How to make original nail polish? Making nail polish at home The effect of nail polish at home

The varnish must meet the following requirements:

  1. dry quickly;
  2. give a strong film;
  3. the film must be flexible;
  4. have as much shine as possible;
  5. gloss should be preserved for a long time and not be afraid of atmospheric influences.

Below are recipes for some varnishes.

Aniline varnish. Dissolve shellac in alcohol and add to them aniline paint, soluble in alcohol. The object to be varnished must be warmed up.

black lacquer

  1. Boil in an iron pot over low heat for 6 hours 2 kg asphalt, at the same time in another bowl boil 2.8 l drying oils. While cooking drying oil, gradually add 300 g of litharge to it, boil until it begins to stick between the fingers. After that, pour it all into a bowl with boiling asphalt. Boil until the sample rolls into balls. Then cool and mix with turpentine. Take as much turpentine as necessary to obtain the desired density.
  2. Pour small pieces of broken gramophone records into a vial and fill with double the amount of alcohol (you can also use denatured alcohol). Close the vial tightly with a cork and place it in a warm place for two to three days. When the pieces are completely dissolved, you will get a thick black varnish. To make the varnish liquid, add alcohol to the finished varnish and mix thoroughly.

Light for furniture. Dissolve 700 g of shellac in 4.5 liters of technical alcohol.

Table polish. 450 g turpentine, 57 g beeswax and 2 g of rosin.

Celluloid varnish. Dissolve 5 parts by weight of celluloid, 5 parts of camphor and 50 parts of alcohol.

Lacquer for watercolors. 135 g of light shellac, 28 g of borax, 0.5 l of water. Bring almost to a boil so that everything dissolves, and then filter. Drawings covered with this varnish are protected from water.
Lacquer for tools. Dissolve 250 g of white shellac in 250 g of alcohol. Dip the tool in this solution and hang to dry.

Black varnish for iron objects. Boil in iron pot 2.2 kg asphalt 4 hours. After the first two hours, add 300 g red lead, 300 g litharge, 100 g anhydrous blue vitriol and 450 g of drying oil. Then add 570 g of dark shellac dissolved in 900 g of hot oil. After that, boil until the sample begins to roll into hard balls. When cool, dilute with turpentine.

Insulating. Melt 2 hours of asphalt with 0.4 hours of sulfur and 4 hours of drying oil. Keep on fire for 6 hours at a temperature of 160 °, then add turpentine to the required density.

Lacquer is a type of coating that protects the surface from moisture and mechanical damage, besides, it does an excellent job with its aesthetic function. Modern manufacturers are constantly releasing new types of this finishing material.

Taking a course on organicity and environmental friendliness, experts recommend opting for a varnish based on acrylic.

What it is?

Acrylic varnish is crushed plastic dissolved in acrylic. After drying of such a composition, a thin colorless acrylic film is formed with high resistance to mechanical damage.

The main substances that make up the varnish fit in three points:

  • liquid polymer (acrylic);
  • antiseptic (to protect wood from moisture and pests);
  • plasticizer (the main component that gives the coating maximum strength and durability).

Acrylic varnish is a ready-to-use substance: homogeneous, transparent, practically odorless. It is based on high-quality acrylic resins, not burdened with color, and water dispersions.

To get acquainted with this almost universal coating, its main properties and characteristics should be highlighted.

  • Acrylic varnish is a liquid. It is characterized by high viscosity and the ability to dissolve in water.
  • One of the amenities is the minimal presence of smell (at least unpleasant).
  • Despite the fact that this type of varnish is water-soluble, it cannot be washed off after drying.
  • The film that appears in place of the dried acrylic varnish has increased elasticity and wear resistance.
  • The coating does not lose its transparency even with time and under the influence of sunlight.
  • If necessary, such a varnish is even recommended to be mixed with water-soluble paints.
  • Ideal for outdoor and indoor work. It interacts well not only with wood, but also with brick.


The main and most pleasant feature of acrylic lacquer is its ready state, that is, you can buy it, bring it home and start processing right away. Also, professionals advise to stop their attention on it due to the fact that the coating has a high resistance to temperature extremes (it does not crack either in heat or in severe frost). Acrylic lacquer is so versatile that it easily falls not only on wood or brick. There is information about the successful application of it to paper, wallpaper, cardboard, plastered surfaces, metal and plastic products, fiberboard and drywall, glass surfaces, and more. Let's focus on the positive and negative points acrylic varnish.


