How to make a horse with your own hands from fabric and thread. Detailed master classes. Red horse made of threads (motanka toy) Horse made of threads

Horses (horses, horses) with their own hands

Age: 7 years old

Head Mityaeva Elena Vitalievna, MAOU DOD "GDTDiM No. 1, Naberezhnye Chelny

Dear children and dear teachers known fact that things made by us with love and good mood are of great benefit, a lot of joy. We invite you to plunge with us into the world of fantasy...

We will teach you guys how to make cool horses,

What would New Year was a joy to all people.

Our cute horses will save your friendly home,

And luck will not run away, it will help in everything

For this we need:

1. Threads for knitting, color of your choice, or twine;

2. Wire that bends well;

3. Pliers;

4. Scissors;

5. Glue "Titan";

6. Decorations (rhinestones, ribbons, etc.) as desired.

Horse making step by step

1. To begin with, we take the wire, make the frame of our horses. To work with wire, you must use pliers or other tools designed for this type of work.

3. We wind until we get the silhouette of a horse, and give it a shape

4. We begin to decorate the horse, in our case we take white yarn and make a tail and a mane, you can use any other material - rain, any other New Year's tinsel, etc.

In order to make a mane, it is necessary to cut 15-20 pieces of thread 3-4 cm in size and tie them in the middle to a piece of thread 5-6 cm in size. Gently glue the resulting mane to the horse's neck. We do the same with the tail, only the size of the threads will be 7-8 cm and they are tied in one place, and then glued. Glue must be carefully so that there are no traces left.

New Year's souvenir "Horse" from threads with your own hands

Master class on making a New Year's souvenir "Horse" from threads.

Masagutova Liliya Vasilievna, educator MB preschool children's Garden No. 6 "Vasilyok" Shushenskoye village, Krasnoyarsk Territory
The New Year is coming soon, which means it's time to prepare gifts for family and friends. The symbol of 2014 is a horse, so the figurine of this animal will become perfect gift for close people.
I bring to your attention a master class on making a New Year's souvenir "Horse" from threads. Making this souvenir does not require large material costs and does not take much time, and at the same time you can give your family a wonderful souvenir as a keepsake. Since the symbol of 2014 is a blue wooden horse (although some Eastern teachings speak of a green horse), choosing color scheme for your craft, give preference to green or blue in order to attract prosperity and well-being to your home. You can combine these colors with gold or yellow, because such an animal as a horse is characterized by assertiveness, dynamism, fiery passion.
Smooth mane, fur like silk,
Have you guessed what it's all about?
Yes, then the horse is in a hurry to stay,
To surprise everyone around in the New Year,
To bring a cartload of gifts, to everyone, to everyone,
To protect the New from problems!
The year of the horse will be the best, believe me
Meet him, well, open the doors!
Purpose: A handmade horse will be an original, unique gift for children and adults, as well as decoration
for New Year's home interior.
The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age,
students, teachers and parents.
Necessary materials:

- semi-woolen or acrylic threads;
- threads "Iris metallic";
- scissors;
- A4 photo frame;
- glue "Moment crystal";
- pieces of leather, fabric, felt;
- decorative eyes;
- beads, braid for decoration;
- copper wire.
Step by step description works:
1. Let's start by making blanks for the future horse.
To do this, we wind the threads on the photo frame
(the number of turns depends on the thickness of the thread, I have about 80).

2. Next, cut the wound threads on one side.

Here is such a blank of pieces of thread turned out.
3. We fold the blank of threads exactly in half and tie it with a thread
the same color.

4. We form the muzzle of the horse. To do this, a piece of thread,
stepping back from the bending line of the workpiece, one centimeter,
we make several turns and tie a knot.

5. We make another constriction just below the first, we form the horse's head.

6. We insert a wire bent in half into the threads.

We distribute the threads around the wire.

7. We wrap the "chest" of the horse with the second bundle of threads and bandage it.

8. We insert the wire into the middle and make another constriction,
creating the body of a horse.

9. We begin to form the hind legs. To do this, we divide the bundle of threads
into two equal parts. We distribute the threads around the wires and make
three straps. After that, you can cut off excess threads and wire.

