What is the name of the bracelet made of fabric. How to make a bracelet - the secrets of creating simple and fashionable jewelry for children and adults (75 photos). Bracelet made of pins and beads

| DIY bracelets

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DIY bracelets - Making jewelry from beads "Bracelet"

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MAAM Pictures Library

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Julia Weber

Handwork has always been valued and expensive. Making a bracelet with your own hands is not difficult at all. The materials for making bracelets can be different. This is wire, and leather, and cords. Various beads: glass, metal, wood, natural stone.

The bracelet can be woven from beads, made from polymer clay, wood and even paper and plastic bottle(by cutting strips from a bottle and braiding them with a cord, thread or cloth). Lots of options.

In order to make a bracelet with your own hands, you will need accessories, tools and your own imagination, or ready-made ideas.

Of the tools, you can limit yourself to only scissors and a sewing needle, if making a bracelet does not require working with wire. Otherwise, you will need wire cutters and pliers to cut the wire and bend it. The wire will need to be bent in small curls. You can't do this with regular pliers. You need narrow pliers, as in the photo (left).

In stores you can find a lot of various accessories (wooden and plastic blanks, chains, beads, rings, locks, etc.), which allows you to make a bracelet with your own hands that is in no way inferior to a purchased one.

A few DIY bracelet ideas

It is not necessary to buy special materials for the bracelet. It can be made from improvised means. Here's an example for you: button bracelet.

  • scissors
  • elastic
  • buttons

Measure the required length of the elastic band according to the thickness of the wrist and plus a few centimeters for the seam. Cut off with scissors. Lay the ends of the elastic on top of each other and sew tightly with threads.

Now sew the buttons to the elastic in the usual way, placing them along own will. You can add other elements to the buttons.

Here is a bracelet made of buttons. Unusual and original.

An example of how to do lace and chain bracelet.

  • elastic cord
  • chain
  • clamps
  • pliers
  • sewing thread

Cut two pieces of elastic cord the same length across the width of your wrist, while taking into account the length of the chain. Separate the desired number of links from the chain.

Fold one cord in half and thread it through the last link of the chain. Then thread the ends of the cord through the loop formed and tighten.

Also thread the second cord on the other side of the chain.

Fold the ends of the cords overlapping each other, grease with glue and wrap with threads.

Lubricate the inside of the clip with glue and place it on the connected ends of the cords. Squeeze the clamp with pliers. The clip should close on the inside of the bracelet.

Several of these bracelets can be made from cords. different colors and wear them together.

Here an important role is played by the elements that are woven into the middle of the bracelet. Metal rings of golden color look beautiful and stylish. Bracelets with elements with different color stones. You can weave several bracelets and wear them together, as they are thin and elegant.

  • 4 meters of cord for a Shamballa bracelet (or waxed cord)
  • ring (or other decorative item)
  • scissors
  • duct tape

Cut 2 pieces of 50 centimeters from the cord. Fold one of them in half, thread it through the ring, then thread the ends of the cord into the loop formed and tighten. Do the same with the second lace on the other side of the ring.

Cut 2 cords of 1 meter. For convenience, secure the top cord with adhesive tape. We begin to weave a bracelet. Place a 1 meter cord under the one attached to one side of the ring. Its edges should be approximately the same. Pass the right end over the cord that is braided. Lay the left end of the cord over the right. Next, we take the left half of the cord, draw it under the braided cord and bring it out into the loop formed by the right cord. Pull on both cords. This is how the macrame knot is woven.

Move it close to the ring and continue to weave such knots.

But start the next knot from the left end of the cord, then again from the right, and alternate until you have the desired length.

Now you need to carefully fasten the ends of the cords. To do this, thread the end into the needle and insert it under the weave.

In order to pull out the needle it is more convenient to use pliers. Also "hide" the other end. Trim off the excess. Can be fixed with transparent glue. This side of the bracelet will be the wrong side.

In the same way, braid the cord on the other side of the ring, making the same number of knots as the first time. Also pin the ends.

Now you need to make an adjustable "clasp". To do this, fold together the cords of the two halves of the bracelet.