  • high level of moisture resistance and thermal conductivity;
  • transparency and elasticity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • pronounced antiseptic properties;
  • excellent decorating solution;
  • low fire hazard;
  • resistance to household chemicals and alcohol solutions.

There are practically no shortcomings in the use of acrylic varnish, with the exception of the human factor and the simple inattention of buyers.

Professionals are always advised to pay attention to the date of manufacture and the expiration date of acrylic varnish, which can significantly affect its physical and chemical characteristics. If the coating has been stored in the cold for a long time, it may freeze and lose its main properties: elasticity and ease of application. Of course, the disadvantages include the high price for a quality product.

Required Tools

Preparing the surface for applying acrylic varnish is the main and important step in the work. First you need to clean everything from dust, dirt and grease. In the case of re-application, the old layer must be removed and sanded what will be varnished. The first application on wood is characterized by the use of three layers: the first is varnish, diluted with a solvent by 10%; the second and third are undiluted varnish.

It is recommended to apply an acrylic coating using a special roller. Professionals do not advise the use of a brush when we are talking about large sizes varnished surface. The interaction of the substance with the skin is unacceptable, therefore, work should be carried out with gloves.

When decorating a room and its elements, you may have the idea of ​​adding color to the varnish. Of course, bright colors you won’t be able to achieve it, but tinting makes it easy to give your favorite piece of furniture a new shade.


Starting to purchase acrylic varnish, you should understand its main types. There are countless varieties of this finishing material on the modern market. Even before buying and applying acrylic varnish, you need to firmly decide what kind of coating you want to get in the end: matte or glossy, transparent, dull or with a certain shade.

There are several main characteristics by which varnishes can be divided into groups.

  • Compound. One-component - a coating, which includes only acrylic. Two-component - varnish, supplemented with polyurethane.
  • Appearance treated surface. Two polar subspecies: matte and glossy, and one adjacent - semi-matte. Matte varieties have a pleasant silky texture with the addition of velvety notes. Gloss, on the contrary, creates the impression of an impenetrable ice cover.

  • Surface type:
  1. for the floor (acrylic-based urethane parquet lacquer is ideal for flat surfaces; for uneven parquet it is better to use matte varieties);
  2. for furniture (often used to give freshness and brightness to old interior items, so it is best to choose a polyurethane glossy varnish).
  • Color. AT original form acrylic lacquer is a liquid transparent substance that can be easily combined with any water-based paint, acquiring its unique shade. Just like paint, it can be tinted and be colored. From colorless it easily goes to extremes: white and black.
  • Packing. It can be an aerosol in a can designed for wood processing and tinting (such an aerosol universal acrylic lacquer allows the imagination to take part in decorating the room). The spray promotes even, lightweight application. The main container for coating is also a jar or bucket, depending on the desired volume.

You can list the types exactly as much as you can sing praises to all the advantages of acrylic lacquer. Insulating and antiseptic properties, a slight presence of odor also make it possible to distinguish a particular type of varnish into a separate category and subspecies.

And such a universal remedy as VGT acrylic lacquer leaves no chance at all for any of its fellows, because it is VGT that has universal qualities for processing both parquet floors and other motley surfaces.

Selection and application

The choice of the right finishing material not only saves time and money, but also the successful processing of the selected surface. Acrylic lacquer is so unique and versatile that it can easily be used in any interior design with your eyes closed.

When processing wood, acrylic-based varnish has a practical and aesthetic effect. What is the processing of a wooden floor worth! In the case of working with a solid rough board, it is necessary to choose options that form the most dense layer. Also, such a coating should easily endure temperature fluctuations and be resistant to moisture. Acrylic varnish for parquet was originally created so that the coating was thin, transparent and almost weightless, however, if this type of varnish is applied to rough boards, the floor will soon crack. It is worth remembering that it will not work to quickly varnish the floor, because the first layer dries for at least 4 hours and at least 12 hours after finishing. In order to make life as easy as possible for the craftsmen, the acrylic floor lacquer was originally made white. When it dries, it acquires perfect transparency, which gives a signal for applying the next layer.

For outdoor work, the application of this agent as a finish is also applicable. Resistant to sudden changes in temperature and mechanical damage, it allows the surface to retain its original pattern and shade.

Smaller projects also need to be treated with acrylic lacquer. For example, it is very convenient to use it to cover stools and bedside tables, stairs, railings and plasterboard walls, countertops, decorative interior items (figurines, frames, and so on). Even painting requires processing - it is worth covering the picture with acrylic varnish so that it pleases longer with its bright pristine colors.

