Nicolas Cage with his wife and son. The safe haven of Nicolas Cage. Joint photo of Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim

This year, alas, turned out to be rich in stellar divorces. So Nicolas Cage was on the list of the most talked about people in connection with the separation from his wife Alice Kim after 11 years of marriage. We decided to recall all the brightest novels of the actor.

Elizabeth Daly - 1983

Nicholas was only 19 years old when he met Elizabeth on the set of his first successful film, Valley Girl. It turned out that they had once attended the same school, but Daly (she then bore the surname Guttman) was three grades older. In the picture, Cage played the main male role, and after filming, he was increasingly seen not with his partner in the shooting, Deborah Foreman, but with Daly. However, their romance can only be called official. After the release of the film, Nicholas became so popular that even his star uncle, Francis Ford Coppola, noticed him. Roles “fell down” on the actor, he forgot about his colleague in the “Valley”.

Jenny Wright - 1985-1986

Jenny Wright

Jenny and Nicholas collided at one of the castings, and then both could not remember which one. The actress was only two years older than her lover, but Cage's friends kept asking him: “Why do you need this aunt?” At some point, because of these not very smart conversations, 21-year-old Nicholas even stopped communicating with his company, he spent all his evenings only with Jenny. In early 1986, the couple announced their engagement and began preparing for the wedding. Even invitations were already sent out, but a month before the ceremony, guests received notifications by mail that the wedding would not take place. They say that Jenny caught Nicholas cheating, but both to this day are silent about true reasons of his separation. Wright, by the way, even had a depression due to the cancellation of the wedding. The actress never married and has no children.

Brooke Shields - 1987

Brooke Shields

The public had no idea that Brooke and Nicholas had some kind of romantic relationship until they appeared hand in hand at the secular premiere of the film "Moon Power" in 1987. The couple posed for photographers, hugged, kissed and showed their love to the public in every possible way. It was a sensation, because Brooke was already very famous model. The best magazines in the world fought for the right to take her on the cover, and her earnings amounted to almost $ 20 thousand a day! According to rumors, this relationship was ruined by the workload of Shields and the wild jealousy of Cage, who suspected her of having relationships with other men. In 1988, the stars announced their separation.

Christina Fulton - 1988-1991

Christina Fulton

Everything went to the fact that Cage's next passion, Christina Fulton, would become his first legal wife. For the first time they began to be noticed together in 1988, some time after the breakup of the actor with Brooke Shields. Then Fulton moved into Cage's bachelor apartment, set it up. And in December 1990, the couple had a son, Weston. Motherhood changed Christina a lot. She began to demand from Nicholas that he was at home more often, but he, busy with his career, was physically unable to do this. In the end, they broke up. Cage, in addition to basic alimony, paid his son and his mother $ 3 million a year. But the actress seemed that this was not enough. Once she sued her ex-lover demanding that she also give her possession of the house that Cage bought when Weston was born. The court, taking into account the huge alimony, did not satisfy the wish of the actress. But for the sake of their son, the actors kept the appearance good relations. And in 1998, they even played in the same film - "Eyes of the Snake". Two years ago, they finally reconciled in honor of the birth of their grandson - Lucian Augustus Coppola Cage.

Kristen Zang - 1992-1994

Kristen Zang

Another model on Cage's amorous list is Kristen Zang. The relationship of the stars lasted for two whole years, it was like a fairy tale. They met at one of the social events, a spark appeared between them, since then they have not parted. Kristen Nicholas made an offer in a chic restaurant, kneeling in front of the audience. He took out a box with a ring from the inside pocket of his jacket and said: “Will you become my wife?” Zang said, "Yes!" And everything would be great if, shortly before the wedding, Cage had not met his longtime lover ... He told her by phone that the actor decided to part with Zang. The 19-year-old model was in shock, but very quickly calmed down and found herself a new lover.

