Snake skin nail design. Manicure Snake skin: how to do at home. Magnetic polish for snakeskin effect

Snake patterns are dangerous and unusual. Such a pattern will become an elegant decoration for your pens, and you can make it different ways, and all of them are within the power of every girl at home. We will tell you how you can perform a snake manicure and what nail materials are needed for this.

Methods and techniques for performing a snake pattern

Although the snake pattern is complex and intricate, it is possible to recreate the effect of snake skin on nails even with a minimum amount of materials and tools. But if you often create on your own, you most likely have more professional “helpers” as well. The main methods are as follows:

  • Snake manicure with mesh.
  • Thermo.

Now let's look at all the methods in detail. Our step-by-step instructions and recommendations for choosing coatings and tools will help you achieve a flawless snake nail design.

Magnetic polish for snakeskin effect

This is the easiest way. All you need is to purchase a special varnish, for example, Nail Look Python Print. The advantages of this particular coating is that it ideally covers the nail in one layer. Its cost is about 130 rubles, you need to purchase a magnet separately. If you choose a cover from another company, it is possible that the magnet will come with the kit. This polish is an incredible invention of the nail industry. All you need to do is apply the coating and use the magnet. Step by step instructions next:

  1. Apply varnish in one layer.
  2. Immediately bring a special magnet as close to the nail as possible.
  3. Hold the magnet against your nail for 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat the same process for all other fingers.

Simple, isn't it? You will not be indifferent to the beautiful snake effect on the nails, which is obtained thanks to such an unusual coating. The varnish dries very quickly, the only drawback of such a manicure is that you need to alternately cover the nail by nail, and not all 10 at once. However, it is one of the most quick ways receive SNAKE NAILS.

Create a snake with a grid

This method is more laborious than the previous one, but everyone can do it too. In addition to two shades of varnishes, you will need a sponge and a manicure net. Sponge can be replaced with a small piece of sponge for washing dishes, and a manicure mesh with a regular one, for example, construction or for pasting windows. Coverings choose to your taste or focusing on the colors prevailing in the wardrobe. But do not forget that our goal is snake nails, so the shades should be close to the original. Now step by step:

  1. Apply the desired shade of varnish to your nails. Of the two coatings, choose the one that is lighter, and the picture is better to perform dark.
  2. Wait for the varnish to dry completely.
  3. Take a piece of mesh and wrap it around the nail plate.
  4. Now, gently dipping the sponge in the varnish, apply the second shade through the grid.
  5. Remove the mesh from your finger.
  6. Wait for the pattern to dry and apply a glossy top coat.

Snake nail design is ready! You can perform a drawing using this technique both on all fingers, and selectively. Mixed textures are especially fashionable this spring. Try to draw a “dangerous” pattern on 2-3 nails, leave 2 monochrome without a pattern, and on the fifth, for example, apply a dense shimmer on the index finger, which harmonizes in color with the main two shades. Such a snakeskin manicure looks relevant and unbroken.

Minx thermal film for perfect snake nails

This method involves coating the plates on which the pattern is applied. The advantages of the method are wide selection patterns on the film and the durability of manicure for at least 2 weeks. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the high cost, relative to the above methods and the complexity of execution. In order for the snake on the nails with thermal film to appear at home, you need to buy minx thermal film and a UV lamp directly. You can buy thermal film for about 700 rubles, the cost of a lamp is from 2000 rubles. The following tutorial will help you create a snake manicure at home using minx:

  1. Remove old varnish, if any.
  2. Use a file to polish the surface of the plates.
  3. Correct the shape, the minx looks best on short nails.
  4. Degrease the surface of the plates.
  5. Pick a sticker that fits your nail size.
  6. Hold the sticker close to the lamp and heat it up for a minute.
  7. Apply the film to the nail.
  8. Smooth out the sticker using an orange stick.
  9. To remove excess film, simply file the edge of the nail with a glass file.

