Making nail polish at home. How to make homemade wood varnish from improvised materials at home How to make clear varnish at home

healthy image life, naturalness and naturalness are increasingly becoming fashionable. This applies not only to food, but also to everything else that surrounds us every day. Today, healthy lifestyle has reached cosmetics. Now ladies make beauty products with their own hands, from natural materials. How to do at home? Let's get the recipe!

Why not buy varnish in the store?

Indeed, why are ladies today increasingly looking for information on how to make varnish at home? It turns out that not so long ago, bottles with the mysterious inscription 3Free began to appear on the shelves in cosmetics stores. Curious groupies perfect manicure we immediately found out that eco-varnishes, which do not add harmful toluene, formaldehyde and camphor, have such a marking. These substances can cause many diseases in female body, and during pregnancy it is completely contraindicated.

As a result, some ladies refused to trust any varnish manufacturers, even with eco-labels. But not everyone knows how to make varnish on their own. We will give you some instructions.

Varnish with olive oil

The basis of the first natural varnish recipe includes olive oil. As you know, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails and cuticles and gives the handles a healthy, fresh look.

How to make varnish based on olive oil? To do this, it must be mixed with white clay in a ratio of 2: 1. Instead of clay, you can use henna or another natural dye similar consistency. The resulting mass should cover the nails and let them dry. After 20-25 minutes, the mass should be wiped off with a damp cotton pad.

Lacquer with alkane root and beeswax

Alkana is a miraculous plant, the root of which is actively used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Beeswax is a universal remedy that is added to creams, and is also used in traditional medicine. These two ingredients can only benefit the nails: they will improve the general condition nail plate and cuticles. How to make varnish from alkanes and

It is necessary to take a quarter teaspoon of wax, half a teaspoon of alkanes, three tablespoons of olive oil. Experts advise adding a couple of drops of definitely useful vitamin E, but without it, natural varnish will also work.

To prepare the varnish, it is necessary to heat the olive oil along with the root in a water bath. Then you need to remove the product from the heat and cool for 5 minutes, then wipe the infusion through a sieve. Then you need to return it to water bath and add to the resulting mixture beeswax. When the wax melts, the mass must be mixed and allowed to cool. Ready!

Colored varnish from colorless

How to make a varnish of an unusual shade from a medical colorless one that is sold in a pharmacy? Very simple! In a bottle with colorless varnish, you need to fill in a dye made by yourself. It can be made from food coloring or eye shadow. Of course, the choice of the latter should be approached responsibly, because they should also be as harmless as possible.

A small amount of varnish must first be poured from the bottle, otherwise it will be difficult to add dye to it, or there will be difficulties with mixing. It is more convenient to add shadows or other paint through a funnel made from a paper mug. You can mix the new varnish with a toothpick.

How to make varnish at home in other ways? Share your recipes!

Many girls will agree that the stores do not always have exactly those shades of varnishes that are so necessary for one of the outfits. But do not despair and paint your nails with anything, while a perfectly matched color will make you feel like perfection! It is absolutely easy to make varnishes at home with minimal cost and time.

In order to make the varnish yourself, it is enough to prepare the following items:

  • simple colorless varnish for nails
  • shade of your choice
  • blank sheet of paper
  • a couple of toothpicks
  • simple teaspoon

How to make varnish with your own hands:

Step 1. Place a blank sheet of paper or a simple notebook sheet on the table. This is not so important. The main thing is that the size should be average, not a small piece, but not a drawing paper either.

Step 2. Scrape your favorite shadows from the substrate. When all the contents are on the sheet, it must be properly crushed so that there are no lumps left. This can be done with a simple teaspoon.

Step 3. Next, open the colorless varnish and set its brush aside. See that she doesn't mess anything around.

Step 4. Gently fold the eyeshadow leaf into a tube. It is important that the diameter of the tip can freely enter the neck of the nail polish bottle.

Step 5. After you pour the contents of the bag into a colorless varnish, you need to mix it properly. For these purposes, a simple cheap toothpick is best suited. It is better not to use a lacquer brush, as particles of shadows that have not yet dissolved can remain on it and form unpleasant sticky lumps. You need to mix thoroughly, do not skimp.

So, the varnish with your own hands is completely ready! It remains only to paint the nails. If something is not clear to you, then you can watch this video and see everything in detail. Thus, at home you can collect your favorite shades of varnishes without running around the shops and without trying to get the right color.