Patricia Arquette - 1994-2001

Cage met his future wife, Patricia, back in 1987. He fell in love with her so much that he made a marriage proposal five hours after the first meeting. The girl thought that the actor was joking, and gave him a whole list of what he would need to perform in order to become her husband. For example, to get a black orchid and an autograph of the writer Salinger, who, as you know, lived as a recluse and did not let anyone near him. When Cage fulfilled all the wishes of the actress, she was frightened of such pressure and asked not to disturb her anymore. And eight years later, when Nicholas was just preparing for the wedding with Zang, she suddenly called him and asked: “Do you still want to marry me?” So, in 1995, Cage got married for the first time. The marriage lasted for six years, although they say that this is the official figure, but in fact the couple lived together for only nine months.

Lisa Marie Presley - 2002-2004

Lisa Marie Presley

They say that Nicolas Cage was in love not so much with Lisa Marie herself, but with her father, Elvis Presley. The actor has never hidden that he is a fan of the famous singer. Lisa Marie and Nicholas met in 2001. At that time, Cage had already received an official divorce from Arquette, son Weston was already 10 years old. Presley managed to be married twice, she had two children. But it didn't work out here either. Their marriage lasted only 109 days. “We both love to dramatize,” said Lisa Marie. “We were thrown from frenzied passion to frenzied hatred.” The couple could not survive such a heat of emotions and divorced. Interestingly, the divorce procedure lasted longer than the actual marriage of the stars.

Alice Kim Cage - 2004-2016

Alice Kim Cage

After a series of high-profile novels, Nicolas Cage did not appear in public with women at all for some time. Apparently, numerous relationships have exhausted him. The actor's friends even began to worry that he would start drinking or even worse. But Cage surprised everyone. Nicholas is very fond of Japanese cuisine, one fine day the paparazzi captured him on a date with a young Korean waitress from a sushi bar where the actor loved to dine. No one took this novel seriously, because Alice was no match for any of the above star ladies! At the end of 2005, the couple had a son, who was named Kal-El. Since that moment, 10 years have passed, the title of one of the most exemplary has been assigned to the Cage family. They were always together, even on the set of films if they were not in the USA. It was all the more surprising for Nicholas's fans to find out that he had filed for divorce. Secular gossips call the reason for the divorce that Cage is tired of the endless betrayals of his wife! The divorce proceedings are just beginning, but the 52-year-old actor has already got himself a new girlfriend. No one knows her name, but the photographs show that this is a young girl of Asian appearance. Most likely, she is from Japan, since on a date the girl was in a traditional kimono with a complex hairstyle typical for geishas.

It's not just Hollywood that thinks Nicolas Cage is a weirdo anymore. For the sake of the role, he is ready to eat insects. It's time to make a film about his personal life in the spirit of Indian cinema filled with passions and unexpected twists. His obsession with comic books and expensive cars for young city managers is an example of how not to manage finances. But the actor is not discouraged: negative experience is the foundation for positivity.

Childhood and youth

Nicholas Kim Coppola was born in 1964 in the family of a dancer and professor of literature. The actor, director and producer took the surname of the comic book hero Cage to distance himself from famous relatives - the author " Godfather"and grandfather-composer Carmine Coppola.

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Nicolas Cage and Jackie Chan

The best in his filmography are "The Rock", "Con Air", "City of Angels", "Gone in 60 Seconds", the fee for which was $ 20 million. in the list of 100 most striking action games.

In the new century, the attention of viewers was attracted in one way or another by the Twin Towers, The Lord of War and The Frozen Earth based on real events. In all, Cage played the main roles. With Nicole Kidman, he starred in the thriller "What lies behind", with - in "The Dying Light", with - in "Joe".

Nicholas's subsequent projects aroused sharp dislike among critics. They awarded the actor a Golden Raspberry nomination for both parts of Ghost Rider, Snowden, and The Leftovers. The painting "Mirror" was also considered too gloomy. The only exception was the horror film Mandy.

Personal life

Women have always paid attention to a tall man (183 cm) and with an unusual appearance (someone finds in Nicholas a resemblance to the "king of shock"). The eldest of the children, Weston Coppola Cage, gave birth to celebrity actress Christina Fulton.

The first official wife was Patricia Arquette. Cage proposed an hour after they met. The couple failed to buy tickets to Cuba, where the wedding was planned. At the airport, the actor began to quarrel, and the bride, taking advantage of the moment, fled.