10. We form the front legs and make constrictions in two places.
11. We make a mane and a tail from the metallic iris threads.
We fix the mane with glue.

12. We fasten the tail with a thread to match the body of the horse.

13. From pieces of skin or beautiful fabric cut and glue the saddle.
We decorate the saddle with braid or beads.

14. From a piece of felt or fleece, cut out and glue the ears.

15. Glue the eyes

Thread horse - ready!

New Year's greetings 2014

Hooves beat off the fraction imposingly,
The year of the horse is approaching us importantly,
And if we show skill with you,
And we will be in our own way in this year of dexterity,
That with a horse is exactly for us all on the way,
Just know, guide by tightening the bridle.
We will reach, we will rush to the best with you,
In the year of the horse, we manage everything ourselves!

May happiness come in the Year of the Horse!
It will warm you with warmth, dispel sorrows,
He will beckon with a dream, add good luck,
Bring fun and joy!
I wish you health - let it only grow stronger,
And may your prosperity grow, do not shrink.
May life please with beauty and luck,
Have a good New Year mood!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Great luck for the New Year,
Let it be very sweet to live
This New Year of the Horse!
Abundant money rains,
And true, sincere friends,
Good luck bright carnival,
To surround you everywhere!
There were often compliments
Happy, joyful moments
You would have more
And every day, and every hour!

The symbol of the New Year 2014 - the horse - must be present in every home. Therefore, take care in advance that the figurine of this animal appears on time. And it does not matter at all what it will be - a toy, a figurine, a magnet or a picture of a horse. The main thing is that she was. To all those who love needlework, we offer to make figurines of this noble animal with their own hands. The article provides your attention with information that tells you how to do it. Choose the master class that you like and according to your abilities.

Symbol of 2014 from threads

How to make this simple material? You will find the answer to this question in the following instructions. Prepare the following materials for work:

  • threads of two colors;
  • wire;
  • beads - 2 pieces;
  • yarn "grass" or decorative fur (5-6 centimeters);
  • scissors.

How to make a horse with your own hands from threads: a description of the process

  1. We twist the frame from the wire. To do this, we perform a figure in the form of the number "2" - this will be the head, neck and torso of the animal. We fasten four more “legs” to this base: two in front of the frame and two in the back.
  2. We prepare the threads. We measure the length of the wire from the head to the end of the body, multiply this figure by two. We get the size of the threads for decorating this part of the figure. Then we measure the length of the leg and also double the resulting number. And the third froze is the ponytail. The thread for him will be about the same size as for the leg. Next, cut all the bunches in size and lay them out in piles. To perform the legs, prepare two identical sets. The more threads you take, the more voluminous your horse will turn out.
  3. Leg shaping. Through the wire frame, where the parts of the front legs are attached, throw a bunch of threads and wind these blanks to each leg with the same yarn. Do it in a spiral. Arrange the rear legs in the same way.
  4. Execution of the head and torso. Most long bun fold the threads in half and tie in the middle with a red thread. This will form the horse's mouth. Next, attach the bundle to the head and wrap the product, laying out and fixing the threads throughout the body.
  5. Tail making. Throw the yarn blank for this part of the product through the frame from below - where the hind legs are attached, and fasten along the top (on the back) with threads. Fluff out your ponytail.
  6. Decorating details. Glue on the bead eyes. Make a mane from “grass” yarn by knitting a chain from air loops. Sew this piece onto the figure. You can make a mane from a piece of decorative fur.

That's all. You now know how to make a toy horse out of thread. It can be supplemented with a bridle made of threads and a saddle made of a piece of cloth. This craft can also serve as a Christmas tree decoration. You only need to tie a loop of ribbon to it.

What can a horse be made of? From fabric and coffee!

Surely, you are surprised by such a combination of materials to complete the symbol of 2014. The next master class will tell you how to make a fragrant coffee horse. For work you will need the following materials:

  • knitted or cotton fabric;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • filler;
  • brush or foam sponge;
  • paper pattern;
  • instant coffee;
  • acrylic paints.