If you are tired of your old nail polish, or just want something new and unusual, then try making an original cosmetic product at home.

How can you make nail polish at home?

How to make homemade nail polish? Most interesting ways described below.

Production of colored varnishes

If you like bright colors and you have a clear, white, or discreet, pale nail polish, then add some color to it. The first way is the most common ink. You can buy them in the stationery department or use a ballpoint or gel pen that you have at home. But add such a dye carefully so as not to “overdo it” and not stain everything around.

The second way to add paint varnish is the use of food coloring. With their help, you can get almost any color: red, purple, blue, crimson, green or another. Change the intensity of the shade by increasing or decreasing the amount of dye.

Try to make one varnish from several old ones by mixing them. You can combine funds in a separate container, or you can use "native" bottles. Such experiments will allow you to get unusual tones.

Fashionable matte varnishes

From the usual glossy varnish you can easily get trendy matte. There are several options:

  • Starch. This product will give a matte finish when mixed with a small amount of varnish. But it is advisable to prepare a little product for a one-time use, since if starch is added to the bottle, the varnish may thicken and lose its properties. And remember that the matte effect becomes noticeable after the coating is completely dry.
  • Loose powder. Pour a small amount of it into the bottle, stir the mass with a toothpick, and then actively shake the bottle for a couple of minutes so that the components are fully combined.
  • If you have matte shadows, then use them instead of powder. The method of application is exactly the same.

Pearly and shiny

If you think that ordinary varnish lacks shine, then give it your own hands! And you can do this in several ways:

  • Use cosmetic mika. It is a mica supplemented with mineral pigments and has a beautiful mother-of-pearl luster, reminiscent of the radiance of pearls. You can buy it either in specialized cosmetic departments or in online stores. Mickeys are usually sold as shadow-like powders and can be added to a variety of products. cosmetics including nail polishes.
  • Dry sequins are suitable, which can be purchased in stores and departments of cosmetics or accessories for nail service and manicure. Pour the desired amount into the vial and shake it vigorously to uniform distribution shiny decorative elements.
  • Shiny eye shadow will add a beautiful shine. But before adding them, they must be carefully crushed, for example, crushed with a spoon. Then carefully pour the powder into the nail polish bottle and stir by vigorous shaking.

Fancy glowing nail polish

Do you want to attract attention at the party and surprise everyone with glow-in-the-dark nails? Then make a bright varnish and. All it takes is fluorescent acrylic paints, which are added to the varnish and give not only a new tone, but also a glow in the dark. And if you have an unusual neon gel pen, then just use its ink.

There is another way. You have probably seen glow sticks and bracelets, and if you have such an accessory, cut off one of its ends with scissors and squeeze the contents into a bottle of varnish. But the effect will not last long, so it is best to do a manicure just before the upcoming event.

  1. It is most convenient to add bulk components to the varnish using a small funnel made of paper.
  2. Introduce additives gradually to track changes and find the desired effect.
  3. If you are not sure that the result will impress you, then prepare a small amount of varnish and try it on your nails. If the effect is not impressive, continue experimenting.
  4. It is best to take a high-quality and not very thick varnish as a basis, otherwise you will not be able to fully stir the mass and achieve the desired homogeneous consistency.
  5. You can transform not only clear nail polish, which is an excellent base for bright experiments, but also white or any color. And as a result of experiments and trials, you can get an absolutely incredible shade.
  6. Try to combine several shades. Moreover, if they are not mixed, then you can get unusual effects and stunning, interesting transitions and abstract patterns.
  7. Use multiple methods at the same time. So, giving the varnish an interesting shade with the help of a dye, you can complement it with shine by introducing glitter into the mixture. Also try using starch after coloring for a vibrant matte finish.

Using the described methods, you will be able to experiment at home and get an unusual and exclusive nail polish that you will not find in the store.

