It's unusual to say happy birthday. Happy birthday greetings are the highlight of the holiday. Comic congratulations “Fruit cocktail”

This is a mega-sophisticated and most natural tea. bouquet in sachets
The latest and only declassified only in 2011, in which Nina was directly involved, collecting herbs.

The bouquet smelled delicious and, as it turned out, it turned out to be a very fragrant, pleasantly relaxing tea.
There was a candy in a small box, and the main gift in the package.
I REALLY LIKE))) Nina, once again THANK YOU SO MUCH!

photo 7darov

And once again check it out - as soon as I have a DSLR, I will be able to please myself and everyone around with such amazingly harmonious photos!

photo 7darov

Immediately in the context of this tea gift, I will remind you of the idea, instead of a postcard, to write congratulations-wishes on impromptu labels for tea bags.
Read more about this gift idea

Photo for collage

Gift idea congratulations number 2. And here is a gift given to one good man with whom it is always a pleasure to go hiking.
We wanted to buy him a new karemat (tourist rug) to replace the lost one. And by chance it so happened that the idea of ​​a carpet intertwined with a man's old dream of an airplane carpet.
Anyone who still does not believe in the existence of this phenomenon, please carefully look at this photo. And it's a real flying carpet! Without Photoshop!

photo 7darov

Congratulations gift idea number 3. Go ahead. The photo shows a gift to Olya, who gave me a starry sky (that's how it was)

It’s a pity that I was in a hurry and the gift was not covered by photography in the process, but I’ll tell you everything now.
Inside, the gift is wrapped in several layers of paper (something reminds the Diamond Hand of how the main character was made plaster with jewels), on each of them there are postcards with wishes.
Pictures are selected on the Internet, this time all from your favorite blog
About how and where to select pictures and ideas for wishes, I
You can also use your own photos, which is much more interesting, because they can make something so beautiful .... a mega gift)) About this in detail

And back to the gift for Olya)) The key idea of ​​congratulations was embodied by a specially purchased toy - here it is in the photo.

photo 7darov

You have probably seen these: you beat her or shake her hard and she starts to glow.
And the wish is this: “Whatever happens, let it only make you stronger, wiser, and perceived internally easily! Let everything grow and increase the light of your smile and your soul!

photo 7darov

Congratulations gift idea number 4. And this is how we wished a happy birthday to a wonderful person and friend this time Maxx-a, with one of the gifts to which one very interesting story is connected

Maxx knew what he wanted this time, so t.s. the main theme of the gift was determined - these are two bars of RAM. Boring. In the sense that you can’t scare with a pear and you can’t give some big and useless nonsense (just kidding!)

What did we come up with? At the suggestion of Olya, a colleague, whom I just told you about, we came up with this. I will tell the story from the moment of donation - it will be much more fun that way.

As a gift, the birthday boy received a torn incomprehensible box (by the way, as it turned out, tearing a box from under high-quality shoes turned out to be a more difficult task than we expected)

photo 7darov

I opened it, and there is a bunch of papers, from which, in turn, all sorts of rubbish is fished out, strange things, boards, halves of the keyboard (we also "crushed the keys" into the box)

Wishes and jokes on each subject - I love to write little notes here what can you do - if rushing creativity stops hard

photo 7darov

photo 7darov

Item after item and... hooray! power supply (while we are technically silent, of course)
But Maxx himself guessed: "I hope that the gift is not in the power supply"

photo 7darov

Hopes, however, did not materialize.

photo 7darov

The power supply was dismantled and there was a long-awaited gift in it! Ta-da-am! CONGRATULATIONS!

photo 7darov

Gift idea congratulations number 5. And this is one of the "ingredients" of a gift that was given to me by the girls with whom we practice wushu. Meet Chocolate Angel.

And although angels are unusual beings in their own right, this one is a special kind. This is a guardian angel. It needs to be eaten and it will protect, as it were, from the inside, in general, more reliably))

photo 7darov

Congratulations gift idea number 6. By the way, by the way! I have long wanted to post a congratulations from capital letters. And it came true.)

