How to make up eyebrows with a pencil: a step-by-step instruction. How to draw eyebrows that are not there? Pro tips How to beautifully draw on sparse eyebrows with a pencil

Proper professionally performed eyebrow makeup can transform your appearance in just 10 minutes. But in order to learn how to perform such a make-up, you need to spend time: to understand the intricacies of the architecture of the eyebrows, the possibilities of various decorative cosmetics, to hone the drawing skill depending on the characteristics of the eyebrows. The good news is that we have collected all this information and if you start putting it into practice, very soon you will be able to easily create beautiful eyebrows: well-groomed, symmetrical, harmonious shade and perfect shape.

How and how to draw eyebrows: let's start by creating a shape

There is a classic eyebrow construction scheme that allows you to achieve optimal proportions - a scheme based on three key points of the eyebrow line. Having determined these points, you can build the frame of the future eyebrow.

What do you need at this stage? Eyebrow pencil and brush (or any other pencil).

So let's consider in more detail the first step, how to draw eyebrows correctly - where to start. It is necessary to find the first point, denote it with the letter A. To do this, put a brush or pencil to the inner corner of the eye (perpendicular to the eyebrow line) - mark the intersection with a pencil (do not press too hard, the mark should be slightly noticeable). This is the first of the three main points - the beginning of the eyebrow line.

Second key point in the construction of the eyebrow - we denote it with the letter B - the peak, the point of maximum elevation of the eyebrow, the place of the break. It can be defined in two ways. First: you need to put a pencil or brush vertically at the edge of the cornea (the color shell of the eye) from the side of the temple. The intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow line will be the point we are looking for. Do not forget to put a mark on which you will be guided by the further drawing of the eyebrow.

The second way to determine the location of the break is to place the pencil so that the line runs from the wing of the nose through the center of the eye. The intersection with the eyebrow line is the point we need.

From the beginning of the eyebrow to the break point, the line rushes up, at point B it reaches its peak, after which it is directed slightly downward.

The third point - denoted by the letter C - the end of the eyebrow. To find it, you need to put a pencil to your face so that the line runs from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. At the point of intersection with the eyebrow line and put the desired mark - this is where the eyebrow will end.

Often girls ask whether this scheme is always the best or whether it is sometimes worth deviating from the classic eyebrow construction algorithm. Creating a shape based on three points is a universal approach, you need to know it and build on it as a foundation. However, the individual features of the face (or certain tasks that the makeup artist faces) may require a slight shift in the location of these points and move away from the classical canon.

Let's look at an example of how to draw eyebrows beautifully, taking into account the features of the eyes. The correct position of the eyes is such that the distance between the eyes is equal to the width of one eye. You can use a ruler for absolute measurement accuracy or any pencil. If the distance between the eyes is less, they are classified as close-set, if the distance is greater - far-set.

How to draw the right eyebrows for such eyes? Here it is important to balance the proportions of the face, visually narrowing the wide-set eyes a little - for this purpose, the starting point of the eyebrow should be slightly shifted towards the bridge of the nose. You can visually spread your eyes with a close landing by performing the opposite action - slightly move the point of the beginning of the eyebrow towards the temple. We are talking about just a few millimeters.

To perfectly understand how to draw eyebrows correctly, the 3-point scheme will definitely come in handy, but this knowledge alone, as you can see, is not enough. After all, the ideal shape is not only the optimal length of the eyebrow, its location relative to the bridge of the nose and the break point. It is important to choose the right width, determine what the arch of the eyebrow should be, depending on the shape of the face. Let's touch on this in a little more detail.

The correct and most balanced in terms of proportions is considered oval face shape. Here it is worth paying attention, first of all, to the natural shape of the eyebrows, which nature originally “programmed”. Straightened eyebrows without a pronounced break or a slightly rounded arch of the eyebrows will be a win-win option in this case.

Before you draw your eyebrows with a kink, make sure that your peak point B is not too high, otherwise such a decision will violate the correct proportions and stretch the face, giving it an unnatural look. With the right oval, our task is not to change, but to preserve, emphasize the natural beauty.

