Salo, Grass and Nezovibatko. How do Voronezh residents with unusual surnames live. Female name Olga - the meaning of the name

The secret of the name

Olga- saint (Old Norse).
The feminine form of the male name Oleg.
In terms of prevalence, the name Olga is second only to Elena and Natalya, it is equally common in the city and in the countryside.
name zodiac: Cancer.
Planet: Moon.
Name color: yellow.
Talisman Stone: amber.
auspicious plant: ash, ranunculus.
name patron: leopard.
Happy day: Monday.
happy season: summer.
Diminutive forms: Olya, Lelya, Olyunya, Lyunya, Olyusha, Lyusha, Deer, Lena.
Main features: will, determination, efficiency.


Olga (baptized Elena), Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia, 24 (11) July. The Church glorifies Princess Olga as Equal to the Apostles: it was she who, having received Baptism in Constantinople at a mature age (at the same time she was named Elena), began to erect Christian churches in Russia and prepare the conversion of the Russian people to Orthodoxy. She died in 969. The work started by St. Olga was completed by her grandson, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir in 988, at the time of the Baptism of Russia.


On Holguin's day, they tell fortunes by thunder: if it rains quietly, if the thunder is booming - to a downpour.


Serious, touchy, thoughtful girl. Vulnerable, she may suddenly become isolated, after some harmless remark, tears appear in her eyes. At the same time, she is stubborn: even in cases where she is undoubtedly guilty, she will never ask for forgiveness. Equally friendly with both boys and girls, she always finds something to talk about with both. She is capable, but studies without much desire, within the limits of what the school curriculum requires. She keeps a low profile, never commits daring acts, there are no troubles with her at school, but she can sometimes be rude with loved ones.

For all her good looks, Olga has a rather tough character. She always knows what she wants, and nothing and no one can be an obstacle to her. She is smiling, sociable, will always support the company, but will not relax enough to forget where the boss is and where the subordinate is. She has a rather difficult, domineering character, but even in anger she does not lose control over herself. She treats failures calmly, with endurance and patience overcoming any obstacles. You can add Olga's ability to work hard, a heightened sense of responsibility - everything leads to significant career success, including in leadership positions. The latter is important for Olga in most cases. A doctor, a political or public figure, the head of an enterprise is Olga's field of activity. In extreme cases, she can be a store manager, manager, work in the service sector.

Olga has a cold, prudent mind, adheres to strict moral standards, does not forgive anything and will always be able to recall old faults.

Olga has a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, violent expression of feelings, but if she likes someone, she does not keep it a secret. Most often, Olga gets married quite early and will devote her whole life to her husband, firmly believing that her chosen one is the smartest and best. If she suddenly has a rival, then it’s easy with what she has in her hands, Olga will not part. She is a fighter with a strong character, and her devotion deserves the highest respect.

As always, the name P.A. very accurately characterizes. Florensky: “Olga usually has significant facial features and a figure, and rather beautiful, but not thin; almost feminine strength breathes in them ... Her mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal, and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to the circumstances and finding the surest way to achieve the desired.


Olga (c. 890-969) - Russian princess, wife of Igor Rurikovich, Grand Duke of Kyiv and All Russia.

She was born in a village near Pskov. The young Prince Igor came there to hunt and accidentally saw this young beauty, immediately distinguished her intelligence and modesty, and married her. She bore him a son, Svyatoslav, the future Grand Duke.

In the future, the image of Olga is, as it were, woven from the lace of folk legends, intertwined with the historical truth about the ruler and protector of the Russian land.

From the opening pages of The Tale of Bygone Years, the chronicler Nestor sings of the appearance and deeds of the princess, her beauty, "wisdom and intelligence."

Remaining soon a widow, she, due to the infancy of Svyatoslav, became the ruler of the state. In 943, she personally led an army against the Drevlyans who killed Prince Igor, forced them to flee from the battlefield and recognize themselves as submissive to Kyiv in 946. How the highest fair court glorifies the chronicle of Olga's cruel and cunning revenge in 945. Having ordered the Drevlyans to collect and send pigeons in baskets from each yard, tying a lighted rod to them, she released the birds. They each flew to their own house, and the Drevlyan city of Iskorosten burned to the ground.

For many years Olga carried the heavy burden of the mistress of Russia. She introduced new statutes, fortified cities, renovated roads, installed her deputies in the villages, who collected reasonable taxes from subject tribes.

Olga traveled around the Novgorod lands, made the Novgorodians remember that they had a Grand Duke, whom they, due to their distance from Kyiv, began to forget. Along the rivers Luga and Mete, Olga established new volosts, resuming the collection of taxes.

In 947, following the approval of the internal order in the state, Olga retired from the government, which she handed over to the young Svyatoslav.

As a huge political event, the chronicle considers the trip of the princess to the Greek land - Byzantium, where she received baptism from the hands of the Byzantine patriarch with the name of Elena, becoming the first Christian ruler. She received in Kyiv the ambassadors of Constantine, the Byzantine emperor, experienced the disaster of the siege of Kyiv by the Pechenegs in the absence of Svyatoslav, but got rid of the enemies by military cunning, sending the boy in a dress worn by the Pechenegs with a bridle in his hand. He passed through the Pecheneg camp, allegedly looking for his horse, reached the bank of the Dnieper and led the army that was on the opposite bank. As the historian N.M. Karamzin, "The Grand Dukes fought before the time of the Olgins - she ruled the state ... she knew how to maintain silence in the country and peace. Tradition called Olga cunning, the Holy Church, history Wise."