How to make a horse with your own hands from textiles? First of all, make a pattern out of paper and transfer it to a fabric folded in half. Cut out two identical textile pieces. Sew the product, leaving a small opening. Through it, stuff the workpiece with filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber). Sew up the hole. Dilute coffee (a small spoon) with warm water (50 grams) and use a sponge or brush to “paint” the product with this solution. Dry the horse and coat it with coffee again. After complete drying acrylic paints draw the eyes, nose and mouth. You can also make patterns throughout the product. That's all, a fragrant souvenir - a horse - is ready!

We hope that the selection of these materials will help you make the symbol of the New Year with your own hands. Such products can become not only original and beautiful decorations in your home, but great gifts for friends and colleagues.

Everyone loves toys. If they are made by hand, they bring even greater joy to the one for whom they were made. But not everyone knows how to make a toy, let's say a horse. What can it be made from? It all depends on the skills of the master, and there are plenty of ideas for their creation.

sock horse

This craft is a great option for joint creativity with your child. A beautiful and soft horse made by yourself will immediately please your baby and can become a good friend to him.

To make this toy, you will need a pair of socks, eyes for the toy (you can take buttons), buttons of a different shape will also come in handy (they will be used to make nostrils). For the tail and mane, prepare the yarn, do not forget about the stuffing material, it can be a synthetic winterizer.

Take one sock and fill it with synthetic winterizer to about ⅔ of the foot. This will form the head. Tie it with a thread and cut it off (photo 1). In accordance with photo number 2, you need to form the body and legs of the horse from the second sock. To do this, cut it in the middle to the center of the foot. Turn the sock inside out and sew all the seams from the wrong side using a back stitch.

Then turn the product inside out front side. You need to cut off the elastic band of the sock, additionally capturing a few more centimeters. The resulting cut must be collected on a thread using a seam “over the edge”. After that, fill the part with synthetic winterizer, tighten the thread and sew up the hole.

Next, sew the horse's head to the body. After that, cut out the details of the front ears, paws and tail from the remnants. Fold all the pieces facing each other and sew together using a back stitch. All parts must be turned right side out, filled with padding polyester and sewn up. But keep in mind that you need to put threads about 7 cm long into the tip of the tail. Separately, you should also work with dryers, after folding them a little at the base and securing them with a stitch.

Outline the location of all the details on the horse, paying special attention to the symmetrical parts. All details must be sewn on.

Take care of the design of the muzzle. Sew buttons on the nostrils and eyes. Outline the mouth by completing a few stitches with red or pink threads.

It remains to make something without which no horse can be imagined - this is a mane. To create it, type 8 loops on the knitting needles and knit a strip (about 20 cm) in garter stitch. You should not close the loops, just remove the product from the knitting needle, iron it through wet gauze and dissolve everything that is tied. You will get "curly" yarn. Fold it so that the mane fits in size and sew to the horse's head. When doing this work, slightly lift and fluff the threads to make the mane more magnificent.

Sock horse on a stick

Your little one will be delighted with this horse on a stick that you can make yourself using a sock and bells. To make such a toy, you will need a fairly impressive list of materials and tools. Get your sock ready big size, large (light) and small (dark) buttons for making eyes, sufficiently strong threads of dark and light shades, regular and thick needles, thick yarn for mane and thin threads for embroidery, ropes, belt, fabric for ears, metal rings, bells , a synthetic winterizer for filling the toy, as well as a wooden stick (an old mop is also suitable).

To begin with, saw off a stick of the length you need from the mop and make a groove at a distance of about 30 cm from its beginning. Take a sock, fill it tightly with synthetic winterizer. Temporarily pull it with a rope or hair tie at the very base.

Proceed to the manufacture of the mane. To do this, pick up a thick yarn suitable color. It needs to be wrapped around a not very small object (ideal is a book). When a sufficiently large number of circles have been wound, cut them on one side. You will end up with many pieces of yarn of the same size. The principle of making a mane is the same as the hair for a doll. Sequentially sew or tie pieces of thread to the horse's head, starting from the heel and moving down to the elastic. Thus, you need to walk at least 15 cm.

