Knitwear tailoring. Models of skirts with patterns for obese women photo Pattern for sewing a skirt

The ability to model allows you to sew several completely different skirts using one pattern option. If you like to dance, then patterns of gypsy and Spanish skirts will allow you to sew an outfit for performances yourself. And if you just follow fashion, or prefer your own, purely individual style, then this section will help you always look fashionable and stylish. Moreover, using this skill, you can sew an exclusive dress. There are many styles of skirts: godet, flared, sun, pleated, pleated, Scottish, spiral, mini, midi, maxi, and skirt patterns will allow you to fulfill any fashion fantasies. Below are very interesting and practical options for skirt patterns: patterns of straight skirts, patterns of skirts "Gode", patterns of skirts "Sun", patterns of straight skirts with a detachable cape, patterns of wrap skirts, patterns of skirts with a frill frill, patterns of skirts with undercut and drapery etc. which are easy to sew and pleasant to wear.

Taking measurements

In mass sewing, to build drawings of patterns, ready-made tables are used, in which the measurements of the necessary parameters of typical figures are entered. For individual tailoring, the use of such tables is impractical, since more accurate and detailed data are required: Another system is used here - the calculation and measurement system, which is based on measuring the distances between certain points of the human body. These distances are called measurements.

To take measurements, you must have a centimeter tape, a pencil and a note book. In this case, certain requirements must be observed: the person from whom measurements are taken must stand relaxed, with a straight posture and arms lowered along the body; the legs should be brought together at the heels, and the socks turned slightly outward (with the slightest deviation to the sides, the measurements may turn out to be inaccurate); when measuring measurements, the centimeter tape must not be tightened or, conversely, loosened; in order to eliminate the distortion of readings, it is advisable to take measurements on linen.

Remember! The accuracy of the pattern drawing and, therefore, the appearance of the product you have sewn depends on the correctness and accuracy of the measurements you have taken.

However, that's not all.

to build a drawing of a skirt, you need to consider which type of physique your figure belongs to. If you have a standard folded figure (smoothly wavy back, the location of the protruding points of the shoulder blades and buttocks at the same level relative to the vertical, moderate notch at the waist and protrusion of the buttocks, normal hip width), then the following measurements are needed to build a skirt drawing

Straight two-seam skirt

Despite the variety of this or that skirt, a straight two-seam skirt is the basis for building many models. This skirt perfectly exists as an independent product and as an integral part of many costumes. After all, she is one of the classic models and therefore, for several decades, it has rightfully been at the peak of fashion. It is suitable for any woman age category, and will also be appropriate both for special occasions and for everyday wear. This skirt can be sewn from almost any type of fabric. However, it is not recommended to sew it from fabrics in a cage, since fitting such a pattern is a significant difficulty. If you decide to sew a skirt made of striped fabric, then when cutting it is necessary to observe the symmetry of the pattern on the front and back panels. A straight two-seam skirt without expansion along the bottom will look a little narrower. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear it to women with low hips.


To build a drawing (Fig. 14), the following measurements of the figure are required: semi-waist circumference (St), floor at hip circumference (C6) and product length (Dsh) - And you also need to know the amount of the allowance for loose fitting along the waist line (Pt) hips (P6). For all sizes they are equal:

Fri = 0.7-1.0 cm, Pb = 1.5-2.0 cm.

In the future, the necessary measurements and increments will be called "initial data".

For the convenience of construction and calculations, we take measurements of a typical figure; St = 38 cm, Se = 52 cm, Dt = 75 cm.

We build a right angle with the vertex at point T. The segment TN corresponds to the length of the skirt and is the middle of the front panel. The segment TB determines the position of the line of the hips and is equal to 13.5-19.5 cm. Through the obtained points B and H, we draw lines perpendicular to the straight line TN. From point B along the line of the hips, we set aside a segment equal to the measurement of the half-girth of the hips (C6) plus an increase in the free fit on the hips (Pb), and set point B1

BB 1 \u003d C6 + Pb \u003d 52 + 2 \u003d 54 cm.

Draw a vertical line through point B 1 until it intersects with the waist line at point T1 and the bottom line at point H1. This straight line is the middle of the back panel. From point B to the right along the line of the hips, set aside BB2

BB 2 = BB1 / 2 - 1 = TT2 = HH2

Draw a vertical line through point B 2 until it intersects with the waist line at point T2 and the bottom line at point H2.

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Feminine, elegant, moderately sexy and just as strict - all these qualities in a woman will help to fully express and emphasize the PENCIL SKIRT.

