Why pregnancy wants to eat chalk. Can you eat chalk while pregnant? I really want to eat chalk, can I eat regular school chalk or not

Some women who are expecting the birth of a child are faced with the situation that during pregnancy they want chalk. This desire may be due to a lack of minerals in the body, disease or individual feature future mother. Consider whether the use of chalk is dangerous for a pregnant woman or a fetus.

General information about chalk

Chalk is a mineral that is mined in quarries with the help of special equipment. It consists of the remains of ancient animals, plants, shells of mollusks. The largest deposits of rock are in Denmark, France. In Russia, the largest chalk deposits are located in the Voronezh region and Belgorod, which is why the city got its name.

Main components natural mineral:

  • calcium oxide (about 55%);
  • carbon dioxide (about 40%);
  • silicon dioxide (5-6%);
  • aluminum oxide (not more than 4%);
  • magnesium and iron.

The natural component is actively used in construction, the production of cement mixtures, toothpastes, cosmetic products, paper, glass, medicines. It is part of the compound feed for birds and pets. Athletes use crushed chalk to prevent their hands from slipping on sports equipment.

Why do pregnant women want chalk?

The desire to chew on a piece of crayon occurs not only in pregnant women. There are people who experience it throughout their lives, while being absolutely healthy.

The main reasons why you want chalk during pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal changes (toxicosis). During pregnancy, the level of progesterone rises sharply, which is a strong stress for the body. As a result, he begins to reject food, or the pregnant woman develops taste preferences that were not there before. Some want to gnaw plaster, clay or chalk, others want herring with honey, oranges with mayonnaise.
  2. Lack of calcium. Almost all the calcium received by the expectant mother with food goes to the formation of the child's skeleton. Therefore, the body begins to signal a lack of an element in the body with an unexpected addiction to chalk. Other signs of Ca deficiency are hair loss, increased brittleness and separation of nails, poor condition of the teeth (they can break off in pieces). These symptoms may be accompanied by constant irritability. If a future mom does not receive the mineral in sufficient quantities, then she will develop bone problems (osteoporosis) in the future. Miscarriage can also occur, and the risk of preterm birth increases.
  3. Anemia. Pregnant women often develop iron deficiency anemia. On the low level hemoglobin in the blood indicates pallor of the skin, lethargy and constant fatigue, palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, dry mouth. Anemia must be treated. It can cause a lag in the development of the fetus, the threat of miscarriage, placental insufficiency, complications during childbirth. If hemoglobin drops to 70 g / l or below, this poses a threat to the life of the mother and child.

Why during pregnancy you want chalk, only a doctor can explain. To find out the exact cause, you need to undergo an examination and pass general blood and urine tests. If the doctor suspects the development of anemia or another disease, he will prescribe a biochemical blood test. Perhaps the expectant mother is absolutely healthy, and the irresistible craving for chalk is just a kind of manifestation of taste preferences.

Medication treatment

If a lack of calcium has been identified, then preparations containing it are prescribed. It can be calcium gluconate, Calcium D3, etc. For iron deficiency anemia, Ferroplex, Ferronal, Conferon, Tardiferon are prescribed.

With minor deviations, as well as for the prevention of micronutrient deficiencies, the doctor prescribes vitamin complexes: Elevit Pronatal, Vitrum, Complivit, AlphaVit, Pregnavit, Femibion. They contain the optimal set of all vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Can pregnant women eat chalk?

Expectant mothers who are worried about the health of the child ask the question: is it possible to eat chalk during pregnancy?

It is strictly forbidden to eat stationery or construction chalk! These types contain dyes, abrasive particles, glue and other components harmful to the body.

When using inedible chalk, the liver suffers, which neutralizes harmful substances. Dyes can cause an allergic reaction or poisoning. Abrasive particles damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and mouth, as well as tooth enamel.

If, nevertheless, a pregnant woman really wants to eat chalk, then you need to purchase it on special sites or in online pharmacies, where they sell exactly the food product without harmful impurities and additives. You can consume 2-3 small pieces per day. When ground, this amount is approximately equal to one tablespoon.

