What can I give a neighbor on March 8. What to give a neighbor for her birthday. Big set of colored pencils

Many modern residents of apartment buildings are constantly puzzled by the question of what to give their neighbors for holidays such as New Year or Easter, Birthday or March 8th. Our beloved neighbors, whom we borrow in the mornings and evenings, from whom we borrow a product that we do not have enough to cook a meal, or to whom we regularly run to "home" gatherings, deserve to be received a gift on important occasions.

What can you give a neighbor or neighbor for the holiday

So, the choice of a gift for a neighbor may depend on many factors, including the degree of closeness of your acquaintance, the age and lifestyle of the neighbors, as well as their personal preferences. For example, you can give a gift to such neighbors as a grandmother or grandfather, ranging from a pair of slippers to warm socks or a scarf, or even a scarf. If it’s just a formal congratulation, then such a classic of the genre as a box of chocolates or a cake, or even a good chocolate bar in the question of what is useful and at the same time interesting to give to the neighbors, will be sufficient options. If a person regularly visits the dacha, moreover, works on it, attach to the above options, for example, a new issue of a gardening or floriculture magazine, and give it to a neighbor, he will definitely appreciate it, finding a lot of useful things for himself.

What to give a neighbor for an anniversary for a holiday

If you want to give a neighbor who is not yet an old woman, then she also needs to give appropriate gifts. For example, if you know that she likes to grow house flowers, make her happy with the next one, preferably the one she wanted. However, if you do not understand them, then it does not matter either, because a connoisseur of flowers will be happy with any new flower friend. If she is fond of cooking, then the question of what to give to a neighbor is not a question at all, but a direct pointer to a mass of kitchen items. For example, a cookbook, cupcake liners, a set of kitchen towels, and so on. If you know of any other passion for a young girl or woman living in the neighborhood, be sure to take it into account. After all, it is most pleasant to receive gifts in accordance with a hobby.

What is an inexpensive birthday present for a neighbor?

Asking on the eve of the next holiday the question of what to give to a neighbor, one must again take into account his age, and lifestyle, and even marital status. So, to give a neighbor who, for example, is single or widowed, you can make a homemade pie for the New Year or for his birthday will please him than anything brought from the store. He is able to buy factory-made cookies or rolls for himself. If he is fond of fishing, then even a new float will be an excellent option for what you can give to your neighbor - a man. Give him a book or a decorative pillow in a chair, a Feng Shui figurine meaning wealth or something similar.

The best gift for mom is your care, which will be adequately expressed by the neck, shoulder and back massage device. Let a loved one have the opportunity to relax and unwind after a hard day: after all, everyone sometimes wants to escape from problems for at least a few minutes. A rested mother is a happy mother.

What to buy

Another gift that will make mom's life better. There are only problems from excessively dry air in the apartment: mucous membranes suffer, the skin dries. A humidifier will help keep the room at an optimal level. And if you add essential oil to a container of water, your home will be filled with a pleasant and relaxing aroma.

What to buy

  • Humidifier with a compartment for essential oils from Hyundai, 6 490 rubles →
  • Air humidifier with a compartment for essential oils and backlight from Zanussi, 3,990 rubles →

It seems that the ideal blanket should be exactly like this: large, beautiful and warm. With multi-colored fleece rags that are sold in our stores, it is embarrassing even to compare.

What to buy

For mothers who value home comfort, you need to choose the appropriate gifts. For example, a tablecloth decorated with lace. Or with an unusual coloring in colored peas. After all, even an ordinary tea party will make such a gift more pleasant.

What to buy

  • Tablecloth with floral print and lace from AliExpress, from 459 rubles →

The gift is not cheap, but saving on mom is the last thing. Stop spending all weekend cleaning and let smart technology do it. The robot doesn’t care what to clean: it will cope with both a hard surface and a fairly dusty carpet.

What to buy

What to give your beloved woman on March 8

The eyeliner stencil came into this world to put an end to women's suffering. And if you add gel eyeliner with a decent brush to it, the sister's gratitude will be boundless.

What to buy


Everyone should have good headphones. And if your sister has not yet acquired them, you can please her with an unusual model with ears.