This is how the gift for Marina looked like: congratulations and a small candy

photo 7darov

In the photo, the happy owner and eater of candy))

photo 7darov

If you want to congratulate your loved one in an original way and loved one happy birthday, then this article is for you.

  • My beloved friend, you and I got into all sorts of troubles, and I realized that you are a real “F ..”: “Cheerful”, “Feminine”, “Iron Lady”, and today I wish you three “NOTs”: “Incredible love”, “Unboring adventures” and “Unheard of happiness”.
  • If you think that money is garbage, then I wish you a new position - director of a garbage dump.
  • I wish that everything that was eaten today does not affect the waist in any way!
  • Today I wish you problems of such a plan, where to spend the next million, in which resort to relax this month or in which country to buy real estate! From such problems, I think you will not get tired!

How to wish a girlfriend a happy birthday?

You can wish your girlfriend a happy birthday different ways, but of course, you must first choose a gift. Who, if not you, knows what she dreams of?

  • Maybe she has long wanted to go out of town for the weekend or her favorite band is coming soon, such a gift will become her favorite.
  • Do not forget to arrange a surprise party, call all the guests in secret and make an appointment for her somewhere in a cafe, she will be very surprised to see how many people want to congratulate her.

happy birthday wishes for girlfriend

Since old age and boredom are definitely not about the two of you, then the wishes should be the most unusual and cheerful:

  • pedantic playboy to clean the apartment
  • wizard Hottabych, but not the old man
  • a carriage on wheels, but not a pumpkin
  • bag of luck that never ends
  • magic bag in which everything goes crazy
  • a strong roof that will not move out
  • adventures in which we are always together
  • sunny days and perfect tan
  • to eat and not get fat
  • to always ride the green wave
  • a golden fish that will fulfill all desires

Happy birthday poem for girlfriend

Poems that will bring you to tears should be very personal and deep. To write such a verse, first try to describe in prose all the feelings that are now overwhelming you, you are grateful to her for being in your life, she will never let you down or leave you, she is ready to listen and give advice, she openly shares any secrets with you and trusts you.

Little is said about friendship
When you grew up, matured.
Happy to be friends
It doesn't even matter who...

But female friendship is different,
There is no comparison to be found.
How few women in the world know
How to get a best friend.

How many are angry
The soul is closed, there is no entrance.
How many of those who once opened
And the pain only received in response.

Money, endowed with power,
You can't find a shoulder at all.
All these secrets, conversations,
It is dangerous even to trust doctors!

In a quiet kitchen with a cup of tea
We will retire as of old,
Opening the secrets of the heart
All about love and sadness.

I rarely talk about it
And I rarely write
You will always help out with advice,
Any difficulties with you on the shoulder.

I'm so glad that in the eternal bustle
I can open up to you!
That in my life I was lucky,
With you my .... , make friends!

Words to a friend's birthday in prose

For some reason, we say the main words only one day a year, when a person important to us has a birthday.

  • My dear friend, they often say that female friendship it's a scam, but I know it's not. I believe in our friendship and I am sure that despite the years, distance, lack of time and domestic worries, we will always find a moment for each other. Your support and care are important to me and you are very important to me. Forgive me for not always being able to meet with you or talk enough, but know that you are always in my heart and in my soul! I wish you to remain as beautiful and incredible this year, so that luck and success accompany you, I am sure that you will achieve any goals that you set for yourself.
  • My friend, today you have become one year older, but you should not think about age and numbers, in your heart you will always be eighteen! During this year you have done a lot and achieved a lot, and I wish that your successes do not end! I'm very proud of you! Happy birthday!

SMS birthday greetings to a girlfriend

Birthday greetings can be started in the morning or even at night! In order, God forbid, not to wake up the hero of the upcoming celebration, send an SMS to start, waking up she will be pleased to read such a message.

  • Get up, sleepy! Sleep through your birthday!
  • The best girlfriend in the world, I will whisper in your ear today that you are the best in the whole wide world and this is no longer a secret to anyone!
  • Even the sun has already risen and painted the sky in your favorite color to make you happy on your birthday!