Due to the high cost of acrylic varnish, there are several ways to make your own wood varnish at home. The oldest and most common method is to mix acetone and Styrofoam. The consistency turns out to be jelly-like, not the most convenient for application, however, with its durability and wear resistance, it is not inferior to store-bought ones. You can use this mass to process small areas of the surface or to apply a protective layer on decorative interior decorations made by yourself.

Another creative area of ​​​​application of acrylic varnish can be considered decoupage.- decorating various interior items with pieces of paintings, drawings, ornaments and monograms on a paper basis.

  • Padding. After cleaning the surface of dirt, dust and grease, it should be primed with a special primer or impregnation. This will help make the layer of varnish as even as possible.
  • Grinding. The ideal mirror surface will allow you to get the so-called wet sanding: wetted wood is hard sanded, and only then a primer and acrylic varnish are applied. Each layer, except for the first, also continues to be sanded with fine sandpaper.
  • Wash. In the case of decorating an already lacquered object, you must first wash off the old layer of lacquer. Most often, it is enough to just sand the surface, prime and apply a varnish layer. Sometimes it becomes so difficult to remove the old coating that you have to resort to additional physical effort or mechanical grinding. For example, to remove a layer of varnish from a guitar, you have to sweat a little. There is a risk of spoiling the tree, but there are humane ways: sanding with a sandpaper (sandpaper) and drying with a hairdryer (better than a construction one, but the main thing is not to overheat the wood).

The thickest mixtures are best diluted. Since acrylic varnishes are made on the basis of water, they can only be diluted with water, but the amount of thinner can be no more than 10% of the total mass of the coating.

Among important recommendations on the use of acrylic varnish - compliance with external conditions: temperature and humidity. The first indicator must necessarily be positive, and the second must be at least 50%. Any deviation from these standards will lead to a deterioration in the performance of the coating.

Do not apply too thick layers. The thinner the layer, the smoother the treated surface will be, and the more aesthetic it will look.

Manufacturers and reviews

Among the most famous whales of the building materials market in the production of acrylic lacquer, the following brands stand out: Tikkurila, Neomid, Lakra, Optimist and Goodhim. Let's take a closer look at each.

Tikkurila- the queen of paints and varnishes. Acrylic lacquer for parquet - Parketti Assa received the maximum number of positive reviews. It has increased wear resistance, so it can be used in the most passable places. Easy to clean and does not deteriorate when using household chemicals of any composition. Even if there is a need to wipe off traces of paint from an already varnished floor, you can resort to White Spirit or any other solvent. Tikkurila varnished parquet flooring is not afraid of anything.

To make your own nail polish, you should use certain tips. At home, you can create a unique manicure.

Lacquer with ink

On the picture homemade varnish you can see the original shade of the varnish. In the event that you do not like the color of your varnish and want to change it, simply combine the varnish with ink. You should also purchase ink of a certain color. You can also use a budget option. For example, for these purposes, helium ink can be used, or ballpoint pen. During the work process, you should be careful.

Matt lacquer

You can make an ordinary glossy varnish matte varnish. Using corn starch, you can easily do this. Thus, the matte varnish you received will become a few tones lighter.

To achieve this effect, it is worth mixing a few drops of varnish along with starch. Enough of the last component about a teaspoon. Apply the mixture to the nail area. It should be noted that after complete drying, a pleasant shade of matte texture will be obtained.

You can achieve the same shade using ordinary powder. You can also use shadows with a matte texture.

You need to change the varnish with your own hands. Just add a little loose powder to the bottle area. Rolling the paper using the funnel method will keep the powder from spilling past the bottle area.

You can add a few balls to the bottle. Thus, you qualitatively, much better mix the bottle. A matte effect is obtained by combining light, loose powder together with a colorless varnish.


To make glitter polish, add glitter to the bottle. This mixture should be lubricated nails. Often, in order to make your manicure more beautiful, original, it is worth sprinkling the tips of your nails with sparkles. At the end, cover the surface with a clear varnish to strengthen, maintain an attractive appearance.

To add mother-of-pearl to your nails, use the master class on how to make a manicure at home. To do this, you can simply add shadows for the eyes.

To do this, you need to grind the shadows. To do this, you can crush them in a bowl with any hard object. They should turn into a fine powder after such manipulations. Thus, the varnish coating will be uniform. Powder should be added directly to the varnish.