What to buy

  • In-ear headphones with elf ears from AliExpress, 1,514 rubles →
  • In-ear headphones with a neckband and elf ears from AliExpress, 402 rubles →

What to give your daughter on March 8

So that you don’t have to be nervous because your daughter’s smartphone is dead again, give her a present. It weighs a little, so you can easily take it with you anywhere. The child is happy, and you are calm: now the child will always be in touch.

What to buy

Probably every girl kept a diary at least once in her life. A cute notebook with a lock is an excellent and reliable repository of girlish secrets. After all, a personal diary is called personal because there is nothing for outsiders to do there.

What to buy

Big set of colored pencils

Great gift for young artists. Painting with watercolor can be difficult at first: fine details blur, and the colors spontaneously mix with each other. Watercolor pencils are a good intermediate option with which you can learn a new drawing technique. The line drawn by them can be easily blurred with water and make the shade more transparent.

What to buy

  • A set of watercolor pencils 72 colors from AliExpress, from 1,003 rubles →
  • A set of watercolor pencils 36 colors and a brush from Noris Club, 1 180 rubles →
  • A set of watercolor pencils 24 colors and a brush from Faber-Castell, 1,101 rubles →

If your daughter is between 7 and 10 years old and she is addicted, this set will surely delight her. It is understandable. Just imagine how many cool bracelets and beads you can make with it.

What to buy

  • A set for creating jewelry from beads with AliExpress, 520 rubles →
  • Set for creating leather jewelry from Creative, 1 450 rubles →
  • A set for creating jewelry from beads and threads from Alex, 1,178 rubles →

Cosmetic organizer

And this thing will be appreciated by older girls. Everything is ordered, everything is in plain sight: here are the brushes, here is the cream, here are the nail polishes. A very convenient option for storing cosmetic wealth.

What to buy

What to give a colleague on March 8

Tea is a great way out of a situation where you have no idea what to give. This often happens with colleagues: after all, not everyone is inclined to tell colleagues about their hobbies. Well, tasty and tonic - a simple and elegant solution.

What to buy

  • Green tea with Moroccan mint from The Tao of Tea, 670 rubles →
  • Green tea with mango and rose petals from Royal Forest, 168 rubles →

If you are not sure that your colleague will like the tea you have chosen, give a mug as a gift. Let him drink what he wants. A nice bonus: an original design or a funny inscription.

What to buy

  • Mug in the form of a panda and with a compartment for cookies from Fizz, 690 rubles →

Well, for those who already have a mug, this gadget will come in handy. A typical situation: as soon as you make yourself hot tea, some urgent business is found. As a result, you remember about the drink after a couple of hours. The mug warmer will carefully keep its initial temperature.

What to buy

The answer to the question of what to give a neighbor depends on many factors. Chief among them is the nature of your relationship with your neighbor. Naturally, if you live in a private house, then it is more likely that you have the most friendly relations. In this case, the decision of what to give to a neighbor depends on his age, character and range of hobbies. If your neighbors have a car, you can give your friends an amenity kit, a pocket breathalyzer, or a fun book called "Rules of the Road" as a gift.

If you like to spend time outdoors, then give your neighbors a picnic set or a prefabricated grill. Also, people who prefer outdoor activities will like an interesting novelty - Petanque. This is a team game with balls, when the players on the launch pad take turns throwing metal balls so that their ball is as close as possible to the cochonette - a small wooden ball.

But what to give to a neighbor who is not disposed to such games? In this case, he will surely like another, no less exciting game, for which you will sit together for hours. This can be a gift set for playing poker or any other board game. For a fun company, "Drunken Golf" or "Drunken Roulette" is suitable.

Making a choice of what to give to a neighbor with whom you have a friendly relationship is simple and depends only on your imagination and on the amount you plan to spend on a gift.

The situation is slightly worse with residents of multi-storey buildings. Naturally, it is necessary to maintain even and good relations with neighbors. For obvious reasons, it is much easier to be friends with neighbors in the stairwell or on the porch than with those people who live directly above or below you. And, nevertheless, if you were invited to tea on the floor above, you should not refuse.

It is better to think of what to give to a neighbor in order to jokingly explain to him once again that your chandelier rings at night from his stomping. Present him with soft velor slippers, which are equipped with built-in headlights with a lighting range of about 10 meters. Now, if he wants to walk around the apartment in the middle of the night to the refrigerator, these slippers will allow him to move confidently in the dark, hitting heavy objects along the way that fall to the floor with a roar. Illuminated slippers are a great gift for a person with a sense of humor.