Birthday surprise for a friend

You can prepare a birthday surprise on your own or with the help of professional companies for arranging holidays.

  • If your girlfriend is not from the timid, then you can order an unusual prank for her, which she will remember for a long time. Just keep in mind, the same thing will await you on your birthday.
  • Also you can do original postcard, asking her close friends and relatives to record a video message or congratulations, such a mini-movie can be reviewed later at home and cheer up.
  • For more gentle persons, you can arrange theme party in the style of "Natasha Rostova's ball" and present her with a beautiful ball gown.
  • Surprises can be arranged from the very morning, guard the birthday girl at the exit of the house and announce that work is canceled today (after agreeing with her boss), you can’t work on such a wonderful day, you need to have fun and visit all your favorite places, especially shops.

What to give your best friend for her birthday?

Gifts can be varied, in fact, you already know what to give her, because you are the best friend! Most popular options:

  • perfumery ( Eau de Toilette, perfume)
  • cosmetics (lipstick, mascara, varnish)
  • manicure supplies
  • watches or jewelry (pendants, hairpins, earrings)
  • jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants)
  • spa services (massage, sauna, bath, body wrap, spa capsule, mud bath)
  • bag (clutch, briefcase, shoulder bag, sack)
  • wallet
  • frame with your photos
  • fashionable scarf or snood
  • the hat she had long dreamed of
  • sweets (chocolate, marmalade, marshmallow)
  • dinner at your favorite restaurant
  • certificate to your favorite store
  • custom portrait (in pop art style)
  • item of clothing (dress, sweater, blouse if you are sure of the size)
  • ticket to the theater, circus, dolphinarium, etc.
  • blender, combine, meat grinder, multicooker, bread machine for those who like to cook
  • fashion sunglasses
  • and much more

It is believed that the most valuable gifts are handmade gifts, you can prepare an album with your joint photos or make a themed collage about your adventures. If you have artistic talent, then try to paint her portrait, you, as a loved one, will succeed in a particularly good way, and she will understand how you see her.

If you have culinary talents, then why not bake a cake for a traitor, there are not many sweets on a birthday, and no one counts calories anymore. Also interesting idea– order a themed cake, with figurines, no one will have a second one like it. Unfortunately, all this beauty will remain only in your memory and in photographs.

Birthday toast for a friend

It’s better to come up with a birthday toast in advance so as not to wait in confusion when your turn gets to you. You can repeat the words from the congratulations or say something else, the main thing is that these words come from the heart.

  • Friend of my hard days, sometimes I think, what will we talk about when we grow old? Cosmetics and men will no longer interest us, are we really going to talk about medicines and pensions? Or about raising prices in stores and scolding the government? In fact, it doesn’t matter to me what to talk about, the main thing is that we will also be friends, I congratulate you, my dear, may the sun always be above your head, birds sing in your soul, and butterflies flutter in your stomach! For you!
  • If in Russia there are two problems - fools and roads, then women have three of them - what to cook to eat, what to wear and where to get the money for all this. I wish you a wardrobe full of new clothes, dinner was always waiting in the refrigerator, and the family had prosperity and well-being. Good luck to you, my friend!
  • I raise my glass to best woman in the world, my friend! She is the most devoted, cheerful, cheerful and wonderful person in this world! Let your path be easy, and let nothing overshadow your good mood! For you!
  • Take a look at this sea of ​​flowers that surrounds you. I wish that there were always fresh flowers in your house, you were surrounded by love and care, you deserve it! Let the man you've been waiting for so long appear next to you, happiness is just around the corner, it's just very big, that's why it gets to you so slowly! May everything you wish for today come true, cheers!

Do not forget to say warm words to your friends not only on birthdays, because sometimes it is very important to know that someone needs you, is important and dear. Congratulations should be personal, banal wishes for happiness in your personal life will be forgotten immediately, but warm words spoken from the heart will warm for a long time and make your relationship even more trusting. Well, expect that from how you congratulate, they will congratulate you.

Video: Congratulations for a friend

Never regret the past years
After all, they have no power over you.
You always only give birth to warmth in the hearts,
Treat us all with your kindness...