Today, a pencil skirt can be sewn from a wide variety of materials, including leather, velvet, silk, knitted and lace fabric, etc. Any color! And if earlier FASHION strongly recommended wearing a pencil skirt only with shoes on high heels, but now the same fashion claims that a pencil skirt goes well with low-soled shoes.

In previous articles, we presented you with several options for different sizes, today another proposal on the same topic.



Pencil skirt is a kind of lifesaver for women of any age, any complexion. Today it is more diverse than ever before. Depending on the length, the presence of reliefs or other design elements, the material, finish, etc., a pencil skirt can be completely different and appropriate in a variety of situations.

Finished pattern double embossed pencil skirts on the front panel, on the back panel, the middle seam into which the zipper is sewn. In the same seam at the bottom of the skirt, there can be a slit, slot, pleat or frill. We deliberately do not mark any marks on the pattern of the back panel and do not give any allowances, leaving the choice to you. Allow for processing according to your decision.

How to build a skirt pattern for a specific figure according to measured standards (step-by-step instruction) can be viewed.

Modeling a pencil skirt described in several ways previously.

The "godet" style skirt is an emphasis on femininity and showiness.

The skirt-year fits perfectly into the working environment and may well take place as a participant in the New Year's ball. It all depends on the design solution and on the choice of fabric.

Today, our attention is directed to girls and women whose girths exceed certain conventions, called the standard.

Therefore our ready-made skirt pattern suitable for ladies waist 89cm, hips 116cm.

The proposed skirt of the "godet" style consists of eight wedges, with pockets and a stitched belt. Skirt length 76 cm.

Preparing a pattern for work is extremely simple.

Click on the diagram at the end of the article and skirt pattern will open in a new window.

Print the pattern sheets on the printer, cut and connect them in accordance with the diagram.

In our wardrobe, among the many different outfits, there are long-lived things.

Their usefulness and necessity have been tested by time. Skirts are one of those items.

Classic straight skirt with back slit(instead of slots, there may be a fold or cut). With skillfully selected length, it any will do woman.

Today we pay attention to girls with forms. it ready-made pattern of a classic straight skirt with a slit at the back.

You can never have too many skirts! And not a single woman will deny herself the pleasure of sewing another magnificent skirt according to the patterns proposed in this section. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, it takes just a couple of days to even sew the most complex skirt, and simple models skirts, for example, a sun skirt or a Tatyanka-type skirt, can be sewn at all in a couple of hours.

Secondly, in order to sew a skirt, a small amount of fabric is enough. And sometimes craftswomen can create real masterpieces even from cuts of fabrics stale in their chests.

And the third reason why most craftswomen love to sew skirts is an incredible amount of creative ideas and ready-made skirt patterns on our website. You can use the developed patterns as they are or add your own ideas to the product, add the details you want. Creativity is in your hands!

If you are new to sewing and don't know where to start, we recommend that you first create a basic skirt pattern according to your own measurements. You will be surprised how easy this can be done by following our instructions. Each ready-made skirt pattern contains a link to the base pattern, and you can use it.

If you are limited in time and for some reason cannot build a basic skirt pattern yourself, we also made sure that you can download it for free. The pattern for download is presented on the site in 5 standard sizes.

It is important to note that some types of skirts do not require basic pattern: for example, for bell skirts, sun skirts, "semi-sun", "tatyanka", for skirts with frills and many other styles fluffy skirts It is enough to take only 2-3 measurements.

Each model contains not only information on modeling and cutting, but also detailed instructions tailoring each model. In addition, we have prepared for you master classes of those sewing operations that are often performed when sewing skirts - for processing darts, belts, belt loops, pockets, fasteners, folds, gathers and much more.

Choose your favorite models of skirts, cut and sew together with the Sewing School website!

Few people will remain indifferent to the A-line skirt, because this model conquers at first sight, first of all, with its elegance. A slight flare of the hem allows you to create a very feminine and sophisticated silhouette, and rich Blue colour models - a win-win for creating unique images in different styles. The A-line skirt is very combinative, and it can be successfully combined with jackets, knitted jumpers or blouses - in any case, you are guaranteed an elegant look and a great mood. A-line skirt pattern in this lesson.

This knitted suit can not only be sewn from finished material but also to connect. It consists of a jumper and a skirt - a voluminous top and a fitted bottom - a great collaboration of two completely independent pieces. Together they create an integral ensemble, however, each of them can act separately, as a combi-partner with other products of your wardrobe. For example, such a knitted skirt can be perfectly combined with a loose blouse, and a jumper with denim trousers.