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Nicolas Cage, Alice Kim and Jake Gyllenhaal

The second meeting took place in 1995. In fact, the marriage broke up after 9 months, and only in 2000 Nicholas filed for divorce, but then withdrew the application. Then the papers were drawn up by Arquette.

The second time, Cage married his daughter - after she left. This union lasted 109 days.

The third wife of Nicholas was the waitress Alice Kim, a Korean by nationality. In 2005, the woman gave the actor a son. The boy was named Kal-El, after the comic book superhero. The couple broke up in January 2016.

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Nicolas Cage and singer Cher

In March 2019, the Hollywood star registered a relationship with Erika Koike. Cage's eccentricity has not diminished: not only, according to lawyers, at the time of the decision to marry, he was drunk "and did not give an account of his actions," he also broke the anti-record for the speed of divorce.

The media found out that Nicholas' fiancee was 32 years younger, received a suspended sentence for drunk driving, broke up with her first husband with a scandal, whom she often beat. After 4 days, having sobered up and learned these details, the actor asked to cancel the marriage. Understandably, Erica demanded compensation, stating that such a brief marriage had damaged her reputation.

The spouses were soon divorced, but it is not known how the financial issue was settled. Cage has serious problems with money. The IRS accused the actor of failing to pay more than $6 million, because of which he had to sell yachts, cars, real estate, and the famous comic book collection. Banks have filed claims for loans for tens of millions more. Fulton also filed a lawsuit against him - Nicholas tried to evict the mother of his eldest son from the house that he had bought for her, but he registered it in his own name and also wanted to sell it in order to pay off debts.

The Hollywood star, actor Nicolas Cage, whose real name is Coppola, who changed his well-known surname at the beginning of his career, according to one version, did this to dismiss all accusations of nepotism and patronage from his uncle. And although Cage himself glorified his new name to the whole world, it is hard to believe that all this time the world remained in complete ignorance of his relationship.

The very peculiar appearance of the actor largely determined his creative role. Playing in 1995 a bitter drunk in the film "Leaving Las Vegas", the actor moved the jury of the Academy so much that he received an Oscar for Best Actor!

After such recognition, Cage became in demand at the highest cinematic level. And, of course, he increased his fees many times over. In the same 95th Nicholas married for the first time. His chosen one was the actress Patricia Arquette.


Cage is famous for being impulsive in matters of the heart. He told Patricia Arquette that he wanted to marry her, a few hours after their first meeting in 1987.

It should be noted that their acquaintance also took place in a drinking establishment (as well as an acquaintance with a third wife). One day, Cage walked into a Jewish cafe in Los Angeles and saw a charming woman sitting at one of the tables. Fascinated by her beauty, Cage in a moment was already standing respectfully bent over the stranger's table. "You will be my wife," he said. The girl at the table, who later turned out to be Patricia Arquette, was not at all taken aback, but for the sake of decency told Cage that he must have lost his mind. "No, no," Cage assured her, and put on the most sensible look he could. “In that case,” Patricia said after thinking, “I would probably marry you. But on the condition that you get me a black orchid, an authentic Selenger autograph and some sand from the Sahara desert. This is for starters, but you can see will be".

Cage began to "extract" artifacts of love. When, despite all the difficulties, Cage appeared at Patricia's house with a whole sketchbook filled with Selenger's hand, his lover fainted and said that she did not need any more proof of the truth of his feelings.

Then Nick and Patricia were in a quarrel for 8 years, having managed to give birth away from each other for a child (the actor has a son, Weston, born in 1990, whom model Christina Fulton gave birth to him). After 8 years, Patricia called Nicholas on the phone and asked if he still wanted to marry her. "Why not?" - Cage scratched his chin, and five minutes later Patricia appeared on the threshold of his house in a black vinyl dress and with a symbolic purple wedding cake in hand. On the same day, they got married on a rock, romantically hanging over the ocean.

Then Cage stated that he and Arquette were "definitely kindred spirits", but the marriage was not cloudless and the couple separated nine months after the wedding. But the question of an official divorce was not raised for almost five years.