Chalk helps some women get rid of constant heartburn, but doctors recommend using medications to eliminate unpleasant symptoms (Maalox, Rennie).

Some doctors recommend replacing natural chalk with pharmacy calcium gluconate. But it also cannot be consumed immensely, although some pregnant women may boast that they ate 30-60 tablets per day. The optimal dose is 3 tablets per day. They taste very similar to a natural mineral. With excessive use medicinal product possible development diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart attack, pancreatitis.

The dangers of over-consumption of chalk

If you use too much natural mineral, then the following negative consequences are possible:

  • Stones and sand are formed in the kidneys and gallbladder.
  • There is liming of vessels.
  • Muscles lose their elasticity, this is fraught with complications during childbirth.
  • An excess of Ca causes deformation of the bones in the fetus.
  • Constipation or heartburn may occur.
  • Premature overgrowth of the fontanel in the fetus is fraught with head damage when the child passes through the birth canal.

Diet correction

If you really want to eat chalk during pregnancy, how can you replace it? Doctors recommend replenishing the supply of minerals with food. The expectant mother should eat right: eat several times a day, take vitamins, do not overeat, and do not eat too little.

The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products such as cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. They contain enough calcium, they also help to avoid constipation during pregnancy.

Basic rules for pregnant women:

  • Fatty, spicy, high-calorie foods are excluded from the diet.
  • Iron-containing foods are consumed every day: liver, buckwheat porridge, nuts, apples, pomegranates, fish, beef.
  • To avoid calcium deficiency, you need to eat fresh herbs (parsley, basil, thyme), hard cheese, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, fish liver, eggs, etc.
  • To improve the functioning of the digestive system, doctors advise pregnant women to eat dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates.
  • It is forbidden to drink sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

For better absorption of Ca, vitamin D should be consumed if pregnancy occurs in the autumn-winter period. In spring and summer it is enough to walk on fresh air and sunbathing.

If you want chalk during pregnancy later dates, and nutrition correction does not help, what should I do? When the expectant mother is completely healthy, which has been confirmed by tests, she may well gnaw or lick the crayon. The main thing is not to use it too much so that it does not affect the health of the child.

Why do breastfeeding mothers want chalk?

We found out why during pregnancy you want chalk. But some women feel like chewing it after giving birth. This is due to the fact that at breastfeeding calcium is actively washed out of the body. But eating a natural mineral can harm a child: he may experience constipation, colic, problems with blood vessels.

It is best to correct the need for minerals with proper nutrition. But you should exclude a product that can cause an allergic reaction in infants. These are red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, pomegranates, etc. You can eat lean fish and meat, boiled or stewed liver, cottage cheese, yogurt without fillers.

It is impossible to take any vitamins and medicines without the recommendation of a doctor while breastfeeding.

Today's topic has long been overgrown with legends. We are talking about the taste preferences of pregnant women. Moreover, legends are told mostly by men - like, I've suffered so much! - with the obligatory rolling of the eyes. But seriously, let's analyze in detail the desire, which occurs very often. The topic of the article is chalk during pregnancy.

Unusual reactions of the body always have a reason. A persistent desire to eat a certain food can be a signal that the body is lacking something for normal functioning. It's like thirst, which the body reports dehydration.

The body of a pregnant woman is in a state of hormonal chaos, so it is not surprising that there is an imbalance in the content of essential substances. Most often, cravings for chalk indicate a lack of calcium, but other reasons are possible.

Why pregnant women want chalk

The nutrients of the expectant mother are spent not only on her, but also on the developing fetus, hence the lack of some elements in the usual diet. Doctors identify three conditions in which there is a need to eat chalk.


The stressful state of toxicosis manifests itself in expectant mothers in different ways. A sharp increase in progesterone causes the body to rebuild, function, taking into account the interests of the fetus.

One of the indicators of the restructuring of the body, its attempts to adapt to new conditions are unusual taste preferences. And, by the way, chalk is not the strangest of the desires to “eat something” encountered.