When choosing a sticker by size, leave a margin of 4-5 mm. Remember that the film does not tolerate contact with water. She just peels off. Therefore, this manicure is not suitable for relaxing on the sea or for girls who visit the pool. But it will definitely make you irresistible at a glamorous party.

Stamping snake skin using stamping

Stamping is an indispensable tool for every lover of unusual nail designs. Stamping is neat and stylish. To create a pattern that appears on the nails using stamping, only a very talented master can do it. But having such an inexpensive tool in your arsenal, you can surprise everyone with impeccable patterns on the nails.

You can perform a snake manicure with gel polish or use a regular coating. The price for a set for stamping is from 100 rubles, you can buy it in specialized stores or order it on Ali-express. The “dangerous” pattern is a frequent guest on stamping plates, in almost any set you will find 2-3 variations of this pattern. Varnishes can be used special for stamping, or you can use any available coatings. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  1. Apply your chosen shade of polish to your nails. The snakeskin nail design will look more realistic if you use cold colors of varnishes.
  2. Wait for the coating to dry completely.
  3. Apply the second shade of varnish to the stamping plate.
  4. Remove excess varnish with a scraper, which you will find in the kit.
  5. Print the pattern from the plate with a stamp and transfer it to the nail, pressing it to the surface.
  6. When the pattern dries, apply a layer of a colorless top coat to the nails.

Stamping is simple and convenient, but it is important to act quickly here. Of course, the result will be better if you buy a professional set with a good stamp and use special stamping varnishes, the consistency of which is thicker. But also a budget option stamping kit will allow you to perform beautiful manicure with a snake pattern quite neatly.

Craquelure varnish for snake nails

This varnish is most likely known to every girl. Appearing on the shelves of cosmetics stores, he made a real "boom". Today, the craquelure craziness has subsided a little, so your manicure will not be banal, and the snake pattern with its help is perfect. The application scheme is simple to disgrace: apply a monochromatic coating on the nails, wait for it to dry, and then (after about 20 minutes) apply craquelure varnish. You can get a flawless "dangerous" pattern by purchasing Aurelia Crack'Ajour, it cracks exactly like snake skin. Successful combinations: gold base and black craquelure, blue base and black pattern, silver base and red craquelure.

We apply a "dangerous" drawing manually

Do-it-yourself snake manicure in this technique is the most difficult to do. you can use acrylic paints and with a thin brush repeat diamond-shaped patterns. And you can use dots and greatly facilitate the process. Dots is a tool for drawing perfect dots in nail design. Step by step manicure looks like this:

  1. We apply a monochromatic coating on the nails, for example, a green tint.
  2. Now dip the dots in black varnish and place 3-4 dots on the parts of the nail closer to the tip.
  3. Again, put dots in black, but already smaller in a chaotic manner between large dots.
  4. Now wait for the snake drawing to dry.
  5. Finishing touch: cover the nails clear varnish with silver glitter.

We hope that these ideas will help you attract admiring glances to your hands and be the most stylish. Experiment and create!

To make an original and unexpected Reptile manicure, nail art masters have already come up with many ways. All of them are performed using different materials and funds, sometimes it takes a lot of time to create a design. But the result will definitely surprise all your friends! Do you want to know about the most popular methods? And of course, try them?

Genuine reptile skin on nails

The creations of nature are so beautiful and perfect that they never cease to amaze. Snake skin is just that! Although this reptile terrifies the most courageous people, it is difficult to argue that the color of its skin is very beautiful and unusual. No wonder shoe and accessory designers have been successfully recreating reptile skin on shoes and handbags for a long time. Manicurists have adopted this tradition.

To display the skin of a reptile in the same form as it exists in nature is very difficult task. Therefore, rich ladies in foreign countries prefer to do an exclusive manicure - apply pieces of real snake skin, which she sheds in the spring, to her nails. In salons, such a design costs a lot of money. Only wealthy ladies can afford it. But the desire to decorate their nails with real snake skin is probably very great! Some craftswomen try to make such a design at home. Of course, for this you must first purchase snake skin in stores. Or find it in the forest. Both the first and second methods are quite problematic.