After working together on Martin Scorsese's "Bringing Out The Dead", Cage filed for divorce, but was soon withdrawn. And after a while, Patricia already filed a divorce case, motivating it with "irreconcilable contradictions." They met again to officially divorce in 2001 due to "irreconcilable differences".

Daughter of the King of Rock and Roll

The famous Hollywood ladies' man Nicolas Cage and the daughter of the "King of Rock and Roll" Elvis Presley Lisa Marie became husband and wife on August 10, 2002. As celebrity officials confirmed, the wedding ceremony took place in a hotel in Hawaii.

By marriage, 38-year-old Cage and 34-year-old Presley tied themselves in the presence of only their closest relatives and friends. From the bride's side, the ceremony was attended by Elvis' widow and Lisa Marie's mother Priscilla Presley, as well as her children, 13-year-old Daniel and 10-year-old Benjamin. Cage came to the wedding with his 12-year-old son Weston.

The American press, which follows the lives of celebrities, could not get any other details about the celebration. After the weekend, the "star" couple returned to Los Angeles, where Cage was filming a new film.

This marriage turned out to be much more fleeting and lasted only 107 days. Then Presley called the wedding "a huge mistake" and said that she and Cage "should not have married right away."

The procedure for the second divorce with the daughter of the legendary singer lasted longer than itself family life. According to Cage, the reason for the gap was the incompatibility of the characters. A report in the court bulletin stated that Cage and Presley parted amicably, without claiming the other's property and keeping their fortunes as they were before the wedding.


In August 2004, Nicolas Cage got married for the third time. His chosen one is far from the world of cinema - Cage married Alice, a 20-year-old former waitress from a sushi restaurant.

Nicolas Cage and Korean-American Alice Kim met in February of that year at a restaurant where Alice worked when she served Nicholas. About two months after they met, they announced their engagement. And in mid-August, the wedding took place. For Kim, unlike Cage, this is the first marriage.

Cage, 40, and Alice, 20, had a modest wedding ceremony at a ranch in northern California. This was announced by the representative of the actor Annette Wolfe.

One of the few Hollywood actors who are respected and loved in our country. He has dozens of roles in cult films. What happens in the personal life of an actor? What does Nicolas Cage's son do? The answers to these questions are given in the article. We wish you happy reading!

Nicolas Cage: biography

The popular actor was born on January 7, 1964 in the town of Long Beach, in the state of California (USA). Mom and dad always knew: their son would become a celebrity. It couldn't be otherwise. After all, Nicholas is the nephew of the legendary director. Our hero had the same surname, but he changed it in order to independently build a film career. And I must say, he succeeded.

Nicholas's brothers decided to keep up with their relatives. The eldest Mark received an acting education, and the middle Christopher became a director. Our hero in childhood wanted to be a sailor. In he tried to connect his fate with water. But genes have taken their toll.

Carier start

Cage first appeared on screens in 1981. He starred in a TV series called Better Times. In the months that followed, Cage played a few more roles, but they were tiny.

A kind of springboard in building a film career was the film "Girls from the Valley", released on screens in 1983. The actor brilliantly played a red-haired rock musician. Just at that time, he took the pseudonym Cage.

No matter how hard Nicholas tried to isolate himself from his uncle Francis Coppola, it was he who noticed acting talent in his nephew. In 1983, the director worked on the creation of the film "Fighting Fish". Nicholas passed the casting on general terms. No concessions were made. He managed to bypass the rest of the applicants and get the role.

A year later, he starred in his uncle's next film. The painting was called The Cotton Club. At that time, Cage was already a fairly sought-after actor. Proposals from directors rained down on him, as if from

Nicholas gained a reputation as an eccentric artist. He tried to portray his characters as authentically as possible. For example, for the filming of the film "Bird" Cage asked the doctors to pull out his teeth without anesthesia.

In the same year, the actor worked on a role in the film Kiss of the Vampire. Right in front of the cameras, he ate a live cockroach. No, the actor is not Nicholas, just getting used to the role of a journalist who has gone crazy.

runaway Bride

In 1987, Nicolas Cage received an offer to appear in two films. The first was called Raising Arizona and the second was called Power of the Moon. In both cases, the actor really liked the script. While filming Moonlight, Cage met Patricia Arquette. He fell in love with a young and attractive actress at first sight. After a three-hour conversation, our hero invited her to get married. Patricia took it as a joke. She put forward three unimaginable conditions to Cage. Oddly enough, but the actor fulfilled them. But the bride ran away from him.

