How to make a Winnie the Pooh out of plastic. How to mold Winnie the Pooh from plasticine with your own hands in stages. Animated film "Winnie the Pooh"

Sweet tooth Winnie the Pooh is known to all children. This is a charming bear cub who loves to eat tightly and feast on fragrant honey after dinner. He has many friends who are ready to help at any moment. In addition, Winnie the Pooh composes poems and songs, and therefore it is never boring with him.

In this modeling lesson, we will learn how to create Winnie the Pooh from plasticine, and the hero of the good old Soviet cartoon will be the prototype. With the help of our article, adults will be able to turn the child's everyday leisure into a real holiday, because joint creativity is useful and exciting.

1. Since you need brown plasticine to work different shades, take big set in which they exist. If there is only one brown block, just dilute it with a small amount of white, and another part with a black piece. This way you will have lighter and darker clay to work with.

2. From the bulk of the plasticine, roll up two balls: the head and torso of Winnie the Pooh. Naturally, the head should be somewhat smaller in diameter.

3. Pierce the torso with a match.

4. The next step is a tight grip of the head and torso, while Winnie the Pooh's neck is not needed.

5. It is necessary to sculpt the paws from a darker piece. Make two arms and two legs, as well as a long thread of black plasticine, pieces of which will later replace the claws.

6. Cut a thin thread into small pieces, you will need 12 pieces, attach instead of claws.

7. Try on additional details to the body and press hard so that they stick.

8. To decorate the front part, roll up two black pupil dots, one nose ball, two white eyes, a mouth and a brown curved cake.

9. Stick all the prepared parts on your face. Winnie the Pooh already looks like a cartoon character.

10. The final touch is round ears on top.

11. If you wish, you can fashion a blue balloon, because the bear was so eager to be like a small cloud in order to discreetly visit the bees.

The final look of the craft.

Now we also know how to mold Winnie the Pooh from plasticine! If you liked this lesson, be sure to mold for Winnie the Pooh his friend - Piglet, whose modeling lesson you can also find on our website. By the way, you paid attention to Winnie's claws, how to make similar paper claws is detailed on our website in a separate master class!

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How funny and boastful bear Winnie the Pooh will make his young viewers laugh. He visits in the morning and is always full, he composes his own unique poems and sings them to the whole forest. Winnie the Pooh is also the ringleader and soul of the forest company. In this modeling lesson, we will mold Winnie the Pooh with you, and your child will have a charming handmade toy.

Step by step photo lesson:

We will sculpt our cartoon bear in brown tones. It was in such a believable way that Soviet cartoonists portrayed Winnie the Pooh. Prepare two brown shades and an additional black.

Prepare two light brown balls to create the head and torso of the cartoon.

Connect the balls, smoothly spread the plasticine with your fingers. You should get a matryoshka figure. It is this silhouette that Winnie the Pooh will have with us. The bear has no neck and a fat belly, because he is a glutton.

Create two dark brown thin sausages for the ears. Make rounds out of them.

Attach the sausages to the crown.

Add a dark brown area to the front part, on which the eyes will subsequently be placed. Under this dark brown area, attach a black nose dot.

Stick white eyes on the prepared dark area.

Blind small paws in the form of sticks. Black claws can be attached to the tips of the paws.

Attach the arms and legs to the bear figure.

Cute teddy bear Winnie the Pooh, who constantly puffs, is ready. If you wish, you can treat your new plasticine pet with honey, because this is his favorite treat.

Winnie the Pooh is considered one of the favorite cartoon characters in children. To recommend this to a child? For example, advise you to make a Winnie the Pooh craft with your own hands. It can be created from any material at hand: be it clay, plasticine, paper, salty dough, air balloons. Let's talk about some of the ways.

Ductile plasticine

Now we will tell you step by step how to create Winnie the Pooh from plasticine.

This will require:

  1. Plasticine. Various colors needed;
  2. stack;
  3. Board for modeling;
  4. Toothpick.

So, to business.

We knead the plasticine to a state of soft mass, ready for modeling. After that, we will make two balls of brown color in two tones. From a light brown ball we get sausage. Let's divide it into two halves. The resulting parts are formed into a spherical form and combined. The head and torso of Winnie the Pooh have already turned out. It is necessary to give the correct shape to the head. Here we need a stack. Taking it in hand, we press the ball from above, as shown in the picture:

Next, take a dark brown plasticine. It should make a sausage, give it the appearance of an arch and flatten it. We attach the resulting do over the muzzle. We take balls and make ears. We use both dark brown and light. We attach the ears to the head, do not forget to press one of them with a toothpick.