Iron-deficiency anemia

Addiction to chalk is caused by a deficiency of not only calcium, but also iron. Iron deficiency anemia is a fairly common condition during pregnancy, which requires the immediate administration of appropriate drugs. Therefore, if you want chalk during pregnancy, you need to check the level of iron content.

Low hemoglobin is dangerous for both mother and fetus. A slight decrease in the iron content is permissible, but not lower than 110 g/l. Anemia is manifested not only by a change in taste, but also by weakness and other unpleasant symptoms.

calcium deficiency

For the normal development of the baby, calcium is necessary, because it is the material for the formation of the skeleton and other systems of the child's body. If the mother's diet does not cover this need, the fetus uses calcium from the mother's body reserves. And the body immediately gives a signal about the need to replenish calcium reserves, the source of which is chalk.

Danger of lack of elements

Do not underestimate the importance of the situation. a lack of useful substances can have serious consequences.


In case of anemia, the pregnant woman feels weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, tachycardia may appear. External signs appear:

  • pallor;
  • brittle hair;
  • dry skin;
  • dark nails;
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Anemia is also dangerous for the baby, up to the threat of miscarriage.

calcium deficiency

Calcium deficiency also affects the appearance - nails peel and break, teeth crumble, hair grows dull. In addition, there are:

  • irritability;
  • muscle cramps;
  • bowel problems;
  • deterioration in blood clotting.

In the future, the mother may develop osteoporosis.

For correct treatment, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, which can only be done by a doctor after conducting tests.


To determine the exact reason why you want chalk, a woman gives:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry.

Analyzes will help to identify what exactly is missing in the body, and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is possible that there are no serious imbalances of nutrients, it's just a reaction to pregnancy.

Can you eat chalk?

Sometimes the desire of a pregnant woman to eat chalk defeats all reasonable arguments. Let's decide what kind of chalk you can eat.

Blackboard crayons, whitewash chalk and other types sold in stores are strictly prohibited! Binders, dyes and other chemical additives are added to them, not to mention ordinary dirt, which will not add health to either mother or baby.

Pregnancy chalk offers can be found online. We are talking about natural chalk, mined in a quarry, in which there are no additives. But it can easily contain sand, dirt and other absolutely natural, but completely unsuitable for the nutrition of pregnant women components.

You can buy chalk for pregnant women in a pharmacy. I mean calcium gluconate. Its purity and harmlessness are guaranteed by the manufacturer. True, according to some pregnant women, the taste of the pills is “not the same”.

Do I need to eat chalk

Is it good to eat chalk? Definitely - no. No benefit other than gastronomic pleasure. Calcium contained in chalk is practically not absorbed by the body.

What happens if there is chalk? If this chalk is clean and the woman does not abuse it, then everything will be fine. But excessive consumption of chalk can lead to serious problems.

Possible negative consequences

If the expectant mother could not resist and ate industrial chalk, poisoning is likely due to the content of toxic substances. Hard abrasive particles, often included in such chalk, can damage even tooth enamel, not to mention the intestinal walls. It is unlikely that the pleasure received is worth it.

Absolutely pure calcium gluconate with excessive consumption can also cause serious problems:

  • digestive difficulties;
  • the formation of sand and kidney stones;
  • problems of the vascular system due to liming;
  • the threat of developing pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis;
  • decreased elasticity of the reproductive tract;
  • early closure of the "fontanelle" in the fetus, which will make it difficult to pass through the birth canal;
  • problems with the formation of the skeleton of the child.

A relatively safe daily dose is about 1 tbsp. l. ground chalk, or three tablets of calcium gluconate.

What to do if you want chalk

The main problem is that eating chalk of any quality and in any quantity will not solve the problem of lack of calcium or iron in the body. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor and with the help of tests to establish the cause of the change in taste.

Having established the problem, you can look for ways to solve it: take vitamin and mineral supplements, change the diet, and so on, as the doctor advises. And then the constant desire to gnaw chalk will gradually pass.