Start sewing on the horse's eyes. Take a strong thread, make a knot on it. Using a large needle, pierce the product through on one side in the place where the eye will be. The needle should come out on the other symmetrical side, where the second eye will be located. Now, using an ordinary needle, sew a large lighter button at the second point, you need to sew a second, smaller button on it. Pierce the head in the opposite direction, heading in the direction where the knot is located. There you need to sew a second eye of two buttons similar to the first.

Use strong threads to make your horse smile. To do this, again use strong threads, tying a knot, pierce the muzzle through the needle at the point where one corner of the mouth will be, and pull it out in the other corner of the smile. Return to the initial knot and do similar procedures a few more times, tightening the thread well so that a crease forms in the mouth area. To get a smile, the thread needs to be lowered a little lower.

For the ears, cut out two-quarter circles. different colors. Decide on the size yourself, starting from the total size of the horse. In this example, the parts were cut from circles with a diameter of 18 and 14 cm. Fold them in two pieces, gather at the base and sew to the head.

Now take the metal rings and put a bell on them. To make a good harness, take a leather strap or a strip of leatherette and pull it between these rings. It should pass under the mane, above and below the muzzle.

Take measurements to cut the strips to the desired length. Pass each of the tips through the ring for a few centimeters and sew. Tie the rope that you prepared for the bridle to the rings.

It remains to put the horse's head on a stick, and it should rest against the heel of the toe. If there is not enough filler, then add more. Wrap the sock around the stick, using a strong thread, try to get it into the groove. Wind a decorative thick rope from above as illustrated in the photo.

Felt horse on a stick

This toy is great for kids. different ages. But you need to do it not from a sock, but from felt. This idea is simple to implement, but your kids will love it. In this case, you do not need to saw any sticks, just use a children's stick - in fact, it is very convenient. You only need to sew a horse head that will fit the club. First, cut out all the necessary details for making a felt head. You can see an example in the photo below.

After that, just sew the parts together, leaving a hole at the bottom for the stick. If desired, you can fill it with stuffing material or ordinary plastic bags.

Wine cork horses

To make such a cute horse with your child, you will need two corks, toothpicks (matches) and a ball of thread. For a greater effect, corks can be painted, but this is exclusively optional.

Everything is extremely simple. One of the plugs needs to be cut a little as in the picture. You should get the muzzle of a horse. The horse's paws in the form of matches just need to be stuck into the second cork. To make the neck, also use a match. Make the eyes of a horse by breaking off and inserting into the cork the end of the match that has sulfur on it.

It remains to make a mane and tail. For these purposes, bundles of threads must be attached with staples to the corks or simply sewn (glued).

The second option for making a cork horse is more laborious and will take a little longer than the previous one.

To make this craft, prepare six corks, braid, burlap, multi-colored feathers, fabric, a knife, scissors, and hot glue.

First of all, glue two corks vertically on top of each other. This design will fit the front legs and neck of the horse.

Cut off the neck at an angle and glue the head to it. From another cork, cut out two ears and glue them to the horse's head.

Take care of the design of the horse. Glue a mane and feather tail to it. Cut out a small saddle from the fabric. It remains to glue the bridle to the horse and draw the eyes. Now the horse is ready, you can put it in a prominent place or present it to someone as a gift.

Handmade thread horse

A horse without much effort can be made from threads. Such a toy can become a talisman, a favorite toy or a Christmas tree decoration.

To make the craft, prepare dark brown and light brown yarn, and red fabric, which will make the saddle. Additionally, find beads or beads for decoration.

Prepare a piece of cardboard, the length of which will be 11.5 cm. You need to make 88 turns around it. Remove the threads from the cardboard and tie them in one place. Cut the threads on the opposite side.

Fold the hank in half and tie it a second time not far from the first tie. See the photo for an example.

Tie a bunch of threads a third time, forming a horse's head. Now you need to insert a wire between the threads, after bending it in half.

With the help of another dressing, you need to form the neck and legs of the horse. Correct the shape of the horse by cutting off excess threads and wire.

Now you need to make the same bunch as in the first photo and wrap the horse's chest with it. It needs to be tied up, and in the remaining bundle place a wire bent in half.