The sonorous and beautiful voice of Petrovich announced a new day!
- Morning!!!
- Ku-ka-re-ku! -
The roosters of the neighboring yards echoed him, and the sonorous morning song rushed everywhere.
Petrusha memorized how it sounds, because dad said that it would definitely come in handy for him.
Footsteps were heard in the yard...
Granya was taken out of the barn for a walk. This is the owner's cow. In the house of the people she was called the nurse.
Every morning, Granya was taken somewhere, and only in the evening she returned, noticeably thicker in her sides.
For all the inhabitants of this large courtyard, the morning began with breakfast ...
The puppy did not leave his mother. He savored the huge bone, trying to grab it with his small mouth, all the while moving around it, his eyes closed in pleasure.
The kitten, looking at Lizaveta, carefully washed himself ...
There were morning conversations in the chicken coop, mothers were cleaning feathers for themselves and their cubs ...
Finally, the hostess said the cherished words:
- Chick - chick - chick - chick ...
This meant it was time for breakfast.
Chickens with their children poured out into the yard, trying not to miss a grain or a crumb ...
All the chickens knew that this was only the first breakfast.
Then there will be goodies from bugs and worms, but this will be a little later.
The chicken watched the puppy so as not to miss the signal. He could not think of anything but the upcoming campaign, a hole in the fence did not give him rest ...
The sun rose higher and higher, it became hot, and the children with their mothers, pied and ruffled, scattered around the yard.
Wagging his tail, the puppy ran up to Petrusha and began to tell how brave he and Naida were.
- Today my mother scared the thieves. They wanted to get into our garden, and my mother barked loudly and drove them away, tearing the pants of one of the hooligans ...
So this morning the hostess gave us a big bone.
You know how delicious! -
The chicken could not understand in any way what could be tasty in this hard stick, but at that time the puppy turned around and walked importantly towards their booth.
“But what about the hole?” Petrusha asked.
- What hole? -
- You said yesterday that there is a lake behind the fence, and that you can go there through a hole in the fence ...
- BUT! Then we’ll go down somehow - he said and ran to the booth, there was a sweet bone ...
Petrusha became terribly offended.
The puppy himself told about this hole, he persuaded him to go on the other side of the fence ... but now he forgot ...
- Think, some kind of bone ... -
The yellow little lump almost cried, but he decided that he himself could cope with the difficult test.
His mother was discussing Naida's night adventure and courageous act with other laying hens, the little one was peacefully picking grass, looking for bugs.
He quietly made his way to the fence, and began to explore the area.
The grass was much taller here, and no one could see him.
Singing his father's song, Petrusha moved forward, but there was no hole anywhere...
Maybe I'm going in the wrong direction? he thought.
But he did not want to stop at all, and he resolutely moved on ...
A huge bumblebee, flying, grumbled and threatened with its wing ....
- Look, don't get lost! -
There was no hole anywhere.
“Maybe I don’t know what a hole is,” thought the chicken.
Suddenly, in front of him, someone stirred in the grass. He was frightened and squealed with all his might.
It was necessary to run back, but from fear his legs got tangled in the grass. Petrusha fell on his back and closed his eyes.
- Why are you screaming like that? Someone asked.
Opening his eyes, he saw that a fat hedgehog was looking at him, the thorns of her outfit were sticking out in different directions, but her eyes were very kind, and her nose moved funny when she sniffed the air.
- How did you get here, baby? -
- I ... I ... was looking for a hole ... in the fence ... the puppy said to me -
From fear, the chicken stammered and spoke indistinctly -
- And who are you?…
- I am a hedgehog, we live with hedgehogs under the boards near the fence. Why do you need a hole?
Little chickens can't run so far from their mother alone, believe me, it's very dangerous.
Get back to the chicken coop. -
He himself was not jokingly scared ... Immediately he got sick of looking for a hole, and the chicken ran back ...
From afar came the voice of an excited mother.
- Petrusha, where are you? -
It became very embarrassing that he ran so far without permission.
- I'm here, mom, don't worry. -
At this time, a puppy ran up to him, still licking his lips after his bone.
- And I saw a hedgehog ... - the chicken quickly blurted out to a friend, a little reproachfully and slightly boasting that he was still able to make a long journey alone ... so I wanted to tell someone about what he saw.
- Where? -
- At the fence! -
Did you find a hole yet? -
The puppy looked at the chicken with surprise and envy.
Let's go there again tomorrow...
- No ... I was already there, and the hedgehog said that it was dangerous, but I don’t want to upset my mother ... ....

The meaning of the name Olga: this name for a girl means "sacred", "wise". Another meaning of the name Olga is "sunny". This is the female form of the male name Oleg.

Origin of the name Olga: Old Russian.

Diminutive form of the name: Olya, Lelya, Olyunya, Lyunya, Olyusha, Lyusha, Olyanya, Lena.

What does the name Olga mean? The girl monitors her behavior and appearance She makes a good impression on others. Olechka can be quick-tempered and impatient, she is a responsible employee, but at the same time she does not strive for leadership. First love is the brightest feeling in her life, and if the chosen one does not offer marriage, then the girl will worry for a long time. Olya is an impeccable hostess, a strict and attentive mother.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Olga once a year celebrates a name day: July 24 (11) - St. Blessed Princess Olga, in holy baptism Elena.

Signs: On Holguin's day, they tell fortunes by thunder: if it is deaf, it will rain quietly, booming thunder - to a downpour.


  • Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Yellow color
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Treasured plant - buttercup
  • Patron - owl
  • Talisman stone - amber

Characteristics of the name Olga

Positive features: The meaning of the name Olga from the point of view of psychology. Since childhood, Olya has been serious, thoughtful, prone to introspection. She does not tolerate familiarity, frivolity, repeated requests, female tears, adheres to strict moral standards.