You can also make a varnish of the same color as the shadows you use. For this you need to take clear nail polish. To complement the image, you can make a manicure to match the color of the makeup.

Using the applicator, crush and apply shadows on wet nails. Then blow off the excess, with the help of a transparent varnish it is worth fixing the base.

Making a new varnish

Follow the instructions on how to make varnish at home. It is worth choosing two varnishes that are combined with each other to begin with. Then you should pour them into one jar.

Many people use one secret how to make varnish thinner or thicker. You can also put one varnish on top of another. While you go about your business, the varnish will blend naturally. After the end of the procedure, mix, shake the bottle vigorously. With simple steps, you will prepare a completely new varnish.

With gradual darkening, you will get an attractive ombre effect. This effect is quite popular today. The positive thing is that such a varnish can be made independently.

Glowing varnish

To obtain this effect, you should combine an acrylic helmet and varnish. Thus, fluorescent acrylic paint can be purchased at a regular office supply store. For these purposes, also use a helium pen.

To get the best shine, you should use a transparent varnish base. It is often applied to the top of colored lacquer. Also, the fluorescent substance goes well with any color. Best to use White color. To obtain this effect, you can use a light emitting stick. One stick is enough for these purposes. The main thing is to use one important condition - a combination of both colors.

To make such a varnish, it is worth kneading the stick well over its entire surface. In particular, this applies if it is made in the form of a necklace, or a special bracelet. To do this, cut off one end with scissors. Next, cut off the tip of the stick in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vial. Gradually squeeze the contents from the stick into the inside of the vial. Then you need to apply nail polish.

It is worth remembering that when making varnish in this way, a similar effect lasts only for a few hours. To prolong the desired effect, cover the varnish with a transparent base.

To prepare the varnish, you should start preparing the necessary materials for this. You need a manufactured water based clear nail polish. Use the polish you already have. It is best to use a bottle bought at a pharmacy.

Also for the process you will need a brush, eye shadow. You should use the food coloring of the color that you like best.

Also prepare henna and white clay. The main advantage of self-made varnish is that all the ingredients are natural, improvised, and have a low cost. Also, in addition to all of the above ingredients, you can add olive oil. The use of such a varnish can be considered a therapeutic procedure for nails.


To create an interesting varnish at home, you should use different ways. Follow the instructions, use interesting videos to get the desired effect. Remember that the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. From improvised materials, old varnishes, or long-forgotten bottles, you can create a truly original and beautiful varnish. A manicure created in this way will undoubtedly set you apart from the rest.

DIY nail polish photo

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If you are tired of your old nail polish, or just want something new and unusual, then try making an original cosmetic product at home.

How can you make nail polish at home?

How to make homemade nail polish? Most interesting ways described below.

Production of colored varnishes

If you like bright colors and you have a clear, white, or discreet, pale nail polish, then add some color to it. The first way is the most common ink. You can buy them in the stationery department or use a ballpoint or gel pen that you have at home. But add such a dye carefully so as not to “overdo it” and not stain everything around.

The second way to add paint varnish is the use of food coloring. With their help, you can get almost any color: red, purple, blue, crimson, green or another. Change the intensity of the shade by increasing or decreasing the amount of dye.

Try to make one varnish from several old ones by mixing them. You can combine funds in a separate container, or you can use "native" bottles. Such experiments will allow you to get unusual tones.

Fashionable matte varnishes

From the usual glossy varnish, you can easily get a trendy matte. There are several options:

  • Starch. This product will give a matte finish when mixed with a small amount of varnish. But it is advisable to prepare a little product for a one-time use, since if starch is added to the bottle, the varnish may thicken and lose its properties. And remember that the matte effect becomes noticeable after the coating is completely dry.
  • Loose powder. Pour a small amount into the bottle, stir the mass with a toothpick, and then actively shake the bottle for a couple of minutes so that the components are fully combined.
  • If you have matte shadows, then use them instead of powder. The method of application is exactly the same.

Pearly and shiny

If you think that ordinary varnish lacks shine, then give it your own hands! And you can do this in several ways:

  • Use cosmetic mika. It is a mica supplemented with mineral pigments and has a beautiful mother-of-pearl luster, reminiscent of the radiance of pearls. You can buy it either in specialized cosmetic departments or in online stores. Mickeys are usually sold as shadow-like powders and can be added to a variety of products. cosmetics including nail polishes.
  • Dry sequins are suitable, which can be purchased in stores and departments of cosmetics or accessories for nail service and manicure. Pour the desired amount into the vial and shake it vigorously to uniform distribution shiny decorative elements.
  • Shiny eye shadow will add a beautiful shine. But before adding them, they must be carefully crushed, for example, crushed with a spoon. Then carefully pour the powder into the nail polish bottle and stir by vigorous shaking.