Be always cheerful, irresistible,
So that in the eyes the light never goes out.
Be as beautiful and loved by all,
Please accept our congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

What to wish you, such
On a special day - your anniversary?
You are a golden man.
And in the world there is no lighter than you!

Be beautiful. Such as it is.
May wisdom multiply over the years
Your merits cannot be counted,
We will rate you with flowers:

Like a rose, always young
Like an orchid - unique
Like a forget-me-not - you are wonderful,
So, like a carnation, it is multifaceted!

Let the men stack
Lie in your way
Let the vacation - only in the Bahamas,
Let the house be a full bowl!

We wish you joy, goodness,
Health, happiness and warmth,
Flower, smiles and friends
On a happy anniversary holiday.
A beautiful woman is always.
And age is not a hindrance.
Don't forget to keep in your soul
Stocks of kindness and laughter.
And let not only on this day
The nightingale sings in the heart.

I wish you success
Faithful, devoted friends,
Less tears, more laughter
Never know losses.

Happy anniversary congratulations,
I only wish good
It is easy to live without despair.
Let spring bloom in your heart!

May the anniversary bring you happiness
And in your life the sun will rise,
So that every day, waiting for you ahead,
The most beautiful was all my life behind!

Love, family warmth, kindness,
Good luck, happiness, laughter, magic,
Good health to both body and soul,
Always be on top in your career!

Anniversary birthday -
He is always special.
Like in childhood, waiting for a miracle
Despite the years.

And sum up
Sometimes you try
With past mistakes
Forever goodbye.

Anniversary will give you
Let new goals.
Let friends fill up the ranks,
If thinned.

Anniversaries come
But there is nothing to be sad.
Let it always sound after:
"Ah, what a woman! ”

Anniversaries are a great occasion
Gather everyone around the table.
We congratulate, wish
Happiness, joy, kindness,

To make the dresses fit
So that the scales do not upset,
To work in the morning
Greeted with hugs.

For life to be like sugar
Light, sweet and more
To also be near
Someone's shoulder with a bicep.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you happiness and love.
So that you live for many years
Let only bright light burn.

To inspire hope
Guided the path of happiness.
Let dreams come true
For you to be happy.

Let the fire of love burn
An angel soars in the sky
The dove of peace is flying
The roses of passion are blooming.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you peace and good.
Bloom every day.
Everything will be fine, believe me.

Happy Anniversary!
We sincerely wish you:
Let the wallet get fat
Not by days, but by hours.

In the house - joy, comfort.
In the heart - passion and love.
May everything always be cool
From dawn to dawn!

Let women's happiness not decay over the years,
And unearthly beauty will not fade,
And with each new birthday
Your years look even more beautiful,

Smiling into the eyes of sadness and adversity,
Appreciate yourself and praise yourself every time,
Gathering again in the circle of friends and relatives,
Love life, let it love you in return!

IN Lately often seen on asphalt congratulatory inscriptions paint. It's not like that anymore original congratulations, but it will be nice to the birthday boy. He will definitely remember him for many years, seeing from the window of his apartment, because everyone is pleased with the attention. Moreover, such a congratulation every time will remind you of the day when a person received it, because the paint will not disappear from the asphalt soon. And you can make it with colored crayons.

It is unusual to congratulate the hero of the occasion on his birthday with an original candy bouquet. You need to wrap the wand-holder for balloons green teip tape. Then take a Ferrero Rocher candy and glue it to the holder. From wrapping paper cut out small rectangles and twist each candy into a cone shape. Fasten with thin tape. And so do a few colors. Then make them up beautiful bouquet and decorate with a big bow.

You can buy a simple good gift and pack it so that the unpacking process brings a lot of positive emotions to the birthday man. For example, a man can buy a ring for a woman and put it in a small box, and this box in another one - a larger one, and so on. You will get something like a matryoshka. By the way, you can also give a nesting doll, and put the ring in the smallest one. Get pretty original.