Negative Traits: She takes grievances hard, is prone to delving into her own feelings. Sometimes she lacks perseverance in actions. It is difficult for her to ask for forgiveness, and she herself does not forgive anything, she will be able to recall old faults. As a rule, Olya is the ruler of the family. In order to suffer less in dealing with her and be on an equal footing with her, one should have emotional strength and strong-willed stability.

The nature of the name Olga: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Olga? Here is what the great Russian philosopher P.A. Florensky about the bearers of this name: “Oli usually have significant facial features and figure, and rather beautiful, but not thin; almost unfeminine strength breathes in them, at least according to modern concepts ... The girl’s mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the most correct way to achieve the desired. The girl does not tolerate when she is given advice, and she treats those who know something worse than her from above: this shows the limitations of her nature. Olya is characterized by hypocrisy; very amiable with superiors, and with people dependent on her, she is often dismissive. This is faithful wife, however, women with this name are traditionally considered chilly: games of the heart are not for them.

Olya is a serious, touchy, thoughtful girl. Vulnerable Olechka may suddenly withdraw, after some harmless remark, tears appear in her eyes. At the same time, she is stubborn: even in cases where she is undoubtedly guilty, she will never ask for forgiveness. The girl is equally friendly with both boys and girls, she always finds something to talk about with both. The young one who owns the name is capable, but studies without much desire, within the limits of what the school curriculum requires. Keeps in the shadows, never commits daring acts, there are no troubles at school, but sometimes she can be rude with loved ones.

For all her pleasant appearance, she has a rather tough character. Olya always knows what she wants, and nothing and no one can be an obstacle to her. This girl is smiling, sociable, will always support the company, but will not relax enough to forget where the boss is and where the subordinate is. She has a rather difficult, domineering character, but even in anger she does not lose control over herself. Olya treats failures calmly, overcoming any obstacles with endurance and patience.

As always, the name P.A. very accurately characterizes. Florensky: “Olgas usually have facial features and figure significant and rather beautiful, but not thin; an almost non-feminine strength breathes in them ... Her mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal, and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the most correct way to achieve what is desired.

Olga and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: Favorable marriage with Anatoly, Barzda, Boris, Boyan, Bryachislav, Viktor, Gavrila, Zakhar, Ignat, Igor, Leo, Oleg. The name Olga is also combined with Semyon. Difficult relationships are likely with Andrei, Bazhen, Bashilo, Bogdan, Bazan, Denis, Mal, Peter.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Olga promise happiness in love? If the first love does not end in marriage, then Olya worries for a long time, compares new fans with the first man in her life, and will not be able to get married for a long time.

Olechka has a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, a violent expression of feelings, but if she likes someone, she does not keep it a secret. Most often, she marries quite early and will devote her whole life to her husband, firmly believing that her chosen one is the smartest and best. If she suddenly has a rival, then it’s easy with what she has in her hands, Olya will not part. She is a fighter with a strong character, and her devotion deserves the highest respect.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Work means a lot to her. A woman named Olga can become a leader public organization, lead the opposition or choose the path of a lone rebel. She Olya is able to perform male work, both intellectual and physical. If she is forced to do only household chores, then sooner or later she is likely to protest against routine and thankless work. Olechka has many plans, and she wants to realize them. Purposefulness and vanity allow her to achieve success in sports, ballet, cinema, theater.

Business and career: She can make incredible efforts, overcome herself and do such work, which not everyone will undertake, and for this she will be rewarded.

Olga's ability to work hard, a heightened sense of responsibility - all lead to significant career success, including in leadership positions. The latter is important for Olya in most cases. A doctor, a political or public figure, the head of an enterprise is Olechka's field of activity. In extreme cases, she can be a store manager, manager, work in the service sector.

The meaning of the name Olya implies the possession of a cold, prudent mind, adheres to strict moral standards, does not forgive anything and will always be able to recall old faults.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Olga: The meaning of the name Olga from the point of view of medicine. AT infancy Olga is calm, there are no difficulties with feeding. All difficulties begin at the age of six. At this time, she often suffers from respiratory diseases. Many diseases are inherited. So, psoriasis or diabetes can be transmitted from Olya's father, which can manifest itself both in childhood and in adulthood. As a child, Olechka, like all children, suffers from respiratory diseases, childhood infectious diseases. There are no special deviations in health. The lungs and bronchi are somewhat weakened.

The December girl may be deaf and mute from birth, but she is a very smart girl, and if you start dealing with specialists with her in time, she will begin to speak and understand by her lips what they say to her. Such a child requires increased attention, she is irritable, emotional. Very affectionate and kind, needs human warmth.

She Olga is prone to complications after the flu, can get sick with infectious meningitis, after which her mental development slows down somewhat. In this case, it is very important to make the correct diagnosis. Often, doctors state mental retardation, while this may be a mild form of mental retardation. The name Olya perfectly assimilates everything, only a little slower than her healthy peers.

Olga's health problems arise in adulthood. She has bad teeth, after giving birth she quickly loses them. There may be an overbite, but this is fixable if the parents convince Olya that treatment is necessary, she is very stubborn and reluctant to wear corrective plates, takes them off when her parents are away, and puts them on only in their presence so that they do not scold her.

In the "October" - there may be complications after childbirth, the formation of a cyst on the ovaries is possible. summer girl already in adulthood suffers from jaundice. High probability of removal of adenoids. Olya, born in August, may have impaired blood circulation, which leads to varicose veins. Olya is not suspicious and turns to doctors in extreme cases. By old age, the named Olya is disposed towards fullness, although until old age she remains mobile and easy-going. Her hip joints are weak.