Diet Requirements

The lack of calcium and iron can be corrected with. Basic Rules:

  • should eat regularly;
  • give up bad habits: alcohol and cigarettes;
  • do not drink carbonated drinks that interfere with the full absorption of useful elements;
  • remove fatty and fried foods that disrupt digestion;
  • include in the menu vegetables, fruits, herbs that improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • include in the menu products that contain substances missing from the body.

Foods rich in calcium

  • hard cheeses;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • legumes;
  • almond;
  • spinach;
  • sesame seeds.

Traditional medicine advises adding dried and finely chopped eggshell, about 1-1.5 teaspoons per day. You can add it to dishes, or just eat it with water.

Foods rich in iron

  • buckwheat grain;
  • liver;
  • seaweed;
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • pomegranate;
  • walnuts;
  • beet.

Pharmacy preparations

With a serious deficiency of nutrients, the doctor will prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes. In case of anemia, Totem, Ferroplex, Tardiferon and other iron-containing preparations may be recommended.

With a lack of calcium, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcium-Active, Calcemin and others will help.

The doctor may advise taking complex drugs. The fact is that the interaction of certain vitamins and minerals improves the absorption of nutrients. For example, calcium is much better absorbed in the presence of vitamin D3.

Vitamin complexes, even those intended specifically for pregnant women, should be taken only after consulting a doctor.


9 months of pregnancy is a happy, but far from the easiest time in the life of any woman, when everything changes - from appearance to lifestyle. The desire to eat chalk during pregnancy is typical for many expectant mothers. It can persist during breastfeeding, because calcium is necessary for lactation.

We hope our article has helped you in your search for a solution to the problem. We look forward to your comments and wish health to you and your loved ones.

Chalk is not only unnecessary for the human body, but also unhealthy. And if you really want it, this is a violation of taste preferences. It can also be signs of iron deficiency anemia, in which hemoglobin synthesis is impaired due to iron deficiency.

Why there is a need for the use of chalk

You want to eat a piece of chalk or lime when there is not enough calcium in the body. Calcium is the basis of bone tissue and is involved in water-salt metabolism. Calcium is able to normalize excitability nervous system and muscles. With a monotonous diet, insufficient consumption of cottage cheese, cheese, milk, calcium deficiency may occur in the body. Peas, beans, buckwheat and oatmeal also contain calcium salts. However, calcium is best absorbed from fermented milk products, chicken eggs and milk. With a lack of vitamin D, its absorption deteriorates.

The amount of phosphorus entering the body directly affects the absorption of calcium. An anemic person may get the impression that consuming chalk will solve all problems. However, crayons are not able to compensate for iron deficiency in the blood. When chalk begins to come into contact with the acidic environment of the stomach, it begins to turn into a kind of slaked lime, which has an extremely negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Calcium is deposited in the lungs and kidneys, pancreas, this can lead to pancreatitis. If chalk is taken for a long time, then the development of diabetes mellitus, liming of blood vessels, the appearance of kidney stones is possible. All this in turn leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases. It happens that the desire to eat lime or chalk is caused by a peculiar perversion of taste and bad habit. Chalk and lime are not recommended because they can interfere with bowel function, resulting in constipation and a risk of infection.

Is it harmful to eat chalk?

Of course, a small piece of chalk will not bring much harm. And if you really want to gnaw it, then you should choose chalk at least without harmful impurities and dyes. Do not eat building chalk. It is a roughly processed material containing a lot of chemicals and impurities that are added to give it certain properties. Chalk for pets (rodents, parrots) can cause belching and for humans, it simply tastes disgusting. Stationery crayons are also unsafe; for hardness, glue and gypsum are often added to them. It is best to eat natural chalk, which is mined in quarries or one that is extracted from the rock. If the problem is a lack of iron in the diet, then it is necessary to include foods that are rich in this trace element. It is necessary to increase the consumption of the following products: liver, veal, buckwheat, pomegranate, carrots, beets, kiwi and apples. These foods can increase hemoglobin levels. Copper is also needed for anemia, it promotes the absorption of iron and is found in green vegetables, egg yolks, apricots, cherries, figs and seaweed.