How to make homemade varnish for wood from improvised materials at home It is noteworthy that you can not buy varnish, cook it yourself. Below are a few recipes for such varnishes. “Varnish for wood in 5 minutes”: I pour a third of the volume of acetone into a container (about 100 ml) and add finely chopped foam plastic (from equipment packages). In volume, this is approximately 0.3 dM cubic (depending on the density of the original foam). A transparent jelly-like mass is formed, with which I cover. Moisture resistant. It has good impact resistance properties. And most importantly - it's cheap and affordable. Oil varnishes, which are a mixture of drying oil with expensive resins (amber and copal), are the best of all varnishes both in beauty and durability. By mixing turpentine with them, they try to make them dry faster, but these varnishes, winning in drying speed, always lose strength and durability. Copal oil varnish. Take 100 weight parts of good linseed oil and boil it in a cauldron with gradual heating. When bubbles begin to appear, you need to maintain an even fire so that the oil boils slightly. At the same time, 15 parts by weight of East Indian copal are melted in a water bath and brought to a boil. When bubbles begin to appear in the melted copal, immediately pour hot linseed oil into the resin in parts, stirring all the time. When all the resin is well connected with a part of the oil, then it is poured, with constant stirring, into the oil, boiling in a large cauldron. Then pour 1 weight part of manganese borate into a large cauldron and continue cooking for about 2 hours, removing the resulting foam, until the varnish becomes thick and slowly flows from the veil with transparent, golden threads. If you drop varnish on glass, then the drop should be high in the form of a hemisphere. Cooled, the drop should be like a thick syrup, stretching into threads. These are signs that the combination of oil and resin has taken place. After that, the fire is extinguished under a large cauldron and the mixture is allowed to gradually cool down to 60 + C. Then 70 weight parts of turpentine are poured in in parts, making a test after each addition whether the cooled drop retains the consistency of a viscous syrup. If the viscosity of the lacquer noticeably decreases, then the addition of turpentine should be stopped and the lacquer is considered ready. good varnish should be golden in color, lay down smoothly on the surface to be painted and dry after 6-8 hours. For painted surfaces, where the yellowish tint is not important, this varnish can be considered excellent. Preparation of dammar, copal and mastic varnish For objects painted with light colors, and for paintings, the so-called dammar varnish is used. It is prepared as follows: take 4 parts of dammar resin, 5 parts of turpentine and 1/4 part of bleached (without lead) linseed oil. This mixture is boiled until completely dissolved, after which it is filtered through a thin metal sieve, allowed to settle and drained. To prepare copal varnish, mix 1 part of light soft copal with 2 parts of turpentine, and if you want to get an elastic varnish, add another 3% camphor. Then the bottle is filled up to 3/4 with this mixture, corked and placed in the sun or kept warm, shaking from time to time. When the mixture is completely dissolved, it is allowed to settle, drained and filtered through cotton wool. If the varnish prepared in this way is not completely transparent, then it should be boiled in a bottle for an hour, placing the bottle in a water bath. Mastic varnish is prepared as follows: for 12 parts of purified, well-washed mastic, 1.5 parts of pure Venetian turpentine, 0.5 parts of camphor powder, 5 parts of well-ground glass and 30 parts of purified turpentine are taken. The mixture is dissolved in a water bath, then allowed to settle and after a day it is drained and filtered through cotton wool. Castor lacquer in dry distillation castor oil a rubbery residue is obtained, which, when dissolved in hydrocarbons (gasoline) or in alcohol, is an excellent, impermeable, resisting sunbeams very durable varnish. Wool, linen, etc. smeared with this varnish. become impervious to water. When varnish is mixed with earths or metal oxides, a very strong putty is obtained. Asphalt varnish. Here are some recipes for such varnish. I. Melt 1 part of asphalt, allow to cool, grind, add 2 parts of turpentine and dissolve. Add soot if desired. II. Take 3 parts of asphalt, 1 part of coal pitch (solid residue from the distillation of coal tar) and dissolve, with gentle heating, in 6 parts of turpentine. III. Take 250 parts of asphalt, 475 parts of linseed drying oil, 120 parts of rosin, 180 parts of turpentine. This varnish is especially suitable for tin. IV. Take 6 parts of asphalt, 1 part of boiled linseed oil, 8.5 parts of turpentine. This varnish is especially suitable for iron. V. Take 20 parts of asphalt, 5 parts of rosin, 2 parts of soot, 50 parts of kerosene. VI. Take 1 part of asphalt, 1 part of rosin, 8 parts of turpentine. Japanese varnish. Take 45 parts of turpentine and 60 parts of lavender oil, dehydrate it with calcium chloride, separate the liquid from the sediment, dissolve in it when heated 1 part of camphor with 15 parts of copal resin and filter. Dutch varnish "Elemi" for oil paintings Take 8 parts of mastic, 1 part of resin "Elemi", 2 parts of Venetian turpentine, 29 parts of turpentine. Mastic varnish for oil paintings Dissolve 6 parts of sandarac, 2 parts of mastic, 1 part of Copay balsam, 1.5 parts of Venetian turpentine, 1 part of French turpentine, 20 parts of alcohol (96%).