If you were invited to visit neighbors who live on the floor below, then you should not panic. It’s better to figure out what to give to a neighbor who is tired of you periodically flooding him, and your children disturbing his sleep. If your neighbor has a developed sense of humor, then along with a gift wine set, you can present him with a nominal award figurine or a medal. The meaning of this gift is that the goblet will be engraved with an inscription that, in a playful but sublime form, will praise the patience and tolerance of this holy man, coupled with your sincere assurances that you will be more circumspect in the future.

Good neighborly relations are worth a lot. Over them, as over any relationship, you need to work hard - politeness, attentiveness, complaisance and just humanity. And small gifts will help melt and strengthen your friendship. Naturally, this is not about dirty gifts like "artificial poop" or the like.

It is not worth giving a very valuable gift, it can put the neighbors in an awkward position, make them feel obligated to you. It is better to limit yourself to inexpensive, but useful or pleasant gizmos. It should be something that indicates your reverent attitude towards each of them, something useful for the home or beautiful.

Personal gifts:
- A cup with the interpretation of the name is pleasant, useful and can be given for any reason, up to reconciliation.
- Sets of fragrant teas - perfect for spiritual conversations or for solving difficult issues.
- Good alcohol will be the beginning of a lasting friendship. The main thing is that friendship is not based only on this.
- Warm slippers, a woolen blanket, cozy knitted socks - such gifts are more suitable for old people, but in principle, a great thing for people of any age.
- Things with a photo instead of a label - if you understand at least a little about computers, you can easily make a label from a photo for a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates or a cake. Such a gift will not leave you indifferent, and will simply amaze those who are very far from the PC. Cheap and very effective!

Gifts useful for the home:
- Door mat "Welcome" - comfortable and beautiful, but they usually spare money for such a purchase.
- Stand for umbrellas - a rare, but very handy thing. Neighbors will certainly appreciate your sense of taste and practicality.
- Silicone molds for baking - no matter how many you buy, there is always not enough. A happy neighbor will be able to convince her husband that he was very wrong about you.
- A set of tools - a situation similar to the previous one, but for the neighbor's man.
- A funny keychain, a car freshener, a toy for a pet - such inexpensive gifts are very useful. The main thing is that the neighbors do not decide to look for a hidden context in them (for gifts such as deodorant, etc.).

Beautiful gifts:
- Flowering plants in flowerpots are a useful alternative to cut flowers. Will conquer any woman, even an embittered neighbor.
- A nice indoor fountain is a very beautiful thing, and not yet in every home. It will relax strained relationships, dilute aggression and hostility.

Not forgetting to congratulate a grumpy old neighbor or an elderly grandfather on holidays, a young couple living next door, you can establish that shaky peace that makes your life together tolerable, and in rare, happy cases - friendly and even close!

Yana Volkova

What is there to dissemble, but everyone is used to the fact that March 8th is a solemn day. Joyful men with flowers and boxes are fussing between their spouses, daughters, sisters and mothers, rushing to employees and bosses with cakes and champagne. Thanks, congratulations, wishes and hope. What happens the other 364 days a year depends on the behavior of women and the conscientiousness of these same men. But I see neighbors in the stairwell with heavy bags and children at the ready much more often than their husbands going home with bouquets. Are only important and necessary gifts worth giving on International Women's Day? Or is there a place for humor and jokes?

Cool gifts for women on March 8 - do not take it to the limit

Quite comic gifts for March 8 are unlikely to be appreciated by your loved ones or your boss and colleagues. The wife and mother are waiting for more meaningful presents that will emphasize their feminine essence and irreplaceable in your life. And let it be banal jewelry, perfume or coffee grinder.

The prospect of being left without dinner for a month, because the wife was expecting a ring, but received fluffy pink handcuffs, not at all rosy

And the sense of humor of some employees is sometimes very different from the generally accepted one. They may not understand. The female boycott at work is a test that not everyone will pass.

Funny souvenirs for March 8th will be an appropriate present for good friends or exes with whom you still have a warm relationship. A formal gift can be misinterpreted, and laid-back and with humor will not offend and please. For example:

  • Sweet pharmacy. These are usually assorted sweets, which are signed as medicines for bad mood, attacks of aggression and "For women's happiness."