It often happens that the body requires to eat something unusual. And in everyday life, this is a common occurrence. Some people like to chew on ice, others like paper, and still others enjoy the process of eating clay. But it is chalk that occupies a leading position among food addictions.

This statement is not unfounded. It's easy to make sure. It is enough to go to the forums where messages are full of: “I eat chalk!”, “I want to gnaw a piece of chalk”, “I eat chalk every day, and I can’t refuse.” Such messages are numerous, along with this, people understand that eating chalk is not a normal option, which is why they ask questions - why do they eat chalk and is it so useful? Or maybe on the contrary, eating chalk is harmful?

In reality, the benefits and harms of the product are ambiguous. In small quantities, natural chalk does not adversely affect health. According to doctors, such a taste addiction is nothing more than a signal from the body that there are not enough mineral components.

Let's see how chalk is harmful to the body? Why can't people give up such a habit, and what negative consequences can there be?

Why do you want to eat chalk?

The habit of eating stationery chalk is a perverted nutritional need of the body. In most clinical pictures, the reason lies in the deficiency of calcium or iron in the human body.

When a person experiences an irresistible desire to eat a piece of chalk, while he cannot control himself or is ready to enjoy the smell of fresh whitewash for hours, this is not normal, the body signals a failure. It means that the body needs mineral components.

Despite the fact that it is now popular healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition, the human diet can hardly be called complete. Some people severely limit their food intake, while others, while trying to buy farm food that is “supposedly natural”, still do not get the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

The point is that in modern world it is really difficult to find natural products that do not contain harmful components, while replete with substances necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. And we are talking about real cheese, milk, cottage cheese and other products that are the main source of calcium for humans.

When there is a deficiency of a mineral element in the body, the body gives a signal, as a result of which you really want chalk. The chalk product consists of 98-99% calcium carbonate, which is why there is an abnormal need to eat it.

The second reason for eating habits is iron deficiency anemia. In other words, the body is severely deficient in iron. If you eat enough dairy products, then pathological cravings can be leveled. If milk and cheese do not help, it is recommended to donate blood to determine the concentration of hemoglobin. It is possible that the analysis may show a low iron content and hemoglobin level.

Iron deficiency anemia weakens the body, making it defenseless against many diseases. Therefore, one should not ignore such a symptom as the desire to gnaw on a piece of chalk.

The benefits and harms of chalk for the body

People who consume chalk need to visit the dentist regularly as calcium deficiency in the body leads to enamel fragility. During the consumption of solid food, microcracks appear on it, in which pathogenic microorganisms can settle, leading to the development of caries.

Is it good to eat chalk? It is believed that in this way calcium enters the body, which is useful for teeth, bones, etc. But in reality, the strange eating habit does not bring any benefit. Why is that?

Calcium, which is contained in chalk, is not absorbed by the human body, respectively, there is no benefit. At best, its effect is neutral, at worst, serious health problems can develop. But the second option is not excluded only in cases where a person consumes chalk literally in kilograms.

Medical experts comment on the eating habit:

  • There is an opinion that the consumption of chalk leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys. This is a dual statement. This really happens if a person eats it in kilograms every day and for a long period of time. Then not only the kidneys suffer, but also the blood vessels / arteries, the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, etc. internal organs, as they are covered with a layer of chalk. But 2-3 pieces a day will not bring any harm. But provided that the chalk is clean;
  • Is it harmful to eat chalk? It depends on what, doctors say. Stationery chalk contains additional substances, in particular, in the composition of gypsum, glue, and sometimes dyes. This is definitely not good for the body. Unrefined chalk or whitewash may include bad substances of a very different nature, which will affect health and well-being.

Truly pure calcium can only be purchased in pharmacies - this is calcium gluconate. It is sold in the form of tablets. Of course, his taste is somewhat different when compared with ordinary crayons, but you can be sure of safety, since the drug goes through several stages of purification from various impurities.