A man, maybe, in the conditions of repair knows how to make varnish, while girls, in turn, learned how to make nail polish. This solution saves a lot of money and provides an opportunity to choose from a large palette of colors. Creating a perfect image is one of the main tasks of a modern girl. This helps her feel more confident and feminine. But sometimes it happens that it is impossible to find the right one in the store, for example, the right shade of varnish. And this often becomes an obstacle to creating an image and placing the necessary accents. There is a way that will save money and, most importantly, help you use materials that you may have been sitting on the back burner for a long time and are waiting in the wings.

Making your own nail polish

In order to make nail polish with your own hands, you need to prepare the following:

  1. Tea spoon.
  2. Paper.
  3. Colorless varnish.
  4. Toothpicks.
  5. Eyeshadow in the right shade.

This simple instruction will help you understand how to make nail polish at home. First you need to take a small piece of paper. It can be an A4 sheet. It will be needed in order to keep the horizontal surface clean. In the list of necessary things there are shadows. In this case, they are needed in order to give the varnish the desired shade. Some makeup lovers have a wide variety of rich eyeshadows in their arsenal. color palettes. And among them there are shadows that are not used. They can be used in the process of creating varnish.

So, let's get to work. To begin with, the shadows need to be pulled out of the cells of the palette and thoroughly crushed so that no lumps remain. That is why you need a teaspoon - it will help you easily pull the shadows out of the forms, crush them and at the same time leave your hands clean. If the shadows are crumbly, this is not necessary. Then you need to open the colorless varnish and briefly put the brush aside. It is advisable to control how the brush stands so that the varnish does not hit and spoil the surface.

After that, the sheet with shadows must be rolled up into a tube so that its diameter fits into the neck of the bottle. Or you can make a special funnel that will help pour all the shadows into the bottle. When all the contents are inside the container, you need to thoroughly mix the varnish with the shadows. It is not recommended to use a brush for this, as lumps can get stuck in it, and then it will be difficult to get rid of them. To do this, it is better to use toothpicks. You need to mix thoroughly to achieve an even color. It must be remembered that some brands mix instantly, while others take time to cook well at home.

Thus, every fashionista can create a varnish with her favorite shade, spending a minimum of time and money on it, but at the same time achieve the desired result.

A nice detail in all this work can be sparkles. They perfectly complement the image, most importantly, they will focus on the hands.

How to make a luminous coating

Very often, girls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make luminous varnish at home. Can. And this process is very simple and interesting.

To do this, you will need to take:

  1. A clean bottle of varnish.
  2. Toothpicks.
  3. Paint that does not contain UV filters.
  4. Glowing powder (luminescent pigment).

Before you start creating a decorative coating at home, you need to take a completely clean and dry nail polish jar and a funnel, as when creating a regular nail polish. Then put in a jar in a ratio of one to four powder and paint and then mix everything thoroughly. After that, close the jar tightly and wait until all the contents turn into a single mass. This can also be done on a colored coating, but in this case the glow will be much weaker.

How to make natural nail polish

This will require:

  1. Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. White clay - 0.5 tbsp. l.

To prepare a decorative coating for nails at home from natural ingredients, you need to mix olive oil and white clay until the consistency of a smooth dough. Then apply the resulting mixture on the nails and let dry for 15 minutes.

After that, wipe the nail plates with a damp cotton pad. To achieve a more visible result of colored nails, you need to repeat this procedure several times during the week. Each of the components performs its function in this “mask” for nails: olive oil moisturizes the skin and cuticles, and clay refreshes the color of the nails.

For another recipe for creating varnish at home, you will need:

  1. Half a spoonful of alkane root.
  2. 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  3. A quarter tablespoon of beeswax.
  4. 2 drops of vitamin E oil.

First you need to heat the olive oil and alkane roots in a water bath. After the ingredients have become warm, they must be removed from the water bath and allowed to cool, then strain through a fine sieve to get rid of the roots of the plant. Then you should put the mixture on a steam bath and add beeswax.

After it melts, add 2 drops of vitamin E oil. Then mix well, remove from steam bath and let cool. The varnish must be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the nail plate, while making sure that nothing gets on the skin. These coatings will give your nails a shine.