first try to make one nail, and if the result is satisfactory, continue further. Over time, the hand will fill up, the quality will be better, and you can safely adjust your nails at home.

In this article you will learn how I do the correction of extended nails. I will test two ceramic cutters of different shapes and abrasiveness. I will also show you how to make a nail design using yuca flakes and stained glass gel polish.

Step 1. Removing the coating using a ceramic cutter. In the process of sawing, I tested two ceramic cutters:

With a red notch and a sharp tip - easily and gently removes the coating. Its pointed tip makes it easy to cut material in hard-to-reach areas.

With a white notch - has a rounded tip. It has a larger abrasive, so the material is cut faster, but small grooves are formed.

Also, with a cutter, I shorten and file the free edge. I brush off the dust after filing all the nails.

Step 2 With a cylinder-shaped diamond cutter, I do a manicure, cut off the cuticle, clean out the pterygium and grind the side ridges. You can learn more about this procedure in my courses.

Then, with the help of a grinding cap, I grind the nail plates. And clean up the dust.

Step 3 I apply Nail Prep, then acid free primer by Cosmoprofi.

Step 4 I cover my nails with a universal base from Cosmoprofi - a thin layer and rubbing movements. I dry in the lamp.

Step 5 I perform correction with Cosmoprofi Flex gel. This is gel jelly. First, I paint over the nail with a thin layer, then I take a drop of gel and begin to form the structure of the nail. This gel differs from the usual one in that it is completely immobile and is leveled only by the movement of the brush, so I constantly move it with vibrating movements. I dry well in a lamp and do sawdust.

Step 6 I cover my nails with TNL No. 274 gel polish in two layers with intermediate drying in a lamp. I do not apply a coating on the ring fingers, as the design will be made on them.

Step 7 I apply the Fiore base on the ring finger and, without drying it, spread the silver flakes of yuca on the entire nail. I dry it in a lamp.

Step 8 I level the base coat. Land.

Step 9 I mix the gel polish with the base on the palette and cover the nail. At the request of the client, I cover in two layers to make the stained glass effect darker.

Step 10 Align the other nail on the ring finger with the base. I dry it in a lamp.

Step 11 I mix the gel polish with the base on the palette and cover the nail with the resulting stained glass window. Land.

Step 12 With a thin brush I make a stroke with the main color of the gel polish. I fix it in a lamp.

Step 13 I draw a branch with black gel paint. I dry it in a lamp.

Step 14 I mix the base with yuca flakes and spread them on the leaves of the twig. Land.

Step 15 I cover my nails with Fiore top coat without a sticky layer. If necessary, with the help of a thin brush, I level the coating. I dry it in a lamp.

Step 16 I grind the nail with a branch, degrease it and in the places where the rhinestones will be located - I apply the gel from Cosmoprofi Thick Clear. I glue rhinestones and bouillons. Land.

You can make your nails long and beautiful in just a few hours - just go to the salon and go through the extension procedure, which will give you the desired length and shape. For the first few weeks, such a manicure will please the owner. beautiful shape and length. But already three weeks after the extension, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure for the correction of gel nails. Correction means that the master will restore the original shape and beauty of the extended base and strengthen the material, which will allow you to continue to enjoy new nails. Correctly made correction will free you from visiting the master for another two to three weeks.

Types of corrections

Depending on the neglect of the nails and the integrity of the extended ones, different kinds corrections:

  • small implies that you need to fix small flaws - scratches, chips, small delaminations;
  • the average is carried out as a regular procedure after building. The regrown part is filled with gel, and the form is also leveled;
  • a large procedure is done in cases of nail breakage or severe detachment.

3 reasons for nail correction

There are several reasons why you may need to see a nail technician for this procedure or do gel nails at home if you have the right knowledge and tools:

  1. Regrowth leads to the fact that the transition between the gel and the native nail is noticeable. The master fills in the regrown part and reduces the shape, which allows you to save the length and appearance;
  2. If the gel began to flake off or cracked, you need to see the master. In no case do not remove the gel from injured fingers at home if you do not have skills in this matter. Most often, such manipulations end in serious injuries to the nail plate;
  3. A small crack on the gel will not take long to repair, but if the procedure is not done in time, the scratch may increase and lead to breakage;

Regular manicure procedures for the care of extended nails take a lot of time and money, so many have switched to self-correction. Now you can find great amount video lessons on building and correcting gel nails, with the help of which everyone can understand the principle of these procedures and how they should be performed.

home correction

If you do not know how to make gel nails correction yourself, then our video tutorials and step by step description the entire procedure will help you learn all the subtleties of this work and, if desired, do it. First you need to stock up on materials that will help you do the whole procedure:

  • gel;
  • files of different hardness;
  • buff (square file);
  • UV lamp;
  • disinfectant;
  • a set of brushes;
  • primer.