Let's make indentations for future eyes. We use white plasticine, we form small cakes. From above we attach black circles-pupils. From the same color we make a nose. All parts are fixed in their "legitimate" places. The next step is the paws. They will be dark brown. We sculpt four oblong droplets and attach to the body. The last thing left is the mouth and footprints. The stack will help with this. We finish the finishing touches with light movements and voila - cute Winnie the Pooh is ready.

Do not forget that such a craft can also be made from felt, from polymer clay and even balloons.

Dough is not just for the kitchen

What we will start now is sculpting. Namely, to modeling from salt dough. It is generally accepted that this type of needlework develops hand motor skills well, and also awakens creative ideas, opportunities and talents. First of all, you need to mix the dough.

For this we need flour, salt and 1 cup cold water. The proportion of flour and salt is 2 to 1.

Our dough is ready. Now let's take the rest necessary for modeling, namely:

  1. Egg from Kinder Surprise;
  2. Board for modeling;
  3. stack;
  4. Tassels;
  5. Paints.

Once everything is ready, we can proceed. Take the resulting dough, grease with water and wrap a plastic egg with it. It is important that the dough plate is round and not very thick. Then we form a sausage, the thickness of which is about 1 cm. We divide it into eight equal pieces.

After, from each part we roll balls. We put the plastic egg wrapped with dough on the board. From below we attach two balls, which are the legs. We attach the handles from above, only the resulting two balls are formed into sausages. Another of the balls is a pot of honey. As everyone knows, this is Winnie the Pooh's favorite treat. We fasten the molded pot between the paws that are on top.

The stack comes into play. With the help of it we cut through the necessary details - fingers, a cover of honey. You can add something at your discretion. For example, a drop of honey flowing from a pot.

It remains to form a muzzle and ears. Here we turn on our imagination, imagine what kind of muzzle and ears Winnie the Pooh has. When there is confidence that everything is done correctly, attach to the body. Of the small details there is a mouth, which is cut out in a stack. Well, do not forget about the round, small eyes and nose. These are all ordinary small balls. Remember that when attaching each part, we add water. Water in this case is the glue.

Here's what should happen:

At the very end, perhaps the most interesting part remained. It is necessary to color Winnie the Pooh. How to do this is up to everyone. We take paints, turn on the “imagination” button and create. The result is such a bear:

And after that, we are inspired by our creation for subsequent masterpieces!

Everyone loves soft toys

It's no secret to anyone that Stuffed Toys people like it. Age is absolutely not important here, they are touched. Sometimes you want to buy a toy not for someone else, but for yourself. But you can not buy it, but sew it. It's not as difficult as it seems. If you have never picked up a needle and thread, then this is not a problem. Today we will tell you how to sew a soft bear cub Winnie the Pooh.

First of all, you need to take everything you need:

  1. Pattern;
  2. The material from which the toy will be sewn (it is better to use fur with a pile, preferably with a short one. Or felt);
  3. stuffing material;
  4. Needle;
  5. Threads;
  6. Scissors;
  7. Wire.

Once everything is ready to go, we start with a pattern. Cut out important details, sew their wrong sides. We use the seam over the edge. Dashed lines mark recesses. They are sewn up at the beginning. The front and back of the head are sewn together after. Leave a small hole at the bottom. The blanks can be turned out, we sew the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toy where the ears and head are connected. We fill the head with the selected material.

The part for the face, previously cut out, is bent along the dotted lines, we sew the darts. We fill the resulting part with material and sew it to the head. From the skin we cut out the eyes, nose. Don't forget to sew on the mouth. There are letters on the pattern - B and C. The front parts are stitched so that these letters are connected. The seam is located in the middle. Let's go to the back. The blanks are connected, leaving a hole in the neck. We turn the part inside out, insert the frame inside and fill it with filler. With the help of a hidden seam, the head is sewn.

We sew the paws in pairs, stuff them with material and sew them to the body. The ends of the frame must be inserted into the lower limbs, only then sewn to the toy. And here is the result. Now such Winnie the Pooh will please your eye. The toy can also be given as a gift. It will be doubly pleasant, because it is made by hand.