A round face with characteristic pronounced cheeks needs to be balanced with the help of a skillfully chosen eyebrow shape. The biggest mistake is to choose a soft semi-circular arch that repeats the lines of the face and only emphasizes the shape of the circle. It is worth stopping the choice on the eyebrows with a pronounced kink. The part of the eyebrow from point A to point B should be wide enough, on the segment from point B to point C, the line should narrow, turning into a pointed tail. A break and a certain geometric line will give the face character, expressiveness.

A square face with a heavy lower part of the face and pronounced cheekbones needs to be visually softened and made less sharp, to remove excessive angularity. How to draw eyebrows for the type of face "square"? You can not choose thin and sharp lines. Give preference to a soft arch without a clear break, while making sure that the eyebrow does not turn into a thread, but is wide enough.

For owners of an elongated face, the task is to visually expand it a little. Straight brows work great here. In this case, you need to avoid “eyebrows with a house” with a noticeable break.

triangular face has such a feature as a small sharp chin and a wide pronounced forehead. How to draw eyebrows for the shape of the face "heart" or "triangle" to balance the proportions? Here you will have to abandon straight eyebrows (even if they are at the peak of popularity), otherwise it will only emphasize a large forehead and visually outline the face. Eyebrow lines should be slightly raised, giving them a smooth curve. It is important that the tails of the eyebrows do not look down, otherwise the face will look dull and sad.

A too dark head of an eyebrow with clear contours gives the face a rougher, more severe look. If you want to achieve naturalness, femininity of your image, introduce color gradually.

To understand how to draw eyebrows with a pencil, pay attention to the direction of growth of your natural hairs. For example, at the base of the eyebrow, the hairs grow vertically and, accordingly, eyebrows should also be drawn in this area, holding the pencil perpendicular to the eyebrow line. This rule is especially true for cases where there is a need to fill in the gaps in the eyebrows, draw areas where there are no hairs.

How to draw eyebrows if they are not? Excessive correction often becomes the reason that girls have to face a situation where it is not very clear how to draw natural eyebrows, when barely noticeable strings are left of them. Here it is important to prepare for gradual work and a long process of growing. As for makeup, it is worth using a well-ground wax pencil - it best allows you to recreate the look of natural hairs, as well as eyebrow shadow or powder, which are applied using a beveled elastic synthetic brush.

After drawing and styling the eyebrows, do not forget to fix the result. No styling gel? It's not a problem. You can fix the result of work with hairspray. It is enough to lightly sprinkle the brush for combing the eyebrows and gently walk along the entire length of the eyebrow. It is only important to do everything quickly, until the varnish is dry.

Read: 138

If you want to learn how to do beautiful makeup, you need to learn the intricacies of applying foundation, shadows, blush, lipstick, and master the technique of coloring eyebrows with a pencil.

To beautifully draw eyebrows with a pencil, you just need to choose the right cosmetic product and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Before you start shaping your eyebrows, you need to learn how to choose the right pencil for these purposes. Such a decorative cosmetic product must have a hard lead. The best option is a pencil with a brush for combing on the cap. When choosing a shade of pencil, many girls make mistakes, preferring black. Only owners of black curls can use it. For blondes, this pencil color is prohibited. In this case, light brown tones are appropriate. If your hair is brown or light brown, dye your eyebrows dark brown. Red-haired brown-red pencil is suitable.

Eyebrow Makeup Mistakes

First of all, we learn what should not be done in eyebrow makeup:

  • It is not necessary to pluck out the eyebrows completely in order to draw the shape that you have chosen. Such eyebrows look vulgar and ugly.
  • Do not use eyeliner instead of a pencil. The line will turn out perfectly even, but the eyebrows will lose their naturalness and look comical.
  • In no case do not color your eyebrows with a pencil that is designed for the eyelids. Its shade is too saturated, and the stylus is too soft.
  • Properly shaped eyebrows are those that are drawn along the line of hair growth. Do not go beyond the limits and do not draw them.