For convenience, they can be tied around the edges with pieces of lace. Take the remaining cord and braid the ends of the bracelet with 5-6 knots.

Use a needle to fasten the ends of the cord and cut off the excess. Do it from the wrong side.

Tie knots on the cords, retreating to the desired distance and cut off the excess edges.

Put the bracelet on your hand and pull on the ends.

The same macrame knots can be woven wide bracelet. To do this, you will need a fairly long thick cord and a snap fastener.

Fold the cord in half, thread it through one half of the fastener. We pass the ends of the cord into the loop formed and tighten. We thread the ends of the cord into the second half of the fastener, measure the desired length along the width of the wrist and wrap the ends around the fastener again. We lead the ends to the first half of the fastener, draw them into the fastener (make sure that all cords are the same length) and now we begin to weave macrame knots right at the base of the fastener.

We braid to the end, cut off the excess, leaving the ends of the cord about half a centimeter each. We bring them one by one to the fire to melt them. Be careful. They will melt and so they can be fixed, gently pressing against the weave, so that it is as neat and inconspicuous as possible.

To do bracelet from copper wire , wrap it around your wrist and cut it with wire cutters so that one end of the wire extends slightly along the length of the other.

Bend one end of the wire into a circle with pliers. String the beads on the wire, arranging them as your imagination tells you. Bend the other end of the wire as well. The bracelet is ready. give it round shape on the wrist.

Can do single ring bracelet.

Unbend the ring, put three small beads on it and bend the ring. Then straighten the second ring, also string three beads, connect with the first ring and bend. Do this until you get the desired length across the width of your wrist. Attach a lock to the last ring.

Another one interesting idea for a bracelet with your own hands. Others may not even guess what it is made of. When you open cans of Coke, beer, and so on, metal "keys" remain. We will make a bracelet out of them.

Cut two pieces of leather or suede lace 60 centimeters each (you can take a narrow satin ribbon), put them together and tie a knot.

Thread one cord into the top hole of the "key" from the can, the second cord into the bottom one. Leave about 5 centimeters from the knotted knot to the first element. Place the second "key" under the first so that the holes overlap. Pass the upper cord through its upper hole. Bottom - to the bottom. On the second, put the third "key" so that it is located close to the first. Pull the top cord over the first and third "keys" into the top hole of the second. The bottom cord is also in the bottom hole of the second "key".

Then, under the third one, put the fourth "key" close to the second one, pass the upper cord from below into the upper hole, the lower one into the lower one. Attach the fifth to the third "key" on top of the fourth and also connect with a cord. Do this until you get the desired length. Wrap the cords around the edge of the last element and tie a knot, stepping back 5 centimeters. Cut off excess ends. Here is such a bracelet turned out, which is tied on the arm with a double knot:

Popular memory wire bracelets. It is very easy to make such a bracelet with your own hands.

Measure the desired number of turns on the wire and cut off the unnecessary with wire cutters. Bend the end of the wire with pliers. String beads. Bend the other end of the wire.

Today, even the most demanding fashionista has the opportunity to choose an accessory to taste - after all, there are a lot of options! But whatever the newly acquired decoration, nothing compares to the one you made with your own hands. And in terms of originality, it certainly will not yield even to designer ones, because if you wish, you can use the most unexpected material - a plastic bottle, a zipper, clothespins, pins and hairpins, egg trays ... And that's not all!

1.From lace and pendants

This is the easiest option to make a bracelet with your own hands, and the most labor-intensive. Take the pendant you like and attach strong threads to it (cords, ribbons, plaits). You can fasten the ends with clasps, or you can simply tie them on your wrist with a bow.


Tie a finished piece of wood or make a base out of a plastic bottle (see step 13). If you are not particularly fond of yarn and knitting needles, you can simply buy a ready-made "tie" or use a piece of an unnecessary knitted item.

3. Buttons

Very original and bright bracelets! Absolutely everything is used: the smallest and largest, wooden, plastic, iron, convex and embossed, children's figured and old-fashioned with mother of pearl ...