Make the body of the horse by doing one more dressing. In the same way, make the hind legs and cut off the excess so that everything is even.

It remains to decorate the horse by making a mane and tail from darker threads. Raise the tail threads and wind the beige threads under it, securing them at the end.

It remains to make a saddle. Cut out a rectangular piece of bright fabric, make a fringe around the edges and decorate the saddle around the perimeter with beads. Sew it onto the horse and make eyes out of two knots of dark threads.

Wooden horses in the garden

Dachas and personal plots attract not only by relaxing on fresh air, but the opportunity to work, making something original and unusual. Country decor does not have to be purchased. A lot of crafts for the backyard can be made with your own hands.

To create a wooden horse, prepare various woodworking tools, as well as logs, boards, bars, etc.

First you need to create a box round shape of two saw cuts, the thickness of which is at least 3 cm. Boards should be filled on them, the length of which will be about 50 cm, and the width - about 15 cm. The thickness of the boards does not really matter.

To make legs for a kind of sculpture, materials must be chosen as strong as possible, the horse must be stable. The best option there will be bars up to half a meter long. They should be fixed on the body using screws or nails. To prevent the wooden horse from staggering, you need to spend at least two nails on each leg.

Engage in the manufacture of the tail. Cut it out from a piece of plywood, having previously drawn a layout. Attach it to the back saw using a block and self-tapping screws to help.
Use a bar no longer than 40 cm as a neck. The head, like the tail, must be drawn on plywood and cut out. Additionally, you need to cut out the eyes and ears from the saw cuts. Attach them to the muzzle, and use branches as a mane. Attach the head to the neck, and the wooden horse is ready.

Wooden horse painting

If your horse fits perfectly with the garden and its surroundings, then you can leave it that way. But if you have a desire, you can give it a brighter look by decorating it with all kinds of colors. For these purposes, you will need stain, varnish and paint. Paint the horse with stripes to make it a zebra. This craft can be placed on the playground. Her body is made in the form of a box, you can safely fill it with earth and plant flowers, so the horse will be even brighter and more original.

Making horses from branches

This way of making horses is quite unusual and interesting. All the right materials available in every backyard. To create such a figurine, you will need all kinds of branches and tree roots.

Before proceeding to the manufacture of such a figure, choose a place where it will stand, since it must be erected immediately in its place, the figure cannot be transferred.

Start with thick and strong branches that will serve as a frame. Thick branches that will be legs need to be dug into the ground - this will be more reliable.

After that, other branches begin to be braided around the frame, fixing them with nails, and if possible, you can use a wood stapler. Do this gradually, rising higher and higher, gradually moving to a horizontal surface.

After that, make a frame for the horse's neck and start braiding it.

It is better to make the head separately, and then install it on the neck.

Attach an additional branch in place of the mane and the horse is ready. To make the branches last as long as possible, open them with varnish.

To make such a horse is quite difficult. This will only be possible for patient people. The first time you may not succeed, the branches will crawl out of general form or not intertwined. In this case, start with small designs, and then move on to more complex and large ones.

Wooden horse with cart

To make a horse with a cart, prepare thick and thin birch branches, in addition you will need self-tapping screws, rubber wrapping, and bottle caps.

For the body of the future horse, you will need a thick birch branch, its length should be about 50 cm.

For the manufacture of legs, take thinner branches. And in order for the future figure to stand steadily on its feet, they need to be dug into the ground. In this case, all work will be carried out at the place provided for the horse.

For the muzzle, you need to cut a small log as in the photo and cut a hole in it for the mouth.

The head and torso are attached to each other with the help of the neck. For these purposes, self-tapping screws are used. Decorate the muzzle by making the horse's eyes. They can be made of wood or use corks that are fixed on the muzzle with wood glue.

Build a mane and tail from thin branches, weave it into a “broom” and nail it to the structure.

A rubber winding is used as the reins and saddle. It is attached to its place with the help of nails and glue.