Eyebrow makeup preparation

Before shaping your eyebrows with a pencil, do the following:

  • Apply foundation and powder before shaping your brows
  • Before you color your eyebrows with a pencil, pay attention to their shape. Correctly pluck excess hairs with tweezers.

How to choose the right eyebrow shape

To correctly determine the shape of the eyebrows, you need a regular pencil. With it, you can find the beginning, middle and end points of the eyebrows.

Hold the pencil upright. Press one part of it to the edge of the nostril, and attach the other to the inner corner of the eye. Where it intersects with the eyebrow, make a mark. This place will be the base of the eyebrow.

Using the same method, we determine the center of the eyebrow. In this case, the line will pass through the pupil of the eye. Place a dot here. The tip of the eyebrow is determined in the same way, but direct the pencil through the outer corner of the eye. When all the marks are made, connect them all together.

If nature has not endowed you with thick eyebrows or you don’t have them at all, entrust the correction to an experienced master. The specialist will select for you the ideal shape of the eyebrows, and you will have to take care of the makeup at home.

To make eyebrows drawn with a pencil look beautiful, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid sharp lines. Color the hairs with a pencil.
  • If you want to make your eyebrows a little longer, make small strokes with a pencil.
  • You can make the eyebrows brighter by adhering to one little trick. Comb your eyebrow so that the hairs lie down. Tint them along the growth line and return to the opposite position with a comb.
  • To give the eyebrows a natural look and naturalness, you can use pencils in different shades. One pencil should be in the color that you use every day, and the second should be one unit lighter. Last, paint over the hairs with small strokes. Dark color walk at the bottom of the eyebrow.
  • Don't forget the brush. Always use it after tinting your eyebrows.
  • Correctly retouching will make the eyebrows more natural. If your brows are sparse, a pencil will help you give them the missing density. Make a few strokes that will imitate hairs. In this case, it is advisable to color the eyebrows with a dark gray or dark brown pencil. The choice of shade depends on what color your curls are.
  • You can make your eyebrows thicker not only with a pencil, but also with shadows.
  • Do not forget to fix the result with a special gel
  • Thick eyebrows do not need intense coloring. It is enough just to make a few light strokes with a pencil to make them brighter.
  • Make the arcs slightly raised. Don't draw them too long. Smooth lines are relevant for an oval face. Rounded ends are appropriate for a square face, elongated arcs for a round one.
  • Start tinting your eyebrows from the middle. Do light hatching without strong pressure. If necessary, make the arcs wider or longer. But do not forget that long and wide eyebrows noticeably weight the face.
  • When you correctly draw the temporal zone, tint the brows in the widest area. Use the applicator to blend the strokes.

We paint eyebrows in stages

So, draw eyebrows step by step and look at the photo:

After painting, take a brush and go through the hairs again. In this case, the pressure should be more intense so that the comb touches not only the hairs, but also the skin. This will help to blend the pencil and give the eyebrows a natural look. Such a make-up trick will come to the rescue if there is excessive darkening somewhere. Go over this area with a brush and remove excess paint.


Beautifully shaped eyebrows give expression to the face. They focus on the oval of the face, make it younger, highlight the eyes, emphasizing their depth. You should not disregard such a detail in makeup, so master the technique of coloring your eyebrows with a pencil, taking into account all the above recommendations.

Eyebrows play an important role in the look of a person, because they are responsible for the expression, brightness and style of the face. Completely unsightly or too voluminous shaggy brow arches can be corrected using various techniques. To do this, use shadows, henna, permanent makeup and special lipsticks. The only condition that must be taken into account when drawing is naturalness and naturalness. Eyebrows should not eventually become too plucked and thin.

Over time, the fashion for the shape of the eyebrows has slowly changed and is still changing. In the 60s, women applied thin and elegant arcs, remember the main character of "Office Romance" or the famous Soviet star Lyubov Orlova. “Eyebrows-strings”, although they opened the eyes of famous actresses, they played a cruel joke on many women: adding a dozen years to their appearance and making their eyelids swollen.