If a girl celebrates her birthday, you need to buy flowers, such as roses, and postcards. By number of years. Sign each card and distribute to strangers for the birthday girl. Until the time when the guest needs to come to the celebration, each of the people will bring the birthday girl a flower with a card signed by the guest. If she turns an even number of years, then the last rose and card can not be given, but come with a gift.

How unusual to wish a happy birthday? In the evening or night, put small gifts in all kinds of places. In the cabinet in the kitchen, where the birthday boy will climb for coffee, put a rosebud. Put a postcard with a congratulatory poem under the pillow. In a small bag soft toy, on the phone, replace the ringtone with your own voice congratulations and then call. The birthday boy will be very pleased with all these little things.

You can record a video greeting using a special program to make a short film where you can insert fragments from a personal photo and video archive. Pick up children's, family, holiday photos and memorable videos from all kinds of events and overlay appropriate music on them: beautiful and pleasant, perhaps fun. You can pre-record congratulations from relatives and friends and include them in your original film, which will amuse guests and become a memorable gift.

There are many more ways to congratulate the birthday man on his birthday in an original way. For example, order original cake to order with a photo of the hero of the occasion. Or, if the birthday falls on a weekend, wake up your loved one in the morning with a gentle kiss on the lips and offer him a glass of red wine or a martini and something special for a snack. At midnight, send an SMS message to the birthday man with an original poem, which is desirable to compose especially for him. With great confidence we can say that this will be the first congratulation. He will be very pleased that someone sought to congratulate him first. You can dress up in some kind of costume and give a gift to the birthday man by playing a funny scene. Alternatively: a raffle. The Internet is full of different scenarios for the holidays, which can be easily implemented. Friends and relatives will help with this. You can also contact the holiday organization agency, then the holiday will be one hundred percent remembered for many years. It is unusual to congratulate the birthday man in different ways, the main thing is to show initiative and imagination and, of course, be patient and time. Everything will work out!

Often the first question that arises when approaching significant date in the lives of our relatives and friends - this is what a gift to make. About the most original surprises for the birthday boy and there will be our conversation.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

DIY birthday surprise

A surprise is a congratulation not only original, but also unexpected. A very big mistake in preparing a surprise is too mysterious appearance, avoidance of communication and other things that are not typical for you. Therefore, the first rule of how to arrange a surprise for a loved one is to do everything as usual.

Another question is how to surprise and charm the birthday boy. Since you are unlikely to make a surprise in the morning - pretend that you forgot about solemn day. Of course, the birthday boy will be confused and upset - this is more than compensated for by him in the evening. If a person knows 100% that you couldn’t just forget, make a fake congratulation. A bouquet of flowers (or a bottle of inexpensive wine for a man) and a couple of on-duty phrases are something that will thoroughly confuse and confuse even the most insightful people.

But in the evening you can realize all the most creative ideas— surprise party, quest, raffle and just romantic evening for two. What kind of surprise is worth making, we will try to understand today.

How cool to say happy birthday?

Traditional words, gifts and feasts are slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past. Now creativity is very important - than original way congratulations you come up with the better.


One of the coolest and most cutting-edge gifts is a video surprise. To do this, you yourself shoot a video with congratulations from all friends and relatives, process all the material and make a short video using a video editor. It is he who will be your gift for the birthday man. You can post the video on social networks, send it by e-mail, or show it on the big screen at the place of study or work. The latter method has a simply stunning effect, but requires prior agreement with the management.

You can also record a video greeting from complete strangers - just turn to random passers-by with a request to say a few kind words birthday boy.

Another version of congratulations with a surprise is suitable for a husband (wife) or close friends. These are short videos with tasks that the birthday person must complete. This is a kind of gift search quest. The principle of operation is simple - at the right time (and not at the height of the working day), you send the first introductory video to the birthday boy, thereby starting the game. You need to prepare everything in advance - the script is very necessary here. The main rule here is: one location - one video hint. Of course, all riddles should be simple and easy to solve - all the interest is in the pursuit, and not in the long disclosure of another secret. If the birthday boy for some reason could not solve the riddle - send him a little hint, but he must pay for it - tell a rhyme, sing, dance, or kiss the first person you meet. Make sure the assignments are fun, but not offensive.

