Needle case history of origin. Master class “History of the needle bed. Drying, dyeing and storage of salt dough products

Municipal budgetary educational institution

children's and youth center "Prometheus"" align="left hspace=12" width="111" height="176">

Master Class

"History of the Needle"

Prepared by:

additional education teacher

Galina Vladimirovna Podmogaeva

Practical work" href="/text/category/prakticheskie_raboti/" rel="bookmark">practical work ; exhibition of works.

Tools and materials: finished salty dough, scissors, brushes, a stack, a modeling board, a glass of water, thick cardboard, a technological map.

Master class plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Main stage:

2.1 Theoretical part.

2.2 Practical part.

3. Stage of consolidation of knowledge.

4. Reflection.

Master class progress:

1. Organizational moment

Good afternoon, dear guests, dear colleagues! My name is Galina Vladimirovna

2. Main stage:

2.1 Theoretical part" alt="(!LANG:Image" width="160" height="185">.gif" alt="__300" width="250 height=185" height="185">!}

needle bed self made always one of a kind and original. Having tried to make such an interesting little thing with your own hands once, you will certainly want to try to make a second, third. In any case, this is a very necessary thing.

So, what is a needle case?" alt="(!LANG:AN_001_l" align="left" width="197" height="244 src=">!} History of the needle case

Most people perceive the pincushion as a small everyday object, which does not have any special meaning. The very origin of the needle case is also shrouded in mystery, but you can trace the main stages in the development of this accessory.

The history of the emergence of the needle case goes back to those distant times, when fabric only began to appear, and needles were considered a luxury, so there was a need for their safe and careful storage. The first needle beds were made using paper and any fabric, they were shifted among themselves. However, only rich people allowed themselves to have such needle beds.

In later times, needle beds were made of ivory wood or metal..gif" align="left" width="177" height="185">

One of the main occupations of women in Russia was needlework. Each girl had a chest or box filled with all sorts of little things for sewing, and one of the most indispensable was the needle bed. In some houses, rag dolls, such as Paraskeva, acted as needle beds, but still it was considered wrong to prick rag dolls with needles, so hand-made rag needle beds embroidered with braid or decorated with embroidery were often used.

AT 15th century silver and ivory containers appeared. At the same time, needle cases began to be stuffed with wool and covered with multi-colored fabrics.

AT 16th century it became fashionable to attach pin cushions to silver or wooden stands.

Needle beds 17th-18th centuries were made of high quality fabrics: linen, satin and decorated with embroidery.

Pin with a needle bed, approximately XIV-XVII centuries.

Silver pincushion and thimble, Wallet and pincushion England, 17th century

late 18th century, UK

What do you think, where did the high-society ladies put the necessary trifles in the 19th century?

Until the middle of the 19th century, it was fashionable to carry a handbag in your hand - a reticule. Usually, women kept threads, needles, embroidery, a mirror, perfumes and other women's accessories in a reticule. And the most necessary attribute in the reticule was the needle bed." alt="(!LANG:http://*****/imgs/s/071104/b6accb8c7f56830f26.jpg" width="155" height="185">!}

Antique pincushion made of German porcelain

Early 20th century

Needle beds are different in style and shape, and you can make them from various materials: as geometric shapes, heart, figurines of any animals, handbags, hats, in the form of cakes and flowers; of fabric, yarn, cardboard, foam, sewn or bound.

Homemade needle beds can be decorated with embroidery, appliqué, sequins, beads and ribbons.

To fill the needle bar, you can use any sponges made of dense foam rubber (household or bath), synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.

Altar" href="/text/category/altarmz/" rel="bookmark">the altar was laid with magnificent bread wreaths, decorated with lush ornaments.

Among the Indians, such figures from dough used to have a symbolic or mystical meaning. In China, starting from the 17th century, puppets were made from dough. In the countries of Eastern Europe, large paintings from dough were popular. Among the Slavic peoples, such pictures were not painted and had the usual color for baking, which was considered very attractive. In Russia, for Christmas in the Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Olonets provinces, “cows”, “calves”, “cockerels”, “pigs”, “goats” were baked from wheat dough as a sign that there were more “animals” in the yard. These cookies were given to relatives, neighbors, decorated windows.