  • A box with earth, seeds of something bright and fragrant and the inscription "A bouquet for a real woman." Or "Flowers for best friend."
  • Toy for whipping and stress relief. (You can leave the angry birds).
  • Hug pillow.
  • Passport cover with a funny picture.

Such presentations do not focus on close relationships, but also make it clear that you remember your acquaintances young ladies and are ready to respect them with a good mood.

Coolness as a measure of intelligence

Funny and stupid sometimes go hand in hand. This must be remembered. Gift to a bosom friend tea mug in the shape of a woman's breasts- this is normal. It is not very normal to give it to a familiar young lady on March 8, no matter how cool a friend she is. Especially if the cup has large breasts, but she does not. Keep the jumping devil out of the box until the first of April, no matter how much he amuses you.

Definitely ban such ideas when you decide what is cool to give a woman on March 8:

  • April Fools' jokes: farting pillows, dishes with dummy cockroaches at the bottom and other jokes of humor. The woman needs to be entertained. And do not lead to hiccups.
  • Anti-cellulite products or acne lotions. Not funny. And in general, you can get a crack. Or even worse - the glory of a complete jerk.
  • Sex toys or erotic lingerie. It's too personal, good as a gift for the one you're sleeping with. And it is applicable only with mutual agreement in advance.
  • Soft toy. If the woman for whom this present is intended is not older than 11 years, then, in principle, it is normal. And then, you will be surprised, but at the age of 11 young ladies already take their mother's cosmetics with might and main and dream of their own.
  • Cactus. On the eighth of March, only blooming flowers! This rule is! And no, it does not protect against harmful radiation.
  • Keyrings, stationery and other trifles. Somehow disrespectful.

Gifts-jokes for March 8, which, well, do not fit into the standards of a gift-respect for women at all, will appeal to ardent feminists and, possibly, someone from the LGBT community. I do not rule out that this will even be perceived as support for those who consider gender holidays a relic of the past.

The best gift for March 8 is to take apart the Christmas tree

If with domestic women everything is at least somehow clear (wife - flowers, children - ice cream), then with employees and girlfriends, not everything is so simple.

I am sure that your female loved ones often voice their gift wishes with or without

And if the daughter whines about the latest iPhone, but he can’t afford it, then he’ll get by with a cool case for the old one. If the wife asks for the second month to take her to an expensive restaurant, then you can agree on a theater and a good pastry shop with delicious coffee and wonderful cakes.

Office and "friendly" presentations do not sin with variety. Sets "Shower gel + hand cream" set everyone on edge. Although, admittedly, they a worthy answer to deodorants and shaving lotions. But universal, inexpensive and interesting gifts for women outside the family also exist. The main thing is to look for them well:

  • Original bright decorations:

Silver ring with cubic zirkonia "Pink heart"; silver ring with cubic zirkonia "Yellow heart"; silver ring with cubic zirconia "Transparent heart"; silver ring with blue cubic zirconia; silver ring with yellow cubic zirconia, all SL (prices on links)

  • Anti-stress coloring + big box of pencils. They have long established themselves as a time killer for all occasions. And in general, decorating a beautiful picture with bright colors makes life itself brighter.
  • Knitted tea mug warmer + mug itself + delicious fruit tea. A very warm gift. So much so that the 20th cup in the house is not at all a burden.

  • Thermo glass + tea. There in the piggy bank of warm gifts. Considering how these things have a habit of getting lost and forgotten anywhere.
  • Notepads. Only not these office ones, in black pseudo-leather and with dates. Very cool notebooks decorated with wood, fabric, lace and other hand-made jokes appeared. Even with imitation of aged paper! I want to write everything in them: from a shopping list to declarations of love.
  • Sphere with answers. Which you need to shake and ask a question (as in the movie "Route 60"). Indecisive persons - an adviser, self-confident - a cool toy.
  • Interesting pillow. An essential item for travel. Even for trips in the train to the country will fit. And also always lost.

The list of interesting and cool gifts for March 8th can be replenished exponentially. It all depends on the male imagination and the willingness to apply it. And young ladies need to remember that if she gave a guy something banal and useless on February 23, then on March 8 she will most likely receive a similar gift and flowers.

February 15, 2018, 17:27