If the video option is too complicated for you, conduct the quest using SMS or regular letters. Thus, you can make a surprise for your husband by hiding the clues right at your place.

Birthday surprise for husband

When choosing a surprise for your husband, first decide on the location where you will celebrate - in an apartment, restaurant or on the street. Among the surprises for the house is, of course, romantic dinner or a surprise party. For young and uninhibited couples, various kinds of games with erotic overtones are suitable. And what could be better for a husband than a wife in beautiful erotic lingerie, a delicious dinner and a good fun game into special cubes or a roulette with tasks? The same surprise is quite suitable for your beloved guy, just make sure that friends or relatives do not come to congratulate him this evening (and he will return home himself).

A surprise for a beloved man can also be of a very innocent content - for example, order a congratulatory banner near his work or buy a certificate for a parachute jump or hang gliding (but this is only if your missus has a fair amount of fearlessness and endurance). For more balanced and quiet husbands, tickets to a concert or a reservation to visit a fishing club are perfect.

If you want to surprise young man, with whom you have just started dating - team up with his friends and arrange a beautiful and noisy party for him. He will certainly appreciate such a gift.

birthday surprise for wife

A surprise for a loved one is always pleasant chores. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this is a girl with whom you have just started dating, or have been married for more than ten years.

For girls who like to take care of themselves, you can give a certificate to visit the spa or give a day of unlimited shopping (note that the latter method is very expensive). Such a gift would be appropriate for best friend- you can share with her all the hardships of rest. Also, you can give a girlfriend a professional photo shoot - any woman will definitely appreciate it.

For your beloved wife, you can also arrange a surprise party or an exciting quest to find a gift (the same applies to a friend). And you can make a grand gesture and give a tourist ticket for two. It doesn't have to be a long vacation abroad - a weekend in another city is enough.

e"> Birthday surprise for relatives

In order to surprise your mother, you don’t need much - just congratulate her beautifully. To do this, record a video greeting, order a song on the radio, prepare a cake with my own hands or beautifully decorate the house.

A surprise for dad can be a joint trip to hunt, fish or just go to nature. Also a good gift will be the delivery of alcoholic checkers, chess or dominoes.

When preparing a surprise for your sister, start from her personal preferences. If she's a fan of a band, get an autograph or buy concert tickets.

What to give your brother? Yes, anything - it all depends on his age. A surprise for the child will be a box with a secret, and cool gift, and just an unexpected walk. But if the brother is old enough, give him a quest, a video greeting, a flight to hot-air balloon or try diving. The main rule is more creativity, because you are not preparing a surprise for a grandmother with a sick heart. By the way, these ideas can be a wonderful surprise for a colleague in the office. I must say that the drawing of a birthday at work is one of the most sought-after services of holiday agencies.

Birthday Surprise Cake

A birthday present in the form of a cake with a surprise is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age. These can be creative compositions of sweets that the birthday person really likes.


Also in the form of a cake there can be a box with wishes or gifts, a box or a ball with a surprise. There can be anything in the cake - 100 wishes or compliments, a declaration of love, a box stuffed with kinder surprises, and even a pet. In general, what do you have enough imagination for. A very interesting idea is a huge box in the form of a cake with helium balloons inside.

You can also prepare a very unusual birthday surprise. No one has canceled joke gifts - a hat with convolutions, an armored photo album or perfume with the scent of money. Now there are many sites that specialize in just such products. There you will find cool, unusual and original things that you simply cannot find in ordinary life. Yes, and a sane person they are unnecessary.

Surprise birthday for 20 years

If at the age of 3 it is enough for a child to get a few balloons, then at the age of 20 this will not surprise anyone. At the age of 15, the main thing is extreme and adventure, on the verge of a foul. But at the age of 30, birthday people prefer quiet family entertainment without a noisy crowd and a bunch of relatives. Noisy and happy holidays will be appreciated by children aged 6-7. Remember that when choosing a surprise, it is important to take into account the age, as well as the hobbies and even the sense of humor of the birthday person.