Then they were replaced by “house” eyebrows, which made the faces of fashionistas a little distracted and surprised.

A little later, naturalness came into fashion, when the shape of the eyebrows was not changed, but only the density was adjusted. Such an eyebrow arch was also called "boy".

Today, wide eyebrows with a clear border at the top are popular. They are naturally tinted, and extra hairs must be plucked out.

Each face has its own eyebrow shape:

  • For a woman with large facial features, a wide shape is suitable, but shaggy, thick eyebrows will make her look gloomy.
  • Sharp facial features will soften arched eyebrows.
  • The narrow shape is suitable for thin people. It will visually expand the face and smooth out the sharpness of the chin.

How to draw an eyebrow shape

Of course, the ideal shape of the eyebrows can be given in a beauty salon, but self-correction is quite possible and accessible if it is carried out using a ready-made template. On sale are plastic stencils with ready-made holes in popular shapes.

A special template is placed over the eyebrow, the inner contour is transferred with cosmetic powder, excess hairs are removed and an arc is drawn with a pencil or paint.
You can make a “pattern” of such a template yourself, just download and print a stencil from the Internet, and then transfer it to plastic. Smooth lines are carefully cut out with nail scissors. Before self-adjustment, the eyebrows are initially covered with powder. This gives clarity and expressiveness.

Sometimes the eyebrows are shaped with a spoon or fork, and corrected with a fat cream or a special paste.

How to draw beautiful eyebrows, eyebrow shape

A beautiful contour of the brow arches will be applied by specialists in a beauty salon. They will also give comprehensive advice on changing the appearance. Beautiful eye framing can be done by yourself using tweezers / wax and paint. Before starting the procedure, you should evaluate the natural data of the eyebrows and outline further adjustment steps.
It is desirable to leave the space between the brow arches clean, but everything should be within reasonable limits. The harmony of the face is disturbed by the “plucked” eyebrows on the bridge of the nose. The brow arches, which are very distant from each other, lengthen the nose and make the look “out of this world”. A striking example is the heroine of a famous film.

Smoothly rounded eyebrows are considered a classic shape. It is these brow arches that do not change the expression at all and are in harmony with any appearance. They “lift” the eyelid and rejuvenate the face.

It is forbidden to cut and shave hairs. This not only accelerates their growth, but also changes direction. Vortices and protruding hairs may form.

The general position of eyebrow formation is based on three lines drawn from the corner of the nose:

  • the first will determine the beginning of the arc;
  • the second, passing through the pupil, outlines the highest point;
  • the third will pass through the outer point of the eye and show the end of the arc.

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step

The most popular means of eyebrow correction is considered to be a pencil, especially with asymmetry and sparse ends. It also acts as an excellent base for shadows.

For correction you will need:

  • tweezers;
  • small cosmetic scissors;
  • brushes;
  • pencil;
  • powder;
  • tone cream.

  1. Prepare all the necessary tools for the procedure.
  2. Use tweezers to remove excess hairs that do not match the selected shape. Eyebrows should have a good curve, as in picture number 2. In addition, hairs that are too long are cut with scissors. The arc is powdered and combed.
  3. Start correction from the bottom of the eyebrow, making not too straight curves.
  4. A line is drawn on the upper part, which is smoothly connected to the lower one.
  5. Carefully shade the voids with a pencil.
  6. Brush the arc with a brush and, if the color is too saturated, slightly remove it.
  7. Apply foundation to the shape of the eyebrows to highlight the area.
  8. Perform similar actions with the other side.

We draw eyebrows with shadows photo

Eyebrow correction with shadows has a number of advantages. The arches are painted with a dry texture from the inside, without taking away the natural beauty of the eyebrows.

It is easy to work with the material, because the shadows do not crack, wash off well and fit perfectly on the gel. When choosing a color, the paint is mixed, getting unexpected results.

The accuracy of applying shadows also depends on choosing the right brush for a particular type of eyebrows. There are three types of tools: beveled hard, soft rounded for sensitive skin and universal soft brush.