Materials and tools for kneading, making and coloring salt dough products

v For kneading salt dough you will need: shallow cup; salt (fine or medium grinding; coarse grinding salt is not recommended, as the dough can tear when molding, and crack when dried in the oven.); spoon or wooden stick (for mixing the constituent components of salt dough); water.

v Sculpting tools: a modeling board, a wooden rolling pin, stacks, a soft brush, a glass of water, aluminum foil, a fork, nail scissors, toothpicks, a garlic press, a flat comb, various cookie cutters and a variety of additional material (beads, buttons, flowers, leaves, etc. .)

v Tools for coloring products: paints - watercolor, acrylic, gouache; soft brushes (round and flat - "squirrel", "pony") of different sizes from No. 1 to No. 6; a glass of clean water; PVA glue, "Moment"; varnish; dry cloth or cloth.

Salt dough preparation method

Salt dough recipe: 1 cup salt (200 g), 2 cups flour (200 g), 125 ml glass of water, 1 tablespoon oil (sunflower).

Wheat flour can be used to make salt dough (products made from wheat flour will turn out light, milky in color, it is easier to color them after drying) or rye flour (rye flour gives the dough a brown tint, vaguely reminiscent of the color of clay; after drying, the product must be primed with light paint). You can also mix wheat flour with rye flour in a ratio of 1:1.

Dough made from rye flour alone is less elastic than wheat flour dough.

(When kneading salt dough (when mixing flour with salt), you can add 1-2 tsp dry wallpaper paste, previously diluted in a small amount of water. Wallpaper glue added to salt dough increases its strength and gives greater elasticity when sculpting. In addition to wallpaper paste, starch can be used, but it will need proportionally more.)

Remember! In no case should the dough be kneaded by eye, since an excessive amount of salt makes the products brittle, and with an excessive amount of flour, crafts do not keep their shape well.

Mix salt with flour, dilute the mixture with water at room temperature. Knead the dough, like dumplings or noodles, not very cool, but so that it does not stick to your hands. The main thing is to knead well and knead the dough until it becomes elastic. The readiness of the dough is checked by tearing the dough into small pieces, while grains of salt should not spill out of the dough. If the dough is too hard and crumbles, add some flour and knead again. It is important to knead the right composition of the dough, when it is kneaded correctly, it is a pleasure to work with it.

Remember! If children work with the dough, it is necessary to knead it more abruptly, because in children's hands the dough will become soft and sticky too quickly, like plasticine (children, before they mold something, knead it very diligently).

The surface of the table for kneading and rolling out the dough must be smooth and even. No dents or other surface defects, as everything will affect the quality of manufactured products.

It is best to sculpt with dry hands so that the dough does not stick, but if it does start to stick to your hands, it is enough to dip your fingers in flour. Since the surface of the dough dries quickly in air, you need to store it in a bag or a tightly closed jar (each time you take out as much dough as you need for a given part, and immediately remove the excess).

Various objects can be printed on the surface of the dough, for example, beautiful embossed buttons, shells, the end of an empty rod from ballpoint pen etc. This must be done immediately after sculpting, otherwise the dough will be covered with a crust, and instead of prints, ugly breaks will turn out. Prints of textured fabrics look very impressive. Lightly dampen fabrics and objects before printing. vegetable oil so they don't stick to the dough.

To glue the parts, it is necessary to moisten the brush in water and draw along the side to be glued. All decorations - beads, blades of grass, twigs, flowers, beads, plant seeds, etc. are connected with PVA glue - this is a guarantee that these parts will not fall out of the dough during the drying process in the oven.

Drying, dyeing and storage of salt dough products

Drying products from salt dough is of two types: natural and drying in the oven.

Natural drying. Ready product leave in a warm place, in the air. With such drying, cracks sometimes appear on the product, because inside it dries more slowly than on the surface. Cracks can be caused by drafts or high humidity in the room. In summer, you can expose the product to dry in the sun.

If the product is too thick, then it is better to immediately dry it in the oven, because 1 mm of thickness requires one day of drying. And the greater thickness of the product will lead to the fact that it will rather become sour from the inside before it dries out.