Personal life

In 1988, our hero was in a relationship with actress Christina Fulton. The fruit of their love was the son of Weston. He was born in December 1990. Cage gave him his last name.

1995 was a really good year for Cage. First, he received a prestigious film award. Secondly, he met with Patricia Arker again. This time, Francis Coppola's nephew did not miss his chance. Almost the whole world knew about who Nicolas Cage was. Family - that's what he lacked for complete happiness. He beautifully looked after Patricia, and soon she accepted his offer.

The parents of the actress were glad that Nicolas Cage became her chosen one. The actor always took a photo with his family with him to the shooting. A few months later life together the first quarrels and scandals began. The couple went to different houses. For six years, they then converged, then announced their separation. As a result, their divorce took place.

The next choice of the actor was the daughter of Elvis Presley - Lisa Marie. Their relationship was based on passion. Just 109 days after magnificent wedding The couple announced their divorce.

Problems in his personal life did not interfere with Cage in the development of his film career. He continued to act in films that broke all records at the box office.

Not long was lonely Nicolas Cage. The family he always dreamed of soon appeared. His third wife was the oriental beauty Ellis Kim. It has nothing to do with the world of cinema and show business. Before meeting with Cage, the girl worked as a waitress.

According to the actor, it is with her that he is truly happy. In 2005, Ellis Kim gave him a son. Now Cage dreams that soon a charming daughter will appear in their family.


In 2009, information appeared in the American press about the financial problems of Nicolas Cage. It soon became clear that the total amount of debt reached 7 million dollars. Four properties owned by the actor were seized.

Cage blames his former financial manager, Samuel Levin, for the problems that have arisen. He later sued him. However, the former subordinate did not remain in debt. The man filed a counterclaim claiming unpaid work.

Son of Nicolas Cage

Actor new family. He is happy with Ellis Kim and their common baby. The couple dreams of a daughter. Nicolas Cage and his son from his first marriage practically do not communicate. Hollywood star couldn't be found mutual language with his offspring.

The son of Nicolas Cage, whose photo you can see in the article, was born on December 26, 1990. The boy was named Weston. His father took part in his life only for the first few years.

In narrow circles, the guy is known as Arcane. What does Nicolas Cage's son do? The group Eyes of Noctum is his brainchild. He is with adolescence got into black metal.

Despite the difficult relationship, the father helped his son get on the big screen. Weston played a cameo role in the film "Lord of War".

In 2009 the band's debut album Eyes of Noctum was released. The entire circulation of the disc was sold out by the band's fans. Even critics consider Eyes of Noctum to be incomparable.


In 2011, the American press immediately trumpeted the news that Nicolas Cage's son was getting married. He himself posted a photo with the chosen one in one of the social networks. Weston proposed to his girlfriend Nikki Williams. In April 2011, their wedding took place. The celebration was attended by the bride and groom's relatives, as well as musicians from the Eyes of Noctum band.

After 3 years, a replenishment took place in the young family. A son was born, who was named Lukyan August. Nicolas Cage became a grandfather. And he was very happy with his new status.


We examined in detail the biography of a popular actor. Now you know what Nicolas Cage's son does. We wish him and his star father creative success.

Nicolas Cage. Film frame

Over 80 film roles and 13 production credits, including The Life of David Gale, to name a few. Nicolas Cage, one of the most recognizable actors in Hollywood, who received his own star on the Walk of Fame.

On Monday, January 7, Cage celebrates his 55th birthday. By this age, he managed to achieve considerable success, and he did it himself, abandoning the famous surname of his family. Meanwhile, many remember that his grandfather was a composer Carmine Coppola("Oscar" for the music for "The Godfather 2"), uncle - director and screenwriter (six Oscars), cousinRoman Coppola(nominated for "Oscar" for the screenplay with "Kingdom of the Full Moon"), cousin - Sofia Coppola("Oscar" for the screenplay for the film "Lost in Translation").