How to draw eyebrows with shadows step by step

Drawing eyebrows with a dry texture can take place in one or more colors, as well as with partial filling.

  1. Before adjusting the shadows, the eyebrows are moisturized and a foundation is applied.
  2. Then the correct arc is formed by combing the hairs with a stiff brush.
  3. Whatever application technique is chosen, the material is distributed from the center, moving towards the end. When combining two shades, the adjustment starts with a lighter color. Partial summing up is done from the bottom row, gradually shading the paint up.
  4. At the end, the dry texture is fixed with a wax pencil or gel wax.

Videos draw eyebrows

How to draw eyebrows with henna

The most affordable way to give the desired shape to the eyebrows is coloring. Henna biotattoo is a very popular technique among modern women. It is chosen due to the naturalness and safety of the paint. Henna not only colors the hairs, but also strengthens their bulbs, corrects the contour and controls the intensity of staining.
Biotattoo can be done at home, and it starts from disinfecting the skin with alcohol. Then the hairs themselves are cleaned with a scrub so that the henna holds firmly.

For classic coloring, henna is mixed with basma in different proportions:

  • 2 parts of basma and 1 part of henna will give a black color;
  • a dark brown shade is obtained from a 1: 1 combination of components;
  • 2 parts henna and 1 part basma will give a bronze color.

The "hold" time of the paint depends on the desired final shade.

Today there is a special henna that does not stain the hands, as it is enclosed in capsules.

How to draw eyebrow tattoo

Competent permanent eyebrow correction will be done only in a proven salon. The specialist will tell you which shape to choose, based on the individual characteristics of the oval of the face, the shape of the eyes and the structure of the upper eyelid. How dangerous is the procedure? Permanent correction is not particularly dangerous, and its effect is quite long. One session is enough for a year and a half.

The artistic procedure is performed in the following techniques:

  • The natural effect of the eyebrows is achieved with powder technique. The master creates shadow and penumbra in shading with a special machine. This tattoo is the most natural, suitable for all skin types.

  • Microbailing (hair tattoo) is indicated for problems with hair growth. The pigment is applied with a special apparatus with needles through hairline incisions. The procedure is contraindicated for oily and combination skin.
  • With a mixed form, the hairs are first drawn, and then shaded. It includes the two previous techniques, so its cost is the highest.

Skin restoration after permanent correction lasts up to two weeks. The disadvantage of the procedure can also be considered its durability, because the only way to remove the tattoo is with a laser.

How to Draw Eyebrows with Eyebrow Pomade

In the beauty industry, the concept of eyebrow lipstick appeared only a couple of years ago. Usually a creamy texture with juicy pigments is placed in a plastic stick or rounded jar. Fondant is chosen for durability and versatility, because it replaces shadows, base and eyeliner. The cream product is applied with an angled brush in several layers, which gives the eyebrows the missing volume and fixation. Even naturally thin eyebrows with noticeable voids become more voluminous.
It is desirable to carry out shading immediately, because. the agent is quickly seized. The excess from the brush should also be removed so that the lipstick lays evenly.

What is the best way to draw eyebrows

It is impossible to say unequivocally which product is most suitable for drawing eyebrows. This is influenced by the very shape and density of the brow arches, the type of appearance and individual preferences. It is better for blondes to give up pencils and paint, and apply shadows for correction. An important role is played by the application technique itself, and not by the type of material. Even an ordinary pencil can spoil the appearance by making an unnatural emphasis on the eyebrows.
If we compare the shadows and the pencil, then the loose material is easy to apply, but they cannot change the shape of the arcs. Corrective clear lines are just made with a pencil, but with such a tool it is important to guess the right color. It is desirable that the shade is not brighter than the natural tone. Solid and thick lines are not applied with a pencil, but do the work with dashed movements.
Gel mascaras, in addition to painting over hairs, paint over the skin, so its excess has to be removed with a cotton swab.