Fancy glowing nail polish

Do you want to attract attention at the party and surprise everyone with glow-in-the-dark nails? Then make a bright varnish and. All it takes is fluorescent acrylic paints, which are added to the varnish and give not only a new tone, but also a glow in the dark. And if you have an unusual neon gel pen, then just use its ink.

There is another way. You have probably seen glow sticks and bracelets, and if you have such an accessory, cut off one of its ends with scissors and squeeze the contents into a bottle of varnish. But the effect will not last long, so it is best to do a manicure just before the upcoming event.

  1. It is most convenient to add bulk components to the varnish using a small funnel made of paper.
  2. Introduce additives gradually to track changes and find the desired effect.
  3. If you are not sure that the result will impress you, then prepare a small amount of varnish and try it on your nails. If the effect is not impressive, continue experimenting.
  4. It is best to take a high-quality and not very thick varnish as a basis, otherwise you will not be able to fully stir the mass and achieve the desired homogeneous consistency.
  5. You can transform not only transparent varnish, which is an excellent base for bright experiments, but also white or any color. And as a result of experiments and trials, you can get an absolutely incredible shade.
  6. Try to combine several shades. Moreover, if they are not mixed, then you can get unusual effects and stunning, interesting transitions and abstract patterns.
  7. Use multiple methods at the same time. So, giving the varnish an interesting shade with the help of a dye, you can complement it with shine by introducing glitter into the mixture. Also try using starch after coloring for a vibrant matte finish.

Using the described methods, you will be able to experiment at home and get an unusual and exclusive nail polish that you will not find in the store.

To get a manicure ordinary varnish at home, you need to master the correct technique for applying the material and get acquainted with some important life hacks that will help you create a neat manicure.

What is needed for a home manicure

Make it simple and beautiful manicure ordinary varnish is possible with a number of tools and materials:

  • nail polish remover;
  • brushes;
  • one or more varnishes;
  • oily hand cream, oil or wax;
  • cotton pads.

Each girl can create a beautiful manicure with her own hands, for this there is no need to resort to the services of salon masters.

Preparatory stage

To make even the simplest manicure, you need to prepare your nails for painting:

Tip for beginners: Apply base coat first. This step is optional, but this tool helps to level the plate, prevent it from yellowing and penetrating paint pigment into it. Also, in order for the varnish to always lie flat on the plate, it is necessary to regularly moisten it with wax, oils and special moisturizing nail pencils.

Step-by-step instruction

Before proceeding with the very process of applying varnish, you should be sure that the girl has 40 minutes of free time, eliminate or minimize distractions, and also think over the design. In addition, it is necessary to check the shape of the brush, it should not be narrow and dense. Instructions for creating perfect manicure:

  1. Wax or oil should be applied to the periungual area without touching the plate. This will help subsequently to easily remove excess material from the cuticle and rollers.
  2. It is recommended to apply a base coat to facilitate the subsequent application of colored varnish.
  3. We take a brush of colored varnish and wipe it on the edge of the bottle so that there is very little varnish left on it, literally at the tip. This way it won't bleed into your skin.
  4. We paint the nails with ordinary varnish, starting with the little finger. It is necessary to place a drop in the center of the plate, then carefully “adjust” the varnish with a brush to the base.
  5. After that, with slow movements, holding the brush confidently, it is necessary to bring the varnish onto the side surfaces of the plate. Thus, the varnish does not flow onto the cuticle.
  6. You need to complete the manipulation with a brush, the end of the nail. Thanks to this, the varnish will last longer.
  7. Apply another coat of polish to deepen the color.
  8. When making movements, the elbow should rest on the table and the hand on which we apply the varnish should also lie on the table; you should not apply the varnish while holding your hand on weight.
  9. Apply top with quick drying effect. This item is optional, but it will extend the wear of the coating and make the manicure perfectly glossy.

    On the left, a top is applied to the nail, on the right, a nail without a top

    Finished manicure with regular varnish

What to do if the varnish got on the cuticle

It often happens that the varnish got on the cuticle and spoils the whole manicure, but do not be upset, now we will show you how to fix such a manicure.