Now it's time to make the cart. Here you can do different ways. The simplest of these is to connect the four wheels with wooden sticks and secure them with screws. Or you can build a more complex cart. Knock down a box of wooden sticks and attach wheels to them. In this case, the cart can be decorated by pouring earth and planting various flowers in it. The cart in which the pumpkin or other vegetables grow will look original. And to complete the design, make an additional figurine of an old man from wood and plant it inside.

Souvenir horse - DIY keychain

Such a keychain in the form of a horse made of felt is sewn quite quickly. To work, you will need a small piece of felt, filler, sewing threads in two colors (to match the fabric and contrasting ones for decoration), scissors, sequins, beads and two black beads.

To get started, you will need a horse pattern. You can use the one below, or you can use your own. You need to transfer it to paper, adjust the size according to your wishes.

Cut it out, transfer it to the fabric and cut out two pieces.

Additionally, you need to cut out one more piece in the form of a rectangle 6× 2 cm. Sew the long sides, fold the part in half - this will be the key pendant.

Now the two parts need to be sewn together using the “back needle” stitch. Along the way, insert a loop into the mane and sew it up. Leave a small piece unsewn in the abdomen area.

Turn the horse out through the hole, help yourself with a stick. Fill the toy with holofiber or other filler. The place for eversion must be sewn up with hidden stitches.

You can stop at this, because. keychain is complete. But if you want something bright and original, then start decorating the horse. Step back from the edge about 3 mm and pass finishing stitch along the perimeter. Embroider the horse with beads and sequins. As a result, it remains to sew black beads in place of the eye and the horse is ready.

If you make several horses of different colors, then they can become not only key rings, but also decorations for the Christmas tree.

Nadezhda Samodurova

Good day, dear colleagues! Walking around the expanses of the maaam site, I admire how many beautiful crafts you can see here! What talented creative people present us their interesting work! Now, work on decorating groups is in full swing in all gardens. Everyone is trying to do something interesting, to please the guys. Everywhere there are craft contests, Christmas decorations. Our garden is no exception. So my grandson and I also had something make. 2014, as we already know, is the year of blue horses. Lots of different crafts horses met on your pages. All of them are beautiful and interesting. My grandson and I thought, thought and also decided make a horse. Only not from paper, but from thread. Svyatoslav helped me wind the threads, cut them. Well, I did the rest myself. Today I present to you good friends, master- the class of its manufacture. Threads used acrylic of blue color.

1. Take some rectangular object (we took the book).

2. Wind the thread on the book along it. When the threads are of considerable thickness, then tie them up on one side of the book.

3. On the other side of the book, cut the threads. Compare both sides so that they are the same.

4. Insert some kind of base into both halves (I took straws from juice) and tie both halves at the bottom, leaving a little, as if it were hooves.

5. Where the threads are connected, fold the halves together and squeeze from the tip, like a muzzle and wrap it with threads.

6. Stepping back a little, leaving room for the head, also wrap with threads.

7. Put the half done aside. We take the book again and also wind the threads on the second half.

8. On this half, the threads do not bind. Only on the other side of the book are they cut again.

9. Insert the base again (it is needed in order to the horse could stand, also tie both cut halves to tie at the bottom.

10. Bend the threads in the middle, connect so that both halves are the same

11. Take the first half done horses and the second one too. We find the middle in the second half, wrap the first part with it, separating the legs and neck, wrap it with threads around the neck.

12. Draw out the torso (second half horses, bend, lowering the legs, where the torso and legs are separated, tie with threads.

13. To the horse did not fall, it is necessary to wrap threads in the middle of the body

14. Here is our the horse is almost ready. It remains to add details to it.

15. We take threads of a different color (I took yellow threads) and now we wind across the book. Repeat everything like the first time. Tie in the middle. Just don't tie at the ends. (it's a mane).

16. Repeat the same thing - this will be the tail.

17. We tie the tail at the back.

18. We wrap a piece of the tube from under the juice with blue threads, glue it on the ends, bend it into 3 parts, put the tube under the threads on the top of the head - these are the ears.

19. Tie a mane between the ears. That's all. The horse is ready. Put it up and let it decorate your festive table, as a talisman of the coming year.

Happy New Year, dear friends! I wish you happiness, health and creative success!