Drying in the oven. The finished product must be dried in air, and then fired in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 100 ° - 120 °. When pre-drying, crafts retain their color and shape better (especially sculptures). Hollow figurines do not have pits or irregularities. Salt does not have time to dry inside the craft in a day, which means that it will melt during firing in the oven and will play not only protective function- save from rodents, but also give products strength.

The finished product is dried in the oven until it begins to brown. As soon as the product begins to brown, you can not be afraid, it is no longer deformed. If the product begins to swell, urgently reduce the gas flame, otherwise deformation is inevitable. When drying, you can slightly open the oven door and so regulate the temperature inside.

If the product is completely dry, it can be easily removed from the baking sheet. To make sure that the product inside is not damp, you can lightly tap on it with your index finger: if the sound is sonorous, then it is ready, and if the sound is muffled, then the product is damp inside, and you need to let it dry for some more time.

After firing, dough products can be painted and varnished. You can color both the already dried product and the dough itself before sculpting. Painting the entire product after drying is the simplest, but at the same time time-consuming option. Used for varnishing acrylic lacquer. It is water-soluble, non-toxic and dries in 6-8 hours.

Unfortunately, it happens that a piece has broken off from the product, what should I do? It is necessary to coat the glued surfaces of the product with PVA liquid glue or Moment universal glue and press them tightly against each other. It is advisable to leave the product alone for 24 hours in a dry, warm room in order for the product to finally “grab”.

After firing and drying, dough products harden and can be stored for as long as you like. Salt dough products should be stored in a dry place: moisture can ruin your crafts irreparably.

Annex 3

Technological cards

Modeling the main elements

Ball- Pinch off a piece of dough, remember it well and give it a spherical shape. Then put the blank on the open palm, cover the dough with the other hand from above and in a circular motion roll the ball. Be sure to check if it is even. If cracks or wrinkles form, it is better to roll the ball again. The part should turn out to be even and smooth in shape. If you do not pay attention to defects, then in the future, when drying and coloring the product, this can become even more noticeable and even lead to a break in the product. The ball can be rolled up with one hand.

A drop- Roll up a small ball, then roll it with your index and middle fingers on your thumb so that the part takes the form of a tear or drop. If you slightly flatten the part, you get a petal.

sausage- Pinch off a piece of dough and give it to him elongated shape. Place the workpiece on the table and start rolling back and forth. A long sausage must be rolled with both hands from the middle to the edges. You can roll in parts, following the same thickness. If the sausage begins to tear, squeeze it along the entire length with your fingertips and roll it again. If you try, the sausage can be made very long or very thin. To make a sharp tail, you need to roll the sausage with increased pressure on the edge.

Cake- Pinch off a piece of dough and shape it into a ball. Place the ball in one palm and crush with the other.

To make the base of the needle bar you need:

Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick, cut out a circle and a rectangle from it. Close the rectangle into a ring and coat the seam with water.

Dry the parts. Then connect the parts together by gluing a roller of salt dough inside.

To make a ball - a needle bed, you need:

From the bead, cut out a circle twice as wide as the neck of the needle bar. Select threads to match the fabric and sew a circle around the edge with a “forward needle” seam, stepping back 5mm from the edge.

Slightly pull the circle around the edges and place the filler inside - synthetic winterizer. Form a tight ball, pull the thread and make a knot.

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Oval leaves - roll up a ball, make a cake out of it, give it the shape of a droplet. Push through the strips with a stack - “veins”. Collect together two or three leaves and glue to the base of the needle bar.

Carved leaves - roll up a ball, make a cake out of it, give it the shape of a droplet and cut the edges with a stack. Glue the finished leaves to the needle bed.

Flowers from cakes - roll up several balls of different sizes, make cakes out of them and put them on top of each other according to the pattern.

Round flowers - roll up the ball, flatten it slightly and push the strips with the help of a stack. Thus, make several large and small flowers.

Glue the flowers to the needle bed. Glue a small ball in the middle of large flowers. In small flowers, make a hole with the back of the brush.

Crackle effect. Cover with black acrylic paint. Allow to dry for 1 hour, and then cover the needle bar with a forming solution and dry for 1 hour. After the needle bar dries well, paint it with white acrylic paint and leave for another 1 hour. Then acrylic paints lightly tint the leaves and flowers to enhance the effect of antiquity. Glue white mother-of-pearl beads. Sew a needle-ball.