4. Use pins

Recently, such bracelets are gaining more and more popularity among needlewomen - here and there you can see stylish "pin" ribbons on graceful tassels. Experiment - change the color of beads and pins, vary their size and shape until you find your perfect option.

The decoupage technique is suitable for both plastic and wooden blanks. It is only necessary to thoroughly degrease the surface of the base with alcohol or nail polish remover, prime it (with paints or PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1). Then cut out some element from any napkin you like (it is very difficult to glue a solid napkin without a certain skill) and glue it on the bracelet. Remember to only use the top ball of the napkin (usually they are three ply). The primer must dry completely! When the glue and the napkin stop sticking to your hands, you can varnish the product. Instead of a napkin, you can use newspaper clippings.

6.Polymer clay or thermoplastic

7. Old zippers

An excellent solution on how to use failed "snakes".

8. In the style of Coco Chanel

Madame Coco was the first to come up with the idea of ​​attaching long straps to miniature clutches, and to make them stronger, she pulled them through large chains. We use the same technique when creating such a stylish bracelet ...

You can add a few large beads if you like.

9. Beads

Do you think you can only weave baubles from beads? But no! A few basic techniques...

10 Ice Cream Sticks

It's funny, but even they can be used in the creation of costume jewelry! Boil wooden sticks in a small saucepan for 15 minutes to make them more pliable. Then place them in cups or mugs so that future bracelets get the desired shape (make sure that the neck of the container is not too narrow, otherwise your hand simply won’t fit through!). In a day you can start decorating! To do this, you can paint blanks, decoupage them, cover them with fabric or paste over ... with stamps, for example!

11. Bracelet made of ... egg tray!

Yes, there is even such a base option as an egg tray. To do this, tear the trays into pieces, soak them overnight in water, wring out the resulting mass, add a little glue and knead like a dough. Now from this "clay" you can sculpt anything! But you can try to make a bracelet using a bottle or a glass as a base for shaping. Stick the mixture from the egg tray onto the base, give it a clear shape, but don't try too hard - this will make the bracelet more authentic. After the finished bracelet dries, you can paint it.

12. Use hex nuts

A little photo tutorial...

Such a bracelet cannot but interest lovers of all kinds of originality.

13. Plastic bottle

A blank from a plastic bottle can be tied, covered with fabric, embroidered with beads or sequins.

14. Leather, suede or felt - stylish "eight"

For such a bracelet, you will need a thick fabric and a stencil that you can draw by hand and cut out. Detailed master class help you get it right...

Photos are clickable.

15. Flirty bow

Another fabric bracelet. Try also using tight lace!

16. Mouline thread and afro style

For the base, take rubber or plastic straws (there is a reason to visit the plumbing department!). Wrap them with multi-colored floss and secure with large fasteners at the ends. You can create a similar necklace for such a bracelet - just take a longer pipe.

Nowadays, there is a whole trend in the field of hand-made - making accessories with your own hands. Such jewelry can not only add zest to the image of the fair sex, but also create a truly individual style. It is noteworthy that the manufacture of such jewelry does not require a lot of tools and materials at high prices.

Another interesting fact is that such accessories can be not only your personal detail of the image, but also become a real gift, truly unique and one of a kind.

In this article, we will look at several interesting workshops on making bracelets to decorate the hands of girls and women.

simple bead bracelet

We bring to your attention an extremely simple, but unique bracelet at home.


  • any beads, the size and color of which directly depends on the idea and taste preferences
  • smooth ribbon in matching color
  • scissors
  • heat source (lighter, for example).

Bead bracelet making process

First you need to take our tape of a suitable size and carefully burn the edges. We string beads on it and fasten it with strong knots from two edges. When choosing beads of different sizes, we recommend alternating the details one by one.

We repeat the process until the required length of your product is reached. If there is no special lock for bracelets, you can simply leave the edges of the ribbon longer and tie the jewelry on an elegant bow.

DIY leather bracelet

A leather wide bracelet will become a very original and fashionable accessory, which also does not require many tools and details:

  • strips of leather or leatherette of different widths and preferred colors;
  • scissors;
  • hole punch for leather;
  • magnetic clasp or button.