The influence of the zodiac sign on Olga

Horoscope Olga-Aries: unbalanced, impressionable, passionate nature. She can do anything, but, unfortunately, Olga-Aries does not always clearly understand what she really wants from life. Passions throw her from one occupation to another. She is used to "chopping from the shoulder", says what she thinks, which often makes her problems. This is an incredibly attractive woman, but does not know the "subtle approach" to a man. Olga-Aries immediately tries to take over her partner, and she is not distinguished by fidelity.

Horoscope Olga-Taurus: woman is sensual, emotional, complacent. She too often falls into the power of her emotions, her actions are inconsistent and largely dependent on mood. Olga-Taurus needs to feel support and understanding from others in order to believe in himself and establish himself in life. Sometimes she resembles a charming child, she involuntarily wants to patronize and advise in everything. She needs a strong partner who will protect her, and she will give him affection and tenderness.

Horoscope Olga-Gemini: an original, sociable, quick-witted woman in any field of activity, she strives for independence, but she is hindered by the opinions of others, to which Olga-Gemini is too susceptible. Any event leaves a deep imprint in the soul of this woman, forcing her to mentally return to it again and again. The originality of Olga-Gemini does not go unnoticed by men, she is always desired. Olga Gemini is not completely sincere with her partner, trying to defend her freedom at least here.

Horoscope Olga-Cancer: a wonderful combination of name and zodiac sign. This is a romantic, sentimental woman, full of inspiration and fantasy. In order to achieve her goal or attract the attention of others, Olga-Rak resorts to such unthinkable means that it would never occur to anyone else. She manipulates people so skillfully that it takes a long time before they begin to guess about it. With her charm, Olga-Rak is able to make any man "dance to her tune." She is looking for a reliable person, in whose feelings she must be sure. Only then will Olga-Rak open her heart.

Horoscope Olga-Leo: impulsive, wayward, sincere personality. She is obsessed with the desire to please everyone around, flirting uncontrollably, however, she knows when to stop. Feeling dignity does not allow Olga-Lev to be hypocritical, and if she feels hostility, she will stop all communication with the person. She tries to keep her word. This woman has an incredible number of fans. Olga-Lev often starts novels, being subjected to a momentary impulse, but if she truly loves, she will become the most devoted, reliable, gentle partner.

Horoscope Olga-Virgo: restrained, delicate, stately nature. She looks prim, inaccessible, but in fact she feels inner insecurity, which is why she does not reveal herself to people. An unusually responsible and talented Olga-Virgo can help in any, the most difficult matter, it is not easy to find an approach to her, remarkable patience and sensitivity will be needed, but Olga-Virgo will appreciate such an attitude. She knows how to create family comfort and warmth in the house.

Horoscope Olga-Libra: woman tactful, refined, patient. She treats each person carefully, always listens, will not impose her opinion and give her advice. She does an excellent job with affairs, prefers that she does not stand above her soul. Olga-Libra always looks impeccable, behaves with dignity, despises unrestrained assertive men. You can win her heart only by gallantry and nobility. This is a faithful partner.

Horoscope Olga-Scorpio: dreamy, controversial personality. She craves sharp new experiences, tends to exaggerate both the advantages and disadvantages of people. Sometimes dreams take her far from reality, making it difficult to think soberly and correctly assess the situation. Olga-Scorpio obligations will fall in love with someone inaccessible and will revel in their suffering. She will then attribute non-existent qualities to her partner, perceive him not as he really is. It is necessary occasionally to let her down from heaven to earth.

Horoscope Olga-Sagittarius: eccentric, exalted, active woman. She approaches any business with invention, the stock of her imagination is unlimited, only consistency and thoroughness are missing. The soul of Olga-Sagittarius is in constant rush: she wants new experiences, but she is afraid of losing her already established connections and position in society. She is able to forget about everything in the world, plunge into love adventures, love her partner with all her heart and also abruptly leave him. An original person is capable of holding her, who will not let her get bored and will be able to restrain the impulses of Olga-Sagittarius.

Horoscope Olga-Capricorn: scrupulous, ceremonial, judicious nature. She keeps to herself, puts on a mask of indifference so that others do not see her soft heart. The experiences of Olga-Capricorn are deep, but she is not used to discussing them with anyone. Trying to live exclusively with her mind, she pays a lot of attention to trifles, and she may miss the main goal. Olga Capricorn needs understanding. The partner will have to make a lot of efforts to gain her trust.

Horoscope Olga-Aquarius: a kind-hearted woman, sympathetic, unusually vulnerable. She tries to deal conscientiously with business, but sometimes distraction and a tendency to dreaminess interfere with her, Olga-Aquarius is susceptible to someone else's grief, her tender heart can be touched by a sad film or music. Absolutely not experienced in love affairs, Olga-Aquarius dreams of a Don Juan - strong and experienced, careless and romantic, sometimes, not noticing a reliable and good man. She is often disappointed, deeply worried, and it can take a long time before this woman finds her happiness.

Horoscope Olga-Pisces: embarrassing, timid, melancholic personality. She is constantly gnawed by her own insecurity, the inability to stand up for herself. Life problems can bring Olga-Pisces to exhaustion and deep depression, and she is embarrassed to share them. Next to her there should be a strong person who will stimulate her vital activity, support and inspire faith.

About Olga in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a similar sound. In Belarusian it is translated as Volga, in Italian: Olga, in German: Olga, in Polish: Olga.