Technological map "Poppies"

Equipment: salt dough, modeling board, brush, glass of water, stacks, scissors, acrylic paint, wire, black beads, red fabric and sewing thread, synthetic winterizer.

Poppy petals - roll 5 balls of dough, shape them into droplets and press them into thin cakes.

The middle of the flower - roll up the ball and use the stack to push through the strips

Attach the petals to the core, lubricating them with water to hold them together. With the help of a garlic press, we prepare a “fringe” - stamens and glue around the middle of the poppy.

Poppy leaves - roll up a ball, make a cake out of it, give it the shape of a droplet. Push through the strips with a stack - “veins”.

Glue the finished flowers and leaves around the entire perimeter of the needle bed (do not forget to coat everything with water)

Bee. First, make wings: roll a ball, make a thin cake out of it and give it the shape of a droplet. The wings must be dried in the oven or in a natural way so that they are firm.

Torso: roll the ball and give it the shape of a pear.

Insert the finished wings into the body.

Cut off two pieces of thin wire - these will be the antennae of the bee. Attach them to the head area. Roll up two small balls and glue them in front of the wire antennae - these are the eyes of the bee.

Paint the finished product with acrylic paints. Fasten black beads to the edge of the antennae - wires. We string the bead on the wire and fasten it. Mustaches are ready. From red fabric, sew a ball - a needle bed.

Technological map "Orchard"

Equipment: salt dough, modeling board, brush, glass of water, stacks, scissors, cloves seasoning, varnish, bead fabric, sewing threads, synthetic winterizer.

Apple - roll up the ball, flatten it slightly and stick cloves into the recesses: on one side with the leg inward, on the other - outward.

Pear - roll the ball, slightly stretch it, giving it the shape of a pear and stick the cloves: on one side with the leg inward, on the other - outward.

Plum - roll up a ball and push a strip in the middle with a stack.

Make flowers from balls of the same size.

Leaflets - roll up a ball, make a cake out of it and give it the shape of a droplet. Push through the strips with a stack - “veins”.

Glue fruits, leaves and flowers on the water all over the base of the needle bar.

Dry the product well. Varnish the finished product. Sew a pincushion ball from the bead.

Appendix 4

Crossword "Needle bed"

1. I am an artist in your hands

I love to embroider and sew!

But be careful with me

How offended I prick. Needle.

2. It will smooth out all wrinkles.

Just don't touch him

He is hot as fire. Iron

3. Any coniferous needle

I would need it for a seamstress.

But something is missing

For responsible work. Ear.

4. He lives on the tip of the thread and holds it so that it does not jump out of the fabric.

5. Get it on loom as a result of the interlacing of warp and weft threads.

6. On one finger,

Bucket upside down. Thimble.

7. Writhe - with a cat,

Stretch - off the track. Thread.

8. Experienced tool -

Not big not small.

He is full of worries.

He cuts and shears. Scissors.

9. Iron bug,

A worm on the tail. Pin.


Beautiful needle beds and their history

Every home has a large number of sewing needles, although often we are not professional seamstresses. But no one can do without them, and therefore they must be stored correctly so as not to look for the right needle every time. To store needles, you can make a beautiful needle bed. It can be simple in appearance or fantasized, it can be decorated so that it will beautiful decoration interior.

One of the most indispensable things for sewing and needlework is the needle bar. This is a case or pad for needles and pins used in sewing business. In ancient times, when the fabric only began to spread, needle beds were made with the help of any fabric and paper that were shifted among themselves. But only rich people could afford them. Later, needle beds were made of wood or ivory, and between them was a velvet fabric, where pins and needles were stored. Later, when people learned to melt metal, the basis for the needle beds was made of tin, silver, gold, which also could only afford wealthy people, the poor made needle cases from improvised materials.

Needle pillows are often created by needlewomen for decorative purposes. They can be simple in shape - square, circle, heart - or complex: in the form of a handbag, animal figurine, flower. A simple homemade needle bed can be made from cardboard, stuffed material, such as cotton wool or foam rubber, fabric. Needle beds are decorated with embroidery, appliqué, and knitting can be used instead of fabric.