Below is a step-by-step instruction for correcting gel nails, do not forget about each step - this is the only way you will be able to create beautiful and unique nails on your hands.

Step by step:

  1. Hands and tools are disinfected.
  2. The varnish is removed.
  3. A special oil is applied to the cuticle, and when it softens a little, you need to gently move it, thereby freeing most of the regrown nail.
  4. With the help of a nail file, the excess length is cut off, the desired shape is given to the nails.
  5. With the help of a buff, the shiny surface of the nail is removed, if the gel has peeled off somewhere, then this area is also treated with a buff.
  6. Remove excess dust from fingers with a brush, treat everything with a disinfectant solution.
  7. Apply primer.
  8. Using a brush, apply a small amount of gel and gently spread it over the regrown surface, dry for 2 minutes under a lamp.
  9. Remove all irregularities with a file, give the same shape to all nails.
  10. Remove stickiness with an antiseptic.
  11. Cover with colored varnish, dry in a lamp and finally cover with a top coat and also dry in a lamp.

Now you know how to do gel nails correction and you will be able to carry out this procedure yourself. Regular implementation of this procedure will serve as an excellent strengthening of your own nails, prevent their brittleness and give you a beautiful and neat manicure that will require your attention no more than once every three weeks.

Advantages of gel extension:

  • from the aesthetic side, the gel looks much more natural than acrylic and is closer in texture to natural nails;
  • the gel is breathable and the nails get everything they need for normal growth;
  • gel coating strengthens natural nails - due to the fact that your nails are as if under cover, all injuries go to the extended base;

So, now you know all the advantages of the gel and the features of its correction. Before proceeding with it, carefully read the instructions again and watch the video about the gel nail correction procedure.

Correction of nails is an important stage of manicure. Over time, a plate that has been extended or painted with shellac grows back, which is why any pattern is distorted and becomes sloppy. To fix this, it is not at all necessary to completely remove the gel or acrylic, it is enough just to correct the shape or pattern.

Types of correction of extended nails

All types of correction are classified according to the complexity of the work:

  • Small. Least labor intensive. Includes minor editing of the drawing or painting of cracks. It is also required if the nail was slightly damaged. mechanically(its edge was hesitant or the varnish was a little worn off);
  • Average. This is a re-building of an artificial plate over a natural one. It is natural after any manicure. Includes painting and processing of the "fresh" edge;
  • When the nail breaks, a complex correction is made. If the model has broken the plate or erased the varnish, then the master repeats the manicure procedure on one or more fingers. The same type of work is used in the deformation of the coating.

If the correction of regrown nails is a natural process, then the correction of broken or cracked plates is a necessary measure. To avoid this, it is enough just to handle them carefully, try to minimize the impact household chemicals and do not test them for strength.

Step-by-step instructions for gel nail correction

Gel nails correction at home includes:

  1. Removal of old material;
  2. Shaping;
  3. Removal of the overgrown cuticle;
  4. Manicure with gel polish.

Let's consider each stage in more detail. To remove old gel polish it is most convenient to work with a milling cutter. Of course, you can use special solvents or cut down the biogel with a file, but this is an atavism.

Fraser is a special machine that is used during manicure, extension and correction of nails. Includes nozzles for filing, polishing, smoothing inhomogeneous plates. Cutters allow you to minimally injure the plate and remove the old varnish much faster.

After that, with a nail file or the same nails given the desired shape. It is important not to leave too thin edges, otherwise they will break easily even with everyday work. For beginners, it is best to limit yourself to the classic semicircle.

Now the nails are soaked in the bath to soften cuticles. The skin itself is moved away from the plate into a hollow, where it is cut out with wire cutters or scissors. You can also buy a cuticle softener, which will allow you to remove it without cutting tools.

Step-by-step instruction shellac nail correction at home (plus photo):

It is important to note that the single phase gel technique is almost identical except for the speed. Such a design and correction of nails can be performed many times faster than with ordinary shellac. That is why it is called - express technique.

Acrylic nail correction

Before you do the correction of extended nails with acrylic, it is important to prepare everything tools:

  • File with large grain (wide, optimal - 100x100);
  • A cap for the monomer (a means is collected in it to avoid overspending);
  • Powder;
  • Degreaser, primer;
  • Acrylic;
  • Brushes and pipette.