Choosing between paint and henna, it is better to stop at the first dye. Due to its naturalness, it is safely used by nursing mothers, teenagers and allergy sufferers. The color stays on the hairs for up to two weeks. Henna makes eyebrows elastic and shiny. Any flaws in the work are well painted over with shadows or a pencil. The downside of the tool can be considered the duration of the coloring itself, because the work takes at least an hour.
The paint lasts much longer than henna, but sometimes it causes all kinds of redness. A chemical permanent, unlike henna, does not have strengthening and thickening properties.

Excessive brightness or blackness of the eyebrows will not make the look more feminine. Do not forget that the measure should be in everything. Each woman chooses a way to adjust her eyebrows individually. The main thing is that it be systematic and gentle.

Proper application of makeup helps to hide skin imperfections, emphasize the features of the face. Having figured out how to draw eyebrows with a pencil in stages, there will be no questions left for beginners.

The correct shape and smooth lines will give the image conciseness and showiness. Only through practice, you can learn to draw a smooth, beautiful outline, emphasizing the beauty of your eyebrows.

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows

Each girl is individual, therefore, in order to understand how to draw eyebrows with a pencil in stages for beginners, first determine the correct shape. It is important to take into account the structure and features of the location of the eyes, nose, corners of the mouth.

To find out the desired length, we take any pencil, pen or long, even stick, press it to the edge of the nose with one end, and to the inner corner of the eye with the other. The intersection is the beginning of the edge. The middle passes through the pupil of the eye, and the end through the outer corner of the eye. So, by combining all three points, we determine the length of the eyebrows.

The shape determined by this method will look harmoniously on the face. Use a magnifying mirror, it is more convenient.

You can draw eyebrows in stages with a pencil, both along certain lines and intuitively, but the method is not suitable for beginners to master the technique. The width is determined independently, or they turn to a beautician.

The shape is selected individually for each FACE TYPE of the girl

In nature, there are several forms of the face.

There are several classic eyebrow shapes

  1. The broken shape looks good on a round face. It is distinguished by a thin tip, a high rise, and a break is made soft.
  2. The straight shape is suitable for an oval face. It is allowed to make a slight rounding of the tip of the eyebrow.
  3. The arcuate shape emphasizes the beauty of the square type. Makes the shape softer.
  4. Rising eyebrows are a great solution for owners of a triangular face.

Pencil choice

It is quite difficult for a beginner to decide which pencil to choose to draw eyebrows. A high-quality pencil is a guarantee of durability, naturalness of lines throughout the day. The pencil is easy to use, any wrong stroke can be wiped off.

  1. The pencil is sharpened sharply. Before sharpening, a wooden pencil is recommended to be slightly frozen in the freezer, then the tip will be sharp and will not break when sharpened. Choose hard pencils so that during the day the line remains even, does not spread.
  2. Do not use eye or lip pencil when drawing eyebrows.
  3. The color is selected a couple of tones darker than the hairs. When using black, you need to carefully draw the line.
  4. Most often, a pencil is made in a wooden shell. This is the most popular type. A pencil in a plastic case is not inferior in quality to a wooden one. The only downside to mechanical pencils is that they run out quickly.
  5. Buy specially made professional pencils. The beauty of eyebrows depends on the quality of cosmetics.
  6. If the eyebrows are thick, a drawing pencil will not work. It is better to use shadows or special eyebrow paint.

Pencil color selection

For beginners, it is not immediately clear how to draw eyebrows in stages, and with what pencil, but you do not need to buy all the colors and shades at once. It is enough to look at the color of the eyebrow hairs and pick up the color a little darker.

The shade of the pencil should be one tone different from the eyelashes.

The color of the pencil is selected according to the colors of the hair and eyebrows

The color is selected not only by the shade of the eyebrow hairs, but also by the color of the girl's hair:

  1. The black shade is only suitable for photo shoots or themed parties. For daily use, this color is strongly not recommended.
  2. Light brown and ashy suits fair-haired girls.
  3. Dark brown, dark gray is ideal for brown-haired women.
  4. Red girls are suitable colors from golden to terracotta. You can mix two or three different shades to get the right one.
  5. For older women with gray hair, a gray, graphite shade pencil is suitable.