Pincushion "Flower"

Pincushion "Hat"

You will need: a piece of cotton fabric: chintz, coarse calico, linen; sintepon, thread and needle for sewing, lace, ribbon for decoration


Cut out two circles with a diameter of 11 cm and 5 cm from a piece of an unnecessary plastic box (for example, packaging), or from any thick cardboard. In order to accurately circle the circle, you can use an ordinary tea cup

Cut out pieces from the main fabric.

To do this, attach the cut out circles of cardboard to the fabric and add allowances for hem and seams. You should get two pieces of fabric with diameters of 19 cm and 13 cm.

Filling and shaping crafts.

At the edges, pick up each of the circles on a thread and slightly tighten. Pay attention to how the assembly is distributed - thicker on one side, and less dense on the other.

Insert a synthetic winterizer into a smaller blank. And in a large one - put a circle of plastic or cardboard.

Tighten and pull the threads so that a flat lower part of the needle bar head and an upper volume filled detail are formed.

Decoration and decor of the needle bed "hat"

Connect, sew and decorate the seam line (the connection of the upper part of the hat and the lower part) with lace and on top with a ribbon in a circle.

Next, make a rose from the ribbon, twisting the bottom edge of the ribbon and, as it were, tucking the top one. Or you can use a small ready-made decorative ribbon rose with green leaves.

Fold a bow from a thin satin ribbon and connect it together with a rose and sew it to the "hat" - the needle bed.

Another pincushion "Hat"

Needle bed "Pumpkin"

Take: fabric, synthetic winterizer, needle and thread, scissor

Work process:

Cut out two circles with a diameter of 6 - 9 cm from the fabric. You can first draw a circle on paper or cardboard to make the circle neater.

Fold the details front side inside and stitch around the circumference, leaving a hole of about 2 cm.

Turn out and stuff tightly with padding polyester. Sew up the hole.

With a long needle, starting from the middle, stitch and pull off the pad.

It is better to divide the pillow into 8 segments and you get such a small pumpkin.

Pincushion "Jar"

And a few more beautiful pincushions

Used in sewing, excluding the possibility of their loss in the process.


In ancient times, when the fabric only began to spread, needle beds were made with the help of any fabric and paper, which were shifted among themselves. But only rich people could afford them. Later, needle cases were made of wood or ivory, and between them was a velvet fabric, where pins and needles were stored.

Needle cushions

Needle pillows are often created by needlewomen for decorative purposes. They can be simple in shape - square, circle, heart - or complex: in the form of a handbag, animal figurine, flower. A simple homemade needle bed can be made from cardboard, stuffed material such as cotton wool or foam rubber, and fabric. Needle beds are decorated with embroidery, applique, knitting can be used instead of fabric.

Making a needle bed is a popular activity in preschool craft classes. A self-made needle bed is then used to teach the child to handle things carefully - after class, you need to remove your needles into it.

Finished needle beds

Needle cases-cases can be of different shapes. The fungus case is used not only for storing needles, but also for darning.

Magnetic needle beds can be made in the form of a stand, or in the form of a box with a magnet inside.

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An excerpt characterizing the Pincushion

The friends were silent. Neither of them began to speak. Pierre glanced at Prince Andrei, Prince Andrei rubbed his forehead with his small hand.
"Let's go to dinner," he said with a sigh, getting up and heading for the door.
They entered the elegant, newly decorated dining room. Everything, from napkins to silver, faience and crystal, bore that special imprint of novelty that happens in the household of young spouses. In the middle of dinner, Prince Andrei leaned on his elbows and, like a man who has long had something in his heart and suddenly decides to speak out, with an expression of nervous irritation in which Pierre had never seen his friend before, he began to say:
“Never, never marry, my friend; here is my advice to you: do not marry until you tell yourself that you have done everything you could, and until you stop loving the woman you have chosen, until you see her clearly; otherwise you will make a cruel and irreparable mistake. Marry an old man, worthless ... Otherwise, everything that is good and lofty in you will be lost. Everything is wasted on trifles. Yes Yes Yes! Don't look at me with such surprise. If you expect anything from yourself ahead, then at every step you will feel that everything is over for you, everything is closed, except for the drawing room, where you will stand on the same board with the court lackey and the idiot ... Yes, what! ...
He waved his hand vigorously.
Pierre took off his glasses, which made his face change, showing even more kindness, and looked in surprise at his friend.
“My wife,” continued Prince Andrei, “ beautiful woman. This is one of those rare women with whom you can be dead for your honor; but, my God, what would I not give now not to be married! This I tell you alone and first, because I love you.
Prince Andrei, saying this, was even less like than before, that Bolkonsky, who was sitting lounging in Anna Pavlovna's armchair and squinting through his teeth, uttering French phrases. His dry face everything quivered with the nervous animation of every muscle; eyes, in which the fire of life had previously seemed extinguished, now shone with a radiant, bright brilliance. It was evident that the more lifeless he seemed at ordinary times, the more energetic he was in those moments of almost painful irritation.