To do this, we need a lint-free cloth, a flat brush and nail polish remover or acetone.

Wet the brush with nail polish remover and draw from where you want to remove the nail polish. We wiped off the varnish, wiped the brush on a napkin, moistened the brush in nail polish remover, repeated, and so on until clean

The result of the work: before the varnish runs and after

Tips for perfect nails

The following tips on how to properly and beautifully paint your nails will help make your manicure flawless:

  1. Before you start applying colored varnish, you can practice using a transparent one. Daily coating of the plates with treatment bases will help you get used to the correct work of the brush.
  2. To make the coating dense and beautiful, the varnish should be applied in two layers.
  3. If the coating is damaged during drying, then you can smooth it out with a damp fingertip. Necessary carefully in a circular motion smooth out the coating.
  4. "Loose" varnish is best applied on a layer of white. Thanks to this, the coating will be more saturated.
  5. In order for the coating to be perfectly even, the varnish should be applied to the base.
  6. To make a hole on the plate, you can use strips cut from ordinary adhesive tape.
  7. If only clear varnish is left at home, then you can make it colored by adding blush particles and two beads to it, which will help the materials to mix.
  8. PVA glue will help not to stain the area around the plate with varnish, it must first be applied with cotton swab on the rollers and skin at the base of the nail, without touching the plate itself. When the glue dries, and the nails are already made up, the film must be removed.
  9. If the product does not dry for a long time, then you can resort to using ice water by dipping your hands into it, the coating will dry much faster.
  10. To wipe the varnish from one nail and not ruin the manicure on other nails, taking a cotton pad soaked in acetone, you can use the following life hack: you need to put a sponge in a glass jar, pour acetone into it and dip one finger into it. Thus, on other nails, the manicure will remain the same. The jar should be tightly closed.
  11. A greasy layer of cream will help prevent stains on the area around the plate after erasing the varnish.
  12. If you bring your nails painted with glossy varnish to a pot of boiling water, the coating will become matte.

Nail care after staining

Nail care after staining consists in following several important rules:

  1. Wear rubber gloves when working with household chemicals.
  2. Apply moisturizer to hands twice a day.
  3. In the cold season, wear gloves made of natural materials.
  4. Refresh your manicure at the first sign of chipping.

Interesting ideas for manicure with ordinary varnish

Newspaper manicure

When performing such a manicure, first you need to apply a transparent varnish on the plates, then white, after which you can distribute the holographic varnish, it will give shine to the nails. When the layers dry, apply small newspaper clippings soaked in alcohol (10 seconds) to the nail. The paper must be pressed tightly, and then applied to the nail with a transparent varnish or top.

Lace manicure

For him you will need an orange stick, a brush, nail polish remover and varnishes. Apply two layers of the product on the plates and wait 7-10 minutes. Then, using an orange stick, create drawings, it is especially easy to do this on glitter. draw pictures on glossy varnish you need a regular brush dipped in nail polish remover and an orange stick. Then the nails are topped. Thus it turns out Beautiful design nails with regular polish.

Manicure with a pattern

For it you will need a thin needle and varnishes of different colors.

The first option: you need to apply three red vertical stripes on a layer of white varnish, after which you need to make a pattern with a needle with gentle movements, moving it from the side of one side roller to another, gradually moving towards the free edge of the nail.

The second option: on a nail covered with dark varnish, three white drops must be applied so that they are located on the same line, then draw a needle along this line from the edge of the plate to the base.

The third option: place a few drops of pink on a white varnish, and a smaller drop of white on them, then connect the circles in a chaotic manner with a needle.

Volumetric manicure

Manicure on short nails may be bulky. After waiting for the complete drying of the varnish layer, you can start creating a knitted manicure. It is necessary to mix white varnish and the one that has already been used to cover the plate, and use a brush to create a pattern as in the image.

Manicure with dots

For creating unusual manicure you will need a toothpick and two varnishes. After waiting for the layer of one varnish to dry, you should create several points on the nail with a toothpick, moving from the free edge of the nail to the base, they should become less and less.


To create it, you need a sponge and three varnishes. You need to apply white varnish on the plate, and successively a strip of white, blue, for example, and blue on the sponge. Then you should cover the area around the nail with PVA glue. Then, with patting movements, transfer the material from the sponge to the nail, cover it with a top coat and remove the adhesive film.

Thus, to create the perfect manicure at home, it will take a little time and skill.