How the name is inclined by cases

  • Nominative case: Olga
  • Genitive case: Olga
  • Dative case: Olga
  • Accusative: Olga
  • Instrumental case: Olga
  • Prepositional case: Olga

The fate of the name Olga in history:

  1. St. Olga is a Russian princess, the wife of Igor Rurikovich. According to the chronicle story, she cruelly took revenge on the Drevlyans who killed her husband, destroying their prince Mal, along with his most important associates, and established "charters and lessons" in the Drevlyan land, that is, tribute and natural duties; then she went to Novgorod land and set up graveyards here, that is, administrative centers, and determined dues and tributes in favor of the prince.
  2. Olga V. Lepeshinskaya - ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR. In 1933–1963 danced at the Bolshoi Theatre. Among the parties: Kitri ("Don Quixote" by L.F. Minkus), Tao Hoa ("Red Poppy" by M.R. Glier), Cinderella ("Cinderella" by S.S. Prokofiev), etc. Was a teacher-consultant in Hungary , Germany, Sweden, etc. Four times awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
  3. Olga Spesivtseva - (1895 - 1991) Russian ballerina.
  4. Olga Zabelinskaya - (born 1980) Russian cyclist, two-time bronze medalist of the 2012 Summer Olympics - in the group and individual race. World Junior Champion 1997.
  5. Olga Knipper-Chekhova - (1868 - 1959) Russian and Soviet actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1937). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943). A.P. Chekhov's wife.
  6. Olga Berggolts - (1910 - 1975) Russian Soviet poetess, prose writer.
  7. Olga Korbut - (born 1955) Soviet Belarusian gymnast, four-time Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1972). Olga Korbut was the first to perform the unique element "Korbut's Loop".
  8. Olga Khokhlova - (1891 - 1955) ballet dancer of Russian-Ukrainian origin, better known as the first wife of Pablo Picasso and the mother of his son Paul Olga
  9. Olga Rozanova - (1886 - 1918) artist, one of the brightest representatives of Russian futurism.
  10. Olga Rubtsova - (1909 - 1994) world chess champion.
  11. Olga Sadovskaya - (1849 - 1919) Russian actress, Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters (1911).
  12. Olga Aroseva - (born 1925) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985). Known for performing comedic, poignant roles.
  13. Olga Voronets - (born 1926) pop singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1978). In 1956, at the International Folklore Festival in France, the Russian folk song "Kalinka" performed by Voronets enjoyed such success that the singer was nicknamed Olga-Kalinka.
  14. Olga Androvskaya - (1898 - 1975) real name - Schultz; Soviet theater and film actress, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1948). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952). Aunt Alexei Batalov.
  15. Olga Ostroumova - (born 1947) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.
  16. Olga Kabo - (born 1968) Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), member of the Russian Stuntmen Association (1995).

Monologues about inconvenience, funny and awkward situations.

A surname is a peculiar distinguishing feature of one person from another. Some surnames are so common that right person you will not immediately find it even in your list of friends on the social network. It is quite different with the owners of rare surnames. You definitely can't confuse them with anyone. But what about them? RIA Voronezh correspondent found out how people with unusual surnames live: sonorous, complex, beautiful, funny.

One of the discoveries: the owners perceive the surnames differently from those around them. “Nothing unusual,” says the owner of a long, hard-to-read surname. " There were no interesting cases. Is that you have now turned”, - the university teacher is surprised, whose name is always confused by students. But still, there were people from Voronezh who were ready to talk about uncomfortable and funny situations related to their surnames. Sergey Popov, candidate of philological sciences, executive secretary of the council for the Russian language in the field of public use at the Voronezh Regional Duma, commented on the origin of these surnames.

- The earliest names of Voronezh residents are recorded in archival documents related to the founding of the city. These are, first of all, the names of the first governor Semyon Saburov, under whose leadership the Voronezh fortress was built, and his associates - the heads of Vasily Birkin and Ivan Sudakov-Myasny. In the XIV-XV centuries, princes and boyars began to take surnames. Until the end of the 19th century, surnames were rare among peasants, after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the situation began to improve. First census Russian Empire 1897 showed that up to 75% of the population does not have a surname. Finally, everyone in the USSR had surnames only in the 30s of the 20th century, in the era of universal passportization. Sergey Popov

Alexander Salo, IT specialist:

– The city where my parents live is located close to Ukraine, which explains why the last name ends with “o”. I understand that in those places they like tasty names. Once on the bus, the driver followed the list and announced the names of the passengers who had bought the tickets. Can you imagine the look on his face when he read: Hmm, sausage? Here! (Pause...) Hmm, Salo?..» The whole bus was holding on to their bellies! Most Slavic surnames in transliteration look doubtful (for example, the usual " Shchuchkina" turns into Shchuchkina). Salo does not surprise anyone anywhere. In the West, the surname is known thanks to the Finnish hockey goalie - the Finnish guys even stated that salo means "wild forest", but I did not check. I don’t think I’ll change it - there were ridicule at school, but now simplicity and uniqueness win. Causes a smile from compatriots, but it is easy for foreigners.

- The surname originates from the nickname Salo, indicating the activity of a person. It probably belonged to a bacon merchant or salovar. It is also possible that Salom was called a fat, portly man. AT " Dictionary of Old Russian Personal Names» Tupikov are mentioned: « Pashko Salo, peasant, c. 1578; Lavrik Salo, tradesman from Koden, ca. 1587". Sergey Popov

Nikita Rak, theater director:

- Surname as a surname. They often ask again, but this is more likely due to the fact that I do not pronounce the letter “r”. As a child, they rhymed "crab-fool." But it depends on the person. My brother has the same surname, and everything was fine with him. But he never wanted to change his name.