In Cage's personal life, everything is in order and, thanks to him, the world of cinema can be replenished with new genetically talented personnel. The actor has been married three times and is now the father of two sons and grandfather of two grandchildren. True, Nicholas is not distinguished by commitment to family values, because in 2016 he filed for divorce from his third wife Alice Kim And now he has a new girlfriend.

We thought: why don't we remember all the women that Nicolas Cage married, whom he simply met or whom popular rumor wooed him. As it turned out, there are many such women. And although Cage outwardly is not Van Damme or Brad Pitt, there is something in him that attracts representatives of the opposite sex.

Brooke Shields

December 1987

At the New York premiere of "Moon Powered" starring Nicolas Cage and Cher, journalists photographed him with a model and actress Brooke Shields. This gave rise to numerous rumors about a romance between them.

It seemed strange to many that such a chic woman who had a short relationship with himself John Kennedy Jr., “pecked” at the inexpressive Cage. But it soon became clear that the rumors did not appear out of nowhere - these two really met for several months.

Uma Thurman

From 1987 to 1988

About Nicholas's relationship with Umoy Thurman little is known. The connection between them took place at a time when she was very young and made her debut in Hollywood thanks to the school comedy Johnny Be Good.

They probably continued to meet until Thurman realized that the real Cage and the hero of the film "Valley Girl" Randy, who at that time were crazy about many girls, are two different people.

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Christina Fulton

From 1988 to 1990

In the late 80s, another love fell on the actor in the face of an actress Christina Fulton. And although they did not have time to play the wedding, in 1990 Cage had his first child - Weston Coppola Cage. By the age of 28, this boy managed to be the lead singer of two black metal bands: Eyes of Noctum and Arsh Anubis, play the role of a Ukrainian mechanic in one of his father's films and marry three times. Second wife Danielle, gave him two sons, their names are Lucian Augustus Coppola Cage(born in 2014) and Sorin Cage(born in 2016).

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Fox Stothard

1990 to 1991

Before meeting Cage Fox Stothard she managed to play only in a few Italian films, such as "Yuppie 2" and "The Grand Casino of Monte Carlo". Already in the USA, having started appearing at film parties in the company of her famous boyfriend, she began to get new roles and starred, for example, in the famous comedy Dumb and Dumber.

As a result, we can say that the relationship between Lisa and Nicholas was like a mutually beneficial cooperation - he received a good company, and the girl was promoted at his expense.

Kristen Zang

From 1992 to 1994

Actress Kristen Zang was younger than Cage by as much as 10 years and, nevertheless, everything was serious between them. It got to the point that the couple announced their engagement, but as time went on, the wedding date was never set.

Soon, Nicholas played enough with a teenage girl and left her for another actress - the future Oscar winner. Patricia Arquette("A Nightmare on Elm Street 3", "Ed Wood", "Lost Highway"). Kristen, after parting, also languished for a short time alone, and she was very lucky - with Leonardo DiCaprio she met just after the release of the legendary "Titanic" on the big screens James Cameron. It was she who became the girl who was envied by millions of Leo fans around the world.

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Patricia Arquette

From 1995 to 2000

cage and Patricia Arquette first met in 1987 in a cafe in Los Angeles. Even then, he laid eyes on the girl, but she did not take him seriously and came up with a whole quest consisting of incredible tasks. In response to a request to get a black orchid, Nicholas bought a purple one and tried to paint it with spray paint, and when Patricia demanded J.D. Salinger's autograph, the persistent boyfriend actually found it and bought it.

But even the fulfillment of desires did not make Arquette fall in love with a young actor, but after eight years her tastes changed and Nick ceased to be the object of jokes. In March 1995 they got married. And in 2000, after disputes and scandals, they divorced.

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Lisa Marie Presley

2001 to 2002

The second woman with whom Nicolas Cage went down the aisle was the daughter of the “king” of rock and roll Elvis Presley and ex-wife Michael Jackson - Lisa Marie Presley. At first they met, in August 2002 they got married, and in November of the same year they filed for divorce.

Only in May of the following year they were divorced and issued the relevant papers. It turned out that the divorce proceedings between Nicholas and Lisa lasted longer than the marriage itself.

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