Negative effects of drinking chalk

Chalk is a sedimentary rock of organic nature, it appears as one of the many types of lime. The basis is calcium carbonate, in the composition of an insignificant concentration of magnesium, metal oxides. Does not dissolve in water. If the cause of the desire to gnaw lime is calcium deficiency, then to some extent it can be absorbed, provided that there is a sufficient amount of vitamin D, ascorbic acid and tocopherol in the body. By itself, the mineral component is not absorbed.

When the cause of the pathological desire lies in iron deficiency anemia, then drug treatment is required, focused on replenishing iron deficiency. The consumption of chalk does not affect the concentration of iron in any way, and anemia leads to various health problems - constant weakness, pallor of the skin, hair loss, etc.

If you eat a lot of organic minerals, then the functionality of the kidneys and lungs may be impaired. Uncontrolled consumption for a long time increases the risk of developing diabetes or pancreatitis, since lime can settle on the pancreas. Will not keep you waiting and violations of the cardiovascular nature.

These complications are the result of overconsumption. If the "dosage" per day is several pieces, then it's okay. If you really want, then, of course, you can, say medical experts.

It will not be superfluous to take tests for the content of minerals - a timely response to body signals can save you from many problems in the future.

Eating chalk during pregnancy

Perhaps everyone is familiar with the eccentricities of pregnant women who, in an interesting position, are ready to experiment with their diet. This is due to the fact that during the bearing of a child, an increased need for vitamins and minerals is revealed. But how harmless is this habit?

Studies show that even an absolutely healthy woman without pregnancy pathologies may have a desire to eat chalk. Such pathological cravings are detected in 17% of cases. Most often, desire is due to a lack of calcium in the body. If the pregnancy is complicated by chronic diseases, then every second woman's taste preferences change.

Is it possible to eat chalk during pregnancy? Doctors still recommend consuming calcium gluconate, since this drug is safe and has no contraindications. However, if you really want chalk, then you should not refuse your body.

There will be no harm from a few pieces, provided that there are no harmful substances in its composition. But no benefit is revealed, except for psychological satisfaction.

In fact, you want to eat chalk not only during pregnancy. Such a strange desire, like chewing on a piece of chalk, can be experienced by every person who has a low hemoglobin level. And it is worth raising it, this desire will immediately disappear. But, according to statistics, most often pregnant women want to eat chalk, since bearing a child is associated with heavy loads on the body, as a result of which hemoglobin may decrease. In addition, the body of a pregnant and lactating woman is rapidly losing calcium, and the expectant mother does not always replenish its reserves as quickly, especially if she has toxicosis or really wants to eat only salted tomatoes, and it’s even scary to think about cottage cheese.

Is it possible to eat chalk during pregnancy

Neither pregnant nor ordinary people are recommended to eat chalk. Firstly, today no one can vouch for the purity of the crayons, dyes are added to them and, probably, many other foreign mixtures like gypsum. There is no need to even talk about building chalk. Some believe that you can eat pure chalk - straight from the quarry, but this is also a delusion: your body simply will not accept such chalk.

In addition, ordinary chalk is not so useful: the calcium contained in it can adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and in pregnant women with digestive problems, chalk can cause heartburn and other gastrointestinal disorders. For people who still doubt whether it is possible to eat chalk during pregnancy, we also inform you that it can provoke the formation of kidney stones.

How to replace chalk during pregnancy

However, the question of whether it is possible to eat chalk during pregnancy can also have a positive answer when it comes to edible chalk. Edible chalk, or, as it is also called, pharmaceutical (or pharmacy) chalk is the usual cheap calcium gluconate. They say that it tastes like ordinary chalk, but it definitely won’t harm the body of a pregnant woman, and if it is also chewed and not swallowed, it will have a beneficial effect on the teeth. But in reality, it’s better not to look for a replacement for chalk, but to report your lack of calcium to your doctor so that he can help you correct your diet and advise you on the appropriate drugs. In addition, the doctor will also calculate the required dosage, because if a pregnant woman overdoes it with chalk, and, accordingly, with calcium, this will significantly harm the child, up to the overgrowth of the fontanel and bone deformation.