The process of making a leather bracelet

To begin with, select a suitable shade of material and cut out the required width and length of the future product, leaving a margin of about 1 cm for the lock. Make a hole for the button and insert it into the product. Your bracelet is ready! It can be decorated with glued stones, rhinestones, bows, etc.

Thread bracelet

An equally remarkable method to make an eye-catching accessory is to make a bracelet using threads, for which you will need the following list of necessary tools:

  • ribbon or thread, perhaps even the use of knitting threads;
  • a special ring for connection, which can be bought in hand-made stores;
  • sewing needle;
  • scissors.

The process of making a bracelet from threads

First of all, cut the thread or ribbon into 5 separate ones (2x75 cm, 2x50 cm, 1x25 cm). We take the first two parts, and, folding in half, we thread our ring for connection from opposite sides and tie it into a knot.

We fold a 75 cm ribbon in half and outline exactly the middle, and we put this area under one of the ends of the ribbon previously passed through the ring, tie it tightly and begin to weave the main length of the bracelet. We do this until the desired length of the future product is reached.

To complete the process and receive finished product you should thread one end of the thread or ribbon into a needle with a suitable eye and thread it through 4 knots. After, we remove the needle, and, threading the other end of the thread, repeat the steps. As a result, we make a circle and carefully fasten the ends of the bracelet.

You ask, where does the little thread go? It will be useful to us final stage making an accessory, from it we weave small knots from the back of the product according to the previously described principle. The remaining length of the cord is cut off.

Fashionable beaded bracelet

Don't think that beads have lost their popularity. He again gained fame among hand-made masters, which is why we want to advise you to make an unusual decoration for your pens.

To create a bracelet you will need:

  • selected beads in color and shape;
  • strong threads (we recommend special threads for embroidery such as floss);
  • scissors;

The process of making a beaded bracelet

We take two threads of a suitable size and fold them in half, forming a loop on top after tying the knot. Thus, it will turn out that four ends of the thread come out of the knot, one of which must be cut off right next to the knot itself.

Continue this weaving until you reach required length. To fix the ends of the product, make a fastener or leave the threads longer for a bow.


As you already understood, in our time there are a lot of methods and options for making wrist accessories. On the Internet you can find a lot of photos of assembling a homemade bracelet and ideas for their implementation, which will help you come up with a unique and unusual personal accessory, unlike others.

In this simple matter, you can use all your imagination and abilities, constantly improving your skills. And most importantly - you do not have to spend fabulous sums on the purchase of complex tools and materials.

And remember that such a hobby can grow from an ordinary hobby into a real job that brings joy and income. In fact, it all depends on your imagination, patience and love for your work.

DIY bracelet photo

At present, things made by one's own hands are valued more than ever, which keep the individuality, a particle of the soul and the warmth of the hands of their creator. HandMade today is at the peak of popularity and is in demand. Almost everything is made by hand: postcards, photo albums, candles, soap, clothes, accessories and many others. A handmade thing carries great value, not only because it is exclusive, but also because it was made alive, with real feelings, emotions and soul, by a person who put all his skill into it.

One of the most popular accessories today is bracelets self made . There are many ways, as well as materials, in order to create a unique designer bracelet.

So, let's look at some of them in our article. I want to note right away that for the manufacture of some bracelets we need special ones: round-nose pliers, pliers, side cutters.

1.Elastic band bracelet- one of the most simple ways making bracelets. To create it, you will need (stretches) and (stone, glass, metal).

You need to collect a certain number of beads on the fishing line and tie a knot several times, cut off the extra ends of the fishing line, and hide the knot in the bead. Here is the simplest bracelet:

In order to somehow diversify the bracelet and make it more interesting, you can add , , .

You can also make a bracelet in several rows thanks to several threads.

Very cute bracelets are obtained:

Various metal pendants can also decorate the bracelet. They are attached to special ones that are easily put on the fishing line. Bales and pendants are connected using. In order to separate the rings, we can use round nose pliers and pliers.