Let's look at a variation on the flounces theme and model a skirt with a one-piece frill that turns into a bow. Perhaps, such a model will seem too voluminous to someone, in this case, you can always reduce both the length of the shuttlecock and the size of the bow itself. The skirt presented in the article is made by us from gabardine, a sand shade that is relevant this season, and looks great! It is better to combine such a product with a tight-fitting top - a top, a short pullover, a blouse, etc.

If you want to give your favorite skirts a new look, then more easy way how to complement them with straps - not to be found! Just look at these adorable models! Classic pencil skirt, sun skirt and denim A-line skirt - three absolutely different models on long straps they look equally impressive. We offer you ready-made patterns of these charming skirts that you can sew yourself.

Aesthetics modern society in terms of wardrobe appearance follows the path of minimalism - today naturalness, high-quality materials, and precise cut are more valued in clothes. Fashion is cyclical, and the trends that we are seeing today are just another round of history. So let's enjoy this period of time to the fullest and sew one of the most classic skirt models - a four-piece skirt. Modern model sewn from denim and in the new reading it looks incredibly feminine and luxurious.

Why do we love denim clothing? Because it is very comfortable, practically does not wrinkle, does not require any additional care, and besides, it never goes out of fashion! And how many products of various products can be sewn from such fabrics! Today we decided to offer you to model a pattern denim skirt, which will fit perfectly into any wardrobe and can even be a great alternative to jeans so firmly rooted in it.

When warm days begin, and we spend most of our free time on fresh air, it can be difficult to carve out an extra minute for sewing. Despite the fact that during such periods there is less time left for creativity, craftswomen are ready to sit at night at night. sewing machine to show off in a new thing in the morning. In such cases, ready-made patterns come to the rescue, which significantly save time and effort and help to create exactly when it is needed. The asymmetric wrap skirt is one of the most popular skirt models that almost never goes out of fashion and is quite easy to sew. In this lesson we have prepared for you finished pattern asymmetric skirt with a smell in 5 sizes, which you can download absolutely free.

Simple - does not mean boring at all, because the basis for creating bright things is not complexity, but the originality of the idea! Tatyanka skirt, which we suggest you sew in our next lesson, brilliantly confirms this well-known rule. It is so easy to sew that even beginners can sew such a model in just an hour. In this case, the result will be amazing! What is a Tatyanka skirt and why is it so easy to sew? The whole secret is that you do not need to build a pattern for such a skirt. The product is sewn without a pattern from a rectangular piece of fabric, gathering or folds are performed at the waist. From our next lesson, you will learn how to calculate the required amount of fabric for a skirt, as well as cut out and sew this sunny Tatyanka skirt on the belt.

A wrap skirt with an asymmetric hem line, the pattern of which we offer you in this lesson, is not only real hit season - it may well become a hit in your wardrobe! Crafted from fine cotton in the color of pink foam, with one-piece belt, such a skirt will perfectly emphasize the waist line and correct the lush hips. A light side flare and deep folds visually change the proportions, stretching the lower part of the figure, and the open line of the smell allows you to demonstrate Beautiful legs. If you decide to sew such a model for yourself, you will not have to waste time on building and modeling a pattern, since you can download a ready-made skirt pattern for 5 sizes at life size absolutely free!

Using simple geometric shapes in modeling can give amazingly interesting results, and the skirt that we invite you to model is a clear example of how using simple reception you can create a real masterpiece. To do this, you do not need to resort to any intricate folds, draperies, complex cuts, and so on and so forth. Rectangle-circle-rectangle is an axiom that should be remembered and used as often as possible! Modeling a straight skirt with a frill - in this lesson.

This article gives the construction of pattern drawings for several styles of skirts at once. These are such styles popular with all women as a straight classic skirt (pencil skirt), a semi-sun skirt cut along an oblique and the widest skirt model at the bottom - a sun skirt. Recommendations are given on the construction of a pattern of a skirt flared to the bottom, consisting of several wedges, as well as advice on how to calculate and lay tucks on a skirt in a pleat.

Measurements for building patterns and fabric consumption

To build a drawing, you will need to take only three measurements: waist circumference; hip girth; skirt length. But keep in mind that their half values ​​are used to build the drawing, except for length measurements. Half values ​​of measurements of the waist and hips are indicated by St, Sat, respectively, the half circumference of the waist and hips.
To make the skirt pattern as accurate as possible, you need to take these measurements correctly, so in case of difficulty, you can see the site article How to take measurements for a dress. It shows in detail and clearly how to take measurements for a skirt.