Read also: Manicure with acrylic powder: Exquisite design quickly and easily

The manicure technique is simple. First, pieces are cut from the skin of the reptile exactly the size of the nail plate. Then they are glued to the nails and covered with a reliable fixative.

Creating snake skin on nails with gel polish

There is an easier method to create a reptile effect on the nails. To do this, you need the whole set of tools and tools for working with gel polish: buff, file, dehydrator, bond, base, black and orange polish, led lamp, fixer.

The sequence is:

  • we process the plate with a nail file and a buff;
  • apply a dehydrator, and then a bond;
  • cover with a base and dry in a lamp;
  • paint the base with black varnish and crystallize in the lamp. To get a dense layer - you need two layers;
  • we cover the nails with a thin layer of orange (coral, pink or green) varnish, wait a few minutes, but do not dry it in a lamp;
  • we apply the fixative on top in small droplets, and not with longitudinal strokes;
  • dry in a lamp.

The agent crystallizes in a special way, creating peculiar scales. Not dried orange varnish is visible on the borders of the droplets of the top.

If desired, this method can be complicated by applying another instead of black varnish. dark shade in a gradient.

Drawing the skin of a reptile

You can make a Reptile manicure with another method, although it will require a lot of effort and time from you.

The step-by-step execution scheme consists of 4 points.

  • We apply black gel polish, dry it under the rays of a lamp.
  • With a thin brush, we draw oblong ovals with gel polish of green, turquoise or of blue color. It turns out a kind of mesh with elongated loops.
  • Dry the layer, apply the finish coat.
  • Modeling transparent gel we apply volumetric droplets in the middle of the colored ovals. Dry the finished design thoroughly.

Read also: Turquoise manicure: a fresh trend this summer

Volumetric manicure "Reptile"

For this stunning design, we need blue or green cat eye gel polish, black gel paint and a thin brush.

  • We apply gel polish "Cat's eye" on the plates with a thick layer. We bring a magnet to make a beautiful highlight.
  • We dry our nails in a lamp.
  • We cover the base with a thin layer of fixative, polymerize and remove the sticky layer.
  • We take a thin brush and draw oblong rhombuses with black gel paint, like on the skin of a lizard or a snake.
  • We polymerize the finished pattern in a lamp.
  • The lines become sticky, but this is only to our advantage. We press a piece of transfer foil to the nail, a shine remains on the gel paint.
  • In each rhombus, we drip a small amount of fixative or transparent modeling gel with a brush. The droplets solidify without going beyond the boundaries of the gel paint. This forms a beautiful three-dimensional design.

It is recommended to dry each transparent “pebble” separately in a lamp, but very a short time. Otherwise, the gel may spread beyond the boundaries of the cells. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to dry the entire plate completely.

Manicure turns out to be voluminous, very effective. It will be enough to decorate one or two fingers on the hand with such a pattern. Covering all the records with a voluminous “skin” is a very bold decision!

"Reptile" with a mesh

  • Paint the prepared plates with light blue, red or orange varnish.
  • Let it dry for a minute (but not completely dry). Carefully cover the nails with pieces of a thin mesh, press.
  • Apply a layer of dark varnish over the mesh: black, dark blue or dark green. For best results, use a sponge or sponge to do this.
  • After the varnish hardens a little, remove the mesh.

For many seasons, animal motifs have been at the peak of popularity, and snakeskin occupies a special place among others. Shoes, bags, belts are sewn from it, imitating its prints decorate clothes. A few years ago, snakeskin came to nail design. California designer Terry Silacci figured out how to use shed snake skin to decorate nails.

Snake skin manicure - bright, beautiful. It attracts the eye, makes the nails elegant. Snake skin is always in fashion, it symbolizes luxury and chic. A manicure in this style helps to achieve the same effect.