- The surname Rak was formed from the nickname of an ancestor without a family suffix. This was typical for Ukrainian, Belarusian and South Russian lands. The ancestor of the surname may have come from the city of Rakov in the Minsk region of Belarus. According to legend, the city was founded by a certain warrior named Cancer. The personal nickname Cancer is found in archival documents starting from the 15th century. For example, the Moscow boyar Mikhailo Rak (1481), the Novgorod peasant Ignatik Rak (1495). Sergey Popov

Lolita Nezovibatko (Gabriel), journalist of the regional newspaper Ostrogozhskaya Zhizn:

- Nezovibatko - the surname for the Voronezh region and Ostrogozhsk in particular is familiar and is perceived as normal. But in Siberia (I'm from the Irkutsk region) there were problems. The name seemed funny there. My maiden name is Gabriel. Nezovibatko - for her husband. Soon I will change all documents back to Gabriel for personal reasons. I resisted my husband's surname, I did not want such a dissonant one. But he said firmly: Are you getting married or what?"? And I gave up. The surname Gabriel came to me from my German grandmother, born in western Ukraine. There were many Germans there until they were dispersed into camps during the repressions. So my grandmother ended up in Irkutsk. I was subsequently born there. I've always liked the last name. True, Gabryushey was teased at school. It pissed me off. An unusual name in honor of actress Lolita Torres came from her second grandmother. She so wanted to name her daughter, but she was a Komsomol member, then she joined the party - it was impossible. AT kindergarten I was teased, I asked my mother to rename me. She asked: " What do you want to be called?" I said: " Chamomile. You have a girlfriend, Aunt Rosa, and I want to be Chamomile". Unusual names are often found in our family. My great-grandfather's name was Fakey, my grandmother was Lyudmila Fakeevna. I once thought that if a son was born, I would call Fakey. But I was dissuaded because of the English influence. Now I have three daughters: Kaleriya, Miroslava and Taisiya.

– The surname Nezovibatko is formed according to one of the most common Ukrainian models: the verb is in the imperative mood, the verb is followed by the noun in the nominative case. The combination of these two words often takes on an unexpected character, which indicates the uniqueness and originality of Ukrainian humor (for example, Nepiyvoda, Nepiypivo, Neeshkhleba, Netudykhat). This type of surname has always attracted writers, humorists and playwrights. The surname Nezovibatko came from the phrase "do not call the father", that is, the father. Such a nickname could be given to the only (eldest) son who grew up without a father and was considered the breadwinner of the family, and therefore, from an early age, he cultivated independence in himself. Sergey Popov

Oksana Pysenkova, HR Administration Specialist:

- I grew up in the Anninsky district of the Voronezh region, where this surname is very common. But in Voronezh people confuse the first letter with any other. "Lysenkova" or "Lysenko". Even more often there are problems with stress, correctly Pysenkova. Once upon delivery, the box was signed "Song".

– The nickname Pysa goes back to the West Slavic word pyza, which translates as “face, thick cheeks” or “butuz”. Obviously, this nickname indicated the features of the appearance of the ancestor. According to another, less plausible version, Pysa's nickname is based on the verb "to poke" with the meaning "scatter, throw, waste." In this case, Pysy could be called a sloppy person or a spendthrift, a reveler. The suffix -enko indicates that the surname was formed under Ukrainian influence. Pysa eventually received the surname Pysenkov. Sergey Popov

Elizaveta Travka, correspondent magazine "WORDS" :

I hate jokes about drugs! Often, especially in Voronezh, my name is associated with them, everyone is trying to joke about this topic. A huge plus - no one ever forgets me, one has only to name my surname. They often ask again when dictating a surname to strangers. Constantly trying to bow, although she does not bow. Sometimes they don’t believe that the last name is real, they ask: “Why is VKontakte written down as Grass, where does such a pseudonym come from?”. Once I even showed my passport in confirmation. I often hear For the sake of such a name, I would marry". Many people advise not to change your last name if you get married. Where exactly the name came from, I do not know. We assume that she is Ukrainian, and all the familiar philologists say so. Great-grandfather from the Krasnodar Territory, from the Kuban Cossacks.

- According to one version, the surname is formed from the non-church name Grass: such "plant" names were common among the Slavs in the pre-Christian era. According to another version, the surname is based on a similar nickname given to a connoisseur of medicinal herbs, a healer. This version seems to be more plausible. Sergey Popov

Anastasia Byrka, teacher of English and German:

- In childhood, the problems were significant - children “love” everything unusual. " Birka-hole". But it was in the garden primary school. And then I realized that an unusual surname distinguishes me from others, I began to be proud of it. She even emphasized that at the end is not “o”, but “a”. There is a surname " Byrko", But my ancestors are Moldovans, and it was originally written " Byrke". They made a mistake in my grandfather's passport, and it has been that way ever since. I never wanted to change, on the contrary, I was going to leave my maiden name. But out of respect for her husband, she changed. Now I am Taraskin. It is possible that Byrka originates from the word "birka" - "sheep's skin, sheep." Byrks in Voronezh, Kursk and Novgorod dialects were called sheep or sheepskin. Also "byrky" means "brisk".

- Indeed, in Voronezh, Kursk and Novgorod dialects, byrks were usually called sheep or sheepskin. Most likely, the shepherd or the one who was engaged in the manufacture of outerwear from sheep. Sergey Popov

Mikhail Blyakherov, student:

- Difficulties were mainly in childhood, when children were just beginning to learn what a mat is. But there was no bullying, only small jokes. And now it often turns out that many people know me in absentia only because of my surname. I come to some new company, and they already know me there. All because one of the mutual friends once said: “ Oh, and I have a friend with such a funny name - Blyakherov!". This surname is Jewish, originally sounded " Blyakher". Some ancestors moved to Russia and added the standard “ov” for Russians. I myself am a quarter Jew, my paternal grandfather was a purebred.