Do not forget that when sewing any clothes, when constructing a drawing of pattern details, it is required to make allowances for free fit in calculations, which in these calculations are indicated by Fri, Pb, etc.

The consumption of fabric for sewing a skirt depends primarily on the volume of the hips and, secondly, on the chosen style of the skirt. So girls whose hips exceed 130 cm will have to buy two lengths of fabric even for sewing a straight skirt. Up to 130 cm, one skirt length is sufficient, plus allowances for hem and belt. As for the style of the skirt, for example, a sun skirt may require 5 meters of fabric 150 cm wide. Be prepared for this, and you will find out more accurate fabric consumption when you build a skirt pattern.

To build a drawing of this straight pattern, the following measurements were used: St = 38cm, Sat = 52cm, Di = 54cm. Increases Fri = 1cm, Pb = 1cm.

Before you start building a pattern, prepare paper, pencils, a ruler, a felt-tip pen, adhesive tape and scissors. The pencil should be soft, the felt-tip pen is useful for marking dots and main lines, and the adhesive tape is convenient to use for gluing paper. See How to make a pattern and other tips for beginners.

To build a straight skirt pattern, it is convenient to use graph paper. The paper grid allows you to quickly and accurately draw the main lines. You can use another type of paper (tracing paper), but in any case, first build a right angle with the vertex T.

The level of the hip line for typical and close to them individual figures: TB = 19.5 cm.
The level of the bottom line TH = Di = 54cm. From received points T, N, B draw horizontal lines at a distance of 53 cm and put points T1, H1, B1. This distance is determined by the formula Sb + Pb \u003d 52 + 1 \u003d 53 cm.

Now the pattern grid needs to be divided in half, into the front of the skirt and the back. The vertical line passes through point B2, calculated by the formula BB2 = (Sb + Pb) / 2 - 1 = 25.5 cm.
For complete figures with a large belly, the back and front panels of the skirt are designed with the same width.

Set aside 1-1.5 cm from point T2 and make a mark. Now you need to set aside 3.5 cm segments to the left and right from the same point and draw the upper part of the side line of both halves of the skirt and the slightly raised part of the waist line with a smooth line.

The amount of tucks is calculated by the formula (Sat + Pb) - (St + Fri) = (52 - 1) - (38 + 1) = 14cm. This amount is divided by two and two tucks will turn out 7 cm. Moreover, the back tuck will be larger than the front in the following proportion: back - 14/3 \u003d 4.7 cm, and front 14/6 \u003d 2.3 cm (4.7 + 2.3 \u003d 7).
The position of the rear tuck is determined by the formula BB3 = 0.4 x BB2 = 0.4 x 25.5 = 10.2cm.
The position of the front tuck B1B4 = 0.4 x B1B2 = 0.4 x 27.5 = 11 cm.
The back tuck ends 4-5 cm above the hip line, the front tuck ends 10 cm above the hip line.

The narrowing of the skirt is 1-2 cm, they are evenly laid to the right and left of the H2 point.

For freedom of movement on the back panel of the skirt, slots, folds, cuts are often made. In order for the fold to lie better, middle line the back panel is slightly retracted (red outline).

Measurements for building a skirt drawing: St = 38cm, Sat = 52cm, Di = 80cm.

Consider two options for the conical shape of the skirts: half-sun and sun. The main difference between such skirts extended to the bottom is that they form beautiful and soft tails that evenly lie around the circle of the skirt. This effect appears due to the cut of the fabric along the oblique line.

To build a pattern for such a skirt, it is not necessary to use paper. A sun skirt or half sun skirt pattern can be built directly on the fabric. See Pattern of a half-sun skirt on fabric.

First, draw a right angle with a vertex at point O. From point O down the vertical, lay off a segment OT, equal to the half-circumference of the waist, multiplied by K (coefficient), which is equal to "semi-sun" skirts - 0.64, and "sun" skirts - 0 ,32.

Sun skirt: OT = 38 x 0.32 = 12.2 cm.
Semi-sun skirt: OT \u003d 38 x 0.64 \u003d 24.3 cm.

From the point T down the vertical lay a segment TB, equal to an average of 19.5 cm.
From the same point T, lay down a segment equal to the length of the skirt, and put the point H.
For a "semi-sun" skirt, from point O with radius OT, an arc is drawn until it intersects with the second side of the right angle at point T1, and with a radius equal to OH, a bottom line HH1 is drawn.