This is ideal for parties, gala evenings, going out. The main thing is to harmoniously choose an outfit and makeup.

Advice! Do not resort to such a manicure too often. In everyday life, it can look somewhat defiant and even vulgar!

Choosing a color for a snake manicure

Of course, the color of the manicure should resonate with colors your dress. However, I would like the colors of the manicure to be natural and really reminiscent of snake skin. However, this is not at all necessary.

Very often, a combination of gold and silver colors is used for such a manicure. In general, a variety of metallic shades are very popular when it comes to imitation snakeskin. They sparkle and shimmer, even more attracting attention.

Often also use green, blue, red shades in combination with black. Some yellow would look appropriate, not too bright colors. And, of course, white.

Manicure options snakeskin

There are many ways to achieve the effect of snake skin on nails. Some of them are very simple, but require specific materials, others can be made with improvised materials, but they require some skills and practice.

The easiest option is to use special stamps with a snake print or use foil. Not less than Beautiful design obtained from those who use gel polishes. The technique is quite simple if you know how to use such varnishes and you have everything you need at hand, including an ultraviolet lamp.

An excellent snakeskin manicure is obtained if you draw it with a grid. By the way, there are several various ways, each of which gives its own interesting effect.

Most difficult option is to draw a snake print yourself. It requires experience, skills, accuracy. But this option also provides the greatest variety in terms of the final result.

Snake skin manicure: Step by step instructions

You will need two colors of nail polish, a special manicure net, or any other net. You can take old nylon tights in a mesh, a garlic net, the remnants of lace, or whatever else you have at hand. You can also prepare a makeup sponge or a regular sponge. However, it is quite possible to do without a sponge.

Please note: as a second color, you can use not varnish, but acrylic paint.

  1. First you need to prepare the nail: polish, remove the cuticle, degrease.
  2. Then a base layer for manicure is applied.
  3. The third stage is the application base color and dry it.
  4. Now you need to take the mesh and wrap it around your finger so that it covers the nail. Try to fix it as best as possible with the rest of your fingers so that when applying varnish, the grid does not move and does not smear the drawing.
  5. Now you need to drop a little varnish on foil or paper, dip it in it and apply varnish with a sponge on the nail with driving movements. Try to paint over the nail as best and as completely as possible. The sponge often leaves some places unpainted. If there is no sponge or sponge at hand, you can simply paint over the nail with a regular brush over the grid. In order to achieve complete coverage of the nail with varnish, some effort will be required.
  6. Let the varnish dry a little, and then remove the mesh.
  7. Apply a top coat to protect the design.

Be careful! The mesh must be removed very carefully, as there is a risk of damaging the pattern.

Both methods of using mesh to create a snake print on your nail can seem very easy and effortless. This is not entirely true.

Still, it is better to find time to practice before the holiday. Practice will help you solidify the skill. On the appointed day, you will know for sure that you will cope with the task.

By the way, applying such a manicure to the entire nail is not at all necessary. You can use the idea of ​​a French manicure: seal the main plate with adhesive tape and apply the print only on the tip of the nail. This will also look very impressive.

Snake skin manicure: Reader reviews

Tatyana Gagarina, Penza (30 years old): Snake manicure - great idea. In general, I love animal prints, and even snake skin ... God himself ordered. I tried to do, as described here, with a mesh. It took some fiddling, but in the end it all worked out.

Irina Sanina, Moscow (22 years old): Wow, now I know what I will do with my sister's wedding nails. And I was in pain. True, it is not yet possible to fix the mesh well enough on the nail. She fidgets all the time. I hope everything works out for me.

Zoya Yakovleva, St. Petersburg (24 years old): Beauty, do not take your eyes off. Already got the hang of making one for myself. It’s a pity, every day is like that, and really, you don’t look like that. But she went to a corporate party, she was the center of attention. I had a dress in a similar style.

Katerina Panova, Izhevsk (37 years old): Vulgarism same, defiant and ugly. This is how our secretary goes to work. It's impossible to watch. But how much pride. Claims that she swelled a lot of money into a manicure. Now I know what kind of money there is.