Each person keeps pins and needles in pincushions. This simple but useful thing can be found in every home. It is difficult to say exactly when the needle bed appeared, but it is possible to trace the stages of its development.

The needle is the oldest human invention. It was invented even before the wheel. The needle could be found in any home. It was used by both peasants and noble people.

Until the 20th century, everyone was engaged in needlework. It was customary to visit with embroidery. And the needles had to be stored somewhere.

In the people, the needle cases were called needle cases. This item was highly respected. Mothers gave needle beds to their daughters. When a girl got married, she took the needle case with her to her husband's house. The richer the family was, the more expensive the needle case was.

In the 15th century in Europe, needles and pins were stored in special boxes. They were made from silver and ivory. At the same time, needle beds began to be stuffed with wool and covered with fabric.

By the middle of the 16th century, coasters appeared at the needle beds. And in the 17th century they were made from materials of very high quality - this showed the wealth of the owner.

In the 19th century, needle beds were considered decorative element. They were made to order.

And now the needles are completely different! And sewn, and embroidered (biscorn) and in the form of flowers or animals, and in a jar, and travel, and, of course, antique. I like the cute ones the most in the photo.

Pincushion "Golden Egg". Brass. Russia, second half of the 20th century

Pincushion "Golden Egg". Brass. Russia, second half of the 20th century.
Height 6.5, diameter 4.7 cm.

Needle bed (Beads, wood - Russia, XIX century)

Needle bed. Wood, beads. Russia, XIX century.
Length 9 cm, thickness 1.5 cm. The needle case opens in the middle, inside there is a hollow wooden rod.

A set of a writing set in a case, a pincushion and a paper knife. Metal, wood. Western Europe, early twentieth century

In a wooden case covered with a thin fabric, three wooden objects with elaborately carved handles:
pencil (with retractable lead), length 16 cm, diameter 1 cm,
penknife with metal blade: knife length 16 cm, blade 3 cm,
knife-shovel for cutting pages: length 15.5 cm.
There is also a metal needle bed: length 8 cm with a ball-shaped top.
The security is very good.

Paper cutter, wood, white metal. Caucasus, early 20th century.
Length 28 cm, width 2 cm. The handle (14 cm) is covered with skillful white metal inlay: on one side, dotted inclusions of metal form an intricate pattern, on the other side - the inscription: "Caucasus 1913".

Needle bed. Bone, carving. East, early 20th century

Needle bed. Bone, carving. East, early 20th century.
Length 5.5 cm, width 4.5 cm, height 2.8 cm.
The creamy ivory color favorably sets off the maroon velvet inside the pincushion. The needles are inserted through many small holes that make up the decorative pattern.. The ornament is made with miniature carving resembling lace.

Needle bed. Wood. Russia (?), early 20th century

Needle bed. Wood. Russia (?), beginning of the 20th century.
Length 6.7 cm, diameter 1.3 cm.

Needle bed. Bone, mother-of-pearl, turtle, metal. Russia (?), early 20th century

Needle bed. Bone, mother-of-pearl, turtle, metal. Russia (?), beginning of the 20th century.
Length 8.5 cm, diameter 1.7 cm.
Chips in the paint layer on the central rim, cracks in the bone ends. Loss of two mother-of-pearl inserts, on the other two inserts - chips.
An elegant accessory for an elegant ladies' craft - needlework. From expensive, noble materials, in the original design with a checkerboard pattern.