- This surname is derived from the Polish word "blech" - "bleach" or from the Yiddish word "blech", which means "tin" or "tin". Most likely, the ancestor of the owner of the name Blyakher could be a tinsmith - a master in the manufacture of objects from tin. Veselovsky's Onomasticon mentions Blyakher Abram Leizerovich (1894-1937), who was born in the city of Pruzhany (Poland). Sergey Popov

Olga Kalina, head of the yoga studio, organizer of ethnic concerts:

- That's right, Kalina, but they often call me Kalina, I'm already used to it. They issued a diploma of graduation from an educational institution: Kalina Olga Alexandrovna". The document had to be changed. The surname has many meanings. From the Greek "kalos" is translated as "beauty". There is also the name of the ancient saint Kallinikos. The surname most likely came from him.

- The surname Kalina can come from the folk form of the baptismal name. One of the ancient baptismal names that came from the Greek language and was forgotten is the name Kalinnik, which is derived from the Greek words: kallos - "beauty" and nike - "victory". The patron of the name is the martyr Kalinnik, who preached the Christian faith and was executed. In everyday life, this name, which is not very convenient for pronunciation, received different sounds: Kalinik, Kalenik, Kalina. But the worldly name Kalina, which goes back to the name of the tree, is also recorded in the documents. In Russia, it was customary to give the child one more name in addition to the baptismal name. The goal was to hide the church name from the "evil spirits". Kalina in the minds of the Slavs acted as a talisman. Sergey Popov

Evgeny Zheltukha, journalist, blogger, website builder:

- At school they tried to tease, but it didn’t work for long. It's nice when the surname sounds at the award and stands under the materials that are read. There was a funny incident. One of the federal media nominated me for an all-Russian award. The chairman of the commission, a retired general, looked at the list and wrote in front of Jaundice's name: In the lists of journalists - no pseudonyms! You are like a yellow press". They didn't argue, they just crossed it out. In life, we are not the same as in social networks, so I specifically separate myself with a pseudonym - Eugene the Fair. I smile when someone makes a “discovery”: “ And I know your name, I read articles!» The roots of the surname Jaundice are in Altai, relatives live in Biysk. I unearthed that the ancestors who “offended” before Paul I were resettled there. They were dismissed from service, excommunicated from the nobility and changed their surnames. However, later the generic character did not prevent the male line from serving as officers.

- According to one version, the surname originates from the adjective "yellow" - "having the color of the sun or gold", "light blond person." Probably, the nickname reflected the features of the appearance of the founder of the family. It is also possible that the verb "yellow" - "paint with yellow paint" served as the basis for the nickname. Accordingly, the ancestor could be engaged in dyeing fabrics or paper. According to another hypothesis, the nickname is associated with the name of the disease - jaundice. In this case, the nickname served as a "protective" function. To ward off evil, children were given nicknames with a meaning directly opposite to what they wanted. In this case, hoping to have a healthy boy, the parents named him Jaundice. Sergey Popov

Maryana Kesler, speech therapist, vocal teacher:

- As soon as they called me! Both Kislyar and Kislyak. "Kesler" - a man who made teapots. I have a rare name, but with such a surname it turns out very sonorously. Many business coaches specifically take foreign pseudonyms, but I was lucky. Kesler - the surname of her husband, of Jewish origin. After the next census, she lost her double "s". For the sake of interest, I tried to write texts in social networks under “ordinary” names - Olya Popova, for example. They don't come! But if you stand out, the demand is different from you. All your mistakes or failures will be remembered. Before marriage, I was Solodovnikova - an old Cossack surname, my ancestor was the ataman of the Don Cossacks. Maryana is also a Cossack name. When I played in KVN in my student years, Solodovnikov's surname seemed too long, and I took the pseudonym " Fernandez", especially since it was a team of foreign students. My appearance is not Slavic, so the pseudonym "stuck".

- The surname could go back to one of the following Hebrew stems: kest - "chestnut", kestl - "box", ketsl - "kitten". However, most of the Jewish surnames in the Germanic and Slavic territories were formed on the basis of the names of professions. Therefore, the surname Kesler rather belongs to a common group of Jewish surnames formed from the names of professions. The surname comes from the German word Kessler and means "maker of teapots". In pre-revolutionary Russia, the surname Kesler was found in the Kovno, Minsk, Volyn, Podolsk and Kyiv provinces. Sergey Popov

Information from RIA Voronezh

According to federal law FZ-143, any person 14 years of age and older has the right to change his first name, last name and patronymic. This can be done at the registry office at the place of residence or at the place of state registration of birth. You can change the name earlier, but only with the consent of the parents or persons replacing them. The decision must be approved by the guardianship and guardianship authorities. Previously, the applicant had to prove that there was a good reason for changing the name or surname, for example, dissonance. Enough desire now.

Text - Daria Snegova

09/27/2019 Bloknot-Voronezh.Ru The most interesting events of the weekend on September 28 and 29. The traditional selection of RIA Voronezh includes film festivals of short films and foreign films about Russia, bike night and fire show, horse dressage and combat jujutsu competitions,
27.09.2019 RIA Voronezh The video was posted by a local resident. Voronezh resident Dmitry filmed a minibus, which stood out in the traffic flow.
09/27/2019 Voronezh-News.Net

People appreciated the efforts of a person. On September 26, in Voronezh, one of the local residents praised the driver of the minibus, who carefully looks after his vehicle.
09/27/2019 Bloknot-Voronezh.Ru

Name Olga stands mansions in Russian names. The sound portrait of this name is woven from contradictions, but at the same time it is a solid and powerful bunch of energy, in which each sound is unique and inimitable in sound and effect.