Thus, the bracelets are transformed and become quite elegant.

You can hang not only metal pendants, you can also other elements, for example,.

Swarovski pendants cling to the bracelet with the help of these, which are also easily put on the fishing line.

2.Bracelets on a chain on a hand- the most common and popular way of making bracelets.

To create it, first of all, we need, which will play the role of the base in this product. The remaining elements are a variety of beads and pendants. These bracelets might look like this:

There are bracelets in which the chain is clearly visible, because. there are not so many beads and pendants on it. And there are, on the contrary, bracelets with clusters of beads that cover the main chain from view and make the bracelet more voluminous. Both are original in their own way.

Pendants are attached to the chain with rings, and beads with. This is done as follows: we pass the pin through the bead, bend the pin at a right angle with the help of round-nose pliers, cut off the excess with side cutters (the tip should remain approximately 8-10mm) and twist the tail of the pin onto the base of the round-nose pliers. Then just open the resulting loop and attach the bead to the chain.

Pins can be both with balls at the end (as in the figure), and with carnations, there are also decorative pins.

If you want to get a voluminous bracelet with many beads, you will have to work hard on it. I advise you to do it in 2 stages: first make beads with eyelets, and then attach them to the links of the chain. This will make it easier and faster.

A very beautiful and at the same time easy to make bracelet is obtained from chains and ribbons that are intertwined in the links of the chain.

To complete the bracelet you will need. It can be a regular carabiner, a hook lock, a 2-piece toggle lock, a magnetic lock, a magnetic tube lock with several strands, or a clip lock.

All these locks are attached to the chain due to the rings or links of the chain itself. Sometimes ready-made chains with locks are sold.

3. Pin bracelets- easy to manufacture. Ready (there are different lengths) we put on 1 or several beads, on the other hand we also make a loop, and then we fasten it with another such bead on the pin.

Here's what might happen:

At the end, similarly to the previous bracelet on the chain, we make a lock (using rings).

4. Bracelet on a cable. In addition to stretch fishing line, there is also a regular one. Beads are collected on it, as well as on a stretch fishing line (it is possible with decorations - hats, rondels, etc.). You can get, for example, such a bracelet:

The only difficult moment in the manufacture of this bracelet is the fastening of the lock. For this we need: (clamp beads), , a ring and a lock itself.

The fishing line needs to be threaded into the hole in the calotte and tie a few knots. Put a crimp-clamping bead on this knot and squeeze it with pliers. After that, close the calotte and cut off the excess fishing line from the side of the eyelet. A lock is attached to the ear with a ring. The same operation is done upon completion of the product on the other side, but a ring or a piece of chain with an ornament at the end is attached to the eye of the clip to adjust the length.

If you want a part of the fishing line to be free of beads, and the remaining beads on it do not move, you can also use clamp beads. It looks like this:

Also, not only beads, but also ribbons can be worn on the fishing line. This is done very simply with a needle.

5. Shamballa bracelets- at the peak of popularity today. They carry some sacred meaning, as jewelry has the most powerful energy, protects from the evil eye, gives strength (external and internal), gives peace and peace of mind, serves as protection against the negative influence of the surrounding world, fills life force and self-confidence. This decoration is popular among world celebrities. Most often they are made with the addition of beads with rhinestones, but you can decorate them with other elements, for example, connectors in the form of crosses. They can be made in 1 row or in several. In any case, they look very nice.

6. Wide - by themselves they are already full-fledged, in principle they do not require any additional elements. They are smooth, and there are also filigree with patterns.

To make bracelets more interesting, you can stick on them, for example, such things as -. This is best done with a 2 part epoxy.

Also the simplest metal bracelets are used as the basis for gluing bead embroidery. This direction in handmade is a whole art that requires patience and perseverance of the master. This is usually done as follows: according to the sketch, cabochons are glued to a piece of felt, which are then sheathed with beads, as a result, a whole bead pattern is obtained, which as a result is cut out and glued to a piece of leather, which is again glued to metal bases. It is not so easy to master this type of skill right away, it takes time and experience. The result is such beautiful, fabulous decorations.