Note! For light, translucent skin tones, a natural brown crayon will work. So the flaws and shortcomings made when drawing the contour will not be visible. The dark tones of the pencil will make the skin on the background of the eyebrows dimmer.

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil: a step by step guide

Instructions on how to draw eyebrows with a pencil in stages for beginners will help the beginner gradually master the technique.

Need pencils in two shades, eyebrow brush, light, white shadows, moisturizer.

Main stages:

Step by step drawing eyebrows with a pencil

For beginners, to draw eyebrows with a pencil, they came up with special stencils that make the process easier. You can buy them at a beauty store or make your own.

Interesting fact! Each eyebrow hair "lives" no more than four months. But if you shave them yourself, the recovery time increases to a year, as the hair follicles are destroyed.

Eyebrow correction

With the help of a pencil, beginners can not only draw eyebrows in stages, but also correct them. This procedure helps the eyebrows look more even, but at the same time natural. Without drawing a line of eyebrows, the pencil will slightly correct the natural shape.

Eyebrow correction involves determining the shape and plucking out excess hairs with tweezers

Eyebrow correction steps with a pencil:

  • Looking in the mirror, determine the desired shape and color of the pencil;
  • Remove excess hair with tweezers. Making the line clearer;
  • With a pencil, we correct the shape, barely touching the skin. Since this is a correction, you only need to emphasize the shade;
  • We correct the shape above the brow arch, making the line as natural as possible.
  • Correction differs from eyebrow drawing in that it is less noticeable. Hair color remains natural.

Important to remember! You can give the eyebrows brightness and expressiveness using a light pink pencil. They tint under the base of the eyebrow and lightly shade. Instead of a pencil of this shade, you can use white shadows or powder - highlighter, they will add shine and shine to the look.

Common rookie mistakes

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step for beginners, and not make a lot of mistakes?

It is enough to study the advice of cosmetologists who have experimentally revealed the most common mistakes:

  • You can't completely remove your eyebrows. The drawn lines look very ugly and unnatural;
  • The line is smooth, slightly broken, not weighing down the eyebrow;
  • The line is made of medium thickness, well shaded;
  • Try not to make the corner of the eyebrow with a bend and too bright, this makes the look harsh and gloomy;
  • Choose your pencil color carefully. If the tone does not fit, the eyebrow will turn out to be ugly;
  • Buy a pencil designed for eyebrows.

If there is little experience, you can visit a beautician for the first time. Eyebrows drawn by a specialist can be used as a sample.

Eyebrows can increase and decrease the shape of the eyes, give shine and expressiveness. For beautiful eyebrows stylists recommend following these rules:

Stylists advise using special oils in eyebrow care
  • Daily care. Use brow gel or wax. Comb your eyebrows morning and evening. Choose only high-quality cosmetics, this will avoid allergic reactions. By the way, to learn how to care for eyebrows after microblading, go to;
  • Find the right brow shape and maintain it. Remove excess hair with tweezers. Sticking hairs are recommended to be carefully trimmed with scissors;
  • Don't pluck too many hairs. Never shave your eyebrows. This leads to a weakening of the hair follicles, slows down growth;
  • For hydration and growth, use specially formulated brow oils;
  • Eyebrow massage helps to accelerate growth and strengthen hair follicles. It is done with an eyebrow brush with the addition of almond and peach oils. Circular movements are done without pressure so that the skin does not turn red;
  • Scrub your brows every two weeks. The keratinized layer of skin under the hairs will be removed, improves blood flow to the bulbs.

It can be difficult for beginners to draw eyebrows beautifully and accurately on their own. Applying makeup takes practice. Already after the first attempts by a beginner to draw eyebrows on their own, the line will become smoother, clearer, the color transition will not be visible. The result will surely please girls who want to learn how to draw eyebrows with a pencil at home in stages.

Good luck and health, dear women!