Video on the topic of the article

We offer together with the child to make a mask of a funny teddy bear Winnie the Pooh. It can be used on children's holiday or for a costume party.This DIY craft idea can be an incentive to read Alan Alexander Milne's fascinating Winnie the Pooh series.

Children's crafts are not only great gifts for children, but also a great opportunity for joint creativity of an adult and a child in preparation for the holiday.

To make a mask you will need:

  • mask template
  • scissors
  • thin cardboard
  • colored paper (two shades of golden yellow, black and red)
  • glue stick
  • pencil
  • hole puncher
  • stationery knife
  • elastic
  • stapler

Mask making process:

1. Print the forms for the mask Winnie the Pooh and cut them out to use as templates. First, print the head design on thin cardboard, cut it out and set it aside (you will need it at the very end). From colored paper yellow color of a lighter shade, cut out another head and part of the chin and cheeks. Cut out the muzzle and the inside of the ears from yellow paper of a darker shade. Then cut out the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth from black paper and the tongue from red paper.

2. To create the mask, glue the light yellow pieces of paper onto the head. Then glue on the ears. Then - a dark yellow part with a muzzle. Then glue the eyebrows just above the "muzzle".

3. The next step is to glue the nose. Then - the mouth, and into it - the red tongue.

4. Attach (but do not glue) the eyes to the mask and carefully circle them with a simple pencil. Remove the eyes and using a clerical knife (or scissors), carefully cut holes at a distance of 0.5 cm from the contour of the eye line.

5. Now, using a hole punch, pierce a hole in the center of each eye (from black paper) and glue them to the outline that you pointed with a pencil on the mask. Now ask your child to put the mask on their face to make sure it fits and that the child can see well through the holes. If not, make bigger holes with a utility knife.

6. Take an elastic band - it should be a little shorter than necessary so that the mask holds well on the head. Attach it to the mask with a stapler.

7. Now you can glue the mask to the cardboard base, carefully wrap or cut off the excess parts that extend beyond the cardboard frame, cut holes in the cardboard for the eyes - and the mask is ready!

Animated film "Winnie the Pooh"

Immerse yourself in pleasant memories: we invite you with the whole family to take a fascinating walk in the Big Forest, where you will meet again with any bear cub and his so frivolous, but very true friends! Inspired by Alexander Milne and in the tradition of Disney's iconic hand-drawn animation, this remastered classic brings today's generation of viewers to the world's most beloved characters.

The master class was held by Anna Nigmatullina.

Making crafts from natural materials is a great activity for children, which develops imagination, creative thinking, and fosters love for the world around them. Leaves, cones, acorns, chestnuts, tree bark, twigs - all this and much more can be included in the creation of a unique piece!

natural materials;
plastic bottle;
plywood according to the size of the work;
round cover;
self-adhesive paper or fabric for curtains;
acrylic paints;
masking tape.

hot gun;
office knife.

How to make Winnie the Pooh's house.

We glue the jar and bottle to the board with a hot gun and wrap it with tape. Adhesive tape is needed for further gluing parts. Attach the lid to the jar.


From birch bark cut out a circle according to the size of the lid. If birch bark is not available, young bark can be used. We glue the sticks - this will be the door to the house. Placed on the lid.


From cardboard we make a cone, the base of which is equal to the diameter of the can. To make the roof tightly “sit down” in place, cut off a semicircle on one side.


We cover the roof with dried moss. Glue the bark on top of the door.


Cut out round windows from cardboard. We paint in Brown color. From self-adhesive paper we cut out curtains, from birch bark - frames for the window. Paste. We glue the windows with a dense braid. Glue in place.


We glue the whole house around the perimeter with pieces of bark, fill the gaps with pieces of moss. We insert one branch near the entrance (it will hold the lantern), the second behind.


On top of the bottle we glue moss, similar to the foliage of a tree, decorate with acorns. Above the window we place a dried tree fungus.


For the ground around the house, we also use moss, but with short leaves. We make a fence out of cardboard, paste over with paper from shoes, making as many folds as possible. We paint in the desired color. We whiten, highlighting all the folds, and draw carnations.


We make a lantern from cardboard segments. We make the top layered. From the wire we twist the ring for the lantern and insert it into the hole, attach it to the hot gun. We make steps from sticks.


By the way.
Earth can be made from buckwheat. To do this, stir the PVA lei with cereal and spread it on the area around the house. After drying, paint with paints. The texture will be interesting and similar to the earth.