Antonina Bugrova, Moscow (27 years old): I also did such a manicure for a corporate party. Colleagues were jealous. I told them that I did a manicure in the salon, they believed me. Although everything, in fact, is so simple. I had to practice, of course, but the result is excellent.

Manicure snake skin with gel polish: Video lesson



The "reptile effect" on the nails is one of the fashion trends modern nail art. Looks pretty cool and undeniably original. Let's see if this design is so difficult to implement, and photo lessons will help us various masters, supplemented step by step instructions. Begin!

Lesson 1.

1) We make a gradient gel polish, dry it in an LED or UV lamp.
2) Draw a reptile pattern with gel paint, polymerize.
3) We cover with a matte top, dry.
4) We put drops with a transparent gel or thick finish, dry. Remove the sticky layer.

Lesson 2

1) We cover the nail with gel polish, polymerize.
2) Apply a matte top, dry in a UV lamp.
3) We draw a pattern with gel paint, dry it.
4) We print the foil, fix it with a finish, dry it.
5) We put drops with a transparent gel / top, dry. Remove the sticky layer.

Similar option, but without foil.

Lesson 3

1) Apply gel polish "cat's eye". We substitute the magnet directly or obliquely, dry it in a UV lamp.
2) We draw the skin of a reptile with gel paint, the magnetic stripe is the center of the picture. We polymerize in a lamp.
3) We print the foil, cover it with a finish, dry it.
4) We put drops with a transparent gel / finish, dry. Remove the sticky layer.

Lesson 4

1) We impose a slider design.
2) We cover with a matte top, dry in a lamp.
3) We put the drops with a finish, polymerize.
4) Repeat step 3 to achieve more volume. Remove the sticky layer.

Lesson 5

1) We print the foil.
2) Cover with a top without a sticky layer, dry in a UV lamp.
3) We make a drawing of a reptile with white gel paint.
4) Sprinkle with colored acrylic powder.
5) Polymerize, brush off the excess.

If you don’t feel like repeating after others, based on these six lessons, you can create your own reptilian nail art, for example, using the novelty of 2017 - the basis for design Reptile Gel by Iris! Performing a reptile manicure with this coating will take no more than 3 minutes!

Irisk Reptile Gel is available in two colors: gold and silver. It has a thick consistency, so it is applied with a gel brushon the dried base for gel polish.

Without polymerizing, in a chaotic manner, we draw dots and lines with any gel polish or finish. After the resulting pattern spreads over the surface of the nail and metallic lines appear, sendthe resulting design in a LED lamp for 30 seconds or in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.
. Cover with top and polymerize again.

Dana Frolova

In this article, we have collected for you best videos and photo tutorials on how to repeat the effect of reptile skin on nails using gel polishes. It is very effective and unusual design nails.

Below you will find 6 photo lessons from Yulia Deryabina with beautiful reptiles based on cat's eye gel polishes, with a gradient and a three-dimensional pattern. And you already choose which one you like the most. Other interesting color combinations and look for ideas on Julia's page.

1. Skin pattern on the entire surface of the nail, iridescent strip cat eye goes vertically.

2. Reptile pattern on the entire surface of the nail, iridescent strip of magnetic polish goes diagonally.

3. In this version, the drawing of the reptile is placed only in the center, diagonally.

4. Volumetric reptile design with a gradient transition.

5. In this version, a reptile is presented in the form of a gradient with a drawing of gel paint.

6. The following design resembles the scales of a fairy dragon.

7. A more natural effect under the skin of a snake, an effect imitating leather accessories can be achieved using reptile sliders, and the volume is already drawn with droplets of thick gel on top. Those. we buy a slider design and use dots to fill the cells already existing on the slider with a transparent top, that's it! Very fast and beautiful.

8. If matte is more to your liking than glossy, try acrylic powder velvet patterns. Lesson from Aigulichka Istomina.