Everything that you did not know about eyebrow makeup - correction, coloring, pencil styling - you will see in this video:

An interesting and useful video tutorial on how to draw eyebrows correctly:

How to make beautiful and perfect eyebrows at home - you will learn by watching the following video.

In the last few years, the trend in eyebrows has become so relevant that masters have appeared who only deal with their correction. But some girls still face the question “how to paint eyebrows with a pencil” and at the same time do it beautifully.

How to use an eyebrow pencil

Before you paint your eyebrows, you need to learn how to do it right.

How to use the pencil:

  • Before you draw the contour and hairs, the pencil should be sharpened. You don't need to press hard on him. To create a natural curve, the strokes must be smooth.
  • Paint in stages using a pencil and shadows.
  • A common mistake of inexperienced girls is to draw a straight line at the base of the hair growth near the bridge of the nose and paint it boldly.
  • At the end of the make-up, comb it with a brush so that the lines are not too sharp.

You can fix the result with a transparent wax, which prevents the hairs from sticking out in different directions. Or a gel similar to their shade. To make it easier to work the first days, you can watch videos from makeup artists or find a photo instruction where everything is clearly shown.

How to draw natural eyebrows

Beginners in makeup can not do without video tutorials.

The process of drawing eyebrows in stages:

  • before bringing the hairs, they are combed with a brush and shaped, comb the hairs up (usually it comes with a pencil);
  • draw a border at the bottom, then comb the hairs down;
  • do the same on the second eyebrow;
  • in order for the bend to be drawn correctly, you need to comb the hairs down, draw the upper border;
  • make up with a pencil so that there is no empty space;
  • circle the tip with a sharpened pencil;
  • so that the bend is drawn beautifully and naturally, near the bridge of the nose, the hairs are painted over with shadows a little lighter in shade.

Having painted the eyebrows in stages, you can proceed to their design. For this, the upper part of the eyelid is painted over with a flesh-colored pencil. On the upper eyelid, a line is drawn, which then should be properly shaded. At the end of the make-up, you need to make up with a gel or transparent wax.

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows for the oval of the face

To make up correctly, you first need to choose the shape so that the makeup looks beautiful.

Before drawing eyebrows, you need to take a photo of the face without makeup and with hair taken away.

How to choose the right shape for the oval of the face:

  • Before bringing up the eyebrows, you need to find out exactly what type the oval belongs to. The easiest way to do this is from a photo. For example, for girls with a round face type, it is recommended to sum up with a “high” rise and a short tip. It is recommended to draw smooth lines.
  • If it is clear from the photo that the type of face is square, curved eyebrows, or classic ones with a slight bend, are suitable for such girls. They are recommended to draw wide.
  • With an oval face, it is recommended to draw a straight line without sharp bends. If you draw such a shape correctly, it will visually reduce the face.
  • If the photo shows that the type of face is triangular, you need to draw eyebrows of a classic shape. With sharp bends, the face will not look very beautiful.

Drawing eyebrows with a pencil in stages becomes not so difficult if you practice a couple of times. And to make it easier - you can watch training videos.

How to choose a pencil shade

In order to draw eyebrows correctly, you need to choose the shade of the pencil under them. It is selected depending on the color of the hair.

  • Brunettes with a dark skin tone are recommended to paint with a black pencil. Light-skinned - graphite color. It is not advisable to use dark brown colors that go into red.
  • Brown-haired women need to draw eyebrows with shades of a brown palette, depending on the saturation of the hair color.
  • Red girls are suitable for terracotta, golden and brown colors.
  • Blondes are recommended to paint eyebrows with light shades, but at the same time they should be 1-2 tones darker than the shade of the hair.
  • Fair-haired and gray-haired women need to dye their hair with a pale brown pencil.

Natural color can be obtained if you use several shades at once.

It is best to buy a few pencils or a special eyeshadow palette or lipsticks. The main part is painted over with the darkest shade. At the base near the bridge of the nose - light. The tip is also well drawn in dark color. And to make it clear how to use different shades of the palette, you can watch training videos of beauty bloggers and makeup artists.