As a degreaser, you can use ordinary alcohol or any alcohol-based tonic - they have the same functions. Also, before correction, the old varnish is removed, and the nail is slightly filed.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners with a video on how acrylic nails are corrected:

Video: Gel nail correction (nail design lessons)

Many modern correction ideas acrylic nails include the use of gel polish. Outwardly, it looks very natural (if the correct length and shape is chosen).

Ingrown toenail laser correction

A separate topic for many girls is the correction of ingrown nails with a laser device. This technique appeared relatively recently, but quickly became the most effective in solving this problem.

An ingrown toenail is an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. For example, if it is ingrown on the leg, it can cause gait distortion or injury. For some time, a pedicure can save him, but on the leg, but often the effect is enough for less than 2 weeks.

How to perform laser toenail correction step by step:

  1. The technology includes exclusively medical intervention. You should not wait for a pedicure or a plate to be filed - this is what beauty salons do. First, you will need to fill out some papers and choose the right painkiller, then, together with the doctor, decide on the type and strength of the laser beam;
  2. Anesthesia can be carried out with subcutaneous lidocaine or using special creams (ointments);
  3. The skin roller is removed first. It is he who is the main reason for the improper growth of the plate. The doctor simply burns it out with a carbon laser;
  4. There is almost always a process under the roller, which is the main cause of ingrowth. It is corrected with tweezers and supported with gauze turunda for fixation;
  5. Within a few days, the treated area will require special care. If it is summer outside, then it is important to avoid dust and dirt, as well as to exclude swimming in open water, but if it is winter or autumn, it is recommended to wear spacious shoes.

The average price of laser correction is $10 per session. To find out exactly how much the procedure costs, you need to consult a doctor personally, demonstrate the scope of work and choose best option treatment.

Correction of extended nails- systematic updating of the structure of the artificial part of the nail, improving the appearance of the manicure. In this article, we will tell you how to properly perform the correction, and video tutorials will help you update the structure and shape of gel or acrylic nails at home.

To make artificial nails last longer, carry out the first correction 15-20 days after extension. The original beauty of the artificial part is restored, the natural nail plate is strengthened. First we will consider general principles correction of the nail plate, and then we will tell you in detail about the features of nail correction with gel or acrylic at home.

It is necessary to resume the shape of the nail (it grows and loses it), reduce its length. Often the nails on the index fingers grow down. It is necessary to raise the tip-beak so that the manicure is even. Specialized nozzles will help improve the condition of the inside of the nail.

Features of gel nails correction:

The skin of the hands must be disinfected, and natural nail strip on which it is planned to apply the gel - degrease.

With a spatula, gently push back the cuticle, cut off 50% of the outdated gel with a coarse nail file.

We try to file the part of the nail that has grown near the cuticle so that the fresh gel sticks better.

The nails of each hand must go through a series of processes before the procedure: disinfection, primer, bonder, UV lamp.

It remains to file the nails to give them the desired shape . A rough file is used, and then a fine nail file.

Correcting gel nails at home is no more difficult than making their initial extension. The difference is small - now it is necessary to cut the nail as short as possible, file it and, after processing with a primer, stick the tips. Special nippers will help to correct the length of the tips, and it is easy to achieve the desired shape with a nail file. After gel correction, the nails will look great, will not break or peel off.

Features of acrylic nails correction:

The nail is filed, on the line between the natural nail plate and the additional material - especially carefully.

Next, degrease the nail and cover with a consistency for connection so that the liquids do not end up on the mucous membrane or cuticle. Laying acrylic on nail plate, creating an identical natural form.

Then we give time to freeze the masterpiece (about 4 minutes). Then we file and polish the surface of acrylic nails to shine. We repeat the whole procedure for each nail.

Many women prefer to maintain their shape, size and general appearance for a long time after the gel or acrylic nail extension procedure, rather than constantly visiting a beauty salon, removing old artificial nails and doing the extension again. Next you will find training master classes for beginners, with the help of which you can maintain your manicure elegant at home for a long time.

And now let's take a closer look at how to correct extended acrylic or gel nails at home. Step-by-step instructions will help you make the correction correctly and flawlessly, and your manicure will look like you did nail extensions in a beauty salon again!

Now you know how gel nails are corrected at home, what materials and tools you will need for this procedure. Video tutorials with step-by-step tips from professionals provide an answer to the question of how to correct extended nails at home.