Listen, look into this name and you will see; no sound is repeated

OLGA! Even in an affectionate way Olechka, Olenka we see the same picture. A rare name has such a feature! Compare: Irina (repeated twice and) Natalya (repeated twice a), Svetlana (same effect). special charm name Olga acquired in a historical context: the revenge of Princess Olga, her love for her husband, her wise government).

The energy of the name gives its owner great chances to realize themselves in this world in the best possible way. Its majestic and proud sound resembles a prayer, the alternation of sounds is explosive, attracting, enveloping and flying up. The popularity of the name does not decrease, and this is not surprising, because being called Olga, Olechka is such happiness!

@ Nata Orlik, specially for the site Names in verse.

Name Olga translated from Scandinavian means sacred, bright: Helga

Olga's name day -24 (11) July. Patron Saint Olga (baptized Elena), Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia.

Olga Kabo

Poems with the name Olga


You will not find reproach in it,

No matter how much you look at it.

Soul - like a wide field

Against the backdrop of the dawn.

How simple, it would seem - Olya!

This name sounds for everyone,

And how intoxicatingly freely

It sounds like laughter.

With his wondrous gait,

She clings every time

Me and any man

Not taking his eyes off her.

Ah, Olga - sounds like an element,

Like eternity, like the mystery of times,

Dashing years dissipated,

Armor warlike ringing

Sometimes I dream, by God,

What is in our worldly bustle,

Princess you go along the road -

You, Olga, to a great dream.

@N. Orman

Ole's confession

Poppies lit up purple

Like sparks in a golden field

And I hasten to you with a gift,

After all, you are dearer to me than everyone, Olya.

I'm ready to stand before you

Like a warrior before his princess,

And I'm ready to surrender without a fight

You alone, my goddess!

After all, you captivated me for a long time,

Rather, I surrendered voluntarily.

After all, to be a prisoner of the sweetest,

Ready, even if I'm a warrior.

Now I'm without you, dear,

I can't imagine life in this world

You Olga, my idol, and you know

I pray for my idol.

About happiness and destiny

On virtuous deeds

About the fact that from birth,

Your fragile angel kept you

N. Orman

Congratulations to Ole in verse


Cheerful Olechka

Romantic and not too much

Everyone silently obeys her,

Olya just smiles

May wishes come true.

May heartfelt confessions

Will be very, very gentle

And sweets - only fresh!

@Nick Orman


Let happiness come for a long time

And let sorrows go away

And let only joy Olga,

The years carry on day by day.

Be lucky, be happy

Kind, glorious, as now.

Every year in the Maldives

Rest and believe in friendship!!


Happy birthday, Olya, dear,

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

We raise a toast to your happiness

And we hasten to congratulate you heartily.

Let them leave the horizon of adversity

And let sorrows go from the way,

Only joy bring you years

Fairy tale, tenderness, Warmth and comfort

@Nick Orman

Happy Olga's Day

Attention, flowers, sweets,

Plus good wishes in plenty!

All for you today is

Happy Olga's Day, congratulations to Olya!

Let everything come true, what is dreaming

And dreams will come true.

We want you to have fun!

Be, Olechka, you are happy.

Romantic poems about Olga by modern authors

Free name - Olga

Free name - Olga

Like Russia, rebellious, strict

It has the joy and courage of flight,

It has strength, and sadness, and care,

After all, Olga is consonant with the Volga,

Like echoes of a long memory,

Like the ringing of a tight bowstring.

Like the light of ancient Russian rumor@

Olya! Heard - will

In a bold name vol.

Sailing through timelessness

Through the dark ages

Olga - Russian tribe

High water is a river.

@R. Manevich

Among worldly idols and banners,

Living spring - nourishes the name "Olya",

The severity of ancient princely times,

And the sound of hooves in the morning field ...

For eternity, like the Motherland, like Russia,

Like the sound of a river, like the rustle of falling leaves,

It has a spring brooding sadness

And the light whisper of the morning garden.

It has life, and light, and tears, and love,

And the luxury of a wild summer,

From the depths of centuries, a call coming,

And a song that hasn't been sung yet.

It has a riot of wind, a flood of feelings,

The sunrise is thoughtful and strict,

Hope is light, loss is a nagging load,

And someone's dreams calling road.

Just a drop... well, that's how much...

less than a sliver from the cross

I am sad that the word "Olga"

does not stand on the edge of the sheet.

In the store of comparisons fumbling,

I come to the conclusion:

this word is a singing ball

in the narrow neck of a nightingale,

it is a stone in the mouth of Demosthenes

on the steep seashore

and at the feet of Demosthenes - foam:

Aphrodite maternity hospital,

this is Ancient Russia, the Varangians,

these are Lybid, Shchek and Khoriv,

these are Olya's blond strands,

it's me, their face is buried ...

But the birds chirp, chirp

rushing across a piece of paper...

Let it fly on your eyelashes

good dream. Good moment. Good hour.

Waves are splashing with white foam,

Blinded by the brightness of the day

Olga the world is lit and filled

Olga is the name of the whole world for me.

I would like to live in it for a long time,

Or rather, forever

To the princely name Olga

They responded with a resounding "yes"!

A century would sink in her ocean

Dissolving into an azure wave,

The most daring and tender confessions,

And the secrets revealed to me.

Someone will say that it does not happen,

And he will add: dreamed, or what?

Or is it really tearing your roof off,

How few there are attractive Ol!

I will answer this to anyone

What is under the wisdom of this moon

Happy is he who is marked with love.,

I am happy if Olya is with me!