The skirt-sun is built on a straight line, in the middle of which point O is marked. Coefficient K \u003d 0.32.
Having set aside the segment OT \u003d 0.32 x St \u003d 12.2 cm on a straight line, a semicircle TT1 is drawn from point O with this radius.
From the point T, a segment TN is laid, equal to the length of the skirt. From point O with a radius equal to OH, an arc HH1 is drawn - the bottom line.

Bias-cut skirts should be left hanging for a few days to stretch and take on a permanent shape.
After that, the length of the skirt is aligned on the figure. The bottom of the skirt is aligned from the floor along the ruler.

Building a pattern and modeling flared skirts (godet)

St = 38cm, Sat = 52cm, Di = 80cm. Fri = 1cm, Pb = 2cm.

From the point T lay off Di = 80cm and put the point H.
From the same point T, a segment TB = 19.5 cm is laid, which determines the line of the hips. Draw horizontal lines through points B, H, T.

Now you need to calculate the width of the wedge along the waist and hips. Most often, these skirts have a tight fit around the waist and hips.
T1T2 \u003d (St + Pb) / n \u003d (38 + 1) / 2 \u003d 19.5 cm (for a four-blade skirt), where n is the number of wedges in half, since the calculation is based on the half-girth of the hips.

T1T2 \u003d (38 + 1) / 3 \u003d 12.7 cm (for a six-blade).
On the resulting segments, the point T should be in the center.

The width of the wedge along the hip line is calculated according to the formula: B1B2 = (Sb + Pb) / n = (52 + 2) / 3 = 18cm, where BB1 ​​= BB2.

The width of the wedge at the bottom is taken from the model of the skirt.
The side line is drawn with a smooth line.

The waistline is drawn up as follows.
Segments TT1 and TT2 are divided in half, and from these points perpendiculars are drawn to the extended sides of the wedge. The waist line is drawn with a smooth line slightly raised along the edges (0.5 - 0.7 cm).
The sides of the wedge are equalized using the segment TN, that is, its sides are equal to the length of this central segment.

To build a wedge skirt-year, first find the level from which an additional extension is made.
The sides of the wedge are again equalized after the additional construction of the extended part of the year skirt. KN \u003d K2H2 \u003d K1H1.
The wedge of the skirt-year is made symmetrically with respect to the vertical line TN on all parts of the skirt-year.

The pleated skirt pattern has the following measurements: St = 38cm, Sat = 52cm, Di = 54cm, Fri = 1cm, Pb = 3cm. This pattern is suitable for a girl with sizes and height 164-96-104.
The number of folds can be any. This skirt has 10 pleats.

In order to determine the distance between the folds along the hip line, the following calculations must be made:
((Sb + Pb) x 2) / n where n is the number of folds. ((52 + 3)x2) / 10 \u003d 110/10 \u003d 11cm.

Similarly, determine the distance between the folds along the waistline:
((St + Fri) x 2) / n = 7.8 cm.

The depth of the fold at the bottom should be at least 3 cm (in this case, take 5 cm). To prevent the folds from opening, on each side of the fold you need to make a 1-2 cm bevel from the hip line to the bottom line.
The greater the length of the skirt, the greater the bevel, the more extended downwards this skirt will look.

If the construction of the skirt is carried out directly on the fabric, you can pre-process the bottom of the product. A circular pleated skirt often requires two lengths of fabric. The stitching seams in this case must be in the inner fold of the fold.

A right angle is built with the apex at the T point. From the T point, the level of the hips is laid vertically: TB = 19.5 cm.
From the point T, a segment TN is laid down, which is equal to the length of the product: TN \u003d Di \u003d 54 cm.
To the right, points B and H draw horizontal lines. TN line - a fold or seam line inside the fold.
From point B, the depth of the fold is laid, which is equal to 6 cm (5 cm + 1 cm): BB1 \u003d 6 cm.
Next, lay the distance between the folds along the line of the hips: B1B2 \u003d 11 cm.
Find the middle of the fold:
B1B11 \u003d B11B2 \u003d B1B2 / 2 \u003d 11/2 \u003d 5.5 cm.
The middle of the fold coincides with the shared thread.

A vertical line is drawn through point B11. The intersection with the line of the bottom and waist is indicated by points H11 and T11.
From point T11 to the right and to the left lay segments equal to: the distance between the folds divided by two. That is, 7.8 / 2 \u003d 3.9 cm.
From the point H11, segments are laid equal: (B1B2 / 2) + 1 = 5.5 + 1 = 6.5 cm.
The resulting points are connected by straight lines. Next, a segment equal to two fold depths is laid along the line of the hips, and the entire construction of the skirt pattern is repeated.